| .. _module-pw_rpc: |
| |
| ------ |
| pw_rpc |
| ------ |
| The ``pw_rpc`` module provides a system for defining and invoking remote |
| procedure calls (RPCs) on a device. |
| |
| This document discusses the ``pw_rpc`` protocol and its C++ implementation. |
| ``pw_rpc`` implementations for other languages are described in their own |
| documents: |
| |
| .. toctree:: |
| :maxdepth: 1 |
| |
| py/docs |
| ts/docs |
| |
| .. admonition:: Try it out! |
| |
| For a quick intro to ``pw_rpc``, see the |
| :ref:`module-pw_hdlc-rpc-example` in the :ref:`module-pw_hdlc` module. |
| |
| .. warning:: |
| |
| This documentation is under construction. Many sections are outdated or |
| incomplete. The content needs to be reorgnanized. |
| |
| Implementations |
| =============== |
| Pigweed provides several client and server implementations of ``pw_rpc``. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| * - Language |
| - Server |
| - Client |
| * - C++ (raw) |
| - ✅ |
| - ✅ |
| * - C++ (Nanopb) |
| - ✅ |
| - ✅ |
| * - C++ (pw_protobuf) |
| - ✅ |
| - ✅ |
| * - Java |
| - |
| - in development |
| * - Python |
| - |
| - ✅ |
| * - TypeScript |
| - |
| - in development |
| |
| RPC semantics |
| ============= |
| The semantics of ``pw_rpc`` are similar to `gRPC |
| <https://grpc.io/docs/what-is-grpc/core-concepts/>`_. |
| |
| RPC call lifecycle |
| ------------------ |
| In ``pw_rpc``, an RPC begins when the client sends a request packet. The server |
| receives the request, looks up the relevant service method, then calls into the |
| RPC function. The RPC is considered active until the server sends a response |
| packet with the RPC's status. The client may terminate an ongoing RPC by |
| cancelling it. |
| |
| ``pw_rpc`` supports only one RPC invocation per service/method/channel. If a |
| client calls an ongoing RPC on the same channel, the server cancels the ongoing |
| call and reinvokes the RPC with the new request. This applies to unary and |
| streaming RPCs, though the server may not have an opportunity to cancel a |
| synchronously handled unary RPC before it completes. The same RPC may be invoked |
| multiple times simultaneously if the invocations are on different channels. |
| |
| Status codes |
| ------------ |
| ``pw_rpc`` call objects (``ClientReaderWriter``, ``ServerReaderWriter``, etc.) |
| use certain status codes to indicate what occurred. These codes are returned |
| from functions like ``Write()`` or ``Finish()``. |
| |
| * ``OK`` -- The operation succeeded. |
| * ``UNAVAILABLE`` -- The channel is not currently registered with the server or |
| client. |
| * ``UNKNOWN`` -- Sending a packet failed due to an unrecoverable |
| :cpp:func:`pw::rpc::ChannelOutput::Send` error. |
| |
| Unrequested responses |
| --------------------- |
| ``pw_rpc`` supports sending responses to RPCs that have not yet been invoked by |
| a client. This is useful in testing and in situations like an RPC that triggers |
| reboot. After the reboot, the device opens the writer object and sends its |
| response to the client. |
| |
| The C++ API for opening a server reader/writer takes the generated RPC function |
| as a template parameter. The server to use, channel ID, and service instance are |
| passed as arguments. The API is the same for all RPC types, except the |
| appropriate reader/writer class must be used. |
| |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| // Open a ServerWriter for a server streaming RPC. |
| auto writer = RawServerWriter::Open<pw_rpc::raw::ServiceName::MethodName>( |
| server, channel_id, service_instance); |
| |
| // Send some responses, even though the client has not yet called this RPC. |
| CHECK_OK(writer.Write(encoded_response_1)); |
| CHECK_OK(writer.Write(encoded_response_2)); |
| |
| // Finish the RPC. |
| CHECK_OK(writer.Finish(OkStatus())); |
| |
| Creating an RPC |
| =============== |
| |
| 1. RPC service declaration |
| -------------------------- |
| Pigweed RPCs are declared in a protocol buffer service definition. |
| |
| * `Protocol Buffer service documentation |
| <https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#services>`_ |
| * `gRPC service definition documentation |
| <https://grpc.io/docs/what-is-grpc/core-concepts/#service-definition>`_ |
| |
| .. code-block:: protobuf |
| |
| syntax = "proto3"; |
| |
| package foo.bar; |
| |
| message Request {} |
| |
| message Response { |
| int32 number = 1; |
| } |
| |
| service TheService { |
| rpc MethodOne(Request) returns (Response) {} |
| rpc MethodTwo(Request) returns (stream Response) {} |
| } |
| |
| This protocol buffer is declared in a ``BUILD.gn`` file as follows: |
| |
| .. code-block:: python |
| |
| import("//build_overrides/pigweed.gni") |
| import("$dir_pw_protobuf_compiler/proto.gni") |
| |
| pw_proto_library("the_service_proto") { |
| sources = [ "foo_bar/the_service.proto" ] |
| } |
| |
| .. admonition:: proto2 or proto3 syntax? |
| |
| Always use proto3 syntax rather than proto2 for new protocol buffers. Proto2 |
| protobufs can be compiled for ``pw_rpc``, but they are not as well supported |
| as proto3. Specifically, ``pw_rpc`` lacks support for non-zero default values |
| in proto2. When using Nanopb with ``pw_rpc``, proto2 response protobufs with |
| non-zero field defaults should be manually initialized to the default struct. |
| |
| In the past, proto3 was sometimes avoided because it lacked support for field |
| presence detection. Fortunately, this has been fixed: proto3 now supports |
| ``optional`` fields, which are equivalent to proto2 ``optional`` fields. |
| |
| If you need to distinguish between a default-valued field and a missing field, |
| mark the field as ``optional``. The presence of the field can be detected |
| with ``std::optional``, a ``HasField(name)``, or ``has_<field>`` member, |
| depending on the library. |
| |
| Optional fields have some overhead --- if using Nanopb, default-valued fields |
| are included in the encoded proto, and the proto structs have a |
| ``has_<field>`` flag for each optional field. Use plain fields if field |
| presence detection is not needed. |
| |
| .. code-block:: protobuf |
| |
| syntax = "proto3"; |
| |
| message MyMessage { |
| // Leaving this field unset is equivalent to setting it to 0. |
| int32 number = 1; |
| |
| // Setting this field to 0 is different from leaving it unset. |
| optional int32 other_number = 2; |
| } |
| |
| 2. RPC code generation |
| ---------------------- |
| ``pw_rpc`` generates a C++ header file for each ``.proto`` file. This header is |
