blob: fe1976363ca7aed0241792ac5ca84368afc4f15d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020, Intel Corporation
* Copyright (C) 2023, Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/sys/__assert.h>
#include <zephyr/toolchain.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Iterable Sections APIs
* @defgroup iterable_section_apis Iterable Sections APIs
* @ingroup os_services
* @{
* @brief Defines a new element for an iterable section for a generic type.
* @details
* Convenience helper combining __in_section() and Z_DECL_ALIGN().
* The section name will be '.[SECNAME].static.[SECTION_POSTFIX]'
* In the linker script, create output sections for these using
* @note In order to store the element in ROM, a const specifier has to
* be added to the declaration: const TYPE_SECTION_ITERABLE(...);
* @param[in] type data type of variable
* @param[in] varname name of variable to place in section
* @param[in] secname type name of iterable section.
* @param[in] section_postfix postfix to use in section name
#define TYPE_SECTION_ITERABLE(type, varname, secname, section_postfix) \
Z_DECL_ALIGN(type) varname \
__in_section(_##secname, static, _CONCAT(section_postfix, _)) __used __noasan
* @brief iterable section start symbol for a generic type
* will return '_[OUT_TYPE]_list_start'.
* @param[in] secname type name of iterable section. For 'struct foobar' this
* would be TYPE_SECTION_START(foobar)
#define TYPE_SECTION_START(secname) _CONCAT(_##secname, _list_start)
* @brief iterable section end symbol for a generic type
* will return '_<SECNAME>_list_end'.
* @param[in] secname type name of iterable section. For 'struct foobar' this
* would be TYPE_SECTION_START(foobar)
#define TYPE_SECTION_END(secname) _CONCAT(_##secname, _list_end)
* @brief iterable section extern for start symbol for a generic type
* Helper macro to give extern for start of iterable section. The macro
* typically will be called TYPE_SECTION_START_EXTERN(struct foobar, foobar).
* This allows the macro to hand different types as well as cases where the
* type and section name may differ.
* @param[in] type data type of section
* @param[in] secname name of output section
#define TYPE_SECTION_START_EXTERN(type, secname) \
extern type TYPE_SECTION_START(secname)[]
* @brief iterable section extern for end symbol for a generic type
* Helper macro to give extern for end of iterable section. The macro
* typically will be called TYPE_SECTION_END_EXTERN(struct foobar, foobar).
* This allows the macro to hand different types as well as cases where the
* type and section name may differ.
* @param[in] type data type of section
* @param[in] secname name of output section
#define TYPE_SECTION_END_EXTERN(type, secname) \
extern type TYPE_SECTION_END(secname)[]
* @brief Iterate over a specified iterable section for a generic type
* @details
* Iterator for structure instances gathered by TYPE_SECTION_ITERABLE().
* The linker must provide a _<SECNAME>_list_start symbol and a
* _<SECNAME>_list_end symbol to mark the start and the end of the
* list of struct objects to iterate over. This is normally done using
* ITERABLE_SECTION_ROM() or ITERABLE_SECTION_RAM() in the linker script.
#define TYPE_SECTION_FOREACH(type, secname, iterator) \
TYPE_SECTION_END_EXTERN(type, secname); \
for (type * iterator = TYPE_SECTION_START(secname); ({ \
__ASSERT(iterator <= TYPE_SECTION_END(secname),\
"unexpected list end location"); \
iterator < TYPE_SECTION_END(secname); \
}); \
* @brief Get element from section for a generic type.
* @note There is no protection against reading beyond the section.
* @param[in] type type of element
* @param[in] secname name of output section
* @param[in] i Index.
* @param[out] dst Pointer to location where pointer to element is written.
#define TYPE_SECTION_GET(type, secname, i, dst) do { \
*(dst) = &TYPE_SECTION_START(secname)[i]; \
} while (0)
* @brief Count elements in a section for a generic type.
* @param[in] type type of element
* @param[in] secname name of output section
* @param[out] dst Pointer to location where result is written.
