blob: e5f93a846fdfab02239f16f016354b5a9131fca2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <zephyr/logging/log.h>
#include "feedback.h"
#include <nrfx_dppi.h>
#include <nrfx_gpiote.h>
#include <nrfx_timer.h>
#include <hal/nrf_gpio.h>
#include <hal/nrf_usbd.h>
#include <hal/nrf_i2s.h>
#include <helpers/nrfx_gppi.h>
static const nrfx_gpiote_t gpiote = NRFX_GPIOTE_INSTANCE(0);
static const nrfx_timer_t feedback_timer_instance =
/* See Feedback in Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0 for
* more information about the feedback. There is a direct implementation of the
* specification where P=1 when @kconfig{CONFIG_APP_USE_I2S_LRCLK_EDGES_COUNTER}
* is enabled, because I2S LRCLK edges (and not the clock) are being counted by
* a timer. Otherwise, when @kconfig{CONFIG_APP_USE_I2S_LRCLK_EDGES_COUNTER} is
* disabled, we are faking P=5 value using indirect offset measurements and
* we use such estimate on PI controller updated on every SOF.
* While it might be possible to determine I2S FRAMESTART to USB SOF offset
* entirely in software, the I2S API lacks appropriate timestamping. Therefore
* this sample uses target-specific code to perform the measurements. Note that
* the use of dedicated target-specific peripheral essentially eliminates
* software scheduling jitter and it is likely that a pure software only
* solution would require additional filtering in indirect offset measurements.
* Full-Speed isochronous feedback is Q10.10 unsigned integer left-justified in
* the 24-bits so it has Q10.14 format. This sample application puts zeroes to
* the 4 least significant bits (does not use the bits for extra precision).
#define FEEDBACK_K 10
#define FEEDBACK_P 1
#define FEEDBACK_P 5
static struct feedback_ctx {
uint32_t fb_value;
int32_t rel_sof_offset;
int32_t base_sof_offset;
union {
/* For edge counting */
struct {
uint32_t fb_counter;
uint16_t fb_periods;
/* For PI controller */
int32_t integrator;
} fb_ctx;
static nrfx_err_t feedback_edge_counter_setup(void)
nrfx_err_t err;
uint8_t feedback_gpiote_channel;
uint8_t feedback_gppi_channel;
nrfx_gpiote_trigger_config_t trigger_config = {
.p_in_channel = &feedback_gpiote_channel,
nrfx_gpiote_input_pin_config_t input_pin_config = {
.p_trigger_config = &trigger_config,
/* App core is using feedback pin */
nrf_gpio_pin_control_select(FEEDBACK_PIN, NRF_GPIO_PIN_SEL_APP);
err = nrfx_gpiote_channel_alloc(&gpiote, &feedback_gpiote_channel);
if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
return err;
nrfx_gpiote_input_configure(&gpiote, FEEDBACK_PIN, &input_pin_config);
nrfx_gpiote_trigger_enable(&gpiote, FEEDBACK_PIN, false);
/* Configure TIMER in COUNTER mode */
const nrfx_timer_config_t cfg = {
.frequency = NRFX_MHZ_TO_HZ(1UL),
.bit_width = NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_32,
.p_context = NULL,
err = nrfx_timer_init(&feedback_timer_instance, &cfg, NULL);
if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
LOG_ERR("nrfx timer init error (sample clk feedback) - Return value: %d", err);
return err;
/* Subscribe TIMER COUNT task to GPIOTE IN event */
err = nrfx_gppi_channel_alloc(&feedback_gppi_channel);
if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
LOG_ERR("gppi_channel_alloc failed with: %d\n", err);
return err;
nrfx_gpiote_in_event_address_get(&gpiote, FEEDBACK_PIN),
nrfx_timer_task_address_get(&feedback_timer_instance, NRF_TIMER_TASK_COUNT));
static nrfx_err_t feedback_relative_timer_setup(void)
