blob: 6e722573903bad4d3971463fea10a58c0de661ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include "pw_containers/intrusive_list.h"
#include "pw_function/function.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/call_context.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/channel.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/lock.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/method.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/packet.h"
#include "pw_rpc/method_type.h"
#include "pw_rpc/service.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_sync/lock_annotations.h"
namespace pw::rpc {
class Writer;
namespace internal {
class Endpoint;
class LockedEndpoint;
class Packet;
// Internal RPC Call class. The Call is used to respond to any type of RPC.
// Public classes like ServerWriters inherit from it with private inheritance
// and provide a public API for their use case. The Call's public API is used by
// the Server and Client classes.
// Private inheritance is used in place of composition or more complex
// inheritance hierarchy so that these objects all inherit from a common
// IntrusiveList::Item object. Private inheritance also gives the derived classs
// full control over their interfaces.
class Call : public IntrusiveList<Call>::Item {
Call(const Call&) = delete;
// Move support is provided to derived classes through the MoveFrom function.
Call(Call&&) = delete;
Call& operator=(const Call&) = delete;
Call& operator=(Call&&) = delete;
// True if the Call is active and ready to send responses.
[[nodiscard]] bool active() const PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
LockGuard lock(rpc_lock());
return active_locked();
[[nodiscard]] bool active_locked() const
return rpc_state_ == kActive;
uint32_t id() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) { return id_; }
uint32_t channel_id() const PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
LockGuard lock(rpc_lock());
return channel_id_locked();
uint32_t channel_id_locked() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return channel_id_;
uint32_t service_id() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return service_id_;
uint32_t method_id() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return method_id_;
// Closes the Call and sends a RESPONSE packet, if it is active. Returns the
// status from sending the packet, or FAILED_PRECONDITION if the Call is not
// active.
Status CloseAndSendResponse(ConstByteSpan response, Status status)
PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
LockGuard lock(rpc_lock());
return CloseAndSendResponseLocked(response, status);
Status CloseAndSendResponseLocked(ConstByteSpan response, Status status)
return CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(
PacketType::RESPONSE, response, status);
Status CloseAndSendResponse(Status status) PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
return CloseAndSendResponse({}, status);
Status CloseAndSendServerErrorLocked(Status error)
return CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(PacketType::SERVER_ERROR, {}, error);
// Public call that ends the client stream for a client call.
Status CloseClientStream() PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
LockGuard lock(rpc_lock());
return CloseClientStreamLocked();
// Internal call that closes the client stream.
Status CloseClientStreamLocked() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
client_stream_state_ = kClientStreamInactive;
return SendPacket(PacketType::CLIENT_STREAM_END, {}, {});
// Sends a payload in either a server or client stream packet.
Status Write(ConstByteSpan payload) PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
LockGuard lock(rpc_lock());
return WriteLocked(payload);
Status WriteLocked(ConstByteSpan payload)
// Sends the initial request for a client call. If the request fails, the call
// is closed.
void SendInitialClientRequest(ConstByteSpan payload)
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
// TODO(b/234876851): Ensure the call object is locked before releasing the
// RPC mutex.
if (const Status status = SendPacket(PacketType::REQUEST, payload);
!status.ok()) {
} else {
// Whenever a payload arrives (in a server/client stream or in a response),
// call the on_next_ callback.
// Precondition: rpc_lock() must be held.
void HandlePayload(ConstByteSpan message) const
PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
const bool invoke = on_next_ != nullptr;
// TODO(b/234876851): Ensure on_next_ is properly guarded.
if (invoke) {
// Handles an error condition for the call. This closes the call and calls the
// on_error callback, if set.
void HandleError(Status status) PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
// Aborts the RPC because of a change in the endpoint (e.g. channel closed,
// service unregistered). Does NOT unregister the call! The calls must be
// removed when iterating over the list in the endpoint.
void Abort() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
// Locking here is problematic because CallOnError releases rpc_lock().