| generated in the build output directory. Its exact location varies by build |
| system and toolchain, but the C++ include path always matches the sources |
| declaration in the ``pw_proto_library``. The ``.proto`` extension is replaced |
| with an extension corresponding to the protobuf library in use. |
| |
| ================== =============== =============== ============= |
| Protobuf libraries Build subtarget Protobuf header pw_rpc header |
| ================== =============== =============== ============= |
| Raw only .raw_rpc (none) .raw_rpc.pb.h |
| Nanopb or raw .nanopb_rpc .pb.h .rpc.pb.h |
| pw_protobuf or raw .pwpb_rpc .pwpb.h .rpc.pwpb.h |
| ================== =============== =============== ============= |
| |
| For example, the generated RPC header for ``"foo_bar/the_service.proto"`` is |
| ``"foo_bar/the_service.rpc.pb.h"`` for Nanopb or |
| ``"foo_bar/the_service.raw_rpc.pb.h"`` for raw RPCs. |
| |
| The generated header defines a base class for each RPC service declared in the |
| ``.proto`` file. A service named ``TheService`` in package ``foo.bar`` would |
| generate the following base class for pw_protobuf: |
| |
| .. cpp:class:: template <typename Implementation> foo::bar::pw_rpc::pwpb::TheService::Service |
| |
| 3. RPC service definition |
| ------------------------- |
| The serivce class is implemented by inheriting from the generated RPC service |
| base class and defining a method for each RPC. The methods must match the name |
| and function signature for one of the supported protobuf implementations. |
| Services may mix and match protobuf implementations within one service. |
| |
| .. tip:: |
| |
| The generated code includes RPC service implementation stubs. You can |
| reference or copy and paste these to get started with implementing a service. |
| These stub classes are generated at the bottom of the pw_rpc proto header. |
| |
| To use the stubs, do the following: |
| |
| #. Locate the generated RPC header in the build directory. For example: |
| |
| .. code-block:: sh |
| |
| find out/ -name <proto_name>.rpc.pwpb.h |
| |
| #. Scroll to the bottom of the generated RPC header. |
| #. Copy the stub class declaration to a header file. |
| #. Copy the member function definitions to a source file. |
| #. Rename the class or change the namespace, if desired. |
| #. List these files in a build target with a dependency on the |
| ``pw_proto_library``. |
| |
| A pw_protobuf implementation of this service would be as follows: |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| #include "foo_bar/the_service.rpc.pwpb.h" |
| |
| namespace foo::bar { |
| |
| class TheService : public pw_rpc::pwpb::TheService::Service<TheService> { |
| public: |
| pw::Status MethodOne(const Request::Message& request, |
| Response::Message& response) { |
| // implementation |
| response.number = 123; |
| return pw::OkStatus(); |
| } |
| |
| void MethodTwo(const Request::Message& request, |
| ServerWriter<Response::Message>& response) { |
| // implementation |
| response.Write({.number = 123}); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace foo::bar |
| |
| The pw_protobuf implementation would be declared in a ``BUILD.gn``: |
| |
| .. code-block:: python |
| |
| import("//build_overrides/pigweed.gni") |
| |
| import("$dir_pw_build/target_types.gni") |
| |
| pw_source_set("the_service") { |
| public_configs = [ ":public" ] |
| public = [ "public/foo_bar/service.h" ] |
| public_deps = [ ":the_service_proto.pwpb_rpc" ] |
| } |
| |
| 4. Register the service with a server |
| ------------------------------------- |
| This example code sets up an RPC server with an :ref:`HDLC<module-pw_hdlc>` |
| channel output and the example service. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| // Set up the output channel for the pw_rpc server to use. This configures the |
| // pw_rpc server to use HDLC over UART; projects not using UART and HDLC must |
| // adapt this as necessary. |
| pw::stream::SysIoWriter writer; |
| pw::rpc::RpcChannelOutput<kMaxTransmissionUnit> hdlc_channel_output( |
| writer, pw::hdlc::kDefaultRpcAddress, "HDLC output"); |
| |
| pw::rpc::Channel channels[] = { |
| pw::rpc::Channel::Create<1>(&hdlc_channel_output)}; |
| |
| // Declare the pw_rpc server with the HDLC channel. |
| pw::rpc::Server server(channels); |
| |
| foo::bar::TheService the_service; |
| pw::rpc::SomeOtherService some_other_service; |
| |
| void RegisterServices() { |
| // Register the foo.bar.TheService example service and another service. |
| server.RegisterService(the_service, some_other_service); |
| } |
| |
| int main() { |
| // Set up the server. |
| RegisterServices(); |
| |
| // Declare a buffer for decoding incoming HDLC frames. |
| std::array<std::byte, kMaxTransmissionUnit> input_buffer; |
| |
| PW_LOG_INFO("Starting pw_rpc server"); |
| pw::hdlc::ReadAndProcessPackets( |
| server, hdlc_channel_output, input_buffer); |
| } |
| |
| Channels |
| ======== |
| ``pw_rpc`` sends all of its packets over channels. These are logical, |
| application-layer routes used to tell the RPC system where a packet should go. |
| |
| Channels over a client-server connection must all have a unique ID, which can be |
| assigned statically at compile time or dynamically. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| // Creating a channel with the static ID 3. |
| pw::rpc::Channel static_channel = pw::rpc::Channel::Create<3>(&output); |
| |
| // Grouping channel IDs within an enum can lead to clearer code. |
| enum ChannelId { |
| kUartChannel = 1, |
| kSpiChannel = 2, |
| }; |
| |
| // Creating a channel with a static ID defined within an enum. |
| pw::rpc::Channel another_static_channel = |
| pw::rpc::Channel::Create<ChannelId::kUartChannel>(&output); |
| |
| // Creating a channel with a dynamic ID (note that no output is provided; it |
| // will be set when the channel is used. |
| pw::rpc::Channel dynamic_channel; |
| |
| Sometimes, the ID and output of a channel are not known at compile time as they |
| depend on information stored on the physical device. To support this use case, a |
| dynamically-assignable channel can be configured once at runtime with an ID and |
| output. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| // Create a dynamic channel without a compile-time ID or output. |
| pw::rpc::Channel dynamic_channel; |
| |
| void Init() { |
| // Called during boot to pull the channel configuration from the system. |
| dynamic_channel.Configure(GetChannelId(), some_output); |
| } |
| |
| Adding and removing channels |
