blob: 6122003d3bad0629cfd1c5ebb5d35d9ea94e4b87 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief Test nanokernel timer APIs
* This module tests the following timer related routines:
* nano_timer_init(), nano_fiber_timer_start(), nano_fiber_timer_stop(),
* nano_fiber_timer_test(), nano_task_timer_start(),
* nano_task_timer_stop(), nano_task_timer_test(),
* sys_tick_get_32(), sys_cycle_get_32(), sys_tick_delta()
#include <tc_util.h>
#include <arch/cpu.h>
#define TWO_SECONDS (2 * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec)
#define SIX_SECONDS (6 * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec)
#define SHORT_TIMEOUT (1 * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec)
#define LONG_TIMEOUT (5 * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec)
#define MID_TIMEOUT (3 * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec)
#define FIBER_STACKSIZE 2000
#define FIBER2_STACKSIZE 2000
#define FIBER2_PRIORITY 10
typedef void (*timer_start_func)(struct nano_timer *, int);
typedef void (*timer_stop_func)(struct nano_timer *);
typedef void* (*timer_test_func)(struct nano_timer *, int32_t);
static struct nano_timer timer;
static struct nano_timer shortTimer;
static struct nano_timer longTimer;
static struct nano_timer midTimer;
static struct nano_sem wakeTask;
static struct nano_sem wakeFiber;
static void *timerData[1];
static void *shortTimerData[1];
static void *longTimerData[1];
static void *midTimerData[1];
static int fiberDetectedError = 0;
static char __stack fiberStack[FIBER_STACKSIZE];
static char __stack fiber2Stack[FIBER2_STACKSIZE];
* @brief Initialize nanokernel objects
* This routine initializes the nanokernel objects used in the LIFO tests.
* @return N/A
void initNanoObjects(void)
nano_timer_init(&timer, timerData);
nano_timer_init(&shortTimer, shortTimerData);
nano_timer_init(&longTimer, longTimerData);
nano_timer_init(&midTimer, midTimerData);
* @brief Basic checking of time spent waiting upon a timer
* This routine can be called from a task or a fiber to wait upon a timer.
* It will busy wait until the current tick ends, at which point it will
* start and then wait upon a timer. The length of time it spent waiting
* gets cross-checked with the sys_tick_get_32() and nanoTimeElapsed() APIs.
* All three are expected to match up, but a tolerance of one (1) tick is
* considered acceptable.
* This routine can be considered as testing sys_tick_get_32(),
* nanoTimeElapsed() and nanoXXXTimerGetW() successful expiration cases.
* @param startRtn routine to start the timer
* @param testRtn routine to get and wait for the timer
* @param pTimer pointer to the timer
* @param pTimerData pointer to the expected timer data
* @param ticks number of ticks to wait
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int basicTimerWait(timer_start_func startRtn, timer_test_func testRtn,
struct nano_timer *pTimer, void *pTimerData, int ticks)
int64_t reftime; /* reference time for tick delta */
uint32_t tick; /* current tick */
uint32_t elapsed_32; /* # of elapsed ticks for 32-bit functions*/
int64_t elapsed; /* # of elapsed ticks */
uint32_t duration; /* duration of the test in ticks */
void *result; /* value returned from timer get routine */
int busywaited = 0; /* non-zero if <testRtn> returns NULL */
TC_PRINT(" - test expected to take four seconds\n");
tick = sys_tick_get_32();
while (sys_tick_get_32() == tick) {
/* Align to a tick boundary */
(void) sys_tick_delta(&reftime);
startRtn(pTimer, ticks); /* Start the timer */
result = testRtn(pTimer, TICKS_UNLIMITED);/* Wait for the timer to expire */
elapsed_32 = sys_tick_delta_32(&reftime);
duration = sys_tick_get_32() - tick;
* The difference between <duration> and <elapsed> is expected to be zero
* however, the test is allowing for tolerance of an extra tick in case of
* timing variations.
if ((result != pTimerData) ||
(duration - elapsed_32 > 1) || ((duration - ticks) > 1)) {
return TC_FAIL;
/* Check that the non-wait-timer-get routine works properly. */
tick = sys_tick_get_32();
while (sys_tick_get_32() == tick) {
/* Align to a tick boundary */
(void) sys_tick_delta(&reftime);
startRtn(pTimer, ticks); /* Start the timer */
while ((result = testRtn(pTimer, TICKS_NONE)) == NULL) {
busywaited = 1;
elapsed = sys_tick_delta(&reftime);
duration = sys_tick_get_32() - tick;
if ((busywaited != 1) || (result != pTimerData) ||
(duration - elapsed > 1) || ((duration - ticks) > 1)) {
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Start four timers
* This routine starts four timers.
