Style: uncrustify kernel files
diff --git a/croutine.c b/croutine.c
index b2784bb..6152067 100644
--- a/croutine.c
+++ b/croutine.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #include "FreeRTOS.h"

@@ -41,17 +42,17 @@


 /* Lists for ready and blocked co-routines. --------------------*/

-    static List_t      pxReadyCoRoutineLists[ configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES ]; /*< Prioritised ready co-routines. */

-    static List_t      xDelayedCoRoutineList1;                                   /*< Delayed co-routines. */

-    static List_t      xDelayedCoRoutineList2;                                   /*< Delayed co-routines (two lists are used - one for delays that have overflowed the current tick count. */

-    static List_t *    pxDelayedCoRoutineList = NULL;                            /*< Points to the delayed co-routine list currently being used. */

-    static List_t *    pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList = NULL;                    /*< Points to the delayed co-routine list currently being used to hold co-routines that have overflowed the current tick count. */

-    static List_t      xPendingReadyCoRoutineList;                               /*< Holds co-routines that have been readied by an external event.  They cannot be added directly to the ready lists as the ready lists cannot be accessed by interrupts. */

+    static List_t pxReadyCoRoutineLists[ configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES ]; /*< Prioritised ready co-routines. */

+    static List_t xDelayedCoRoutineList1;                                   /*< Delayed co-routines. */

+    static List_t xDelayedCoRoutineList2;                                   /*< Delayed co-routines (two lists are used - one for delays that have overflowed the current tick count. */

+    static List_t * pxDelayedCoRoutineList = NULL;                          /*< Points to the delayed co-routine list currently being used. */

+    static List_t * pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList = NULL;                  /*< Points to the delayed co-routine list currently being used to hold co-routines that have overflowed the current tick count. */

+    static List_t xPendingReadyCoRoutineList;                               /*< Holds co-routines that have been readied by an external event.  They cannot be added directly to the ready lists as the ready lists cannot be accessed by interrupts. */


 /* Other file private variables. --------------------------------*/

-    CRCB_t *           pxCurrentCoRoutine = NULL;

+    CRCB_t * pxCurrentCoRoutine = NULL;

     static UBaseType_t uxTopCoRoutineReadyPriority = 0;

-    static TickType_t  xCoRoutineTickCount = 0, xLastTickCount = 0, xPassedTicks = 0;

+    static TickType_t xCoRoutineTickCount = 0, xLastTickCount = 0, xPassedTicks = 0;


 /* The initial state of the co-routine when it is created. */

     #define corINITIAL_STATE    ( 0 )

@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
                                  UBaseType_t uxIndex )


         BaseType_t xReturn;

-        CRCB_t *   pxCoRoutine;

+        CRCB_t * pxCoRoutine;


         /* Allocate the memory that will store the co-routine control block. */

         pxCoRoutine = ( CRCB_t * ) pvPortMalloc( sizeof( CRCB_t ) );

@@ -125,9 +126,9 @@


             /* Fill out the co-routine control block from the function parameters. */

-            pxCoRoutine->uxState             = corINITIAL_STATE;

-            pxCoRoutine->uxPriority          = uxPriority;

-            pxCoRoutine->uxIndex             = uxIndex;

+            pxCoRoutine->uxState = corINITIAL_STATE;

+            pxCoRoutine->uxPriority = uxPriority;

+            pxCoRoutine->uxIndex = uxIndex;

             pxCoRoutine->pxCoRoutineFunction = pxCoRoutineCode;


             /* Initialise all the other co-routine control block parameters. */

@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@
              * list at the correct priority. */

             prvAddCoRoutineToReadyQueue( pxCoRoutine );


-            xReturn                          = pdPASS;

+            xReturn = pdPASS;




@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@

         CRCB_t * pxCRCB;


-        xPassedTicks   = xTaskGetTickCount() - xLastTickCount;

+        xPassedTicks = xTaskGetTickCount() - xLastTickCount;


         while( xPassedTicks )


@@ -238,8 +239,8 @@

                 /* Tick count has overflowed so we need to swap the delay lists.  If there are

                  * any items in pxDelayedCoRoutineList here then there is an error! */

-                pxTemp                         = pxDelayedCoRoutineList;

-                pxDelayedCoRoutineList         = pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList;

+                pxTemp = pxDelayedCoRoutineList;

+                pxDelayedCoRoutineList = pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList;

                 pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList = pxTemp;



@@ -329,14 +330,14 @@

         /* Start with pxDelayedCoRoutineList using list1 and the

          * pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList using list2. */

-        pxDelayedCoRoutineList         = &xDelayedCoRoutineList1;

+        pxDelayedCoRoutineList = &xDelayedCoRoutineList1;

         pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList = &xDelayedCoRoutineList2;




     BaseType_t xCoRoutineRemoveFromEventList( const List_t * pxEventList )


-        CRCB_t *   pxUnblockedCRCB;

+        CRCB_t * pxUnblockedCRCB;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* This function is called from within an interrupt.  It can only access

diff --git a/event_groups.c b/event_groups.c
index 55daaa3..40fc429 100644
--- a/event_groups.c
+++ b/event_groups.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -194,10 +195,10 @@
                              const EventBits_t uxBitsToWaitFor,

                              TickType_t xTicksToWait )


-    EventBits_t    uxOriginalBitValue, uxReturn;

-    EventGroup_t * pxEventBits      = xEventGroup;

-    BaseType_t     xAlreadyYielded;

-    BaseType_t     xTimeoutOccurred = pdFALSE;

+    EventBits_t uxOriginalBitValue, uxReturn;

+    EventGroup_t * pxEventBits = xEventGroup;

+    BaseType_t xAlreadyYielded;

+    BaseType_t xTimeoutOccurred = pdFALSE;


     configASSERT( ( uxBitsToWaitFor & eventEVENT_BITS_CONTROL_BYTES ) == 0 );

     configASSERT( uxBitsToWaitFor != 0 );

@@ -216,13 +217,13 @@
         if( ( ( uxOriginalBitValue | uxBitsToSet ) & uxBitsToWaitFor ) == uxBitsToWaitFor )


             /* All the rendezvous bits are now set - no need to block. */

-            uxReturn                  = ( uxOriginalBitValue | uxBitsToSet );

+            uxReturn = ( uxOriginalBitValue | uxBitsToSet );


             /* Rendezvous always clear the bits.  They will have been cleared

              * already unless this is the only task in the rendezvous. */

             pxEventBits->uxEventBits &= ~uxBitsToWaitFor;


-            xTicksToWait              = 0;

+            xTicksToWait = 0;




@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@

                 /* The rendezvous bits were not set, but no block time was

                  * specified - just return the current event bit value. */

-                uxReturn         = pxEventBits->uxEventBits;

+                uxReturn = pxEventBits->uxEventBits;

                 xTimeoutOccurred = pdTRUE;



@@ -267,7 +268,7 @@
          * point either the required bits were set or the block time expired.  If

          * the required bits were set they will have been stored in the task's

          * event list item, and they should now be retrieved then cleared. */

-        uxReturn  = uxTaskResetEventItemValue();

+        uxReturn = uxTaskResetEventItemValue();


         if( ( uxReturn & eventUNBLOCKED_DUE_TO_BIT_SET ) == ( EventBits_t ) 0 )


@@ -319,9 +320,9 @@
                                  TickType_t xTicksToWait )


     EventGroup_t * pxEventBits = xEventGroup;

-    EventBits_t    uxReturn, uxControlBits = 0;

-    BaseType_t     xWaitConditionMet, xAlreadyYielded;

-    BaseType_t     xTimeoutOccurred = pdFALSE;

+    EventBits_t uxReturn, uxControlBits = 0;

+    BaseType_t xWaitConditionMet, xAlreadyYielded;

+    BaseType_t xTimeoutOccurred = pdFALSE;


     /* Check the user is not attempting to wait on the bits used by the kernel

      * itself, and that at least one bit is being requested. */

@@ -345,7 +346,7 @@

             /* The wait condition has already been met so there is no need to

              * block. */

-            uxReturn     = uxCurrentEventBits;

+            uxReturn = uxCurrentEventBits;

             xTicksToWait = ( TickType_t ) 0;


             /* Clear the wait bits if requested to do so. */

@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@

             /* The wait condition has not been met, but no block time was

              * specified, so just return the current value. */

-            uxReturn         = uxCurrentEventBits;

+            uxReturn = uxCurrentEventBits;

             xTimeoutOccurred = pdTRUE;



@@ -419,14 +420,14 @@
          * point either the required bits were set or the block time expired.  If

          * the required bits were set they will have been stored in the task's

          * event list item, and they should now be retrieved then cleared. */

-        uxReturn  = uxTaskResetEventItemValue();

+        uxReturn = uxTaskResetEventItemValue();


         if( ( uxReturn & eventUNBLOCKED_DUE_TO_BIT_SET ) == ( EventBits_t ) 0 )




                 /* The task timed out, just return the current event bit value. */

-                uxReturn         = pxEventBits->uxEventBits;

+                uxReturn = pxEventBits->uxEventBits;


                 /* It is possible that the event bits were updated between this

                  * task leaving the Blocked state and running again. */

@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@
                                   const EventBits_t uxBitsToClear )


     EventGroup_t * pxEventBits = xEventGroup;

-    EventBits_t    uxReturn;

+    EventBits_t uxReturn;


     /* Check the user is not attempting to clear the bits used by the kernel

      * itself. */

@@ -485,7 +486,7 @@

         /* The value returned is the event group value prior to the bits being

          * cleared. */

-        uxReturn                  = pxEventBits->uxEventBits;

+        uxReturn = pxEventBits->uxEventBits;


         /* Clear the bits. */

         pxEventBits->uxEventBits &= ~uxBitsToClear;

@@ -514,9 +515,9 @@

 EventBits_t xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup )


-    UBaseType_t                uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+    UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;

     EventGroup_t const * const pxEventBits = xEventGroup;

-    EventBits_t                uxReturn;

+    EventBits_t uxReturn;


     uxSavedInterruptStatus = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR();


@@ -531,25 +532,25 @@
 EventBits_t xEventGroupSetBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,

                                 const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet )


-    ListItem_t *       pxListItem, * pxNext;

+    ListItem_t * pxListItem, * pxNext;

     ListItem_t const * pxListEnd;

-    List_t const *     pxList;

-    EventBits_t        uxBitsToClear = 0, uxBitsWaitedFor, uxControlBits;

-    EventGroup_t *     pxEventBits = xEventGroup;

-    BaseType_t         xMatchFound = pdFALSE;

+    List_t const * pxList;

+    EventBits_t uxBitsToClear = 0, uxBitsWaitedFor, uxControlBits;

+    EventGroup_t * pxEventBits = xEventGroup;

+    BaseType_t xMatchFound = pdFALSE;


     /* Check the user is not attempting to set the bits used by the kernel

      * itself. */

     configASSERT( xEventGroup );

     configASSERT( ( uxBitsToSet & eventEVENT_BITS_CONTROL_BYTES ) == 0 );


-    pxList    = &( pxEventBits->xTasksWaitingForBits );

+    pxList = &( pxEventBits->xTasksWaitingForBits );

     pxListEnd = listGET_END_MARKER( pxList ); /*lint !e826 !e740 !e9087 The mini list structure is used as the list end to save RAM.  This is checked and valid. */



         traceEVENT_GROUP_SET_BITS( xEventGroup, uxBitsToSet );


-        pxListItem                = listGET_HEAD_ENTRY( pxList );

+        pxListItem = listGET_HEAD_ENTRY( pxList );


         /* Set the bits. */

         pxEventBits->uxEventBits |= uxBitsToSet;

@@ -557,12 +558,12 @@
         /* See if the new bit value should unblock any tasks. */

         while( pxListItem != pxListEnd )


-            pxNext           = listGET_NEXT( pxListItem );

-            uxBitsWaitedFor  = listGET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE( pxListItem );

-            xMatchFound      = pdFALSE;

+            pxNext = listGET_NEXT( pxListItem );

+            uxBitsWaitedFor = listGET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE( pxListItem );

+            xMatchFound = pdFALSE;


             /* Split the bits waited for from the control bits. */

-            uxControlBits    = uxBitsWaitedFor & eventEVENT_BITS_CONTROL_BYTES;

+            uxControlBits = uxBitsWaitedFor & eventEVENT_BITS_CONTROL_BYTES;

             uxBitsWaitedFor &= ~eventEVENT_BITS_CONTROL_BYTES;


             if( ( uxControlBits & eventWAIT_FOR_ALL_BITS ) == ( EventBits_t ) 0 )

@@ -610,7 +611,7 @@
             /* Move onto the next list item.  Note pxListItem->pxNext is not

              * used here as the list item may have been removed from the event list

              * and inserted into the ready/pending reading list. */

-            pxListItem       = pxNext;

+            pxListItem = pxNext;



         /* Clear any bits that matched when the eventCLEAR_EVENTS_ON_EXIT_BIT

@@ -625,7 +626,7 @@

 void vEventGroupDelete( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup )


-    EventGroup_t * pxEventBits           = xEventGroup;

+    EventGroup_t * pxEventBits = xEventGroup;

     const List_t * pxTasksWaitingForBits = &( pxEventBits->xTasksWaitingForBits );



@@ -741,7 +742,7 @@

     UBaseType_t uxEventGroupGetNumber( void * xEventGroup )


-        UBaseType_t          xReturn;

+        UBaseType_t xReturn;

         EventGroup_t const * pxEventBits = ( EventGroup_t * ) xEventGroup; /*lint !e9087 !e9079 EventGroupHandle_t is a pointer to an EventGroup_t, but EventGroupHandle_t is kept opaque outside of this file for data hiding purposes. */


         if( xEventGroup == NULL )

diff --git a/include/FreeRTOS.h b/include/FreeRTOS.h
index a18e093..8521876 100644
--- a/include/FreeRTOS.h
+++ b/include/FreeRTOS.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/StackMacros.h b/include/StackMacros.h
index c799d5b..c9a0a05 100644
--- a/include/StackMacros.h
+++ b/include/StackMacros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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@@ -82,8 +83,8 @@

     #define taskCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW()                                                            \

     {                                                                                                 \

-        const uint32_t * const pulStack     = ( uint32_t * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxStack;                   \

-        const uint32_t         ulCheckValue = ( uint32_t ) 0xa5a5a5a5;                                \

+        const uint32_t * const pulStack = ( uint32_t * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxStack;                       \

+        const uint32_t ulCheckValue = ( uint32_t ) 0xa5a5a5a5;                                        \


         if( ( pulStack[ 0 ] != ulCheckValue ) ||                                                      \

             ( pulStack[ 1 ] != ulCheckValue ) ||                                                      \

@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@

     #define taskCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW()                                                                                                \

     {                                                                                                                                     \

-        int8_t *             pcEndOfStack           = ( int8_t * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxEndOfStack;                                            \

+        int8_t * pcEndOfStack = ( int8_t * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxEndOfStack;                                                                  \

         static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[] = { tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,   \

                                                         tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,   \

                                                         tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,   \

diff --git a/include/atomic.h b/include/atomic.h
index f66185f..982bc2a 100644
--- a/include/atomic.h
+++ b/include/atomic.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@
             if( *pulDestination == ulComparand )


                 *pulDestination = ulExchange;

-                ulReturnValue   = ATOMIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_SUCCESS;

+                ulReturnValue = ATOMIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_SUCCESS;




@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@



-            pReturnValue    = *ppvDestination;

+            pReturnValue = *ppvDestination;

             *ppvDestination = pvExchange;



@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@
             if( *ppvDestination == pvComparand )


                 *ppvDestination = pvExchange;

-                ulReturnValue   = ATOMIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_SUCCESS;

+                ulReturnValue = ATOMIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_SUCCESS;




@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@



-            ulCurrent   = *pulAddend;

+            ulCurrent = *pulAddend;

             *pulAddend += ulCount;



@@ -239,7 +240,7 @@



-            ulCurrent   = *pulAddend;

+            ulCurrent = *pulAddend;

             *pulAddend -= ulCount;



@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@



-            ulCurrent   = *pulAddend;

+            ulCurrent = *pulAddend;

             *pulAddend += 1;



@@ -289,7 +290,7 @@



-            ulCurrent   = *pulAddend;

+            ulCurrent = *pulAddend;

             *pulAddend -= 1;



@@ -317,7 +318,7 @@



-            ulCurrent        = *pulDestination;

+            ulCurrent = *pulDestination;

             *pulDestination |= ulValue;



@@ -344,7 +345,7 @@



-            ulCurrent        = *pulDestination;

+            ulCurrent = *pulDestination;

             *pulDestination &= ulValue;



@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@



-            ulCurrent       = *pulDestination;

+            ulCurrent = *pulDestination;

             *pulDestination = ~( ulCurrent & ulValue );



@@ -398,7 +399,7 @@



-            ulCurrent        = *pulDestination;

+            ulCurrent = *pulDestination;

             *pulDestination ^= ulValue;



diff --git a/include/croutine.h b/include/croutine.h
index 76c805b..83f0d98 100644
--- a/include/croutine.h
+++ b/include/croutine.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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 #ifndef CO_ROUTINE_H

diff --git a/include/deprecated_definitions.h b/include/deprecated_definitions.h
index 456f6fd..aa2c6cc 100644
--- a/include/deprecated_definitions.h
+++ b/include/deprecated_definitions.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/event_groups.h b/include/event_groups.h
index 606b771..c9ab819 100644
--- a/include/event_groups.h
+++ b/include/event_groups.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/list.h b/include/list.h
index 0d0db52..9a23a82 100644
--- a/include/list.h
+++ b/include/list.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -122,8 +123,8 @@
 /* Define macros that set the new structure members to known values. */

         #define listSET_FIRST_LIST_ITEM_INTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE( pxItem )     ( pxItem )->xListItemIntegrityValue1 = pdINTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE

         #define listSET_SECOND_LIST_ITEM_INTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE( pxItem )    ( pxItem )->xListItemIntegrityValue2 = pdINTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE

-        #define listSET_LIST_INTEGRITY_CHECK_1_VALUE( pxList )              ( pxList )->xListIntegrityValue1     = pdINTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE

-        #define listSET_LIST_INTEGRITY_CHECK_2_VALUE( pxList )              ( pxList )->xListIntegrityValue2     = pdINTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE

+        #define listSET_LIST_INTEGRITY_CHECK_1_VALUE( pxList )              ( pxList )->xListIntegrityValue1 = pdINTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE

+        #define listSET_LIST_INTEGRITY_CHECK_2_VALUE( pxList )              ( pxList )->xListIntegrityValue2 = pdINTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE


 /* Define macros that will assert if one of the structure members does not

  * contain its expected value. */

@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@
         {                                                                                      \

             ( pxConstList )->pxIndex = ( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pxNext;                       \

         }                                                                                      \

-        ( pxTCB )                = ( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pvOwner;                          \

+        ( pxTCB ) = ( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pvOwner;                                         \




diff --git a/include/message_buffer.h b/include/message_buffer.h
index 53a1d71..71dc691 100644
--- a/include/message_buffer.h
+++ b/include/message_buffer.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/mpu_prototypes.h b/include/mpu_prototypes.h
index 5f64fa8..476850a 100644
--- a/include/mpu_prototypes.h
+++ b/include/mpu_prototypes.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/include/mpu_wrappers.h b/include/mpu_wrappers.h
index ca2ebe6..89e47aa 100644
--- a/include/mpu_wrappers.h
+++ b/include/mpu_wrappers.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/portable.h b/include/portable.h
index 4c1b5de..4996424 100644
--- a/include/portable.h
+++ b/include/portable.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/projdefs.h b/include/projdefs.h
index 0abd64f..d421633 100644
--- a/include/projdefs.h
+++ b/include/projdefs.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PROJDEFS_H

diff --git a/include/queue.h b/include/queue.h
index cb2d656..fd0e8ed 100644
--- a/include/queue.h
+++ b/include/queue.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/semphr.h b/include/semphr.h
index 1b3d0dd..21f3aff 100644
--- a/include/semphr.h
+++ b/include/semphr.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef SEMAPHORE_H

diff --git a/include/stack_macros.h b/include/stack_macros.h
index c243636..617e4d6 100644
--- a/include/stack_macros.h
+++ b/include/stack_macros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -78,8 +79,8 @@

     #define taskCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW()                                                            \

     {                                                                                                 \

-        const uint32_t * const pulStack     = ( uint32_t * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxStack;                   \

-        const uint32_t         ulCheckValue = ( uint32_t ) 0xa5a5a5a5;                                \

+        const uint32_t * const pulStack = ( uint32_t * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxStack;                       \

+        const uint32_t ulCheckValue = ( uint32_t ) 0xa5a5a5a5;                                        \


         if( ( pulStack[ 0 ] != ulCheckValue ) ||                                                      \

             ( pulStack[ 1 ] != ulCheckValue ) ||                                                      \

@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@

     #define taskCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW()                                                                                                \

     {                                                                                                                                     \

-        int8_t *             pcEndOfStack           = ( int8_t * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxEndOfStack;                                            \

+        int8_t * pcEndOfStack = ( int8_t * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxEndOfStack;                                                                  \

         static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[] = { tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,   \

                                                         tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,   \

                                                         tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,   \

diff --git a/include/stream_buffer.h b/include/stream_buffer.h
index 8f2f97d..37b961e 100644
--- a/include/stream_buffer.h
+++ b/include/stream_buffer.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/task.h b/include/task.h
index e80bbb5..c3d290b 100644
--- a/include/task.h
+++ b/include/task.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/include/timers.h b/include/timers.h
index 26445d4..9bdc5e2 100644
--- a/include/timers.h
+++ b/include/timers.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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diff --git a/list.c b/list.c
index 6b9197c..2c873c9 100644
--- a/list.c
+++ b/list.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
     /* The list structure contains a list item which is used to mark the

      * end of the list.  To initialise the list the list end is inserted

      * as the only list entry. */

-    pxList->pxIndex             = ( ListItem_t * ) &( pxList->xListEnd ); /*lint !e826 !e740 !e9087 The mini list structure is used as the list end to save RAM.  This is checked and valid. */

+    pxList->pxIndex = ( ListItem_t * ) &( pxList->xListEnd ); /*lint !e826 !e740 !e9087 The mini list structure is used as the list end to save RAM.  This is checked and valid. */


     /* The list end value is the highest possible value in the list to

      * ensure it remains at the end of the list. */

@@ -46,10 +47,10 @@

     /* The list end next and previous pointers point to itself so we know

      * when the list is empty. */

-    pxList->xListEnd.pxNext     = ( ListItem_t * ) &( pxList->xListEnd ); /*lint !e826 !e740 !e9087 The mini list structure is used as the list end to save RAM.  This is checked and valid. */

+    pxList->xListEnd.pxNext = ( ListItem_t * ) &( pxList->xListEnd );     /*lint !e826 !e740 !e9087 The mini list structure is used as the list end to save RAM.  This is checked and valid. */

     pxList->xListEnd.pxPrevious = ( ListItem_t * ) &( pxList->xListEnd ); /*lint !e826 !e740 !e9087 The mini list structure is used as the list end to save RAM.  This is checked and valid. */


-    pxList->uxNumberOfItems     = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;

+    pxList->uxNumberOfItems = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;


     /* Write known values into the list if

      * configUSE_LIST_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_BYTES is set to 1. */

@@ -84,17 +85,17 @@
     /* Insert a new list item into pxList, but rather than sort the list,

      * makes the new list item the last item to be removed by a call to

      * listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY(). */

-    pxNewListItem->pxNext       = pxIndex;

-    pxNewListItem->pxPrevious   = pxIndex->pxPrevious;

+    pxNewListItem->pxNext = pxIndex;

+    pxNewListItem->pxPrevious = pxIndex->pxPrevious;


     /* Only used during decision coverage testing. */



     pxIndex->pxPrevious->pxNext = pxNewListItem;

-    pxIndex->pxPrevious         = pxNewListItem;

+    pxIndex->pxPrevious = pxNewListItem;


     /* Remember which list the item is in. */

-    pxNewListItem->pxContainer  = pxList;

+    pxNewListItem->pxContainer = pxList;


     ( pxList->uxNumberOfItems )++;


@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
 void vListInsert( List_t * const pxList,

                   ListItem_t * const pxNewListItem )


-    ListItem_t *     pxIterator;

+    ListItem_t * pxIterator;

     const TickType_t xValueOfInsertion = pxNewListItem->xItemValue;


     /* Only effective when configASSERT() is also defined, these tests may catch

@@ -155,14 +156,14 @@



-    pxNewListItem->pxNext             = pxIterator->pxNext;

+    pxNewListItem->pxNext = pxIterator->pxNext;

     pxNewListItem->pxNext->pxPrevious = pxNewListItem;

-    pxNewListItem->pxPrevious         = pxIterator;

-    pxIterator->pxNext                = pxNewListItem;

+    pxNewListItem->pxPrevious = pxIterator;

+    pxIterator->pxNext = pxNewListItem;


     /* Remember which list the item is in.  This allows fast removal of the

      * item later. */

-    pxNewListItem->pxContainer        = pxList;

+    pxNewListItem->pxContainer = pxList;


     ( pxList->uxNumberOfItems )++;


@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@



-    pxItemToRemove->pxContainer        = NULL;

+    pxItemToRemove->pxContainer = NULL;

     ( pxList->uxNumberOfItems )--;


     return pxList->uxNumberOfItems;

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/port.c b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/portasm.c b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/portasm.c
index 94e2416..d9eb319 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/portasm.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/portasm.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/portmacro.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/portmacro.h
index 060f91a..747cdc7 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portasm.c b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portasm.c
index e683d1a..cf57e6e 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portasm.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portasm.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portmacro.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portmacro.h
index 060f91a..747cdc7 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/portasm.c b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/portasm.c
index 2759f4d..0c8cb0f 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/portasm.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/portasm.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/portmacro.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/portmacro.h
index 7ffbea1..bb4d249 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portasm.c b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portasm.c
index 1a397bc..132fa45 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portasm.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portasm.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portmacro.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portmacro.h
index 7ffbea1..bb4d249 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/portmacro.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/portmacro.h
index 52cb223..48e23e9 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portmacro.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portmacro.h
index a217379..29697ba 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/portmacro.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/portmacro.h
index 1c81555..24f1e14 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portmacro.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portmacro.h
index 1c81555..24f1e14 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure_context_port.c b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure_context_port.c
index d5be002..d7ef92b 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure_context_port.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure_context_port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure_context_port.c b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure_context_port.c
index ea094eb..0187463 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure_context_port.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure_context_port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure_context_port.c b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure_context_port.c
index 24e3fef..e2fb5ce 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure_context_port.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure_context_port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure_context_port.c b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure_context_port.c
index 24e3fef..e2fb5ce 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure_context_port.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure_context_port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/secure_context.c b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/secure_context.c
index 04f1e56..5608c72 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/secure_context.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/secure_context.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

@@ -101,12 +102,12 @@
     secureportNON_SECURE_CALLABLE SecureContextHandle_t SecureContext_AllocateContext( uint32_t ulSecureStackSize )

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint8_t *             pucStackMemory         = NULL;

-    uint32_t              ulIPSR;

-    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle   = NULL;

+    uint8_t * pucStackMemory = NULL;

+    uint32_t ulIPSR;

+    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle = NULL;


     #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-        uint32_t *        pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

+        uint32_t * pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Read the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) value. */

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
                         /* Store the correct CONTROL value for the task on the stack.

                          * This value is programmed in the CONTROL register on

                          * context switch. */

-                        pulCurrentStackPointer                       = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;

+                        pulCurrentStackPointer = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;



                         if( ulIsTaskPrivileged )

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/secure_context.h b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/secure_context.h
index a5d2f29..62ef6bb 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/secure_context.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/context/secure_context.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_CONTEXT_H__

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/heap/secure_heap.c b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/heap/secure_heap.c
index b71f06d..76b6ee1 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/heap/secure_heap.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/heap/secure_heap.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
  * @brief Keeps track of the number of free bytes remaining, but says nothing

  * about fragmentation.


-static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining            = 0U;

+static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

 static size_t xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;



@@ -125,61 +126,61 @@
  * then the block belongs to the application. When the bit is free the block is

  * still part of the free heap space.


-static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit             = 0;

+static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit = 0;



 static void prvHeapInit( void )


     BlockLink_t * pxFirstFreeBlock;

-    uint8_t *     pucAlignedHeap;

-    size_t        uxAddress;

-    size_t        xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;

+    uint8_t * pucAlignedHeap;

+    size_t uxAddress;

+    size_t xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;


     /* Ensure the heap starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( size_t ) ucHeap;

+    uxAddress = ( size_t ) ucHeap;


     if( ( uxAddress & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0 )


-        uxAddress      += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

-        uxAddress      &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+        uxAddress += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

+        uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

         xTotalHeapSize -= uxAddress - ( size_t ) ucHeap;



-    pucAlignedHeap                    = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;

+    pucAlignedHeap = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;


     /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of free

      * blocks.  The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */

-    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock            = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    xStart.xBlockSize                 = ( size_t ) 0;

+    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0;


     /* pxEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks and is inserted

      * at the end of the heap space. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

-    uxAddress                        -= xHeapStructSize;

-    uxAddress                        &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

-    pxEnd                             = ( void * ) uxAddress;

-    pxEnd->xBlockSize                 = 0;

-    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock            = NULL;

+    uxAddress = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

+    uxAddress -= xHeapStructSize;

+    uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+    pxEnd = ( void * ) uxAddress;

+    pxEnd->xBlockSize = 0;

+    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;


     /* To start with there is a single free block that is sized to take up the

      * entire heap space, minus the space taken by pxEnd. */

-    pxFirstFreeBlock                  = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize      = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

     pxFirstFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = pxEnd;


     /* Only one block exists - and it covers the entire usable heap space. */

-    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining    = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

-    xFreeBytesRemaining               = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;


     /* Work out the position of the top bit in a size_t variable. */

-    xBlockAllocatedBit                = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );

+    xBlockAllocatedBit = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );




 static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t * pxBlockToInsert )


     BlockLink_t * pxIterator;

-    uint8_t *     puc;

+    uint8_t * puc;


     /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a higher address

      * than the block being inserted. */

@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@
     if( ( puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert )


         pxIterator->xBlockSize += pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;

-        pxBlockToInsert         = pxIterator;

+        pxBlockToInsert = pxIterator;




@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@
         if( pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd )


             /* Form one big block from the two blocks. */

-            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize     += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

             pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@
 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

-    void *        pvReturn = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;


     /* If this is the first call to malloc then the heap will require

      * initialisation to setup the list of free blocks. */

@@ -290,12 +291,12 @@
             /* Traverse the list from the start (lowest address) block until

              * one of adequate size is found. */

             pxPreviousBlock = &xStart;

-            pxBlock         = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;

+            pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;


             while( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) )


                 pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock;

-                pxBlock         = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;

+                pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



             /* If the end marker was reached then a block of adequate size was

@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@

                 /* Return the memory space pointed to - jumping over the

                  * BlockLink_t structure at its start. */

-                pvReturn                         = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );

+                pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );


                 /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out

                  * of the list of free blocks. */

@@ -318,13 +319,13 @@
                      * block following the number of bytes requested. The void

                      * cast is used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the

                      * compiler. */

-                    pxNewBlockLink             = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

+                    pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

                     secureportASSERT( ( ( ( size_t ) pxNewBlockLink ) & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0 );


                     /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the single

                      * block. */

                     pxNewBlockLink->xBlockSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize;

-                    pxBlock->xBlockSize        = xWantedSize;

+                    pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize;


                     /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */

                     prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( pxNewBlockLink );

@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@



-                xFreeBytesRemaining             -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;

+                xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;


                 if( xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining )


@@ -347,8 +348,8 @@

                 /* The block is being returned - it is allocated and owned by

                  * the application and has no "next" block. */

-                pxBlock->xBlockSize             |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

-                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock         = NULL;

+                pxBlock->xBlockSize |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

+                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;




@@ -388,14 +389,14 @@

 void vPortFree( void * pv )


-    uint8_t *     puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

+    uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

     BlockLink_t * pxLink;


     if( pv != NULL )


         /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately

          * before it. */

-        puc   -= xHeapStructSize;

+        puc -= xHeapStructSize;


         /* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */

         pxLink = ( void * ) puc;

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/heap/secure_heap.h b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/heap/secure_heap.h
index 7226fa2..d5ddaa8 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/heap/secure_heap.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/heap/secure_heap.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_HEAP_H__

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/init/secure_init.c b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/init/secure_init.c
index 5ffa9e6..6f0be25 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/init/secure_init.c
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/init/secure_init.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/init/secure_init.h b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/init/secure_init.h
index 96ba9aa..6438734 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/init/secure_init.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/init/secure_init.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_INIT_H__

diff --git a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/macros/secure_port_macros.h b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/macros/secure_port_macros.h
index f37655d..d0ace62 100644
--- a/portable/ARMv8M/secure/macros/secure_port_macros.h
+++ b/portable/ARMv8M/secure/macros/secure_port_macros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/Flsh186/port.c b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/Flsh186/port.c
index 4faed8b..e42366a 100644
--- a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/Flsh186/port.c
+++ b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/Flsh186/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
 static void prvExitFunction( void )


     const uint16_t usTimerDisable = 0x0000;

-    uint16_t       usTimer0Control;

+    uint16_t usTimer0Control;


     /* Interrupts should be disabled here anyway - but no

      * harm in making sure. */

@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@
     portOUTPUT_WORD( portTIMER_1_CONTROL_REGISTER, usTimerDisable );


     /* Restart the DOS tick. */

-    usTimer0Control  = portINPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER );

+    usTimer0Control = portINPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER );

     usTimer0Control |= portTIMER_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;

     portOUTPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER, usTimer0Control );


@@ -218,25 +219,25 @@

 static void prvSetTickFrequency( uint32_t ulTickRateHz )


-    const uint16_t usMaxCountRegister      = 0xff5a;

+    const uint16_t usMaxCountRegister = 0xff5a;

     const uint16_t usTimerPriorityRegister = 0xff32;

-    const uint16_t usTimerEnable           = 0xC000;

-    const uint16_t usRetrigger             = 0x0001;

-    const uint16_t usTimerHighPriority     = 0x0000;

-    uint16_t       usTimer0Control;

+    const uint16_t usTimerEnable = 0xC000;

+    const uint16_t usRetrigger = 0x0001;

+    const uint16_t usTimerHighPriority = 0x0000;

+    uint16_t usTimer0Control;


 /* ( CPU frequency / 4 ) / clock 2 max count [inpw( 0xff62 ) = 7] */


-    const uint32_t ulClockFrequency        = ( uint32_t ) 0x7f31a0UL;

+    const uint32_t ulClockFrequency = ( uint32_t ) 0x7f31a0UL;


-    uint32_t       ulTimerCount            = ulClockFrequency / ulTickRateHz;

+    uint32_t ulTimerCount = ulClockFrequency / ulTickRateHz;


     portOUTPUT_WORD( portTIMER_1_CONTROL_REGISTER, usTimerEnable | portTIMER_INTERRUPT_ENABLE | usRetrigger );

     portOUTPUT_WORD( usMaxCountRegister, ( uint16_t ) ulTimerCount );

     portOUTPUT_WORD( usTimerPriorityRegister, usTimerHighPriority );


     /* Stop the DOS tick - don't do this if you want to maintain a TOD clock. */

-    usTimer0Control  = portINPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER );

+    usTimer0Control = portINPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER );

     usTimer0Control &= ~portTIMER_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;

     portOUTPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER, usTimer0Control );


diff --git a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/Flsh186/prtmacro.h b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/Flsh186/prtmacro.h
index 8604b1a..cfd36e1 100644
--- a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/Flsh186/prtmacro.h
+++ b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/Flsh186/prtmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/PC/port.c b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/PC/port.c
index b3a31d6..da84dd8 100644
--- a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/PC/port.c
+++ b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/PC/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@
 /*lint -e956 File scopes necessary here. */


 /* Used to signal when to chain to the DOS tick, and when to just clear the PIC ourselves. */

-static int16_t    sDOSTickCounter;

+static int16_t sDOSTickCounter;


 /* Set true when the vectors are set so the scheduler will service the tick. */

 static BaseType_t xSchedulerRunning = pdFALSE;

@@ -113,8 +114,8 @@

     /* Remember what was on the interrupts we are going to use

      * so we can put them back later if required. */

-    pxOldSwitchISR      = _dos_getvect( portSWITCH_INT_NUMBER );

-    pxOriginalTickISR   = _dos_getvect( portTIMER_INT_NUMBER );

+    pxOldSwitchISR = _dos_getvect( portSWITCH_INT_NUMBER );

+    pxOriginalTickISR = _dos_getvect( portTIMER_INT_NUMBER );

     pxOldSwitchISRPlus1 = _dos_getvect( portSWITCH_INT_NUMBER + 1 );


     prvSetTickFrequency( configTICK_RATE_HZ );

@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@
     /* Setup a counter that is used to call the DOS interrupt as close

      * to it's original frequency as can be achieved given our chosen tick

      * frequency. */

-    sDOSTickCounter     = portTICKS_PER_DOS_TICK;

+    sDOSTickCounter = portTICKS_PER_DOS_TICK;


     /* Clean up function if we want to return to DOS. */

     if( setjmp( xJumpBuf ) != 0 )

@@ -263,15 +264,15 @@

 static void prvSetTickFrequency( uint32_t ulTickRateHz )


-    const uint16_t usPIT_MODE        = ( uint16_t ) 0x43;

-    const uint16_t usPIT0            = ( uint16_t ) 0x40;

-    const uint32_t ulPIT_CONST       = ( uint32_t ) 1193180UL;

+    const uint16_t usPIT_MODE = ( uint16_t ) 0x43;

+    const uint16_t usPIT0 = ( uint16_t ) 0x40;

+    const uint32_t ulPIT_CONST = ( uint32_t ) 1193180UL;

     const uint16_t us8254_CTR0_MODE3 = ( uint16_t ) 0x36;

-    uint32_t       ulOutput;

+    uint32_t ulOutput;


     /* Setup the 8245 to tick at the wanted frequency. */

     portOUTPUT_BYTE( usPIT_MODE, us8254_CTR0_MODE3 );

-    ulOutput   = ulPIT_CONST / ulTickRateHz;

+    ulOutput = ulPIT_CONST / ulTickRateHz;

     portOUTPUT_BYTE( usPIT0, ( uint16_t ) ( ulOutput & ( uint32_t ) 0xff ) );

     ulOutput >>= 8;

     portOUTPUT_BYTE( usPIT0, ( uint16_t ) ( ulOutput & ( uint32_t ) 0xff ) );

@@ -280,8 +281,8 @@

 static void prvSetTickFrequencyDefault( void )


-    const uint16_t usPIT_MODE        = ( uint16_t ) 0x43;

-    const uint16_t usPIT0            = ( uint16_t ) 0x40;

+    const uint16_t usPIT_MODE = ( uint16_t ) 0x43;

+    const uint16_t usPIT0 = ( uint16_t ) 0x40;

     const uint16_t us8254_CTR0_MODE3 = ( uint16_t ) 0x36;


     portOUTPUT_BYTE( usPIT_MODE, us8254_CTR0_MODE3 );

diff --git a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/PC/prtmacro.h b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/PC/prtmacro.h
index 95208d3..f94ec23 100644
--- a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/PC/prtmacro.h
+++ b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/PC/prtmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/common/portasm.h b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/common/portasm.h
index 5118bcf..45d1302 100644
--- a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/common/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/common/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORT_ASM_H

diff --git a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/common/portcomn.c b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/common/portcomn.c
index ec4c10c..593cf38 100644
--- a/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/common/portcomn.c
+++ b/portable/BCC/16BitDOS/common/portcomn.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/CCS/ARM_CM3/port.c b/portable/CCS/ARM_CM3/port.c
index 2c16393..9c62ab3 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/ARM_CM3/port.c
+++ b/portable/CCS/ARM_CM3/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -116,17 +117,17 @@

 /* Required to allow portasm.asm access the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY

  * setting. */

-const uint32_t     ulMaxSyscallInterruptPriority                       = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY;

+const uint32_t ulMaxSyscallInterruptPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY;


 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -151,8 +152,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( uint8_t * ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -212,9 +213,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( uint8_t * ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -222,21 +223,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -264,8 +265,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -354,7 +355,7 @@
     #pragma WEAK( vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep )

     void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -391,14 +392,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_interrupt()

              * call above. */

@@ -407,21 +408,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -455,7 +456,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -485,7 +486,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -497,20 +498,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm( "	cpsie i");

@@ -530,19 +531,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -552,7 +553,7 @@

         extern uint32_t ulPortGetIPSR( void );

         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         ulCurrentInterrupt = ulPortGetIPSR();


diff --git a/portable/CCS/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h b/portable/CCS/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
index f175786..35ff73f 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/CCS/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




diff --git a/portable/CCS/ARM_CM4F/port.c b/portable/CCS/ARM_CM4F/port.c
index 7ea2079..f9c4443 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/ARM_CM4F/port.c
+++ b/portable/CCS/ARM_CM4F/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -130,17 +131,17 @@

 /* Required to allow portasm.asm access the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY

  * setting. */

-const uint32_t     ulMaxSyscallInterruptPriority                       = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY;

+const uint32_t ulMaxSyscallInterruptPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY;


 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -165,8 +166,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( uint8_t * ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -231,9 +232,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( uint8_t * ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -241,21 +242,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -283,8 +284,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -301,13 +302,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -379,7 +380,7 @@
     #pragma WEAK( vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep )

     void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -397,7 +398,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -416,14 +417,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_interrupt()

              * call above. */

@@ -432,21 +433,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -480,7 +481,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -510,7 +511,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -522,20 +523,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm( "	cpsie i");

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -577,7 +578,7 @@

         extern uint32_t ulPortGetIPSR( void );

         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         ulCurrentInterrupt = ulPortGetIPSR();


diff --git a/portable/CCS/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h b/portable/CCS/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
index 4d99e76..fbfaeab 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/CCS/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




diff --git a/portable/CCS/ARM_Cortex-R4/port.c b/portable/CCS/ARM_Cortex-R4/port.c
index ca0ce95..1f3f31c 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/ARM_Cortex-R4/port.c
+++ b/portable/CCS/ARM_Cortex-R4/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* FreeRTOS includes. */

@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@


 /* Count of the critical section nesting depth. */

-uint32_t ulCriticalNesting   = 9999;

+uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999;




@@ -169,30 +170,30 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Disable timer 0. */

-    portRTI_GCTRL_REG      &= 0xFFFFFFFEUL;



     /* Use the internal counter. */

-    portRTI_TBCTRL_REG      = 0x00000000U;

+    portRTI_TBCTRL_REG = 0x00000000U;


     /* COMPSEL0 will use the RTIFRC0 counter. */

-    portRTI_COMPCTRL_REG    = 0x00000000U;

+    portRTI_COMPCTRL_REG = 0x00000000U;


     /* Initialise the counter and the prescale counter registers. */

-    portRTI_CNT0_UC0_REG    = 0x00000000U;

-    portRTI_CNT0_FRC0_REG   = 0x00000000U;

+    portRTI_CNT0_UC0_REG = 0x00000000U;

+    portRTI_CNT0_FRC0_REG = 0x00000000U;


     /* Set Prescalar for RTI clock. */

-    portRTI_CNT0_CPUC0_REG  = 0x00000001U;

-    portRTI_CNT0_COMP0_REG  = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 2 ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

-    portRTI_CNT0_UDCP0_REG  = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 2 ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

+    portRTI_CNT0_CPUC0_REG = 0x00000001U;

+    portRTI_CNT0_COMP0_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 2 ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

+    portRTI_CNT0_UDCP0_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 2 ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ;


     /* Clear interrupts. */

-    portRTI_INTFLAG_REG     = 0x0007000FU;

+    portRTI_INTFLAG_REG = 0x0007000FU;

     portRTI_CLEARINTENA_REG = 0x00070F0FU;


     /* Enable the compare 0 interrupt. */

-    portRTI_SETINTENA_REG   = 0x00000001U;

-    portRTI_GCTRL_REG      |= 0x00000001U;

+    portRTI_SETINTENA_REG = 0x00000001U;

+    portRTI_GCTRL_REG |= 0x00000001U;




diff --git a/portable/CCS/ARM_Cortex-R4/portmacro.h b/portable/CCS/ARM_Cortex-R4/portmacro.h
index 585545f..1536b0f 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/ARM_Cortex-R4/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/CCS/ARM_Cortex-R4/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORTMACRO_H__

@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@



-    #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+    #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




diff --git a/portable/CCS/MSP430X/data_model.h b/portable/CCS/MSP430X/data_model.h
index f844ab3..6a0787c 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/MSP430X/data_model.h
+++ b/portable/CCS/MSP430X/data_model.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */



diff --git a/portable/CCS/MSP430X/port.c b/portable/CCS/MSP430X/port.c
index 9a91156..6e0d857 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/MSP430X/port.c
+++ b/portable/CCS/MSP430X/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -91,25 +92,25 @@
      * and code model used. */

     if( sizeof( pxCode ) == sizeof( uint16_t ) )


-        pusTopOfStack  = ( uint16_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-        ulTemp         = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

+        pusTopOfStack = ( uint16_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+        ulTemp = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

         *pusTopOfStack = ( uint16_t ) ulTemp;




         /* Make room for a 20 bit value stored as a 32 bit value. */

-        pusTopOfStack  = ( uint16_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+        pusTopOfStack = ( uint16_t * ) pxTopOfStack;


-        pulTopOfStack  = ( uint32_t * ) pusTopOfStack;

+        pulTopOfStack = ( uint32_t * ) pusTopOfStack;

         *pulTopOfStack = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;




-    *pusTopOfStack    = portFLAGS_INT_ENABLED;

-    pusTopOfStack    -= ( sizeof( StackType_t ) / 2 );

+    *pusTopOfStack = portFLAGS_INT_ENABLED;

+    pusTopOfStack -= ( sizeof( StackType_t ) / 2 );


     /* From here on the size of stacked items depends on the memory model. */

-    pxTopOfStack      = ( StackType_t * ) pusTopOfStack;

+    pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t * ) pusTopOfStack;


     /* Next the general purpose registers. */


@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@
     /* A variable is used to keep track of the critical section nesting.