| ---------------------------- |
| New channels may be registered with the ``OpenChannel`` function. If dynamic |
| allocation is enabled (:c:macro:`PW_RPC_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION` is 1), any number of |
| channels may be registered. If dynamic allocation is disabled, new channels may |
| only be registered if there are availale channel slots in the span provided to |
| the RPC endpoint at construction. |
| |
| A channel may be closed and unregistered with an endpoint by calling |
| ``ChannelClose`` on the endpoint with the corresponding channel ID. This |
| will terminate any pending calls and call their ``on_error`` callback |
| with the ``ABORTED`` status. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| // When a channel is closed, any pending calls will receive |
| // on_error callbacks with ABORTED status. |
| client->CloseChannel(1); |
| |
| Services |
| ======== |
| A service is a logical grouping of RPCs defined within a .proto file. ``pw_rpc`` |
| uses these .proto definitions to generate code for a base service, from which |
| user-defined RPCs are implemented. |
| |
| ``pw_rpc`` supports multiple protobuf libraries, and the generated code API |
| depends on which is used. |
| |
| .. _module-pw_rpc-protobuf-library-apis: |
| |
| Protobuf library APIs |
| ===================== |
| |
| .. toctree:: |
| :maxdepth: 1 |
| |
| pwpb/docs |
| nanopb/docs |
| |
| Testing a pw_rpc integration |
| ============================ |
| After setting up a ``pw_rpc`` server in your project, you can test that it is |
| working as intended by registering the provided ``EchoService``, defined in |
| ``echo.proto``, which echoes back a message that it receives. |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: echo.proto |
| :language: protobuf |
| :lines: 14- |
| |
| For example, in C++ with pw_protobuf: |
| |
| .. code:: c++ |
| |
| #include "pw_rpc/server.h" |
| |
| // Include the apporpriate header for your protobuf library. |
| #include "pw_rpc/echo_service_pwpb.h" |
| |
| constexpr pw::rpc::Channel kChannels[] = { /* ... */ }; |
| static pw::rpc::Server server(kChannels); |
| |
| static pw::rpc::EchoService echo_service; |
| |
| void Init() { |
| server.RegisterService(echo_service); |
| } |
| |
| Benchmarking and stress testing |
| ------------------------------- |
| |
| .. toctree:: |
| :maxdepth: 1 |
| :hidden: |
| |
| benchmark |
| |
| ``pw_rpc`` provides an RPC service and Python module for stress testing and |
| benchmarking a ``pw_rpc`` deployment. See :ref:`module-pw_rpc-benchmark`. |
| |
| Naming |
| ====== |
| |
| Reserved names |
| -------------- |
| ``pw_rpc`` reserves a few service method names so they can be used for generated |
| classes. The following names cannnot be used for service methods: |
| |
| - ``Client`` |
| - ``Service`` |
| - Any reserved words in the languages ``pw_rpc`` supports (e.g. ``class``). |
| |
| ``pw_rpc`` does not reserve any service names, but the restriction of avoiding |
| reserved words in supported languages applies. |
| |
| Service naming style |
| -------------------- |
| ``pw_rpc`` service names should use capitalized camel case and should not use |
| the term "Service". Appending "Service" to a service name is redundant, similar |
| to appending "Class" or "Function" to a class or function name. The |
| C++ implementation class may use "Service" in its name, however. |
| |
| For example, a service for accessing a file system should simply be named |
| ``service FileSystem``, rather than ``service FileSystemService``, in the |
| ``.proto`` file. |
| |
| .. code-block:: protobuf |
| |
| // file.proto |
| package pw.file; |
| |
| service FileSystem { |
| rpc List(ListRequest) returns (stream ListResponse); |
| } |
| |
| The C++ service implementation class may append "Service" to the name. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| // file_system_service.h |
| #include "pw_file/file.raw_rpc.pb.h" |
| |
| namespace pw::file { |
| |
| class FileSystemService : public pw_rpc::raw::FileSystem::Service<FileSystemService> { |
| void List(ConstByteSpan request, RawServerWriter& writer); |
| }; |
| |
| } |
| |
| For upstream Pigweed services, this naming style is a requirement. Note that |
| some services created before this was established may use non-compliant |
| names. For Pigweed users, this naming style is a suggestion. |
| |
| Protocol description |
| ==================== |
| Pigweed RPC servers and clients communicate using ``pw_rpc`` packets. These |
| packets are used to send requests and responses, control streams, cancel ongoing |
| RPCs, and report errors. |
| |
| Packet format |
| ------------- |
| Pigweed RPC packets consist of a type and a set of fields. The packets are |
| encoded as protocol buffers. The full packet format is described in |
| ``pw_rpc/pw_rpc/internal/packet.proto``. |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: internal/packet.proto |
| :language: protobuf |
| :lines: 14- |
| |
| The packet type and RPC type determine which fields are present in a Pigweed RPC |
| packet. Each packet type is only sent by either the client or the server. |
| These tables describe the meaning of and fields included with each packet type. |
| |
| Client-to-server packets |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| | packet type | description | |
| +===================+=====================================+ |
| | REQUEST | Invoke an RPC | |
| | | | |
| | | .. code-block:: text | |
| | | | |
| | | - channel_id | |
| | | - service_id | |
| | | - method_id | |
| | | - payload | |
| | | (unary & server streaming only) | |
| | | - call_id (optional) | |
| | | | |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| | CLIENT_STREAM | Message in a client stream | |
| | | | |
| | | .. code-block:: text | |
| | | | |
| | | - channel_id | |
| | | - service_id | |
| | | - method_id | |
| | | - payload | |
| | | - call_id (if set in REQUEST) | |
| | | | |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| | CLIENT_STREAM_END | Client stream is complete | |
| | | | |
| | | .. code-block:: text | |
| | | | |
| | | - channel_id | |
| | | - service_id | |
| | | - method_id | |
| | | - call_id (if set in REQUEST) | |
| | | | |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| | CLIENT_ERROR | Abort an ongoing RPC | |
| | | | |
| | | .. code-block:: text | |
| | | | |
| | | - channel_id | |
| | | - service_id | |
| | | - method_id | |
| | | - status | |
| | | - call_id (if set in REQUEST) | |
| | | | |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| |