* The first (<timer>) is added to an empty list of timers.
* The second (<longTimer>) is added to the end of the list of timers.
* The third (<shortTimer>) is added to the head of the list of timers.
* The fourth (<midTimer>) is added to the middle of the list of timers.
* Four timers are used so that the various paths can be tested.
* @param startRtn routine to start the timers
* @return N/A
void startTimers(timer_start_func startRtn)
int tick; /* current tick */
tick = sys_tick_get_32();
while (sys_tick_get_32() == tick) {
/* Wait for the end of the tick */
startRtn(&timer, TWO_SECONDS);
startRtn(&longTimer, LONG_TIMEOUT);
startRtn(&shortTimer, SHORT_TIMEOUT);
startRtn(&midTimer, MID_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Busy wait while checking timers expire in the correct order
* This routine checks that the four timers created using startTimers() finish
* in the correct order. It busy waits on all four timers waiting until they
* expire. The timers are expected to expire in the following order:
* <shortTimer>, <timer>, <midTimer>, <longTimer>
* @param testRtn timer wait routine (fiber or task)
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int busyWaitTimers(timer_test_func testRtn)
int numExpired = 0; /* # of expired timers */
void *result; /* value returned from <testRtn> */
uint32_t ticks; /* tick by which time test should be complete */
TC_PRINT(" - test expected to take five or six seconds\n");
ticks = sys_tick_get_32() + SIX_SECONDS;
while ((numExpired != 4) && (sys_tick_get_32() < ticks)) {
result = testRtn(&timer, TICKS_NONE);
if (result != NULL) {
if ((result != timerData) || (numExpired != 2)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected <timer> to expire 2nd, not 0x%x\n",
return TC_FAIL;
result = testRtn(&shortTimer, TICKS_NONE);
if (result != NULL) {
if ((result != shortTimerData) || (numExpired != 1)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected <shortTimer> to expire 1st, not 0x%x\n",
return TC_FAIL;
result = testRtn(&midTimer, TICKS_NONE);
if (result != NULL) {
if ((result != midTimerData) || (numExpired != 3)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected <midTimer> to expire 3rd, not 0x%x\n",
return TC_FAIL;
result = testRtn(&longTimer, TICKS_NONE);
if (result != NULL) {
if ((result != longTimerData) || (numExpired != 4)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected <longTimer> to expire 4th, not 0x%x\n",
return TC_FAIL;
return (sys_tick_get_32() < ticks) ? TC_PASS : TC_FAIL;
* @brief Stop the four timers and make sure they did not expire
* This routine stops the four started timers and then checks the timers for
* six seconds to make sure that they did not fire. The four timers will be
* stopped in the reverse order in which they were started. Doing so will
* exercise the code that removes timers from important locations in the list;
* these include the middle, the head, the tail, and the last item.
* @param stopRtn routine to stop timer (fiber or task)
* @param testRtn timer wait routine (fiber or task)
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int stopTimers(timer_stop_func stopRtn, timer_test_func testRtn)
int startTick; /* tick at which test starts */
int endTick; /* tick by which test should be completed */
TC_PRINT(" - test expected to take six seconds\n");
startTick = sys_tick_get_32();
while (sys_tick_get_32() == startTick) {
endTick = startTick + SIX_SECONDS;
while (sys_tick_get_32() < endTick) {
if ((testRtn(&timer, TICKS_NONE) != NULL) ||
(testRtn(&shortTimer, TICKS_NONE) != NULL) ||
(testRtn(&midTimer, TICKS_NONE) != NULL) ||
(testRtn(&longTimer, TICKS_NONE) != NULL)) {
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Entry point for the second fiber
* The second fiber has a lower priority than the first, but is still given
* precedence over the task.
* @param arg1 unused
* @param arg2 unused
* @return N/A
static void fiber2Entry(int arg1, int arg2)
* @brief Entry point for the fiber portion of the timer tests
* NOTE: The fiber portion of the tests have higher priority than the task
* portion of the tests.