      * This variable has to be stored as part of the task context and is

      * initially set to zero. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING;


     /* Return a pointer to the top of the stack we have generated so this can

      * be stored in the task control block for the task. */

diff --git a/portable/CCS/MSP430X/portmacro.h b/portable/CCS/MSP430X/portmacro.h
index 2c2d64c..78612e3 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/MSP430X/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/CCS/MSP430X/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V1/port.c b/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V1/port.c
index 8b09b67..21ebf14 100644
--- a/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V1/port.c
+++ b/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V1/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Kernel includes. */

@@ -60,21 +61,21 @@



-    *pxTopOfStack          = ( StackType_t ) 0xDEADBEEF;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xDEADBEEF;



     /* Exception stack frame starts with the return address. */

-    *pxTopOfStack          = ( StackType_t ) pxCode;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pxCode;



-    *pxTopOfStack          = ( portINITIAL_FORMAT_VECTOR << 16UL ) | ( portINITIAL_STATUS_REGISTER );

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( portINITIAL_FORMAT_VECTOR << 16UL ) | ( portINITIAL_STATUS_REGISTER );



-    *pxTopOfStack          = ( StackType_t ) 0x0; /*FP*/

-    pxTopOfStack          -= 14;                  /* A5 to D0. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x0; /*FP*/

+    pxTopOfStack -= 14;                  /* A5 to D0. */


     /* Parameter in A0. */

-    *( pxTopOfStack + 8 )  = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters;

+    *( pxTopOfStack + 8 ) = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters;


     /* A5 must be maintained as it is resurved by the compiler. */

     *( pxTopOfStack + 13 ) = ulOriginalA5;

@@ -102,10 +103,10 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Prescale by 1 - ie no prescale. */

-    RTCSC     |= 8;

+    RTCSC |= 8;


     /* Compare match value. */

-    RTCMOD     = portRTC_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

+    RTCMOD = portRTC_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;


     /* Enable the RTC to generate interrupts - interrupts are already disabled

      * when this code executes. */

@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@
     uint32_t ulSavedInterruptMask;


     /* Clear the interrupt. */

-    RTCSC               |= RTCSC_RTIF_MASK;



     /* Increment the RTOS tick. */

     ulSavedInterruptMask = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR();

diff --git a/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V1/portmacro.h b/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V1/portmacro.h
index a4ad6f9..e5d783d 100644
--- a/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V1/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V1/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V2/port.c b/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V2/port.c
index 0c50f0f..8616098 100644
--- a/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V2/port.c
+++ b/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V2/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Kernel includes. */

@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@

     ulSavedInterruptMask = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR();

     /* Note this will clear all forced interrupts - this is done for speed. */

-    MCF_INTC0_INTFRCL    = 0;



     portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR( ulSavedInterruptMask );


diff --git a/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V2/portmacro.h b/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V2/portmacro.h
index 76f396d..e2eb0af 100644
--- a/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V2/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/CodeWarrior/ColdFire_V2/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/CodeWarrior/HCS12/port.c b/portable/CodeWarrior/HCS12/port.c
index acdef63..9069850 100644
--- a/portable/CodeWarrior/HCS12/port.c
+++ b/portable/CodeWarrior/HCS12/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -95,36 +96,36 @@


     /* The address of the task function is placed in the stack byte at a time. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pxCode ) ) + 1 );

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pxCode ) ) + 1 );


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pxCode ) ) + 0 );

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pxCode ) ) + 0 );



     /* Next are all the registers that form part of the task context. */


     /* Y register */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0xff;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xff;


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0xee;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xee;



     /* X register */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0xdd;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xdd;


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0xcc;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xcc;



     /* A register contains parameter high byte. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pvParameters ) ) + 0 );

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pvParameters ) ) + 0 );



     /* B register contains parameter low byte. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pvParameters ) ) + 1 );

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pvParameters ) ) + 1 );



     /* CCR: Note that when the task starts interrupts will be enabled since

      * "I" bit of CCR is cleared */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;



     #ifdef BANKED_MODEL

@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@

     /* Finally the critical nesting depth is initialised with 0 (not within

      * a critical section). */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;


     return pxTopOfStack;


diff --git a/portable/CodeWarrior/HCS12/portmacro.h b/portable/CodeWarrior/HCS12/portmacro.h
index 6a5f1b0..05fa65e 100644
--- a/portable/CodeWarrior/HCS12/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/CodeWarrior/HCS12/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@

     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                      \

     {                                                  \

-        extern volatile void *      pxCurrentTCB;      \

+        extern volatile void * pxCurrentTCB;           \

         extern volatile UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting; \


         __asm( "ldx pxCurrentTCB" );                   \

@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@

     #define portSAVE_CONTEXT()                         \

     {                                                  \

-        extern volatile void *      pxCurrentTCB;      \

+        extern volatile void * pxCurrentTCB;           \

         extern volatile UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting; \


         __asm( "ldaa 0x30" ); /* 0x30 = PPAGE */       \

@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@

     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                      \

     {                                                  \

-        extern volatile void *      pxCurrentTCB;      \

+        extern volatile void * pxCurrentTCB;           \

         extern volatile UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting; \


         __asm( "ldx pxCurrentTCB" );                   \

@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@

     #define portSAVE_CONTEXT()                         \

     {                                                  \

-        extern volatile void *      pxCurrentTCB;      \

+        extern volatile void * pxCurrentTCB;           \

         extern volatile UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting; \


         __asm( "ldaa uxCriticalNesting" );             \

diff --git a/portable/Common/mpu_wrappers.c b/portable/Common/mpu_wrappers.c
index 8dcb89d..5b47870 100644
--- a/portable/Common/mpu_wrappers.c
+++ b/portable/Common/mpu_wrappers.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@
                                         StaticTask_t * const pxTaskBuffer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         TaskHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t   xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xTaskCreateStatic( pxTaskCode, pcName, ulStackDepth, pvParameters, uxPriority, puxStackBuffer, pxTaskBuffer );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@
     UBaseType_t MPU_uxTaskPriorityGet( const TaskHandle_t pxTask ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         UBaseType_t uxReturn;

-        BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         uxReturn = uxTaskPriorityGet( pxTask );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@
     TaskHandle_t MPU_xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle( void ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         TaskHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t   xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle();

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@
 UBaseType_t MPU_uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks( void ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


     UBaseType_t uxReturn;

-    BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+    BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     uxReturn = uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks();

     vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -338,7 +339,7 @@

 char * MPU_pcTaskGetName( TaskHandle_t xTaskToQuery ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-    char *     pcReturn;

+    char * pcReturn;

     BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     pcReturn = pcTaskGetName( xTaskToQuery );

@@ -351,7 +352,7 @@
     TaskHandle_t MPU_xTaskGetHandle( const char * pcNameToQuery ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         TaskHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t   xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xTaskGetHandle( pcNameToQuery );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
 #if ( ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 ) && ( INCLUDE_xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle == 1 ) )

     uint32_t MPU_ulTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter( void ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-        uint32_t   xReturn;

+        uint32_t xReturn;

         BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = ulTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter();

@@ -411,7 +412,7 @@
     TaskHookFunction_t MPU_xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag( TaskHandle_t xTask ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         TaskHookFunction_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t         xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag( xTask );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@
     void * MPU_pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer( TaskHandle_t xTaskToQuery,

                                                    BaseType_t xIndex ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-        void *     pvReturn;

+        void * pvReturn;

         BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         pvReturn = pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer( xTaskToQuery, xIndex );

@@ -467,7 +468,7 @@
                                           uint32_t * pulTotalRunTime ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         UBaseType_t uxReturn;

-        BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         uxReturn = uxTaskGetSystemState( pxTaskStatusArray, uxArraySize, pulTotalRunTime );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -491,7 +492,7 @@
     UBaseType_t MPU_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( TaskHandle_t xTask ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         UBaseType_t uxReturn;

-        BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         uxReturn = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( xTask );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -504,7 +505,7 @@
     configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE MPU_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark2( TaskHandle_t xTask ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE uxReturn;

-        BaseType_t             xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         uxReturn = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark2( xTask );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -517,7 +518,7 @@
     TaskHandle_t MPU_xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle( void ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         TaskHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t   xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -599,7 +600,7 @@
                                           BaseType_t xClearCountOnExit,

                                           TickType_t xTicksToWait ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-        uint32_t   ulReturn;

+        uint32_t ulReturn;

         BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         ulReturn = ulTaskGenericNotifyTake( uxIndexToWaitOn, xClearCountOnExit, xTicksToWait );

@@ -628,7 +629,7 @@
                                                 UBaseType_t uxIndexToClear,

                                                 uint32_t ulBitsToClear ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-        uint32_t   ulReturn;

+        uint32_t ulReturn;

         BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         ulReturn = ulTaskGenericNotifyValueClear( xTask, uxIndexToClear, ulBitsToClear );

@@ -644,7 +645,7 @@
                                            uint8_t ucQueueType ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         QueueHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t    xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xQueueGenericCreate( uxQueueLength, uxItemSize, ucQueueType );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -661,7 +662,7 @@
                                                  const uint8_t ucQueueType ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         QueueHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t    xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xQueueGenericCreateStatic( uxQueueLength, uxItemSize, pucQueueStorage, pxStaticQueue, ucQueueType );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -698,7 +699,7 @@

 UBaseType_t MPU_uxQueueMessagesWaiting( const QueueHandle_t pxQueue ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-    BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+    BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

     UBaseType_t uxReturn;


     uxReturn = uxQueueMessagesWaiting( pxQueue );

@@ -709,7 +710,7 @@

 UBaseType_t MPU_uxQueueSpacesAvailable( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-    BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+    BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

     UBaseType_t uxReturn;


     uxReturn = uxQueueSpacesAvailable( xQueue );

@@ -760,7 +761,7 @@
     TaskHandle_t MPU_xQueueGetMutexHolder( QueueHandle_t xSemaphore ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

-        void *     xReturn;

+        void * xReturn;


         xReturn = xQueueGetMutexHolder( xSemaphore );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -773,7 +774,7 @@
     QueueHandle_t MPU_xQueueCreateMutex( const uint8_t ucQueueType ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         QueueHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t    xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xQueueCreateMutex( ucQueueType );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -787,7 +788,7 @@
                                                StaticQueue_t * pxStaticQueue ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         QueueHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t    xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xQueueCreateMutexStatic( ucQueueType, pxStaticQueue );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -801,7 +802,7 @@
                                                      UBaseType_t uxInitialCount ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         QueueHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t    xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore( uxCountValue, uxInitialCount );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -817,7 +818,7 @@
                                                            StaticQueue_t * pxStaticQueue ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         QueueHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t    xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic( uxMaxCount, uxInitialCount, pxStaticQueue );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -857,7 +858,7 @@
     QueueSetHandle_t MPU_xQueueCreateSet( UBaseType_t uxEventQueueLength ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         QueueSetHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t       xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xQueueCreateSet( uxEventQueueLength );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -871,7 +872,7 @@
                                                     TickType_t xBlockTimeTicks ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         QueueSetMemberHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t             xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xQueueSelectFromSet( xQueueSet, xBlockTimeTicks );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -936,7 +937,7 @@
 #if configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE > 0

     const char * MPU_pcQueueGetName( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-        BaseType_t   xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

         const char * pcReturn;


         pcReturn = pcQueueGetName( xQueue );

@@ -960,7 +961,7 @@

     void * MPU_pvPortMalloc( size_t xSize ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-        void *     pvReturn;

+        void * pvReturn;

         BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         pvReturn = pvPortMalloc( xSize );

@@ -999,7 +1000,7 @@

     size_t MPU_xPortGetFreeHeapSize( void ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-        size_t     xReturn;

+        size_t xReturn;

         BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();

@@ -1019,7 +1020,7 @@
                                     TimerCallbackFunction_t pxCallbackFunction ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         TimerHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t    xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xTimerCreate( pcTimerName, xTimerPeriodInTicks, uxAutoReload, pvTimerID, pxCallbackFunction );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1038,7 +1039,7 @@
                                           StaticTimer_t * pxTimerBuffer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         TimerHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t    xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xTimerCreateStatic( pcTimerName, xTimerPeriodInTicks, uxAutoReload, pvTimerID, pxCallbackFunction, pxTimerBuffer );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1051,7 +1052,7 @@
 #if ( configUSE_TIMERS == 1 )

     void * MPU_pvTimerGetTimerID( const TimerHandle_t xTimer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-        void *     pvReturn;

+        void * pvReturn;

         BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         pvReturn = pvTimerGetTimerID( xTimer );

@@ -1092,7 +1093,7 @@
     TaskHandle_t MPU_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle( void ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         TaskHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t   xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle();

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1134,7 +1135,7 @@
 #if ( configUSE_TIMERS == 1 )

     UBaseType_t MPU_uxTimerGetReloadMode( TimerHandle_t xTimer )


-        BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

         UBaseType_t uxReturn;


         uxReturn = uxTimerGetReloadMode( xTimer );

@@ -1148,7 +1149,7 @@
     const char * MPU_pcTimerGetName( TimerHandle_t xTimer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         const char * pcReturn;

-        BaseType_t   xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         pcReturn = pcTimerGetName( xTimer );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1208,7 +1209,7 @@
     EventGroupHandle_t MPU_xEventGroupCreate( void ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         EventGroupHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t         xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xEventGroupCreate();

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1222,7 +1223,7 @@
     EventGroupHandle_t MPU_xEventGroupCreateStatic( StaticEventGroup_t * pxEventGroupBuffer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         EventGroupHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t         xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xEventGroupCreateStatic( pxEventGroupBuffer );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1239,7 +1240,7 @@
                                      TickType_t xTicksToWait ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


     EventBits_t xReturn;

-    BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+    BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xEventGroupWaitBits( xEventGroup, uxBitsToWaitFor, xClearOnExit, xWaitForAllBits, xTicksToWait );

     vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1252,7 +1253,7 @@
                                       const EventBits_t uxBitsToClear ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


     EventBits_t xReturn;

-    BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+    BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xEventGroupClearBits( xEventGroup, uxBitsToClear );

     vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1265,7 +1266,7 @@
                                     const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


     EventBits_t xReturn;

-    BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+    BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, uxBitsToSet );

     vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1280,7 +1281,7 @@
                                  TickType_t xTicksToWait ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


     EventBits_t xReturn;

-    BaseType_t  xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+    BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xEventGroupSync( xEventGroup, uxBitsToSet, uxBitsToWaitFor, xTicksToWait );

     vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1303,7 +1304,7 @@
                               size_t xDataLengthBytes,

                               TickType_t xTicksToWait ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-    size_t     xReturn;

+    size_t xReturn;

     BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xStreamBufferSend( xStreamBuffer, pvTxData, xDataLengthBytes, xTicksToWait );

@@ -1315,7 +1316,7 @@

 size_t MPU_xStreamBufferNextMessageLengthBytes( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-    size_t     xReturn;

+    size_t xReturn;

     BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xStreamBufferNextMessageLengthBytes( xStreamBuffer );

@@ -1330,7 +1331,7 @@
                                  size_t xBufferLengthBytes,

                                  TickType_t xTicksToWait ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-    size_t     xReturn;

+    size_t xReturn;

     BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xStreamBufferReceive( xStreamBuffer, pvRxData, xBufferLengthBytes, xTicksToWait );

@@ -1387,7 +1388,7 @@

 size_t MPU_xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-    size_t     xReturn;

+    size_t xReturn;

     BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable( xStreamBuffer );

@@ -1399,7 +1400,7 @@

 size_t MPU_xStreamBufferBytesAvailable( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


-    size_t     xReturn;

+    size_t xReturn;

     BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


     xReturn = xStreamBufferBytesAvailable( xStreamBuffer );

@@ -1428,7 +1429,7 @@
                                                          BaseType_t xIsMessageBuffer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         StreamBufferHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t           xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xStreamBufferGenericCreate( xBufferSizeBytes, xTriggerLevelBytes, xIsMessageBuffer );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

@@ -1446,7 +1447,7 @@
                                                                StaticStreamBuffer_t * const pxStaticStreamBuffer ) /* FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL */


         StreamBufferHandle_t xReturn;

-        BaseType_t           xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();

+        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();


         xReturn = xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic( xBufferSizeBytes, xTriggerLevelBytes, xIsMessageBuffer, pucStreamBufferStorageArea, pxStaticStreamBuffer );

         vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/port.c
index 15ca269..4697b4e 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -179,16 +180,16 @@
     volatile uint32_t ulDummy;


     /* Enable clock to the tick timer... */

-    AT91C_BASE_PS->PS_PCER                           = portTIMER_CLK_ENABLE_BIT;



     /* Stop the tick timer... */

-    portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_CCR                   = TC_CLKDIS;



     /* Start with tick timer interrupts disabled... */

-    portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_IDR                   = 0xFFFFFFFF;



     /* Clear any pending tick timer interrupts... */

-    ulDummy                                          = portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_SR;

+    ulDummy = portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_SR;


     /* Store interrupt handler function address in tick timer vector register...

      * The ISR installed depends on whether the preemptive or cooperative

@@ -211,10 +212,10 @@
     /* Enable the tick timer interrupt...


      * First at timer level */

-    portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_IER                   = TC_CPCS;



     /* Then at the AIC level. */

-    AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_IECR                         = ( 1 << portTIMER_AIC_CHANNEL );



     /* Calculate timer compare value to achieve the desired tick rate... */

     if( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ * 2 ) ) <= 0xFFFF )

@@ -222,17 +223,17 @@
         /* The tick rate is fast enough for us to use the faster timer input

          * clock (main clock / 2). */


-        portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_RC  = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ * 2 );

+        portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_RC = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ * 2 );




         /* We must use a slower timer input clock (main clock / 8) because the

          * tick rate is too slow for the faster input clock. */


-        portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_RC  = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ * 8 );

+        portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_RC = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ * 8 );



     /* Start tick timer... */

-    portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_CCR                   = TC_SWTRG | TC_CLKEN;




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/portISR.c b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/portISR.c
index 9dac184..7f4bb42 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/portISR.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/portISR.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@
         static volatile uint32_t ulDummy;


         /* Clear tick timer interrupt indication. */

-        ulDummy                   = portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_SR;

+        ulDummy = portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_SR;




@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@
         static volatile uint32_t ulDummy;


         /* Clear tick timer interrupt indication. */

-        ulDummy                   = portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_SR;

+        ulDummy = portTIMER_REG_BASE_PTR->TC_SR;


         /* Increment the RTOS tick count, then look for the highest priority

          * task that is ready to run. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/portmacro.h
index 472e085..6eedc16 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91FR40008/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                            \

     {                                                                        \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                        \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                   \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                          \


         /* Set the LR to the task stack. */                                  \

         asm volatile (                                                       \

@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
     #define portSAVE_CONTEXT()                                            \

     {                                                                     \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                     \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                       \


         /* Push R0 as we are going to use the register. */                \

         asm volatile (                                                    \

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/AT91SAM7X256.h b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/AT91SAM7X256.h
index 5e42014..51d5fca 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/AT91SAM7X256.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/AT91SAM7X256.h
@@ -2744,15 +2744,15 @@
     {                                                                               \

         unsigned int mask;                                                          \


-        mask                              = 0x1 << irq_id;                          \

+        mask = 0x1 << irq_id;                                                       \

         /* Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller */                     \

-        AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_IDCR          = mask;                                   \

+        AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_IDCR = mask;                                            \

         /* Save the interrupt handler routine pointer and the interrupt priority */ \

         AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ] = ( unsigned int ) newHandler;            \

         /* Store the Source Mode Register */                                        \

         AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_SMR[ irq_id ] = src_type | priority;                    \

         /* Clear the interrupt on the interrupt controller */                       \

-        AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_ICCR          = mask;                                   \

+        AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_ICCR = mask;                                            \




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/ioat91sam7x256.h b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/ioat91sam7x256.h
index 9bab5d3..6548782 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/ioat91sam7x256.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/ioat91sam7x256.h
@@ -2753,46 +2753,46 @@
 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- AIC_SMR : (AIC Offset: 0x0) Control Register -------- */

 #if 0 /*_RB_*/

-    AT91C_AIC_PRIOR                         EQU( 0x7 << 0 );

+    AT91C_AIC_PRIOR EQU( 0x7 << 0 );

     - ( AIC ) Priority Level

-        AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST              EQU( 0x0 );

+        AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST EQU( 0x0 );

     - ( AIC ) Lowest priority level

-        AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST             EQU( 0x7 );

+        AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST EQU( 0x7 );

     - ( AIC ) Highest priority level

-        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE                   EQU( 0x3 << 5 );

+        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE EQU( 0x3 << 5 );

     - ( AIC ) Interrupt Source Type

-        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_HIGH_LEVEL    EQU( 0x0 << 5 );

+        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_HIGH_LEVEL EQU( 0x0 << 5 );

     - ( AIC ) Internal Sources Code Label High - level Sensitive

-        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_LOW_LEVEL     EQU( 0x0 << 5 );

+        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_LOW_LEVEL EQU( 0x0 << 5 );

     - ( AIC ) External Sources Code Label Low - level Sensitive


     - ( AIC ) Internal Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered


     - ( AIC ) External Sources Code Label Negative Edge triggered

-        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_HIGH_LEVEL        EQU( 0x2 << 5 );

+        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_HIGH_LEVEL EQU( 0x2 << 5 );

     - ( AIC ) Internal Or External Sources Code Label High - level Sensitive

-        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_POSITIVE_EDGE     EQU( 0x3 << 5 );

+        AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_POSITIVE_EDGE EQU( 0x3 << 5 );

     - ( AIC ) Internal Or External Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered

 /* - -------- AIC_CISR : (AIC Offset: 0x114) AIC Core Interrupt Status Register -------- */

-        AT91C_AIC_NFIQ                      EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+        AT91C_AIC_NFIQ EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

     - ( AIC ) NFIQ Status

-        AT91C_AIC_NIRQ                      EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+        AT91C_AIC_NIRQ EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

     - ( AIC ) NIRQ Status

 /* - -------- AIC_DCR : (AIC Offset: 0x138) AIC Debug Control Register (Protect) -------- */

-        AT91C_AIC_DCR_PROT                  EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+        AT91C_AIC_DCR_PROT EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

     - ( AIC ) Protection Mode

-        AT91C_AIC_DCR_GMSK                  EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+        AT91C_AIC_DCR_GMSK EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

     - ( AIC ) General Mask

 #endif /* if 0 */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Peripheral DMA Controller */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- PDC_PTCR : (PDC Offset: 0x20) PDC Transfer Control Register -------- */

-AT91C_PDC_RXTEN      EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+AT91C_PDC_RXTEN EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( PDC ) Receiver Transfer Enable

     AT91C_PDC_RXTDIS EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( PDC ) Receiver Transfer Disable

-    AT91C_PDC_TXTEN  EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

+    AT91C_PDC_TXTEN EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( PDC ) Transmitter Transfer Enable

     AT91C_PDC_TXTDIS EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

 - ( PDC ) Transmitter Transfer Disable

@@ -2802,69 +2802,69 @@
 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Debug Unit */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- DBGU_CR : (DBGU Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register -------- */

-    AT91C_US_RSTRX            EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

+    AT91C_US_RSTRX EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

 - ( DBGU ) Reset Receiver

-    AT91C_US_RSTTX            EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

+    AT91C_US_RSTTX EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

 - ( DBGU ) Reset Transmitter

-    AT91C_US_RXEN             EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

+    AT91C_US_RXEN EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

 - ( DBGU ) Receiver Enable

-    AT91C_US_RXDIS            EQU( 0x1 << 5 );

+    AT91C_US_RXDIS EQU( 0x1 << 5 );

 - ( DBGU ) Receiver Disable

-    AT91C_US_TXEN             EQU( 0x1 << 6 );

+    AT91C_US_TXEN EQU( 0x1 << 6 );

 - ( DBGU ) Transmitter Enable

-    AT91C_US_TXDIS            EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

+    AT91C_US_TXDIS EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

 - ( DBGU ) Transmitter Disable

-    AT91C_US_RSTSTA           EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

+    AT91C_US_RSTSTA EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( DBGU ) Reset Status Bits

 /* - -------- DBGU_MR : (DBGU Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register -------- */

-    AT91C_US_PAR              EQU( 0x7 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_PAR EQU( 0x7 << 9 );

 - ( DBGU ) Parity type

-    AT91C_US_PAR_EVEN         EQU( 0x0 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_PAR_EVEN EQU( 0x0 << 9 );

 - ( DBGU ) Even Parity

-    AT91C_US_PAR_ODD          EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_PAR_ODD EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

 - ( DBGU ) Odd Parity

-    AT91C_US_PAR_SPACE        EQU( 0x2 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_PAR_SPACE EQU( 0x2 << 9 );

 - ( DBGU ) Parity forced to 0 ( Space )

-    AT91C_US_PAR_MARK         EQU( 0x3 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_PAR_MARK EQU( 0x3 << 9 );

 - ( DBGU ) Parity forced to 1 ( Mark )

-    AT91C_US_PAR_NONE         EQU( 0x4 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_PAR_NONE EQU( 0x4 << 9 );

 - ( DBGU ) No Parity

-    AT91C_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP   EQU( 0x6 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP EQU( 0x6 << 9 );

 - ( DBGU ) Multi - drop mode

-    AT91C_US_CHMODE           EQU( 0x3 << 14 );

+    AT91C_US_CHMODE EQU( 0x3 << 14 );

 - ( DBGU ) Channel Mode

-    AT91C_US_CHMODE_NORMAL    EQU( 0x0 << 14 );

+    AT91C_US_CHMODE_NORMAL EQU( 0x0 << 14 );

 - ( DBGU ) Normal Mode: The USART channel operates as an RX / TX USART.

-       AT91C_US_CHMODE_AUTO   EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

+       AT91C_US_CHMODE_AUTO EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

 - ( DBGU ) Automatic Echo: Receiver Data Input is connected to the TXD pin.

-       AT91C_US_CHMODE_LOCAL  EQU( 0x2 << 14 );

+       AT91C_US_CHMODE_LOCAL EQU( 0x2 << 14 );

 - ( DBGU ) Local Loopback: Transmitter Output Signal is connected to Receiver Input Signal.

        AT91C_US_CHMODE_REMOTE EQU( 0x3 << 14 );

 - ( DBGU ) Remote Loopback: RXD pin is internally connected to TXD pin.

 /* - -------- DBGU_IER : (DBGU Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register -------- */

-       AT91C_US_RXRDY         EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+       AT91C_US_RXRDY EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( DBGU ) RXRDY Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_TXRDY            EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_US_TXRDY EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( DBGU ) TXRDY Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_ENDRX            EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

+    AT91C_US_ENDRX EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

 - ( DBGU ) End of Receive Transfer Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_ENDTX            EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

+    AT91C_US_ENDTX EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

 - ( DBGU ) End of Transmit Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_OVRE             EQU( 0x1 << 5 );

+    AT91C_US_OVRE EQU( 0x1 << 5 );

 - ( DBGU ) Overrun Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_FRAME            EQU( 0x1 << 6 );

+    AT91C_US_FRAME EQU( 0x1 << 6 );

 - ( DBGU ) Framing Error Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_PARE             EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

+    AT91C_US_PARE EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

 - ( DBGU ) Parity Error Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_TXEMPTY          EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_TXEMPTY EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

 - ( DBGU ) TXEMPTY Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_TXBUFE           EQU( 0x1 << 11 );

+    AT91C_US_TXBUFE EQU( 0x1 << 11 );

 - ( DBGU ) TXBUFE Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_RXBUFF           EQU( 0x1 << 12 );

+    AT91C_US_RXBUFF EQU( 0x1 << 12 );

 - ( DBGU ) RXBUFF Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_COMM_TX          EQU( 0x1 << 30 );

+    AT91C_US_COMM_TX EQU( 0x1 << 30 );

 - ( DBGU ) COMM_TX Interrupt

-    AT91C_US_COMM_RX          EQU( 0x1 << 31 );

+    AT91C_US_COMM_RX EQU( 0x1 << 31 );

 - ( DBGU ) COMM_RX Interrupt

 /* - -------- DBGU_IDR : (DBGU Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register -------- */

 /* - -------- DBGU_IMR : (DBGU Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register -------- */

@@ -2881,54 +2881,54 @@
 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Clock Generator Controler */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- CKGR_MOR : (CKGR Offset: 0x0) Main Oscillator Register -------- */

-    AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN     EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( CKGR ) Main Oscillator Enable

-    AT91C_CKGR_OSCBYPASS  EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_OSCBYPASS EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( CKGR ) Main Oscillator Bypass

-    AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT    EQU( 0xFF << 8 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT EQU( 0xFF << 8 );

 - ( CKGR ) Main Oscillator Start - up Time

 /* - -------- CKGR_MCFR : (CKGR Offset: 0x4) Main Clock Frequency Register -------- */

-    AT91C_CKGR_MAINF      EQU( 0xFFFF << 0 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_MAINF EQU( 0xFFFF << 0 );

 - ( CKGR ) Main Clock Frequency

-    AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY    EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

 - ( CKGR ) Main Clock Ready

 /* - -------- CKGR_PLLR : (CKGR Offset: 0xc) PLL B Register -------- */

-    AT91C_CKGR_DIV        EQU( 0xFF << 0 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_DIV EQU( 0xFF << 0 );

 - ( CKGR ) Divider Selected

-    AT91C_CKGR_DIV_0      EQU( 0x0 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_DIV_0 EQU( 0x0 );

 - ( CKGR ) Divider output is 0

     AT91C_CKGR_DIV_BYPASS EQU( 0x1 );

 - ( CKGR ) Divider is bypassed

-    AT91C_CKGR_PLLCOUNT   EQU( 0x3F << 8 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_PLLCOUNT EQU( 0x3F << 8 );

 - ( CKGR ) PLL Counter

-    AT91C_CKGR_OUT        EQU( 0x3 << 14 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_OUT EQU( 0x3 << 14 );

 - ( CKGR ) PLL Output Frequency Range

-    AT91C_CKGR_OUT_0      EQU( 0x0 << 14 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_OUT_0 EQU( 0x0 << 14 );

 - ( CKGR ) Please refer to the PLL datasheet

-    AT91C_CKGR_OUT_1      EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_OUT_1 EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

 - ( CKGR ) Please refer to the PLL datasheet

-    AT91C_CKGR_OUT_2      EQU( 0x2 << 14 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_OUT_2 EQU( 0x2 << 14 );

 - ( CKGR ) Please refer to the PLL datasheet

-    AT91C_CKGR_OUT_3      EQU( 0x3 << 14 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_OUT_3 EQU( 0x3 << 14 );

 - ( CKGR ) Please refer to the PLL datasheet

-    AT91C_CKGR_MUL        EQU( 0x7FF << 16 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_MUL EQU( 0x7FF << 16 );

 - ( CKGR ) PLL Multiplier

-    AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV     EQU( 0x3 << 28 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV EQU( 0x3 << 28 );

 - ( CKGR ) Divider for USB Clocks

-    AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_0   EQU( 0x0 << 28 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_0 EQU( 0x0 << 28 );

 - ( CKGR ) Divider output is PLL clock output

-    AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_1   EQU( 0x1 << 28 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_1 EQU( 0x1 << 28 );

 - ( CKGR ) Divider output is PLL clock output divided by 2

-    AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_2   EQU( 0x2 << 28 );

+    AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_2 EQU( 0x2 << 28 );

 - ( CKGR ) Divider output is PLL clock output divided by 4


 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Power Management Controler */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- PMC_SCER : (PMC Offset: 0x0) System Clock Enable Register -------- */

-    AT91C_PMC_PCK  EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PCK EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( PMC ) Processor Clock

-    AT91C_PMC_UDP  EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

+    AT91C_PMC_UDP EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

 - ( PMC ) USB Device Port Clock

     AT91C_PMC_PCK0 EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( PMC ) Programmable Clock Output

@@ -2944,45 +2944,45 @@
 /* - -------- CKGR_MCFR : (PMC Offset: 0x24) Main Clock Frequency Register -------- */

 /* - -------- CKGR_PLLR : (PMC Offset: 0x2c) PLL B Register -------- */

 /* - -------- PMC_MCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x30) Master Clock Register -------- */

-    AT91C_PMC_CSS          EQU( 0x3 << 0 );

+    AT91C_PMC_CSS EQU( 0x3 << 0 );

 - ( PMC ) Programmable Clock Selection

     AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK EQU( 0x0 );

 - ( PMC ) Slow Clock is selected

     AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK EQU( 0x1 );

 - ( PMC ) Main Clock is selected

-    AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK  EQU( 0x3 );

+    AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK EQU( 0x3 );

 - ( PMC ) Clock from PLL is selected

-    AT91C_PMC_PRES         EQU( 0x7 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PRES EQU( 0x7 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) Programmable Clock Prescaler

-    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK     EQU( 0x0 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK EQU( 0x0 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) Selected clock

-    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2   EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2 EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) Selected clock divided by 2

-    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4   EQU( 0x2 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4 EQU( 0x2 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) Selected clock divided by 4

-    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8   EQU( 0x3 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8 EQU( 0x3 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) Selected clock divided by 8

-    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16  EQU( 0x4 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16 EQU( 0x4 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) Selected clock divided by 16

-    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32  EQU( 0x5 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32 EQU( 0x5 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) Selected clock divided by 32

-    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64  EQU( 0x6 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64 EQU( 0x6 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) Selected clock divided by 64

 /* - -------- PMC_PCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x40) Programmable Clock Register -------- */

 /* - -------- PMC_IER : (PMC Offset: 0x60) PMC Interrupt Enable Register -------- */

-    AT91C_PMC_MOSCS        EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_PMC_MOSCS EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( PMC ) MOSC Status / Enable / Disable / Mask

-    AT91C_PMC_LOCK         EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

+    AT91C_PMC_LOCK EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

 - ( PMC ) PLL Status / Enable / Disable / Mask

-    AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY       EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

+    AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

 - ( PMC ) MCK_RDY Status / Enable / Disable / Mask

-    AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY      EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( PMC ) PCK0_RDY Status / Enable / Disable / Mask

-    AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY      EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

 - ( PMC ) PCK1_RDY Status / Enable / Disable / Mask

-    AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY      EQU( 0x1 << 10 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY EQU( 0x1 << 10 );

 - ( PMC ) PCK2_RDY Status / Enable / Disable / Mask

-    AT91C_PMC_PCK3RDY      EQU( 0x1 << 11 );

+    AT91C_PMC_PCK3RDY EQU( 0x1 << 11 );

 - ( PMC ) PCK3_RDY Status / Enable / Disable / Mask

 /* - -------- PMC_IDR : (PMC Offset: 0x64) PMC Interrupt Disable Register -------- */

 /* - -------- PMC_SR : (PMC Offset: 0x68) PMC Status Register -------- */

@@ -2992,88 +2992,88 @@
 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Reset Controller Interface */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- RSTC_RCR : (RSTC Offset: 0x0) Reset Control Register -------- */

-    AT91C_RSTC_PROCRST            EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_PROCRST EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( RSTC ) Processor Reset

-    AT91C_RSTC_PERRST             EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_PERRST EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

 - ( RSTC ) Peripheral Reset

-    AT91C_RSTC_EXTRST             EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_EXTRST EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

 - ( RSTC ) External Reset

-    AT91C_RSTC_KEY                EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_KEY EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

 - ( RSTC ) Password

 /* - -------- RSTC_RSR : (RSTC Offset: 0x4) Reset Status Register -------- */

-    AT91C_RSTC_URSTS              EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_URSTS EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( RSTC ) User Reset Status

-    AT91C_RSTC_BODSTS             EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_BODSTS EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( RSTC ) Brownout Detection Status

-    AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP             EQU( 0x7 << 8 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP EQU( 0x7 << 8 );

 - ( RSTC ) Reset Type

-    AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_POWERUP     EQU( 0x0 << 8 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_POWERUP EQU( 0x0 << 8 );

 - ( RSTC ) Power - up Reset.VDDCORE rising.

-       AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_WAKEUP   EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

+       AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_WAKEUP EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( RSTC ) WakeUp Reset.VDDCORE rising.

        AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_WATCHDOG EQU( 0x2 << 8 );

 - ( RSTC ) Watchdog Reset.Watchdog overflow occured.

        AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_SOFTWARE EQU( 0x3 << 8 );

 - ( RSTC ) Software Reset.Processor reset required by the software.

-       AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_USER     EQU( 0x4 << 8 );

+       AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_USER EQU( 0x4 << 8 );

 - ( RSTC ) User Reset.NRST pin detected low.

        AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_BROWNOUT EQU( 0x5 << 8 );

 - ( RSTC ) Brownout Reset occured.

-       AT91C_RSTC_NRSTL           EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

+       AT91C_RSTC_NRSTL EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

 - ( RSTC ) NRST pin level

-    AT91C_RSTC_SRCMP              EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_SRCMP EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

 - ( RSTC ) Software Reset Command in Progress.

 /* - -------- RSTC_RMR : (RSTC Offset: 0x8) Reset Mode Register -------- */

-       AT91C_RSTC_URSTEN          EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+       AT91C_RSTC_URSTEN EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( RSTC ) User Reset Enable

-    AT91C_RSTC_URSTIEN            EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_URSTIEN EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

 - ( RSTC ) User Reset Interrupt Enable

-    AT91C_RSTC_ERSTL              EQU( 0xF << 8 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_ERSTL EQU( 0xF << 8 );

 - ( RSTC ) User Reset Enable

-    AT91C_RSTC_BODIEN             EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

+    AT91C_RSTC_BODIEN EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

 - ( RSTC ) Brownout Detection Interrupt Enable


 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Real Time Timer Controller Interface */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- RTTC_RTMR : (RTTC Offset: 0x0) Real-time Mode Register -------- */

-    AT91C_RTTC_RTPRES    EQU( 0xFFFF << 0 );

+    AT91C_RTTC_RTPRES EQU( 0xFFFF << 0 );

 - ( RTTC ) Real - time Timer Prescaler Value

-    AT91C_RTTC_ALMIEN    EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

+    AT91C_RTTC_ALMIEN EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

 - ( RTTC ) Alarm Interrupt Enable

     AT91C_RTTC_RTTINCIEN EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

 - ( RTTC ) Real Time Timer Increment Interrupt Enable

-    AT91C_RTTC_RTTRST    EQU( 0x1 << 18 );

+    AT91C_RTTC_RTTRST EQU( 0x1 << 18 );

 - ( RTTC ) Real Time Timer Restart

 /* - -------- RTTC_RTAR : (RTTC Offset: 0x4) Real-time Alarm Register -------- */

-    AT91C_RTTC_ALMV      EQU( 0x0 << 0 );

+    AT91C_RTTC_ALMV EQU( 0x0 << 0 );

 - ( RTTC ) Alarm Value

 /* - -------- RTTC_RTVR : (RTTC Offset: 0x8) Current Real-time Value Register -------- */

-    AT91C_RTTC_CRTV      EQU( 0x0 << 0 );

+    AT91C_RTTC_CRTV EQU( 0x0 << 0 );

 - ( RTTC ) Current Real - time Value

 /* - -------- RTTC_RTSR : (RTTC Offset: 0xc) Real-time Status Register -------- */

-    AT91C_RTTC_ALMS      EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_RTTC_ALMS EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( RTTC ) Real - time Alarm Status

-    AT91C_RTTC_RTTINC    EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_RTTC_RTTINC EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( RTTC ) Real - time Timer Increment


 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Periodic Interval Timer Controller Interface */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- PITC_PIMR : (PITC Offset: 0x0) Periodic Interval Mode Register -------- */

-    AT91C_PITC_PIV    EQU( 0xFFFFF << 0 );

+    AT91C_PITC_PIV EQU( 0xFFFFF << 0 );

 - ( PITC ) Periodic Interval Value

-    AT91C_PITC_PITEN  EQU( 0x1 << 24 );

+    AT91C_PITC_PITEN EQU( 0x1 << 24 );

 - ( PITC ) Periodic Interval Timer Enabled

     AT91C_PITC_PITIEN EQU( 0x1 << 25 );

 - ( PITC ) Periodic Interval Timer Interrupt Enable

 /* - -------- PITC_PISR : (PITC Offset: 0x4) Periodic Interval Status Register -------- */

-    AT91C_PITC_PITS   EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_PITC_PITS EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( PITC ) Periodic Interval Timer Status

 /* - -------- PITC_PIVR : (PITC Offset: 0x8) Periodic Interval Value Register -------- */

-    AT91C_PITC_CPIV   EQU( 0xFFFFF << 0 );

+    AT91C_PITC_CPIV EQU( 0xFFFFF << 0 );

 - ( PITC ) Current Periodic Interval Value

-    AT91C_PITC_PICNT  EQU( 0xFFF << 20 );

+    AT91C_PITC_PICNT EQU( 0xFFF << 20 );

 - ( PITC ) Periodic Interval Counter

 /* - -------- PITC_PIIR : (PITC Offset: 0xc) Periodic Interval Image Register -------- */


@@ -3081,31 +3081,31 @@
 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Watchdog Timer Controller Interface */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- WDTC_WDCR : (WDTC Offset: 0x0) Periodic Interval Image Register -------- */

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDRSTT    EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDRSTT EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Restart

-    AT91C_WDTC_KEY       EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_KEY EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog KEY Password

 /* - -------- WDTC_WDMR : (WDTC Offset: 0x4) Watchdog Mode Register -------- */

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDV       EQU( 0xFFF << 0 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDV EQU( 0xFFF << 0 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Timer Restart

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDFIEN    EQU( 0x1 << 12 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDFIEN EQU( 0x1 << 12 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Fault Interrupt Enable

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDRSTEN   EQU( 0x1 << 13 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDRSTEN EQU( 0x1 << 13 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Reset Enable

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDRPROC   EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDRPROC EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Timer Restart

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDDIS     EQU( 0x1 << 15 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDDIS EQU( 0x1 << 15 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Disable

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDD       EQU( 0xFFF << 16 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDD EQU( 0xFFF << 16 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Delta Value

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDDBGHLT  EQU( 0x1 << 28 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDDBGHLT EQU( 0x1 << 28 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Debug Halt

     AT91C_WDTC_WDIDLEHLT EQU( 0x1 << 29 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Idle Halt

 /* - -------- WDTC_WDSR : (WDTC Offset: 0x8) Watchdog Status Register -------- */

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDUNF     EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDUNF EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Underflow

-    AT91C_WDTC_WDERR     EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_WDTC_WDERR EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( WDTC ) Watchdog Error


 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

@@ -3119,214 +3119,214 @@
 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Memory Controller Interface */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- MC_RCR : (MC Offset: 0x0) MC Remap Control Register -------- */

-    AT91C_MC_RCB                   EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_MC_RCB EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( MC ) Remap Command Bit

 /* - -------- MC_ASR : (MC Offset: 0x4) MC Abort Status Register -------- */

-    AT91C_MC_UNDADD                EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_MC_UNDADD EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( MC ) Undefined Addess Abort Status

-    AT91C_MC_MISADD                EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_MC_MISADD EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( MC ) Misaligned Addess Abort Status

-    AT91C_MC_ABTSZ                 EQU( 0x3 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_ABTSZ EQU( 0x3 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) Abort Size Status

-    AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_BYTE            EQU( 0x0 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_BYTE EQU( 0x0 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) Byte

-    AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_HWORD           EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_HWORD EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) Half - word

-    AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_WORD            EQU( 0x2 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_WORD EQU( 0x2 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) Word

-    AT91C_MC_ABTTYP                EQU( 0x3 << 10 );

+    AT91C_MC_ABTTYP EQU( 0x3 << 10 );

 - ( MC ) Abort Type Status

-    AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAR          EQU( 0x0 << 10 );

+    AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAR EQU( 0x0 << 10 );

 - ( MC ) Data Read

-    AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAW          EQU( 0x1 << 10 );

+    AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAW EQU( 0x1 << 10 );

 - ( MC ) Data Write

-    AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_FETCH          EQU( 0x2 << 10 );

+    AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_FETCH EQU( 0x2 << 10 );

 - ( MC ) Code Fetch

-    AT91C_MC_MST0                  EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

+    AT91C_MC_MST0 EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

 - ( MC ) Master 0 Abort Source

-    AT91C_MC_MST1                  EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

+    AT91C_MC_MST1 EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

 - ( MC ) Master 1 Abort Source

-    AT91C_MC_SVMST0                EQU( 0x1 << 24 );

+    AT91C_MC_SVMST0 EQU( 0x1 << 24 );

 - ( MC ) Saved Master 0 Abort Source

-    AT91C_MC_SVMST1                EQU( 0x1 << 25 );

+    AT91C_MC_SVMST1 EQU( 0x1 << 25 );

 - ( MC ) Saved Master 1 Abort Source

 /* - -------- MC_FMR : (MC Offset: 0x60) MC Flash Mode Register -------- */

-    AT91C_MC_FRDY                  EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_MC_FRDY EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( MC ) Flash Ready

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKE                 EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKE EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

 - ( MC ) Lock Error

-    AT91C_MC_PROGE                 EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

+    AT91C_MC_PROGE EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

 - ( MC ) Programming Error

-    AT91C_MC_NEBP                  EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

+    AT91C_MC_NEBP EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

 - ( MC ) No Erase Before Programming

-    AT91C_MC_FWS                   EQU( 0x3 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_FWS EQU( 0x3 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) Flash Wait State

-    AT91C_MC_FWS_0FWS              EQU( 0x0 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_FWS_0FWS EQU( 0x0 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) 1 cycle for Read, 2 for Write operations

-    AT91C_MC_FWS_1FWS              EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_FWS_1FWS EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) 2 cycles for Read, 3 for Write operations

-    AT91C_MC_FWS_2FWS              EQU( 0x2 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_FWS_2FWS EQU( 0x2 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) 3 cycles for Read, 4 for Write operations

-    AT91C_MC_FWS_3FWS              EQU( 0x3 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_FWS_3FWS EQU( 0x3 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) 4 cycles for Read, 4 for Write operations

-    AT91C_MC_FMCN                  EQU( 0xFF << 16 );

+    AT91C_MC_FMCN EQU( 0xFF << 16 );

 - ( MC ) Flash Microsecond Cycle Number

 /* - -------- MC_FCR : (MC Offset: 0x64) MC Flash Command Register -------- */

-    AT91C_MC_FCMD                  EQU( 0xF << 0 );

+    AT91C_MC_FCMD EQU( 0xF << 0 );

 - ( MC ) Flash Command

-    AT91C_MC_FCMD_START_PROG       EQU( 0x1 );


 - ( MC ) Starts the programming of th epage specified by PAGEN.

-       AT91C_MC_FCMD_LOCK          EQU( 0x2 );

+       AT91C_MC_FCMD_LOCK EQU( 0x2 );

 - ( MC ) Starts a lock sequence of the sector defined by the bits 4 to 7 of the field PAGEN.

        AT91C_MC_FCMD_PROG_AND_LOCK EQU( 0x3 );

 - ( MC ) The lock sequence automatically happens after the programming sequence is completed.

-       AT91C_MC_FCMD_UNLOCK        EQU( 0x4 );

+       AT91C_MC_FCMD_UNLOCK EQU( 0x4 );

 - ( MC ) Starts an unlock sequence of the sector defined by the bits 4 to 7 of the field PAGEN.

-       AT91C_MC_FCMD_ERASE_ALL     EQU( 0x8 );

+       AT91C_MC_FCMD_ERASE_ALL EQU( 0x8 );

 - ( MC ) Starts the erase of the entire flash.If at least a page is locked, the command is cancelled.

-       AT91C_MC_FCMD_SET_GP_NVM    EQU( 0xB );

+       AT91C_MC_FCMD_SET_GP_NVM EQU( 0xB );

 - ( MC ) Set General Purpose NVM bits.

-       AT91C_MC_FCMD_CLR_GP_NVM    EQU( 0xD );

+       AT91C_MC_FCMD_CLR_GP_NVM EQU( 0xD );

 - ( MC ) Clear General Purpose NVM bits.



 - ( MC ) Set Security Bit.