// b/234876851 must be addressed before the locking here can be cleaned up.
// Re-lock rpc_lock().
bool has_client_stream() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return HasClientStream(type_);
bool has_server_stream() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return HasServerStream(type_);
bool client_stream_open() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return client_stream_state_ == kClientStreamActive;
// Keep this public so the Nanopb implementation can set it from a helper
// function.
void set_on_next(Function<void(ConstByteSpan)>&& on_next)
PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
LockGuard lock(rpc_lock());
// Creates an inactive Call.
constexpr Call()
: endpoint_{},
client_stream_state_ {}
// Creates an active server-side Call.
Call(const LockedCallContext& context, MethodType type)
// Creates an active client-side Call.
Call(LockedEndpoint& client,
uint32_t channel_id,
uint32_t service_id,
uint32_t method_id,
MethodType type) PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
// This call must be in a closed state when this is called.
void MoveFrom(Call& other) PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
Endpoint& endpoint() const PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
return *endpoint_;
void set_on_next_locked(Function<void(ConstByteSpan)>&& on_next)
on_next_ = std::move(on_next);
void set_on_error(Function<void(Status)>&& on_error)
PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
LockGuard lock(rpc_lock());
void set_on_error_locked(Function<void(Status)>&& on_error)
on_error_ = std::move(on_error);
// Calls the on_error callback without closing the RPC. This is used when the
// call has already completed.
void CallOnError(Status error) PW_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(rpc_lock()) {
const bool invoke = on_error_ != nullptr;
// TODO(b/234876851): Ensure on_error_ is properly guarded.
if (invoke) {
void MarkClientStreamCompleted() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
client_stream_state_ = kClientStreamInactive;
Status CloseAndSendResponseLocked(Status status)
return CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(PacketType::RESPONSE, {}, status);
// Cancels an RPC. For client calls only.
Status Cancel() PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(rpc_lock()) {
LockGuard lock(rpc_lock());
return CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(
PacketType::CLIENT_ERROR, {}, Status::Cancelled());
// Unregisters the RPC from the endpoint & marks as closed. The call may be
// active or inactive when this is called.
void UnregisterAndMarkClosed() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock());
// Define conversions to the generic server/client RPC writer class. These
// functions are defined in pw_rpc/writer.h after the Writer class is defined.
constexpr operator Writer&();
constexpr operator const Writer&() const;
enum CallType : bool { kServerCall, kClientCall };
// Common constructor for server & client calls.
Call(LockedEndpoint& endpoint,
uint32_t id,
uint32_t channel_id,
uint32_t service_id,
uint32_t method_id,
MethodType type,
CallType call_type);
Packet MakePacket(PacketType type,
ConstByteSpan payload,
Status status = OkStatus()) const
return Packet(type,
void MarkClosed() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(rpc_lock()) {
channel_id_ = Channel::kUnassignedChannelId;
rpc_state_ = kInactive;
client_stream_state_ = kClientStreamInactive;
// Sends a payload with the specified type. The payload may either be in a
// previously acquired buffer or in a standalone buffer.
// Returns FAILED_PRECONDITION if the call is not active().
Status SendPacket(PacketType type,
ConstByteSpan payload,
Status status = OkStatus())
Status CloseAndSendFinalPacketLocked(PacketType type,
ConstByteSpan response,
Status status)
internal::Endpoint* endpoint_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
uint32_t channel_id_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
uint32_t id_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
uint32_t service_id_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
uint32_t method_id_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
enum : bool { kInactive, kActive } rpc_state_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
MethodType type_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
CallType call_type_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
enum : bool {
} client_stream_state_ PW_GUARDED_BY(rpc_lock());
// Called when the RPC is terminated due to an error.
Function<void(Status error)> on_error_;
// Called when a request is received. Only used for RPCs with client streams.
// The raw payload buffer is passed to the callback.
Function<void(ConstByteSpan payload)> on_next_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace pw::rpc