| **Client errors** |
| |
| The client sends ``CLIENT_ERROR`` packets to a server when it receives a packet |
| it did not request. If possible, the server should abort it. |
| |
| The status code indicates the type of error. The status code is logged, but all |
| status codes result in the same action by the server: aborting the RPC. |
| |
| * ``CANCELLED`` -- The client requested that the RPC be cancelled. |
| * ``ABORTED`` -- The RPC was aborted due its channel being closed. |
| * ``NOT_FOUND`` -- Received a packet for a service method the client does not |
| recognize. |
| * ``FAILED_PRECONDITION`` -- Received a packet for a service method that the |
| client did not invoke. |
| * ``DATA_LOSS`` -- Received a corrupt packet for a pending service method. |
| * ``INVALID_ARGUMENT`` -- The server sent a packet type to an RPC that does not |
| support it (a ``SERVER_STREAM`` was sent to an RPC with no server stream). |
| * ``UNAVAILABLE`` -- Received a packet for an unknown channel. |
| |
| Server-to-client packets |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| | packet type | description | |
| +===================+=====================================+ |
| | RESPONSE | The RPC is complete | |
| | | | |
| | | .. code-block:: text | |
| | | | |
| | | - channel_id | |
| | | - service_id | |
| | | - method_id | |
| | | - status | |
| | | - payload | |
| | | (unary & client streaming only) | |
| | | - call_id (if set in REQUEST) | |
| | | | |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| | SERVER_STREAM | Message in a server stream | |
| | | | |
| | | .. code-block:: text | |
| | | | |
| | | - channel_id | |
| | | - service_id | |
| | | - method_id | |
| | | - payload | |
| | | - call_id (if set in REQUEST) | |
| | | | |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| | SERVER_ERROR | Received unexpected packet | |
| | | | |
| | | .. code-block:: text | |
| | | | |
| | | - channel_id | |
| | | - service_id (if relevant) | |
| | | - method_id (if relevant) | |
| | | - status | |
| | | - call_id (if set in REQUEST) | |
| | | | |
| +-------------------+-------------------------------------+ |
| |
| All server packets contain the same ``call_id`` that was set in the initial |
| request made by the client, if any. |
| |
| **Server errors** |
| |
| The server sends ``SERVER_ERROR`` packets when it receives a packet it cannot |
| process. The client should abort any RPC for which it receives an error. The |
| status field indicates the type of error. |
| |
| * ``NOT_FOUND`` -- The requested service or method does not exist. |
| * ``FAILED_PRECONDITION`` -- A client stream or cancel packet was sent for an |
| RPC that is not pending. |
| * ``INVALID_ARGUMENT`` -- The client sent a packet type to an RPC that does not |
| support it (a ``CLIENT_STREAM`` was sent to an RPC with no client stream). |
| * ``RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`` -- The request came on a new channel, but a channel |
| could not be allocated for it. |
| * ``ABORTED`` -- The RPC was aborted due its channel being closed. |
| * ``INTERNAL`` -- The server was unable to respond to an RPC due to an |
| unrecoverable internal error. |
| * ``UNAVAILABLE`` -- Received a packet for an unknown channel. |
| |
| Inovking a service method |
| ------------------------- |
| Calling an RPC requires a specific sequence of packets. This section describes |
| the protocol for calling service methods of each type: unary, server streaming, |
| client streaming, and bidirectional streaming. |
| |
| The basic flow for all RPC invocations is as follows: |
| |
| * Client sends a ``REQUEST`` packet. Includes a payload for unary & server |
| streaming RPCs. |
| * For client and bidirectional streaming RPCs, the client may send any number |
| of ``CLIENT_STREAM`` packets with payloads. |
| * For server and bidirectional streaming RPCs, the server may send any number |
| of ``SERVER_STREAM`` packets. |
| * The server sends a ``RESPONSE`` packet. Includes a payload for unary & |
| client streaming RPCs. The RPC is complete. |
| |
| The client may cancel an ongoing RPC at any time by sending a ``CLIENT_ERROR`` |
| packet with status ``CANCELLED``. The server may finish an ongoing RPC at any |
| time by sending the ``RESPONSE`` packet. |
| |
| Unary RPC |
| ^^^^^^^^^ |
| In a unary RPC, the client sends a single request and the server sends a single |
| response. |
| |
| .. image:: unary_rpc.svg |
| |
| The client may attempt to cancel a unary RPC by sending a ``CLIENT_ERROR`` |
| packet with status ``CANCELLED``. The server sends no response to a cancelled |
| RPC. If the server processes the unary RPC synchronously (the handling thread |
| sends the response), it may not be possible to cancel the RPC. |
| |
| .. image:: unary_rpc_cancelled.svg |
| |
| Server streaming RPC |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| In a server streaming RPC, the client sends a single request and the server |
| sends any number of ``SERVER_STREAM`` packets followed by a ``RESPONSE`` packet. |
| |
| .. image:: server_streaming_rpc.svg |
| |
| The client may terminate a server streaming RPC by sending a ``CLIENT_STREAM`` |
| packet with status ``CANCELLED``. The server sends no response. |
| |
| .. image:: server_streaming_rpc_cancelled.svg |
| |
| Client streaming RPC |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| In a client streaming RPC, the client starts the RPC by sending a ``REQUEST`` |
| packet with no payload. It then sends any number of messages in |
| ``CLIENT_STREAM`` packets, followed by a ``CLIENT_STREAM_END``. The server sends |
| a single ``RESPONSE`` to finish the RPC. |
| |
| .. image:: client_streaming_rpc.svg |
| |
| The server may finish the RPC at any time by sending its ``RESPONSE`` packet, |
| even if it has not yet received the ``CLIENT_STREAM_END`` packet. The client may |
| terminate the RPC at any time by sending a ``CLIENT_ERROR`` packet with status |
| ``CANCELLED``. |
| |
| .. image:: client_streaming_rpc_cancelled.svg |
| |
| Bidirectional streaming RPC |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| In a bidirectional streaming RPC, the client sends any number of requests and |
| the server sends any number of responses. The client invokes the RPC by sending |
| a ``REQUEST`` with no payload. It sends a ``CLIENT_STREAM_END`` packet when it |
| has finished sending requests. The server sends a ``RESPONSE`` packet to finish |
| the RPC. |
| |
| .. image:: bidirectional_streaming_rpc.svg |
| |
