blob: f348303c33869a1084e455ae52dd379c8a60dd30 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
type: phandle-array
required: false
description: DRDY pin
This pin defaults to active high when produced by the sensor.
The property value should ensure the flags properly describe
the signal that is presented to the driver.
type: int
required: false
default: 1
- 1 # drdy is generated from INT1
- 2 # drdy is generated from INT2
description: Select DRDY pin number (1 or 2).
This number represents which of the two interrupt pins
(INT1 or INT2) the drdy line is attached to. This property is not
mandatory and if not present it defaults to 1 which is the
configuration at power-up.