blob: b8b04cae5bca7498d945a5915989866c16f3856f [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* @file: startup_RV32M1_ri5cy.s */
/* @purpose: RI5CY Core Device Startup File */
/* RV32M1_ri5cy */
/* @version: 1.0 */
/* @date: 2018-10-2 */
/* @build: b180926 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Copyright 1997-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. */
/* Copyright 2016-2018 NXP */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
// Copyright 2017 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
.section .vectors, "ax"
.option norvc;
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
jal x0, IRQ_Handler
// reset vector
jal x0, Reset_Handler
// Illegal instrution exception
jal x0, IllegalInstruction_Handler
// ecall handler
jal x0, Ecall_Handler
// LSU error
jal x0, LSU_Handler
.section .startup
/* Reset Handler */
# Disable global interrupt. */
csrci mstatus, 8
# initialize stack pointer
la sp, __StackTop
# initialize global pointer
la gp, __global_pointer
#ifndef __NO_SYSTEM_INIT
jal SystemInit
call __libc_init_array
# Enable global interrupt. */
csrsi mstatus, 8
jal main
.size Reset_Handler, . - Reset_Handler
.global _init
.global _fini
// saves all caller-saved registers (except return address)
sw x3, 0x00(x2) // gp
sw x4, 0x04(x2) // tp
sw x5, 0x08(x2) // t0
sw x6, 0x0c(x2) // t1
sw x7, 0x10(x2) // t2
sw x10, 0x14(x2) // a0
sw x11, 0x18(x2) // a1
sw x12, 0x1c(x2) // a2
sw x13, 0x20(x2) // a3
sw x14, 0x24(x2) // a4
sw x15, 0x28(x2) // a5
sw x16, 0x2c(x2) // a6
sw x17, 0x30(x2) // a7
csrr a0, 0x7B0
csrr a1, 0x7B1
csrr a2, 0x7B2
sw a0, 0x34(x2) // lpstart[0]
sw a1, 0x38(x2) // lpend[0]
sw a2, 0x3c(x2) // lpcount[0]
csrr a0, 0x7B4
csrr a1, 0x7B5
csrr a2, 0x7B6
sw a0, 0x40(x2) // lpstart[1]
sw a1, 0x44(x2) // lpend[1]
sw a2, 0x48(x2) // lpcount[1]
csrr a0, 0x341
sw a0, 0x4c(x2) // mepc
csrr a1, 0x300
sw a1, 0x50(x2) // mstatus
jalr x0, x1
// load back registers from stack
lw a1, 0x50(x2) // mstatus
csrrw x0, 0x300, a1
lw a0, 0x4c(x2) // mepc
csrrw x0, 0x341, a0
lw a0, 0x40(x2) // lpstart[1]
lw a1, 0x44(x2) // lpend[1]
lw a2, 0x48(x2) // lpcount[1]
csrrw x0, 0x7B4, a0
csrrw x0, 0x7B5, a1
csrrw x0, 0x7B6, a2
lw a0, 0x34(x2) // lpstart[0]
lw a1, 0x38(x2) // lpend[0]
lw a2, 0x3c(x2) // lpcount[0]
csrrw x0, 0x7B0, a0
csrrw x0, 0x7B1, a1
csrrw x0, 0x7B2, a2
lw x3, 0x00(x2) // gp
lw x4, 0x04(x2) // tp
lw x5, 0x08(x2) // t0
lw x6, 0x0c(x2) // t1
lw x7, 0x10(x2) // t2
lw x10, 0x14(x2) // a0
lw x11, 0x18(x2) // a1
lw x12, 0x1c(x2) // a2
lw x13, 0x20(x2) // a3
lw x14, 0x24(x2) // a4
lw x15, 0x28(x2) // a5
lw x16, 0x2c(x2) // a6
lw x17, 0x30(x2) // a7
lw x1, 0x54(x2)
.weak IRQ_Handler
.type IRQ_Handler, %function
sw x1, 0x54(x2)
jal x1, store_regs
la x1, end_except
csrr a0, mcause
jal x0, SystemIrqHandler
.size IRQ_Handler, . - IRQ_Handler
.macro define_exception_entry entry_name handler_name
.weak \entry_name
sw x1, 0x54(x2)
jal x1, store_regs
la x1, end_except
jal x0, \handler_name
define_exception_entry IllegalInstruction_Handler IllegalInstruction_HandlerFunc
define_exception_entry Ecall_Handler Ecall_HandlerFunc
define_exception_entry LSU_Handler LSU_HandlerFunc
.weak IllegalInstruction_HandlerFunc
.type IllegalInstruction_HandlerFunc, %function
j .
.size IllegalInstruction_HandlerFunc, . - IllegalInstruction_HandlerFunc
.weak Ecall_HandlerFunc
.type Ecall_HandlerFunc, %function
j .
.size Ecall_HandlerFunc, . - Ecall_HandlerFunc
.weak LSU_HandlerFunc
.type LSU_HandlerFunc, %function
j .
.size LSU_HandlerFunc, . - LSU_HandlerFunc