blob: 1c2626b243713adae5a2ff650db1ccac9e13d004 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _bluetooth_mesh_models_cfg_srv:
Configuration Server
Configuration Server model is a foundation model defined by the Bluetooth Mesh
specification. The Configuration Server model controls most parameters of the
mesh node. It does not have an API of its own, but relies on a
:ref:`bluetooth_mesh_models_cfg_cli` to control it.
The :c:struct:`bt_mesh_cfg_srv` structure has been deprecated. The initial
values of the Relay, Beacon, Friend, Network transmit and Relay retransmit
should be set through Kconfig, and the Heartbeat feature should be
controlled through the :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_heartbeat` API.
The Configuration Server model is mandatory on all Bluetooth Mesh nodes, and
should be instantiated in the first element.
API reference
.. doxygengroup:: bt_mesh_cfg_srv