#define TYPE_SECTION_COUNT(type, secname, dst) do { \
TYPE_SECTION_END_EXTERN(type, secname); \
*(dst) = ((uintptr_t)TYPE_SECTION_END(secname) - \
(uintptr_t)TYPE_SECTION_START(secname)) / sizeof(type); \
} while (0)
* @brief iterable section start symbol for a struct type
* @param[in] struct_type data type of section
#define STRUCT_SECTION_START(struct_type) \
* @brief iterable section extern for start symbol for a struct
* Helper macro to give extern for start of iterable section.
* @param[in] struct_type data type of section
#define STRUCT_SECTION_START_EXTERN(struct_type) \
TYPE_SECTION_START_EXTERN(struct struct_type, struct_type)
* @brief iterable section end symbol for a struct type
* @param[in] struct_type data type of section
#define STRUCT_SECTION_END(struct_type) \
* @brief iterable section extern for end symbol for a struct
* Helper macro to give extern for end of iterable section.
* @param[in] struct_type data type of section
#define STRUCT_SECTION_END_EXTERN(struct_type) \
TYPE_SECTION_END_EXTERN(struct struct_type, struct_type)
* @brief Defines a new element of alternate data type for an iterable section.
* @details
* Special variant of STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(), for placing alternate
* data types within the iterable section of a specific data type. The
* data type sizes and semantics must be equivalent!
#define STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE_ALTERNATE(secname, struct_type, varname) \
TYPE_SECTION_ITERABLE(struct struct_type, varname, secname, varname)
* @brief Defines an array of elements of alternate data type for an iterable
* section.
#define STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE_ARRAY_ALTERNATE(secname, struct_type, varname, \
size) \
TYPE_SECTION_ITERABLE(struct struct_type, varname[size], secname, \
* @brief Defines a new element for an iterable section.
* @details
* Convenience helper combining __in_section() and Z_DECL_ALIGN().
* The section name is the struct type prepended with an underscore.
* The subsection is "static" and the subsubsection is the variable name.
* In the linker script, create output sections for these using
* @note In order to store the element in ROM, a const specifier has to
* be added to the declaration: const STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(...);
#define STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(struct_type, varname) \
STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE_ALTERNATE(struct_type, struct_type, varname)
* @brief Defines an array of elements for an iterable section.
#define STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE_ARRAY(struct_type, varname, size) \
varname, size)
* @brief Defines a new element for an iterable section with a custom name.
* The name can be used to customize how iterable section entries are sorted.
#define STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE_NAMED(struct_type, name, varname) \
TYPE_SECTION_ITERABLE(struct struct_type, varname, struct_type, name)
* @brief Iterate over a specified iterable section (alternate).
* @details
* Iterator for structure instances gathered by STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE().
* The linker must provide a _<SECNAME>_list_start symbol and a
* _<SECNAME>_list_end symbol to mark the start and the end of the
* list of struct objects to iterate over. This is normally done using
* ITERABLE_SECTION_ROM() or ITERABLE_SECTION_RAM() in the linker script.
#define STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH_ALTERNATE(secname, struct_type, iterator) \
TYPE_SECTION_FOREACH(struct struct_type, secname, iterator)
* @brief Iterate over a specified iterable section.
* @details
* Iterator for structure instances gathered by STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE().
* The linker must provide a _<struct_type>_list_start symbol and a
* _<struct_type>_list_end symbol to mark the start and the end of the
* list of struct objects to iterate over. This is normally done using
* ITERABLE_SECTION_ROM() or ITERABLE_SECTION_RAM() in the linker script.
#define STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(struct_type, iterator) \
STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH_ALTERNATE(struct_type, struct_type, iterator)
* @brief Get element from section.
* @note There is no protection against reading beyond the section.
* @param[in] struct_type Struct type.
* @param[in] i Index.
* @param[out] dst Pointer to location where pointer to element is written.
#define STRUCT_SECTION_GET(struct_type, i, dst) \
TYPE_SECTION_GET(struct struct_type, struct_type, i, dst)
* @brief Count elements in a section.
* @param[in] struct_type Struct type
* @param[out] dst Pointer to location where result is written.
#define STRUCT_SECTION_COUNT(struct_type, dst) \
TYPE_SECTION_COUNT(struct struct_type, struct_type, dst);
* @}
*/ /* end of struct_section_apis */
#ifdef __cplusplus