| The server may finish the RPC at any time by sending the ``RESPONSE`` packet, |
| even if it has not received the ``CLIENT_STREAM_END`` packet. The client may |
| terminate the RPC at any time by sending a ``CLIENT_ERROR`` packet with status |
| ``CANCELLED``. |
| |
| .. image:: bidirectional_streaming_rpc_cancelled.svg |
| |
| RPC server |
| ========== |
| Declare an instance of ``rpc::Server`` and register services with it. |
| |
| .. admonition:: TODO |
| |
| Document the public interface |
| |
| Size report |
| ----------- |
| The following size report showcases the memory usage of the core RPC server. It |
| is configured with a single channel using a basic transport interface that |
| directly reads from and writes to ``pw_sys_io``. The transport has a 128-byte |
| packet buffer, which comprises the plurality of the example's RAM usage. This is |
| not a suitable transport for an actual product; a real implementation would have |
| additional overhead proportional to the complexity of the transport. |
| |
| .. include:: server_size |
| |
| RPC server implementation |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| The Method class |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| The RPC Server depends on the ``pw::rpc::internal::Method`` class. ``Method`` |
| serves as the bridge between the ``pw_rpc`` server library and the user-defined |
| RPC functions. Each supported protobuf implementation extends ``Method`` to |
| implement its request and response proto handling. The ``pw_rpc`` server |
| calls into the ``Method`` implementation through the base class's ``Invoke`` |
| function. |
| |
| ``Method`` implementations store metadata about each method, including a |
| function pointer to the user-defined method implementation. They also provide |
| ``static constexpr`` functions for creating each type of method. ``Method`` |
| implementations must satisfy the ``MethodImplTester`` test class in |
| ``pw_rpc/internal/method_impl_tester.h``. |
| |
| See ``pw_rpc/internal/method.h`` for more details about ``Method``. |
| |
| Packet flow |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Requests |
| ~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| .. image:: request_packets.svg |
| |
| Responses |
| ~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| .. image:: response_packets.svg |
| |
| RPC client |
| ========== |
| The RPC client is used to send requests to a server and manages the contexts of |
| ongoing RPCs. |
| |
| Setting up a client |
| ------------------- |
| The ``pw::rpc::Client`` class is instantiated with a list of channels that it |
| uses to communicate. These channels can be shared with a server, but multiple |
| clients cannot use the same channels. |
| |
| To send incoming RPC packets from the transport layer to be processed by a |
| client, the client's ``ProcessPacket`` function is called with the packet data. |
| |
| .. code:: c++ |
| |
| #include "pw_rpc/client.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| pw::rpc::Channel my_channels[] = { |
| pw::rpc::Channel::Create<1>(&my_channel_output)}; |
| pw::rpc::Client my_client(my_channels); |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // Called when the transport layer receives an RPC packet. |
| void ProcessRpcPacket(ConstByteSpan packet) { |
| my_client.ProcessPacket(packet); |
| } |
| |
| .. _module-pw_rpc-making-calls: |
| |
| Making RPC calls |
| ---------------- |
| RPC calls are not made directly through the client, but using one of its |
| registered channels instead. A service client class is generated from a .proto |
| file for each selected protobuf library, which is then used to send RPC requests |
| through a given channel. The API for this depends on the protobuf library; |
| please refer to the |
| :ref:`appropriate documentation<module-pw_rpc-protobuf-library-apis>`. Multiple |
| service client implementations can exist simulatenously and share the same |
| ``Client`` class. |
| |
| When a call is made, a ``pw::rpc::ClientCall`` object is returned to the caller. |
| This object tracks the ongoing RPC call, and can be used to manage it. An RPC |
| call is only active as long as its ``ClientCall`` object is alive. |
| |
| .. tip:: |
| Use ``std::move`` when passing around ``ClientCall`` objects to keep RPCs |
| alive. |
| |
| Example |
| ^^^^^^^ |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| #include "pw_rpc/echo_service_pwpb.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| // Generated clients are namespaced with their proto library. |
| using EchoClient = pw_rpc::nanopb::EchoService::Client; |
| |
| // RPC channel ID on which to make client calls. |
| constexpr uint32_t kDefaultChannelId = 1; |
| |
| EchoClient::EchoCall echo_call; |
| |
| // Callback invoked when a response is received. This is called synchronously |
| // from Client::ProcessPacket. |
| void EchoResponse(const EchoMessage::Message& response, |
| pw::Status status) { |
| if (status.ok()) { |
| PW_LOG_INFO("Received echo response: %s", response.msg); |
| } else { |
| PW_LOG_ERROR("Echo failed with status %d", |
| static_cast<int>(status.code())); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| void CallEcho(const char* message) { |
| // Create a client to call the EchoService. |
| EchoClient echo_client(my_rpc_client, kDefaultChannelId); |
| |
| EchoMessage::Message request{}; |
| pw::string::Copy(message, request.msg); |
| |
| // By assigning the returned ClientCall to the global echo_call, the RPC |
| // call is kept alive until it completes. When a response is received, it |
| // will be logged by the handler function and the call will complete. |
| echo_call = echo_client.Echo(request, EchoResponse); |
| if (!echo_call.active()) { |
| // The RPC call was not sent. This could occur due to, for example, an |
| // invalid channel ID. Handle if necessary. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Client Synchronous Call wrappers |
| -------------------------------- |
| If synchronous behavior is desired when making client calls, users can use one |
| of the ``SynchronousCall<RpcMethod>`` wrapper functions to make their RPC call. |
| These wrappers effectively wrap the asynchronous Client RPC call with a timed |
| thread notification and return once a result is known or a timeout has occurred. |
| These return a ``SynchronousCallResult<Response>`` object, which can be queried |
| to determine whether any error scenarios occurred and, if not, access the |
| response. |
| |
| ``SynchronousCall<RpcMethod>`` will block indefinitely, whereas |