nrfx_err_t err;
const nrfx_timer_config_t cfg = {
.frequency = NRFX_MHZ_TO_HZ(16UL),
.bit_width = NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_32,
.p_context = NULL,
err = nrfx_timer_init(&feedback_timer_instance, &cfg, NULL);
if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
LOG_ERR("nrfx timer init error (relative timer) - Return value: %d", err);
return err;
struct feedback_ctx *feedback_init(void)
nrfx_err_t err;
uint8_t usbd_sof_gppi_channel;
uint8_t i2s_framestart_gppi_channel;
err = feedback_edge_counter_setup();
} else {
err = feedback_relative_timer_setup();
if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
return &fb_ctx;
/* Subscribe TIMER CAPTURE task to USBD SOF event */
err = nrfx_gppi_channel_alloc(&usbd_sof_gppi_channel);
if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
LOG_ERR("gppi_channel_alloc failed with: %d\n", err);
return &fb_ctx;
nrf_usbd_event_address_get(NRF_USBD, NRF_USBD_EVENT_SOF),
/* Subscribe TIMER CAPTURE task to I2S FRAMESTART event */
err = nrfx_gppi_channel_alloc(&i2s_framestart_gppi_channel);
if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
LOG_ERR("gppi_channel_alloc failed with: %d\n", err);
return &fb_ctx;
nrf_i2s_event_address_get(NRF_I2S0, NRF_I2S_EVENT_FRAMESTART),
/* Enable feedback timer */
return &fb_ctx;
static void update_sof_offset(struct feedback_ctx *ctx, uint32_t sof_cc,
uint32_t framestart_cc)
int sof_offset;
uint32_t clks_per_edge;
/* Convert timer clock (independent from both Audio clock and
* USB host SOF clock) to fake sample clock shifted by P values.
* This works fine because the regulator cares only about error
* (SOF offset is both error and regulator input) and achieves
* its goal by adjusting feedback value. SOF offset is around 0
* when regulated and therefore the relative clock frequency
* discrepancies are essentially negligible.
clks_per_edge = sof_cc / (SAMPLES_PER_SOF << FEEDBACK_P);
sof_cc /= MAX(clks_per_edge, 1);
framestart_cc /= MAX(clks_per_edge, 1);
/* /2 because we treat the middle as a turning point from being
* "too late" to "too early".
if (framestart_cc > (SAMPLES_PER_SOF << FEEDBACK_P)/2) {
sof_offset = framestart_cc - (SAMPLES_PER_SOF << FEEDBACK_P);
} else {
sof_offset = framestart_cc;
/* The heuristic above is not enough when the offset gets too large.
* If the sign of the simple heuristic changes, check whether the offset
* crossed through the zero or the outer bound.
if ((ctx->rel_sof_offset >= 0) != (sof_offset >= 0)) {
uint32_t abs_diff;
int32_t base_change;
if (sof_offset >= 0) {
abs_diff = sof_offset - ctx->rel_sof_offset;
base_change = -(SAMPLES_PER_SOF << FEEDBACK_P);
} else {
abs_diff = ctx->rel_sof_offset - sof_offset;
base_change = SAMPLES_PER_SOF << FEEDBACK_P;
/* Adjust base offset only if the change happened through the
* outer bound. The actual changes should be significantly lower
* than the threshold here.
if (abs_diff > (SAMPLES_PER_SOF << FEEDBACK_P)/2) {
ctx->base_sof_offset += base_change;
ctx->rel_sof_offset = sof_offset;
static inline int32_t offset_to_correction(int32_t offset)
return -(offset / BIT(FEEDBACK_P)) * BIT(FEEDBACK_FS_SHIFT);
static int32_t pi_update(struct feedback_ctx *ctx)
int32_t sof_offset = ctx->rel_sof_offset + ctx->base_sof_offset;
/* SOF offset is measured in pow(2, -FEEDBACK_P) samples, i.e. when
* FEEDBACK_P is 0, offset is in samples, and for 1 -> half-samples,
* 2 -> quarter-samples, 3 -> eightth-samples and so on.
