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* Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/** @file lwm2m.h
* @defgroup lwm2m_api LwM2M high-level API
* @ingroup networking
* @{
* @brief LwM2M high-level API
* @details
* LwM2M high-level interface is defined in this header.
* @note The implementation assumes UDP module is enabled.
* @note For more information refer to Technical Specification
* OMA-TS-LightweightM2M_Core-V1_1_1-20190617-A
#include <time.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/mutex.h>
#include <zephyr/net/coap.h>
#include <zephyr/net/lwm2m_path.h>
* @name LwM2M Objects managed by OMA for LwM2M tech specification.
* Objects in this range have IDs from 0 to 1023.
* @{
/* clang-format off */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID 0 /**< Security object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_SERVER_ID 1 /**< Server object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_ACCESS_CONTROL_ID 2 /**< Access Control object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_DEVICE_ID 3 /**< Device object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_CONNECTIVITY_MONITORING_ID 4 /**< Connectivity Monitoring object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_FIRMWARE_ID 5 /**< Firmware object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_LOCATION_ID 6 /**< Location object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_CONNECTIVITY_STATISTICS_ID 7 /**< Connectivity Statistics object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_SOFTWARE_MANAGEMENT_ID 9 /**< Software Management object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_PORTFOLIO_ID 16 /**< Portfolio object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_BINARYAPPDATACONTAINER_ID 19 /**< Binary App Data Container object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_EVENT_LOG_ID 20 /**< Event Log object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_OSCORE_ID 21 /**< OSCORE object */
#define LWM2M_OBJECT_GATEWAY_ID 25 /**< Gateway object */
/* clang-format on */
/** @} */
* @name LwM2M Objects produced by 3rd party Standards Development
* Organizations.
* Refer to the OMA LightweightM2M (LwM2M) Object and Resource Registry:
* @{
/* clang-format off */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_GENERIC_SENSOR_ID 3300 /**< IPSO Generic Sensor object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_TEMP_SENSOR_ID 3303 /**< IPSO Temperature Sensor object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_HUMIDITY_SENSOR_ID 3304 /**< IPSO Humidity Sensor object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_LIGHT_CONTROL_ID 3311 /**< IPSO Light Control object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_ACCELEROMETER_ID 3313 /**< IPSO Accelerometer object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_VOLTAGE_SENSOR_ID 3316 /**< IPSO Voltage Sensor object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_CURRENT_SENSOR_ID 3317 /**< IPSO Current Sensor object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_PRESSURE_ID 3323 /**< IPSO Pressure Sensor object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_BUZZER_ID 3338 /**< IPSO Buzzer object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_TIMER_ID 3340 /**< IPSO Timer object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_ONOFF_SWITCH_ID 3342 /**< IPSO On/Off Switch object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_PUSH_BUTTON_ID 3347 /**< IPSO Push Button object */
#define UCIFI_OBJECT_BATTERY_ID 3411 /**< uCIFI Battery object */
#define IPSO_OBJECT_FILLING_LEVEL_SENSOR_ID 3435 /**< IPSO Filling Level Sensor object */
/* clang-format on */
/** @} */
* @brief Callback function called when a socket error is encountered
* @param error Error code
typedef void (*lwm2m_socket_fault_cb_t)(int error);
/** @brief LwM2M object path structure */
struct lwm2m_obj_path {
uint16_t obj_id; /**< Object ID */
uint16_t obj_inst_id; /**< Object instance ID */
uint16_t res_id; /**< Resource ID */
uint16_t res_inst_id; /**< Resource instance ID */
uint8_t level; /**< Path level (0-4). Ex. 4 = resource instance. */
* @brief Observe callback events
enum lwm2m_observe_event {
LWM2M_OBSERVE_EVENT_NOTIFY_ACK, /**< Notification ACKed */
LWM2M_OBSERVE_EVENT_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, /**< Notification timed out */
* @brief Observe callback indicating observer adds and deletes, and
* notification ACKs and timeouts
* @param[in] event Observer add/delete or notification ack/timeout
* @param[in] path LwM2M path
* @param[in] user_data Pointer to user_data buffer, as provided in
* send_traceable_notification(). Used to determine for which
* data the ACKed/timed out notification was.
typedef void (*lwm2m_observe_cb_t)(enum lwm2m_observe_event event, struct lwm2m_obj_path *path,
void *user_data);
struct lwm2m_ctx;
enum lwm2m_rd_client_event;
* @brief Asynchronous RD client event callback
* @param[in] ctx LwM2M context generating the event
* @param[in] event LwM2M RD client event code
typedef void (*lwm2m_ctx_event_cb_t)(struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx,
enum lwm2m_rd_client_event event);
* @brief Different traffic states of the LwM2M socket.
* This information can be used to give hints for the network interface
* that can decide what kind of power management should be used.
* These hints are given from CoAP layer messages, so usage of DTLS might affect the
* actual number of expected datagrams.
enum lwm2m_socket_states {
LWM2M_SOCKET_STATE_ONGOING, /**< Ongoing traffic is expected. */
LWM2M_SOCKET_STATE_ONE_RESPONSE, /**< One response is expected for the next message. */
LWM2M_SOCKET_STATE_LAST, /**< Next message is the last one. */
LWM2M_SOCKET_STATE_NO_DATA, /**< No more data is expected. */
* @brief LwM2M context structure to maintain information for a single
* LwM2M connection.
struct lwm2m_ctx {
/** Destination address storage */
struct sockaddr remote_addr;
* Private CoAP and networking structures + 1 is for RD Client own message
struct coap_pending pendings[CONFIG_LWM2M_ENGINE_MAX_PENDING + 1];
struct coap_reply replies[CONFIG_LWM2M_ENGINE_MAX_REPLIES + 1];
sys_slist_t pending_sends;
sys_slist_t queued_messages;
sys_slist_t observer;
/** @endcond */
/** A pointer to currently processed request, for internal LwM2M engine
* use. The underlying type is ``struct lwm2m_message``, but since it's
* declared in a private header and not exposed to the application,
* it's stored as a void pointer.
void *processed_req;
#if defined(CONFIG_LWM2M_DTLS_SUPPORT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @name DTLS related information
* Available only when @kconfig{CONFIG_LWM2M_DTLS_SUPPORT} is enabled and
* @ref lwm2m_ctx.use_dtls is set to true.