| ``SynchronousCallFor<RpcMethod>`` and ``SynchronousCallUntil<RpcMethod>`` will |
| block for a given timeout or until a deadline, respectively. All wrappers work |
| with both the standalone static RPC functions and the generated Client member |
| methods. |
| |
| .. note:: Use of the SynchronousCall wrappers requires a TimedThreadNotification |
| backend. |
| .. note:: Only nanopb and pw_protobuf Unary RPC methods are supported. |
| |
| Example |
| ^^^^^^^ |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| #include "pw_rpc/synchronous_call.h" |
| |
| void InvokeUnaryRpc() { |
| pw::rpc::Client client; |
| pw::rpc::Channel channel; |
| |
| RoomInfoRequest request; |
| SynchronousCallResult<RoomInfoResponse> result = |
| SynchronousCall<Chat::GetRoomInformation>(client, channel.id(), request); |
| |
| if (result.is_rpc_error()) { |
| ShutdownClient(client); |
| } else if (result.is_server_error()) { |
| HandleServerError(result.status()); |
| } else if (result.is_timeout()) { |
| // SynchronousCall will block indefinitely, so we should never get here. |
| } |
| HandleRoomInformation(std::move(result).response()); |
| } |
| |
| void AnotherExample() { |
| pw_rpc::nanopb::Chat::Client chat_client(client, channel); |
| constexpr auto kTimeout = pw::chrono::SystemClock::for_at_least(500ms); |
| |
| RoomInfoRequest request; |
| auto result = SynchronousCallFor<Chat::GetRoomInformation>( |
| chat_client, request, kTimeout); |
| |
| if (result.is_timeout()) { |
| RetryRoomRequest(); |
| } else { |
| ... |
| } |
| } |
| |
| The ``SynchronousCallResult<Response>`` is also compatible with the PW_TRY |
| family of macros, but users should be aware that their use will lose information |
| about the type of error. This should only be used if the caller will handle all |
| error scenarios the same. |
| |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| pw::Status SyncRpc() { |
| const RoomInfoRequest request; |
| PW_TRY_ASSIGN(const RoomInfoResponse& response, |
| SynchronousCall<Chat::GetRoomInformation>(client, request)); |
| HandleRoomInformation(response); |
| return pw::OkStatus(); |
| } |
| |
| Client implementation details |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| The ClientCall class |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| ``ClientCall`` stores the context of an active RPC, and serves as the user's |
| interface to the RPC client. The core RPC library provides a base ``ClientCall`` |
| class with common functionality, which is then extended for RPC client |
| implementations tied to different protobuf libraries to provide convenient |
| interfaces for working with RPCs. |
| |
| The RPC server stores a list of all of active ``ClientCall`` objects. When an |
| incoming packet is recieved, it dispatches to one of its active calls, which |
| then decodes the payload and presents it to the user. |
| |
| ClientServer |
| ============ |
| Sometimes, a device needs to both process RPCs as a server, as well as making |
| calls to another device as a client. To do this, both a client and server must |
| be set up, and incoming packets must be sent to both of them. |
| |
| Pigweed simplifies this setup by providing a ``ClientServer`` class which wraps |
| an RPC client and server with the same set of channels. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| pw::rpc::Channel channels[] = { |
| pw::rpc::Channel::Create<1>(&channel_output)}; |
| |
| // Creates both a client and a server. |
| pw::rpc::ClientServer client_server(channels); |
| |
| void ProcessRpcData(pw::ConstByteSpan packet) { |
| // Calls into both the client and the server, sending the packet to the |
| // appropriate one. |
| client_server.ProcessPacket(packet); |
| } |
| |
| Testing |
| ======= |
| ``pw_rpc`` provides utilities for unit testing RPC services and client calls. |
| |
| Client unit testing in C++ |
| -------------------------- |
| ``pw_rpc`` supports invoking RPCs, simulating server responses, and checking |
| what packets are sent by an RPC client in tests. Raw, Nanopb and Pwpb interfaces |
| are supported. Code that uses the raw API may be tested with the raw test |
| helpers, and vice versa. The Nanopb and Pwpb APIs also provides a test helper |
| with a real client-server pair that supports testing of asynchronous messaging. |
| |
| To test sychronous code that invokes RPCs, declare a ``RawClientTestContext``, |
| ``PwpbClientTestContext``, or ``NanopbClientTestContext``. These test context |
| objects provide a preconfigured RPC client, channel, server fake, and buffer for |
| encoding packets. |
| |
| These test classes are defined in ``pw_rpc/raw/client_testing.h``, |
| ``pw_rpc/pwpb/client_testing.h``, or ``pw_rpc/nanopb/client_testing.h``. |
| |
| Use the context's ``client()`` and ``channel()`` to invoke RPCs. Use the |
| context's ``server()`` to simulate responses. To verify that the client sent the |
| expected data, use the context's ``output()``, which is a ``FakeChannelOutput``. |
| |
| For example, the following tests a class that invokes an RPC. It checks that |
| the expected data was sent and then simulates a response from the server. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| #include "pw_rpc/raw/client_testing.h" |
| |
| class ClientUnderTest { |
| public: |
| // To support injecting an RPC client for testing, classes that make RPC |
| // calls should take an RPC client and channel ID or an RPC service client |
| // (e.g. pw_rpc::raw::MyService::Client). |
| ClientUnderTest(pw::rpc::Client& client, uint32_t channel_id); |
| |
| void DoSomethingThatInvokesAnRpc(); |
| |
| bool SetToTrueWhenRpcCompletes(); |
| }; |
| |
| TEST(TestAThing, InvokesRpcAndHandlesResponse) { |
| RawClientTestContext context; |
| ClientUnderTest thing(context.client(), context.channel().id()); |
| |
| // Execute the code that invokes the MyService.TheMethod RPC. |
| things.DoSomethingThatInvokesAnRpc(); |
| |
| // Find and verify the payloads sent for the MyService.TheMethod RPC. |
| auto msgs = context.output().payloads<pw_rpc::raw::MyService::TheMethod>(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(msgs.size(), 1u); |
| |
| VerifyThatTheExpectedMessageWasSent(msgs.back()); |
| |
| // Send the response packet from the server and verify that the class reacts |
| // accordingly. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(thing.SetToTrueWhenRpcCompletes()); |
| |
| context_.server().SendResponse<pw_rpc::raw::MyService::TheMethod>( |