-       AT91C_MC_PAGEN              EQU( 0x3FF << 8 );

+       AT91C_MC_PAGEN EQU( 0x3FF << 8 );

 - ( MC ) Page Number

-    AT91C_MC_KEY                   EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

+    AT91C_MC_KEY EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

 - ( MC ) Writing Protect Key

 /* - -------- MC_FSR : (MC Offset: 0x68) MC Flash Command Register -------- */

-    AT91C_MC_SECURITY              EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

+    AT91C_MC_SECURITY EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

 - ( MC ) Security Bit Status

-    AT91C_MC_GPNVM0                EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

+    AT91C_MC_GPNVM0 EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 0 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_GPNVM1                EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

+    AT91C_MC_GPNVM1 EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 1 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_GPNVM2                EQU( 0x1 << 10 );

+    AT91C_MC_GPNVM2 EQU( 0x1 << 10 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 2 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_GPNVM3                EQU( 0x1 << 11 );

+    AT91C_MC_GPNVM3 EQU( 0x1 << 11 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 3 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_GPNVM4                EQU( 0x1 << 12 );

+    AT91C_MC_GPNVM4 EQU( 0x1 << 12 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 4 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_GPNVM5                EQU( 0x1 << 13 );

+    AT91C_MC_GPNVM5 EQU( 0x1 << 13 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 5 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_GPNVM6                EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

+    AT91C_MC_GPNVM6 EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 6 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_GPNVM7                EQU( 0x1 << 15 );

+    AT91C_MC_GPNVM7 EQU( 0x1 << 15 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 7 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS0                EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS0 EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 0 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS1                EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS1 EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 1 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS2                EQU( 0x1 << 18 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS2 EQU( 0x1 << 18 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 2 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS3                EQU( 0x1 << 19 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS3 EQU( 0x1 << 19 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 3 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS4                EQU( 0x1 << 20 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS4 EQU( 0x1 << 20 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 4 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS5                EQU( 0x1 << 21 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS5 EQU( 0x1 << 21 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 5 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS6                EQU( 0x1 << 22 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS6 EQU( 0x1 << 22 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 6 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS7                EQU( 0x1 << 23 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS7 EQU( 0x1 << 23 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 7 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS8                EQU( 0x1 << 24 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS8 EQU( 0x1 << 24 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 8 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS9                EQU( 0x1 << 25 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS9 EQU( 0x1 << 25 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 9 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS10               EQU( 0x1 << 26 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS10 EQU( 0x1 << 26 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 10 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS11               EQU( 0x1 << 27 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS11 EQU( 0x1 << 27 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 11 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS12               EQU( 0x1 << 28 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS12 EQU( 0x1 << 28 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 12 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS13               EQU( 0x1 << 29 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS13 EQU( 0x1 << 29 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 13 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS14               EQU( 0x1 << 30 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS14 EQU( 0x1 << 30 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 14 Lock Status

-    AT91C_MC_LOCKS15               EQU( 0x1 << 31 );

+    AT91C_MC_LOCKS15 EQU( 0x1 << 31 );

 - ( MC ) Sector 15 Lock Status


 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Serial Parallel Interface */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- SPI_CR : (SPI Offset: 0x0) SPI Control Register -------- */

-    AT91C_SPI_SPIEN       EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_SPI_SPIEN EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( SPI ) SPI Enable

-    AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS      EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( SPI ) SPI Disable

-    AT91C_SPI_SWRST       EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

+    AT91C_SPI_SWRST EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

 - ( SPI ) SPI Software reset

-    AT91C_SPI_LASTXFER    EQU( 0x1 << 24 );

+    AT91C_SPI_LASTXFER EQU( 0x1 << 24 );

 - ( SPI ) SPI Last Transfer

 /* - -------- SPI_MR : (SPI Offset: 0x4) SPI Mode Register -------- */

-    AT91C_SPI_MSTR        EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_SPI_MSTR EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( SPI ) Master / Slave Mode

-    AT91C_SPI_PS          EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_SPI_PS EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( SPI ) Peripheral Select

-    AT91C_SPI_PS_FIXED    EQU( 0x0 << 1 );

+    AT91C_SPI_PS_FIXED EQU( 0x0 << 1 );

 - ( SPI ) Fixed Peripheral Select

     AT91C_SPI_PS_VARIABLE EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( SPI ) Variable Peripheral Select

-    AT91C_SPI_PCSDEC      EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

+    AT91C_SPI_PCSDEC EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

 - ( SPI ) Chip Select Decode

-    AT91C_SPI_FDIV        EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

+    AT91C_SPI_FDIV EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

 - ( SPI ) Clock Selection

-    AT91C_SPI_MODFDIS     EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

+    AT91C_SPI_MODFDIS EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

 - ( SPI ) Mode Fault Detection

-    AT91C_SPI_LLB         EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

+    AT91C_SPI_LLB EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

 - ( SPI ) Clock Selection

-    AT91C_SPI_PCS         EQU( 0xF << 16 );

+    AT91C_SPI_PCS EQU( 0xF << 16 );

 - ( SPI ) Peripheral Chip Select

-    AT91C_SPI_DLYBCS      EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

+    AT91C_SPI_DLYBCS EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

 - ( SPI ) Delay Between Chip Selects

 /* - -------- SPI_RDR : (SPI Offset: 0x8) Receive Data Register -------- */

-    AT91C_SPI_RD          EQU( 0xFFFF << 0 );

+    AT91C_SPI_RD EQU( 0xFFFF << 0 );

 - ( SPI ) Receive Data

-    AT91C_SPI_RPCS        EQU( 0xF << 16 );

+    AT91C_SPI_RPCS EQU( 0xF << 16 );

 - ( SPI ) Peripheral Chip Select Status

 /* - -------- SPI_TDR : (SPI Offset: 0xc) Transmit Data Register -------- */

-    AT91C_SPI_TD          EQU( 0xFFFF << 0 );

+    AT91C_SPI_TD EQU( 0xFFFF << 0 );

 - ( SPI ) Transmit Data

-    AT91C_SPI_TPCS        EQU( 0xF << 16 );

+    AT91C_SPI_TPCS EQU( 0xF << 16 );

 - ( SPI ) Peripheral Chip Select Status

 /* - -------- SPI_SR : (SPI Offset: 0x10) Status Register -------- */

-    AT91C_SPI_RDRF        EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_SPI_RDRF EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( SPI ) Receive Data Register Full

-    AT91C_SPI_TDRE        EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_SPI_TDRE EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( SPI ) Transmit Data Register Empty

-    AT91C_SPI_MODF        EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

+    AT91C_SPI_MODF EQU( 0x1 << 2 );

 - ( SPI ) Mode Fault Error

-    AT91C_SPI_OVRES       EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

+    AT91C_SPI_OVRES EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

 - ( SPI ) Overrun Error Status

-    AT91C_SPI_ENDRX       EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

+    AT91C_SPI_ENDRX EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

 - ( SPI ) End of Receiver Transfer

-    AT91C_SPI_ENDTX       EQU( 0x1 << 5 );

+    AT91C_SPI_ENDTX EQU( 0x1 << 5 );

 - ( SPI ) End of Receiver Transfer

-    AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF      EQU( 0x1 << 6 );

+    AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF EQU( 0x1 << 6 );

 - ( SPI ) RXBUFF Interrupt

-    AT91C_SPI_TXBUFE      EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

+    AT91C_SPI_TXBUFE EQU( 0x1 << 7 );

 - ( SPI ) TXBUFE Interrupt

-    AT91C_SPI_NSSR        EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

+    AT91C_SPI_NSSR EQU( 0x1 << 8 );

 - ( SPI ) NSSR Interrupt

-    AT91C_SPI_TXEMPTY     EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

+    AT91C_SPI_TXEMPTY EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

 - ( SPI ) TXEMPTY Interrupt

-    AT91C_SPI_SPIENS      EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

+    AT91C_SPI_SPIENS EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

 - ( SPI ) Enable Status

 /* - -------- SPI_IER : (SPI Offset: 0x14) Interrupt Enable Register -------- */

 /* - -------- SPI_IDR : (SPI Offset: 0x18) Interrupt Disable Register -------- */

 /* - -------- SPI_IMR : (SPI Offset: 0x1c) Interrupt Mask Register -------- */

 /* - -------- SPI_CSR : (SPI Offset: 0x30) Chip Select Register -------- */

-    AT91C_SPI_CPOL    EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

+    AT91C_SPI_CPOL EQU( 0x1 << 0 );

 - ( SPI ) Clock Polarity

-    AT91C_SPI_NCPHA   EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

+    AT91C_SPI_NCPHA EQU( 0x1 << 1 );

 - ( SPI ) Clock Phase

-    AT91C_SPI_CSAAT   EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

+    AT91C_SPI_CSAAT EQU( 0x1 << 3 );

 - ( SPI ) Chip Select Active After Transfer

-    AT91C_SPI_BITS    EQU( 0xF << 4 );

+    AT91C_SPI_BITS EQU( 0xF << 4 );

 - ( SPI ) Bits Per Transfer

-    AT91C_SPI_BITS_8  EQU( 0x0 << 4 );

+    AT91C_SPI_BITS_8 EQU( 0x0 << 4 );

 - ( SPI ) 8 Bits Per transfer

-    AT91C_SPI_BITS_9  EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

+    AT91C_SPI_BITS_9 EQU( 0x1 << 4 );

 - ( SPI ) 9 Bits Per transfer

     AT91C_SPI_BITS_10 EQU( 0x2 << 4 );

 - ( SPI ) 10 Bits Per transfer

@@ -3342,59 +3342,59 @@
 - ( SPI ) 15 Bits Per transfer

     AT91C_SPI_BITS_16 EQU( 0x8 << 4 );

 - ( SPI ) 16 Bits Per transfer

-    AT91C_SPI_SCBR    EQU( 0xFF << 8 );

+    AT91C_SPI_SCBR EQU( 0xFF << 8 );

 - ( SPI ) Serial Clock Baud Rate

-    AT91C_SPI_DLYBS   EQU( 0xFF << 16 );

+    AT91C_SPI_DLYBS EQU( 0xFF << 16 );

 - ( SPI ) Delay Before SPCK

-    AT91C_SPI_DLYBCT  EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

+    AT91C_SPI_DLYBCT EQU( 0xFF << 24 );

 - ( SPI ) Delay Between Consecutive Transfers


 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* -              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Usart */

 /* - ***************************************************************************** */

 /* - -------- US_CR : (USART Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register -------- */

-    AT91C_US_STTBRK           EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

+    AT91C_US_STTBRK EQU( 0x1 << 9 );

 - ( USART ) Start Break

-    AT91C_US_STPBRK           EQU( 0x1 << 10 );

+    AT91C_US_STPBRK EQU( 0x1 << 10 );

 - ( USART ) Stop Break

-    AT91C_US_STTTO            EQU( 0x1 << 11 );

+    AT91C_US_STTTO EQU( 0x1 << 11 );

 - ( USART ) Start Time - out

-    AT91C_US_SENDA            EQU( 0x1 << 12 );

+    AT91C_US_SENDA EQU( 0x1 << 12 );

 - ( USART ) Send Address

-    AT91C_US_RSTIT            EQU( 0x1 << 13 );

+    AT91C_US_RSTIT EQU( 0x1 << 13 );

 - ( USART ) Reset Iterations

-    AT91C_US_RSTNACK          EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

+    AT91C_US_RSTNACK EQU( 0x1 << 14 );

 - ( USART ) Reset Non Acknowledge

-    AT91C_US_RETTO            EQU( 0x1 << 15 );

+    AT91C_US_RETTO EQU( 0x1 << 15 );

 - ( USART ) Rearm Time - out

-    AT91C_US_DTREN            EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

+    AT91C_US_DTREN EQU( 0x1 << 16 );

 - ( USART ) Data Terminal ready Enable

-    AT91C_US_DTRDIS           EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

+    AT91C_US_DTRDIS EQU( 0x1 << 17 );

 - ( USART ) Data Terminal ready Disable

-    AT91C_US_RTSEN            EQU( 0x1 << 18 );

+    AT91C_US_RTSEN EQU( 0x1 << 18 );

 - ( USART ) Request to Send enable

-    AT91C_US_RTSDIS           EQU( 0x1 << 19 );

+    AT91C_US_RTSDIS EQU( 0x1 << 19 );

 - ( USART ) Request to Send Disable

 /* - -------- US_MR : (USART Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register -------- */

-    AT91C_US_USMODE           EQU( 0xF << 0 );

+    AT91C_US_USMODE EQU( 0xF << 0 );

 - ( USART ) Usart mode

-    AT91C_US_USMODE_NORMAL    EQU( 0x0 );


 - ( USART ) Normal

-    AT91C_US_USMODE_RS485     EQU( 0x1 );

+    AT91C_US_USMODE_RS485 EQU( 0x1 );

 - ( USART ) RS485

-    AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH     EQU( 0x2 );

+    AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH EQU( 0x2 );

 - ( USART ) Hardware Handshaking

-    AT91C_US_USMODE_MODEM     EQU( 0x3 );

+    AT91C_US_USMODE_MODEM EQU( 0x3 );

 - ( USART ) Modem

     AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_0 EQU( 0x4 );

 - ( USART ) ISO7816 protocol: T = 0

                                   AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_1 EQU( 0x6 );

 - ( USART ) ISO7816 protocol: T = 1

-                                  AT91C_US_USMODE_IRDA      EQU( 0x8 );

+                                  AT91C_US_USMODE_IRDA EQU( 0x8 );

 - ( USART ) IrDA


 - ( USART ) Software Handshaking

-    AT91C_US_CLKS         EQU( 0x3 << 4 );

+    AT91C_US_CLKS EQU( 0x3 << 4 );

 - ( USART ) Clock Selection ( Baud Rate generator Input Clock

                               AT91C_US_CLKS_CLOCK EQU( 0x0 << 4 );

                               -( USART ) Clock

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/lib_AT91SAM7X256.h b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/lib_AT91SAM7X256.h
index 9d2e54e..3c4fd7d 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/lib_AT91SAM7X256.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/lib_AT91SAM7X256.h
@@ -61,17 +61,17 @@
     unsigned int oldHandler;

     unsigned int mask;


-    oldHandler              = pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ];

+    oldHandler = pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ];


-    mask                    = 0x1 << irq_id;

+    mask = 0x1 << irq_id;

     /** Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller */

-    pAic->AIC_IDCR          = mask;

+    pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask;

     /** Save the interrupt handler routine pointer and the interrupt priority */

     pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ] = ( unsigned int ) newHandler;

     /** Store the Source Mode Register */

     pAic->AIC_SMR[ irq_id ] = src_type | priority;

     /** Clear the interrupt on the interrupt controller */

-    pAic->AIC_ICCR          = mask;

+    pAic->AIC_ICCR = mask;


     return oldHandler;


@@ -1123,8 +1123,8 @@
             return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock( pCKGR, slowClock ) / prescaler;


         case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK: /* PLLB clock is selected */

-            reg           = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLR;

-            pllDivider    = ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV );

+            reg = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLR;

+            pllDivider = ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV );

             pllMultiplier = ( ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_MUL ) >> 16 ) + 1;

             return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock( pCKGR, slowClock ) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;


@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
                                    unsigned int mode )


     pPMC->PMC_PCKR[ pck ] = mode;

-    pPMC->PMC_SCER        = ( 1 << pck ) << 8;

+    pPMC->PMC_SCER = ( 1 << pck ) << 8;



 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@
                              unsigned int period,

                              unsigned int pit_frequency )


-    pPITC->PITC_PIMR  = period ? ( period * pit_frequency + 8 ) >> 4 : 0; /* +8 to avoid %10 and /10 */

+    pPITC->PITC_PIMR = period ? ( period * pit_frequency + 8 ) >> 4 : 0; /* +8 to avoid %10 and /10 */




@@ -1768,16 +1768,16 @@
     pSPI->SPI_CSR[ 3 ] = 0;


     /** Reset the SPI mode */

-    pSPI->SPI_MR       = 0;

+    pSPI->SPI_MR = 0;


     /** Disable all interrupts */

-    pSPI->SPI_IDR      = 0xFFFFFFFF;



     /** Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers */

     AT91F_PDC_Close( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pSPI->SPI_RPR ) );


     /** Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately */

-    pSPI->SPI_CR       = AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS;




 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@

     unsigned int value_for_cs;


-    value_for_cs  = ( ~( 1 << cs_number ) ) & 0xF; /*Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number */

+    value_for_cs = ( ~( 1 << cs_number ) ) & 0xF; /*Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number */

     pSPI->SPI_TDR = ( character & 0xFFFF ) | ( value_for_cs << 16 );



@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@
     pUSART->US_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset receiver and transmitter */




     /** Define the baud rate divisor register */

     AT91F_US_SetBaudrate( pUSART, mainClock, baudRate );

@@ -1967,7 +1967,7 @@
     AT91F_PDC_Open( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pUSART->US_RPR ) );


     /** Define the USART mode */

-    pUSART->US_MR  = mode;

+    pUSART->US_MR = mode;



 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2044,19 +2044,19 @@
     pUSART->US_BRGR = 0;


     /** Reset the USART mode */

-    pUSART->US_MR   = 0;

+    pUSART->US_MR = 0;


     /** Reset the Timeguard Register */

     pUSART->US_TTGR = 0;


     /** Disable all interrupts */




     /** Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers */

     AT91F_PDC_Close( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pUSART->US_RPR ) );


     /** Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately */





 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2230,10 +2230,10 @@
                                    unsigned int mode_tx )   /* \arg mode Register to be programmed */


     /** Disable interrupts */

-    pSSC->SSC_IDR  = ( unsigned int ) -1;

+    pSSC->SSC_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset receiver and transmitter */




     /** Define the Clock Mode Register */

     AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate( pSSC, syst_clock, baud_rate );

@@ -2407,10 +2407,10 @@
     pTWI->TWI_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset peripheral */




     /** Set Master mode */

-    pTWI->TWI_CR  = AT91C_TWI_MSEN;




 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2506,7 +2506,7 @@
                                      unsigned int period,    /* \arg PWM period */

                                      unsigned int duty )     /* \arg PWM duty cycle */


-    pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CMR   = mode;

+    pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CMR = mode;

     pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CDTYR = duty;

     pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CPRDR = period;


@@ -3210,9 +3210,9 @@

     unsigned int prescal, startup, shtim;


-    prescal      = mck_clock / ( 2 * adc_clock ) - 1;

-    startup      = adc_clock * startup_time / 8 - 1;

-    shtim        = adc_clock * sample_and_hold_time / 1000 - 1;

+    prescal = mck_clock / ( 2 * adc_clock ) - 1;

+    startup = adc_clock * startup_time / 8 - 1;

+    shtim = adc_clock * sample_and_hold_time / 1000 - 1;


     /** Write to the MR register */

     pADC->ADC_MR = ( ( prescal << 8 ) & AT91C_ADC_PRESCAL ) | ( ( startup << 16 ) & AT91C_ADC_STARTUP ) | ( ( shtim << 24 ) & AT91C_ADC_SHTIM );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/port.c
index 3d2f933..ca39e9b 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@


     /* Configure the PIT period. */




     /* Enable the interrupt.  Global interrupts are disables at this point so

      * this is safe. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/portISR.c b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/portISR.c
index 7eb0efa..a8d9e00 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/portISR.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/portISR.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@


         /* Clear the PIT interrupt. */

-        ulDummy                   = AT91C_BASE_PITC->PITC_PIVR;

+        ulDummy = AT91C_BASE_PITC->PITC_PIVR;


         /* End the interrupt in the AIC. */

         AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_EOICR = ulDummy;

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/portmacro.h
index 3a97f81..31aa431 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_AT91SAM7S/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@
     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                            \

     {                                                                        \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                        \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                   \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                          \


         /* Set the LR to the task stack. */                                  \

         __asm volatile (                                                     \

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
     #define portSAVE_CONTEXT()                                            \

     {                                                                     \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                     \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                       \


         /* Push R0 as we are going to use the register. */                \

         __asm volatile (                                                  \

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/port.c
index 832c300..c30fec9 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@

     /* A 1ms tick does not require the use of the timer prescale.  This is

      * defaulted to zero but can be used if necessary. */

-    T0_PR          = portPRESCALE_VALUE;

+    T0_PR = portPRESCALE_VALUE;


     /* Calculate the match value required for our wanted tick rate. */

     ulCompareMatch = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

@@ -198,23 +199,23 @@
             ulCompareMatch /= ( portPRESCALE_VALUE + 1 );



-    T0_MR0         = ulCompareMatch;

+    T0_MR0 = ulCompareMatch;


     /* Generate tick with timer 0 compare match. */




     /* Setup the VIC for the timer. */

-    VICIntSelect  &= ~( portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT );

-    VICIntEnable  |= portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT;

+    VICIntSelect &= ~( portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT );

+    VICIntEnable |= portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT;


     /* The ISR installed depends on whether the preemptive or cooperative

      * scheduler is being used. */


-    VICVectAddr0   = ( int32_t ) vTickISR;


+    VICVectAddr0 = ( int32_t ) vTickISR;



     /* Start the timer - interrupts are disabled when this function is called

      * so it is okay to do this here. */

-    T0_TCR         = portENABLE_TIMER;

+    T0_TCR = portENABLE_TIMER;



diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/portISR.c b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/portISR.c
index bfe40d5..8c57213 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/portISR.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/portISR.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@


     /* Ready for the next interrupt. */

-    T0_IR       = portTIMER_MATCH_ISR_BIT;




     /* Restore the context of the new task. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/portmacro.h
index 327f426..8b02021 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC2000/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@
     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                            \

     {                                                                        \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                        \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                   \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                          \


         /* Set the LR to the task stack. */                                  \

         __asm volatile (                                                     \

@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@
     #define portSAVE_CONTEXT()                                            \

     {                                                                     \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                     \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                       \


         /* Push R0 as we are going to use the register. */                \

         __asm volatile (                                                  \

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/port.c
index 3a2fe03..56d8ed2 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -182,13 +183,13 @@

     uint32_t ulCompareMatch;


-    PCLKSEL0       = ( PCLKSEL0 & ( ~( 0x3 << 2 ) ) ) | ( 0x01 << 2 );

-    T0TCR          = 2; /* Stop and reset the timer */

-    T0CTCR         = 0; /* Timer mode               */

+    PCLKSEL0 = ( PCLKSEL0 & ( ~( 0x3 << 2 ) ) ) | ( 0x01 << 2 );

+    T0TCR = 2;  /* Stop and reset the timer */

+    T0CTCR = 0; /* Timer mode               */


     /* A 1ms tick does not require the use of the timer prescale.  This is

      * defaulted to zero but can be used if necessary. */

-    T0PR           = portPRESCALE_VALUE;



     /* Calculate the match value required for our wanted tick rate. */

     ulCompareMatch = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

@@ -200,13 +201,13 @@
             ulCompareMatch /= ( portPRESCALE_VALUE + 1 );



-    T0MR1          = ulCompareMatch;

+    T0MR1 = ulCompareMatch;


     /* Generate tick with timer 0 compare match. */

-    T0MCR          = ( 3 << 3 ); /* Reset timer on match and generate interrupt */

+    T0MCR = ( 3 << 3 ); /* Reset timer on match and generate interrupt */


     /* Setup the VIC for the timer. */

-    VICIntEnable   = 0x00000010;

+    VICIntEnable = 0x00000010;


     /* The ISR installed depends on whether the preemptive or cooperative

      * scheduler is being used. */

@@ -222,10 +223,10 @@



-    VICVectCntl4   = 1;

+    VICVectCntl4 = 1;


     /* Start the timer - interrupts are disabled when this function is called

      * so it is okay to do this here. */

-    T0TCR          = portENABLE_TIMER;

+    T0TCR = portENABLE_TIMER;



diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portISR.c b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portISR.c
index 551b0ba..b9f38e4 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portISR.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portISR.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
     void vNonPreemptiveTick( void )



-        T0IR        = 2;

+        T0IR = 2;

         VICVectAddr = portCLEAR_VIC_INTERRUPT;



@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@


         /* Ready for the next interrupt. */

-        T0IR        = 2;

+        T0IR = 2;

         VICVectAddr = portCLEAR_VIC_INTERRUPT;


         /* Restore the context of the new task. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portmacro.h
index 3a97f81..31aa431 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM7_LPC23xx/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@
     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                            \

     {                                                                        \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                        \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                   \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                          \


         /* Set the LR to the task stack. */                                  \

         __asm volatile (                                                     \

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
     #define portSAVE_CONTEXT()                                            \

     {                                                                     \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                     \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                       \


         /* Push R0 as we are going to use the register. */                \

         __asm volatile (                                                  \

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CA53_64_BIT/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CA53_64_BIT/port.c
index 920bed2..d53ccc7 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CA53_64_BIT/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CA53_64_BIT/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -146,23 +147,23 @@
  * a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't inadvertently become unmasked before

  * the scheduler starts.  As it is stored as part of the task context it will

  * automatically be set to 0 when the first task is started. */

-volatile uint64_t ullCriticalNesting       = 9999ULL;

+volatile uint64_t ullCriticalNesting = 9999ULL;


 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If ullPortTaskHasFPUContext is non-zero

  * then floating point context must be saved and restored for the task. */

-uint64_t          ullPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;

+uint64_t ullPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;


 /* Set to 1 to pend a context switch from an ISR. */

-uint64_t          ullPortYieldRequired     = pdFALSE;

+uint64_t ullPortYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  A context switch is only performed if

  * if the nesting depth is 0. */

-uint64_t          ullPortInterruptNesting  = 0;

+uint64_t ullPortInterruptNesting = 0;


 /* Used in the ASM code. */

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint64_t ullICCEOIR            = portICCEOIR_END_OF_INTERRUPT_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint64_t ullICCIAR             = portICCIAR_INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint64_t ullICCPMR             = portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint64_t ullICCEOIR = portICCEOIR_END_OF_INTERRUPT_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint64_t ullICCIAR = portICCIAR_INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint64_t ullICCPMR = portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

 __attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint64_t ullMaxAPIPriorityMask = ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portPRIORITY_SHIFT );



@@ -270,21 +271,21 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_BASE_ADDRESS + portINTERRUPT_PRIORITY_REGISTER_OFFSET );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine how many priority bits are implemented in the GIC.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to

              * all possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Shift to the least significant bits. */

             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portBIT_0_SET ) != portBIT_0_SET )

@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@



-        ulReturn                          = pdFALSE;

+        ulReturn = pdFALSE;


         __asm volatile ( "dsb sy		\n"

                          "isb sy		\n"::: "memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CA53_64_BIT/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CA53_64_BIT/portmacro.h
index 06aa966..5da5f22 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CA53_64_BIT/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CA53_64_BIT/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9/port.c
index ca7a7fb..e826b9f 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -191,23 +192,23 @@
  * a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't inadvertently become unmasked before

  * the scheduler starts.  As it is stored as part of the task context it will

  * automatically be set to 0 when the first task is started. */

-volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting       = 9999UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL;


 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If ulPortTaskHasFPUContext is non-zero then

  * a floating point context must be saved and restored for the task. */

 volatile uint32_t ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;


 /* Set to 1 to pend a context switch from an ISR. */

-volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired     = pdFALSE;

+volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  A context switch is only performed if

  * if the nesting depth is 0. */

-volatile uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting  = 0UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting = 0UL;


 /* Used in the asm file. */

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCIAR             = portICCIAR_INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCEOIR            = portICCEOIR_END_OF_INTERRUPT_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCPMR             = portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCIAR = portICCIAR_INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCEOIR = portICCEOIR_END_OF_INTERRUPT_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCPMR = portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

 __attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulMaxAPIPriorityMask = ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portPRIORITY_SHIFT );



@@ -291,11 +292,11 @@

             /* The task will start with a floating point context.  Leave enough

              * space for the registers - and ensure they are initialised to 0. */

-            pxTopOfStack           -= portFPU_REGISTER_WORDS;

+            pxTopOfStack -= portFPU_REGISTER_WORDS;

             memset( pxTopOfStack, 0x00, portFPU_REGISTER_WORDS * sizeof( StackType_t ) );



-            *pxTopOfStack           = pdTRUE;

+            *pxTopOfStack = pdTRUE;

             ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdTRUE;


     #else /* if ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 ) */

@@ -331,21 +332,21 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_BASE_ADDRESS + portINTERRUPT_PRIORITY_REGISTER_OFFSET );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine how many priority bits are implemented in the GIC.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to

              * all possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Shift to the least significant bits. */

             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portBIT_0_SET ) != portBIT_0_SET )

@@ -519,7 +520,7 @@



-        ulReturn                          = pdFALSE;

+        ulReturn = pdFALSE;


         __asm volatile ( "dsb		\n"

                          "isb		\n"::: "memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
index a0e0a08..9c6498a 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/port.c
index b1bf3c1..06a1766 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;




@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@
  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -380,19 +381,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR;

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR;


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -453,21 +454,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -531,7 +532,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -543,20 +544,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrpts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
index 733d3bd..bd6e735 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.c
index 94e2416..d9eb319 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portmacro.h
index 060f91a..747cdc7 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.c
index 04f1e56..5608c72 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

@@ -101,12 +102,12 @@
     secureportNON_SECURE_CALLABLE SecureContextHandle_t SecureContext_AllocateContext( uint32_t ulSecureStackSize )

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint8_t *             pucStackMemory         = NULL;

-    uint32_t              ulIPSR;

-    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle   = NULL;

+    uint8_t * pucStackMemory = NULL;

+    uint32_t ulIPSR;

+    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle = NULL;


     #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-        uint32_t *        pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

+        uint32_t * pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Read the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) value. */

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
                         /* Store the correct CONTROL value for the task on the stack.

                          * This value is programmed in the CONTROL register on

                          * context switch. */

-                        pulCurrentStackPointer                       = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;

+                        pulCurrentStackPointer = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;



                         if( ulIsTaskPrivileged )

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.h
index a5d2f29..62ef6bb 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_CONTEXT_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context_port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context_port.c
index d5be002..d7ef92b 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context_port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context_port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.c
index b71f06d..76b6ee1 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
  * @brief Keeps track of the number of free bytes remaining, but says nothing

  * about fragmentation.


-static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining            = 0U;

+static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

 static size_t xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;



@@ -125,61 +126,61 @@
  * then the block belongs to the application. When the bit is free the block is

  * still part of the free heap space.


-static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit             = 0;

+static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit = 0;



 static void prvHeapInit( void )


     BlockLink_t * pxFirstFreeBlock;

-    uint8_t *     pucAlignedHeap;

-    size_t        uxAddress;

-    size_t        xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;

+    uint8_t * pucAlignedHeap;

+    size_t uxAddress;

+    size_t xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;


     /* Ensure the heap starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( size_t ) ucHeap;

+    uxAddress = ( size_t ) ucHeap;


     if( ( uxAddress & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0 )


-        uxAddress      += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

-        uxAddress      &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+        uxAddress += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

+        uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

         xTotalHeapSize -= uxAddress - ( size_t ) ucHeap;



-    pucAlignedHeap                    = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;

+    pucAlignedHeap = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;


     /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of free

      * blocks.  The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */

-    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock            = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    xStart.xBlockSize                 = ( size_t ) 0;

+    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0;


     /* pxEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks and is inserted

      * at the end of the heap space. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

-    uxAddress                        -= xHeapStructSize;

-    uxAddress                        &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

-    pxEnd                             = ( void * ) uxAddress;

-    pxEnd->xBlockSize                 = 0;

-    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock            = NULL;

+    uxAddress = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

+    uxAddress -= xHeapStructSize;

+    uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+    pxEnd = ( void * ) uxAddress;

+    pxEnd->xBlockSize = 0;

+    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;


     /* To start with there is a single free block that is sized to take up the

      * entire heap space, minus the space taken by pxEnd. */

-    pxFirstFreeBlock                  = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize      = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

     pxFirstFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = pxEnd;


     /* Only one block exists - and it covers the entire usable heap space. */

-    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining    = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

-    xFreeBytesRemaining               = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;


     /* Work out the position of the top bit in a size_t variable. */

-    xBlockAllocatedBit                = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );

+    xBlockAllocatedBit = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );




 static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t * pxBlockToInsert )


     BlockLink_t * pxIterator;

-    uint8_t *     puc;

+    uint8_t * puc;


     /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a higher address

      * than the block being inserted. */

@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@
     if( ( puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert )


         pxIterator->xBlockSize += pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;

-        pxBlockToInsert         = pxIterator;

+        pxBlockToInsert = pxIterator;




@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@
         if( pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd )


             /* Form one big block from the two blocks. */

-            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize     += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

             pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@
 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

-    void *        pvReturn = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;


     /* If this is the first call to malloc then the heap will require

      * initialisation to setup the list of free blocks. */

@@ -290,12 +291,12 @@
             /* Traverse the list from the start (lowest address) block until

              * one of adequate size is found. */

             pxPreviousBlock = &xStart;

-            pxBlock         = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;

+            pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;


             while( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) )


                 pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock;

-                pxBlock         = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;

+                pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



             /* If the end marker was reached then a block of adequate size was

@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@

                 /* Return the memory space pointed to - jumping over the

                  * BlockLink_t structure at its start. */

-                pvReturn                         = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );

+                pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );


                 /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out

                  * of the list of free blocks. */

@@ -318,13 +319,13 @@
                      * block following the number of bytes requested. The void

                      * cast is used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the

                      * compiler. */

-                    pxNewBlockLink             = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

+                    pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

                     secureportASSERT( ( ( ( size_t ) pxNewBlockLink ) & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0 );


                     /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the single

                      * block. */

                     pxNewBlockLink->xBlockSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize;

-                    pxBlock->xBlockSize        = xWantedSize;

+                    pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize;


                     /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */

                     prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( pxNewBlockLink );

@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@



-                xFreeBytesRemaining             -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;

+                xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;


                 if( xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining )


@@ -347,8 +348,8 @@

                 /* The block is being returned - it is allocated and owned by

                  * the application and has no "next" block. */

-                pxBlock->xBlockSize             |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

-                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock         = NULL;

+                pxBlock->xBlockSize |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

+                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;




@@ -388,14 +389,14 @@

 void vPortFree( void * pv )


-    uint8_t *     puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

+    uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

     BlockLink_t * pxLink;


     if( pv != NULL )


         /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately

          * before it. */

-        puc   -= xHeapStructSize;

+        puc -= xHeapStructSize;


         /* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */

         pxLink = ( void * ) puc;

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.h
index 7226fa2..d5ddaa8 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_HEAP_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.c
index 5ffa9e6..6f0be25 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.h
index 96ba9aa..6438734 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_INIT_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_port_macros.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_port_macros.h
index f37655d..d0ace62 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_port_macros.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_port_macros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c
index e683d1a..cf57e6e 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
index 060f91a..747cdc7 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/port.c
index 69b8322..58b832b 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -130,13 +131,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -161,8 +162,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -266,9 +267,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -276,21 +277,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -318,8 +319,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -336,7 +337,7 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -453,7 +454,7 @@

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -490,14 +491,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -506,21 +507,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -554,7 +555,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -569,7 +570,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -584,7 +585,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -596,20 +597,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -628,19 +629,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
index a64b01a..acfed76 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.c
index 2759f4d..0c8cb0f 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portmacro.h
index 7ffbea1..bb4d249 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.c
index 04f1e56..5608c72 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

@@ -101,12 +102,12 @@
     secureportNON_SECURE_CALLABLE SecureContextHandle_t SecureContext_AllocateContext( uint32_t ulSecureStackSize )

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint8_t *             pucStackMemory         = NULL;

-    uint32_t              ulIPSR;

-    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle   = NULL;

+    uint8_t * pucStackMemory = NULL;

+    uint32_t ulIPSR;

+    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle = NULL;


     #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-        uint32_t *        pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

+        uint32_t * pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Read the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) value. */

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
                         /* Store the correct CONTROL value for the task on the stack.

                          * This value is programmed in the CONTROL register on

                          * context switch. */

-                        pulCurrentStackPointer                       = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;

+                        pulCurrentStackPointer = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;



                         if( ulIsTaskPrivileged )

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.h
index a5d2f29..62ef6bb 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_CONTEXT_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context_port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context_port.c
index ea094eb..0187463 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context_port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context_port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.c
index b71f06d..76b6ee1 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
  * @brief Keeps track of the number of free bytes remaining, but says nothing

  * about fragmentation.


-static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining            = 0U;

+static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

 static size_t xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;



@@ -125,61 +126,61 @@
  * then the block belongs to the application. When the bit is free the block is

  * still part of the free heap space.


-static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit             = 0;

+static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit = 0;



 static void prvHeapInit( void )


     BlockLink_t * pxFirstFreeBlock;

-    uint8_t *     pucAlignedHeap;

-    size_t        uxAddress;

-    size_t        xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;

+    uint8_t * pucAlignedHeap;

+    size_t uxAddress;

+    size_t xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;


     /* Ensure the heap starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( size_t ) ucHeap;

+    uxAddress = ( size_t ) ucHeap;


     if( ( uxAddress & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0 )


-        uxAddress      += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

-        uxAddress      &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+        uxAddress += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

+        uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

         xTotalHeapSize -= uxAddress - ( size_t ) ucHeap;



-    pucAlignedHeap                    = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;

+    pucAlignedHeap = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;


     /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of free

      * blocks.  The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */

-    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock            = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    xStart.xBlockSize                 = ( size_t ) 0;

+    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0;


     /* pxEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks and is inserted

      * at the end of the heap space. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

-    uxAddress                        -= xHeapStructSize;

-    uxAddress                        &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

-    pxEnd                             = ( void * ) uxAddress;

-    pxEnd->xBlockSize                 = 0;

-    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock            = NULL;

+    uxAddress = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

+    uxAddress -= xHeapStructSize;

+    uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+    pxEnd = ( void * ) uxAddress;

+    pxEnd->xBlockSize = 0;

+    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;


     /* To start with there is a single free block that is sized to take up the

      * entire heap space, minus the space taken by pxEnd. */

-    pxFirstFreeBlock                  = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize      = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

     pxFirstFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = pxEnd;


     /* Only one block exists - and it covers the entire usable heap space. */

-    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining    = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

-    xFreeBytesRemaining               = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;


     /* Work out the position of the top bit in a size_t variable. */

-    xBlockAllocatedBit                = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );

+    xBlockAllocatedBit = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );




 static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t * pxBlockToInsert )


     BlockLink_t * pxIterator;

-    uint8_t *     puc;

+    uint8_t * puc;


     /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a higher address

      * than the block being inserted. */

@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@
     if( ( puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert )


         pxIterator->xBlockSize += pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;

-        pxBlockToInsert         = pxIterator;

+        pxBlockToInsert = pxIterator;




@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@
         if( pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd )


             /* Form one big block from the two blocks. */

-            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize     += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

             pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@
 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

-    void *        pvReturn = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;


     /* If this is the first call to malloc then the heap will require

      * initialisation to setup the list of free blocks. */

@@ -290,12 +291,12 @@
             /* Traverse the list from the start (lowest address) block until

              * one of adequate size is found. */

             pxPreviousBlock = &xStart;

-            pxBlock         = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;

+            pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;


             while( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) )


                 pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock;

-                pxBlock         = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;

+                pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



             /* If the end marker was reached then a block of adequate size was

@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@

                 /* Return the memory space pointed to - jumping over the

                  * BlockLink_t structure at its start. */

-                pvReturn                         = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );

+                pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );


                 /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out

                  * of the list of free blocks. */

@@ -318,13 +319,13 @@
                      * block following the number of bytes requested. The void

                      * cast is used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the

                      * compiler. */

-                    pxNewBlockLink             = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

+                    pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

                     secureportASSERT( ( ( ( size_t ) pxNewBlockLink ) & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0 );


                     /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the single

                      * block. */

                     pxNewBlockLink->xBlockSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize;

-                    pxBlock->xBlockSize        = xWantedSize;

+                    pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize;


                     /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */

                     prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( pxNewBlockLink );

@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@



-                xFreeBytesRemaining             -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;

+                xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;


                 if( xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining )


@@ -347,8 +348,8 @@

                 /* The block is being returned - it is allocated and owned by

                  * the application and has no "next" block. */

-                pxBlock->xBlockSize             |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

-                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock         = NULL;

+                pxBlock->xBlockSize |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

+                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;




@@ -388,14 +389,14 @@

 void vPortFree( void * pv )


-    uint8_t *     puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

+    uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

     BlockLink_t * pxLink;


     if( pv != NULL )


         /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately

          * before it. */

-        puc   -= xHeapStructSize;

+        puc -= xHeapStructSize;


         /* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */

         pxLink = ( void * ) puc;

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.h
index 7226fa2..d5ddaa8 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_HEAP_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.c
index 5ffa9e6..6f0be25 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.h
index 96ba9aa..6438734 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_INIT_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_port_macros.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_port_macros.h
index f37655d..d0ace62 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_port_macros.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_port_macros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c
index 1a397bc..132fa45 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
index 7ffbea1..bb4d249 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c
index 0dc4f57..6bd4db9 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@
 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.  Note this is not saved as part of the task context as context

  * switches can only occur when uxCriticalNesting is zero. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * Used by the portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() macro to ensure

@@ -182,8 +183,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@

 static void prvSVCHandler( uint32_t * pulParam )


-    uint8_t  ucSVCNumber;

+    uint8_t ucSVCNumber;

     uint32_t ulPC;



@@ -254,14 +255,14 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* #if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* #if( configENFORCE_SYSTEM_CALLS_FROM_KERNEL_ONLY == 1 ) */


     /* The stack contains: r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, LR, PC and xPSR.  The first

      * argument (r0) is pulParam[ 0 ]. */

-    ulPC        = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];

+    ulPC = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -374,9 +375,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -384,21 +385,21 @@
              * to ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -426,8 +427,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -449,7 +450,7 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */

     __asm volatile (

@@ -588,12 +589,12 @@
 __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -614,10 +615,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Setup the privileged flash for privileged only access.  This is where

          * the kernel code is * placed. */

@@ -625,10 +626,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Setup the privileged data RAM region.  This is where the kernel data

          * is placed. */

@@ -636,10 +637,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* By default allow everything to access the general peripherals.  The

          * system peripherals and registers are protected. */

@@ -647,15 +648,15 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portGENERAL_PERIPHERALS_REGION );



-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Enable the memory fault exception. */




         /* Enable the MPU with the background region configured. */

-        portMPU_CTRL_REG               |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );

+        portMPU_CTRL_REG |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );




@@ -723,8 +724,8 @@
     extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_end__[];

     extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];

     extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];

-    int32_t         lIndex;

-    uint32_t        ul;

+    int32_t lIndex;

+    uint32_t ul;


     if( xRegions == NULL )


@@ -734,7 +735,7 @@
             ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

             ( portSTACK_REGION );


-        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =

             ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) |


             ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__ ) ) |

@@ -747,7 +748,7 @@
             ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

             ( portSTACK_REGION + 1 );


-        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute =



             prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

@@ -757,7 +758,7 @@
         for( ul = 2; ul <= portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS; ul++ )


             xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;

-            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   = 0UL;

+            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;




@@ -774,7 +775,7 @@
                 ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                 ( portSTACK_REGION ); /* Region number. */


-            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =

                 ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) | /* Read and write. */

                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) ) |

                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

@@ -795,7 +796,7 @@
                     ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                     ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ); /* Region number. */


-                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute =

                     ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes ) ) |

                     ( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulParameters ) |

                     ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );

@@ -804,7 +805,7 @@

                 /* Invalidate the region. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;

-                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   = 0UL;

+                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;




@@ -818,7 +819,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/portmacro.h
index 4262420..3df29df 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@

     #define portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG     ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed04 ) )

     #define portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT    ( 1UL << 28UL )

-    #define portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xSwitchRequired )    if( xSwitchRequired ) portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG  = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT

+    #define portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xSwitchRequired )    if( xSwitchRequired ) portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT

     #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x )                     portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( x )



@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.c
index ef1bd2b..e9c2e8a 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -143,13 +144,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -174,8 +175,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -302,9 +303,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -312,21 +313,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -354,8 +355,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -372,13 +373,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -533,7 +534,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -552,14 +553,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -568,21 +569,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -616,7 +617,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -631,7 +632,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -646,7 +647,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -658,20 +659,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -690,19 +691,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -727,7 +728,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
index 719f3fd..07f08de 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4_MPU/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4_MPU/port.c
index ba07a12..59446fe 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4_MPU/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4_MPU/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@
 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.  Note this is not saved as part of the task context as context

  * switches can only occur when uxCriticalNesting is zero. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * Used by the portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() macro to ensure

@@ -195,8 +196,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@

 static void prvSVCHandler( uint32_t * pulParam )


-    uint8_t  ucSVCNumber;

+    uint8_t ucSVCNumber;

     uint32_t ulPC;



@@ -274,14 +275,14 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* #if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* #if( configENFORCE_SYSTEM_CALLS_FROM_KERNEL_ONLY == 1 ) */


     /* The stack contains: r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, LR, PC and xPSR.  The first

      * argument (r0) is pulParam[ 0 ]. */

-    ulPC        = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];

+    ulPC = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -392,9 +393,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -402,21 +403,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -444,8 +445,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -467,13 +468,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task.  This also clears the bit that indicates the FPU is

      * in use in case the FPU was used before the scheduler was started - which

@@ -626,12 +627,12 @@
 __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -665,12 +666,12 @@
         extern uint32_t * __privileged_data_end__;


         /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-        extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-        extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-        extern uint32_t   __FLASH_segment_start__[];

-        extern uint32_t   __FLASH_segment_end__[];

-        extern uint32_t   __privileged_data_start__[];

-        extern uint32_t   __privileged_data_end__[];

+        extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+        extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+        extern uint32_t __FLASH_segment_start__[];

+        extern uint32_t __FLASH_segment_end__[];

+        extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];

+        extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];

     #endif /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


     /* Check the expected MPU is present. */

@@ -681,10 +682,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Setup the privileged flash for privileged only access.  This is where

          * the kernel code is placed. */

@@ -692,10 +693,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Setup the privileged data RAM region.  This is where the kernel data

          * is placed. */

@@ -703,10 +704,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* By default allow everything to access the general peripherals.  The

          * system peripherals and registers are protected. */

@@ -714,15 +715,15 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portGENERAL_PERIPHERALS_REGION );



-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Enable the memory fault exception. */




         /* Enable the MPU with the background region configured. */

-        portMPU_CTRL_REG               |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );

+        portMPU_CTRL_REG |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );




@@ -796,14 +797,14 @@
         extern uint32_t * __privileged_data_end__;


         /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-        extern uint32_t   __SRAM_segment_start__[];

-        extern uint32_t   __SRAM_segment_end__[];

-        extern uint32_t   __privileged_data_start__[];

-        extern uint32_t   __privileged_data_end__[];

+        extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_start__[];

+        extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_end__[];

+        extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];

+        extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];

     #endif /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


-    int32_t               lIndex;

-    uint32_t              ul;

+    int32_t lIndex;

+    uint32_t ul;


     if( xRegions == NULL )


@@ -813,7 +814,7 @@
             ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

             ( portSTACK_REGION );


-        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =

             ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) |


             ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__ ) ) |

@@ -826,7 +827,7 @@
             ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

             ( portSTACK_REGION + 1 );


-        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute =



             prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

@@ -836,7 +837,7 @@
         for( ul = 2; ul <= portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS; ul++ )


             xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;

-            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   = 0UL;

+            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;




@@ -853,7 +854,7 @@
                 ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                 ( portSTACK_REGION ); /* Region number. */


-            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =

                 ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) | /* Read and write. */

                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) ) |

                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

@@ -874,7 +875,7 @@
                     ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                     ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ); /* Region number. */


-                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute =

                     ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes ) ) |

                     ( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulParameters ) |

                     ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );

@@ -883,7 +884,7 @@

                 /* Invalidate the region. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;

-                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   = 0UL;

+                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;




@@ -897,7 +898,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4_MPU/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4_MPU/portmacro.h
index 4262420..3df29df 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4_MPU/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4_MPU/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@

     #define portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG     ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed04 ) )

     #define portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT    ( 1UL << 28UL )

-    #define portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xSwitchRequired )    if( xSwitchRequired ) portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG  = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT

+    #define portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xSwitchRequired )    if( xSwitchRequired ) portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT

     #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x )                     portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( x )



@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
index d969e5b..b839556 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -137,13 +138,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -168,8 +169,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -290,9 +291,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -300,21 +301,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -342,8 +343,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -360,13 +361,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -523,7 +524,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -542,14 +543,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -558,21 +559,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -606,7 +607,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -621,7 +622,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -636,7 +637,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -648,20 +649,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -680,19 +681,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -717,7 +718,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
index 4e336ec..a65d627 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CR5/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CR5/port.c
index 4ce8af9..418020f 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CR5/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CR5/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -166,23 +167,23 @@
  * a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't inadvertently become unmasked before

  * the scheduler starts.  As it is stored as part of the task context it will

  * automatically be set to 0 when the first task is started. */

-volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting       = 9999UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL;


 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If ulPortTaskHasFPUContext is non-zero then

  * a floating point context must be saved and restored for the task. */

-uint32_t          ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;

+uint32_t ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;


 /* Set to 1 to pend a context switch from an ISR. */

-uint32_t          ulPortYieldRequired     = pdFALSE;

+uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  A context switch is only performed if

  * if the nesting depth is 0. */

-uint32_t          ulPortInterruptNesting  = 0UL;

+uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting = 0UL;


 /* Used in asm code. */

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCIAR             = portICCIAR_INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCEOIR            = portICCEOIR_END_OF_INTERRUPT_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

-__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCPMR             = portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCIAR = portICCIAR_INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCEOIR = portICCEOIR_END_OF_INTERRUPT_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

+__attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCPMR = portICCPMR_PRIORITY_MASK_REGISTER_ADDRESS;

 __attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulMaxAPIPriorityMask = ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portPRIORITY_SHIFT );



@@ -287,21 +288,21 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_BASE_ADDRESS + portINTERRUPT_PRIORITY_REGISTER_OFFSET );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine how many priority bits are implemented in the GIC.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to

              * all possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Shift to the least significant bits. */

             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portBIT_0_SET ) != portBIT_0_SET )

@@ -479,7 +480,7 @@



-        ulReturn                          = pdFALSE;

+        ulReturn = pdFALSE;


         __asm volatile ( "dsb		\n"

                          "isb		\n"::: "memory" );

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CR5/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CR5/portmacro.h
index 01a8b28..1688b6a 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CR5/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CR5/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/port.c b/portable/GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/port.c
index 726b5b0..a06fc75 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -98,18 +99,18 @@
  * a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't inadvertently become unmasked before

  * the scheduler starts.  As it is stored as part of the task context it will

  * automatically be set to 0 when the first task is started. */

-volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting       = 9999UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL;


 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If ulPortTaskHasFPUContext is non-zero then

  * a floating point context must be saved and restored for the task. */

 volatile uint32_t ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;


 /* Set to 1 to pend a context switch from an ISR. */

-volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired     = pdFALSE;

+volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  A context switch is only performed if

  * if the nesting depth is 0. */

-volatile uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting  = 0UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting = 0UL;


 /* Used in the asm file to clear an interrupt. */

 __attribute__( ( used ) ) const uint32_t ulICCEOIR = configEOI_ADDRESS;

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/portmacro.h
index 1e74236..f8b41dc 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ATMega323/port.c b/portable/GCC/ATMega323/port.c
index a84356a..5bbf012 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ATMega323/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ATMega323/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -204,11 +205,11 @@

     /* The start of the task code will be popped off the stack last, so place

      * it on first. */

-    usAddress     = ( uint16_t ) pxCode;

+    usAddress = ( uint16_t ) pxCode;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );



-    usAddress   >>= 8;

+    usAddress >>= 8;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );



@@ -271,11 +272,11 @@


     /* Place the parameter on the stack in the expected location. */

-    usAddress     = ( uint16_t ) pvParameters;

+    usAddress = ( uint16_t ) pvParameters;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );



-    usAddress   >>= 8;

+    usAddress >>= 8;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );



@@ -365,36 +366,36 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     uint32_t ulCompareMatch;

-    uint8_t  ucHighByte, ucLowByte;

+    uint8_t ucHighByte, ucLowByte;


     /* Using 16bit timer 1 to generate the tick.  Correct fuses must be

      * selected for the configCPU_CLOCK_HZ clock. */


-    ulCompareMatch   = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

+    ulCompareMatch = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;


     /* We only have 16 bits so have to scale to get our required tick rate. */

-    ulCompareMatch  /= portCLOCK_PRESCALER;

+    ulCompareMatch /= portCLOCK_PRESCALER;


     /* Adjust for correct value. */

-    ulCompareMatch  -= ( uint32_t ) 1;

+    ulCompareMatch -= ( uint32_t ) 1;


     /* Setup compare match value for compare match A.  Interrupts are disabled

      * before this is called so we need not worry here. */

-    ucLowByte        = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

+    ucLowByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

     ulCompareMatch >>= 8;

-    ucHighByte       = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

-    OCR1AH           = ucHighByte;

-    OCR1AL           = ucLowByte;

+    ucHighByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

+    OCR1AH = ucHighByte;

+    OCR1AL = ucLowByte;


     /* Setup clock source and compare match behaviour. */

-    ucLowByte        = portCLEAR_COUNTER_ON_MATCH | portPRESCALE_64;

-    TCCR1B           = ucLowByte;

+    ucLowByte = portCLEAR_COUNTER_ON_MATCH | portPRESCALE_64;

+    TCCR1B = ucLowByte;


     /* Enable the interrupt - this is okay as interrupt are currently globally

      * disabled. */

-    ucLowByte        = TIMSK;

-    ucLowByte       |= portCOMPARE_MATCH_A_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;

-    TIMSK            = ucLowByte;

+    ucLowByte = TIMSK;


+    TIMSK = ucLowByte;




diff --git a/portable/GCC/ATMega323/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ATMega323/portmacro.h
index 1cda009..90b34c7 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ATMega323/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ATMega323/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/AVR32_UC3/port.c b/portable/GCC/AVR32_UC3/port.c
index 88054e1..fbb33f3 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/AVR32_UC3/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/AVR32_UC3/port.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -87,11 +88,11 @@
 void _init_startup( void )


     /* Import the Exception Vector Base Address. */

-    extern void      _evba;

+    extern void _evba;


     #if configHEAP_INIT

-        extern void  __heap_start__;

-        extern void  __heap_end__;

+        extern void __heap_start__;

+        extern void __heap_end__;

         BaseType_t * pxMem;



@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@
     *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x05050505;                    /* R5 */

     *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x06060606;                    /* R6 */

     *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x07070707;                    /* R7 */

-    *pxTopOfStack   = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING;       /* ulCriticalNesting */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING;         /* ulCriticalNesting */


     return pxTopOfStack;


@@ -321,7 +322,7 @@

         uint32_t lCycles;


-        lCycles  = Get_system_register( AVR32_COUNT );

+        lCycles = Get_system_register( AVR32_COUNT );

         lCycles += ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );


         /* If lCycles ends up to be 0, make it 1 so that the COMPARE and exception */

@@ -338,7 +339,7 @@

         uint32_t lCycles, lCount;


-        lCycles  = Get_system_register( AVR32_COMPARE );

+        lCycles = Get_system_register( AVR32_COMPARE );

         lCycles += ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );


         /* If lCycles ends up to be 0, make it 1 so that the COMPARE and exception */

@@ -348,7 +349,7 @@



-        lCount   = Get_system_register( AVR32_COUNT );

+        lCount = Get_system_register( AVR32_COUNT );


         if( lCycles < lCount )

         { /* We missed a tick, recover for the next. */

@@ -369,10 +370,10 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     #if ( configTICK_USE_TC == 1 )

-        volatile avr32_tc_t * tc           = &AVR32_TC;