* @{
/** TLS tag is set by client as a reference used when the
* LwM2M engine calls tls_credential_(add|delete)
int tls_tag;
/** Destination hostname.
* When MBEDTLS SNI is enabled socket must be set with destination
* server hostname.
char *desthostname;
/** Destination hostname length */
uint16_t desthostnamelen;
/** Flag to indicate if hostname verification is enabled */
bool hostname_verify;
/** Custom load_credentials function.
* Client can set load_credentials function as a way of overriding
* the default behavior of load_tls_credential() in lwm2m_engine.c
int (*load_credentials)(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx);
/** @} */
/** Custom socket options.
* Client can override default socket options by providing
* a callback that is called afer a socket is created and before
* connect.
int (*set_socketoptions)(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx);
/** Flag to indicate if context should use DTLS.
* Enabled via the use of coaps:// protocol prefix in connection
* information.
* NOTE: requires @kconfig{CONFIG_LWM2M_DTLS_SUPPORT}
bool use_dtls;
* Flag to indicate that the socket connection is suspended.
* With queue mode, this will tell if there is a need to reconnect.
bool connection_suspended;
#if defined(CONFIG_LWM2M_QUEUE_MODE_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* Flag to indicate that the client is buffering Notifications and Send messages.
* True value buffer Notifications and Send messages.
bool buffer_client_messages;
/** Current index of Security Object used for server credentials */
int sec_obj_inst;
/** Current index of Server Object used in this context. */
int srv_obj_inst;
/** Flag to enable BOOTSTRAP interface. See Section "Bootstrap Interface"
* of LwM2M Technical Specification for more information.
bool bootstrap_mode;
/** Socket File Descriptor */
int sock_fd;
/** Socket fault callback. LwM2M processing thread will call this
* callback in case of socket errors on receive.
lwm2m_socket_fault_cb_t fault_cb;
/** Callback for new or cancelled observations, and acknowledged or timed
* out notifications.
lwm2m_observe_cb_t observe_cb;
/** Callback for client events */
lwm2m_ctx_event_cb_t event_cb;
/** Validation buffer. Used as a temporary buffer to decode the resource
* value before validation. On successful validation, its content is
* copied into the actual resource buffer.
* Callback to indicate transmission states.
* Client application may request LwM2M engine to indicate hints about
* transmission states and use that information to control various power
* saving modes.
void (*set_socket_state)(int fd, enum lwm2m_socket_states state);
* LwM2M Time series data structure
struct lwm2m_time_series_elem {
/** Cached data Unix timestamp */
time_t t;
union {
uint8_t u8;
uint16_t u16;
uint32_t u32;
uint64_t u64;
int8_t i8;
int16_t i16;
int32_t i32;
int64_t i64;
time_t time;
double f;
bool b;
* @brief Asynchronous callback to get a resource buffer and length.
* Prior to accessing the data buffer of a resource, the engine can
* use this callback to get the buffer pointer and length instead
* of using the resource's data buffer.
* The client or LwM2M objects can register a function of this type via:
* lwm2m_engine_register_read_callback()
* lwm2m_engine_register_pre_write_callback()
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID generating the callback.
* @param[in] res_id Resource ID generating the callback.
* @param[in] res_inst_id Resource instance ID generating the callback
* (typically 0 for non-multi instance resources).
* @param[out] data_len Length of the data buffer.
* @return Callback returns a pointer to the data buffer or NULL for failure.
typedef void *(*lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t)(uint16_t obj_inst_id,
uint16_t res_id,
uint16_t res_inst_id,
size_t *data_len);
* @brief Asynchronous callback when data has been set to a resource buffer.
* After changing the data of a resource buffer, the LwM2M engine can
* make use of this callback to pass the data back to the client or LwM2M
* objects.
* A function of this type can be registered via:
* lwm2m_engine_register_validate_callback()
* lwm2m_engine_register_post_write_callback()
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID generating the callback.
* @param[in] res_id Resource ID generating the callback.
* @param[in] res_inst_id Resource instance ID generating the callback
* (typically 0 for non-multi instance resources).
* @param[in] data Pointer to data.
* @param[in] data_len Length of the data.
* @param[in] last_block Flag used during block transfer to indicate the last
* block of data. For non-block transfers this is always
* false.
* @param[in] total_size Expected total size of data for a block transfer.
* For non-block transfers this is 0.
* @return Callback returns a negative error code (errno.h) indicating
* reason of failure or 0 for success.
typedef int (*lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t)(uint16_t obj_inst_id,
uint16_t res_id, uint16_t res_inst_id,
uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_len,
bool last_block, size_t total_size);
* @brief Asynchronous event notification callback.
* Various object instance and resource-based events in the LwM2M engine
* can trigger a callback of this function type: object instance create,
* and object instance delete.
* Register a function of this type via:
* lwm2m_engine_register_create_callback()
* lwm2m_engine_register_delete_callback()
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID generating the callback.
* @return Callback returns a negative error code (errno.h) indicating
* reason of failure or 0 for success.
typedef int (*lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t)(uint16_t obj_inst_id);
* @brief Asynchronous execute notification callback.
* Resource executes trigger a callback of this type.