* In order to simplify the PI controller description here, normalize
* the offset to 1/1024 samples (alternatively it can be treated as
* samples in Q10 fixed point format) and use it as Process Variable.
int32_t PV = BIT(10 - FEEDBACK_P) * sof_offset;
/* The control goal is to keep I2S FRAMESTART as close as possible to
* USB SOF and therefore Set Point is 0.
int32_t SP = 0;
int32_t error = SP - PV;
* With above normalization at Full-Speed, when data received during
* SOF n appears on I2S during SOF n+3, the Ziegler Nichols Ultimate
* Gain is around 1.15 and the oscillation period is around 90 SOF.
* (much nicer oscillations with 204.8 SOF period can be observed with
* gain 0.5 when the delay is not n+3, but n+33 - surprisingly the
* resulting PI coefficients after power of two rounding are the same).
* Ziegler-Nichols rule with applied stability margin of 2 results in:
* Kc = 0.22 * Ku = 0.22 * 1.15 = 0.253
* Ti = 0.83 * tu = 0.83 * 80 = 66.4
* Converting the rules above to parallel PI gives:
* Kp = Kc = 0.253
* Ki = Kc/Ti = 0.254/66.4 ~= 0.0038253
* Because we want fixed-point optimized non-tunable implementation,
* the parameters can be conveniently expressed with power of two:
* Kp ~= pow(2, -2) = 0.25 (divide by 4)
* Ki ~= pow(2, -8) = 0.0039 (divide by 256)
* This can be implemented as:
* ctx->integrator += error;
* return (error + (ctx->integrator / 64)) / 4;
* but unfortunately such regulator is pretty aggressive and keeps
* oscillating rather quickly around the setpoint (within +-1 sample).
* Manually tweaking the constants so the regulator output is shifted
* down by 4 bits (i.e. change /64 to /2048 and /4 to /128) yields
* really good results (the outcome is similar, even slightly better,
* than using I2S LRCLK edge counting directly).
ctx->integrator += error;
return (error + (ctx->integrator / 2048)) / 128;
void feedback_process(struct feedback_ctx *ctx)
uint32_t sof_cc;
uint32_t framestart_cc;
uint32_t fb;
sof_cc = nrfx_timer_capture_get(&feedback_timer_instance,
framestart_cc = nrfx_timer_capture_get(&feedback_timer_instance,
update_sof_offset(ctx, sof_cc, framestart_cc);
int32_t offset = ctx->rel_sof_offset + ctx->base_sof_offset;
ctx->fb_counter += sof_cc;
if (ctx->fb_periods == BIT(FEEDBACK_K - FEEDBACK_P)) {
/* fb_counter holds Q10.10 value, left-justify it */
fb = ctx->fb_counter << FEEDBACK_FS_SHIFT;
/* Align I2S FRAMESTART to USB SOF by adjusting reported
* feedback value. This is endpoint specific correction
* mentioned but not specified in USB 2.0 Specification.
if (abs(offset) > BIT(FEEDBACK_P)) {
fb += offset_to_correction(offset);
ctx->fb_value = fb;
ctx->fb_counter = 0;
ctx->fb_periods = 0;
} else {
/* Use PI controller to generate required feedback deviation
* from nominal feedback value.
/* Clear the additional LSB bits in feedback value, i.e. do not
* use the optional extra resolution.
fb += pi_update(ctx) & ~0xF;
ctx->fb_value = fb;
void feedback_reset_ctx(struct feedback_ctx *ctx)
/* Reset feedback to nominal value */
ctx->fb_counter = 0;
ctx->fb_periods = 0;
} else {
ctx->integrator = 0;
void feedback_start(struct feedback_ctx *ctx, int i2s_blocks_queued)
/* I2S data was supposed to go out at SOF, but it is inevitably
* delayed due to triggering I2S start by software. Set relative
* SOF offset value in a way that ensures that values past "half
* frame" are treated as "too late" instead of "too early"
ctx->rel_sof_offset = (SAMPLES_PER_SOF << FEEDBACK_P) / 2;
/* If there are more than 2 I2S blocks queued, use feedback regulator
* to correct the situation.
ctx->base_sof_offset = (i2s_blocks_queued - 2) *
uint32_t feedback_value(struct feedback_ctx *ctx)
return ctx->fb_value;