+        volatile avr32_tc_t * tc = &AVR32_TC;


         /* Options for waveform genration. */

-        tc_waveform_opt_t     waveform_opt =

+        tc_waveform_opt_t waveform_opt =


             .channel = configTICK_TC_CHANNEL,              /* Channel selection. */


@@ -398,7 +399,7 @@
             .tcclks  = TC_CLOCK_SOURCE_TC2                 /* Internal source clock 2. */



-        tc_interrupt_t        tc_interrupt =

+        tc_interrupt_t tc_interrupt =


             .etrgs = 0,

             .ldrbs = 0,

diff --git a/portable/GCC/AVR32_UC3/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/AVR32_UC3/portmacro.h
index a85e888..f672004 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/AVR32_UC3/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/AVR32_UC3/portmacro.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@

     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                                         \

     {                                                                                     \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                       \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                     \


         __asm__ __volatile__ (                                                            \

@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@

         #define portSAVE_CONTEXT_OS_INT()                                                                   \

     {                                                                                                       \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                  \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                         \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                       \


         /* When we come here */                                                                             \

@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@

         #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT_OS_INT()                                                                   \

     {                                                                                                          \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                     \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                            \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                          \


         /* Check if INT0 or higher were being handled (case where the OS tick interrupted another */           \

@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@

     #define portSAVE_CONTEXT_SCALL()                                                          \

     {                                                                                         \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                    \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                           \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                         \


         /* Warning: the stack layout after SCALL doesn't match the one after an interrupt. */ \

@@ -451,7 +452,7 @@

     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT_SCALL()                                                  \

     {                                                                                    \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                               \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                      \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                    \


         /* Restore all registers */                                                      \

@@ -543,7 +544,7 @@

         #define portENTER_SWITCHING_ISR()                                                                        \

     {                                                                                                            \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                       \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                              \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                            \


         /* When we come here */                                                                                  \

@@ -591,7 +592,7 @@

         #define portEXIT_SWITCHING_ISR()                                                                         \

     {                                                                                                            \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                       \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                              \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                            \


         __asm__ __volatile__ (                                                                                   \

diff --git a/portable/GCC/CORTUS_APS3/port.c b/portable/GCC/CORTUS_APS3/port.c
index 36b5f87..e14f7f0 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/CORTUS_APS3/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/CORTUS_APS3/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@

     /* Make space on the stack for the context - this leaves a couple of spaces

      * empty.  */

-    pxTopOfStack      -= 20;

+    pxTopOfStack -= 20;


     /* Fill the registers with known values to assist debugging. */

     pxTopOfStack[ 16 ] = 0;

@@ -63,16 +64,16 @@
     pxTopOfStack[ 12 ] = 0x00000000UL; /* R14. */

     pxTopOfStack[ 11 ] = 0x0d0d0d0dUL;

     pxTopOfStack[ 10 ] = 0x0c0c0c0cUL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 9 ]  = 0x0b0b0b0bUL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 8 ]  = 0x0a0a0a0aUL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 7 ]  = 0x09090909UL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 6 ]  = 0x08080808UL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 5 ]  = 0x07070707UL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 4 ]  = 0x06060606UL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 3 ]  = 0x05050505UL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 2 ]  = 0x04040404UL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 1 ]  = 0x03030303UL;

-    pxTopOfStack[ 0 ]  = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 9 ] = 0x0b0b0b0bUL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 8 ] = 0x0a0a0a0aUL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 7 ] = 0x09090909UL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 6 ] = 0x08080808UL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 5 ] = 0x07070707UL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 4 ] = 0x06060606UL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 3 ] = 0x05050505UL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 2 ] = 0x04040404UL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 1 ] = 0x03030303UL;

+    pxTopOfStack[ 0 ] = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;


     return pxTopOfStack;


@@ -97,9 +98,9 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Enable timer interrupts */

-    counter1->reload        = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1;

-    counter1->value         = counter1->reload;

-    counter1->mask          = 1;

+    counter1->reload = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1;

+    counter1->value = counter1->reload;

+    counter1->mask = 1;


     /* Set the IRQ Handler priority and enable it. */

     irq[ IRQ_COUNTER1 ].ien = 1;

diff --git a/portable/GCC/CORTUS_APS3/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/CORTUS_APS3/portmacro.h
index 1951ebf..1788ebb 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/CORTUS_APS3/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/CORTUS_APS3/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/ColdFire_V2/port.c b/portable/GCC/ColdFire_V2/port.c
index 886a302..4e1f51b 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ColdFire_V2/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/ColdFire_V2/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Kernel includes. */

@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@

     ulSavedInterruptMask = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR();

     /* Note this will clear all forced interrupts - this is done for speed. */

-    MCF_INTC0_INTFRCL    = 0;



     portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR( ulSavedInterruptMask );


diff --git a/portable/GCC/ColdFire_V2/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/ColdFire_V2/portmacro.h
index dae082f..99b4d40 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/ColdFire_V2/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/ColdFire_V2/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/H8S2329/port.c b/portable/GCC/H8S2329/port.c
index 5a20808..4cf4570 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/H8S2329/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/H8S2329/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@
     uint32_t ulValue;


     /* This requires an even address. */

-    ulValue       = ( uint32_t ) pxTopOfStack;

+    ulValue = ( uint32_t ) pxTopOfStack;


     if( ulValue & 1UL )


@@ -89,15 +90,15 @@

     /* The initial stack mimics an interrupt stack.  First there is the program

      * counter (24 bits). */

-    ulValue       = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

+    ulValue = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;



     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulValue & 0xff );


-    ulValue     >>= 8UL;

+    ulValue >>= 8UL;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulValue & 0xff );


-    ulValue     >>= 8UL;

+    ulValue >>= 8UL;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulValue & 0xff );


     /* Followed by the CCR. */

@@ -119,18 +120,18 @@
     *pxTopOfStack = 0x66;


     /* ER0 */

-    ulValue       = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

+    ulValue = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;



     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulValue & 0xff );


-    ulValue     >>= 8UL;

+    ulValue >>= 8UL;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulValue & 0xff );


-    ulValue     >>= 8UL;

+    ulValue >>= 8UL;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulValue & 0xff );


-    ulValue     >>= 8UL;

+    ulValue >>= 8UL;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulValue & 0xff );


     /* ER1 */

@@ -289,14 +290,14 @@
     MSTPCR &= ~portMSTP13;


     /* Configure timer 1. */




     /* Configure the compare match value for a tick of configTICK_RATE_HZ. */

-    TGR1A   = ulCompareMatch;

+    TGR1A = ulCompareMatch;


     /* Start the timer and enable the interrupt - we can do this here as

      * interrupts are globally disabled when this function is called. */


-    TSTR   |= portTIMER_CHANNEL;





diff --git a/portable/GCC/H8S2329/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/H8S2329/portmacro.h
index f1b30e0..6d7fbc7 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/H8S2329/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/H8S2329/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/HCS12/port.c b/portable/GCC/HCS12/port.c
index 75817d3..086074f 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/HCS12/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/HCS12/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* GCC/HCS12 port by Jefferson L Smith, 2005 */

@@ -82,28 +83,28 @@


     /* The address of the task function is placed in the stack byte at a time. */

-    *pxTopOfStack       = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pxCode ) ) + 1 );

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pxCode ) ) + 0 );

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pxCode ) ) + 1 );

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pxCode ) ) + 0 );


     /* Next are all the registers that form part of the task context. */


     /* Y register */

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0xff;

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0xee;

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xff;

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xee;


     /* X register */

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0xdd;

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0xcc;

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xdd;

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0xcc;


     /* A register contains parameter high byte. */

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pvParameters ) ) + 0 );

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pvParameters ) ) + 0 );


     /* B register contains parameter low byte. */

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pvParameters ) ) + 1 );

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) *( ( ( StackType_t * ) ( &pvParameters ) ) + 1 );


     /* CCR: Note that when the task starts interrupts will be enabled since

      * "I" bit of CCR is cleared */

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x80; /* keeps Stop disabled (MCU default) */

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x80; /* keeps Stop disabled (MCU default) */


     /* tmp softregs used by GCC. Values right now don't	matter. */

     __asm( "\n\

@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@

     /* The critical nesting depth is initialised with 0 (meaning not in

      * a critical section). */

-    *--pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;

+    *--pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;



     return pxTopOfStack;

@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@

     /* Enable hardware RTI timer */

     /* Ignores configTICK_RATE_HZ */

-    RTICTL  = 0x50; /* 16 MHz xtal: 976.56 Hz, 1024mS */

+    RTICTL = 0x50;  /* 16 MHz xtal: 976.56 Hz, 1024mS */

     CRGINT |= 0x80; /* RTIE */



diff --git a/portable/GCC/HCS12/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/HCS12/portmacro.h
index 36e25ac..6689b3e 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/HCS12/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/HCS12/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/ISR_Support.h b/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/ISR_Support.h
index 01adca2..82765dd 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 .extern ulTopOfSystemStack

diff --git a/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/port.c b/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/port.c
index 6f16a61..41b5220 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@
  * variable must be initialised to a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't

  * inadvertently become unmasked before the scheduler starts. It is set to zero

  * before the first task starts executing. */

-volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                                               = 9999UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL;


 /* A structure used to map the various fields of an IDT entry into separate

  * structure members. */

@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@
 /* A table in which application defined interrupt handlers are stored.  These

  * are called by the central interrupt handler if a common interrupt entry

  * point it used. */

-    static ISR_Handler_t xInterruptHandlerTable[ portNUM_VECTORS ]                = { NULL };

+    static ISR_Handler_t xInterruptHandlerTable[ portNUM_VECTORS ] = { NULL };




@@ -180,26 +181,26 @@
 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer is NULL

  * then the task does not have an FPU context.  If pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer is

  * not NULL then it points to a buffer into which the FPU context can be saved. */

-    uint8_t * pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer __attribute__( ( used ) )               = pdFALSE;

+    uint8_t * pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer __attribute__( ( used ) ) = pdFALSE;


 #endif /* configSUPPORT_FPU */


 /* The stack used by interrupt handlers. */

-static uint32_t   ulSystemStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE ] __attribute__( ( used ) ) = { 0 };

+static uint32_t ulSystemStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE ] __attribute__( ( used ) ) = { 0 };


 /* Don't use the very top of the system stack so the return address

  * appears as 0 if the debugger tries to unwind the stack. */

-volatile uint32_t ulTopOfSystemStack __attribute__( ( used ) )                    = ( uint32_t ) &( ulSystemStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE - 5 ] );

+volatile uint32_t ulTopOfSystemStack __attribute__( ( used ) ) = ( uint32_t ) &( ulSystemStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE - 5 ] );


 /* If a yield is requested from an interrupt or from a critical section then

  * the yield is not performed immediately, and ulPortYieldPending is set to pdTRUE

  * instead to indicate the yield should be performed at the end of the interrupt

  * when the critical section is exited. */

-volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldPending __attribute__( ( used ) )                    = pdFALSE;

+volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldPending __attribute__( ( used ) ) = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  Used to know when to switch to the

  * interrupt/system stack and when to save/restore a complete context. */

-volatile uint32_t ulInterruptNesting __attribute__( ( used ) )                    = 0;

+volatile uint32_t ulInterruptNesting __attribute__( ( used ) ) = 0;




@@ -286,20 +287,20 @@
     uint16_t usCodeSegment;

     uint32_t ulBase = ( uint32_t ) pxHandlerFunction;


-    xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].usISRLow          = ( uint16_t ) ( ulBase & USHRT_MAX );

-    xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].usISRHigh         = ( uint16_t ) ( ( ulBase >> 16UL ) & USHRT_MAX );

+    xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].usISRLow = ( uint16_t ) ( ulBase & USHRT_MAX );

+    xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].usISRHigh = ( uint16_t ) ( ( ulBase >> 16UL ) & USHRT_MAX );


     /* When the flat model is used the CS will never change. */

     __asm volatile ( "mov %%cs, %0" : "=r" ( usCodeSegment ) );

     xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].usSegmentSelector = usCodeSegment;

-    xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].ucZero            = 0;

-    xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].ucFlags           = ucFlags;

+    xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].ucZero = 0;

+    xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].ucFlags = ucFlags;




 void vPortSetupIDT( void )


-    uint32_t     ulNum;

+    uint32_t ulNum;

     IDTPointer_t xIDT;


     #if ( configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT == 1 )

@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@
     #endif /* configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT */


     /* Set IDT address. */

-    xIDT.ulTableBase  = ( uint32_t ) xInterruptDescriptorTable;

+    xIDT.ulTableBase = ( uint32_t ) xInterruptDescriptorTable;

     xIDT.usTableLimit = sizeof( xInterruptDescriptorTable ) - 1;


     /* Set IDT in CPU. */

@@ -347,13 +348,13 @@
     extern void vPortAPICSpuriousHandler( void );


     /* Initialise LAPIC to a well known state. */

-    portAPIC_LDR                 = 0xFFFFFFFF;

-    portAPIC_LDR                 = ( ( portAPIC_LDR & 0x00FFFFFF ) | 0x00000001 );

-    portAPIC_LVT_TIMER           = portAPIC_DISABLE;

-    portAPIC_LVT_PERF            = portAPIC_NMI;

-    portAPIC_LVT_LINT0           = portAPIC_DISABLE;

-    portAPIC_LVT_LINT1           = portAPIC_DISABLE;

-    portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY       = 0;

+    portAPIC_LDR = 0xFFFFFFFF;

+    portAPIC_LDR = ( ( portAPIC_LDR & 0x00FFFFFF ) | 0x00000001 );


+    portAPIC_LVT_PERF = portAPIC_NMI;



+    portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY = 0;


     /* Install APIC timer ISR vector. */

     prvSetInterruptGate( ( uint8_t ) portAPIC_TIMER_INT_VECTOR, vPortTimerHandler, portIDT_FLAGS );

@@ -368,13 +369,13 @@
     prvSetInterruptGate( ( uint8_t ) portAPIC_SPURIOUS_INT_VECTOR, vPortAPICSpuriousHandler, portIDT_FLAGS );


     /* Enable the APIC, mapping the spurious interrupt at the same time. */




     /* Set timer error vector. */

-    portAPIC_LVT_ERROR           = portAPIC_LVT_ERROR_VECTOR;



     /* Set the interrupt frequency. */

-    portAPIC_TMRDIV              = portAPIC_DIV_16;

+    portAPIC_TMRDIV = portAPIC_DIV_16;

     portAPIC_TIMER_INITIAL_COUNT = ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ >> 4UL ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;



@@ -404,13 +405,13 @@
     /* Make sure the stack used by interrupts is aligned. */

     ulTopOfSystemStack &= ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK;


-    ulCriticalNesting   = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Enable LAPIC Counter.*/




     /* Sometimes needed. */

-    portAPIC_TMRDIV     = portAPIC_DIV_16;

+    portAPIC_TMRDIV = portAPIC_DIV_16;


     /* Should not return from the following function as the scheduler will then

      * be executing the tasks. */

@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@


             /* Return original mask. */

-            ulOriginalMask         = portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY;

+            ulOriginalMask = portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY;


             configASSERT( portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY == portMAX_API_CALL_PRIORITY );


@@ -556,7 +557,7 @@
     volatile uint32_t ulErrorStatus = 0;


     portAPIC_ERROR_STATUS = 0;

-    ulErrorStatus         = portAPIC_ERROR_STATUS;

+    ulErrorStatus = portAPIC_ERROR_STATUS;

     ( void ) ulErrorStatus;


     /* Force an assert. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/portmacro.h
index c524859..4041858 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/IA32_flat/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



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 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/MCF5235/port.c b/portable/GCC/MCF5235/port.c
index 647ffd7..58b2569 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MCF5235/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/MCF5235/port.c
@@ -253,20 +253,20 @@
     /* Add entry in vector table for yield system call. */

     portVECTOR_TABLE[ portVECTOR_SYSCALL ] = prvPortYield;

     /* Add entry in vector table for periodic timer. */

-    portVECTOR_TABLE[ portVECTOR_TIMER ]   = prvPortPreemptiveTick;

+    portVECTOR_TABLE[ portVECTOR_TIMER ] = prvPortPreemptiveTick;


     /* Configure the timer for the system clock. */

     if( configTICK_RATE_HZ > 0 )


         /* Configure prescaler */



         /* Initialize the periodic timer interrupt. */



         /* Configure interrupt priority and level and unmask interrupt. */

         MCF_INTC0_ICR36 = MCF_INTC0_ICRn_IL( 0x1 ) | MCF_INTC0_ICRn_IP( 0x1 );


         /* Enable interrupts */





     /* Restore the context of the first task that is going to run. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/MSP430F449/port.c b/portable/GCC/MSP430F449/port.c
index 9f4607f..04927e7 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MSP430F449/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/MSP430F449/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -260,25 +261,25 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Ensure the timer is stopped. */

-    TACTL   = 0;

+    TACTL = 0;


     /* Run the timer of the ACLK. */

-    TACTL   = TASSEL_1;

+    TACTL = TASSEL_1;


     /* Clear everything to start with. */

-    TACTL  |= TACLR;

+    TACTL |= TACLR;


     /* Set the compare match value according to the tick rate we want. */




     /* Enable the interrupts. */

     TACCTL0 = CCIE;


     /* Start up clean. */

-    TACTL  |= TACLR;

+    TACTL |= TACLR;


     /* Up mode. */

-    TACTL  |= MC_1;

+    TACTL |= MC_1;




diff --git a/portable/GCC/MSP430F449/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/MSP430F449/portmacro.h
index 4540270..66d4f1c 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MSP430F449/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/MSP430F449/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/MicroBlaze/port.c b/portable/GCC/MicroBlaze/port.c
index 9ddca70..3c70257 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MicroBlaze/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/MicroBlaze/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@

 /* To limit the amount of stack required by each task, this port uses a

  * separate stack for interrupts. */

-uint32_t *           pulISRStack;

+uint32_t * pulISRStack;




@@ -88,8 +89,8 @@
                                      TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                      void * pvParameters )


-    extern void *  _SDA2_BASE_, * _SDA_BASE_;

-    const uint32_t ulR2  = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA2_BASE_;

+    extern void * _SDA2_BASE_, * _SDA_BASE_;

+    const uint32_t ulR2 = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA2_BASE_;

     const uint32_t ulR13 = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA_BASE_;


     /* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack.

@@ -248,9 +249,9 @@

 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


-    XTmrCtr        xTimer;

+    XTmrCtr xTimer;

     const uint32_t ulCounterValue = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

-    UBaseType_t    uxMask;

+    UBaseType_t uxMask;


     /* The OPB timer1 is used to generate the tick.  Use the provided library

      * functions to enable the timer and set the tick frequency. */

@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@

     /* Set the timer interrupt enable bit while maintaining the other bit

      * states. */

-    uxMask  = XIntc_In32( ( XPAR_OPB_INTC_0_BASEADDR + XIN_IER_OFFSET ) );

+    uxMask = XIntc_In32( ( XPAR_OPB_INTC_0_BASEADDR + XIN_IER_OFFSET ) );


     XIntc_Out32( ( XPAR_OPB_INTC_0_BASEADDR + XIN_IER_OFFSET ), ( uxMask ) );


@@ -287,15 +288,15 @@
     if( ulPending < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS )


         static XIntc_VectorTableEntry * pxTablePtr;

-        static XIntc_Config *           pxConfig;

-        static uint32_t                 ulInterruptMask;

+        static XIntc_Config * pxConfig;

+        static uint32_t ulInterruptMask;


         ulInterruptMask = ( uint32_t ) 1 << ulPending;


         /* Get the configuration data using the device ID */

-        pxConfig        = &XIntc_ConfigTable[ ( uint32_t ) XPAR_INTC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID ];

+        pxConfig = &XIntc_ConfigTable[ ( uint32_t ) XPAR_INTC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID ];


-        pxTablePtr      = &( pxConfig->HandlerTable[ ulPending ] );

+        pxTablePtr = &( pxConfig->HandlerTable[ ulPending ] );


         if( pxConfig->AckBeforeService & ( ulInterruptMask ) )


diff --git a/portable/GCC/MicroBlaze/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/MicroBlaze/portmacro.h
index f317120..486d61f 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MicroBlaze/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/MicroBlaze/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/port.c b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/port.c
index 38a76d8..edd5186 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@
 /* Counts the nesting depth of calls to portENTER_CRITICAL().  Each task

  * maintains its own count, so this variable is saved as part of the task

  * context. */

-volatile UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting  = portINITIAL_NESTING_VALUE;

+volatile UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = portINITIAL_NESTING_VALUE;


 /* This port uses a separate stack for interrupts.  This prevents the stack of

  * every task needing to be large enough to hold an entire interrupt stack on top

@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@

 /* The instance of the interrupt controller used by this port.  This is required

  * by the Xilinx library API functions. */

-static XIntc      xInterruptControllerInstance;

+static XIntc xInterruptControllerInstance;




@@ -106,18 +107,18 @@
                                      TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                      void * pvParameters )


-    extern void *  _SDA2_BASE_, * _SDA_BASE_;

-    const uint32_t ulR2  = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA2_BASE_;

+    extern void * _SDA2_BASE_, * _SDA_BASE_;

+    const uint32_t ulR2 = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA2_BASE_;

     const uint32_t ulR13 = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA_BASE_;


     /* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack.

      * This is essential for the Microblaze port and these lines must

      * not be omitted. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;



     #if ( XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_FPU != 0 )

@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@
     /* The MSR value placed in the initial task context should have interrupts

      * disabled.  Each task will enable interrupts automatically when it enters

      * the running state for the first time. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = mfmsr() & ~portMSR_IE;

+    *pxTopOfStack = mfmsr() & ~portMSR_IE;




@@ -142,20 +143,20 @@

     /* First stack an initial value for the critical section nesting.  This

      * is initialised to zero. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;


     /* R0 is always zero. */

     /* R1 is the SP. */


     /* Place an initial value for all the general purpose registers. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) ulR2;         /* R2 - read only small data area. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulR2;         /* R2 - read only small data area. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x03;         /* R3 - return values and temporaries. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x03;         /* R3 - return values and temporaries. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x04;         /* R4 - return values and temporaries. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x04;         /* R4 - return values and temporaries. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters; /* R5 contains the function call parameters. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters; /* R5 contains the function call parameters. */




@@ -177,11 +178,11 @@
         pxTopOfStack -= 8;

     #endif /* ifdef portPRE_LOAD_STACK_FOR_DEBUGGING */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) ulR13;  /* R13 - read/write small data area. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulR13;  /* R13 - read/write small data area. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) pxCode; /* R14 - return address for interrupt. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pxCode; /* R14 - return address for interrupt. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) NULL;   /* R15 - return address for subroutine. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) NULL;   /* R15 - return address for subroutine. */




@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@
         pxTopOfStack -= 4;



-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R19 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save.  Seems to be interpreted as the frame pointer. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R19 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save.  Seems to be interpreted as the frame pointer. */




@@ -250,7 +251,7 @@


     /* Reuse the stack from main() as the stack for the interrupts/exceptions. */

-    pulISRStack  = ( uint32_t * ) _stack;

+    pulISRStack = ( uint32_t * ) _stack;


     /* Ensure there is enough space for the functions called from the interrupt

      * service routines to write back into the stack frame of the caller. */

@@ -360,7 +361,7 @@
 static int32_t prvEnsureInterruptControllerIsInitialised( void )


     static int32_t lInterruptControllerInitialised = pdFALSE;

-    int32_t        lReturn;

+    int32_t lReturn;


     /* Ensure the interrupt controller instance variable is initialised before

      * it is used, and that the initialisation only happens once. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/port_exceptions.c b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/port_exceptions.c
index c90e5a1..6d798cc 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/port_exceptions.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/port_exceptions.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -107,55 +108,55 @@

         /* First fill in the name and handle of the task that was in the Running

          * state when the exception occurred. */

-        xRegisterDump.xCurrentTaskHandle                   = pxCurrentTCB;

-        xRegisterDump.pcCurrentTaskName                    = pcTaskGetName( NULL );

+        xRegisterDump.xCurrentTaskHandle = pxCurrentTCB;

+        xRegisterDump.pcCurrentTaskName = pcTaskGetName( NULL );


         configASSERT( pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry );


         /* Obtain the values of registers that were stacked prior to this function

          * being called, and may have changed since they were stacked. */

-        xRegisterDump.ulR3                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR3_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR4                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR4_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR5                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR5_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR6                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR6_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR7                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR7_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR8                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR8_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR9                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR9_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR10                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR10_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR11                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR11_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR12                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR12_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR3 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR3_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR4 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR4_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR5 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR5_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR6 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR6_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR7 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR7_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR8 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR8_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR9 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR9_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR10 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR10_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR11 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR11_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR12 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR12_STACK_OFFSET ];

         xRegisterDump.ulR15_return_address_from_subroutine = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR15_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR18                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR18_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR19                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR19_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulMSR                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexMSR_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR18 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR18_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR19 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR19_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulMSR = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexMSR_STACK_OFFSET ];


         /* Obtain the value of all other registers. */

-        xRegisterDump.ulR2_small_data_area                 = mfgpr( R2 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR13_read_write_small_data_area     = mfgpr( R13 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR14_return_address_from_interrupt  = mfgpr( R14 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR16_return_address_from_trap       = mfgpr( R16 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR2_small_data_area = mfgpr( R2 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR13_read_write_small_data_area = mfgpr( R13 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR14_return_address_from_interrupt = mfgpr( R14 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR16_return_address_from_trap = mfgpr( R16 );

         xRegisterDump.ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions = mfgpr( R17 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR20                                = mfgpr( R20 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR21                                = mfgpr( R21 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR22                                = mfgpr( R22 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR23                                = mfgpr( R23 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR24                                = mfgpr( R24 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR25                                = mfgpr( R25 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR26                                = mfgpr( R26 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR27                                = mfgpr( R27 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR28                                = mfgpr( R28 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR29                                = mfgpr( R29 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR30                                = mfgpr( R30 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR31                                = mfgpr( R31 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR1_SP                              = ( ( uint32_t ) pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry ) + portexASM_HANDLER_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;

-        xRegisterDump.ulEAR                                = mfear();

-        xRegisterDump.ulESR                                = mfesr();

-        xRegisterDump.ulEDR                                = mfedr();

+        xRegisterDump.ulR20 = mfgpr( R20 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR21 = mfgpr( R21 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR22 = mfgpr( R22 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR23 = mfgpr( R23 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR24 = mfgpr( R24 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR25 = mfgpr( R25 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR26 = mfgpr( R26 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR27 = mfgpr( R27 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR28 = mfgpr( R28 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR29 = mfgpr( R29 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR30 = mfgpr( R30 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR31 = mfgpr( R31 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR1_SP = ( ( uint32_t ) pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry ) + portexASM_HANDLER_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;

+        xRegisterDump.ulEAR = mfear();

+        xRegisterDump.ulESR = mfesr();

+        xRegisterDump.ulEDR = mfedr();


         /* Move the saved program counter back to the instruction that was executed

          * when the exception occurred.  This is only valid for certain types of

          * exception. */

-        xRegisterDump.ulPC                                 = xRegisterDump.ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions - portexINSTRUCTION_SIZE;

+        xRegisterDump.ulPC = xRegisterDump.ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions - portexINSTRUCTION_SIZE;


         #if ( XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_FPU != 0 )


@@ -173,31 +174,31 @@
         switch( ( uint32_t ) pvExceptionID )


             case XEXC_ID_FSL:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_FSL";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_FSL";



             case XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS";



             case XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE";



             case XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_IPLB_EXCEPTION";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_IPLB_EXCEPTION";



             case XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_DPLB_EXCEPTION";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_DPLB_EXCEPTION";



             case XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO";



             case XEXC_ID_STACK_VIOLATION:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_STACK_VIOLATION or XEXC_ID_MMU";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_STACK_VIOLATION or XEXC_ID_MMU";



                 #if ( XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_FPU != 0 )

diff --git a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/portmacro.h
index 7a80272..5b5840e 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV8/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
  * vTaskSwitchContext() being made from a single interrupt, as a single interrupt

  * can result in multiple peripherals being serviced. */

     extern volatile uint32_t ulTaskSwitchRequested;

-    #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x )    if( ( x ) != pdFALSE ) ulTaskSwitchRequested                  = 1

+    #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x )    if( ( x ) != pdFALSE ) ulTaskSwitchRequested = 1




@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




diff --git a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/port.c b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/port.c
index d0e16bb..9967287 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
 /* Counts the nesting depth of calls to portENTER_CRITICAL().  Each task

  * maintains its own count, so this variable is saved as part of the task

  * context. */

-volatile UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting  = portINITIAL_NESTING_VALUE;

+volatile UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = portINITIAL_NESTING_VALUE;


 /* This port uses a separate stack for interrupts.  This prevents the stack of

  * every task needing to be large enough to hold an entire interrupt stack on top

@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@

 /* The instance of the interrupt controller used by this port.  This is required

  * by the Xilinx library API functions. */

-static XIntc      xInterruptControllerInstance;

+static XIntc xInterruptControllerInstance;




@@ -107,19 +108,19 @@
                                      TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                      void * pvParameters )


-    extern void *  _SDA2_BASE_, * _SDA_BASE_;

-    const uint32_t ulR2  = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA2_BASE_;

+    extern void * _SDA2_BASE_, * _SDA_BASE_;

+    const uint32_t ulR2 = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA2_BASE_;

     const uint32_t ulR13 = ( uint32_t ) &_SDA_BASE_;

     extern void _start1( void );


     /* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack.

      * This is essential for the Microblaze port and these lines must

      * not be omitted. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00000000;



     #if ( XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_FPU != 0 )

@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@
     /* The MSR value placed in the initial task context should have interrupts

      * disabled.  Each task will enable interrupts automatically when it enters

      * the running state for the first time. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = mfmsr() & ~portMSR_IE;

+    *pxTopOfStack = mfmsr() & ~portMSR_IE;




@@ -144,20 +145,20 @@

     /* First stack an initial value for the critical section nesting.  This

      * is initialised to zero. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00;


     /* R0 is always zero. */

     /* R1 is the SP. */


     /* Place an initial value for all the general purpose registers. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) ulR2;         /* R2 - read only small data area. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulR2;         /* R2 - read only small data area. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x03;         /* R3 - return values and temporaries. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x03;         /* R3 - return values and temporaries. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x04;         /* R4 - return values and temporaries. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x04;         /* R4 - return values and temporaries. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters; /* R5 contains the function call parameters. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters; /* R5 contains the function call parameters. */




@@ -179,11 +180,11 @@
         pxTopOfStack -= 8;

     #endif /* ifdef portPRE_LOAD_STACK_FOR_DEBUGGING */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) ulR13;   /* R13 - read/write small data area. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulR13;   /* R13 - read/write small data area. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) pxCode;  /* R14 - return address for interrupt. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pxCode;  /* R14 - return address for interrupt. */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) _start1; /* R15 - return address for subroutine. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) _start1; /* R15 - return address for subroutine. */




@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
         pxTopOfStack -= 4;



-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R19 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save.  Seems to be interpreted as the frame pointer. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R19 - must be saved across function calls. Callee-save.  Seems to be interpreted as the frame pointer. */




@@ -252,7 +253,7 @@


     /* Reuse the stack from main() as the stack for the interrupts/exceptions. */

-    pulISRStack  = ( uint32_t * ) _stack;

+    pulISRStack = ( uint32_t * ) _stack;


     /* Ensure there is enough space for the functions called from the interrupt

      * service routines to write back into the stack frame of the caller. */

@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@
 static int32_t prvEnsureInterruptControllerIsInitialised( void )


     static int32_t lInterruptControllerInitialised = pdFALSE;

-    int32_t        lReturn;

+    int32_t lReturn;


     /* Ensure the interrupt controller instance variable is initialised before

      * it is used, and that the initialisation only happens once. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/port_exceptions.c b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/port_exceptions.c
index c90e5a1..6d798cc 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/port_exceptions.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/port_exceptions.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -107,55 +108,55 @@

         /* First fill in the name and handle of the task that was in the Running

          * state when the exception occurred. */

-        xRegisterDump.xCurrentTaskHandle                   = pxCurrentTCB;

-        xRegisterDump.pcCurrentTaskName                    = pcTaskGetName( NULL );

+        xRegisterDump.xCurrentTaskHandle = pxCurrentTCB;

+        xRegisterDump.pcCurrentTaskName = pcTaskGetName( NULL );


         configASSERT( pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry );


         /* Obtain the values of registers that were stacked prior to this function

          * being called, and may have changed since they were stacked. */

-        xRegisterDump.ulR3                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR3_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR4                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR4_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR5                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR5_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR6                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR6_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR7                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR7_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR8                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR8_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR9                                 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR9_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR10                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR10_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR11                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR11_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR12                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR12_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR3 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR3_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR4 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR4_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR5 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR5_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR6 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR6_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR7 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR7_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR8 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR8_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR9 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR9_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR10 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR10_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR11 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR11_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR12 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR12_STACK_OFFSET ];

         xRegisterDump.ulR15_return_address_from_subroutine = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR15_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR18                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR18_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulR19                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR19_STACK_OFFSET ];

-        xRegisterDump.ulMSR                                = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexMSR_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR18 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR18_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulR19 = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexR19_STACK_OFFSET ];

+        xRegisterDump.ulMSR = pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry[ portexMSR_STACK_OFFSET ];


         /* Obtain the value of all other registers. */

-        xRegisterDump.ulR2_small_data_area                 = mfgpr( R2 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR13_read_write_small_data_area     = mfgpr( R13 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR14_return_address_from_interrupt  = mfgpr( R14 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR16_return_address_from_trap       = mfgpr( R16 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR2_small_data_area = mfgpr( R2 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR13_read_write_small_data_area = mfgpr( R13 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR14_return_address_from_interrupt = mfgpr( R14 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR16_return_address_from_trap = mfgpr( R16 );

         xRegisterDump.ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions = mfgpr( R17 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR20                                = mfgpr( R20 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR21                                = mfgpr( R21 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR22                                = mfgpr( R22 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR23                                = mfgpr( R23 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR24                                = mfgpr( R24 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR25                                = mfgpr( R25 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR26                                = mfgpr( R26 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR27                                = mfgpr( R27 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR28                                = mfgpr( R28 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR29                                = mfgpr( R29 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR30                                = mfgpr( R30 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR31                                = mfgpr( R31 );

-        xRegisterDump.ulR1_SP                              = ( ( uint32_t ) pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry ) + portexASM_HANDLER_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;

-        xRegisterDump.ulEAR                                = mfear();

-        xRegisterDump.ulESR                                = mfesr();

-        xRegisterDump.ulEDR                                = mfedr();

+        xRegisterDump.ulR20 = mfgpr( R20 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR21 = mfgpr( R21 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR22 = mfgpr( R22 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR23 = mfgpr( R23 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR24 = mfgpr( R24 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR25 = mfgpr( R25 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR26 = mfgpr( R26 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR27 = mfgpr( R27 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR28 = mfgpr( R28 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR29 = mfgpr( R29 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR30 = mfgpr( R30 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR31 = mfgpr( R31 );

+        xRegisterDump.ulR1_SP = ( ( uint32_t ) pulStackPointerOnFunctionEntry ) + portexASM_HANDLER_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;

+        xRegisterDump.ulEAR = mfear();

+        xRegisterDump.ulESR = mfesr();

+        xRegisterDump.ulEDR = mfedr();


         /* Move the saved program counter back to the instruction that was executed

          * when the exception occurred.  This is only valid for certain types of

          * exception. */

-        xRegisterDump.ulPC                                 = xRegisterDump.ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions - portexINSTRUCTION_SIZE;

+        xRegisterDump.ulPC = xRegisterDump.ulR17_return_address_from_exceptions - portexINSTRUCTION_SIZE;


         #if ( XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_FPU != 0 )


@@ -173,31 +174,31 @@
         switch( ( uint32_t ) pvExceptionID )


             case XEXC_ID_FSL:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_FSL";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_FSL";



             case XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_UNALIGNED_ACCESS";



             case XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_ILLEGAL_OPCODE";



             case XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_IPLB_EXCEPTION";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_I_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_IPLB_EXCEPTION";



             case XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_DPLB_EXCEPTION";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_M_AXI_D_EXCEPTION or XEXC_ID_DPLB_EXCEPTION";



             case XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_DIV_BY_ZERO";



             case XEXC_ID_STACK_VIOLATION:

-                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause         = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_STACK_VIOLATION or XEXC_ID_MMU";

+                xRegisterDump.pcExceptionCause = ( int8_t * const ) "XEXC_ID_STACK_VIOLATION or XEXC_ID_MMU";



                 #if ( XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_FPU != 0 )

diff --git a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/portmacro.h
index 7a80272..5b5840e 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/MicroBlazeV9/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
  * vTaskSwitchContext() being made from a single interrupt, as a single interrupt

  * can result in multiple peripherals being serviced. */

     extern volatile uint32_t ulTaskSwitchRequested;

-    #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x )    if( ( x ) != pdFALSE ) ulTaskSwitchRequested                  = 1

+    #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x )    if( ( x ) != pdFALSE ) ulTaskSwitchRequested = 1




@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




diff --git a/portable/GCC/NiosII/port.c b/portable/GCC/NiosII/port.c
index fe78f0e..845d50c 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/NiosII/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/NiosII/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@
                                      void * pvParameters )


     StackType_t * pxFramePointer = pxTopOfStack - 1;

-    StackType_t   xGlobalPointer;

+    StackType_t xGlobalPointer;


     prvReadGp( &xGlobalPointer );


@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@
                       void * context,

                       void ( * handler )( void *, alt_u32 ) )


-    int             rc = -EINVAL;

+    int rc = -EINVAL;

     alt_irq_context status;


     if( id < ALT_NIRQ )

@@ -192,12 +193,12 @@
          * state.



-        status                = alt_irq_disable_all();

+        status = alt_irq_disable_all();


         alt_irq[ id ].handler = handler;

         alt_irq[ id ].context = context;


-        rc                    = ( handler ) ? alt_irq_enable( id ) : alt_irq_disable( id );

+        rc = ( handler ) ? alt_irq_enable( id ) : alt_irq_disable( id );


         /* alt_irq_enable_all(status); This line is removed to prevent the interrupt from being immediately enabled. */


diff --git a/portable/GCC/NiosII/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/NiosII/portmacro.h
index d8424eb..7263e19 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/NiosII/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/NiosII/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/FPU_Macros.h b/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/FPU_Macros.h
index f4b4b90..891cd7b 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/FPU_Macros.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/FPU_Macros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* When switching out a task, if the task tag contains a buffer address then

diff --git a/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/port.c b/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/port.c
index fe51a7e..5891ecf 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -187,9 +188,9 @@

 void vPortISRHandler( void * pvNullDoNotUse )


-    uint32_t                 ulInterruptStatus, ulInterruptMask = 1UL;

-    BaseType_t               xInterruptNumber;

-    XIntc_Config *           pxInterruptController;

+    uint32_t ulInterruptStatus, ulInterruptMask = 1UL;

+    BaseType_t xInterruptNumber;

+    XIntc_Config * pxInterruptController;

     XIntc_VectorTableEntry * pxTable;


     /* Just to remove compiler warning. */

@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
     pxInterruptController = &XIntc_ConfigTable[ XPAR_XPS_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID ];


     /* Which interrupts are pending? */

-    ulInterruptStatus     = XIntc_mGetIntrStatus( pxInterruptController->BaseAddress );

+    ulInterruptStatus = XIntc_mGetIntrStatus( pxInterruptController->BaseAddress );


     for( xInterruptNumber = 0; xInterruptNumber < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS; xInterruptNumber++ )


@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@


         /* Check the next interrupt. */

-        ulInterruptMask   <<= 0x01UL;

+        ulInterruptMask <<= 0x01UL;

         ulInterruptStatus >>= 0x01UL;


         /* Have we serviced all interrupts? */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/portmacro.h
index 1df9dad..298500e 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/PPC405_Xilinx/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/FPU_Macros.h b/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/FPU_Macros.h
index f4b4b90..891cd7b 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/FPU_Macros.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/FPU_Macros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* When switching out a task, if the task tag contains a buffer address then

diff --git a/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/port.c b/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/port.c
index 536cf6d..46660e0 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -187,9 +188,9 @@

 void vPortISRHandler( void * pvNullDoNotUse )


-    uint32_t                 ulInterruptStatus, ulInterruptMask = 1UL;

-    BaseType_t               xInterruptNumber;

-    XIntc_Config *           pxInterruptController;

+    uint32_t ulInterruptStatus, ulInterruptMask = 1UL;

+    BaseType_t xInterruptNumber;

+    XIntc_Config * pxInterruptController;

     XIntc_VectorTableEntry * pxTable;


     /* Just to remove compiler warning. */

@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
     pxInterruptController = &XIntc_ConfigTable[ XPAR_XPS_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID ];


     /* Which interrupts are pending? */

-    ulInterruptStatus     = XIntc_mGetIntrStatus( pxInterruptController->BaseAddress );

+    ulInterruptStatus = XIntc_mGetIntrStatus( pxInterruptController->BaseAddress );


     for( xInterruptNumber = 0; xInterruptNumber < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS; xInterruptNumber++ )


@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@


         /* Check the next interrupt. */

-        ulInterruptMask   <<= 0x01UL;

+        ulInterruptMask <<= 0x01UL;

         ulInterruptStatus >>= 0x01UL;


         /* Have we serviced all interrupts? */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/portmacro.h
index 1df9dad..298500e 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/PPC440_Xilinx/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/Pulpino_Vega_RV32M1RM/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h b/portable/GCC/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/Pulpino_Vega_RV32M1RM/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
index cc7f05f..d882d60 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/Pulpino_Vega_RV32M1RM/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/Pulpino_Vega_RV32M1RM/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/RV32I_CLINT_no_extensions/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h b/portable/GCC/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/RV32I_CLINT_no_extensions/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
index 7a4b082..babff6a 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/RV32I_CLINT_no_extensions/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/RV32I_CLINT_no_extensions/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/RISC-V/port.c b/portable/GCC/RISC-V/port.c
index 3ce5490..799ad1d 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RISC-V/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/RISC-V/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
  * interrupt stack after the scheduler has started. */

 #ifdef configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS

     static __attribute__( ( aligned( 16 ) ) ) StackType_t xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ] = { 0 };

-    const StackType_t xISRStackTop                     = ( StackType_t ) &( xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ] );

+    const StackType_t xISRStackTop = ( StackType_t ) &( xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ] );


 /* Don't use 0xa5 as the stack fill bytes as that is used by the kernerl for

  * the task stacks, and so will legitimately appear in many positions within

@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
     #define portISR_STACK_FILL_BYTE    0xee


     extern const uint32_t __freertos_irq_stack_top[];

-    const StackType_t     xISRStackTop                 = ( StackType_t ) __freertos_irq_stack_top;

+    const StackType_t xISRStackTop = ( StackType_t ) __freertos_irq_stack_top;




@@ -87,11 +88,11 @@


 /* Used to program the machine timer compare register. */

-uint64_t            ullNextTime                        = 0ULL;

-const uint64_t *    pullNextTime                       = &ullNextTime;

-const size_t        uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick        = ( size_t ) ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ ) / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ ) );/* Assumes increment won't go over 32-bits. */

-uint32_t const      ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase = configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS;

-volatile uint64_t * pullMachineTimerCompareRegister    = NULL;

+uint64_t ullNextTime = 0ULL;

+const uint64_t * pullNextTime = &ullNextTime;

+const size_t uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick = ( size_t ) ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ ) / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ ) ); /* Assumes increment won't go over 32-bits. */

+uint32_t const ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase = configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS;

+volatile uint64_t * pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = NULL;


 /* Set configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW to 3 to add ISR stack checking to task

  * stack checking.  A problem in the ISR stack will trigger an assert, not call the

@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
 #if defined( configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ) && ( configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 )

     #warning This path not tested, or even compiled yet.


-    static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[]        =

+    static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[] =




@@ -121,29 +122,29 @@

     void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t                  ulCurrentTimeHigh, ulCurrentTimeLow;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentTimeHigh, ulCurrentTimeLow;

         volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeHigh = ( volatile uint32_t * const ) ( ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS ) + 4UL ); /* 8-byte typer so high 32-bit word is 4 bytes up. */

-        volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeLow  = ( volatile uint32_t * const ) ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS );

-        volatile uint32_t         ulHartId;

+        volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeLow = ( volatile uint32_t * const ) ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS );

+        volatile uint32_t ulHartId;


         __asm volatile ( "csrr %0, mhartid" : "=r" ( ulHartId ) );


-        pullMachineTimerCompareRegister  = ( volatile uint64_t * ) ( ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase + ( ulHartId * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );

+        pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = ( volatile uint64_t * ) ( ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase + ( ulHartId * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );




             ulCurrentTimeHigh = *pulTimeHigh;

-            ulCurrentTimeLow  = *pulTimeLow;

+            ulCurrentTimeLow = *pulTimeLow;

         } while( ulCurrentTimeHigh != *pulTimeHigh );


-        ullNextTime                      = ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeHigh;

-        ullNextTime                    <<= 32ULL; /* High 4-byte word is 32-bits up. */

-        ullNextTime                     |= ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeLow;

-        ullNextTime                     += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

+        ullNextTime = ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeHigh;

+        ullNextTime <<= 32ULL; /* High 4-byte word is 32-bits up. */

+        ullNextTime |= ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeLow;

+        ullNextTime += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

         *pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = ullNextTime;


         /* Prepare the time to use after the next tick interrupt. */

-        ullNextTime                     += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

+        ullNextTime += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;



 #endif /* ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/RISC-V/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/RISC-V/portmacro.h
index 2c058ee..968bc42 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RISC-V/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/RISC-V/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - __builtin_clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )




diff --git a/portable/GCC/RL78/isr_support.h b/portable/GCC/RL78/isr_support.h
index b698781..e804c3f 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RL78/isr_support.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/RL78/isr_support.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Variables used by scheduler */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/RL78/port.c b/portable/GCC/RL78/port.c
index f2e2fbb..82b51be 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RL78/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/RL78/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -89,15 +90,15 @@


     /* Write in the parameter value. */

-    pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-    *pulLocal     = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters;

+    pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+    *pulLocal = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters;



     /* The return address, leaving space for the first two bytes of	the

      * 32-bit value. */


-    pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-    *pulLocal     = ( uint32_t ) 0;

+    pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+    *pulLocal = ( uint32_t ) 0;



     /* The start address / PSW value is also written in as a 32bit value,

@@ -105,8 +106,8 @@


     /* Task function start address combined with the PSW. */

-    pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-    *pulLocal     = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );

+    pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+    *pulLocal = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );



     /* An initial value for the AX register. */

@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@

 __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


-    const uint16_t usClockHz      = 15000UL; /* Internal clock. */

+    const uint16_t usClockHz = 15000UL; /* Internal clock. */

     const uint16_t usCompareMatch = ( usClockHz / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) + 1UL;


     /* Use the internal 15K clock. */

@@ -170,19 +171,19 @@
             RTCEN = ( unsigned char ) 1U;


             /* Disable INTIT interrupt. */

-            ITMK  = ( unsigned char ) 1;

+            ITMK = ( unsigned char ) 1;


             /* Disable ITMC operation. */

-            ITMC  = ( unsigned char ) 0x0000;

+            ITMC = ( unsigned char ) 0x0000;


             /* Clear INIT interrupt. */

-            ITIF  = ( unsigned char ) 0;

+            ITIF = ( unsigned char ) 0;


             /* Set interval and enable interrupt operation. */

-            ITMC  = usCompareMatch | 0x8000U;

+            ITMC = usCompareMatch | 0x8000U;


             /* Enable INTIT interrupt. */

-            ITMK  = ( unsigned char ) 0;

+            ITMK = ( unsigned char ) 0;


     #endif /* ifdef RTCEN */


@@ -195,13 +196,13 @@
             TMKAMK = ( unsigned char ) 1;


             /* Disable ITMC operation. */

-            ITMC   = ( unsigned char ) 0x0000;

+            ITMC = ( unsigned char ) 0x0000;


             /* Clear INIT interrupt. */

             TMKAIF = ( unsigned char ) 0;


             /* Set interval and enable interrupt operation. */

-            ITMC   = usCompareMatch | 0x8000U;

+            ITMC = usCompareMatch | 0x8000U;


             /* Enable INTIT interrupt. */

             TMKAMK = ( unsigned char ) 0;

diff --git a/portable/GCC/RL78/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/RL78/portmacro.h
index dbbf131..4c59588 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RL78/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/RL78/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/GCC/RX100/port.c b/portable/GCC/RX100/port.c
index 1430bfe..1c6d16c 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RX100/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/RX100/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -121,10 +122,10 @@


 /* Used in the context save and restore code. */

-extern void *         pxCurrentTCB;

+extern void * pxCurrentTCB;


 /* Calculate how many clock increments make up a single tick period. */

-static const uint32_t ulMatchValueForOneTick                = ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+static const uint32_t ulMatchValueForOneTick = ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );


 #if configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1


@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@
 /* Flag set from the tick interrupt to allow the sleep processing to know if

  * sleep mode was exited because of a tick interrupt, or an interrupt

  * generated by something else. */

-    static volatile uint32_t ulTickFlag                     = pdFALSE;

+    static volatile uint32_t ulTickFlag = pdFALSE;


 /* The CMT counter is stopped temporarily each time it is re-programmed.