* Register a function of this type via:
* lwm2m_engine_register_exec_callback()
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID generating the callback.
* @param[in] args Pointer to execute arguments payload. (This can be
* NULL if no arguments are provided)
* @param[in] args_len Length of argument payload in bytes.
* @return Callback returns a negative error code (errno.h) indicating
* reason of failure or 0 for success.
typedef int (*lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t)(uint16_t obj_inst_id,
uint8_t *args, uint16_t args_len);
* @name Power source types used for the "Available Power Sources" resource of
* the LwM2M Device object (3/0/6).
* @{
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_PWR_SRC_TYPE_DC_POWER 0 /**< DC power */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_PWR_SRC_TYPE_BAT_INT 1 /**< Internal battery */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_PWR_SRC_TYPE_BAT_EXT 2 /**< External battery */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_PWR_SRC_TYPE_FUEL_CELL 3 /**< Fuel cell */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_PWR_SRC_TYPE_PWR_OVER_ETH 4 /**< Power over Ethernet */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_PWR_SRC_TYPE_AC_POWER 6 /**< AC (mains) power */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_PWR_SRC_TYPE_SOLAR 7 /**< Solar */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_PWR_SRC_TYPE_MAX 8 /**< Max value for Available Power Source type */
/** @} */
* @name Error codes used for the "Error Code" resource of the LwM2M Device
* object.
* An LwM2M client can register one of the following error codes via
* the lwm2m_device_add_err() function.
* @{
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_NONE 0 /**< No error */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_LOW_POWER 1 /**< Low battery power */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_EXT_POWER_SUPPLY_OFF 2 /**< External power supply off */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_GPS_FAILURE 3 /**< GPS module failure */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_LOW_SIGNAL_STRENGTH 4 /**< Low received signal strength */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 5 /**< Out of memory */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_SMS_FAILURE 6 /**< SMS failure */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE 7 /**< IP Connectivity failure */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_ERROR_PERIPHERAL_FAILURE 8 /**< Peripheral malfunction */
/** @} */
* @name Battery status codes used for the "Battery Status" resource (3/0/20)
* of the LwM2M Device object. As the battery status changes, an LwM2M
* client can set one of the following codes via:
* lwm2m_engine_set_u8("3/0/20", [battery status])
* @{
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_BATTERY_STATUS_NORMAL 0 /**< The battery is operating normally and not on
* power
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING 1 /**< The battery is currently charging */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGE_COMP 2 /**< The battery is fully charged and the charger
* is still connected
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_BATTERY_STATUS_DAMAGED 3 /**< The battery has some problem */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_BATTERY_STATUS_LOW 4 /**< The battery is low on charge */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_BATTERY_STATUS_NOT_INST 5 /**< The battery is not installed */
#define LWM2M_DEVICE_BATTERY_STATUS_UNKNOWN 6 /**< The battery information is not available */
/** @} */
* @brief Register a new error code with LwM2M Device object.
* @param[in] error_code New error code.
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_device_add_err(uint8_t error_code);
* @name LWM2M Firmware Update object states
* An LwM2M client or the LwM2M Firmware Update object use the following codes
* to represent the LwM2M Firmware Update state (5/0/3).
* @{
* Idle. Before downloading or after successful updating.
#define STATE_IDLE 0
* Downloading. The data sequence is being downloaded.
* Downloaded. The whole data sequence has been downloaded.
* Updating. The device is being updated.
/** @} */
* @name LWM2M Firmware Update object result codes
* After processing a firmware update, the client sets the result via one of
* the following codes via lwm2m_engine_set_u8("5/0/5", [result code])
* @{
#define RESULT_DEFAULT 0 /**< Initial value */
#define RESULT_SUCCESS 1 /**< Firmware updated successfully */
#define RESULT_NO_STORAGE 2 /**< Not enough flash memory for the new firmware package */
#define RESULT_OUT_OF_MEM 3 /**< Out of RAM during downloading process */
#define RESULT_CONNECTION_LOST 4 /**< Connection lost during downloading process */
#define RESULT_INTEGRITY_FAILED 5 /**< Integrity check failure for new downloaded package */
#define RESULT_UNSUP_FW 6 /**< Unsupported package type */
#define RESULT_INVALID_URI 7 /**< Invalid URI */
#define RESULT_UPDATE_FAILED 8 /**< Firmware update failed */
#define RESULT_UNSUP_PROTO 9 /**< Unsupported protocol */
/** @} */
* @brief Set data callback for firmware block transfer.
* LwM2M clients use this function to register a callback for receiving the
* block transfer data when performing a firmware update.
* @param[in] cb A callback function to receive the block transfer data
void lwm2m_firmware_set_write_cb(lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Get the data callback for firmware block transfer writes.
* @return A registered callback function to receive the block transfer data
lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_write_cb(void);
* @brief Set data callback for firmware block transfer.
* LwM2M clients use this function to register a callback for receiving the
* block transfer data when performing a firmware update.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID
* @param[in] cb A callback function to receive the block transfer data
void lwm2m_firmware_set_write_cb_inst(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Get the data callback for firmware block transfer writes.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID
* @return A registered callback function to receive the block transfer data
lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_write_cb_inst(uint16_t obj_inst_id);
* @brief Set callback for firmware update cancel.
* LwM2M clients use this function to register a callback to perform actions
* on firmware update cancel.
* @param[in] cb A callback function perform actions on firmware update cancel.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_cancel_cb(lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb);
* @brief Get a callback for firmware update cancel.
* @return A registered callback function perform actions on firmware update cancel.
lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_cancel_cb(void);
* @brief Set data callback for firmware update cancel.
