blob: ab46d32048fea51a819f79247bb9c9b1364cbf68 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2023 Nordic Semiconductor
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
source $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../
# Test that the LCD server model is able to split the
# composition data when the total size exceeds the maximum access message size.
# Test procedure:
# 0. Provisioning and setup. Server and client has same comp data.
# 1. Client requests a sample exceeding the maximum avaialble payload from the
# server's composition data.
# 2. Client fetch its local comp data.
# 3. When server status arrive, remove status field data and compare received
# comp data with corresponding bytes in local comp data.
# 4. Client requests the next sample from server's composition data.
# 5. When server status arrive, remove status field data and compare received
# comp data with correspending bytes in local comp data.
# 6. Client merges the two samples and checks that the collected data is
# correctly merged, continuous, and matches its local comp data.
RunTest mesh_lcd_test_comp129_data_split \
lcd_srv_comp_data_status_respond lcd_cli_split_comp_data_request -- -argstest page=129
RunTest mesh_lcd_test_comp129_data_split \
lcd_srv_comp_data_status_respond lcd_cli_split_comp_data_request -- -argstest page=129