  * The following constant offsets the CMT counter match value by the number of

@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@
  * compensate for the lost time.  The large difference between the divided CMT

  * clock and the CPU clock means it is likely ulStoppedTimerCompensation will

  * equal zero - and be optimised away. */

-    static const uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation        = 100UL / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) );

+    static const uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 100UL / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) );


 #endif /* if configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 */


@@ -239,7 +240,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


@@ -456,19 +457,19 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Unlock. */




     /* Enable CMT0. */

-    MSTP( CMT0 )        = 0;

+    MSTP( CMT0 ) = 0;


     /* Lock again. */




     /* Interrupt on compare match. */

-    CMT0.CMCR.BIT.CMIE  = 1;

+    CMT0.CMCR.BIT.CMIE = 1;


     /* Set the compare match value. */

-    CMT0.CMCOR          = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValueForOneTick;

+    CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValueForOneTick;


     /* Divide the PCLK. */

     #if portCLOCK_DIVISOR == 512

@@ -494,10 +495,10 @@
     #endif /* if portCLOCK_DIVISOR == 512 */


     /* Enable the interrupt... */

-    _IEN( _CMT0_CMI0 )  = 1;

+    _IEN( _CMT0_CMI0 ) = 1;


     /* ...and set its priority to the application defined kernel priority. */




     /* Start the timer. */

     CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;

@@ -530,7 +531,7 @@

     void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t         ulMatchValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCurrentCount;

+        uint32_t ulMatchValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCurrentCount;

         eSleepModeStatus eSleepAction;



@@ -543,7 +544,7 @@

         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime tick

          * periods. */

-        ulMatchValue        = ulMatchValueForOneTick * xExpectedIdleTime;

+        ulMatchValue = ulMatchValueForOneTick * xExpectedIdleTime;


         if( ulMatchValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -570,12 +571,12 @@
         /* The tick flag is set to false before sleeping.  If it is true when

          * sleep mode is exited then sleep mode was probably exited because the

          * tick was suppressed for the entire xExpectedIdleTime period. */

-        ulTickFlag          = pdFALSE;

+        ulTickFlag = pdFALSE;


         /* If a context switch is pending then abandon the low power entry as

          * the context switch might have been pended by an external interrupt that

          * requires processing. */

-        eSleepAction        = eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus();

+        eSleepAction = eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus();


         if( eSleepAction == eAbortSleep )


@@ -586,42 +587,42 @@
         else if( eSleepAction == eNoTasksWaitingTimeout )


             /* Protection off. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD      = portUNLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portUNLOCK_KEY;


             /* Ready for software standby with all clocks stopped. */

             SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY = 1;


             /* Protection on. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD      = portLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portLOCK_KEY;


             /* Sleep until something happens.  Calling prvSleep() will

              * automatically reset the i bit in the PSW. */

             prvSleep( xExpectedIdleTime );


             /* Restart the CMT. */

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0   = 1;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;




             /* Protection off. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD           = portUNLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portUNLOCK_KEY;


             /* Ready for deep sleep mode. */

-            SYSTEM.MSTPCRC.BIT.DSLPE   = 1;

+            SYSTEM.MSTPCRC.BIT.DSLPE = 1;

             SYSTEM.MSTPCRA.BIT.MSTPA28 = 1;

-            SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY      = 0;

+            SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY = 0;


             /* Protection on. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD           = portLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portLOCK_KEY;


             /* Adjust the match value to take into account that the current

              * time slice is already partially complete. */

-            ulMatchValue              -= ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

-            CMT0.CMCOR                 = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+            ulMatchValue -= ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

+            CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;


             /* Restart the CMT to count up to the new match value. */

-            CMT0.CMCNT                 = 0;

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 1;

+            CMT0.CMCNT = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;


             /* Sleep until something happens.  Calling prvSleep() will

              * automatically reset the i bit in the PSW. */

@@ -631,14 +632,14 @@
              * accounted for as best it can be, but using the tickless mode will

              * inevitably result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the

              * kernel with	respect to calendar time. */

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 0;


             while( CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 == 1 )


                 /* Nothing to do here. */



-            ulCurrentCount             = ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

+            ulCurrentCount = ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;


             if( ulTickFlag != pdFALSE )


@@ -647,8 +648,8 @@
                  * tick processing will not occur until after this function has

                  * exited.  Reset the match value with whatever remains of this

                  * tick period. */

-                ulMatchValue          = ulMatchValueForOneTick - ulCurrentCount;

-                CMT0.CMCOR            = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+                ulMatchValue = ulMatchValueForOneTick - ulCurrentCount;

+                CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;


                 /* The tick interrupt handler will already have pended the tick

                  * processing in the kernel.  As the pending tick will be

@@ -667,15 +668,15 @@

                 /* The match value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                ulMatchValue          = ulCurrentCount - ( ulCompleteTickPeriods * ulMatchValueForOneTick );

-                CMT0.CMCOR            = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+                ulMatchValue = ulCurrentCount - ( ulCompleteTickPeriods * ulMatchValueForOneTick );

+                CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;



             /* Restart the CMT so it runs up to the match value.  The match value

              * will get set to the value required to generate exactly one tick period

              * the next time the CMT interrupt executes. */

-            CMT0.CMCNT                 = 0;

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 1;

+            CMT0.CMCNT = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;


             /* Wind the tick forward by the number of tick periods that the CPU

              * remained in a low power state. */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/RX100/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/RX100/portmacro.h
index 1f40209..fb356e8 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RX100/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/RX100/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/RX600/port.c b/portable/GCC/RX600/port.c
index 631ec7c..15f2a6c 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RX600/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/RX600/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


diff --git a/portable/GCC/RX600/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/RX600/portmacro.h
index 6bb0edb..46b88af 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RX600/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/RX600/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/RX600v2/port.c b/portable/GCC/RX600v2/port.c
index 20e4fcb..520bc7a 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RX600v2/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/RX600v2/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


diff --git a/portable/GCC/RX600v2/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/RX600v2/portmacro.h
index 6bb0edb..46b88af 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/RX600v2/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/RX600v2/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/STR75x/port.c b/portable/GCC/STR75x/port.c
index 78bc22d..e219669 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/STR75x/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/STR75x/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -164,19 +165,19 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     EIC_IRQInitTypeDef EIC_IRQInitStructure;

-    TB_InitTypeDef     TB_InitStructure;

+    TB_InitTypeDef TB_InitStructure;


     /* Setup the EIC for the TB. */

-    EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannelCmd      = ENABLE;

-    EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannel         = TB_IRQChannel;

+    EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;

+    EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannel = TB_IRQChannel;

     EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannelPriority = 1;

     EIC_IRQInit( &EIC_IRQInitStructure );


     /* Setup the TB for the generation of the tick interrupt. */

-    TB_InitStructure.TB_Mode                    = TB_Mode_Timing;

-    TB_InitStructure.TB_CounterMode             = TB_CounterMode_Down;

-    TB_InitStructure.TB_Prescaler               = portPRESCALE - 1;

-    TB_InitStructure.TB_AutoReload              = ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / portPRESCALE ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+    TB_InitStructure.TB_Mode = TB_Mode_Timing;

+    TB_InitStructure.TB_CounterMode = TB_CounterMode_Down;

+    TB_InitStructure.TB_Prescaler = portPRESCALE - 1;

+    TB_InitStructure.TB_AutoReload = ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / portPRESCALE ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

     TB_Init( &TB_InitStructure );


     /* Enable TB Update interrupt */

diff --git a/portable/GCC/STR75x/portISR.c b/portable/GCC/STR75x/portISR.c
index b2d60e9..28e5738 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/STR75x/portISR.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/STR75x/portISR.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/STR75x/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/STR75x/portmacro.h
index f217eac..adab88c 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/STR75x/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/STR75x/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/port.c b/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/port.c
index 8b06fb6..fdc3ec9 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/port.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
 extern volatile uint32_t * pxCurrentTCB;


 /* Precalculate the compare match value at compile time. */

-static const uint32_t      ulCompareMatchValue = ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+static const uint32_t ulCompareMatchValue = ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );




@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
     pulLowerCSA[ 0 ] = ( portINITIAL_PCXI_UPPER_CONTEXT_WORD | ( uint32_t ) portADDRESS_TO_CSA( pulUpperCSA ) );


     /* Save the link to the CSA in the top of stack. */

-    pxTopOfStack     = ( uint32_t * ) portADDRESS_TO_CSA( pulLowerCSA );

+    pxTopOfStack = ( uint32_t * ) portADDRESS_TO_CSA( pulLowerCSA );


     /* DSync to ensure that buffering is not a problem. */


@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@
 int32_t xPortStartScheduler( void )


     extern void vTrapInstallHandlers( void );

-    uint32_t   ulMFCR      = 0UL;

+    uint32_t ulMFCR = 0UL;

     uint32_t * pulUpperCSA = NULL;

     uint32_t * pulLowerCSA = NULL;


@@ -222,15 +223,15 @@

     /* Clear the PSW.CDC to enable the use of an RFE without it generating an

      * exception because this code is not genuinely in an exception. */

-    ulMFCR       = __MFCR( $PSW );

-    ulMFCR      &= portRESTORE_PSW_MASK;

+    ulMFCR = __MFCR( $PSW );

+    ulMFCR &= portRESTORE_PSW_MASK;


     _mtcr( $PSW, ulMFCR );



     /* Finally, perform the equivalent of a portRESTORE_CONTEXT() */

-    pulLowerCSA  = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( ( *pxCurrentTCB ) );

-    pulUpperCSA  = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( pulLowerCSA[ 0 ] );

+    pulLowerCSA = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( ( *pxCurrentTCB ) );

+    pulUpperCSA = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( pulLowerCSA[ 0 ] );


     _mtcr( $PCXI, *pxCurrentTCB );


@@ -266,18 +267,18 @@
     STM_CMCON.reg |= ( 0x1fUL - __CLZ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) );


     /* Take into account the current time so a tick doesn't happen immediately. */

-    STM_CMP0.reg   = ulCompareMatchValue + STM_TIM0.reg;

+    STM_CMP0.reg = ulCompareMatchValue + STM_TIM0.reg;


     if( 0 != _install_int_handler( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY, prvSystemTickHandler, 0 ) )


         /* Set-up the interrupt. */

-        STM_SRC0.reg  = ( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY | 0x00005000UL );

+        STM_SRC0.reg = ( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY | 0x00005000UL );


         /* Enable the Interrupt. */

         STM_ISRR.reg &= ~( 0x03UL );

         STM_ISRR.reg |= 0x1UL;

         STM_ISRR.reg &= ~( 0x07UL );

-        STM_ICR.reg  |= 0x1UL;

+        STM_ICR.reg |= 0x1UL;




@@ -289,17 +290,17 @@

 static void prvSystemTickHandler( int iArg )


-    uint32_t   ulSavedInterruptMask;

+    uint32_t ulSavedInterruptMask;

     uint32_t * pxUpperCSA = NULL;

-    uint32_t   xUpperCSA  = 0UL;

+    uint32_t xUpperCSA = 0UL;

     extern volatile uint32_t * pxCurrentTCB;

-    int32_t    lYieldRequired;

+    int32_t lYieldRequired;


     /* Just to avoid compiler warnings about unused parameters. */

     ( void ) iArg;


     /* Clear the interrupt source. */

-    STM_ISRR.reg         = 1UL;

+    STM_ISRR.reg = 1UL;


     /* Reload the Compare Match register for X ticks into the future.


@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@
      * Changing the tick source to a timer that has an automatic reset on compare

      * match (such as a GPTA timer) will reduce the maximum possible additional

      * period to exactly 1 times the desired period. */

-    STM_CMP0.reg        += ulCompareMatchValue;

+    STM_CMP0.reg += ulCompareMatchValue;


     /* Kernel API calls require Critical Sections. */

     ulSavedInterruptMask = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR();

@@ -351,11 +352,11 @@
          * enabled/disabled. */



-        xUpperCSA          = __MFCR( $PCXI );

-        pxUpperCSA         = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( xUpperCSA );

-        *pxCurrentTCB      = pxUpperCSA[ 0 ];

+        xUpperCSA = __MFCR( $PCXI );

+        pxUpperCSA = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( xUpperCSA );

+        *pxCurrentTCB = pxUpperCSA[ 0 ];


-        pxUpperCSA[ 0 ]    = *pxCurrentTCB;

+        pxUpperCSA[ 0 ] = *pxCurrentTCB;

         CPU_SRC0.bits.SETR = 0;



@@ -382,18 +383,18 @@

 void vPortReclaimCSA( uint32_t * pxTCB )


-    uint32_t   pxHeadCSA, pxTailCSA, pxFreeCSA;

+    uint32_t pxHeadCSA, pxTailCSA, pxFreeCSA;

     uint32_t * pulNextCSA;


     /* A pointer to the first CSA in the list of CSAs consumed by the task is

      * stored in the first element of the tasks TCB structure (where the stack

      * pointer would be on a traditional stack based architecture). */

-    pxHeadCSA  = ( *pxTCB ) & portCSA_FCX_MASK;

+    pxHeadCSA = ( *pxTCB ) & portCSA_FCX_MASK;


     /* Mask off everything in the CSA link field other than the address.  If

      * the	address is NULL, then the CSA is not linking anywhere and there is

      * nothing	to do. */

-    pxTailCSA  = pxHeadCSA;

+    pxTailCSA = pxHeadCSA;


     /* Convert the link value to contain just a raw address and store this

      * in a local variable. */

@@ -411,17 +412,17 @@
         pulNextCSA[ 0 ] = pulNextCSA[ 0 ] & portCSA_FCX_MASK;


         /* Move the pointer to point to the next CSA in the list. */

-        pxTailCSA       = pulNextCSA[ 0 ];

+        pxTailCSA = pulNextCSA[ 0 ];


         /* Update the local pointer to the CSA. */

-        pulNextCSA      = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( pxTailCSA );

+        pulNextCSA = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( pxTailCSA );





         /* Look up the current free CSA head. */


-        pxFreeCSA                            = __MFCR( $FCX );

+        pxFreeCSA = __MFCR( $FCX );


         /* Join the current Free onto the Tail of what is being reclaimed. */

         portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( pxTailCSA )[ 0 ] = pxFreeCSA;

@@ -444,7 +445,7 @@
 static void prvTrapYield( int iTrapIdentification )


     uint32_t * pxUpperCSA = NULL;

-    uint32_t   xUpperCSA  = 0UL;

+    uint32_t xUpperCSA = 0UL;

     extern volatile uint32_t * pxCurrentTCB;


     switch( iTrapIdentification )

@@ -472,11 +473,11 @@
              * enabled/disabled. */



-            xUpperCSA          = __MFCR( $PCXI );

-            pxUpperCSA         = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( xUpperCSA );

-            *pxCurrentTCB      = pxUpperCSA[ 0 ];

+            xUpperCSA = __MFCR( $PCXI );

+            pxUpperCSA = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( xUpperCSA );

+            *pxCurrentTCB = pxUpperCSA[ 0 ];


-            pxUpperCSA[ 0 ]    = *pxCurrentTCB;

+            pxUpperCSA[ 0 ] = *pxCurrentTCB;

             CPU_SRC0.bits.SETR = 0;



@@ -492,7 +493,7 @@
 static void prvInterruptYield( int iId )


     uint32_t * pxUpperCSA = NULL;

-    uint32_t   xUpperCSA  = 0UL;

+    uint32_t xUpperCSA = 0UL;

     extern volatile uint32_t * pxCurrentTCB;


     /* Just to remove compiler warnings. */

@@ -519,11 +520,11 @@
      * enabled/disabled. */



-    xUpperCSA          = __MFCR( $PCXI );

-    pxUpperCSA         = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( xUpperCSA );

-    *pxCurrentTCB      = pxUpperCSA[ 0 ];

+    xUpperCSA = __MFCR( $PCXI );

+    pxUpperCSA = portCSA_TO_ADDRESS( xUpperCSA );

+    *pxCurrentTCB = pxUpperCSA[ 0 ];


-    pxUpperCSA[ 0 ]    = *pxCurrentTCB;

+    pxUpperCSA[ 0 ] = *pxCurrentTCB;

     CPU_SRC0.bits.SETR = 0;



diff --git a/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/portmacro.h b/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/portmacro.h
index 3ac22ab..4feea70 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@
     {                                                                                                 \

         uint32_t ulICR;                                                                               \

         _disable();                                                                                   \

-        ulICR  = __MFCR( $ICR );                       /* Get current ICR value. */                   \

+        ulICR = __MFCR( $ICR );                        /* Get current ICR value. */                   \

         ulICR &= ~portCCPN_MASK;                       /* Clear down mask bits. */                    \

         ulICR |= configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY; /* Set mask bits to required priority mask. */ \

         _mtcr( $ICR, ulICR );                          /* Write back updated ICR. */                  \

@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@
     {                                                          \

         uint32_t ulICR;                                        \

         _disable();                                            \

-        ulICR  = __MFCR( $ICR ); /* Get current ICR value. */  \

+        ulICR = __MFCR( $ICR );  /* Get current ICR value. */  \

         ulICR &= ~portCCPN_MASK; /* Clear down mask bits. */   \

         _mtcr( $ICR, ulICR );    /* Write back updated ICR. */ \

         _isync();                                              \

@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@
     {                                                                                  \

         uint32_t ulICR;                                                                \

         _disable();                                                                    \

-        ulICR  = __MFCR( $ICR );   /* Get current ICR value. */                        \

+        ulICR = __MFCR( $ICR );    /* Get current ICR value. */                        \

         ulICR &= ~portCCPN_MASK;   /* Clear down mask bits. */                         \

         ulICR |= uxSavedMaskValue; /* Set mask bits to previously saved mask value. */ \

         _mtcr( $ICR, ulICR );      /* Write back updated ICR. */                       \

diff --git a/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/porttrap.c b/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/porttrap.c
index a1f709a..94e5eae 100644
--- a/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/porttrap.c
+++ b/portable/GCC/TriCore_1782/porttrap.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Kernel includes. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/78K0R/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/78K0R/ISR_Support.h
index 57c063c..38f45d6 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/78K0R/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/78K0R/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */


 #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"

@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@

                                                                memory mode ) registers the usCriticalNesting Value and the Stack Pointer


-of the active Task onto the task         stack

+of the active Task onto the task stack




@@ -50,19 +51,19 @@

 Save AX Register to stack.


-MOV     A, CS;


 Save CS register.

-   XCH  A, X

+   XCH A, X


 Save ES register.


-PUSH    DE;


 Save the remaining general purpose registers.


-MOVW    AX, usCriticalNesting;

+MOVW AX, usCriticalNesting;

 Save the usCriticalNesting value.


-MOVW    AX, pxCurrentTCB;

+MOVW AX, pxCurrentTCB;

 Save the Stack pointer.



@@ -74,13 +75,13 @@



-portRESTORE_CONTEXT                  MACRO



 Restores the task Stack Pointer then use this to restore usCriticalNesting,


-general purpose                      registers and the CS and ES( only in far memory mode )

+general purpose registers and the CS and ES( only in far memory mode )


-of the selected task from the task   stack

+of the selected task from the task stack




@@ -95,16 +96,16 @@

 Restore the necessary general purpose registers.

    POP DE

-POP     AX;


 Restore the ES register.

-   MOV  ES, A

+   MOV ES, A

 XCH A, X;

 Restore the CS register.

-   MOV  CS, A

+   MOV CS, A


 Restore general purpose register HL.

-   POP  AX;

+   POP AX;

 Restore AX.

-        ENDM

+   ENDM



diff --git a/portable/IAR/78K0R/port.c b/portable/IAR/78K0R/port.c
index 396ba5c..50d454d 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/78K0R/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/78K0R/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -93,8 +94,8 @@


             /* Write in the parameter value. */

-            pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-            *pulLocal     = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

+            pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+            *pulLocal = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;



             /* These values are just spacers.  The return address of the function

@@ -109,8 +110,8 @@


             /* Task function start address combined with the PSW. */

-            pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-            *pulLocal     = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );

+            pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+            *pulLocal = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );



             /* An initial value for the AX register. */

@@ -125,8 +126,8 @@


             /* Task function start address combined with the PSW. */

-            pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-            *pulLocal     = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );

+            pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+            *pulLocal = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );



             /* The parameter is passed in AX. */

@@ -185,41 +186,41 @@
     /* Setup channel 5 of the TAU to generate the tick interrupt. */


     /* First the Timer Array Unit has to be enabled. */

-    TAU0EN  = 1;

+    TAU0EN = 1;


     /* To configure the Timer Array Unit all Channels have to first be stopped. */

-    TT0     = 0xff;

+    TT0 = 0xff;


     /* Interrupt of Timer Array Unit Channel 5 is disabled to set the interrupt

      * priority. */

-    TMMK05  = 1;

+    TMMK05 = 1;


     /* Clear Timer Array Unit Channel 5 interrupt flag. */

-    TMIF05  = 0;

+    TMIF05 = 0;


     /* Set Timer Array Unit Channel 5 interrupt priority */

     TMPR005 = 0;

     TMPR105 = 0;


     /* Set Timer Array Unit Channel 5 Mode as interval timer. */

-    TMR05   = 0x0000;

+    TMR05 = 0x0000;


     /* Set the compare match value according to the tick rate we want. */

-    TDR05   = ( TickType_t ) ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+    TDR05 = ( TickType_t ) ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );


     /* Set Timer Array Unit Channel 5 output mode */

-    TOM0   &= ~0x0020;

+    TOM0 &= ~0x0020;


     /* Set Timer Array Unit Channel 5 output level */

-    TOL0   &= ~0x0020;

+    TOL0 &= ~0x0020;


     /* Set Timer Array Unit Channel 5 output enable */

-    TOE0   &= ~0x0020;

+    TOE0 &= ~0x0020;


     /* Interrupt of Timer Array Unit Channel 5 enabled */

-    TMMK05  = 0;

+    TMMK05 = 0;


     /* Start Timer Array Unit Channel 5.*/

-    TS0    |= 0x0020;

+    TS0 |= 0x0020;



diff --git a/portable/IAR/78K0R/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/78K0R/portmacro.h
index 61d91dd..a30323b 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/78K0R/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/78K0R/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/port.c
index 4f14991..38f7bb3 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* IAR includes. */

@@ -89,18 +90,18 @@
  * a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't inadvertently become unmasked before

  * the scheduler starts.  As it is stored as part of the task context it will

  * automatically be set to 0 when the first task is started. */

-volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting       = 9999UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL;


 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If ulPortTaskHasFPUContext is non-zero

  * then a floating point context must be saved and restored for the task. */

-uint32_t          ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;

+uint32_t ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;


 /* Set to 1 to pend a context switch from an ISR. */

-uint32_t          ulPortYieldRequired     = pdFALSE;

+uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  A context switch is only performed if

  * if the nesting depth is 0. */

-uint32_t          ulPortInterruptNesting  = 0UL;

+uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting = 0UL;




diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/portASM.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/portASM.h
index 3c2e1de..ebc9f01 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/portASM.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/portASM.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */


 EXTERN vTaskSwitchContext

@@ -33,12 +34,12 @@
 portSAVE_CONTEXT macro



-Save the         LR and SPSR onto the system mode stack before switching to

+Save the LR and SPSR onto the system mode stack before switching to


 system mode to save the remaining system mode registers

-SRSDB            sp !, # SYS_MODE

-                 CPS     # SYS_MODE

-                 PUSH    { R0 - R12, R14 }


+      CPS     # SYS_MODE

+      PUSH    { R0 - R12, R14 }



 Push the critical nesting count

@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@


 Save ulPortTaskHasFPUContext itself

-               PUSH    { R3 }

+    PUSH    { R3 }



 Save the stack pointer in the TCB

@@ -81,8 +82,8 @@


 Set the SP to point to the stack of the task being restored.

-   LDR              R0, = pxCurrentTCB

-                          LDR R1, [ R0 ]

+   LDR R0, = pxCurrentTCB

+             LDR R1, [ R0 ]

 LDR SP, [ R1 ]



@@ -121,6 +122,6 @@
 Return to the task code, loading CPSR on the way.CPSR has the interrupt


 enable bit set appropriately for the task about to execute.

-   RFEIA           sp !

+   RFEIA sp !



diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/portmacro.h
index 183c2ba..4c5584c 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA5_No_GIC/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@



-            #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - __CLZ( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+            #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - __CLZ( uxReadyPriorities ) )


         #endif /* configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION */


diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/port.c
index e7fc160..416be8e 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -139,18 +140,18 @@
  * a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't inadvertently become unmasked before

  * the scheduler starts.  As it is stored as part of the task context it will

  * automatically be set to 0 when the first task is started. */

-volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting       = 9999UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL;


 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If ulPortTaskHasFPUContext is non-zero

  * then a floating point context must be saved and restored for the task. */

-uint32_t          ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;

+uint32_t ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;


 /* Set to 1 to pend a context switch from an ISR. */

-uint32_t          ulPortYieldRequired     = pdFALSE;

+uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  A context switch is only performed if

  * if the nesting depth is 0. */

-uint32_t          ulPortInterruptNesting  = 0UL;

+uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting = 0UL;




@@ -392,7 +393,7 @@



-        ulReturn                          = pdFALSE;

+        ulReturn = pdFALSE;


         __asm( "DSB		\n"

                "ISB		\n");

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/portASM.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/portASM.h
index 124c6dd..827b01f 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/portASM.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/portASM.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */


 EXTERN vTaskSwitchContext

@@ -33,12 +34,12 @@
 portSAVE_CONTEXT macro



-Save the         LR and SPSR onto the system mode stack before switching to

+Save the LR and SPSR onto the system mode stack before switching to


 system mode to save the remaining system mode registers

-SRSDB            sp !, # SYS_MODE

-                 CPS     # SYS_MODE

-                 PUSH    { R0 - R12, R14 }


+      CPS     # SYS_MODE

+      PUSH    { R0 - R12, R14 }



 Push the critical nesting count

@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@


 Save ulPortTaskHasFPUContext itself

-               PUSH    { R3 }

+    PUSH    { R3 }



 Save the stack pointer in the TCB

@@ -79,8 +80,8 @@


 Set the SP to point to the stack of the task being restored.

-   LDR              R0, = pxCurrentTCB

-                          LDR R1, [ R0 ]

+   LDR R0, = pxCurrentTCB

+             LDR R1, [ R0 ]

 LDR SP, [ R1 ]



diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
index 272f30e..343fffc 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@



-            #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - __CLZ( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+            #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - __CLZ( uxReadyPriorities ) )


         #endif /* configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION */


diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0/port.c
index 52703a3..6a43d18 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;


 /* The systick is a 24-bit counter. */

 #define portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER    ( 0xffffffUL )

@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@

 /* The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period. */

 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


 /* The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is limited by the

@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
 /* Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is stopped (low

  * power functionality only. */

 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -246,19 +247,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR;

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR;


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@

     __weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -303,14 +304,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_interrupt()

              * call above. */

@@ -319,21 +320,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -382,7 +383,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -397,7 +398,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -409,20 +410,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrpts enabled. */


diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
index 35afcd3..ced7a81 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portmacro.h
index 52cb223..48e23e9 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/non_secure/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.c
index 04f1e56..5608c72 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

@@ -101,12 +102,12 @@
     secureportNON_SECURE_CALLABLE SecureContextHandle_t SecureContext_AllocateContext( uint32_t ulSecureStackSize )

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint8_t *             pucStackMemory         = NULL;

-    uint32_t              ulIPSR;

-    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle   = NULL;

+    uint8_t * pucStackMemory = NULL;

+    uint32_t ulIPSR;

+    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle = NULL;


     #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-        uint32_t *        pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

+        uint32_t * pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Read the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) value. */

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
                         /* Store the correct CONTROL value for the task on the stack.

                          * This value is programmed in the CONTROL register on

                          * context switch. */

-                        pulCurrentStackPointer                       = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;

+                        pulCurrentStackPointer = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;



                         if( ulIsTaskPrivileged )

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.h
index a5d2f29..62ef6bb 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_CONTEXT_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context_port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context_port.c
index 24e3fef..e2fb5ce 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context_port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_context_port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.c
index b71f06d..76b6ee1 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
  * @brief Keeps track of the number of free bytes remaining, but says nothing

  * about fragmentation.


-static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining            = 0U;

+static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

 static size_t xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;



@@ -125,61 +126,61 @@
  * then the block belongs to the application. When the bit is free the block is

  * still part of the free heap space.


-static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit             = 0;

+static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit = 0;



 static void prvHeapInit( void )


     BlockLink_t * pxFirstFreeBlock;

-    uint8_t *     pucAlignedHeap;

-    size_t        uxAddress;

-    size_t        xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;

+    uint8_t * pucAlignedHeap;

+    size_t uxAddress;

+    size_t xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;


     /* Ensure the heap starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( size_t ) ucHeap;

+    uxAddress = ( size_t ) ucHeap;


     if( ( uxAddress & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0 )


-        uxAddress      += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

-        uxAddress      &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+        uxAddress += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

+        uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

         xTotalHeapSize -= uxAddress - ( size_t ) ucHeap;



-    pucAlignedHeap                    = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;

+    pucAlignedHeap = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;


     /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of free

      * blocks.  The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */

-    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock            = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    xStart.xBlockSize                 = ( size_t ) 0;

+    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0;


     /* pxEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks and is inserted

      * at the end of the heap space. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

-    uxAddress                        -= xHeapStructSize;

-    uxAddress                        &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

-    pxEnd                             = ( void * ) uxAddress;

-    pxEnd->xBlockSize                 = 0;

-    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock            = NULL;

+    uxAddress = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

+    uxAddress -= xHeapStructSize;

+    uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+    pxEnd = ( void * ) uxAddress;

+    pxEnd->xBlockSize = 0;

+    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;


     /* To start with there is a single free block that is sized to take up the

      * entire heap space, minus the space taken by pxEnd. */

-    pxFirstFreeBlock                  = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize      = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

     pxFirstFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = pxEnd;


     /* Only one block exists - and it covers the entire usable heap space. */

-    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining    = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

-    xFreeBytesRemaining               = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;


     /* Work out the position of the top bit in a size_t variable. */

-    xBlockAllocatedBit                = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );

+    xBlockAllocatedBit = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );




 static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t * pxBlockToInsert )


     BlockLink_t * pxIterator;

-    uint8_t *     puc;

+    uint8_t * puc;


     /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a higher address

      * than the block being inserted. */

@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@
     if( ( puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert )


         pxIterator->xBlockSize += pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;

-        pxBlockToInsert         = pxIterator;

+        pxBlockToInsert = pxIterator;




@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@
         if( pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd )


             /* Form one big block from the two blocks. */

-            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize     += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

             pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@
 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

-    void *        pvReturn = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;


     /* If this is the first call to malloc then the heap will require

      * initialisation to setup the list of free blocks. */

@@ -290,12 +291,12 @@
             /* Traverse the list from the start (lowest address) block until

              * one of adequate size is found. */

             pxPreviousBlock = &xStart;

-            pxBlock         = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;

+            pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;


             while( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) )


                 pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock;

-                pxBlock         = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;

+                pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



             /* If the end marker was reached then a block of adequate size was

@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@

                 /* Return the memory space pointed to - jumping over the

                  * BlockLink_t structure at its start. */

-                pvReturn                         = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );

+                pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );


                 /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out

                  * of the list of free blocks. */

@@ -318,13 +319,13 @@
                      * block following the number of bytes requested. The void

                      * cast is used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the

                      * compiler. */

-                    pxNewBlockLink             = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

+                    pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

                     secureportASSERT( ( ( ( size_t ) pxNewBlockLink ) & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0 );


                     /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the single

                      * block. */

                     pxNewBlockLink->xBlockSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize;

-                    pxBlock->xBlockSize        = xWantedSize;

+                    pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize;


                     /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */

                     prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( pxNewBlockLink );

@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@



-                xFreeBytesRemaining             -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;

+                xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;


                 if( xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining )


@@ -347,8 +348,8 @@

                 /* The block is being returned - it is allocated and owned by

                  * the application and has no "next" block. */

-                pxBlock->xBlockSize             |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

-                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock         = NULL;

+                pxBlock->xBlockSize |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

+                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;




@@ -388,14 +389,14 @@

 void vPortFree( void * pv )


-    uint8_t *     puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

+    uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

     BlockLink_t * pxLink;


     if( pv != NULL )


         /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately

          * before it. */

-        puc   -= xHeapStructSize;

+        puc -= xHeapStructSize;


         /* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */

         pxLink = ( void * ) puc;

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.h
index 7226fa2..d5ddaa8 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_heap.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_HEAP_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.c
index 5ffa9e6..6f0be25 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.h
index 96ba9aa..6438734 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_init.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_INIT_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_port_macros.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_port_macros.h
index f37655d..d0ace62 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_port_macros.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23/secure/secure_port_macros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
index a217379..29697ba 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM23_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3/port.c
index 39daa18..9ce3b21 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -126,13 +127,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -157,8 +158,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -215,9 +216,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -225,21 +226,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -267,8 +268,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@

     __weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -374,7 +375,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -393,14 +394,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_interrupt()

              * call above. */

@@ -409,21 +410,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -457,7 +458,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -487,7 +488,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -499,20 +500,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */


@@ -531,19 +532,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -552,7 +553,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
index 82c62c8..7cdaf92 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) ) )




@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portmacro.h
index 1c81555..24f1e14 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/non_secure/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.c
index 04f1e56..5608c72 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

@@ -101,12 +102,12 @@
     secureportNON_SECURE_CALLABLE SecureContextHandle_t SecureContext_AllocateContext( uint32_t ulSecureStackSize )

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint8_t *             pucStackMemory         = NULL;

-    uint32_t              ulIPSR;

-    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle   = NULL;

+    uint8_t * pucStackMemory = NULL;

+    uint32_t ulIPSR;

+    SecureContextHandle_t xSecureContextHandle = NULL;


     #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-        uint32_t *        pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

+        uint32_t * pulCurrentStackPointer = NULL;

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Read the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) value. */

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
                         /* Store the correct CONTROL value for the task on the stack.

                          * This value is programmed in the CONTROL register on

                          * context switch. */

-                        pulCurrentStackPointer                       = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;

+                        pulCurrentStackPointer = ( uint32_t * ) xSecureContextHandle->pucStackStart;



                         if( ulIsTaskPrivileged )

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.h
index a5d2f29..62ef6bb 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_CONTEXT_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context_port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context_port.c
index 24e3fef..e2fb5ce 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context_port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_context_port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Secure context includes. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.c
index b71f06d..76b6ee1 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
  * @brief Keeps track of the number of free bytes remaining, but says nothing

  * about fragmentation.


-static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining            = 0U;

+static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

 static size_t xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;



@@ -125,61 +126,61 @@
  * then the block belongs to the application. When the bit is free the block is

  * still part of the free heap space.


-static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit             = 0;

+static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit = 0;



 static void prvHeapInit( void )


     BlockLink_t * pxFirstFreeBlock;

-    uint8_t *     pucAlignedHeap;

-    size_t        uxAddress;

-    size_t        xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;

+    uint8_t * pucAlignedHeap;

+    size_t uxAddress;

+    size_t xTotalHeapSize = secureconfigTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;


     /* Ensure the heap starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( size_t ) ucHeap;

+    uxAddress = ( size_t ) ucHeap;


     if( ( uxAddress & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0 )


-        uxAddress      += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

-        uxAddress      &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+        uxAddress += ( secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

+        uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

         xTotalHeapSize -= uxAddress - ( size_t ) ucHeap;



-    pucAlignedHeap                    = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;

+    pucAlignedHeap = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;


     /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of free

      * blocks.  The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */

-    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock            = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    xStart.xBlockSize                 = ( size_t ) 0;

+    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0;


     /* pxEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks and is inserted

      * at the end of the heap space. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

-    uxAddress                        -= xHeapStructSize;

-    uxAddress                        &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

-    pxEnd                             = ( void * ) uxAddress;

-    pxEnd->xBlockSize                 = 0;

-    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock            = NULL;

+    uxAddress = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

+    uxAddress -= xHeapStructSize;

+    uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+    pxEnd = ( void * ) uxAddress;

+    pxEnd->xBlockSize = 0;

+    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;


     /* To start with there is a single free block that is sized to take up the

      * entire heap space, minus the space taken by pxEnd. */

-    pxFirstFreeBlock                  = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize      = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

     pxFirstFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = pxEnd;


     /* Only one block exists - and it covers the entire usable heap space. */

-    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining    = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

-    xFreeBytesRemaining               = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;


     /* Work out the position of the top bit in a size_t variable. */

-    xBlockAllocatedBit                = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );

+    xBlockAllocatedBit = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * secureheapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );




 static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t * pxBlockToInsert )


     BlockLink_t * pxIterator;

-    uint8_t *     puc;

+    uint8_t * puc;


     /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a higher address

      * than the block being inserted. */

@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@
     if( ( puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert )


         pxIterator->xBlockSize += pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;

-        pxBlockToInsert         = pxIterator;

+        pxBlockToInsert = pxIterator;




@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@
         if( pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd )


             /* Form one big block from the two blocks. */

-            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize     += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

             pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@
 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

-    void *        pvReturn = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;


     /* If this is the first call to malloc then the heap will require

      * initialisation to setup the list of free blocks. */

@@ -290,12 +291,12 @@
             /* Traverse the list from the start (lowest address) block until

              * one of adequate size is found. */

             pxPreviousBlock = &xStart;

-            pxBlock         = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;

+            pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;


             while( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) )


                 pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock;

-                pxBlock         = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;

+                pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



             /* If the end marker was reached then a block of adequate size was

@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@

                 /* Return the memory space pointed to - jumping over the

                  * BlockLink_t structure at its start. */

-                pvReturn                         = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );

+                pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );


                 /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out

                  * of the list of free blocks. */

@@ -318,13 +319,13 @@
                      * block following the number of bytes requested. The void

                      * cast is used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the

                      * compiler. */

-                    pxNewBlockLink             = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

+                    pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

                     secureportASSERT( ( ( ( size_t ) pxNewBlockLink ) & secureportBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0 );


                     /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the single

                      * block. */

                     pxNewBlockLink->xBlockSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize;

-                    pxBlock->xBlockSize        = xWantedSize;

+                    pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize;


                     /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */

                     prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( pxNewBlockLink );

@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@



-                xFreeBytesRemaining             -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;

+                xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;


                 if( xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining )


@@ -347,8 +348,8 @@

                 /* The block is being returned - it is allocated and owned by

                  * the application and has no "next" block. */

-                pxBlock->xBlockSize             |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

-                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock         = NULL;

+                pxBlock->xBlockSize |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

+                pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;




@@ -388,14 +389,14 @@

 void vPortFree( void * pv )


-    uint8_t *     puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

+    uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

     BlockLink_t * pxLink;


     if( pv != NULL )


         /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately

          * before it. */

-        puc   -= xHeapStructSize;

+        puc -= xHeapStructSize;


         /* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */

         pxLink = ( void * ) puc;

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.h
index 7226fa2..d5ddaa8 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_heap.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_HEAP_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.c
index 5ffa9e6..6f0be25 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.h
index 96ba9aa..6438734 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_init.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __SECURE_INIT_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_port_macros.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_port_macros.h
index f37655d..d0ace62 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_port_macros.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33/secure/secure_port_macros.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
index 37f5d48..3e42fab 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining

@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
  * @brief Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.


-static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                         = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;


 #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )


@@ -365,26 +366,26 @@

  * @brief The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                        = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;



  * @brief The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is

  * limited by the 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;



  * @brief Compensate for the CPU cycles that pass while the SysTick is

  * stopped (low power functionality only).


-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                     = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

     __attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods. -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation

@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@
              * instruction, and so wfi should not be executed again. However,

              * the original expected idle time variable must remain unmodified,

              * so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
              * best it can be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably

              * result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the kernel

              * with respect to calendar time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is

                  * stepped forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -528,20 +529,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm volatile ( "cpsie i" ::: "memory" );

@@ -555,19 +556,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -611,72 +612,72 @@
             extern uint32_t * __unprivileged_flash_end__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_start__;

             extern uint32_t * __privileged_sram_end__;

-        #else /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

+        #else  /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_functions_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __privileged_sram_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __unprivileged_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __privileged_sram_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */


         /* Check that the MPU is present. */

         if( portMPU_TYPE_REG == portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE )


             /* MAIR0 - Index 0. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_NORMAL_MEMORY_BUFFERABLE_CACHEABLE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR0_MASK );


             /* MAIR0 - Index 1. */

-            portMPU_MAIR0_REG                  |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );

+            portMPU_MAIR0_REG |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


             /* Setup privileged flash as Read Only so that privileged tasks can

              * read it but not modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged flash as Read Only by both privileged and

              * unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __unprivileged_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup unprivileged syscalls flash as Read Only by both privileged

              * and unprivileged tasks. All tasks can read it but no-one can modify. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portUNPRIVILEGED_SYSCALLS_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Setup RAM containing kernel data for privileged access only. */

-            portMPU_RNR_REG                     = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

-            portMPU_RBAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

-            portMPU_RLAR_REG                    = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

-                                                  ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );

+            portMPU_RNR_REG = portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION;

+            portMPU_RBAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_start__ ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE ) |

+                               ( portMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER );

+            portMPU_RLAR_REG = ( ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_sram_end__ ) & portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_ATTR_INDEX0 ) |

+                               ( portMPU_RLAR_REGION_ENABLE );


             /* Enable mem fault. */



             /* Enable MPU with privileged background access i.e. unmapped

              * regions have privileged access. */

-            portMPU_CTRL_REG                   |= ( portMPU_PRIV_BACKGROUND_ENABLE_BIT | portMPU_ENABLE_BIT );




 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

@@ -771,24 +772,24 @@
             extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;


             /* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_start__[];

-            extern uint32_t   __syscalls_flash_end__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

+            extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];

         #endif /* defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */

     #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


-    uint32_t                  ulPC;

+    uint32_t ulPC;


     #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-        uint32_t              ulR0;

+        uint32_t ulR0;

         #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-            uint32_t          ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

+            uint32_t ulControl, ulIsTaskPrivileged;

         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */

     #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */

     uint8_t ucSVCNumber;


     /* Register are stored on the stack in the following order - R0, R1, R2, R3,

      * R12, LR, PC, xPSR. */

-    ulPC        = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

+    ulPC = pulCallerStackAddress[ 6 ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -801,22 +802,22 @@
                 ulR0 = pulCallerStackAddress[ 0 ];


                 #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )

-                    {

-                        /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

-                        __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );

+                {

+                    /* Read the CONTROL register value. */

+                    __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, control"  : "=r" ( ulControl ) );


-                        /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

-                         * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

-                        ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );

+                    /* The task that raised the SVC is privileged if Bit[0]

+                     * in the CONTROL register is 0. */

+                    ulIsTaskPrivileged = ( ( ulControl & portCONTROL_PRIVILEGED_MASK ) == 0 );


-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext     = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

-                    }

-                #else /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

-                    {

-                        /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

-                        xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

-                    }

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0, ulIsTaskPrivileged );

+                }

+                #else  /* if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) */

+                {

+                    /* Allocate and load a context for the secure task. */

+                    xSecureContext = SecureContext_AllocateContext( ulR0 );

+                }

                 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


                 configASSERT( xSecureContext != NULL );

@@ -834,21 +835,21 @@

         case portSVC_START_SCHEDULER:

             #if ( configENABLE_TRUSTZONE == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

-                     * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

-                    SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();

+            {

+                /* De-prioritize the non-secure exceptions so that the

+                 * non-secure pendSV runs at the lowest priority. */

+                SecureInit_DePrioritizeNSExceptions();


-                    /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

-                    SecureContext_Init();

-                }

+                /* Initialize the secure context management system. */

+                SecureContext_Init();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_TRUSTZONE */


             #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )

-                {

-                    /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

-                    prvSetupFPU();

-                }

+            {

+                /* Setup the Floating Point Unit (FPU). */

+                prvSetupFPU();

+            }

             #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */


             /* Setup the context of the first task so that the first task starts

@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@
                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                          void * pvParameters,

-                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         BaseType_t xRunPrivileged )                                                                                                 /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */


     StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,

                                          StackType_t * pxEndOfStack,

                                          TaskFunction_t pxCode,

-                                         void * pvParameters ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

+                                         void * pvParameters )                                                                            /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */

 #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */


     /* Simulate the stack frame as it would be created by a context switch

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@


     /* Initialize the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -1049,10 +1050,10 @@
                                     uint32_t ulStackDepth )


         uint32_t ulRegionStartAddress, ulRegionEndAddress, ulRegionNumber;

-        int32_t  lIndex = 0;

+        int32_t lIndex = 0;


         /* Setup MAIR0. */



         xMPUSettings->ulMAIR0 |= ( ( portMPU_DEVICE_MEMORY_nGnRE << portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_POS ) & portMPU_MAIR_ATTR1_MASK );


         /* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in

@@ -1062,9 +1063,9 @@
         if( ulStackDepth > 0 )


             /* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */

-            ulRegionStartAddress                       = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                         = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

-            ulRegionEndAddress                        &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+            ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack + ( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1;

+            ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


             xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ 0 ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

                                                          ( portMPU_REGION_NON_SHAREABLE ) |

@@ -1087,9 +1088,9 @@
                 /* Translate the generic region definition contained in xRegions

                  * into the ARMv8 specific MPU settings that are then stored in

                  * xMPUSettings. */

-                ulRegionStartAddress                                    = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                      = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

-                ulRegionEndAddress                                     &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionStartAddress = ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) & portMPU_RBAR_ADDRESS_MASK;

+                ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1;

+                ulRegionEndAddress &= portMPU_RLAR_ADDRESS_MASK;


                 /* Start address. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegionsSettings[ ulRegionNumber ].ulRBAR = ( ulRegionStartAddress ) |

@@ -1142,7 +1143,7 @@

 BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-    uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+    uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

     BaseType_t xReturn;


     /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. Interrupt Program

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
index edb5bcf..fdba1b1 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef __PORT_ASM_H__

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
index 1c81555..24f1e14 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/port.c
index ca3ae90..003f0ea 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -139,13 +140,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -170,8 +171,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -246,9 +247,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -256,21 +257,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -298,8 +299,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -316,13 +317,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@

     __weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -411,7 +412,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -430,14 +431,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_interrupt()

              * call above. */

@@ -446,21 +447,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -494,7 +495,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -509,7 +510,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -524,7 +525,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -536,20 +537,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */


@@ -568,19 +569,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -589,7 +590,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
index 2991da8..65a37c0 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) ) )




@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F_MPU/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F_MPU/port.c
index 71b06fb..75362ee 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F_MPU/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F_MPU/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * Used by the portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() macro to ensure

@@ -207,8 +208,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -261,8 +262,8 @@

 void vPortSVCHandler_C( uint32_t * pulParam )


-    uint8_t             ucSVCNumber;

-    uint32_t            ulPC;

+    uint8_t ucSVCNumber;

+    uint32_t ulPC;



         extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];

@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@

     /* The stack contains: r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, LR, PC and xPSR. The first

      * argument (r0) is pulParam[ 0 ]. */

-    ulPC        = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];

+    ulPC = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -346,9 +347,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -356,21 +357,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -398,8 +399,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -419,13 +420,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -508,12 +509,12 @@
 __weak void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -534,10 +535,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Setup the privileged flash for privileged only access.  This is where

          * the kernel code is placed. */

@@ -545,10 +546,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Setup the privileged data RAM region.  This is where the kernel data

          * is placed. */

@@ -556,10 +557,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* By default allow everything to access the general peripherals.  The

          * system peripherals and registers are protected. */

@@ -567,15 +568,15 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portGENERAL_PERIPHERALS_REGION );



-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Enable the memory fault exception. */




         /* Enable the MPU with the background region configured. */

-        portMPU_CTRL_REG               |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );

+        portMPU_CTRL_REG |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );




@@ -613,8 +614,8 @@
     extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_end__[];

     extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];

     extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];

-    int32_t         lIndex;

-    uint32_t        ul;

+    int32_t lIndex;

+    uint32_t ul;


     if( xRegions == NULL )


@@ -624,7 +625,7 @@
             ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

             ( portSTACK_REGION );


-        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =

             ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) |


             ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__ ) ) |

@@ -637,7 +638,7 @@
             ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

             ( portSTACK_REGION + 1 );


-        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute =



             prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

@@ -647,7 +648,7 @@
         for( ul = 2; ul <= portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS; ul++ )


             xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;

-            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   = 0UL;

+            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;




@@ -664,7 +665,7 @@
                 ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                 ( portSTACK_REGION ); /* Region number. */


-            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =

                 ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) | /* Read and write. */

                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) ) |

                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

@@ -685,7 +686,7 @@
                     ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                     ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ); /* Region number. */


-                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute =

                     ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes ) ) |

                     ( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulParameters ) |

                     ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );

@@ -694,7 +695,7 @@

                 /* Invalidate the region. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;

-                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   = 0UL;

+                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;




@@ -708,7 +709,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F_MPU/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F_MPU/portmacro.h
index e1fccb0..d73c3f2 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F_MPU/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F_MPU/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) ) )




@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
index e1201c1..6fe7894 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -133,13 +134,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -164,8 +165,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -234,9 +235,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -244,21 +245,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -286,8 +287,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -304,13 +305,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -381,7 +382,7 @@

     __weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -399,7 +400,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -418,14 +419,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_interrupt()

              * call above. */

@@ -434,21 +435,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -482,7 +483,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -497,7 +498,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -512,7 +513,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -524,20 +525,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */


@@ -556,19 +557,19 @@
     /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

     #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


     #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


     /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;







@@ -577,7 +578,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         __asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
index 2be6117..cecd286 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) ) )




@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@

     portFORCE_INLINE static BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/port.c b/portable/IAR/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/port.c
index 1f66dac..d436fc5 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -98,18 +99,18 @@
  * a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't inadvertently become unmasked before

  * the scheduler starts.  As it is stored as part of the task context it will

  * automatically be set to 0 when the first task is started. */

-volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting       = 9999UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL;


 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If ulPortTaskHasFPUContext is non-zero then

  * a floating point context must be saved and restored for the task. */

 volatile uint32_t ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;


 /* Set to 1 to pend a context switch from an ISR. */

-volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired     = pdFALSE;

+volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  A context switch is only performed if

  * if the nesting depth is 0. */

-volatile uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting  = 0UL;

+volatile uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting = 0UL;




diff --git a/portable/IAR/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/portmacro.h
index 148a959..7ffd835 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ARM_CRx_No_GIC/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __CLZ( uxReadyPriorities ) )




diff --git a/portable/IAR/ATMega323/port.c b/portable/IAR/ATMega323/port.c
index 6837e54..3f44886 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ATMega323/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/ATMega323/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #include <stdlib.h>

@@ -73,22 +74,22 @@
                                      TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                      void * pvParameters )


-    uint16_t      usAddress;

+    uint16_t usAddress;

     StackType_t * pxTopOfHardwareStack;


     /* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack.