* LwM2M clients use this function to register a callback to perform actions
* on firmware update cancel.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID
* @param[in] cb A callback function perform actions on firmware update cancel.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_cancel_cb_inst(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb);
* @brief Get the callback for firmware update cancel.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID
* @return A registered callback function perform actions on firmware update cancel.
lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_cancel_cb_inst(uint16_t obj_inst_id);
* @brief Set data callback to handle firmware update execute events.
* LwM2M clients use this function to register a callback for receiving the
* update resource "execute" operation on the LwM2M Firmware Update object.
* @param[in] cb A callback function to receive the execute event.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_update_cb(lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb);
* @brief Get the event callback for firmware update execute events.
* @return A registered callback function to receive the execute event.
lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_update_cb(void);
* @brief Set data callback to handle firmware update execute events.
* LwM2M clients use this function to register a callback for receiving the
* update resource "execute" operation on the LwM2M Firmware Update object.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID
* @param[in] cb A callback function to receive the execute event.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_update_cb_inst(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb);
* @brief Get the event callback for firmware update execute events.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id Object instance ID
* @return A registered callback function to receive the execute event.
lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_update_cb_inst(uint16_t obj_inst_id);
#if defined(CONFIG_LWM2M_SWMGMT_OBJ_SUPPORT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief Set callback to handle software activation requests
* The callback will be executed when the LWM2M execute operation gets called
* on the corresponding object's Activate resource instance.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id The instance number to set the callback for.
* @param[in] cb A callback function to receive the execute event.
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative integer.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_activate_cb(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set callback to handle software deactivation requests
* The callback will be executed when the LWM2M execute operation gets called
* on the corresponding object's Deactivate resource instance.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id The instance number to set the callback for.
* @param[in] cb A callback function to receive the execute event.
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative integer.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_deactivate_cb(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set callback to handle software install requests
* The callback will be executed when the LWM2M execute operation gets called
* on the corresponding object's Install resource instance.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id The instance number to set the callback for.
* @param[in] cb A callback function to receive the execute event.
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative integer.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_install_package_cb(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set callback to handle software uninstall requests
* The callback will be executed when the LWM2M execute operation gets called
* on the corresponding object's Uninstall resource instance.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id The instance number to set the callback for.
* @param[in] cb A callback function for handling the execute event.
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative integer.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_delete_package_cb(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set callback to read software package
* The callback will be executed when the LWM2M read operation gets called
* on the corresponding object.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id The instance number to set the callback for.
* @param[in] cb A callback function for handling the read event.
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative integer.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_read_package_version_cb(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set data callback for software management block transfer.
* The callback will be executed when the LWM2M block write operation gets called
* on the corresponding object's resource instance.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id The instance number to set the callback for.
* @param[in] cb A callback function for handling the block write event.
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative integer.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_write_package_cb(uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb);
* Function to be called when a Software Management object instance
* completed the Install operation.
* @param[in] obj_inst_id The Software Management object instance
* @param[in] error_code The result code of the operation. Zero on success
* otherwise it should be a negative integer.
* return 0 on success, otherwise a negative integer.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_install_completed(uint16_t obj_inst_id, int error_code);
#if defined(CONFIG_LWM2M_EVENT_LOG_OBJ_SUPPORT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief Set callback to read log data
* The callback will be executed when the LWM2M read operation gets called
* on the corresponding object.
* @param[in] cb A callback function for handling the read event.
void lwm2m_event_log_set_read_log_data_cb(lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Maximum value for Objlnk resource fields
* @brief LWM2M Objlnk resource type structure
struct lwm2m_objlnk {
uint16_t obj_id; /**< Object ID */
uint16_t obj_inst; /**< Object instance ID */
* @brief Change an observer's pmin value.
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_update_observer_min_period() instead.
* LwM2M clients use this function to modify the pmin attribute
* for an observation being made.
* Example to update the pmin of a temperature sensor value being observed:
* lwm2m_engine_update_observer_min_period("client_ctx, 3303/0/5700", 5);
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res"
* @param[in] period_s Value of pmin to be given (in seconds).
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_update_observer_min_period(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx, const char *pathstr,
uint32_t period_s);
* @brief Change an observer's pmin value.
* LwM2M clients use this function to modify the pmin attribute
* for an observation being made.
* Example to update the pmin of a temperature sensor value being observed:
* lwm2m_update_observer_min_period(client_ctx, &LWM2M_OBJ(3303, 0, 5700), 5);
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] period_s Value of pmin to be given (in seconds).
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_update_observer_min_period(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx,
const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint32_t period_s);
* @brief Change an observer's pmax value.
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_update_observer_max_period() instead.
* LwM2M clients use this function to modify the pmax attribute
* for an observation being made.
* Example to update the pmax of a temperature sensor value being observed:
* lwm2m_engine_update_observer_max_period("client_ctx, 3303/0/5700", 5);
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res"
* @param[in] period_s Value of pmax to be given (in seconds).
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_update_observer_max_period(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx, const char *pathstr,
uint32_t period_s);
* @brief Change an observer's pmax value.
* LwM2M clients use this function to modify the pmax attribute
* for an observation being made.
* Example to update the pmax of a temperature sensor value being observed:
* lwm2m__update_observer_max_period(client_ctx, &LWM2M_OBJ(3303, 0, 5700), 5);
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] period_s Value of pmax to be given (in seconds).
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_update_observer_max_period(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx,
const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint32_t period_s);
* @brief Create an LwM2M object instance.
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_create_obj_inst() instead.
* LwM2M clients use this function to create non-default LwM2M objects:
* Example to create first temperature sensor object:
* lwm2m_engine_create_obj_inst("3303/0");
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst"
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_create_obj_inst(const char *pathstr);
* @brief Create an LwM2M object instance.
