blob: 15ac98f2d1a7d6269923eab3d9b16076280e17de [file] [log] [blame]
Tests for No-security mode
Copyright (c) 2023 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Test specification:
This module contains only testcases that are able to run on non-secure mode.
import time
import logging
from leshan import Leshan
from twister_harness import Shell
from twister_harness import DeviceAdapter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def test_LightweightM2M_1_1_int_101(shell: Shell, dut: DeviceAdapter, leshan: Leshan, endpoint_nosec: str):
Verify that the client is registered.
Note that this MUST be the first testcase executed, otherwise it will fail to get the
correct log output.
""""LightweightM2M-1.1-int-101 - Initial Registration")
dut.readlines_until(regex='.*Registration Done', timeout=5.0)
assert leshan.get(f'/clients/{endpoint_nosec}')
def test_LightweightM2M_1_1_int_105(shell: Shell, dut: DeviceAdapter, leshan: Leshan, endpoint_nosec: str, helperclient: object):
Run testcase LightweightM2M-1.1-int-105 - Discarded Register Update
""""LightweightM2M-1.1-int-105 - Discarded Register Update")
status = leshan.get(f'/clients/{endpoint_nosec}')
if status["secure"]:
logger.debug("Skip, requires non-secure connection")
regid = status["registrationId"]
assert regid
# Fake unregister message
helperclient.delete(f'rd/{regid}', timeout=0.1)
shell.exec_command('lwm2m update')
dut.readlines_until(regex=r'.*Failed with code 4\.4', timeout=5.0)
dut.readlines_until(regex='.*Registration Done', timeout=10.0)