      * This is just useful for debugging. */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = 0x11;

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x11;


-    *pxTopOfStack         = 0x22;

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x22;


-    *pxTopOfStack         = 0x33;

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x33;



     /* Remember where the top of the hardware stack is - this is required

      * below. */

-    pxTopOfHardwareStack  = pxTopOfStack;

+    pxTopOfHardwareStack = pxTopOfStack;



     /* Simulate how the stack would look after a call to vPortYield(). */

@@ -112,19 +113,19 @@

      * The first part of the stack is the hardware stack.  Place the start

      * address of the task on the hardware stack. */

-    usAddress             = ( uint16_t ) pxCode;

-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );

+    usAddress = ( uint16_t ) pxCode;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );



-    usAddress           >>= 8;

-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );

+    usAddress >>= 8;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );




     /* Leave enough space for the hardware stack before starting the software

      * stack.  The '- 2' is because we have already used two spaces for the

      * address of the start of the task. */

-    pxTopOfStack         -= ( configCALL_STACK_SIZE - 2 );

+    pxTopOfStack -= ( configCALL_STACK_SIZE - 2 );




@@ -132,98 +133,98 @@
      *  portSAVE_CONTEXT places the flags on the stack immediately after r0

      *  to ensure the interrupts get disabled as soon as possible, and so ensuring

      *  the stack use is minimal should a context switch interrupt occur. */

-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R0 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R0 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = portFLAGS_INT_ENABLED;

+    *pxTopOfStack = portFLAGS_INT_ENABLED;



     /* Next place the address of the hardware stack.  This is required so

      * the AVR stack pointer can be restored to point to the hardware stack. */

     pxTopOfHardwareStack -= portBYTES_USED_BY_RETURN_ADDRESS;

-    usAddress             = ( uint16_t ) pxTopOfHardwareStack;

+    usAddress = ( uint16_t ) pxTopOfHardwareStack;


     /* SPL */

-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );



     /* SPH */

-    usAddress           >>= 8;

-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );

+    usAddress >>= 8;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );





     /* Now the remaining registers. */

-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x01; /* R1 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x01; /* R1 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x02; /* R2 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x02; /* R2 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x03; /* R3 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x03; /* R3 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x04; /* R4 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x04; /* R4 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x05; /* R5 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x05; /* R5 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x06; /* R6 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x06; /* R6 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x07; /* R7 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x07; /* R7 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x08; /* R8 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x08; /* R8 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x09; /* R9 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x09; /* R9 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x10; /* R10 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x10; /* R10 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x11; /* R11 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x11; /* R11 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x12; /* R12 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x12; /* R12 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x13; /* R13 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x13; /* R13 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x14; /* R14 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x14; /* R14 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x15; /* R15 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x15; /* R15 */



     /* Place the parameter on the stack in the expected location. */

-    usAddress             = ( uint16_t ) pvParameters;

-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );

+    usAddress = ( uint16_t ) pvParameters;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );



-    usAddress           >>= 8;

-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );

+    usAddress >>= 8;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );



-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x18; /* R18 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x18; /* R18 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x19; /* R19 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x19; /* R19 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x20; /* R20 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x20; /* R20 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x21; /* R21 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x21; /* R21 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x22; /* R22 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x22; /* R22 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x23; /* R23 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x23; /* R23 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x24; /* R24 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x24; /* R24 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x25; /* R25 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x25; /* R25 */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x26; /* R26 X */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x26; /* R26 X */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x27; /* R27 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x27; /* R27 */



     /* The Y register is not stored as it is used as the software stack and

      * gets saved into the task control block. */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x30;  /* R30 Z */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x30;  /* R30 Z */


-    *pxTopOfStack         = ( StackType_t ) 0x031; /* R31 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x031; /* R31 */



-    *pxTopOfStack         = portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING; /* Critical nesting is zero when the task starts. */

+    *pxTopOfStack = portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING; /* Critical nesting is zero when the task starts. */


     /*lint +e950 +e611 +e923 */


@@ -259,34 +260,34 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     uint32_t ulCompareMatch;

-    uint8_t  ucHighByte, ucLowByte;

+    uint8_t ucHighByte, ucLowByte;


     /* Using 16bit timer 1 to generate the tick.  Correct fuses must be

      * selected for the configCPU_CLOCK_HZ clock. */


-    ulCompareMatch   = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

+    ulCompareMatch = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;


     /* We only have 16 bits so have to scale to get our required tick rate. */

-    ulCompareMatch  /= portCLOCK_PRESCALER;

+    ulCompareMatch /= portCLOCK_PRESCALER;


     /* Adjust for correct value. */

-    ulCompareMatch  -= ( uint32_t ) 1;

+    ulCompareMatch -= ( uint32_t ) 1;


     /* Setup compare match value for compare match A.  Interrupts are disabled

      * before this is called so we need not worry here. */

-    ucLowByte        = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

+    ucLowByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

     ulCompareMatch >>= 8;

-    ucHighByte       = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

-    OCR1AH           = ucHighByte;

-    OCR1AL           = ucLowByte;

+    ucHighByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

+    OCR1AH = ucHighByte;

+    OCR1AL = ucLowByte;


     /* Setup clock source and compare match behaviour. */

-    ucLowByte        = portCLEAR_COUNTER_ON_MATCH | portPRESCALE_64;

-    TCCR1B           = ucLowByte;

+    ucLowByte = portCLEAR_COUNTER_ON_MATCH | portPRESCALE_64;

+    TCCR1B = ucLowByte;


     /* Enable the interrupt - this is okay as interrupt are currently globally

      * disabled. */






diff --git a/portable/IAR/ATMega323/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/ATMega323/portmacro.h
index 84d35fc..df8358f 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/ATMega323/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/ATMega323/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/AVR32_UC3/port.c b/portable/IAR/AVR32_UC3/port.c
index 60fbb3d..5b4e0e9 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AVR32_UC3/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/AVR32_UC3/port.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -107,13 +108,13 @@
     /* Code section present if and only if the debug trace is activated. */

     #if configDBG


-            static const gpio_map_t                  DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP =

+            static const gpio_map_t DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP =


                 { configDBG_USART_RX_PIN, configDBG_USART_RX_FUNCTION },

                 { configDBG_USART_TX_PIN, configDBG_USART_TX_FUNCTION }



-            static const usart_options_t             DBG_USART_OPTIONS  =

+            static const usart_options_t DBG_USART_OPTIONS =


                 .baudrate    = configDBG_USART_BAUDRATE,

                 .charlength  = 8,

@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@
     *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x05050505;                    /* R5 */

     *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x06060606;                    /* R6 */

     *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x07070707;                    /* R7 */

-    *pxTopOfStack   = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING;       /* ulCriticalNesting */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING;         /* ulCriticalNesting */


     return pxTopOfStack;


@@ -292,7 +293,7 @@

         uint32_t lCycles;


-        lCycles  = Get_system_register( AVR32_COUNT );

+        lCycles = Get_system_register( AVR32_COUNT );

         lCycles += ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );


         /* If lCycles ends up to be 0, make it 1 so that the COMPARE and exception */

@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@

         uint32_t lCycles, lCount;


-        lCycles  = Get_system_register( AVR32_COMPARE );

+        lCycles = Get_system_register( AVR32_COMPARE );

         lCycles += ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );


         /* If lCycles ends up to be 0, make it 1 so that the COMPARE and exception */

@@ -320,7 +321,7 @@



-        lCount   = Get_system_register( AVR32_COUNT );

+        lCount = Get_system_register( AVR32_COUNT );


         if( lCycles < lCount )

         { /* We missed a tick, recover for the next. */

@@ -342,10 +343,10 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     #if ( configTICK_USE_TC == 1 )

-        volatile avr32_tc_t * tc           = &AVR32_TC;

+        volatile avr32_tc_t * tc = &AVR32_TC;


         /* Options for waveform genration. */

-        tc_waveform_opt_t     waveform_opt =

+        tc_waveform_opt_t waveform_opt =


             .channel = configTICK_TC_CHANNEL,              /* Channel selection. */


@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@
             .tcclks  = TC_CLOCK_SOURCE_TC2                 /* Internal source clock 2. */



-        tc_interrupt_t        tc_interrupt =

+        tc_interrupt_t tc_interrupt =


             .etrgs = 0,

             .ldrbs = 0,

diff --git a/portable/IAR/AVR32_UC3/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/AVR32_UC3/portmacro.h
index c3eb704..27f5e6c 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AVR32_UC3/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/AVR32_UC3/portmacro.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@

     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \

     {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   \


         __asm__ __volatile__ (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          \

@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@

         #define portSAVE_CONTEXT_OS_INT()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     \

     {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \


         /* When we come here */                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \

@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@

         #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT_OS_INT()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  \

     {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \


         /* Check if INT0 or higher were being handled (case where the OS tick interrupted another */                                                                                                                                                                                                          \

@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@

     #define portSAVE_CONTEXT_SCALL()                                                                                                                        \

     {                                                                                                                                                       \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                  \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                         \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                                       \


         /* Warning: the stack layout after SCALL doesn't match the one after an interrupt. */                                                               \

@@ -443,7 +444,7 @@

     #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT_SCALL()                                                                                                                                     \

     {                                                                                                                                                                       \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                  \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                         \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                                                       \


         /* Restore all registers */                                                                                                                                         \

@@ -535,7 +536,7 @@

         #define portENTER_SWITCHING_ISR()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     \

     {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \


         /* When we come here */                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \

@@ -580,7 +581,7 @@

         #define portEXIT_SWITCHING_ISR()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        \

     {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \

-        extern volatile uint32_t        ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      \

+        extern volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             \

         extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \


         __asm__ __volatile__ (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  \

diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/ISR_Support.h
index ea7f6de..72f4b15 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,24 +22,25 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */


 EXTERN pxCurrentTCB

-EXTERN           ulCriticalNesting

+EXTERN ulCriticalNesting



-Context          save and restore macro definitions

+Context save and restore macro definitions






 Push R0 as we are going to use the register.

-   STMDB         SP !, { R0 }

+   STMDB SP !, { R0 }



 Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer.

-   STMDB         SP, { SP } ^

+   STMDB SP, { SP } ^


 SUB SP, SP, # 4

 LDMIA SP !, { R0 }

@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@


 Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0.

-   MOV   LR, R0

+   MOV LR, R0



 Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack.

@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@



-Restore  the return address.

+Restore the return address.

           LDR LR, [ LR, # + 60 ]



diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7S64.h b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7S64.h
index 5f37523..eaa2301 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7S64.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7S64.h
@@ -459,10 +459,10 @@
                                    unsigned int mode_tx )   /* \arg mode Register to be programmed */


     /** Disable interrupts */

-    pSSC->SSC_IDR  = ( unsigned int ) -1;

+    pSSC->SSC_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset receiver and transmitter */




     /** Define the Clock Mode Register */

     AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate( pSSC, syst_clock, baud_rate );

@@ -753,16 +753,16 @@
     pSPI->SPI_CSR[ 3 ] = 0;


     /** Reset the SPI mode */

-    pSPI->SPI_MR       = 0;

+    pSPI->SPI_MR = 0;


     /** Disable all interrupts */

-    pSPI->SPI_IDR      = 0xFFFFFFFF;



     /** Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers */

     AT91F_PDC_Close( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pSPI->SPI_RPR ) );


     /** Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately */

-    pSPI->SPI_CR       = AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS;




 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@

     unsigned int value_for_cs;


-    value_for_cs  = ( ~( 1 << cs_number ) ) & 0xF; /*Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number */

+    value_for_cs = ( ~( 1 << cs_number ) ) & 0xF; /*Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number */

     pSPI->SPI_TDR = ( character & 0xFFFF ) | ( value_for_cs << 16 );



@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@
                                      unsigned int period,    /* \arg PWM period */

                                      unsigned int duty )     /* \arg PWM duty cycle */


-    pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CMR   = mode;

+    pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CMR = mode;

     pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CDTYR = duty;

     pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CPRDR = period;


@@ -1132,8 +1132,8 @@
             return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock( pCKGR, slowClock ) / prescaler;


         case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK: /* PLLB clock is selected */

-            reg           = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLR;

-            pllDivider    = ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV );

+            reg = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLR;

+            pllDivider = ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV );

             pllMultiplier = ( ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_MUL ) >> 16 ) + 1;

             return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock( pCKGR, slowClock ) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;


@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
                                    unsigned int mode )


     pPMC->PMC_PCKR[ pck ] = mode;

-    pPMC->PMC_SCER        = ( 1 << pck ) << 8;

+    pPMC->PMC_SCER = ( 1 << pck ) << 8;



 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -1321,9 +1321,9 @@

     unsigned int prescal, startup, shtim;


-    prescal      = mck_clock / ( 2 * adc_clock ) - 1;

-    startup      = adc_clock * startup_time / 8 - 1;

-    shtim        = adc_clock * sample_and_hold_time / 1000 - 1;

+    prescal = mck_clock / ( 2 * adc_clock ) - 1;

+    startup = adc_clock * startup_time / 8 - 1;

+    shtim = adc_clock * sample_and_hold_time / 1000 - 1;


     /** Write to the MR register */

     pADC->ADC_MR = ( ( prescal << 8 ) & AT91C_ADC_PRESCAL ) | ( ( startup << 16 ) & AT91C_ADC_STARTUP ) | ( ( shtim << 24 ) & AT91C_ADC_SHTIM );

@@ -1987,10 +1987,10 @@
     pTWI->TWI_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset peripheral */




     /** Set Master mode */





 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2145,7 +2145,7 @@
     pUSART->US_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset receiver and transmitter */




     /** Define the baud rate divisor register */

     AT91F_US_SetBaudrate( pUSART, mainClock, baudRate );

@@ -2157,7 +2157,7 @@
     AT91F_PDC_Open( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pUSART->US_RPR ) );


     /** Define the USART mode */

-    pUSART->US_MR  = mode;

+    pUSART->US_MR = mode;



 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2234,19 +2234,19 @@
     pUSART->US_BRGR = 0;


     /** Reset the USART mode */

-    pUSART->US_MR   = 0;

+    pUSART->US_MR = 0;


     /** Reset the Timeguard Register */

     pUSART->US_TTGR = 0;


     /** Disable all interrupts */




     /** Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers */

     AT91F_PDC_Close( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pUSART->US_RPR ) );


     /** Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately */





 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2542,17 +2542,17 @@
     unsigned int oldHandler;

     unsigned int mask;


-    oldHandler              = pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ];

+    oldHandler = pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ];


-    mask                    = 0x1 << irq_id;

+    mask = 0x1 << irq_id;

     /** Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller */

-    pAic->AIC_IDCR          = mask;

+    pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask;

     /** Save the interrupt handler routine pointer and the interrupt priority */

     pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ] = ( unsigned int ) newHandler;

     /** Store the Source Mode Register */

     pAic->AIC_SMR[ irq_id ] = src_type | priority;

     /** Clear the interrupt on the interrupt controller */

-    pAic->AIC_ICCR          = mask;

+    pAic->AIC_ICCR = mask;


     return oldHandler;


diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7X128.h b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7X128.h
index 72d1b93..3b2bdf0 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7X128.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7X128.h
@@ -61,17 +61,17 @@
     unsigned int oldHandler;

     unsigned int mask;


-    oldHandler              = pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ];

+    oldHandler = pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ];


-    mask                    = 0x1 << irq_id;

+    mask = 0x1 << irq_id;

     /** Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller */

-    pAic->AIC_IDCR          = mask;

+    pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask;

     /** Save the interrupt handler routine pointer and the interrupt priority */

     pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ] = ( unsigned int ) newHandler;

     /** Store the Source Mode Register */

     pAic->AIC_SMR[ irq_id ] = src_type | priority;

     /** Clear the interrupt on the interrupt controller */

-    pAic->AIC_ICCR          = mask;

+    pAic->AIC_ICCR = mask;


     return oldHandler;


@@ -1123,8 +1123,8 @@
             return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock( pCKGR, slowClock ) / prescaler;


         case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK: /* PLLB clock is selected */

-            reg           = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLR;

-            pllDivider    = ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV );

+            reg = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLR;

+            pllDivider = ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV );

             pllMultiplier = ( ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_MUL ) >> 16 ) + 1;

             return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock( pCKGR, slowClock ) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;


@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
                                    unsigned int mode )


     pPMC->PMC_PCKR[ pck ] = mode;

-    pPMC->PMC_SCER        = ( 1 << pck ) << 8;

+    pPMC->PMC_SCER = ( 1 << pck ) << 8;



 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@
                              unsigned int period,

                              unsigned int pit_frequency )


-    pPITC->PITC_PIMR  = period ? ( period * pit_frequency + 8 ) >> 4 : 0; /* +8 to avoid %10 and /10 */

+    pPITC->PITC_PIMR = period ? ( period * pit_frequency + 8 ) >> 4 : 0; /* +8 to avoid %10 and /10 */




@@ -1768,16 +1768,16 @@
     pSPI->SPI_CSR[ 3 ] = 0;


     /** Reset the SPI mode */

-    pSPI->SPI_MR       = 0;

+    pSPI->SPI_MR = 0;


     /** Disable all interrupts */

-    pSPI->SPI_IDR      = 0xFFFFFFFF;



     /** Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers */

     AT91F_PDC_Close( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pSPI->SPI_RPR ) );


     /** Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately */

-    pSPI->SPI_CR       = AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS;




 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@

     unsigned int value_for_cs;


-    value_for_cs  = ( ~( 1 << cs_number ) ) & 0xF; /*Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number */

+    value_for_cs = ( ~( 1 << cs_number ) ) & 0xF; /*Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number */

     pSPI->SPI_TDR = ( character & 0xFFFF ) | ( value_for_cs << 16 );



@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@
     pUSART->US_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset receiver and transmitter */




     /** Define the baud rate divisor register */

     AT91F_US_SetBaudrate( pUSART, mainClock, baudRate );

@@ -1967,7 +1967,7 @@
     AT91F_PDC_Open( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pUSART->US_RPR ) );


     /** Define the USART mode */

-    pUSART->US_MR  = mode;

+    pUSART->US_MR = mode;



 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2044,19 +2044,19 @@
     pUSART->US_BRGR = 0;


     /** Reset the USART mode */

-    pUSART->US_MR   = 0;

+    pUSART->US_MR = 0;


     /** Reset the Timeguard Register */

     pUSART->US_TTGR = 0;


     /** Disable all interrupts */




     /** Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers */

     AT91F_PDC_Close( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pUSART->US_RPR ) );


     /** Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately */





 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2230,10 +2230,10 @@
                                    unsigned int mode_tx )   /* \arg mode Register to be programmed */


     /** Disable interrupts */

-    pSSC->SSC_IDR  = ( unsigned int ) -1;

+    pSSC->SSC_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset receiver and transmitter */




     /** Define the Clock Mode Register */

     AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate( pSSC, syst_clock, baud_rate );

@@ -2407,10 +2407,10 @@
     pTWI->TWI_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset peripheral */




     /** Set Master mode */

-    pTWI->TWI_CR  = AT91C_TWI_MSEN;




 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2506,7 +2506,7 @@
                                      unsigned int period,    /* \arg PWM period */

                                      unsigned int duty )     /* \arg PWM duty cycle */


-    pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CMR   = mode;

+    pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CMR = mode;

     pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CDTYR = duty;

     pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CPRDR = period;


@@ -3210,9 +3210,9 @@

     unsigned int prescal, startup, shtim;


-    prescal      = mck_clock / ( 2 * adc_clock ) - 1;

-    startup      = adc_clock * startup_time / 8 - 1;

-    shtim        = adc_clock * sample_and_hold_time / 1000 - 1;

+    prescal = mck_clock / ( 2 * adc_clock ) - 1;

+    startup = adc_clock * startup_time / 8 - 1;

+    shtim = adc_clock * sample_and_hold_time / 1000 - 1;


     /** Write to the MR register */

     pADC->ADC_MR = ( ( prescal << 8 ) & AT91C_ADC_PRESCAL ) | ( ( startup << 16 ) & AT91C_ADC_STARTUP ) | ( ( shtim << 24 ) & AT91C_ADC_SHTIM );

diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7X256.h b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7X256.h
index 9d2e54e..3c4fd7d 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7X256.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/lib_AT91SAM7X256.h
@@ -61,17 +61,17 @@
     unsigned int oldHandler;

     unsigned int mask;


-    oldHandler              = pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ];

+    oldHandler = pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ];


-    mask                    = 0x1 << irq_id;

+    mask = 0x1 << irq_id;

     /** Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller */

-    pAic->AIC_IDCR          = mask;

+    pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask;

     /** Save the interrupt handler routine pointer and the interrupt priority */

     pAic->AIC_SVR[ irq_id ] = ( unsigned int ) newHandler;

     /** Store the Source Mode Register */

     pAic->AIC_SMR[ irq_id ] = src_type | priority;

     /** Clear the interrupt on the interrupt controller */

-    pAic->AIC_ICCR          = mask;

+    pAic->AIC_ICCR = mask;


     return oldHandler;


@@ -1123,8 +1123,8 @@
             return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock( pCKGR, slowClock ) / prescaler;


         case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK: /* PLLB clock is selected */

-            reg           = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLR;

-            pllDivider    = ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV );

+            reg = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLR;

+            pllDivider = ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV );

             pllMultiplier = ( ( reg & AT91C_CKGR_MUL ) >> 16 ) + 1;

             return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock( pCKGR, slowClock ) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;


@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
                                    unsigned int mode )


     pPMC->PMC_PCKR[ pck ] = mode;

-    pPMC->PMC_SCER        = ( 1 << pck ) << 8;

+    pPMC->PMC_SCER = ( 1 << pck ) << 8;



 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@
                              unsigned int period,

                              unsigned int pit_frequency )


-    pPITC->PITC_PIMR  = period ? ( period * pit_frequency + 8 ) >> 4 : 0; /* +8 to avoid %10 and /10 */

+    pPITC->PITC_PIMR = period ? ( period * pit_frequency + 8 ) >> 4 : 0; /* +8 to avoid %10 and /10 */




@@ -1768,16 +1768,16 @@
     pSPI->SPI_CSR[ 3 ] = 0;


     /** Reset the SPI mode */

-    pSPI->SPI_MR       = 0;

+    pSPI->SPI_MR = 0;


     /** Disable all interrupts */

-    pSPI->SPI_IDR      = 0xFFFFFFFF;



     /** Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers */

     AT91F_PDC_Close( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pSPI->SPI_RPR ) );


     /** Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately */

-    pSPI->SPI_CR       = AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS;




 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@

     unsigned int value_for_cs;


-    value_for_cs  = ( ~( 1 << cs_number ) ) & 0xF; /*Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number */

+    value_for_cs = ( ~( 1 << cs_number ) ) & 0xF; /*Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number */

     pSPI->SPI_TDR = ( character & 0xFFFF ) | ( value_for_cs << 16 );



@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@
     pUSART->US_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset receiver and transmitter */




     /** Define the baud rate divisor register */

     AT91F_US_SetBaudrate( pUSART, mainClock, baudRate );

@@ -1967,7 +1967,7 @@
     AT91F_PDC_Open( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pUSART->US_RPR ) );


     /** Define the USART mode */

-    pUSART->US_MR  = mode;

+    pUSART->US_MR = mode;



 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2044,19 +2044,19 @@
     pUSART->US_BRGR = 0;


     /** Reset the USART mode */

-    pUSART->US_MR   = 0;

+    pUSART->US_MR = 0;


     /** Reset the Timeguard Register */

     pUSART->US_TTGR = 0;


     /** Disable all interrupts */




     /** Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers */

     AT91F_PDC_Close( ( AT91PS_PDC ) &( pUSART->US_RPR ) );


     /** Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately */





 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2230,10 +2230,10 @@
                                    unsigned int mode_tx )   /* \arg mode Register to be programmed */


     /** Disable interrupts */

-    pSSC->SSC_IDR  = ( unsigned int ) -1;

+    pSSC->SSC_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset receiver and transmitter */




     /** Define the Clock Mode Register */

     AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate( pSSC, syst_clock, baud_rate );

@@ -2407,10 +2407,10 @@
     pTWI->TWI_IDR = ( unsigned int ) -1;


     /** Reset peripheral */




     /** Set Master mode */

-    pTWI->TWI_CR  = AT91C_TWI_MSEN;




 /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@@ -2506,7 +2506,7 @@
                                      unsigned int period,    /* \arg PWM period */

                                      unsigned int duty )     /* \arg PWM duty cycle */


-    pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CMR   = mode;

+    pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CMR = mode;

     pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CDTYR = duty;

     pPWM->PWMC_CH[ channelId ].PWMC_CPRDR = period;


@@ -3210,9 +3210,9 @@

     unsigned int prescal, startup, shtim;


-    prescal      = mck_clock / ( 2 * adc_clock ) - 1;

-    startup      = adc_clock * startup_time / 8 - 1;

-    shtim        = adc_clock * sample_and_hold_time / 1000 - 1;

+    prescal = mck_clock / ( 2 * adc_clock ) - 1;

+    startup = adc_clock * startup_time / 8 - 1;

+    shtim = adc_clock * sample_and_hold_time / 1000 - 1;


     /** Write to the MR register */

     pADC->ADC_MR = ( ( prescal << 8 ) & AT91C_ADC_PRESCAL ) | ( ( startup << 16 ) & AT91C_ADC_STARTUP ) | ( ( shtim << 24 ) & AT91C_ADC_SHTIM );

diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/port.c b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/port.c
index dd4b9c6..0ad6ba7 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@


         /* Clear the PIT interrupt. */

-        ulDummy                   = AT91C_BASE_PITC->PITC_PIVR;

+        ulDummy = AT91C_BASE_PITC->PITC_PIVR;


         /* End the interrupt in the AIC. */

         AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_EOICR = ulDummy;

diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/portmacro.h
index 338eae0..f40f457 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM7S64/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/ISR_Support.h
index a04a9fb..338d052 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/ISR_Support.h
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 EXTERN pxCurrentTCB

-EXTERN           ulCriticalNesting

+EXTERN ulCriticalNesting



-Context          save and restore macro definitions

+Context save and restore macro definitions






 Push R0 as we are going to use the register.

-   STMDB         SP !, { R0 }

+   STMDB SP !, { R0 }



 Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer.

-   STMDB         SP, { SP } ^

+   STMDB SP, { SP } ^


 SUB SP, SP, # 4

 LDMIA SP !, { R0 }

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@


 Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0.

-   MOV   LR, R0

+   MOV LR, R0



 Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack.

@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@



-Restore  the return address.

+Restore the return address.

           LDR LR, [ LR, # + 60 ]



diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/port.c b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/port.c
index 7929104..f96e576 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/portmacro.h
index 658b91a..c659756 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/AtmelSAM9XE/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/LPC2000/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/LPC2000/ISR_Support.h
index ea7f6de..72f4b15 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/LPC2000/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/LPC2000/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,24 +22,25 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */


 EXTERN pxCurrentTCB

-EXTERN           ulCriticalNesting

+EXTERN ulCriticalNesting



-Context          save and restore macro definitions

+Context save and restore macro definitions






 Push R0 as we are going to use the register.

-   STMDB         SP !, { R0 }

+   STMDB SP !, { R0 }



 Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer.

-   STMDB         SP, { SP } ^

+   STMDB SP, { SP } ^


 SUB SP, SP, # 4

 LDMIA SP !, { R0 }

@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@


 Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0.

-   MOV   LR, R0

+   MOV LR, R0



 Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack.

@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@



-Restore  the return address.

+Restore the return address.

           LDR LR, [ LR, # + 60 ]



diff --git a/portable/IAR/LPC2000/port.c b/portable/IAR/LPC2000/port.c
index 941a8e3..7682626 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/LPC2000/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/LPC2000/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@


         /* Ready for the next interrupt. */

-        T0IR        = portTIMER_MATCH_ISR_BIT;

+        T0IR = portTIMER_MATCH_ISR_BIT;

         VICVectAddr = portCLEAR_VIC_INTERRUPT;



@@ -222,7 +223,7 @@


         /* Ready for the next interrupt. */

-        T0IR        = portTIMER_MATCH_ISR_BIT;

+        T0IR = portTIMER_MATCH_ISR_BIT;

         VICVectAddr = portCLEAR_VIC_INTERRUPT;



@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@

     /* A 1ms tick does not require the use of the timer prescale.  This is

      * defaulted to zero but can be used if necessary. */

-    T0PR           = portPRESCALE_VALUE;



     /* Calculate the match value required for our wanted tick rate. */

     ulCompareMatch = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

@@ -249,14 +250,14 @@



-    T0MR0          = ulCompareMatch;

+    T0MR0 = ulCompareMatch;


     /* Generate tick with timer 0 compare match. */




     /* Setup the VIC for the timer. */

-    VICIntSelect  &= ~( portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT );

-    VICIntEnable  |= portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT;

+    VICIntSelect &= ~( portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT );

+    VICIntEnable |= portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT;


     /* The ISR installed depends on whether the preemptive or cooperative

      * scheduler is being used. */

@@ -274,11 +275,11 @@

     #endif /* if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1 */





     /* Start the timer - interrupts are disabled when this function is called

      * so it is okay to do this here. */

-    T0TCR          = portENABLE_TIMER;

+    T0TCR = portENABLE_TIMER;




diff --git a/portable/IAR/LPC2000/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/LPC2000/portmacro.h
index 62df450..3133d8d 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/LPC2000/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/LPC2000/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/MSP430/port.c b/portable/IAR/MSP430/port.c
index ac75cb6..229cf06 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/MSP430/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/MSP430/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -148,24 +149,24 @@
 void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Ensure the timer is stopped. */

-    TACTL   = 0;

+    TACTL = 0;


     /* Run the timer of the ACLK. */

-    TACTL   = TASSEL_1;

+    TACTL = TASSEL_1;


     /* Clear everything to start with. */

-    TACTL  |= TACLR;

+    TACTL |= TACLR;


     /* Set the compare match value according to the tick rate we want. */




     /* Enable the interrupts. */

     TACCTL0 = CCIE;


     /* Start up clean. */

-    TACTL  |= TACLR;

+    TACTL |= TACLR;


     /* Up mode. */

-    TACTL  |= MC_1;

+    TACTL |= MC_1;



diff --git a/portable/IAR/MSP430/portasm.h b/portable/IAR/MSP430/portasm.h
index 8f984dd..0873b6a 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/MSP430/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/MSP430/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTASM_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/MSP430/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/MSP430/portmacro.h
index 1239cdf..9e957f8 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/MSP430/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/MSP430/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/MSP430X/data_model.h b/portable/IAR/MSP430X/data_model.h
index 00ef5de..875cc3f 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/MSP430X/data_model.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/MSP430X/data_model.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef DATA_MODEL_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/MSP430X/port.c b/portable/IAR/MSP430X/port.c
index 2e2b695..873ac71 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/MSP430X/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/MSP430X/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -102,15 +103,15 @@
         pulTopOfStack = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;



-    *pulTopOfStack    = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

+    *pulTopOfStack = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;


-    pusTopOfStack     = ( uint16_t * ) pulTopOfStack;

+    pusTopOfStack = ( uint16_t * ) pulTopOfStack;


-    *pusTopOfStack    = portFLAGS_INT_ENABLED;

-    pusTopOfStack    -= ( sizeof( StackType_t ) / 2 );

+    *pusTopOfStack = portFLAGS_INT_ENABLED;

+    pusTopOfStack -= ( sizeof( StackType_t ) / 2 );


     /* From here on the size of stacked items depends on the memory model. */

-    pxTopOfStack      = ( StackType_t * ) pusTopOfStack;

+    pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t * ) pusTopOfStack;


     /* Next the general purpose registers. */


@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@
     /* A variable is used to keep track of the critical section nesting.

      * This variable has to be stored as part of the task context and is

      * initially set to zero. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING;


     /* Return a pointer to the top of the stack we have generated so this can

      * be stored in the task control block for the task. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/MSP430X/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/MSP430X/portmacro.h
index 7cd2b78..708601c 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/MSP430X/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/MSP430X/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/RV32I_CLINT_no_extensions/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/RV32I_CLINT_no_extensions/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
index 982db92..1877057 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/RV32I_CLINT_no_extensions/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/chip_specific_extensions/RV32I_CLINT_no_extensions/freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/port.c b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/port.c
index 601e77c..3d73271 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
  * interrupt stack after the scheduler has started. */

 #ifdef configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS

     static __attribute__( ( aligned( 16 ) ) ) StackType_t xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ] = { 0 };

-    const StackType_t xISRStackTop                     = ( StackType_t ) &( xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ] );

+    const StackType_t xISRStackTop = ( StackType_t ) &( xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ] );


 /* Don't use 0xa5 as the stack fill bytes as that is used by the kernerl for

  * the task stacks, and so will legitimately appear in many positions within

@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
     #define portISR_STACK_FILL_BYTE    0xee


     extern const uint32_t __freertos_irq_stack_top[];

-    const StackType_t     xISRStackTop                 = ( StackType_t ) __freertos_irq_stack_top;

+    const StackType_t xISRStackTop = ( StackType_t ) __freertos_irq_stack_top;




@@ -87,11 +88,11 @@


 /* Used to program the machine timer compare register. */

-uint64_t            ullNextTime                        = 0ULL;

-const uint64_t *    pullNextTime                       = &ullNextTime;

-const size_t        uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick        = ( size_t ) ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ ) / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ ) );/* Assumes increment won't go over 32-bits. */

-uint32_t const      ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase = configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS;

-volatile uint64_t * pullMachineTimerCompareRegister    = NULL;

+uint64_t ullNextTime = 0ULL;

+const uint64_t * pullNextTime = &ullNextTime;

+const size_t uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick = ( size_t ) ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ ) / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ ) ); /* Assumes increment won't go over 32-bits. */

+uint32_t const ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase = configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS;

+volatile uint64_t * pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = NULL;


 /* Set configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW to 3 to add ISR stack checking to task

  * stack checking.  A problem in the ISR stack will trigger an assert, not call the

@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
 #if defined( configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ) && ( configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 )

     #warning This path not tested, or even compiled yet.


-    static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[]        =

+    static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[] =




@@ -121,29 +122,29 @@

     void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t                  ulCurrentTimeHigh, ulCurrentTimeLow;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentTimeHigh, ulCurrentTimeLow;

         volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeHigh = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS ) + 4UL ); /* 8-byte typer so high 32-bit word is 4 bytes up. */

-        volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeLow  = ( uint32_t * ) ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS );

-        volatile uint32_t         ulHartId;

+        volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeLow = ( uint32_t * ) ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS );

+        volatile uint32_t ulHartId;


         __asm volatile ( "csrr %0, 0xf14" : "=r" ( ulHartId ) ); /* 0xf14 is hartid. */


-        pullMachineTimerCompareRegister  = ( volatile uint64_t * ) ( ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase + ( ulHartId * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );

+        pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = ( volatile uint64_t * ) ( ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase + ( ulHartId * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );




             ulCurrentTimeHigh = *pulTimeHigh;

-            ulCurrentTimeLow  = *pulTimeLow;

+            ulCurrentTimeLow = *pulTimeLow;

         } while( ulCurrentTimeHigh != *pulTimeHigh );


-        ullNextTime                      = ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeHigh;

-        ullNextTime                    <<= 32ULL; /* High 4-byte word is 32-bits up. */

-        ullNextTime                     |= ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeLow;

-        ullNextTime                     += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

+        ullNextTime = ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeHigh;

+        ullNextTime <<= 32ULL; /* High 4-byte word is 32-bits up. */

+        ullNextTime |= ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeLow;

+        ullNextTime += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

         *pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = ullNextTime;


         /* Prepare the time to use after the next tick interrupt. */

-        ullNextTime                     += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

+        ullNextTime += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;



 #endif /* ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portmacro.h
index 6131f62..e43fbad 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/RL78/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/RL78/ISR_Support.h
index a8d8b0b..e48401b 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RL78/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/RL78/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */



@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@

                                                                memory mode ) registers the usCriticalNesting Value and the Stack Pointer


-of the active Task onto the task         stack

+of the active Task onto the task stack




@@ -51,19 +52,19 @@

 Save AX Register to stack.


-MOV     A, CS;


 Save CS register.

-   XCH  A, X

+   XCH A, X


 Save ES register.


-PUSH    DE;


 Save the remaining general purpose registers.


-MOVW    AX, usCriticalNesting;

+MOVW AX, usCriticalNesting;

 Save the usCriticalNesting value.


-MOVW    AX, pxCurrentTCB;

+MOVW AX, pxCurrentTCB;

 Save the Stack pointer.



@@ -75,13 +76,13 @@



-portRESTORE_CONTEXT                  MACRO



 Restores the task Stack Pointer then use this to restore usCriticalNesting,


-general purpose                      registers and the CS and ES( only in far memory mode )

+general purpose registers and the CS and ES( only in far memory mode )


-of the selected task from the task   stack

+of the selected task from the task stack




@@ -96,16 +97,16 @@

 Restore the necessary general purpose registers.

    POP DE

-POP     AX;


 Restore the ES register.

-   MOV  ES, A

+   MOV ES, A

 XCH A, X;

 Restore the CS register.

-   MOV  CS, A

+   MOV CS, A


 Restore general purpose register HL.

-   POP  AX;

+   POP AX;

 Restore AX.

-        ENDM

+   ENDM



diff --git a/portable/IAR/RL78/port.c b/portable/IAR/RL78/port.c
index ddf4057..3af6152 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RL78/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/RL78/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -112,16 +113,16 @@


             /* Write in the parameter value. */

-            pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-            *pulLocal     = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

+            pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+            *pulLocal = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;



             /* The return address, leaving space for the first two bytes of	the

              * 32-bit value.  See the comments above the prvTaskExitError() prototype

              * at the top of this file. */


-            pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-            *pulLocal     = ( uint32_t ) prvTaskExitError;

+            pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+            *pulLocal = ( uint32_t ) prvTaskExitError;



             /* The start address / PSW value is also written in as a 32-bit value,

@@ -129,8 +130,8 @@


             /* Task function start address combined with the PSW. */

-            pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-            *pulLocal     = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );

+            pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+            *pulLocal = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );



             /* An initial value for the AX register. */

@@ -143,8 +144,8 @@
              * 32-bit value.  See the comments above the prvTaskExitError() prototype

              * at the top of this file. */


-            pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-            *pulLocal     = ( uint32_t ) prvTaskExitError;

+            pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+            *pulLocal = ( uint32_t ) prvTaskExitError;



             /* Task function.  Again as it is written as a 32-bit value a space is

@@ -152,8 +153,8 @@


             /* Task function start address combined with the PSW. */

-            pulLocal      = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-            *pulLocal     = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );

+            pulLocal = ( uint32_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+            *pulLocal = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) | ( portPSW << 24UL ) );



             /* The parameter is passed in AX. */

@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@

 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


-    const uint16_t usClockHz      = 15000UL; /* Internal clock. */

+    const uint16_t usClockHz = 15000UL; /* Internal clock. */

     const uint16_t usCompareMatch = ( usClockHz / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) + 1UL;


     /* Use the internal 15K clock. */

@@ -243,19 +244,19 @@
             RTCEN = ( uint8_t ) 1U;


             /* Disable INTIT interrupt. */

-            ITMK  = ( uint8_t ) 1;

+            ITMK = ( uint8_t ) 1;


             /* Disable ITMC operation. */

-            ITMC  = ( uint8_t ) 0x0000;

+            ITMC = ( uint8_t ) 0x0000;


             /* Clear INIT interrupt. */

-            ITIF  = ( uint8_t ) 0;

+            ITIF = ( uint8_t ) 0;


             /* Set interval and enable interrupt operation. */

-            ITMC  = usCompareMatch | 0x8000U;

+            ITMC = usCompareMatch | 0x8000U;


             /* Enable INTIT interrupt. */

-            ITMK  = ( uint8_t ) 0;

+            ITMK = ( uint8_t ) 0;


     #endif /* ifdef RTCEN */


@@ -268,13 +269,13 @@
             TMKAMK = ( uint8_t ) 1;


             /* Disable ITMC operation. */

-            ITMC   = ( uint8_t ) 0x0000;

+            ITMC = ( uint8_t ) 0x0000;


             /* Clear INIT interrupt. */

             TMKAIF = ( uint8_t ) 0;


             /* Set interval and enable interrupt operation. */

-            ITMC   = usCompareMatch | 0x8000U;

+            ITMC = usCompareMatch | 0x8000U;


             /* Enable INTIT interrupt. */

             TMKAMK = ( uint8_t ) 0;

diff --git a/portable/IAR/RL78/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/RL78/portmacro.h
index 97c1197..d667dae 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RL78/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/RL78/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/IAR/RX100/port.c b/portable/IAR/RX100/port.c
index f444c55..65acbf4 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RX100/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/RX100/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@


 /* Calculate how many clock increments make up a single tick period. */

-static const uint32_t ulMatchValueForOneTick                = ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+static const uint32_t ulMatchValueForOneTick = ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );


 #if configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1


@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@
 /* Flag set from the tick interrupt to allow the sleep processing to know if

  * sleep mode was exited because of a tick interrupt, or an interrupt

  * generated by something else. */

-    static volatile uint32_t ulTickFlag                     = pdFALSE;

+    static volatile uint32_t ulTickFlag = pdFALSE;


 /* The CMT counter is stopped temporarily each time it is re-programmed.

  * The following constant offsets the CMT counter match value by the number of

@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@
  * compensate for the lost time.  The large difference between the divided CMT

  * clock and the CPU clock means it is likely ulStoppedTimerCompensation will

  * equal zero - and be optimised away. */

-    static const uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation        = 100UL / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) );

+    static const uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 100UL / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) );


 #endif /* if configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 */


@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


@@ -290,19 +291,19 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Unlock. */




     /* Enable CMT0. */

-    MSTP( CMT0 )        = 0;

+    MSTP( CMT0 ) = 0;


     /* Lock again. */




     /* Interrupt on compare match. */

-    CMT0.CMCR.BIT.CMIE  = 1;

+    CMT0.CMCR.BIT.CMIE = 1;


     /* Set the compare match value. */

-    CMT0.CMCOR          = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValueForOneTick;

+    CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValueForOneTick;


     /* Divide the PCLK. */

     #if portCLOCK_DIVISOR == 512

@@ -329,10 +330,10 @@


     /* Enable the interrupt... */

-    _IEN( _CMT0_CMI0 )  = 1;

+    _IEN( _CMT0_CMI0 ) = 1;


     /* ...and set its priority to the application defined kernel priority. */




     /* Start the timer. */

     CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;

@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@

     void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t         ulMatchValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCurrentCount;

+        uint32_t ulMatchValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCurrentCount;

         eSleepModeStatus eSleepAction;



@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@

         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime tick

          * periods. */

-        ulMatchValue        = ulMatchValueForOneTick * xExpectedIdleTime;

+        ulMatchValue = ulMatchValueForOneTick * xExpectedIdleTime;


         if( ulMatchValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -405,12 +406,12 @@
         /* The tick flag is set to false before sleeping.  If it is true when

          * sleep mode is exited then sleep mode was probably exited because the

          * tick was suppressed for the entire xExpectedIdleTime period. */

-        ulTickFlag          = pdFALSE;

+        ulTickFlag = pdFALSE;


         /* If a context switch is pending then abandon the low power entry as

          * the context switch might have been pended by an external interrupt that

          * requires processing. */

-        eSleepAction        = eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus();

+        eSleepAction = eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus();


         if( eSleepAction == eAbortSleep )


@@ -421,42 +422,42 @@
         else if( eSleepAction == eNoTasksWaitingTimeout )


             /* Protection off. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD      = portUNLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portUNLOCK_KEY;


             /* Ready for software standby with all clocks stopped. */

             SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY = 1;


             /* Protection on. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD      = portLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portLOCK_KEY;


             /* Sleep until something happens.  Calling prvSleep() will

              * automatically reset the i bit in the PSW. */

             prvSleep( xExpectedIdleTime );


             /* Restart the CMT. */

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0   = 1;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;




             /* Protection off. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD           = portUNLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portUNLOCK_KEY;


             /* Ready for deep sleep mode. */

-            SYSTEM.MSTPCRC.BIT.DSLPE   = 1;

+            SYSTEM.MSTPCRC.BIT.DSLPE = 1;

             SYSTEM.MSTPCRA.BIT.MSTPA28 = 1;

-            SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY      = 0;

+            SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY = 0;


             /* Protection on. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD           = portLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portLOCK_KEY;


             /* Adjust the match value to take into account that the current

              * time slice is already partially complete. */

-            ulMatchValue              -= ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

-            CMT0.CMCOR                 = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+            ulMatchValue -= ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

+            CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;


             /* Restart the CMT to count up to the new match value. */

-            CMT0.CMCNT                 = 0;

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 1;

+            CMT0.CMCNT = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;


             /* Sleep until something happens.  Calling prvSleep() will

              * automatically reset the i bit in the PSW. */

@@ -466,14 +467,14 @@
              * accounted for as best it can be, but using the tickless mode will

              * inevitably result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the

              * kernel with	respect to calendar time. */

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 0;


             while( CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 == 1 )


                 /* Nothing to do here. */



-            ulCurrentCount             = ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

+            ulCurrentCount = ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;


             if( ulTickFlag != pdFALSE )


@@ -482,8 +483,8 @@
                  * tick processing will not occur until after this function has

                  * exited.  Reset the match value with whatever remains of this

                  * tick period. */

-                ulMatchValue          = ulMatchValueForOneTick - ulCurrentCount;

-                CMT0.CMCOR            = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+                ulMatchValue = ulMatchValueForOneTick - ulCurrentCount;

+                CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;


                 /* The tick interrupt handler will already have pended the tick

                  * processing in the kernel.  As the pending tick will be

@@ -502,15 +503,15 @@

                 /* The match value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                ulMatchValue          = ulCurrentCount - ( ulCompleteTickPeriods * ulMatchValueForOneTick );

-                CMT0.CMCOR            = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+                ulMatchValue = ulCurrentCount - ( ulCompleteTickPeriods * ulMatchValueForOneTick );

+                CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;



             /* Restart the CMT so it runs up to the match value.  The match value

              * will get set to the value required to generate exactly one tick period

              * the next time the CMT interrupt executes. */

-            CMT0.CMCNT                 = 0;

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 1;

+            CMT0.CMCNT = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;


             /* Wind the tick forward by the number of tick periods that the CPU

              * remained in a low power state. */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/RX100/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/RX100/portmacro.h
index 637817d..99da589 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RX100/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/RX100/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/RX600/port.c b/portable/IAR/RX600/port.c
index 517d77f..a413d01 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RX600/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/RX600/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


diff --git a/portable/IAR/RX600/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/RX600/portmacro.h
index e8e7411..3d30185 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RX600/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/RX600/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/RXv2/port.c b/portable/IAR/RXv2/port.c
index 6725acf..267ef18 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RXv2/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/RXv2/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


diff --git a/portable/IAR/RXv2/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/RXv2/portmacro.h
index 5cd63be..354c1a9 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RXv2/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/RXv2/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR71x/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/STR71x/ISR_Support.h
index ea7f6de..72f4b15 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR71x/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR71x/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,24 +22,25 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */


 EXTERN pxCurrentTCB

-EXTERN           ulCriticalNesting

+EXTERN ulCriticalNesting



-Context          save and restore macro definitions

+Context save and restore macro definitions






 Push R0 as we are going to use the register.

-   STMDB         SP !, { R0 }

+   STMDB SP !, { R0 }



 Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer.

-   STMDB         SP, { SP } ^

+   STMDB SP, { SP } ^


 SUB SP, SP, # 4

 LDMIA SP !, { R0 }

@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@


 Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0.

-   MOV   LR, R0

+   MOV LR, R0



 Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack.

@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@



-Restore  the return address.

+Restore the return address.

           LDR LR, [ LR, # + 60 ]



diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR71x/port.c b/portable/IAR/STR71x/port.c
index c09e244..96570d7 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR71x/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR71x/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR71x/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/STR71x/portmacro.h
index 980eabd..59b3526 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR71x/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR71x/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR75x/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/STR75x/ISR_Support.h
index ea7f6de..72f4b15 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR75x/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR75x/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,24 +22,25 @@
    * ; *

    * ; *

    * ; *

+   * ; * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

    * ; */


 EXTERN pxCurrentTCB

-EXTERN           ulCriticalNesting

+EXTERN ulCriticalNesting



-Context          save and restore macro definitions

+Context save and restore macro definitions






 Push R0 as we are going to use the register.

-   STMDB         SP !, { R0 }

+   STMDB SP !, { R0 }



 Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer.

-   STMDB         SP, { SP } ^

+   STMDB SP, { SP } ^


 SUB SP, SP, # 4

 LDMIA SP !, { R0 }

@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@


 Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0.

-   MOV   LR, R0

+   MOV LR, R0



 Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack.

@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@



-Restore  the return address.

+Restore the return address.