* LwM2M clients use this function to create non-default LwM2M objects:
* Example to create first temperature sensor object:
* lwm2m_create_obj_inst(&LWM2M_OBJ(3303, 0));
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_create_object_inst(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path);
* @brief Delete an LwM2M object instance.
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_delete_obj_inst() instead.
* LwM2M clients use this function to delete LwM2M objects.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst"
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_delete_obj_inst(const char *pathstr);
* @brief Delete an LwM2M object instance.
* LwM2M clients use this function to delete LwM2M objects.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_delete_object_inst(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path);
* @brief Locks the registry for this thread.
* Use this function before writing to multiple resources. This halts the
* lwm2m main thread until all the write-operations are finished.
void lwm2m_registry_lock(void);
* @brief Unlocks the registry previously locked by lwm2m_registry_lock().
void lwm2m_registry_unlock(void);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (opaque buffer)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_opaque() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] data_ptr Data buffer
* @param[in] data_len Length of buffer
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_opaque(const char *pathstr, const char *data_ptr, uint16_t data_len);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (opaque buffer)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] data_ptr Data buffer
* @param[in] data_len Length of buffer
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_opaque(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, const char *data_ptr, uint16_t data_len);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (string)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_string() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] data_ptr NULL terminated char buffer
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_string(const char *pathstr, const char *data_ptr);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (string)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] data_ptr NULL terminated char buffer
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_string(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, const char *data_ptr);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (u8)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_u8() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value u8 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_u8(const char *pathstr, uint8_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (u8)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value u8 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_u8(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint8_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (u16)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_u16() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value u16 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_u16(const char *pathstr, uint16_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (u16)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value u16 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_u16(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint16_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (u32)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_u32() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value u32 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_u32(const char *pathstr, uint32_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (u32)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value u32 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_u32(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint32_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (u64)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_u64() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value u64 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_u64(const char *pathstr, uint64_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (u64)
* @deprecated Unsigned 64bit value type does not exits.
* This is internally handled as a int64_t.
* Use lwm2m_set_s64() instead.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value u64 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_u64(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint64_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (s8)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_s8() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value s8 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_s8(const char *pathstr, int8_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (s8)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value s8 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_s8(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int8_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (s16)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_s16() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value s16 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_s16(const char *pathstr, int16_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (s16)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value s16 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_s16(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int16_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (s32)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_s32() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value s32 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_s32(const char *pathstr, int32_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (s32)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value s32 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_s32(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int32_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (s64)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_s64() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value s64 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_s64(const char *pathstr, int64_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (s64)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value s64 value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_s64(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int64_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (bool)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_bool() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value bool value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_bool(const char *pathstr, bool value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (bool)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value bool value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_bool(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, bool value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (double)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_f64() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value double value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_float(const char *pathstr, const double *value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (double)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value double value
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_f64(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, const double value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (Objlnk)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_objlnk() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value pointer to the lwm2m_objlnk structure
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_objlnk(const char *pathstr, const struct lwm2m_objlnk *value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (Objlnk)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value pointer to the lwm2m_objlnk structure
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_objlnk(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, const struct lwm2m_objlnk *value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (Time)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_time() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] value Epoch timestamp
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_time(const char *pathstr, time_t value);
* @brief Set resource (instance) value (Time)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] value Epoch timestamp
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_time(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, time_t value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (opaque buffer)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_opaque() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] buf Data buffer to copy data into
* @param[in] buflen Length of buffer
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_opaque(const char *pathstr, void *buf, uint16_t buflen);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (opaque buffer)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] buf Data buffer to copy data into
* @param[in] buflen Length of buffer
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_opaque(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void *buf, uint16_t buflen);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (string)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_string() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] str String buffer to copy data into
* @param[in] buflen Length of buffer
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_string(const char *pathstr, void *str, uint16_t buflen);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (string)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] str String buffer to copy data into
* @param[in] buflen Length of buffer
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_string(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void *str, uint16_t buflen);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (u8)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_u8() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value u8 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_u8(const char *pathstr, uint8_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (u8)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value u8 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_u8(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint8_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (u16)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_u16() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value u16 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_u16(const char *pathstr, uint16_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (u16)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value u16 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_u16(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint16_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (u32)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_u32() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value u32 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_u32(const char *pathstr, uint32_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (u32)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value u32 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_u32(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint32_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (u64)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_u64() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value u64 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_u64(const char *pathstr, uint64_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (u64)
* @deprecated Unsigned 64bit value type does not exits.
* This is internally handled as a int64_t.
* Use lwm2m_get_s64() instead.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value u64 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_u64(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint64_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (s8)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_s8() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value s8 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_s8(const char *pathstr, int8_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (s8)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value s8 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_s8(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int8_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (s16)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_s16() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value s16 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_s16(const char *pathstr, int16_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (s16)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value s16 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_s16(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int16_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (s32)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_s32() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value s32 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_s32(const char *pathstr, int32_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (s32)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value s32 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_s32(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int32_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (s64)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_s64() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value s64 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_s64(const char *pathstr, int64_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (s64)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value s64 buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_s64(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int64_t *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (bool)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_bool() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] value bool buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_bool(const char *pathstr, bool *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (bool)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value bool buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_bool(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, bool *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (double)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_f64() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] buf double buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_float(const char *pathstr, double *buf);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (double)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] value double buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_f64(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, double *value);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (Objlnk)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_objlnk() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] buf lwm2m_objlnk buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_objlnk(const char *pathstr, struct lwm2m_objlnk *buf);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (Objlnk)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] buf lwm2m_objlnk buffer to copy data into
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_objlnk(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, struct lwm2m_objlnk *buf);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (Time)
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_time() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] buf time_t pointer to copy data
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_time(const char *pathstr, time_t *buf);
* @brief Get resource (instance) value (Time)
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] buf time_t pointer to copy data
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_time(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, time_t *buf);
* @brief Set resource (instance) read callback
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_register_read_callback() instead.