* @param arg1 unused
* @param arg2 unused
* @return N/A
static void fiberEntry(int arg1, int arg2)
int rv; /* return value from a test */
void *result; /* return value from timer wait routine */
TC_PRINT("Fiber testing basic timer functionality\n");
rv = basicTimerWait(nano_fiber_timer_start, nano_fiber_timer_test,
&timer, timerData, TWO_SECONDS);
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
fiberDetectedError = 1;
/* Wait forever - let task run */
nano_fiber_sem_take(&wakeFiber, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
/* Check that timers expire in the correct order */
TC_PRINT("Fiber testing timers expire in the correct order\n");
rv = busyWaitTimers(nano_fiber_timer_test);
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
fiberDetectedError = 2;
/* Wait forever - let task run */
nano_fiber_sem_take(&wakeFiber, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
/* Check that timers can be stopped */
TC_PRINT("Task testing the stopping of timers\n");
rv = stopTimers(nano_fiber_timer_stop, nano_fiber_timer_test);
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
fiberDetectedError = 3;
/* Wait forever - let task run */
nano_fiber_sem_take(&wakeFiber, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
/* Fiber to wait on a timer that will be stopped by another fiber */
TC_PRINT("Fiber to stop a timer that has a waiting fiber\n");
fiber_fiber_start(fiber2Stack, FIBER2_STACKSIZE, fiber2Entry,
0, 0, FIBER2_PRIORITY, 0);
nano_fiber_timer_start(&timer, TWO_SECONDS); /* Start timer */
result = nano_fiber_timer_test(&timer, TICKS_UNLIMITED); /* Wait on timer */
/* Control switches to newly created fiber #2 before coming back. */
if (result != NULL) {
fiberDetectedError = 4;
/* Fiber to wait on timer that will be stopped by the task */
TC_PRINT("Task to stop a timer that has a waiting fiber\n");
nano_fiber_timer_start(&timer, TWO_SECONDS);
result = nano_fiber_timer_test(&timer, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if (result != NULL) {
fiberDetectedError = 5;
* @brief Test the sys_cycle_get_32() API
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int sys_cycle_get_32Test(void)
uint32_t timeStamp1;
uint32_t timeStamp2;
int i;
timeStamp2 = sys_cycle_get_32();
for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
timeStamp1 = timeStamp2;
timeStamp2 = sys_cycle_get_32();
if (timeStamp2 < timeStamp1) {
TC_ERROR("Timestamp value not increasing with successive calls\n");
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Entry point to timer tests
* This is the entry point to the timer tests.
* @return N/A
void main(void)
int rv; /* return value from tests */
TC_START("Test Nanokernel Timer");
TC_PRINT("Task testing basic timer functionality\n");
rv = basicTimerWait(nano_task_timer_start, nano_task_timer_test,
&timer, timerData, TWO_SECONDS);
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Task-level of waiting for timers failed\n");
goto doneTests;
/* Check that timers expire in the correct order */
TC_PRINT("Task testing timers expire in the correct order\n");
rv = busyWaitTimers(nano_task_timer_test);
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Task-level timer expiration order failed\n");
goto doneTests;
/* Check that timers can be stopped */
TC_PRINT("Task testing the stopping of timers\n");
rv = stopTimers(nano_task_timer_stop, nano_task_timer_test);
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Task-level stopping of timers test failed\n");
goto doneTests;
* Start the fiber. The fiber will be given a higher priority than the
* main task.
task_fiber_start(fiberStack, FIBER_STACKSIZE, fiberEntry,
nano_task_sem_take(&wakeTask, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if (fiberDetectedError == 1) {
TC_ERROR("Fiber-level of waiting for timers failed\n");
rv = TC_FAIL;
goto doneTests;
nano_task_sem_take(&wakeTask, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if (fiberDetectedError == 2) {
TC_ERROR("Fiber-level timer expiration order failed\n");
rv = TC_FAIL;
goto doneTests;
nano_task_sem_take(&wakeTask, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if (fiberDetectedError == 3) {
TC_ERROR("Fiber-level stopping of timers test failed\n");
rv = TC_FAIL;
goto doneTests;
nano_task_sem_take(&wakeTask, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if (fiberDetectedError == 4) {
TC_ERROR("Fiber stopping a timer waited upon by a fiber failed\n");
rv = TC_FAIL;
goto doneTests;
if (fiberDetectedError == 5) {
TC_ERROR("Task stopping a timer waited upon by a fiber failed\n");
rv = TC_FAIL;
goto doneTests;
nano_task_sem_take(&wakeTask, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
#if 0
* Due to recent changes in the i8253 file that correct an issue on real
* hardware, this test will fail when run under QEMU. On QEMU, the i8253
* timer can at appear to run backwards. This can generate a false
* failure detection when this test is run under QEMU as part of the
* standard sanity/regression checks. This suggests that the test is not
* of high enough quality to be included during the standard sanity/
* regression checks.
TC_PRINT("Task testing of sys_cycle_get_32()\n");
rv = sys_cycle_get_32Test();
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("sys_cycle_get_32Test() failed\n");
goto doneTests;