| final_message, OkStatus()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(thing.SetToTrueWhenRpcCompletes()); |
| } |
| |
| To test client code that uses asynchronous responses, encapsulates multiple |
| rpc calls to one or more services, or uses a custom service implemenation, |
| declare a ``NanopbClientServerTestContextThreaded`` or |
| ``PwpbClientServerTestContextThreaded``. These test object are defined in |
| ``pw_rpc/nanopb/client_server_testing_threaded.h`` and |
| ``pw_rpc/pwpb/client_server_testing_threaded.h``. |
| |
| Use the context's ``server()`` to register a ``Service`` implementation, and |
| ``client()`` and ``channel()`` to invoke RPCs. Create a ``Thread`` using the |
| context as a ``ThreadCore`` to have it asycronously forward request/responses or |
| call ``ForwardNewPackets`` to synchronously process all messages. To verify that |
| the client/server sent the expected data, use the context's |
| ``request(uint32_t index)`` and ``response(uint32_t index)`` to retrieve the |
| ordered messages. |
| |
| For example, the following tests a class that invokes an RPC and blocks till a |
| response is received. It verifies that expected data was both sent and received. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| #include "my_library_protos/my_service.rpc.pb.h" |
| #include "pw_rpc/nanopb/client_server_testing_threaded.h" |
| #include "pw_thread_stl/options.h" |
| |
| class ClientUnderTest { |
| public: |
| // To support injecting an RPC client for testing, classes that make RPC |
| // calls should take an RPC client and channel ID or an RPC service client |
| // (e.g. pw_rpc::raw::MyService::Client). |
| ClientUnderTest(pw::rpc::Client& client, uint32_t channel_id); |
| |
| Status BlockOnResponse(uint32_t value); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| class TestService final : public MyService<TestService> { |
| public: |
| Status TheMethod(const pw_rpc_test_TheMethod& request, |
| pw_rpc_test_TheMethod& response) { |
| response.value = request.integer + 1; |
| return pw::OkStatus(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| TEST(TestServiceTest, ReceivesUnaryRpcReponse) { |
| NanopbClientServerTestContextThreaded<> ctx(pw::thread::stl::Options{}); |
| TestService service; |
| ctx.server().RegisterService(service); |
| ClientUnderTest client(ctx.client(), ctx.channel().id()); |
| |
| // Execute the code that invokes the MyService.TheMethod RPC. |
| constexpr uint32_t value = 1; |
| const auto result = client.BlockOnResponse(value); |
| const auto request = ctx.request<MyService::TheMethod>(0); |
| const auto response = ctx.resonse<MyService::TheMethod>(0); |
| |
| // Verify content of messages |
| EXPECT_EQ(result, pw::OkStatus()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(request.value, value); |
| EXPECT_EQ(response.value, value + 1); |
| } |
| |
| Synchronous versions of these test contexts also exist that may be used on |
| non-threaded systems ``NanopbClientServerTestContext`` and |
| ``PwpbClientServerTestContext``. While these do not allow for asynchronous |
| messaging they support the use of service implemenations and use a similar |
| syntax. When these are used ``.ForwardNewPackets()`` should be called after each |
| rpc call to trigger sending of queued messages. |
| |
| For example, the following tests a class that invokes an RPC that is responded |
| to with a test service implemenation. |
| |
| .. code-block:: cpp |
| |
| #include "my_library_protos/my_service.rpc.pb.h" |
| #include "pw_rpc/nanopb/client_server_testing.h" |
| |
| class ClientUnderTest { |
| public: |
| ClientUnderTest(pw::rpc::Client& client, uint32_t channel_id); |
| |
| Status SendRpcCall(uint32_t value); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| class TestService final : public MyService<TestService> { |
| public: |
| Status TheMethod(const pw_rpc_test_TheMethod& request, |
| pw_rpc_test_TheMethod& response) { |
| response.value = request.integer + 1; |
| return pw::OkStatus(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| TEST(TestServiceTest, ReceivesUnaryRpcReponse) { |
| NanopbClientServerTestContext<> ctx(); |
| TestService service; |
| ctx.server().RegisterService(service); |
| ClientUnderTest client(ctx.client(), ctx.channel().id()); |
| |
| // Execute the code that invokes the MyService.TheMethod RPC. |
| constexpr uint32_t value = 1; |
| const auto result = client.SendRpcCall(value); |
| // Needed after ever RPC call to trigger forward of packets |
| ctx.ForwardNewPackets(); |
| const auto request = ctx.request<MyService::TheMethod>(0); |
| const auto response = ctx.resonse<MyService::TheMethod>(0); |
| |
| // Verify content of messages |
| EXPECT_EQ(result, pw::OkStatus()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(request.value, value); |
| EXPECT_EQ(response.value, value + 1); |
| } |
| |
| Integration testing with ``pw_rpc`` |
| ----------------------------------- |
| ``pw_rpc`` provides utilities to simplify writing integration tests for systems |
| that communicate with ``pw_rpc``. The integration test utitilies set up a socket |
| to use for IPC between an RPC server and client process. |
| |
| The server binary uses the system RPC server facade defined |
| ``pw_rpc_system_server/rpc_server.h``. The client binary uses the functions |
| defined in ``pw_rpc/integration_testing.h``: |
| |
| .. cpp:var:: constexpr uint32_t kChannelId |
| |
| The RPC channel for integration test RPCs. |
| |
| .. cpp:function:: pw::rpc::Client& pw::rpc::integration_test::Client() |
| |
| Returns the global RPC client for integration test use. |
| |
| .. cpp:function:: pw::Status pw::rpc::integration_test::InitializeClient(int argc, char* argv[], const char* usage_args = "PORT") |
| |
| Initializes logging and the global RPC client for integration testing. Starts |
| a background thread that processes incoming. |
| |
| Module Configuration Options |
| ============================ |
| The following configurations can be adjusted via compile-time configuration of |
| this module, see the |
| :ref:`module documentation <module-structure-compile-time-configuration>` for |
| more details. |
| |
| |
| In client and bidirectional RPCs, pw_rpc clients may signal that they have |
| finished sending requests with a CLIENT_STREAM_END packet. While this can be |
| useful in some circumstances, it is often not necessary. |
| |
| This option controls whether or not include a callback that is called when |
| the client stream ends. The callback is included in all ServerReader/Writer |
| objects as a pw::Function, so may have a significant cost. |