* LwM2M clients can use this to set the callback function for resource reads when data
* handling in the LwM2M engine needs to be bypassed.
* For example reading back opaque binary data from external storage.
* This callback should not generally be used for any data that might be observed as
* engine does not have any knowledge of data changes.
* When separate buffer for data should be used, use lwm2m_engine_set_res_buf() instead
* to set the storage.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] cb Read resource callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_register_read_callback(const char *pathstr,
lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource (instance) read callback
* LwM2M clients can use this to set the callback function for resource reads when data
* handling in the LwM2M engine needs to be bypassed.
* For example reading back opaque binary data from external storage.
* This callback should not generally be used for any data that might be observed as
* engine does not have any knowledge of data changes.
* When separate buffer for data should be used, use lwm2m_engine_set_res_buf() instead
* to set the storage.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] cb Read resource callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_register_read_callback(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource (instance) pre-write callback
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_register_pre_write_callback() instead.
* This callback is triggered before setting the value of a resource. It
* can pass a special data buffer to the engine so that the actual resource
* value can be calculated later, etc.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] cb Pre-write resource callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_register_pre_write_callback(const char *pathstr,
lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource (instance) pre-write callback
* This callback is triggered before setting the value of a resource. It
* can pass a special data buffer to the engine so that the actual resource
* value can be calculated later, etc.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] cb Pre-write resource callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_register_pre_write_callback(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path,
lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource (instance) validation callback
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_register_validate_callback() instead.
* This callback is triggered before setting the value of a resource to the
* resource data buffer.
* The callback allows an LwM2M client or object to validate the data before
* writing and notify an error if the data should be discarded for any reason
* (by returning a negative error code).
* @note All resources that have a validation callback registered are initially
* decoded into a temporary validation buffer. Make sure that
* store each of the validated resources (individually).
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] cb Validate resource data callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_register_validate_callback(const char *pathstr,
lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource (instance) validation callback
* This callback is triggered before setting the value of a resource to the
* resource data buffer.
* The callback allows an LwM2M client or object to validate the data before
* writing and notify an error if the data should be discarded for any reason
* (by returning a negative error code).
* @note All resources that have a validation callback registered are initially
* decoded into a temporary validation buffer. Make sure that
* store each of the validated resources (individually).
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] cb Validate resource data callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_register_validate_callback(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path,
lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource (instance) post-write callback
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_register_post_write_callback() instead.
* This callback is triggered after setting the value of a resource to the
* resource data buffer.
* It allows an LwM2M client or object to post-process the value of a resource
* or trigger other related resource calculations.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] cb Post-write resource callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_register_post_write_callback(const char *pathstr,
lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource (instance) post-write callback
* This callback is triggered after setting the value of a resource to the
* resource data buffer.
* It allows an LwM2M client or object to post-process the value of a resource
* or trigger other related resource calculations.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] cb Post-write resource callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_register_post_write_callback(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path,
lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource execute event callback
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_register_exec_callback() instead.
* This event is triggered when the execute method of a resource is enabled.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res"
* @param[in] cb Execute resource callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_register_exec_callback(const char *pathstr,
lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set resource execute event callback
* This event is triggered when the execute method of a resource is enabled.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] cb Execute resource callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_register_exec_callback(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set object instance create event callback
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_register_create_callback instead.
* This event is triggered when an object instance is created.
* @param[in] obj_id LwM2M object id
* @param[in] cb Create object instance callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_register_create_callback(uint16_t obj_id,
lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set object instance create event callback
* This event is triggered when an object instance is created.
* @param[in] obj_id LwM2M object id
* @param[in] cb Create object instance callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_register_create_callback(uint16_t obj_id,
lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set object instance delete event callback
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_register_delete_callback instead
* This event is triggered when an object instance is deleted.
* @param[in] obj_id LwM2M object id
* @param[in] cb Delete object instance callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_register_delete_callback(uint16_t obj_id,
lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb);
* @brief Set object instance delete event callback
* This event is triggered when an object instance is deleted.
* @param[in] obj_id LwM2M object id
* @param[in] cb Delete object instance callback
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_register_delete_callback(uint16_t obj_id,
lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb);
* @brief Resource read-only value bit
* @brief Resource read-only flag
* @brief Read resource flags helper macro
#define LWM2M_HAS_RES_FLAG(res, f) ((res->data_flags & f) == f)
* @brief Set data buffer for a resource
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_res_buf() instead.
* Use this function to set the data buffer and flags for the specified LwM2M
* resource.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] buffer_ptr Data buffer pointer
* @param[in] buffer_len Length of buffer
* @param[in] data_len Length of existing data in the buffer
* @param[in] data_flags Data buffer flags (such as read-only, etc)
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_res_buf(const char *pathstr, void *buffer_ptr, uint16_t buffer_len,
uint16_t data_len, uint8_t data_flags);
* @brief Set data buffer for a resource
* Use this function to set the data buffer and flags for the specified LwM2M
* resource.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] buffer_ptr Data buffer pointer
* @param[in] buffer_len Length of buffer
* @param[in] data_len Length of existing data in the buffer
* @param[in] data_flags Data buffer flags (such as read-only, etc)
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_res_buf(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void *buffer_ptr, uint16_t buffer_len,
uint16_t data_len, uint8_t data_flags);
* @brief Set data buffer for a resource
* Use this function to set the data buffer and flags for the specified LwM2M
* resource.
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_res_buf() instead, so you can define buffer size and data size
* separately.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] data_ptr Data buffer pointer
* @param[in] data_len Length of buffer
* @param[in] data_flags Data buffer flags (such as read-only, etc)
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_res_data(const char *pathstr, void *data_ptr, uint16_t data_len,
uint8_t data_flags);
* @brief Update data size for a resource
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_set_res_data_len() instead.
* Use this function to set the new size of data in the buffer if you write
* to a buffer received by lwm2m_engine_get_res_buf().
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[in] data_len Length of data
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_set_res_data_len(const char *pathstr, uint16_t data_len);
* @brief Update data size for a resource
* Use this function to set the new size of data in the buffer if you write
* to a buffer received by lwm2m_engine_get_res_buf().
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[in] data_len Length of data
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_res_data_len(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint16_t data_len);
* @brief Get data buffer for a resource
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_res_buf() instead.
* Use this function to get the data buffer information for the specified LwM2M
* resource.
* If you directly write into the buffer, you must use lwm2m_engine_set_res_data_len()
* function to update the new size of the written data.
* All parameters except pathstr can NULL if you don't want to read those values.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] buffer_ptr Data buffer pointer
* @param[out] buffer_len Length of buffer
* @param[out] data_len Length of existing data in the buffer
* @param[out] data_flags Data buffer flags (such as read-only, etc)
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_res_buf(const char *pathstr, void **buffer_ptr, uint16_t *buffer_len,
uint16_t *data_len, uint8_t *data_flags);
* @brief Get data buffer for a resource
* Use this function to get the data buffer information for the specified LwM2M
* resource.
* If you directly write into the buffer, you must use lwm2m_set_res_data_len()
* function to update the new size of the written data.
* All parameters, except for the pathstr, can be NULL if you don't want to read those values.
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @param[out] buffer_ptr Data buffer pointer
* @param[out] buffer_len Length of buffer
* @param[out] data_len Length of existing data in the buffer
* @param[out] data_flags Data buffer flags (such as read-only, etc)
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_get_res_buf(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void **buffer_ptr, uint16_t *buffer_len,
uint16_t *data_len, uint8_t *data_flags);
* @brief Get data buffer for a resource
* Use this function to get the data buffer information for the specified LwM2M
* resource.
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_get_res_buf() as it can tell you the size of the buffer as well.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param[out] data_ptr Data buffer pointer
* @param[out] data_len Length of existing data in the buffer
* @param[out] data_flags Data buffer flags (such as read-only, etc)
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_get_res_data(const char *pathstr, void **data_ptr, uint16_t *data_len,
uint8_t *data_flags);
* @brief Create a resource instance
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_create_res_inst() instead.
* LwM2M clients use this function to create multi-resource instances:
* Example to create 0 instance of device available power sources:
* lwm2m_engine_create_res_inst("3/0/6/0");
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res/res-inst"
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_create_res_inst(const char *pathstr);
* @brief Create a resource instance
* LwM2M clients use this function to create multi-resource instances:
* Example to create 0 instance of device available power sources:
* lwm2m_create_res_inst(&LWM2M_OBJ(3, 0, 6, 0));
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_create_res_inst(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path);
* @brief Delete a resource instance
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_delete_res_inst() instead.
* Use this function to remove an existing resource instance
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string "obj/obj-inst/res/res-inst"
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_delete_res_inst(const char *pathstr);
* @brief Delete a resource instance
* Use this function to remove an existing resource instance
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_delete_res_inst(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path);
* @brief Update the period of the device service.
* Change the duration of the periodic device service that notifies the
* current time.
* @param[in] period_ms New period for the device service (in milliseconds)
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_update_device_service_period(uint32_t period_ms);
* @brief Check whether a path is observed
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_path_is_observed() instead.
* @param[in] pathstr LwM2M path string to check, e.g. "3/0/1"
* @return true when there exists an observation of the same level
* or lower as the given path, false if it doesn't or path is not a
* valid LwM2M-path.
* E.g. true if path refers to a resource and the parent object has an
* observation, false for the inverse.
bool lwm2m_engine_path_is_observed(const char *pathstr);
* @brief Check whether a path is observed
* @param[in] path LwM2M path as a struct to check
* @return true when there exists an observation of the same level
* or lower as the given path, false if it doesn't or path is not a
* valid LwM2M-path.
* E.g. true if path refers to a resource and the parent object has an
* observation, false for the inverse.
bool lwm2m_path_is_observed(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path);
* @brief Stop the LwM2M engine
* LwM2M clients normally do not need to call this function as it is called
* within lwm2m_rd_client. However, if the client does not use the RD
* client implementation, it will need to be called manually.
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_stop(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx);
* @brief Start the LwM2M engine
* LwM2M clients normally do not need to call this function as it is called
* by lwm2m_rd_client_start(). However, if the client does not use the RD
* client implementation, it will need to be called manually.
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_start(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx);
* @brief Acknowledge the currently processed request with an empty ACK.
* LwM2M engine by default sends piggybacked responses for requests.
* This function allows to send an empty ACK for a request earlier (from the
* application callback). The LwM2M engine will then send the actual response
* as a separate CON message after all callbacks are executed.
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
void lwm2m_acknowledge(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx);
* @brief LwM2M RD client events
* LwM2M client events are passed back to the event_cb function in
* lwm2m_rd_client_start()
enum lwm2m_rd_client_event {
* Define for old event name keeping backward compatibility.
* LwM2M RD client flags, used to configure LwM2M session.
* @brief Run bootstrap procedure in current session.
* @brief Start the LwM2M RD (Registration / Discovery) Client
* The RD client sits just above the LwM2M engine and performs the necessary
* actions to implement the "Registration interface".
* For more information see Section "Client Registration Interface" of
* LwM2M Technical Specification.
* NOTE: lwm2m_engine_start() is called automatically by this function.
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
* @param[in] ep_name Registered endpoint name
* @param[in] flags Flags used to configure current LwM2M session.