| |
| This is disabled by default. |
| |
| |
| The Nanopb-based pw_rpc implementation allocates memory to use for Nanopb |
| structs for the request and response protobufs. The template function that |
| allocates these structs rounds struct sizes up to this value so that |
| different structs can be allocated with the same function. Structs with sizes |
| larger than this value cause an extra function to be created, which slightly |
| increases code size. |
| |
| Ideally, this value will be set to the size of the largest Nanopb struct used |
| as an RPC request or response. The buffer can be stack or globally allocated |
| |
| This defaults to 64 Bytes. |
| |
| .. c:macro:: PW_RPC_USE_GLOBAL_MUTEX |
| |
| Enable global synchronization for RPC calls. If this is set, a backend must |
| be configured for pw_sync:mutex. |
| |
| This is enabled by default. |
| |
| |
| Whether pw_rpc should use dynamic memory allocation internally. If enabled, |
| pw_rpc dynamically allocates channels and its encoding buffers. RPC users may |
| use dynamic allocation independently of this option (e.g. to allocate pw_rpc |
| call objects). |
| |
| The semantics for allocating and initializing channels change depending on |
| this option. If dynamic allocation is disabled, pw_rpc endpoints (servers or |
| clients) use an externally-allocated, fixed-size array of channels. |
| That array must include unassigned channels or existing channels must be |
| closed to add new channels. |
| |
| If dynamic allocation is enabled, an span of channels may be passed to the |
| endpoint at construction, but these channels are only used to initialize its |
| internal std::vector of channels. External channel objects are NOT used by |
| the endpoint cannot be updated if dynamic allocation is enabled. No |
| unassigned channels should be passed to the endpoint; they will be ignored. |
| Any number of channels may be added to the endpoint, without closing existing |
| channels, but adding channels will use more memory. |
| |
| .. c:macro:: PW_RPC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL |
| |
| The log level to use for this module. Logs below this level are omitted. |
| |
| This defaults to ``PW_LOG_LEVEL_INFO``. |
| |
| |
| The log module name to use for this module. |
| |
| This defaults to ``"PW_RPC"``. |
| |
| |
| This option determines whether to allocate the Nanopb structs on the stack or |
| in a global variable. Globally allocated structs are NOT thread safe, but |
| work fine when the RPC server's ProcessPacket function is only called from |
| one thread. |
| |
| This is enabled by default. |
| |
| Sharing server and client code |
| ============================== |
| Streaming RPCs support writing multiple requests or responses. To facilitate |
| sharing code between servers and clients, ``pw_rpc`` provides the |
| ``pw::rpc::Writer`` interface. On the client side, a client or bidirectional |
| streaming RPC call object (``ClientWriter`` or ``ClientReaderWriter``) can be |
| used as a ``pw::rpc::Writer&``. On the server side, a server or bidirectional |
| streaming RPC call object (``ServerWriter`` or ``ServerReaderWriter``) can be |
| used as a ``pw::rpc::Writer&``. |
| |
| Zephyr |
| ====== |
| To enable ``pw_rpc.*`` for Zephyr add ``CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC=y`` to the project's |
| configuration. This will enable the Kconfig menu for the following: |
| |
| * ``pw_rpc.server`` which can be enabled via ``CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC_SERVER=y``. |
| * ``pw_rpc.client`` which can be enabled via ``CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC_CLIENT=y``. |
| * ``pw_rpc.client_server`` which can be enabled via |
| * ``pw_rpc.common` which can be enabled via ``CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC_COMMON=y``. |
| |
| Encoding and sending packets |
| ============================ |
| ``pw_rpc`` has to manage interactions among multiple RPC clients, servers, |
| client calls, and server calls. To safely synchronize these interactions with |
| minimal overhead, ``pw_rpc`` uses a single, global mutex (when |
| ``PW_RPC_USE_GLOBAL_MUTEX`` is enabled). |
| |
| Because ``pw_rpc`` uses a global mutex, it also uses a global buffer to encode |
| outgoing packets. The size of the buffer is set with |
| ``PW_RPC_ENCODING_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES``, which defaults to 512 B. |
| |
| Users of ``pw_rpc`` must implement the :cpp:class:`pw::rpc::ChannelOutput` |
| interface. |
| |
| .. _module-pw_rpc-ChannelOutput: |
| .. cpp:class:: pw::rpc::ChannelOutput |
| |
| ``pw_rpc`` endpoints use :cpp:class:`ChannelOutput` instances to send packets. |
| Systems that integrate pw_rpc must use one or more :cpp:class:`ChannelOutput` |
| instances. |
| |
| .. cpp:member:: static constexpr size_t kUnlimited = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() |
| |
| Value returned from :cpp:func:`MaximumTransmissionUnit` to indicate an |
| unlimited MTU. |
| |
| .. cpp:function:: virtual size_t MaximumTransmissionUnit() |
| |
| Returns the size of the largest packet the :cpp:class:`ChannelOutput` can |
| send. :cpp:class:`ChannelOutput` implementations should only override this |
| function if they impose a limit on the MTU. The default implementation |
| returns :cpp:member:`kUnlimited`, which indicates that there is no MTU |
| limit. |
| |
| .. cpp:function:: virtual pw::Status Send(std::span<std::byte> packet) |
| |
| Sends an encoded RPC packet. Returns OK if further packets may be sent, even |
| if the current packet could not be sent. Returns any other status if the |
| Channel is no longer able to send packets. |
| |
| The RPC system's internal lock is held while this function is called. Avoid |
| long-running operations, since these will delay any other users of the RPC |
| system. |
| |
| .. danger:: |
| |
| No ``pw_rpc`` APIs may be accessed in this function! Implementations MUST |
| NOT access any RPC endpoints (:cpp:class:`pw::rpc::Client`, |
| :cpp:class:`pw::rpc::Server`) or call objects |
| (:cpp:class:`pw::rpc::ServerReaderWriter`, |
| :cpp:class:`pw::rpc::ClientReaderWriter`, etc.) inside the :cpp:func:`Send` |
| function or any descendent calls. Doing so will result in deadlock! RPC APIs |
| may be used by other threads, just not within :cpp:func:`Send`. |
| |
| The buffer provided in ``packet`` must NOT be accessed outside of this |
| function. It must be sent immediately or copied elsewhere before the |
| function returns. |