* @param[in] event_cb Client event callback function
* @param[in] observe_cb Observe callback function called when an observer was
* added or deleted, and when a notification was acked or
* has timed out
* @return 0 for success, -EINPROGRESS when client is already running
* or negative error codes in case of failure.
int lwm2m_rd_client_start(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx, const char *ep_name,
uint32_t flags, lwm2m_ctx_event_cb_t event_cb,
lwm2m_observe_cb_t observe_cb);
* @brief Stop the LwM2M RD (De-register) Client
* The RD client sits just above the LwM2M engine and performs the necessary
* actions to implement the "Registration interface".
* For more information see Section "Client Registration Interface" of the
* LwM2M Technical Specification.
* @param[in] client_ctx LwM2M context
* @param[in] event_cb Client event callback function
* @param[in] deregister True to deregister the client if registered.
* False to force close the connection.
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_rd_client_stop(struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx,
lwm2m_ctx_event_cb_t event_cb, bool deregister);
* @brief Suspend the LwM2M engine Thread
* Suspend LwM2M engine. Use case could be when network connection is down.
* LwM2M Engine indicate before it suspend by
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_pause(void);
* @brief Resume the LwM2M engine thread
* Resume suspended LwM2M engine. After successful resume call engine will do
* full registration or registration update based on suspended time.
* indicate that client is connected to server.
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_resume(void);
* @brief Trigger a Registration Update of the LwM2M RD Client
void lwm2m_rd_client_update(void);
* @brief LwM2M path maximum length
#define LWM2M_MAX_PATH_STR_SIZE sizeof("/65535/65535/65535/65535")
* @brief Helper function to print path objects' contents to log
* @param[in] buf The buffer to use for formatting the string
* @param[in] path The path to stringify
* @return Resulting formatted path string
char *lwm2m_path_log_buf(char *buf, struct lwm2m_obj_path *path);
* @brief LwM2M send status
* LwM2M send status are generated back to the lwm2m_send_cb_t function in
* lwm2m_send_cb()
enum lwm2m_send_status {
* @typedef lwm2m_send_cb_t
* @brief Callback returning send status
typedef void (*lwm2m_send_cb_t)(enum lwm2m_send_status status);
* @brief LwM2M SEND operation to given path list
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_send_cb() instead.
* @param ctx LwM2M context
* @param path_list LwM2M Path string list
* @param path_list_size Length of path list. Max size is CONFIG_LWM2M_COMPOSITE_PATH_LIST_SIZE
* @param confirmation_request True request confirmation for operation.
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_send(struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx, char const *path_list[], uint8_t path_list_size,
bool confirmation_request);
* @brief LwM2M SEND operation to given path list
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_send_cb() instead.
* @param ctx LwM2M context
* @param path_list LwM2M path struct list
* @param path_list_size Length of path list. Max size is CONFIG_LWM2M_COMPOSITE_PATH_LIST_SIZE
* @param confirmation_request True request confirmation for operation.
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_send(struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx, const struct lwm2m_obj_path path_list[],
uint8_t path_list_size, bool confirmation_request);
* @brief LwM2M SEND operation to given path list asynchronously with confirmation callback
* @param ctx LwM2M context
* @param path_list LwM2M path struct list
* @param path_list_size Length of path list. Max size is CONFIG_LWM2M_COMPOSITE_PATH_LIST_SIZE
* @param reply_cb Callback triggered with confirmation state or NULL if not used
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_send_cb(struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx, const struct lwm2m_obj_path path_list[],
uint8_t path_list_size, lwm2m_send_cb_t reply_cb);
* @brief Returns LwM2M client context
* @return ctx LwM2M context
struct lwm2m_ctx *lwm2m_rd_client_ctx(void);
* @brief Enable data cache for a resource.
* @deprecated Use lwm2m_enable_cache instead
* Application may enable caching of resource data by allocating buffer for LwM2M engine to use.
* Buffer must be size of struct @ref lwm2m_time_series_elem times cache_len
* @param resource_path LwM2M resourcepath string "obj/obj-inst/res(/res-inst)"
* @param data_cache Pointer to Data cache array
* @param cache_len number of cached entries
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_engine_enable_cache(char const *resource_path, struct lwm2m_time_series_elem *data_cache,
size_t cache_len);
* @brief Enable data cache for a resource.
* Application may enable caching of resource data by allocating buffer for LwM2M engine to use.
* Buffer must be size of struct @ref lwm2m_time_series_elem times cache_len
* @param path LwM2M path to resource as a struct
* @param data_cache Pointer to Data cache array
* @param cache_len number of cached entries
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_enable_cache(const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, struct lwm2m_time_series_elem *data_cache,
size_t cache_len);
* @brief Security modes as defined in LwM2M Security object.
enum lwm2m_security_mode_e {
LWM2M_SECURITY_PSK = 0, /**< Pre-Shared Key mode */
LWM2M_SECURITY_RAW_PK = 1, /**< Raw Public Key mode */
LWM2M_SECURITY_CERT = 2, /**< Certificate mode */
LWM2M_SECURITY_NOSEC = 3, /**< NoSec mode */
LWM2M_SECURITY_CERT_EST = 4, /**< Certificate mode with EST */
* @brief Read security mode from selected security object instance.
* This data is valid only if RD client is running.
* @param ctx Pointer to client context.
* @return int Positive values are @ref lwm2m_security_mode_e, negative error codes otherwise.
int lwm2m_security_mode(struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx);
* @brief Set default socket options for DTLS connections.
* The engine calls this when @ref lwm2m_ctx::set_socketoptions is not overwritten.
* You can call this from the overwritten callback to set extra options after or
* before defaults.
* @param ctx Client context
* @return 0 for success or negative in case of error.
int lwm2m_set_default_sockopt(struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx);
/**@} */