           LDR LR, [ LR, # + 60 ]



diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR75x/port.c b/portable/IAR/STR75x/port.c
index 7de5624..fe0fbd2 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR75x/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR75x/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -176,19 +177,19 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     EIC_IRQInitTypeDef EIC_IRQInitStructure;

-    TB_InitTypeDef     TB_InitStructure;

+    TB_InitTypeDef TB_InitStructure;


     /* Setup the EIC for the TB. */

-    EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannelCmd      = ENABLE;

-    EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannel         = TB_IRQChannel;

+    EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;

+    EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannel = TB_IRQChannel;

     EIC_IRQInitStructure.EIC_IRQChannelPriority = 1;

     EIC_IRQInit( &EIC_IRQInitStructure );


     /* Setup the TB for the generation of the tick interrupt. */

-    TB_InitStructure.TB_Mode                    = TB_Mode_Timing;

-    TB_InitStructure.TB_CounterMode             = TB_CounterMode_Down;

-    TB_InitStructure.TB_Prescaler               = portPRESCALE - 1;

-    TB_InitStructure.TB_AutoReload              = ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / portPRESCALE ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+    TB_InitStructure.TB_Mode = TB_Mode_Timing;

+    TB_InitStructure.TB_CounterMode = TB_CounterMode_Down;

+    TB_InitStructure.TB_Prescaler = portPRESCALE - 1;

+    TB_InitStructure.TB_AutoReload = ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / portPRESCALE ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

     TB_Init( &TB_InitStructure );


     /* Enable TB Update interrupt */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR75x/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/STR75x/portmacro.h
index 73fbc2d..21f11ca 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR75x/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR75x/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR91x/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/STR91x/ISR_Support.h
index 8f51a52..3352160 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR91x/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR91x/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,24 +22,25 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 EXTERN pxCurrentTCB

-EXTERN           ulCriticalNesting

+EXTERN ulCriticalNesting



-Context          save and restore macro definitions

+Context save and restore macro definitions






 Push R0 as we are going to use the register.

-   STMDB         SP !, { R0 }

+   STMDB SP !, { R0 }



 Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer.

-   STMDB         SP, { SP } ^

+   STMDB SP, { SP } ^


 SUB SP, SP, # 4

 LDMIA SP !, { R0 }

@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@


 Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0.

-   MOV   LR, R0

+   MOV LR, R0



 Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack.

@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@



-Restore  the return address.

+Restore the return address.

           LDR LR, [ LR, # + 60 ]



diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR91x/port.c b/portable/IAR/STR91x/port.c
index c3d8409..5e643e4 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR91x/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR91x/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -216,8 +217,8 @@
         /* This function is copied from the ST STR7 library and is

          * copyright STMicroelectronics.  Reproduced with permission. */


-        u32     b0;

-        u16     a0;

+        u32 b0;

+        u16 a0;

         int32_t err, err_min = n;


         *a = a0 = ( ( n - 1 ) / 65536ul ) + 1;

@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@

         for( ; *a <= 256; ( *a )++ )


-            *b  = n / *a;

+            *b = n / *a;

             err = ( int32_t ) *a * ( int32_t ) *b - ( int32_t ) n;


             if( abs( err ) > ( *a / 2 ) )

@@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
             if( abs( err ) < abs( err_min ) )


                 err_min = err;

-                a0      = *a;

-                b0      = *b;

+                a0 = *a;

+                b0 = *b;


                 if( err == 0 )


@@ -255,8 +256,8 @@
     static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


         WDG_InitTypeDef xWdg;

-        uint16_t        a;

-        uint32_t        n = configCPU_PERIPH_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ, b;

+        uint16_t a;

+        uint32_t n = configCPU_PERIPH_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ, b;


         /* Configure the watchdog as a free running timer that generates a

          * periodic interrupt. */

@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@
         WDG_StructInit( &xWdg );

         prvFindFactors( n, &a, &b );

         xWdg.WDG_Prescaler = a - 1;

-        xWdg.WDG_Preload   = b - 1;

+        xWdg.WDG_Preload = b - 1;

         WDG_Init( &xWdg );

         WDG_ITConfig( ENABLE );


@@ -275,8 +276,8 @@
         VIC_ITCmd( WDG_ITLine, ENABLE );


         /* Install the default handlers for both VIC's. */

-        VIC0->DVAR         = ( uint32_t ) prvDefaultHandler;

-        VIC1->DVAR         = ( uint32_t ) prvDefaultHandler;

+        VIC0->DVAR = ( uint32_t ) prvDefaultHandler;

+        VIC1->DVAR = ( uint32_t ) prvDefaultHandler;


         WDG_Cmd( ENABLE );


@@ -306,8 +307,8 @@
         /* This function is copied from the ST STR7 library and is

          * copyright STMicroelectronics.  Reproduced with permission. */


-        u16     b0;

-        u8      a0;

+        u16 b0;

+        u8 a0;

         int32_t err, err_min = n;



@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@

         for( ; *a <= 256; ( *a )++ )


-            *b  = n / *a;

+            *b = n / *a;

             err = ( int32_t ) *a * ( int32_t ) *b - ( int32_t ) n;


             if( abs( err ) > ( *a / 2 ) )

@@ -328,8 +329,8 @@
             if( abs( err ) < abs( err_min ) )


                 err_min = err;

-                a0      = *a;

-                b0      = *b;

+                a0 = *a;

+                b0 = *b;


                 if( err == 0 )


@@ -345,9 +346,9 @@

     static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


-        uint8_t         a;

-        uint16_t        b;

-        uint32_t        n = configCPU_PERIPH_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

+        uint8_t a;

+        uint16_t b;

+        uint32_t n = configCPU_PERIPH_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;


         TIM_InitTypeDef timer;


@@ -356,12 +357,12 @@
         TIM_StructInit( &timer );

         prvFindFactors( n, &a, &b );


-        timer.TIM_Mode           = TIM_OCM_CHANNEL_1;

-        timer.TIM_OC1_Modes      = TIM_TIMING;

-        timer.TIM_Clock_Source   = TIM_CLK_APB;

-        timer.TIM_Clock_Edge     = TIM_CLK_EDGE_RISING;

-        timer.TIM_Prescaler      = a - 1;

-        timer.TIM_Pulse_Level_1  = TIM_HIGH;

+        timer.TIM_Mode = TIM_OCM_CHANNEL_1;

+        timer.TIM_OC1_Modes = TIM_TIMING;

+        timer.TIM_Clock_Source = TIM_CLK_APB;

+        timer.TIM_Clock_Edge = TIM_CLK_EDGE_RISING;

+        timer.TIM_Prescaler = a - 1;

+        timer.TIM_Pulse_Level_1 = TIM_HIGH;

         timer.TIM_Pulse_Length_1 = s_nPulseLength = b - 1;


         TIM_Init( TIM2, &timer );

@@ -371,8 +372,8 @@
         VIC_ITCmd( TIM2_ITLine, ENABLE );


         /* Install the default handlers for both VIC's. */

-        VIC0->DVAR               = ( uint32_t ) prvDefaultHandler;

-        VIC1->DVAR               = ( uint32_t ) prvDefaultHandler;

+        VIC0->DVAR = ( uint32_t ) prvDefaultHandler;

+        VIC1->DVAR = ( uint32_t ) prvDefaultHandler;


         TIM_CounterCmd( TIM2, TIM_CLEAR );

         TIM_CounterCmd( TIM2, TIM_START );

@@ -392,7 +393,7 @@


         /* Clear the interrupt in the watchdog. */

-        TIM2->SR   &= ~TIM_FLAG_OC1;

+        TIM2->SR &= ~TIM_FLAG_OC1;



 #endif /* USE_WATCHDOG_TICK */

diff --git a/portable/IAR/STR91x/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/STR91x/portmacro.h
index bca060a..010d39e 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/STR91x/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/STR91x/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/IAR/V850ES/ISR_Support.h b/portable/IAR/V850ES/ISR_Support.h
index 0643133..7a1361e 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/V850ES/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/V850ES/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 EXTERN pxCurrentTCB

@@ -35,20 +36,20 @@



-               add - 0x0C, sp;

+    add - 0x0C, sp;

 prepare stack to save necessary values

-st.w           lp, 8[ sp ];

+st.w lp, 8[ sp ];

 store LP to stack

-               stsr    0, r31

+    stsr    0, r31

     st.w lp, 4[ sp ];

 store EIPC to stack

-               stsr    1, lp

+    stsr    1, lp

     st.w lp, 0[ sp ];

 store EIPSW to stack

 #if configDATA_MODE == 1; Using the Tiny data model

     prepare { r20, r21, r22, r23, r24, r25, r26, r27, r28, r29, r30 }, 76, sp;

     save general purpose registers

-    sst.w      r19, 72[ ep ]

+    sst.w r19, 72[ ep ]

     sst.w r18, 68[ ep ]

     sst.w r17, 64[ ep ]

     sst.w r16, 60[ ep ]

@@ -87,11 +88,11 @@
 sst.w r1, 4[ ep ]

 MOVHI hi1( usCriticalNesting ), r0, r1;

 save usCriticalNesting value to stack

-ld.w  lw1( usCriticalNesting )[ r1 ], r2

+ld.w lw1( usCriticalNesting )[ r1 ], r2

 sst.w r2, 0[ ep ]

 MOVHI hi1( pxCurrentTCB ), r0, r1;

 save SP to top of current TCB

-ld.w  lw1( pxCurrentTCB )[ r1 ], r2

+ld.w lw1( pxCurrentTCB )[ r1 ], r2

 st.w sp, 0[ r2 ]



@@ -100,11 +101,11 @@

 MOVHI hi1( pxCurrentTCB ), r0, r1;

 get Stackpointer address

-ld.w  lw1( pxCurrentTCB )[ r1 ], sp

+ld.w lw1( pxCurrentTCB )[ r1 ], sp

 MOV sp, r1

 ld.w    0[ r1 ], sp;

 load stackpointer

-MOV   sp, ep;

+MOV sp, ep;

 set stack pointer to element pointer

 sld.w   0[ ep ], r1;

 load usCriticalNesting value from stack

@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@
 ldsr lp, 0

 ld.w    8[ sp ], lp;

 restore LP from stack

-     add     0x0C, sp;

+    add     0x0C, sp;

 set SP to right position



diff --git a/portable/IAR/V850ES/port.c b/portable/IAR/V850ES/port.c
index 038a509..0b2c2d5 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/V850ES/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/V850ES/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@
 extern volatile TCB_t * volatile pxCurrentTCB;


 /* Keeps track of the nesting level of critical sections. */

-volatile StackType_t             usCriticalNesting = portINITIAL_CRITICAL_NESTING;

+volatile StackType_t usCriticalNesting = portINITIAL_CRITICAL_NESTING;



 /* Sets up the timer to generate the tick interrupt. */

@@ -55,75 +56,75 @@
                                      TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                      void * pvParameters )


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) pxCode;      /* Task function start address */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pxCode;     /* Task function start address */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) pxCode;      /* Task function start address */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pxCode;     /* Task function start address */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = portPSW;                     /* Initial PSW value */

+    *pxTopOfStack = portPSW;                    /* Initial PSW value */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x20202020;  /* Initial Value of R20 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x20202020; /* Initial Value of R20 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x21212121;  /* Initial Value of R21 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x21212121; /* Initial Value of R21 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x22222222;  /* Initial Value of R22 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x22222222; /* Initial Value of R22 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x23232323;  /* Initial Value of R23 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x23232323; /* Initial Value of R23 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x24242424;  /* Initial Value of R24 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x24242424; /* Initial Value of R24 */


     #if ( __DATA_MODEL__ == 0 ) || ( __DATA_MODEL__ == 1 )

         *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x25252525; /* Initial Value of R25 */


     #endif /* configDATA_MODE */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x26262626;  /* Initial Value of R26 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x26262626; /* Initial Value of R26 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x27272727;  /* Initial Value of R27 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x27272727; /* Initial Value of R27 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x28282828;  /* Initial Value of R28 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x28282828; /* Initial Value of R28 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x29292929;  /* Initial Value of R29 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x29292929; /* Initial Value of R29 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x30303030;  /* Initial Value of R30 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x30303030; /* Initial Value of R30 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x19191919;  /* Initial Value of R19 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x19191919; /* Initial Value of R19 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x18181818;  /* Initial Value of R18 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x18181818; /* Initial Value of R18 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x17171717;  /* Initial Value of R17 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x17171717; /* Initial Value of R17 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x16161616;  /* Initial Value of R16 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x16161616; /* Initial Value of R16 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x15151515;  /* Initial Value of R15 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x15151515; /* Initial Value of R15 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x14141414;  /* Initial Value of R14 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x14141414; /* Initial Value of R14 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x13131313;  /* Initial Value of R13 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x13131313; /* Initial Value of R13 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x12121212;  /* Initial Value of R12 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x12121212; /* Initial Value of R12 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x11111111;  /* Initial Value of R11 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x11111111; /* Initial Value of R11 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x10101010;  /* Initial Value of R10 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x10101010; /* Initial Value of R10 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x99999999;  /* Initial Value of R09 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x99999999; /* Initial Value of R09 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x88888888;  /* Initial Value of R08 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x88888888; /* Initial Value of R08 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x77777777;  /* Initial Value of R07 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x77777777; /* Initial Value of R07 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x66666666;  /* Initial Value of R06 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x66666666; /* Initial Value of R06 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x55555555;  /* Initial Value of R05 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x55555555; /* Initial Value of R05 */


     #if __DATA_MODEL__ == 0 || __DATA_MODEL__ == 1

         *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x44444444; /* Initial Value of R04 */


     #endif /* configDATA_MODE */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x22222222;   /* Initial Value of R02 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x22222222;   /* Initial Value of R02 */


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters; /* R1 is expected to hold the function parameter*/

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters; /* R1 is expected to hold the function parameter*/


-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING;



      * Return a pointer to the top of the stack we have generated so this can

@@ -159,9 +160,9 @@

 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


-    TM0CE     = 0;  /* TMM0 operation disable */

-    TM0EQMK0  = 1;  /* INTTM0EQ0 interrupt disable */

-    TM0EQIF0  = 0;  /* clear INTTM0EQ0 interrupt flag */

+    TM0CE = 0;    /* TMM0 operation disable */

+    TM0EQMK0 = 1; /* INTTM0EQ0 interrupt disable */

+    TM0EQIF0 = 0; /* clear INTTM0EQ0 interrupt flag */


     #ifdef __IAR_V850ES_Fx3__


@@ -174,9 +175,9 @@


     TM0EQIC0 &= 0xF8;

-    TM0CTL0   = 0x00;

-    TM0EQIF0  = 0;  /* clear INTTM0EQ0 interrupt flag */

-    TM0EQMK0  = 0;  /* INTTM0EQ0 interrupt enable */

-    TM0CE     = 1;  /* TMM0 operation enable */

+    TM0CTL0 = 0x00;

+    TM0EQIF0 = 0; /* clear INTTM0EQ0 interrupt flag */

+    TM0EQMK0 = 0; /* INTTM0EQ0 interrupt enable */

+    TM0CE = 1;    /* TMM0 operation enable */



diff --git a/portable/IAR/V850ES/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/V850ES/portmacro.h
index 4b2ccaf..f0a5871 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/V850ES/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/V850ES/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC18F/port.c b/portable/MPLAB/PIC18F/port.c
index 15c67a3..f85f5b7 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC18F/port.c
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC18F/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -346,7 +347,7 @@
                                      void * pvParameters )


     uint32_t ulAddress;

-    uint8_t  ucBlock;

+    uint8_t ucBlock;


     /* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack.

      * This is just useful for debugging. */

@@ -364,11 +365,11 @@

      * First store the function parameters.  This is where the task will expect to

      * find them when it starts running. */

-    ulAddress     = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

+    ulAddress = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress & ( uint32_t ) 0x00ff );



-    ulAddress   >>= 8;

+    ulAddress >>= 8;

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress & ( uint32_t ) 0x00ff );



@@ -446,17 +447,17 @@

     /* The only function return address so far is the address of the

      * task. */

-    ulAddress     = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

+    ulAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;


     /* TOS low. */

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress & ( uint32_t ) 0x00ff );


-    ulAddress   >>= 8;

+    ulAddress >>= 8;


     /* TOS high. */

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress & ( uint32_t ) 0x00ff );


-    ulAddress   >>= 8;

+    ulAddress >>= 8;


     /* TOS even higher. */

     *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress & ( uint32_t ) 0x00ff );

@@ -581,8 +582,8 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     const uint32_t ulConstCompareValue = ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / portTIMER_FOSC_SCALE ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

-    uint32_t       ulCompareValue;

-    uint8_t        ucByte;

+    uint32_t ulCompareValue;

+    uint8_t ucByte;


     /* Interrupts are disabled when this function is called.


@@ -590,24 +591,24 @@
      * 1.


      * Clear the time count then setup timer. */

-    TMR1H              = ( uint8_t ) 0x00;

-    TMR1L              = ( uint8_t ) 0x00;

+    TMR1H = ( uint8_t ) 0x00;

+    TMR1L = ( uint8_t ) 0x00;


     /* Set the compare match value. */

-    ulCompareValue     = ulConstCompareValue;

-    CCPR1L             = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareValue & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

-    ulCompareValue   >>= ( uint32_t ) 8;

-    CCPR1H             = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareValue & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

+    ulCompareValue = ulConstCompareValue;

+    CCPR1L = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareValue & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

+    ulCompareValue >>= ( uint32_t ) 8;

+    CCPR1H = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareValue & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );


     CCP1CONbits.CCP1M0 = portBIT_SET;   /*< Compare match mode. */

     CCP1CONbits.CCP1M1 = portBIT_SET;   /*< Compare match mode. */

     CCP1CONbits.CCP1M2 = portBIT_CLEAR; /*< Compare match mode. */

     CCP1CONbits.CCP1M3 = portBIT_SET;   /*< Compare match mode. */

-    PIE1bits.CCP1IE    = portBIT_SET;   /*< Interrupt enable. */

+    PIE1bits.CCP1IE = portBIT_SET;      /*< Interrupt enable. */


     /* We are only going to use the global interrupt bit, so set the peripheral

      * bit to true. */

-    INTCONbits.GIEL    = portBIT_SET;

+    INTCONbits.GIEL = portBIT_SET;


     /* Provided library function for setting up the timer that will produce the

      * tick. */

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC18F/portmacro.h b/portable/MPLAB/PIC18F/portmacro.h
index c75984f..fa3f747 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC18F/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC18F/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -71,9 +72,9 @@
 #define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()     INTCONbits.GIEH = 1;


 /* Push the INTCON register onto the stack, then disable interrupts. */

-#define portENTER_CRITICAL()                                  \

-    POSTINC1                                        = INTCON; \

-    INTCONbits.GIEH                                 = 0;

+#define portENTER_CRITICAL() \

+    POSTINC1 = INTCON;       \

+    INTCONbits.GIEH = 0;


 /* Retrieve the INTCON register from the stack, and enable interrupts

  * if they were saved as being enabled.  Don't modify any other bits

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC/port.c b/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC/port.c
index e9e1088..46d1843 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC/port.c
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -162,8 +163,8 @@
                                      TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                      void * pvParameters )


-    uint16_t          usCode;

-    UBaseType_t       i;

+    uint16_t usCode;

+    UBaseType_t i;


     const StackType_t xInitialStack[] =


@@ -203,22 +204,22 @@
     /* Setup the stack as if a yield had occurred.


      * Save the low bytes of the program counter. */

-    usCode            = ( uint16_t ) pxCode;

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) usCode;

+    usCode = ( uint16_t ) pxCode;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) usCode;



     /* Save the high byte of the program counter.  This will always be zero

      * here as it is passed in a 16bit pointer.  If the address is greater than

      * 16 bits then the pointer will point to a jump table. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0;



     /* Status register with interrupts enabled. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = portINITIAL_SR;

+    *pxTopOfStack = portINITIAL_SR;



     /* Parameters are passed in W0. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters;



     for( i = 0; i < ( sizeof( xInitialStack ) / sizeof( StackType_t ) ); i++ )

@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@



-    *pxTopOfStack     = CORCON;

+    *pxTopOfStack = CORCON;



     #if defined( __HAS_EDS__ )

@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@
     #endif /* __HAS_EDS__ */


     /* Finally the critical nesting depth. */

-    *pxTopOfStack     = 0x00;

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x00;



     return pxTopOfStack;

@@ -280,26 +281,26 @@
     const uint32_t ulCompareMatch = ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / portTIMER_PRESCALE ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1;


     /* Prescale of 8. */

-    T1CON            = 0;

-    TMR1             = 0;

+    T1CON = 0;

+    TMR1 = 0;


-    PR1              = ( uint16_t ) ulCompareMatch;

+    PR1 = ( uint16_t ) ulCompareMatch;


     /* Setup timer 1 interrupt priority. */




     /* Clear the interrupt as a starting condition. */

-    IFS0bits.T1IF    = 0;

+    IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;


     /* Enable the interrupt. */

-    IEC0bits.T1IE    = 1;

+    IEC0bits.T1IE = 1;


     /* Setup the prescale value. */

     T1CONbits.TCKPS0 = 1;

     T1CONbits.TCKPS1 = 0;


     /* Start the timer. */

-    T1CONbits.TON    = 1;

+    T1CONbits.TON = 1;




diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC/portmacro.h b/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC/portmacro.h
index 17e6707..a1ab91f 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/ISR_Support.h b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/ISR_Support.h
index feb0517..fadf12d 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/port.c b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/port.c
index 802e818..eaf189b 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/port.c
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@
  * the ISR stack. */

     #define portISR_STACK_FILL_BYTE    0xee


-    static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[]             =

+    static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[] =




@@ -140,17 +141,17 @@

 /* Records the interrupt nesting depth.  This is initialised to one as it is

  * decremented to 0 when the first task starts. */

-volatile UBaseType_t      uxInterruptNesting                = 0x01;

+volatile UBaseType_t uxInterruptNesting = 0x01;


 /* Stores the task stack pointer when a switch is made to use the system stack. */

-UBaseType_t               uxSavedTaskStackPointer           = 0;

+UBaseType_t uxSavedTaskStackPointer = 0;


 /* The stack used by interrupt service routines that cause a context switch. */

-StackType_t               xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE ] = { 0 };

+StackType_t xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE ] = { 0 };


 /* The top of stack value ensures there is enough space to store 6 registers on

  * the callers stack, as some functions seem to want to do this. */

-const StackType_t * const xISRStackTop                      = &( xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE - 7 ] );

+const StackType_t * const xISRStackTop = &( xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE - 7 ] );




@@ -232,17 +233,17 @@
     configASSERT( ulPreload != 0UL );


     /* Configure the RTOS timer. */

-    portMMCR_RTMR_CONTROL       = 0ul;

-    portMMCR_RTMR_PRELOAD       = ulPreload;

+    portMMCR_RTMR_CONTROL = 0ul;

+    portMMCR_RTMR_PRELOAD = ulPreload;


     /* Configure interrupts from the RTOS timer. */

-    portMMCR_JTVIC_GIRQ23_SRC   = ( portGIRQ23_RTOS_TIMER_MASK );


     portMMCR_JTVIC_GIRQ23_PRIA &= ~( 0x0Ful << 16 );

     portMMCR_JTVIC_GIRQ23_PRIA |= ( ( portIPL_TO_CODE( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) ) << 16 );



     /* Enable the RTOS timer. */

-    portMMCR_RTMR_CONTROL       = 0x0Fu;

+    portMMCR_RTMR_CONTROL = 0x0Fu;




@@ -267,7 +268,7 @@
     #endif /* configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 */


     /* Clear the software interrupt flag. */

-    portMMCR_JTVIC_GIRQ24_SRC   = ( portGIRQ24_M14K_SOFTIRQ0_MASK );

+    portMMCR_JTVIC_GIRQ24_SRC = ( portGIRQ24_M14K_SOFTIRQ0_MASK );


     /* Set software timer priority.  Each GIRQn has one nibble containing its

      * priority */

@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@

     /* Start the highest priority task that has been created so far.  Its stack

      * location is loaded into uxSavedTaskStackPointer. */

-    uxSavedTaskStackPointer     = *( UBaseType_t * ) pxCurrentTCB;

+    uxSavedTaskStackPointer = *( UBaseType_t * ) pxCurrentTCB;



     /* Should never get here as the tasks will now be executing!  Call the task

@@ -299,14 +300,14 @@
 void vPortIncrementTick( void )


     UBaseType_t uxSavedStatus;

-    uint32_t    ulCause;

+    uint32_t ulCause;


     uxSavedStatus = uxPortSetInterruptMaskFromISR();


         if( xTaskIncrementTick() != pdFALSE )


             /* Pend a context switch. */

-            ulCause  = ulPortGetCP0Cause();

+            ulCause = ulPortGetCP0Cause();

             ulCause |= ( 1ul << 8UL );

             vPortSetCP0Cause( ulCause );


diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/portmacro.h b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/portmacro.h
index 8ab08ef..ba05ed7 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MEC14xx/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -161,19 +162,19 @@
     {                                                                                                  \

         uint32_t ulStatus;                                                                             \

         /* Mask interrupts at and below the kernel interrupt priority. */                              \

-        ulStatus  = ulPortGetCP0Status();                                                              \

+        ulStatus = ulPortGetCP0Status();                                                               \

         ulStatus &= ~portALL_IPL_BITS;                                                                 \

         vPortSetCP0Status( ( ulStatus | ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portIPL_SHIFT ) ) ); \


     #endif /* configASSERT */


-    #define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()       \

-    {                                     \

-        uint32_t ulStatus;                \

-        /* Unmask all interrupts. */      \

-        ulStatus  = ulPortGetCP0Status(); \

-        ulStatus &= ~portALL_IPL_BITS;    \

-        vPortSetCP0Status( ulStatus );    \

+    #define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()      \

+    {                                    \

+        uint32_t ulStatus;               \

+        /* Unmask all interrupts. */     \

+        ulStatus = ulPortGetCP0Status(); \

+        ulStatus &= ~portALL_IPL_BITS;   \

+        vPortSetCP0Status( ulStatus );   \




@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - _clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - _clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )


     #endif /* taskRECORD_READY_PRIORITY */


@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@
     {                                     \

         uint32_t ulCause;                 \

         /* Trigger software interrupt. */ \

-        ulCause  = ulPortGetCP0Cause();   \

+        ulCause = ulPortGetCP0Cause();    \

         ulCause |= portSW0_BIT;           \

         vPortSetCP0Cause( ulCause );      \


diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/ISR_Support.h b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/ISR_Support.h
index 333a524..c826faf 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/port.c b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/port.c
index 57b6eef..38ac85a 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/port.c
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@



-    #define configCLEAR_TICK_TIMER_INTERRUPT()    IFS0CLR                       = _IFS0_T1IF_MASK




         #error If configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR is defined in application code then configCLEAR_TICK_TIMER_INTERRUPT must also be defined in application code.

@@ -141,17 +142,17 @@

 /* Records the interrupt nesting depth.  This is initialised to one as it is

  * decremented to 0 when the first task starts. */

-volatile UBaseType_t uxInterruptNesting         = 0x01;

+volatile UBaseType_t uxInterruptNesting = 0x01;


 /* Stores the task stack pointer when a switch is made to use the system stack. */

-UBaseType_t          uxSavedTaskStackPointer    = 0;

+UBaseType_t uxSavedTaskStackPointer = 0;


 /* The stack used by interrupt service routines that cause a context switch. */

 __attribute__( ( aligned( 8 ) ) ) StackType_t xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE ] = { 0 };


 /* The top of stack value ensures there is enough space to store 6 registers on

  * the callers stack, as some functions seem to want to do this. */

-const StackType_t * const xISRStackTop          = &( xISRStack[ ( configISR_STACK_SIZE & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) - 8 ] );

+const StackType_t * const xISRStackTop = &( xISRStack[ ( configISR_STACK_SIZE & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) - 8 ] );




@@ -220,19 +221,19 @@

     const uint32_t ulCompareMatch = ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portTIMER_PRESCALE ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1;


-    T1CON           = 0x0000;

+    T1CON = 0x0000;


-    PR1             = ulCompareMatch;


+    PR1 = ulCompareMatch;



     /* Clear the interrupt as a starting condition. */

-    IFS0bits.T1IF   = 0;

+    IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;


     /* Enable the interrupt. */

-    IEC0bits.T1IE   = 1;

+    IEC0bits.T1IE = 1;


     /* Start the timer. */

-    T1CONbits.TON   = 1;

+    T1CONbits.TON = 1;




@@ -257,15 +258,15 @@
     #endif /* configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 */


     /* Clear the software interrupt flag. */

-    IFS0CLR                 = _IFS0_CS0IF_MASK;



     /* Set software timer priority. */

-    IPC0CLR                 = _IPC0_CS0IP_MASK;

-    IPC0SET                 = ( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << _IPC0_CS0IP_POSITION );




     /* Enable software interrupt. */

-    IEC0CLR                 = _IEC0_CS0IE_MASK;

-    IEC0SET                 = 1 << _IEC0_CS0IE_POSITION;




     /* Setup the timer to generate the tick.  Interrupts will have been

      * disabled by the time we get here. */

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/portmacro.h b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/portmacro.h
index 4a7ebf0..8b683fd 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@
         uint32_t ulStatus;                                                                           \


         /* Mask interrupts at and below the kernel interrupt priority. */                            \

-        ulStatus  = _CP0_GET_STATUS();                                                               \

+        ulStatus = _CP0_GET_STATUS();                                                                \

         ulStatus &= ~portALL_IPL_BITS;                                                               \

         _CP0_SET_STATUS( ( ulStatus | ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portIPL_SHIFT ) ) ); \


@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
         uint32_t ulStatus;             \


         /* Unmask all interrupts. */   \

-        ulStatus  = _CP0_GET_STATUS(); \

+        ulStatus = _CP0_GET_STATUS();  \

         ulStatus &= ~portALL_IPL_BITS; \

         _CP0_SET_STATUS( ulStatus );   \


@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - _clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - _clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )


     #endif /* taskRECORD_READY_PRIORITY */


@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@
         uint32_t ulCause;                 \


         /* Trigger software interrupt. */ \

-        ulCause  = _CP0_GET_CAUSE();      \

+        ulCause = _CP0_GET_CAUSE();       \

         ulCause |= portSW0_BIT;           \

         _CP0_SET_CAUSE( ulCause );        \


diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/ISR_Support.h b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/ISR_Support.h
index 6a3a968..8cf035d 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/ISR_Support.h
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/ISR_Support.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"

@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@
 /* Prepare to enable interrupts above the current priority. */

 srl k0, k0, 0xa

 ins k1, k0, 10, 7

-srl k0, k0, 0x7 /* This copies the MSB of the IPL, but it would be an error if it was set anyway. */

+srl k0, k0, 0x7             /* This copies the MSB of the IPL, but it would be an error if it was set anyway. */

 ins k1, k0, 18, 1

 ins k1, zero, 1, 4


@@ -395,7 +396,7 @@
     beq zero, zero, 2f



-    1 : /* Restore the STATUS and EPC registers */

+    1 :     /* Restore the STATUS and EPC registers */

     lw k0, portSTATUS_STACK_LOCATION( s5 )

     lw k1, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION( s5 )


@@ -404,7 +405,7 @@
     add sp, zero, s5

     lw s5, 40 ( sp )


-    2 : /* Adjust the stack pointer */

+    2 :     /* Adjust the stack pointer */

     addiu sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE


 #else /* if ( __mips_hard_float == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 ) */

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/port.c b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/port.c
index e43430a..444aaec 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/port.c
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@



-    #define configCLEAR_TICK_TIMER_INTERRUPT()    IFS0CLR                       = _IFS0_T1IF_MASK




         #error If configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR is defined in application code then configCLEAR_TICK_TIMER_INTERRUPT must also be defined in application code.

@@ -146,10 +147,10 @@

 /* Records the interrupt nesting depth.  This is initialised to one as it is

  * decremented to 0 when the first task starts. */

-volatile UBaseType_t uxInterruptNesting         = 0x01;

+volatile UBaseType_t uxInterruptNesting = 0x01;


 /* Stores the task stack pointer when a switch is made to use the system stack. */

-UBaseType_t          uxSavedTaskStackPointer    = 0;

+UBaseType_t uxSavedTaskStackPointer = 0;


 /* The stack used by interrupt service routines that cause a context switch. */

 __attribute__( ( aligned( 8 ) ) ) StackType_t xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE ] = { 0 };

@@ -158,12 +159,12 @@
  * the callers stack, as some functions seem to want to do this.  8 byte alignment

  * is required to allow double word floating point stack pushes generated by the

  * compiler. */

-const StackType_t * const xISRStackTop          = &( xISRStack[ ( configISR_STACK_SIZE & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) - 8 ] );

+const StackType_t * const xISRStackTop = &( xISRStack[ ( configISR_STACK_SIZE & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) - 8 ] );


 /* Saved as part of the task context. Set to pdFALSE if the task does not

  * require an FPU context. */

 #if ( __mips_hard_float == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 )

-    uint32_t ulTaskHasFPUContext                = 0;

+    uint32_t ulTaskHasFPUContext = 0;




@@ -239,19 +240,19 @@

     const uint32_t ulCompareMatch = ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portTIMER_PRESCALE ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


-    T1CON           = 0x0000;

+    T1CON = 0x0000;


-    PR1             = ulCompareMatch;


+    PR1 = ulCompareMatch;



     /* Clear the interrupt as a starting condition. */

-    IFS0bits.T1IF   = 0;

+    IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;


     /* Enable the interrupt. */

-    IEC0bits.T1IE   = 1;

+    IEC0bits.T1IE = 1;


     /* Start the timer. */

-    T1CONbits.TON   = 1;

+    T1CONbits.TON = 1;




@@ -276,15 +277,15 @@
     #endif /* configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 */


     /* Clear the software interrupt flag. */

-    IFS0CLR                 = _IFS0_CS0IF_MASK;



     /* Set software timer priority. */

-    IPC0CLR                 = _IPC0_CS0IP_MASK;

-    IPC0SET                 = ( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << _IPC0_CS0IP_POSITION );




     /* Enable software interrupt. */

-    IEC0CLR                 = _IEC0_CS0IE_MASK;

-    IEC0SET                 = 1 << _IEC0_CS0IE_POSITION;




     /* Setup the timer to generate the tick.  Interrupts will have been

      * disabled by the time we get here. */

diff --git a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/portmacro.h b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/portmacro.h
index 37139dd..d788440 100644
--- a/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MZ/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@
         uint32_t ulStatus;                                                                           \


         /* Mask interrupts at and below the kernel interrupt priority. */                            \

-        ulStatus  = _CP0_GET_STATUS();                                                               \

+        ulStatus = _CP0_GET_STATUS();                                                                \

         ulStatus &= ~portALL_IPL_BITS;                                                               \

         _CP0_SET_STATUS( ( ulStatus | ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portIPL_SHIFT ) ) ); \


@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@
         uint32_t ulStatus;             \


         /* Unmask all interrupts. */   \

-        ulStatus  = _CP0_GET_STATUS(); \

+        ulStatus = _CP0_GET_STATUS();  \

         ulStatus &= ~portALL_IPL_BITS; \

         _CP0_SET_STATUS( ulStatus );   \


@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - _clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - _clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )


     #endif /* taskRECORD_READY_PRIORITY */


@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@
         uint32_t ulCause;                 \


         /* Trigger software interrupt. */ \

-        ulCause  = _CP0_GET_CAUSE();      \

+        ulCause = _CP0_GET_CAUSE();       \

         ulCause |= portSW0_BIT;           \

         _CP0_SET_CAUSE( ulCause );        \


diff --git a/portable/MSVC-MingW/port.c b/portable/MSVC-MingW/port.c
index 6dd3322..79cca49 100644
--- a/portable/MSVC-MingW/port.c
+++ b/portable/MSVC-MingW/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -125,20 +126,20 @@
 /* Handlers for all the simulated software interrupts.  The first two positions

  * are used for the Yield and Tick interrupts so are handled slightly differently,

  * all the other interrupts can be user defined. */

-static uint32_t        (* ulIsrHandler[ portMAX_INTERRUPTS ])( void ) = { 0 };

+static uint32_t (* ulIsrHandler[ portMAX_INTERRUPTS ])( void ) = { 0 };


 /* Pointer to the TCB of the currently executing task. */

 extern void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;


 /* Used to ensure nothing is processed during the startup sequence. */

-static BaseType_t      xPortRunning = pdFALSE;

+static BaseType_t xPortRunning = pdFALSE;




 static DWORD WINAPI prvSimulatedPeripheralTimer( LPVOID lpParameter )


     TickType_t xMinimumWindowsBlockTime;

-    TIMECAPS   xTimeCaps;

+    TIMECAPS xTimeCaps;


     /* Set the timer resolution to the maximum possible. */

     if( timeGetDevCaps( &xTimeCaps, sizeof( xTimeCaps ) ) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR )

@@ -227,8 +228,8 @@
                                      void * pvParameters )


     ThreadState_t * pxThreadState = NULL;

-    int8_t *        pcTopOfStack  = ( int8_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

-    const SIZE_T    xStackSize    = 1024; /* Set the size to a small number which will get rounded up to the minimum possible. */

+    int8_t * pcTopOfStack = ( int8_t * ) pxTopOfStack;

+    const SIZE_T xStackSize = 1024; /* Set the size to a small number which will get rounded up to the minimum possible. */


     /* In this simulated case a stack is not initialised, but instead a thread

      * is created that will execute the task being created.  The thread handles

@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@
      * the stack that was created for the task - so the stack buffer is still

      * used, just not in the conventional way.  It will not be used for anything

      * other than holding this structure. */

-    pxThreadState               = ( ThreadState_t * ) ( pcTopOfStack - sizeof( ThreadState_t ) );

+    pxThreadState = ( ThreadState_t * ) ( pcTopOfStack - sizeof( ThreadState_t ) );


     /* Create the event used to prevent the thread from executing past its yield

      * point if the SuspendThread() call that suspends the thread does not take

@@ -247,7 +248,7 @@
                                                NULL ); /* No name. */


     /* Create the thread itself. */

-    pxThreadState->pvThread     = CreateThread( NULL, xStackSize, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) pxCode, pvParameters, CREATE_SUSPENDED | STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION, NULL );

+    pxThreadState->pvThread = CreateThread( NULL, xStackSize, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) pxCode, pvParameters, CREATE_SUSPENDED | STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION, NULL );

     configASSERT( pxThreadState->pvThread ); /* See comment where TerminateThread() is called. */

     SetThreadAffinityMask( pxThreadState->pvThread, 0x01 );

     SetThreadPriorityBoost( pxThreadState->pvThread, TRUE );

@@ -259,10 +260,10 @@

 BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )


-    void *          pvHandle      = NULL;

-    int32_t         lSuccess;

+    void * pvHandle = NULL;

+    int32_t lSuccess;

     ThreadState_t * pxThreadState = NULL;

-    SYSTEM_INFO     xSystemInfo;

+    SYSTEM_INFO xSystemInfo;


     /* This port runs windows threads with extremely high priority.  All the

      * threads execute on the same core - to prevent locking up the host only start

@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@



-        lSuccess              = pdPASS;

+        lSuccess = pdPASS;


         /* The highest priority class is used to [try to] prevent other Windows

          * activity interfering with FreeRTOS timing too much. */

@@ -292,7 +293,7 @@
         /* Create the events and mutexes that are used to synchronise all the

          * threads. */

         pvInterruptEventMutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, NULL );

-        pvInterruptEvent      = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );

+        pvInterruptEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );


         if( ( pvInterruptEventMutex == NULL ) || ( pvInterruptEvent == NULL ) )


@@ -302,7 +303,7 @@
         /* Set the priority of this thread such that it is above the priority of

          * the threads that run tasks.  This higher priority is required to ensure

          * simulated interrupts take priority over tasks. */

-        pvHandle              = GetCurrentThread();

+        pvHandle = GetCurrentThread();


         if( pvHandle == NULL )


@@ -327,7 +328,7 @@
          * tick interrupts.  The priority is set below that of the simulated

          * interrupt handler so the interrupt event mutex is used for the

          * handshake / overrun protection. */

-        pvHandle          = CreateThread( NULL, 0, prvSimulatedPeripheralTimer, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL );

+        pvHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, prvSimulatedPeripheralTimer, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL );


         if( pvHandle != NULL )


@@ -339,7 +340,7 @@

         /* Start the highest priority task by obtaining its associated thread

          * state structure, in which is stored the thread handle. */

-        pxThreadState     = ( ThreadState_t * ) *( ( size_t * ) pxCurrentTCB );

+        pxThreadState = ( ThreadState_t * ) *( ( size_t * ) pxCurrentTCB );

         ulCriticalNesting = portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING;


         /* Start the first task. */

@@ -377,23 +378,23 @@

 static void prvProcessSimulatedInterrupts( void )


-    uint32_t        ulSwitchRequired, i;

+    uint32_t ulSwitchRequired, i;

     ThreadState_t * pxThreadState;

-    void *          pvObjectList[ 2 ];

-    CONTEXT         xContext;

+    void * pvObjectList[ 2 ];

+    CONTEXT xContext;


     /* Going to block on the mutex that ensured exclusive access to the simulated

      * interrupt objects, and the event that signals that a simulated interrupt

      * should be processed. */

-    pvObjectList[ 0 ]    = pvInterruptEventMutex;

-    pvObjectList[ 1 ]    = pvInterruptEvent;

+    pvObjectList[ 0 ] = pvInterruptEventMutex;

+    pvObjectList[ 1 ] = pvInterruptEvent;


     /* Create a pending tick to ensure the first task is started as soon as

      * this thread pends. */

     ulPendingInterrupts |= ( 1 << portINTERRUPT_TICK );

     SetEvent( pvInterruptEvent );


-    xPortRunning         = pdTRUE;

+    xPortRunning = pdTRUE;


     for( ; ; )


@@ -457,7 +458,7 @@
                  * or yielding then the task will block on a yield event after the

                  * yield operation in case the 'suspend' operation doesn't take

                  * effect immediately.  */

-                pxThreadState         = ( ThreadState_t * ) *( ( size_t * ) pvOldCurrentTCB );

+                pxThreadState = ( ThreadState_t * ) *( ( size_t * ) pvOldCurrentTCB );

                 SuspendThread( pxThreadState->pvThread );


                 /* Ensure the thread is actually suspended by performing a

@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@

                 /* Obtain the state of the task now selected to enter the

                  * Running state. */

-                pxThreadState         = ( ThreadState_t * ) ( *( size_t * ) pxCurrentTCB );

+                pxThreadState = ( ThreadState_t * ) ( *( size_t * ) pxCurrentTCB );


                 /* pxThreadState->pvThread can be NULL if the task deleted

                  * itself - but a deleted task should never be resumed here. */

@@ -489,7 +490,7 @@
          * valid for it to do so.  Signaling the event is benign in the case that

          * the task was switched out asynchronously by an interrupt as the event

          * is reset before the task blocks on it. */

-        pxThreadState    = ( ThreadState_t * ) ( *( size_t * ) pxCurrentTCB );

+        pxThreadState = ( ThreadState_t * ) ( *( size_t * ) pxCurrentTCB );

         SetEvent( pxThreadState->pvYieldEvent );

         ReleaseMutex( pvInterruptEventMutex );


@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
 void vPortDeleteThread( void * pvTaskToDelete )


     ThreadState_t * pxThreadState;

-    uint32_t        ulErrorCode;

+    uint32_t ulErrorCode;


     /* Remove compiler warnings if configASSERT() is not defined. */

     ( void ) ulErrorCode;

@@ -534,15 +535,15 @@
                               volatile BaseType_t * pxPendYield )


     ThreadState_t * pxThreadState;

-    void *          pvThread;

-    uint32_t        ulErrorCode;

+    void * pvThread;

+    uint32_t ulErrorCode;


     /* Remove compiler warnings if configASSERT() is not defined. */

     ( void ) ulErrorCode;


     /* Find the handle of the thread being deleted. */

-    pxThreadState           = ( ThreadState_t * ) ( *( size_t * ) pvTaskToDelete );

-    pvThread                = pxThreadState->pvThread;

+    pxThreadState = ( ThreadState_t * ) ( *( size_t * ) pvTaskToDelete );

+    pvThread = pxThreadState->pvThread;


     /* Raise the Windows priority of the thread to ensure the FreeRTOS scheduler

      * does not run and swap it out before it is closed.  If that were to happen

@@ -552,14 +553,14 @@

     /* This function will not return, therefore a yield is set as pending to

      * ensure a context switch occurs away from this thread on the next tick. */

-    *pxPendYield            = pdTRUE;

+    *pxPendYield = pdTRUE;


     /* Mark the thread associated with this task as invalid so

      * vPortDeleteThread() does not try to terminate it. */

     pxThreadState->pvThread = NULL;


     /* Close the thread. */

-    ulErrorCode             = CloseHandle( pvThread );

+    ulErrorCode = CloseHandle( pvThread );

     configASSERT( ulErrorCode );


     /* This is called from a critical section, which must be exited before the

diff --git a/portable/MSVC-MingW/portmacro.h b/portable/MSVC-MingW/portmacro.h
index c61fc54..c2a528e 100644
--- a/portable/MSVC-MingW/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/MSVC-MingW/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/MemMang/heap_1.c b/portable/MemMang/heap_1.c
index 4206b81..54bb665 100644
--- a/portable/MemMang/heap_1.c
+++ b/portable/MemMang/heap_1.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -62,13 +63,13 @@


 /* Index into the ucHeap array. */

-static size_t      xNextFreeByte = ( size_t ) 0;

+static size_t xNextFreeByte = ( size_t ) 0;




 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


-    void *           pvReturn       = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;

     static uint8_t * pucAlignedHeap = NULL;


     /* Ensure that blocks are always aligned to the required number of bytes. */

@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@

             /* Return the next free byte then increment the index past this

              * block. */

-            pvReturn       = pucAlignedHeap + xNextFreeByte;

+            pvReturn = pucAlignedHeap + xNextFreeByte;

             xNextFreeByte += xWantedSize;



diff --git a/portable/MemMang/heap_2.c b/portable/MemMang/heap_2.c
index fd05a51..dd12a0f 100644
--- a/portable/MemMang/heap_2.c
+++ b/portable/MemMang/heap_2.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -81,11 +82,11 @@
 #define heapMINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE    ( ( size_t ) ( heapSTRUCT_SIZE * 2 ) )


 /* Create a couple of list links to mark the start and end of the list. */

-static BlockLink_t    xStart, xEnd;

+static BlockLink_t xStart, xEnd;


 /* Keeps track of the number of free bytes remaining, but says nothing about

  * fragmentation. */

-static size_t         xFreeBytesRemaining = configADJUSTED_HEAP_SIZE;

+static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining = configADJUSTED_HEAP_SIZE;




@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@
         BlockLink_t * pxIterator;                                                                                                   \

         size_t xBlockSize;                                                                                                          \


-        xBlockSize                       = pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;                                                             \

+        xBlockSize = pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;                                                                                   \


         /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a larger size */                                                \

         /* than the block we are inserting. */                                                                                      \

@@ -111,15 +112,15 @@
         /* Update the list to include the block being inserted in the correct */                                                    \

         /* position. */                                                                                                             \

         pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock;                                                             \

-        pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock      = pxBlockToInsert;                                                                         \

+        pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock = pxBlockToInsert;                                                                              \




 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


-    BlockLink_t *     pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

+    BlockLink_t * pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

     static BaseType_t xHeapHasBeenInitialised = pdFALSE;

-    void *            pvReturn                = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;




@@ -150,12 +151,12 @@
             /* Blocks are stored in byte order - traverse the list from the start

              * (smallest) block until one of adequate size is found. */

             pxPreviousBlock = &xStart;

-            pxBlock         = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;

+            pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;


             while( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) )


                 pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock;

-                pxBlock         = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;

+                pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



             /* If we found the end marker then a block of adequate size was not found. */

@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@

                 /* Return the memory space - jumping over the BlockLink_t structure

                  * at its start. */

-                pvReturn                         = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + heapSTRUCT_SIZE );

+                pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + heapSTRUCT_SIZE );


                 /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out of the

                  * list of free blocks. */

@@ -175,18 +176,18 @@
                     /* This block is to be split into two.  Create a new block

                      * following the number of bytes requested. The void cast is

                      * used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the compiler. */

-                    pxNewBlockLink             = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

+                    pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );


                     /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the single

                      * block. */

                     pxNewBlockLink->xBlockSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize;

-                    pxBlock->xBlockSize        = xWantedSize;

+                    pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize;


                     /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */

                     prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( ( pxNewBlockLink ) );



-                xFreeBytesRemaining             -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;

+                xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;




@@ -210,14 +211,14 @@

 void vPortFree( void * pv )


-    uint8_t *     puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

+    uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

     BlockLink_t * pxLink;


     if( pv != NULL )


         /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately

          * before it. */

-        puc   -= heapSTRUCT_SIZE;

+        puc -= heapSTRUCT_SIZE;


         /* This unexpected casting is to keep some compilers from issuing

          * byte alignment warnings. */

@@ -250,24 +251,24 @@
 static void prvHeapInit( void )


     BlockLink_t * pxFirstFreeBlock;

-    uint8_t *     pucAlignedHeap;

+    uint8_t * pucAlignedHeap;


     /* Ensure the heap starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */

-    pucAlignedHeap                    = ( uint8_t * ) ( ( ( portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE ) & ucHeap[ portBYTE_ALIGNMENT ] ) & ( ~( ( portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) ) );

+    pucAlignedHeap = ( uint8_t * ) ( ( ( portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE ) & ucHeap[ portBYTE_ALIGNMENT ] ) & ( ~( ( portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) ) );


     /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of free

      * blocks.  The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */

-    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock            = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    xStart.xBlockSize                 = ( size_t ) 0;

+    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0;


     /* xEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks. */

-    xEnd.xBlockSize                   = configADJUSTED_HEAP_SIZE;

-    xEnd.pxNextFreeBlock              = NULL;

+    xEnd.xBlockSize = configADJUSTED_HEAP_SIZE;

+    xEnd.pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;


     /* To start with there is a single free block that is sized to take up the

      * entire heap space. */

-    pxFirstFreeBlock                  = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize      = configADJUSTED_HEAP_SIZE;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize = configADJUSTED_HEAP_SIZE;

     pxFirstFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = &xEnd;



diff --git a/portable/MemMang/heap_3.c b/portable/MemMang/heap_3.c
index 12c3f6d..57c6954 100644
--- a/portable/MemMang/heap_3.c
+++ b/portable/MemMang/heap_3.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c b/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c
index f4b68b9..157c217 100644
--- a/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c
+++ b/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -95,27 +96,27 @@
 static const size_t xHeapStructSize = ( sizeof( BlockLink_t ) + ( ( size_t ) ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 ) ) ) & ~( ( size_t ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );


 /* Create a couple of list links to mark the start and end of the list. */

-static BlockLink_t  xStart, * pxEnd = NULL;

+static BlockLink_t xStart, * pxEnd = NULL;


 /* Keeps track of the number of calls to allocate and free memory as well as the

  * number of free bytes remaining, but says nothing about fragmentation. */

-static size_t       xFreeBytesRemaining            = 0U;

-static size_t       xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

-static size_t       xNumberOfSuccessfulAllocations = 0;

-static size_t       xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees       = 0;

+static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

+static size_t xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

+static size_t xNumberOfSuccessfulAllocations = 0;

+static size_t xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees = 0;


 /* Gets set to the top bit of an size_t type.  When this bit in the xBlockSize

  * member of an BlockLink_t structure is set then the block belongs to the

  * application.  When the bit is free the block is still part of the free heap

  * space. */

-static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit                   = 0;

+static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit = 0;




 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

-    void *        pvReturn = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;




@@ -165,12 +166,12 @@
                 /* Traverse the list from the start	(lowest address) block until

                  * one	of adequate size is found. */

                 pxPreviousBlock = &xStart;

-                pxBlock         = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;

+                pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;


                 while( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) )


                     pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock;

-                    pxBlock         = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;

+                    pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



                 /* If the end marker was reached then a block of adequate size

@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@

                     /* Return the memory space pointed to - jumping over the

                      * BlockLink_t structure at its start. */

-                    pvReturn                         = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );

+                    pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );


                     /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out

                      * of the list of free blocks. */

@@ -193,13 +194,13 @@
                          * block following the number of bytes requested. The void

                          * cast is used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the

                          * compiler. */

-                        pxNewBlockLink             = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

+                        pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

                         configASSERT( ( ( ( size_t ) pxNewBlockLink ) & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0 );


                         /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the

                          * single block. */

                         pxNewBlockLink->xBlockSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize;

-                        pxBlock->xBlockSize        = xWantedSize;

+                        pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize;


                         /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */

                         prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( pxNewBlockLink );

@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@



-                    xFreeBytesRemaining             -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;

+                    xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;


                     if( xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining )


@@ -222,8 +223,8 @@

                     /* The block is being returned - it is allocated and owned

                      * by the application and has no "next" block. */

-                    pxBlock->xBlockSize             |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

-                    pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock         = NULL;

+                    pxBlock->xBlockSize |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

+                    pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;




@@ -266,14 +267,14 @@

 void vPortFree( void * pv )


-    uint8_t *     puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

+    uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

     BlockLink_t * pxLink;


     if( pv != NULL )


         /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately

          * before it. */

-        puc   -= xHeapStructSize;

+        puc -= xHeapStructSize;


         /* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */

         pxLink = ( void * ) puc;

@@ -334,55 +335,55 @@
 static void prvHeapInit( void )


     BlockLink_t * pxFirstFreeBlock;

-    uint8_t *     pucAlignedHeap;

-    size_t        uxAddress;

-    size_t        xTotalHeapSize = configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;

+    uint8_t * pucAlignedHeap;

+    size_t uxAddress;

+    size_t xTotalHeapSize = configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE;


     /* Ensure the heap starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( size_t ) ucHeap;

+    uxAddress = ( size_t ) ucHeap;


     if( ( uxAddress & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0 )


-        uxAddress      += ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

-        uxAddress      &= ~( ( size_t ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+        uxAddress += ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

+        uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

         xTotalHeapSize -= uxAddress - ( size_t ) ucHeap;



-    pucAlignedHeap                    = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;

+    pucAlignedHeap = ( uint8_t * ) uxAddress;


     /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of free

      * blocks.  The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */

-    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock            = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    xStart.xBlockSize                 = ( size_t ) 0;

+    xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0;


     /* pxEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks and is inserted

      * at the end of the heap space. */

-    uxAddress                         = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

-    uxAddress                        -= xHeapStructSize;

-    uxAddress                        &= ~( ( size_t ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

-    pxEnd                             = ( void * ) uxAddress;

-    pxEnd->xBlockSize                 = 0;

-    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock            = NULL;

+    uxAddress = ( ( size_t ) pucAlignedHeap ) + xTotalHeapSize;

+    uxAddress -= xHeapStructSize;

+    uxAddress &= ~( ( size_t ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );

+    pxEnd = ( void * ) uxAddress;

+    pxEnd->xBlockSize = 0;

+    pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;


     /* To start with there is a single free block that is sized to take up the

      * entire heap space, minus the space taken by pxEnd. */

-    pxFirstFreeBlock                  = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

-    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize      = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock = ( void * ) pucAlignedHeap;

+    pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize = uxAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlock;

     pxFirstFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = pxEnd;


     /* Only one block exists - and it covers the entire usable heap space. */

-    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining    = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

-    xFreeBytesRemaining               = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+    xFreeBytesRemaining = pxFirstFreeBlock->xBlockSize;


     /* Work out the position of the top bit in a size_t variable. */

-    xBlockAllocatedBit                = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * heapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );

+    xBlockAllocatedBit = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * heapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );




 static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t * pxBlockToInsert )


     BlockLink_t * pxIterator;

-    uint8_t *     puc;

+    uint8_t * puc;


     /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a higher address

      * than the block being inserted. */

@@ -398,7 +399,7 @@
     if( ( puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert )


         pxIterator->xBlockSize += pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;

-        pxBlockToInsert         = pxIterator;

+        pxBlockToInsert = pxIterator;




@@ -414,7 +415,7 @@
         if( pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd )


             /* Form one big block from the two blocks. */

-            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize     += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

             pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



@@ -445,7 +446,7 @@
 void vPortGetHeapStats( HeapStats_t * pxHeapStats )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock;

-    size_t        xBlocks = 0, xMaxSize = 0, xMinSize = portMAX_DELAY; /* portMAX_DELAY used as a portable way of getting the maximum value. */

+    size_t xBlocks = 0, xMaxSize = 0, xMinSize = portMAX_DELAY; /* portMAX_DELAY used as a portable way of getting the maximum value. */




@@ -479,15 +480,15 @@

     ( void ) xTaskResumeAll();


-    pxHeapStats->xSizeOfLargestFreeBlockInBytes  = xMaxSize;

+    pxHeapStats->xSizeOfLargestFreeBlockInBytes = xMaxSize;

     pxHeapStats->xSizeOfSmallestFreeBlockInBytes = xMinSize;

-    pxHeapStats->xNumberOfFreeBlocks             = xBlocks;

+    pxHeapStats->xNumberOfFreeBlocks = xBlocks;




-        pxHeapStats->xAvailableHeapSpaceInBytes     = xFreeBytesRemaining;

+        pxHeapStats->xAvailableHeapSpaceInBytes = xFreeBytesRemaining;

         pxHeapStats->xNumberOfSuccessfulAllocations = xNumberOfSuccessfulAllocations;

-        pxHeapStats->xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees       = xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees;

+        pxHeapStats->xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees = xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees;

         pxHeapStats->xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining;



diff --git a/portable/MemMang/heap_5.c b/portable/MemMang/heap_5.c
index 76771ed..2e58c79 100644
--- a/portable/MemMang/heap_5.c
+++ b/portable/MemMang/heap_5.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -113,27 +114,27 @@
 static const size_t xHeapStructSize = ( sizeof( BlockLink_t ) + ( ( size_t ) ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 ) ) ) & ~( ( size_t ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK );


 /* Create a couple of list links to mark the start and end of the list. */

-static BlockLink_t  xStart, * pxEnd = NULL;

+static BlockLink_t xStart, * pxEnd = NULL;


 /* Keeps track of the number of calls to allocate and free memory as well as the

  * number of free bytes remaining, but says nothing about fragmentation. */

-static size_t       xFreeBytesRemaining            = 0U;

-static size_t       xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

-static size_t       xNumberOfSuccessfulAllocations = 0;

-static size_t       xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees       = 0;

+static size_t xFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

+static size_t xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = 0U;

+static size_t xNumberOfSuccessfulAllocations = 0;

+static size_t xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees = 0;


 /* Gets set to the top bit of an size_t type.  When this bit in the xBlockSize

  * member of an BlockLink_t structure is set then the block belongs to the

  * application.  When the bit is free the block is still part of the free heap

  * space. */

-static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit                   = 0;

+static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit = 0;




 void * pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock, * pxPreviousBlock, * pxNewBlockLink;

-    void *        pvReturn = NULL;

+    void * pvReturn = NULL;


     /* The heap must be initialised before the first call to

      * prvPortMalloc(). */

@@ -175,12 +176,12 @@
                 /* Traverse the list from the start	(lowest address) block until

                  * one	of adequate size is found. */

                 pxPreviousBlock = &xStart;

-                pxBlock         = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;

+                pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock;


                 while( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) )


                     pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock;

-                    pxBlock         = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;

+                    pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



                 /* If the end marker was reached then a block of adequate size

@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@

                     /* Return the memory space pointed to - jumping over the

                      * BlockLink_t structure at its start. */

-                    pvReturn                         = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );

+                    pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize );


                     /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out

                      * of the list of free blocks. */

@@ -203,12 +204,12 @@
                          * block following the number of bytes requested. The void

                          * cast is used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the

                          * compiler. */

-                        pxNewBlockLink             = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );

+                        pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize );


                         /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the

                          * single block. */

                         pxNewBlockLink->xBlockSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize;

-                        pxBlock->xBlockSize        = xWantedSize;

+                        pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize;


                         /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */

                         prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( ( pxNewBlockLink ) );

@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@



-                    xFreeBytesRemaining             -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;

+                    xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize;


                     if( xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining )


@@ -231,8 +232,8 @@

                     /* The block is being returned - it is allocated and owned

                      * by the application and has no "next" block. */

-                    pxBlock->xBlockSize             |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

-                    pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock         = NULL;

+                    pxBlock->xBlockSize |= xBlockAllocatedBit;

+                    pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;




@@ -274,14 +275,14 @@

 void vPortFree( void * pv )


-    uint8_t *     puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

+    uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;

     BlockLink_t * pxLink;


     if( pv != NULL )


         /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately

          * before it. */

-        puc   -= xHeapStructSize;

+        puc -= xHeapStructSize;


         /* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */

         pxLink = ( void * ) puc;

@@ -336,7 +337,7 @@
 static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t * pxBlockToInsert )


     BlockLink_t * pxIterator;

-    uint8_t *     puc;

+    uint8_t * puc;


     /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a higher address

      * than the block being inserted. */

@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@
     if( ( puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert )


         pxIterator->xBlockSize += pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize;

-        pxBlockToInsert         = pxIterator;

+        pxBlockToInsert = pxIterator;




@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@
         if( pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd )


             /* Form one big block from the two blocks. */

-            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize     += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

+            pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize;

             pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock;



@@ -398,35 +399,35 @@

 void vPortDefineHeapRegions( const HeapRegion_t * const pxHeapRegions )


-    BlockLink_t *        pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion = NULL, * pxPreviousFreeBlock;

-    size_t               xAlignedHeap;

-    size_t               xTotalRegionSize, xTotalHeapSize = 0;

-    BaseType_t           xDefinedRegions = 0;

-    size_t               xAddress;

+    BlockLink_t * pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion = NULL, * pxPreviousFreeBlock;

+    size_t xAlignedHeap;

+    size_t xTotalRegionSize, xTotalHeapSize = 0;

+    BaseType_t xDefinedRegions = 0;

+    size_t xAddress;

     const HeapRegion_t * pxHeapRegion;


     /* Can only call once! */

     configASSERT( pxEnd == NULL );


-    pxHeapRegion                   = &( pxHeapRegions[ xDefinedRegions ] );

+    pxHeapRegion = &( pxHeapRegions[ xDefinedRegions ] );


     while( pxHeapRegion->xSizeInBytes > 0 )


-        xTotalRegionSize                          = pxHeapRegion->xSizeInBytes;

+        xTotalRegionSize = pxHeapRegion->xSizeInBytes;


         /* Ensure the heap region starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */

-        xAddress                                  = ( size_t ) pxHeapRegion->pucStartAddress;

+        xAddress = ( size_t ) pxHeapRegion->pucStartAddress;


         if( ( xAddress & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0 )


-            xAddress         += ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

-            xAddress         &= ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK;

+            xAddress += ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 );

+            xAddress &= ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK;


             /* Adjust the size for the bytes lost to alignment. */

             xTotalRegionSize -= xAddress - ( size_t ) pxHeapRegion->pucStartAddress;



-        xAlignedHeap                              = xAddress;

+        xAlignedHeap = xAddress;


         /* Set xStart if it has not already been set. */

         if( xDefinedRegions == 0 )

@@ -434,7 +435,7 @@
             /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of

              *  free blocks.  The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */

             xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( BlockLink_t * ) xAlignedHeap;

-            xStart.xBlockSize      = ( size_t ) 0;

+            xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0;




@@ -448,22 +449,22 @@

         /* Remember the location of the end marker in the previous region, if

          * any. */

-        pxPreviousFreeBlock                       = pxEnd;

+        pxPreviousFreeBlock = pxEnd;


         /* pxEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks and is

          * inserted at the end of the region space. */

-        xAddress                                  = xAlignedHeap + xTotalRegionSize;

-        xAddress                                 -= xHeapStructSize;

-        xAddress                                 &= ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK;

-        pxEnd                                     = ( BlockLink_t * ) xAddress;

-        pxEnd->xBlockSize                         = 0;

-        pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock                    = NULL;

+        xAddress = xAlignedHeap + xTotalRegionSize;

+        xAddress -= xHeapStructSize;

+        xAddress &= ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK;

+        pxEnd = ( BlockLink_t * ) xAddress;

+        pxEnd->xBlockSize = 0;

+        pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL;


         /* To start with there is a single free block in this region that is

          * sized to take up the entire heap region minus the space taken by the

          * free block structure. */

-        pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion                  = ( BlockLink_t * ) xAlignedHeap;

-        pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion->xBlockSize      = xAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion;

+        pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion = ( BlockLink_t * ) xAlignedHeap;

+        pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion->xBlockSize = xAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion;

         pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion->pxNextFreeBlock = pxEnd;


         /* If this is not the first region that makes up the entire heap space

@@ -473,28 +474,28 @@
             pxPreviousFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion;



-        xTotalHeapSize                           += pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion->xBlockSize;

+        xTotalHeapSize += pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion->xBlockSize;


         /* Move onto the next HeapRegion_t structure. */


-        pxHeapRegion                              = &( pxHeapRegions[ xDefinedRegions ] );

+        pxHeapRegion = &( pxHeapRegions[ xDefinedRegions ] );



     xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = xTotalHeapSize;

-    xFreeBytesRemaining            = xTotalHeapSize;

+    xFreeBytesRemaining = xTotalHeapSize;


     /* Check something was actually defined before it is accessed. */

     configASSERT( xTotalHeapSize );


     /* Work out the position of the top bit in a size_t variable. */

-    xBlockAllocatedBit             = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * heapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );

+    xBlockAllocatedBit = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * heapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 );




 void vPortGetHeapStats( HeapStats_t * pxHeapStats )


     BlockLink_t * pxBlock;

-    size_t        xBlocks = 0, xMaxSize = 0, xMinSize = portMAX_DELAY; /* portMAX_DELAY used as a portable way of getting the maximum value. */

+    size_t xBlocks = 0, xMaxSize = 0, xMinSize = portMAX_DELAY; /* portMAX_DELAY used as a portable way of getting the maximum value. */




@@ -534,15 +535,15 @@

     ( void ) xTaskResumeAll();


-    pxHeapStats->xSizeOfLargestFreeBlockInBytes  = xMaxSize;

+    pxHeapStats->xSizeOfLargestFreeBlockInBytes = xMaxSize;

     pxHeapStats->xSizeOfSmallestFreeBlockInBytes = xMinSize;

-    pxHeapStats->xNumberOfFreeBlocks             = xBlocks;

+    pxHeapStats->xNumberOfFreeBlocks = xBlocks;




-        pxHeapStats->xAvailableHeapSpaceInBytes     = xFreeBytesRemaining;

+        pxHeapStats->xAvailableHeapSpaceInBytes = xFreeBytesRemaining;

         pxHeapStats->xNumberOfSuccessfulAllocations = xNumberOfSuccessfulAllocations;

-        pxHeapStats->xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees       = xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees;

+        pxHeapStats->xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees = xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees;

         pxHeapStats->xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining;



diff --git a/portable/MikroC/ARM_CM4F/port.c b/portable/MikroC/ARM_CM4F/port.c
index 2766807..b6dfd03 100644
--- a/portable/MikroC/ARM_CM4F/port.c
+++ b/portable/MikroC/ARM_CM4F/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -114,11 +115,11 @@
 #define control    20


 /* From port.c. */

-extern void *      pxCurrentTCB;

+extern void * pxCurrentTCB;


 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * Setup the timer to generate the tick interrupts.  The implementation in this

@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@
  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -180,8 +181,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority            = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue              = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */



@@ -293,9 +294,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -303,25 +304,25 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* The kernel interrupt priority should be set to the lowest

              * priority. */

             configASSERT( ucMaxPriorityValue == ( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue ) );


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -349,8 +350,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -367,13 +368,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -436,7 +437,7 @@
              * from the stack pointer by the function prologue. */

             add sp, sp, # 4


-        mrs     r0, psp

+        mrs r0, psp



         ldr r3, = _pxCurrentTCB /* Get the location of the current TCB. */

@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@

     void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -520,7 +521,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -545,14 +546,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above the cpsid instruction()

              * above. */

@@ -563,21 +564,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -629,7 +630,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -644,7 +645,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -659,7 +660,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -671,20 +672,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */

             __asm {

@@ -707,19 +708,19 @@
         /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

         #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-                ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+                ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

                 xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-                ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+                ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


         #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


         /* Reset SysTick. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;

+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG = 0UL;



         /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -766,7 +767,7 @@
  * ulCurrentInterrupt, so ulCurrentInterrupt getting corrupted cannot lead to

  * an invalid interrupt priority being missed. */

     uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-    uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+    uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;

     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/MikroC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h b/portable/MikroC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
index 09508ce..e3dcc57 100644
--- a/portable/MikroC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/MikroC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) ucPortCountLeadingZeros( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




diff --git a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/port.c b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/port.c
index 487a547..a7c6d8b 100644
--- a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/port.c
+++ b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/portasm.h b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/portasm.h
index b56cd4c..c4266fd 100644
--- a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 typedef void TCB_t;

diff --git a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/portmacro.h b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/portmacro.h
index dfc7d7f..6f0824f 100644
--- a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/large_untested/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/port.c b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/port.c
index 8eb6f3b..c1eae43 100644
--- a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/port.c
+++ b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     const uint32_t ulCompareValue = portTIMER_COMPARE;

-    uint16_t       usTimerCompare;

+    uint16_t usTimerCompare;


     usTimerCompare = ( uint16_t ) ( ulCompareValue >> 4 );

     t2_init( portENABLE_TIMER, portPRESCALE_VALUE, NULL );

diff --git a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/portasm.h b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/portasm.h
index fe0f374..055089a 100644
--- a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORT_ASM_H

diff --git a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/portmacro.h b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/portmacro.h
index f907761..bebd154 100644
--- a/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Paradigm/Tern_EE/small/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM7_LPC21xx/port.c b/portable/RVDS/ARM7_LPC21xx/port.c
index a8e28e6..5b9c4c9 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM7_LPC21xx/port.c
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM7_LPC21xx/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@
          * to run - but a context switch is not performed. */



-        T0IR        = portTIMER_MATCH_ISR_BIT; /* Clear the timer event */

+        T0IR = portTIMER_MATCH_ISR_BIT;        /* Clear the timer event */

         VICVectAddr = portCLEAR_VIC_INTERRUPT; /* Acknowledge the Interrupt */



@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@

     /* A 1ms tick does not require the use of the timer prescale.  This is

      * defaulted to zero but can be used if necessary. */

-    T0PR           = portPRESCALE_VALUE;



     /* Calculate the match value required for our wanted tick rate. */

     ulCompareMatch = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

@@ -230,14 +231,14 @@



-    T0MR0          = ulCompareMatch;

+    T0MR0 = ulCompareMatch;


     /* Generate tick with timer 0 compare match. */




     /* Setup the VIC for the timer. */

-    VICIntSelect  &= ~( portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT );

-    VICIntEnable  |= portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT;

+    VICIntSelect &= ~( portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT );

+    VICIntEnable |= portTIMER_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT;


     /* The ISR installed depends on whether the preemptive or cooperative

      * scheduler is being used. */

@@ -251,11 +252,11 @@






     /* Start the timer - interrupts are disabled when this function is called

      * so it is okay to do this here. */

-    T0TCR          = portENABLE_TIMER;

+    T0TCR = portENABLE_TIMER;




diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM7_LPC21xx/portmacro.h b/portable/RVDS/ARM7_LPC21xx/portmacro.h
index 00292f9..3aed982 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM7_LPC21xx/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM7_LPC21xx/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CA9/port.c b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CA9/port.c
index 9f97f3c..e7c418d 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CA9/port.c
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CA9/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -183,14 +184,14 @@

 /* Saved as part of the task context.  If ulPortTaskHasFPUContext is non-zero then

  * a floating point context must be saved and restored for the task. */

-uint32_t ulPortTaskHasFPUContext    = pdFALSE;

+uint32_t ulPortTaskHasFPUContext = pdFALSE;


 /* Set to 1 to pend a context switch from an ISR. */

-uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired        = pdFALSE;

+uint32_t ulPortYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


 /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth.  A context switch is only performed if

  * if the nesting depth is 0. */

-uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting     = 0UL;

+uint32_t ulPortInterruptNesting = 0UL;




@@ -430,7 +431,7 @@



-        ulReturn                          = pdFALSE;

+        ulReturn = pdFALSE;


         __asm( "DSB		\n"

                "ISB		\n");

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
index 4fc3e57..f71deb1 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CA9/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31 - __clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31 - __clz( uxReadyPriorities ) )




diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM0/port.c b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM0/port.c
index 48a536d..a1e9fef 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM0/port.c
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM0/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -74,11 +75,11 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t  uxCriticalNesting               = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;


 /* The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period. */

 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


 /* The maximum number of tick periods that can be suppressed is limited by the

@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -314,11 +315,11 @@
     cpsid i

     bl vTaskSwitchContext

     cpsie i

-         pop {

+        pop {

         r2, r3

     } /* lr goes in r3. r2 now holds tcb pointer. */


-    ldr  r1, [ r2 ]

+    ldr r1, [ r2 ]

     ldr r0, [ r1 ] /* The first item in pxCurrentTCB is the task top of stack. */

     adds r0, # 16  /* Move to the high registers. */

     ldmia r0 !, {

@@ -368,18 +369,18 @@

         /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

         #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-            ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+            ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

             xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-            ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR;

+            ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR;

         #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


         /* Stop and reset the SysTick. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG           = 0UL;


+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG = 0UL;



         /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG           = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@

     __weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -426,14 +427,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_irq() call

              * above. */

@@ -442,21 +443,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens. configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again. However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -490,7 +491,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -520,7 +521,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -532,20 +533,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrpts enabled. */


diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
index 292387a..ba171cc 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM0/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM3/port.c b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM3/port.c
index e3ba34d..c29b98a 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM3/port.c
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM3/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -131,13 +132,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -162,8 +163,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( uint8_t * ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -259,9 +260,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( uint8_t * ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -269,25 +270,25 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* The kernel interrupt priority should be set to the lowest

              * priority. */

             configASSERT( ucMaxPriorityValue == ( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue ) );


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -315,8 +316,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@



-    mrs    r0, psp

+    mrs r0, psp



     ldr r3, = pxCurrentTCB /* Get the location of the current TCB. */

@@ -422,7 +423,7 @@
     msr psp, r0


     bx r14

-           nop

+        nop




@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@

     __weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -489,14 +490,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_irq() call

              * above. */

@@ -505,21 +506,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -553,7 +554,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -568,7 +569,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -583,7 +584,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -595,20 +596,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */


@@ -630,19 +631,19 @@
         /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

         #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-                ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+                ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

                 xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-                ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+                ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


         #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


         /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;

+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG = 0UL;



         /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -662,7 +663,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         ulCurrentInterrupt = vPortGetIPSR();

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
index a44cc7e..b24328a 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM3/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )


     #endif /* taskRECORD_READY_PRIORITY */


@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@

     static portFORCE_INLINE BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F/port.c b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F/port.c
index ba27875..e3f06b9 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F/port.c
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -147,13 +148,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -178,8 +179,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( uint8_t * ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -319,9 +320,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( uint8_t * ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -329,25 +330,25 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* The kernel interrupt priority should be set to the lowest

              * priority. */

             configASSERT( ucMaxPriorityValue == ( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue ) );


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -375,8 +376,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -393,13 +394,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@



-    mrs    r0, psp

+    mrs r0, psp


     /* Get the location of the current TCB. */

     ldr r3, = pxCurrentTCB

@@ -507,7 +508,7 @@


     msr psp, r0

-           isb

+        isb

     #ifdef WORKAROUND_PMU_CM001 /* XMC4000 specific errata */

         #if WORKAROUND_PMU_CM001 == 1

             push {

@@ -550,7 +551,7 @@

     __weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -568,7 +569,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -587,14 +588,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_irq() call

              * above. */

@@ -603,21 +604,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -651,7 +652,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -666,7 +667,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -681,7 +682,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -693,20 +694,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */


@@ -728,19 +729,19 @@
         /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

         #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-                ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+                ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

                 xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-                ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+                ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


         #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


         /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;

+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG = 0UL;



         /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -760,7 +761,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         ulCurrentInterrupt = vPortGetIPSR();

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
index a44cc7e..b24328a 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )


     #endif /* taskRECORD_READY_PRIORITY */


@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@

     static portFORCE_INLINE BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4_MPU/port.c b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4_MPU/port.c
index 5bd5d8d..a87b67a 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4_MPU/port.c
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4_MPU/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@
 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable.  Note this is not saved as part of the task context as context

  * switches can only occur when uxCriticalNesting is zero. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * Setup the timer to generate the tick interrupts.

@@ -162,8 +163,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const uint8_t * ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -239,8 +240,8 @@

 void prvSVCHandler( uint32_t * pulParam )


-    uint8_t             ucSVCNumber;

-    uint32_t            ulReg, ulPC;

+    uint8_t ucSVCNumber;

+    uint32_t ulReg, ulPC;



         extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__;

@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@

     /* The stack contains: r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, LR, PC and xPSR. The first

      * argument (r0) is pulParam[ 0 ]. */

-    ulPC        = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];

+    ulPC = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];

     ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];


     switch( ucSVCNumber )

@@ -328,22 +329,22 @@



-    ldr r0,   = 0xE000ED08          /* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */

-                ldr r0, [ r0 ]

+    ldr r0, = 0xE000ED08 /* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */

+              ldr r0, [ r0 ]

     ldr r0, [ r0 ]

-    msr msp, r0                /* Set the msp back to the start of the stack. */

-    ldr r3,   = pxCurrentTCB   /* Restore the context. */

-                ldr r1, [ r3 ]

-    ldr r0, [ r1 ]             /* The first item in the TCB is the task top of stack. */

-    add r1, r1, # 4            /* Move onto the second item in the TCB... */

+    msr msp, r0              /* Set the msp back to the start of the stack. */

+    ldr r3, = pxCurrentTCB   /* Restore the context. */

+              ldr r1, [ r3 ]

+    ldr r0, [ r1 ]           /* The first item in the TCB is the task top of stack. */

+    add r1, r1, # 4          /* Move onto the second item in the TCB... */


-    dmb                        /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */

-    ldr r2,   = 0xe000ed94     /* MPU_CTRL register. */

-                ldr r3, [ r2 ] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */

-    bic r3, r3, # 1            /* r3 = r3 & ~1 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r3. */

-    str r3, [ r2 ]             /* Disable MPU. */

+    dmb                      /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */

+    ldr r2, = 0xe000ed94     /* MPU_CTRL register. */

+              ldr r3, [ r2 ] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */

+    bic r3, r3, # 1          /* r3 = r3 & ~1 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r3. */

+    str r3, [ r2 ]           /* Disable MPU. */


-    ldr r2, = 0xe000ed9c       /* Region Base Address register. */

+    ldr r2, = 0xe000ed9c     /* Region Base Address register. */

               ldmia r1 !, {

         r4 - r11

     } /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers. */

@@ -351,11 +352,11 @@
         r4 - r11

     } /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers. */


-    ldr   r2, = 0xe000ed94     /* MPU_CTRL register. */

-                ldr r3, [ r2 ] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */

-    orr r3, r3, # 1            /* r3 = r3 | 1 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r3. */

-    str r3, [ r2 ]             /* Enable MPU. */

-    dsb                        /* Force memory writes before continuing. */

+    ldr r2, = 0xe000ed94 /* MPU_CTRL register. */

+              ldr r3, [ r2 ] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */

+    orr r3, r3, # 1          /* r3 = r3 | 1 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r3. */

+    str r3, [ r2 ]           /* Enable MPU. */

+    dsb                      /* Force memory writes before continuing. */


     ldmia r0 !, {

         r3 - r11, r14

@@ -380,9 +381,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -390,21 +391,21 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -432,8 +433,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -455,13 +456,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -541,10 +542,10 @@



-    mrs    r0, psp

+    mrs r0, psp


-    ldr r3,   = pxCurrentTCB        /* Get the location of the current TCB. */

-                ldr r2, [ r3 ]

+    ldr r3, = pxCurrentTCB /* Get the location of the current TCB. */

+              ldr r2, [ r3 ]


     tst r14, # 0x10 /* Is the task using the FPU context?  If so, push high vfp registers. */

     it eq

@@ -573,16 +574,16 @@

     /* Restore the context. */

     ldr r1, [ r3 ]

-    ldr r0, [ r1 ]             /* The first item in the TCB is the task top of stack. */

-    add r1, r1, # 4            /* Move onto the second item in the TCB... */

+    ldr r0, [ r1 ]           /* The first item in the TCB is the task top of stack. */

+    add r1, r1, # 4          /* Move onto the second item in the TCB... */


-    dmb                        /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */

-    ldr r2,   = 0xe000ed94     /* MPU_CTRL register. */

-                ldr r3, [ r2 ] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */

-    bic r3, r3, # 1            /* r3 = r3 & ~1 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r3. */

-    str r3, [ r2 ]             /* Disable MPU. */

+    dmb                      /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */

+    ldr r2, = 0xe000ed94     /* MPU_CTRL register. */

+              ldr r3, [ r2 ] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */

+    bic r3, r3, # 1          /* r3 = r3 & ~1 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r3. */

+    str r3, [ r2 ]           /* Disable MPU. */


-    ldr r2, = 0xe000ed9c       /* Region Base Address register. */

+    ldr r2, = 0xe000ed9c     /* Region Base Address register. */

               ldmia r1 !, {

         r4 - r11

     } /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers. */

@@ -590,11 +591,11 @@
         r4 - r11

     } /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers. */


-    ldr   r2, = 0xe000ed94     /* MPU_CTRL register. */

-                ldr r3, [ r2 ] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */

-    orr r3, r3, # 1            /* r3 = r3 | 1 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r3. */

-    str r3, [ r2 ]             /* Enable MPU. */

-    dsb                        /* Force memory writes before continuing. */

+    ldr r2, = 0xe000ed94 /* MPU_CTRL register. */

+              ldr r3, [ r2 ] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */

+    orr r3, r3, # 1          /* r3 = r3 | 1 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r3. */

+    str r3, [ r2 ]           /* Enable MPU. */

+    dsb                      /* Force memory writes before continuing. */


     ldmia r0 !, {

         r3 - r11, r14

@@ -609,7 +610,7 @@

     msr psp, r0

     bx r14

-           nop

+        nop




@@ -637,12 +638,12 @@
 __weak void vSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Reset the SysTick. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;




     /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+    portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -689,10 +690,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portUNPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Setup the privileged flash for privileged only access.  This is where

          * the kernel code is placed. */

@@ -700,10 +701,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portPRIVILEGED_FLASH_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Setup the privileged data RAM region.  This is where the kernel data

          * is placed. */

@@ -711,10 +712,10 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portPRIVILEGED_RAM_REGION );



-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

-                                          prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

+                                       prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* By default allow everything to access the general peripherals.  The

          * system peripherals and registers are protected. */

@@ -722,15 +723,15 @@
                                           ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                                           ( portGENERAL_PERIPHERALS_REGION );



-                                          ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |

-                                          ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


+                                       ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( portPERIPHERALS_END_ADDRESS - portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS ) ) |

+                                       ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );


         /* Enable the memory fault exception. */




         /* Enable the MPU with the background region configured. */

-        portMPU_CTRL_REG               |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );

+        portMPU_CTRL_REG |= ( portMPU_ENABLE | portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE );




@@ -794,8 +795,8 @@
     extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__;



-    int32_t         lIndex;

-    uint32_t        ul;

+    int32_t lIndex;

+    uint32_t ul;


     if( xRegions == NULL )


@@ -805,7 +806,7 @@
             ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

             ( portSTACK_REGION );


-        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =

             ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) |


             ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__ ) ) |

@@ -818,7 +819,7 @@
             ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

             ( portSTACK_REGION + 1 );


-        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+        xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 1 ].ulRegionAttribute =



             prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |

@@ -828,7 +829,7 @@
         for( ul = 2; ul <= portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS; ul++ )


             xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;

-            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   = 0UL;

+            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;




@@ -845,7 +846,7 @@
                 ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                 ( portSTACK_REGION ); /* Region number. */


-            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+            xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =

                 ( portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) | /* Read and write. */

                 ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ulStackDepth * ( uint32_t ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) ) |

                 ( portMPU_REGION_CACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE ) |

@@ -866,7 +867,7 @@
                     ( portMPU_REGION_VALID ) |

                     ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ); /* Region number. */


-                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   =

+                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute =

                     ( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes ) ) |

                     ( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulParameters ) |

                     ( portMPU_REGION_ENABLE );

@@ -875,7 +876,7 @@

                 /* Invalidate the region. */

                 xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( portSTACK_REGION + ul ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID;

-                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute   = 0UL;

+                xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;




@@ -898,7 +899,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         ulCurrentInterrupt = prvPortGetIPSR();

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4_MPU/portmacro.h b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4_MPU/portmacro.h
index ae8f6b7..cb9c99c 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4_MPU/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4_MPU/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@

     #define portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG     ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed04 ) )

     #define portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT    ( 1UL << 28UL )

-    #define portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xSwitchRequired )    if( xSwitchRequired ) portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG  = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT

+    #define portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xSwitchRequired )    if( xSwitchRequired ) portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT

     #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x )                     portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( x )



@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )




@@ -279,7 +280,7 @@

     static portFORCE_INLINE BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
index 28d6f14..02447fe 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -141,13 +142,13 @@

 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting                                   = 0xaaaaaaaa;

+static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;



  * The number of SysTick increments that make up one tick period.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick                            = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@
  * 24 bit resolution of the SysTick timer.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks                    = 0;

+    static uint32_t xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@
  * power functionality only.


 #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )

-    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation                         = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 0;

 #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */



@@ -172,8 +173,8 @@
  * a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.


 #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-    static uint8_t  ucMaxSysCallPriority                               = 0;

-    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue                                 = 0;

+    static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;

+    static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;

     static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( uint8_t * ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;

 #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


@@ -303,9 +304,9 @@

     #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )


-            volatile uint32_t        ulOriginalPriority;

+            volatile uint32_t ulOriginalPriority;

             volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( uint8_t * ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );

-            volatile uint8_t         ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API

              * functions can be called.  ISR safe functions are those that end in

@@ -313,25 +314,25 @@
              * ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.


              * Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */

-            ulOriginalPriority            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ulOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* Determine the number of priority bits available.  First write to all

              * possible bits. */

             *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;


             /* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */

-            ucMaxPriorityValue            = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;

+            ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;


             /* The kernel interrupt priority should be set to the lowest

              * priority. */

             configASSERT( ucMaxPriorityValue == ( configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue ) );


             /* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */

-            ucMaxSysCallPriority          = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;

+            ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;


             /* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number

              * of bits read back. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue            = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS;


             while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )


@@ -359,8 +360,8 @@

             /* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR

              * register. */

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue          <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

-            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue           &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue <<= portPRIGROUP_SHIFT;

+            ulMaxPRIGROUPValue &= portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK;


             /* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original

              * value. */

@@ -378,13 +379,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    uxCriticalNesting     = 0;

+    uxCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )       |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@



-    mrs    r0, psp

+    mrs r0, psp


     /* Get the location of the current TCB. */

     ldr r3, = pxCurrentTCB

@@ -494,7 +495,7 @@


     msr psp, r0

-           isb

+        isb

     #ifdef WORKAROUND_PMU_CM001 /* XMC4000 specific errata */

         #if WORKAROUND_PMU_CM001 == 1

             push {

@@ -537,7 +538,7 @@

     __weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t   ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+        uint32_t ulReloadValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

         TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime;


         /* Make sure the SysTick reload value does not overflow the counter. */

@@ -555,7 +556,7 @@
         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime

          * tick periods.  -1 is used because this code will execute part way

          * through one of the tick periods. */

-        ulReloadValue              = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );

+        ulReloadValue = portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG + ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * ( xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL ) );


         if( ulReloadValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -574,14 +575,14 @@

             /* Restart from whatever is left in the count register to complete

              * this tick period. */




             /* Restart SysTick. */



             /* Reset the reload register to the value required for normal tick

              * periods. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG  = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Re-enable interrupts - see comments above __disable_irq() call

              * above. */

@@ -590,21 +591,21 @@


             /* Set the new reload value. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulReloadValue;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulReloadValue;


             /* Clear the SysTick count flag and set the count value back to

              * zero. */



             /* Restart SysTick. */

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;



             /* Sleep until something happens.  configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() can

              * set its parameter to 0 to indicate that its implementation contains

              * its own wait for interrupt or wait for event instruction, and so wfi

              * should not be executed again.  However, the original expected idle

              * time variable must remain unmodified, so a copy is taken. */

-            xModifiableIdleTime                = xExpectedIdleTime;

+            xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;

             configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime );


             if( xModifiableIdleTime > 0 )

@@ -638,7 +639,7 @@
              * be, but using the tickless mode will inevitably result in some tiny

              * drift of the time maintained by the kernel with respect to calendar

              * time*/

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = ( portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT | portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT );



             /* Determine if the SysTick clock has already counted to zero and

              * been set back to the current reload value (the reload back being

@@ -653,7 +654,7 @@
                  * reloaded with ulReloadValue.  Reset the

                  * portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG with whatever remains of this tick

                  * period. */

-                ulCalculatedLoadValue     = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );

+                ulCalculatedLoadValue = ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL ) - ( ulReloadValue - portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG );


                 /* Don't allow a tiny value, or values that have somehow

                  * underflowed because the post sleep hook did something

@@ -668,7 +669,7 @@
                 /* As the pending tick will be processed as soon as this

                  * function exits, the tick value maintained by the tick is stepped

                  * forward by one less than the time spent waiting. */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods     = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL;




@@ -680,20 +681,20 @@

                 /* How many complete tick periods passed while the processor

                  * was waiting? */

-                ulCompleteTickPeriods        = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

+                ulCompleteTickPeriods = ulCompletedSysTickDecrements / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;


                 /* The reload value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG    = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;

+                portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( ( ulCompleteTickPeriods + 1UL ) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick ) - ulCompletedSysTickDecrements;



             /* Restart SysTick so it runs from portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG

              * again, then set portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG back to its standard

              * value. */


-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG         |= portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT;


             vTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods );

-            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;

+            portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1UL;


             /* Exit with interrupts enabled. */


@@ -715,19 +716,19 @@
         /* Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. */

         #if ( configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 )


-                ulTimerCountsForOneTick         = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+                ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

                 xMaximumPossibleSuppressedTicks = portMAX_24_BIT_NUMBER / ulTimerCountsForOneTick;

-                ulStoppedTimerCompensation      = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );

+                ulStoppedTimerCompensation = portMISSED_COUNTS_FACTOR / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ );


         #endif /* configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE */


         /* Stop and clear the SysTick. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG          = 0UL;

+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG = 0UL;



         /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */

-        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG          = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;


+        portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG = ( configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;





@@ -747,7 +748,7 @@
     void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )


         uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

-        uint8_t  ucCurrentPriority;

+        uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

         ulCurrentInterrupt = vPortGetIPSR();

diff --git a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
index a3eb46e..b4d8d1b 100644
--- a/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@



-        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority        = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )

+        #define portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY( uxTopPriority, uxReadyPriorities )    uxTopPriority = ( 31UL - ( uint32_t ) __clz( ( uxReadyPriorities ) ) )


     #endif /* taskRECORD_READY_PRIORITY */


@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@

     static portFORCE_INLINE BaseType_t xPortIsInsideInterrupt( void )


-        uint32_t   ulCurrentInterrupt;

+        uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */

diff --git a/portable/Renesas/RX100/port.c b/portable/Renesas/RX100/port.c
index 7ca0c88..c3ff5df 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/RX100/port.c
+++ b/portable/Renesas/RX100/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -73,8 +74,8 @@
 /* The following lines are to ensure vSoftwareInterruptEntry can be referenced,

  * and therefore installed in the vector table, when the FreeRTOS code is built

  * as a library. */

-extern BaseType_t  vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

-const BaseType_t * p_vSoftwareInterruptEntry                = &vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

+extern BaseType_t vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

+const BaseType_t * p_vSoftwareInterruptEntry = &vSoftwareInterruptEntry;




@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@


 /* Calculate how many clock increments make up a single tick period. */

-static const uint32_t ulMatchValueForOneTick                = ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );

+static const uint32_t ulMatchValueForOneTick = ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ );


 #if configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1


@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@
 /* Flag set from the tick interrupt to allow the sleep processing to know if

  * sleep mode was exited because of a tick interrupt, or an interrupt

  * generated by something else. */

-    static volatile uint32_t ulTickFlag                     = pdFALSE;

+    static volatile uint32_t ulTickFlag = pdFALSE;


 /* The CMT counter is stopped temporarily each time it is re-programmed.

  * The following constant offsets the CMT counter match value by the number of

@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
  * compensate for the lost time.  The large difference between the divided CMT

  * clock and the CPU clock means it is likely ulStoppedTimerCompensation will

  * equal zero - and be optimised away. */

-    static const uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation        = 100UL / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) );

+    static const uint32_t ulStoppedTimerCompensation = 100UL / ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR ) );


 #endif /* if configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 1 */


@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


@@ -427,19 +428,19 @@
 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Unlock. */




     /* Enable CMT0. */

-    MSTP( CMT0 )        = 0;

+    MSTP( CMT0 ) = 0;


     /* Lock again. */




     /* Interrupt on compare match. */

-    CMT0.CMCR.BIT.CMIE  = 1;

+    CMT0.CMCR.BIT.CMIE = 1;


     /* Set the compare match value. */

-    CMT0.CMCOR          = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValueForOneTick;

+    CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValueForOneTick;


     /* Divide the PCLK. */

     #if portCLOCK_DIVISOR == 512

@@ -466,10 +467,10 @@


     /* Enable the interrupt... */

-    _IEN( _CMT0_CMI0 )  = 1;

+    _IEN( _CMT0_CMI0 ) = 1;


     /* ...and set its priority to the application defined kernel priority. */




     /* Start the timer. */

     CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;

@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@

     void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime )


-        uint32_t         ulMatchValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCurrentCount;

+        uint32_t ulMatchValue, ulCompleteTickPeriods, ulCurrentCount;

         eSleepModeStatus eSleepAction;



@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@

         /* Calculate the reload value required to wait xExpectedIdleTime tick

          * periods. */

-        ulMatchValue        = ulMatchValueForOneTick * xExpectedIdleTime;

+        ulMatchValue = ulMatchValueForOneTick * xExpectedIdleTime;


         if( ulMatchValue > ulStoppedTimerCompensation )


@@ -542,12 +543,12 @@
         /* The tick flag is set to false before sleeping.  If it is true when

          * sleep mode is exited then sleep mode was probably exited because the

          * tick was suppressed for the entire xExpectedIdleTime period. */

-        ulTickFlag          = pdFALSE;

+        ulTickFlag = pdFALSE;


         /* If a context switch is pending then abandon the low power entry as

          * the context switch might have been pended by an external interrupt that

          * requires processing. */

-        eSleepAction        = eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus();

+        eSleepAction = eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus();


         if( eSleepAction == eAbortSleep )


@@ -558,42 +559,42 @@
         else if( eSleepAction == eNoTasksWaitingTimeout )


             /* Protection off. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD      = portUNLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portUNLOCK_KEY;


             /* Ready for software standby with all clocks stopped. */

             SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY = 1;


             /* Protection on. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD      = portLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portLOCK_KEY;


             /* Sleep until something happens.  Calling prvSleep() will

              * automatically reset the i bit in the PSW. */

             prvSleep( xExpectedIdleTime );


             /* Restart the CMT. */

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0   = 1;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;




             /* Protection off. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD           = portUNLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portUNLOCK_KEY;


             /* Ready for deep sleep mode. */

-            SYSTEM.MSTPCRC.BIT.DSLPE   = 1;

+            SYSTEM.MSTPCRC.BIT.DSLPE = 1;

             SYSTEM.MSTPCRA.BIT.MSTPA28 = 1;

-            SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY      = 0;

+            SYSTEM.SBYCR.BIT.SSBY = 0;


             /* Protection on. */

-            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD           = portLOCK_KEY;

+            SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = portLOCK_KEY;


             /* Adjust the match value to take into account that the current

              * time slice is already partially complete. */

-            ulMatchValue              -= ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

-            CMT0.CMCOR                 = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+            ulMatchValue -= ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

+            CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;


             /* Restart the CMT to count up to the new match value. */

-            CMT0.CMCNT                 = 0;

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 1;

+            CMT0.CMCNT = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;


             /* Sleep until something happens.  Calling prvSleep() will

              * automatically reset the i bit in the PSW. */

@@ -603,14 +604,14 @@
              * accounted for as best it can be, but using the tickless mode will

              * inevitably result in some tiny drift of the time maintained by the

              * kernel with	respect to calendar time. */

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 0;


             while( CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 == 1 )


                 /* Nothing to do here. */



-            ulCurrentCount             = ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;

+            ulCurrentCount = ( uint32_t ) CMT0.CMCNT;


             if( ulTickFlag != pdFALSE )


@@ -619,8 +620,8 @@
                  * tick processing will not occur until after this function has

                  * exited.  Reset the match value with whatever remains of this

                  * tick period. */

-                ulMatchValue          = ulMatchValueForOneTick - ulCurrentCount;

-                CMT0.CMCOR            = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+                ulMatchValue = ulMatchValueForOneTick - ulCurrentCount;

+                CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;


                 /* The tick interrupt handler will already have pended the tick

                  * processing in the kernel.  As the pending tick will be

@@ -639,15 +640,15 @@

                 /* The match value is set to whatever fraction of a single tick

                  * period remains. */

-                ulMatchValue          = ulCurrentCount - ( ulCompleteTickPeriods * ulMatchValueForOneTick );

-                CMT0.CMCOR            = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;

+                ulMatchValue = ulCurrentCount - ( ulCompleteTickPeriods * ulMatchValueForOneTick );

+                CMT0.CMCOR = ( uint16_t ) ulMatchValue;



             /* Restart the CMT so it runs up to the match value.  The match value

              * will get set to the value required to generate exactly one tick period

              * the next time the CMT interrupt executes. */

-            CMT0.CMCNT                 = 0;

-            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0        = 1;

+            CMT0.CMCNT = 0;

+            CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;


             /* Wind the tick forward by the number of tick periods that the CPU

              * remained in a low power state. */

diff --git a/portable/Renesas/RX100/portmacro.h b/portable/Renesas/RX100/portmacro.h
index a56762d..b9c029a 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/RX100/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Renesas/RX100/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/Renesas/RX200/port.c b/portable/Renesas/RX200/port.c
index 4b08a28..ee4e5b6 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/RX200/port.c
+++ b/portable/Renesas/RX200/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
 /* The following lines are to ensure vSoftwareInterruptEntry can be referenced,

  * and therefore installed in the vector table, when the FreeRTOS code is built

  * as a library. */

-extern BaseType_t  vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

+extern BaseType_t vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

 const BaseType_t * p_vSoftwareInterruptEntry = &vSoftwareInterruptEntry;



@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


diff --git a/portable/Renesas/RX200/portmacro.h b/portable/Renesas/RX200/portmacro.h
index a1c6710..c1a58b5 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/RX200/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Renesas/RX200/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/Renesas/RX600/port.c b/portable/Renesas/RX600/port.c
index b2ef81d..2d9db43 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/RX600/port.c
+++ b/portable/Renesas/RX600/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
 /* The following lines are to ensure vSoftwareInterruptEntry can be referenced,

  * and therefore installed in the vector table, when the FreeRTOS code is built

  * as a library. */

-extern BaseType_t  vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

+extern BaseType_t vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

 const BaseType_t * p_vSoftwareInterruptEntry = &vSoftwareInterruptEntry;



@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


diff --git a/portable/Renesas/RX600/portmacro.h b/portable/Renesas/RX600/portmacro.h
index 3efa919..94575e6 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/RX600/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Renesas/RX600/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/Renesas/RX600v2/port.c b/portable/Renesas/RX600v2/port.c
index e64d3d3..eee082c 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/RX600v2/port.c
+++ b/portable/Renesas/RX600v2/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
 /* The following lines are to ensure vSoftwareInterruptEntry can be referenced,

  * and therefore installed in the vector table, when the FreeRTOS code is built

  * as a library. */

-extern BaseType_t  vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

+extern BaseType_t vSoftwareInterruptEntry;

 const BaseType_t * p_vSoftwareInterruptEntry = &vSoftwareInterruptEntry;



@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@
         _IEN( _ICU_SWINT ) = 1;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is clear. */

-        _IR( _ICU_SWINT )  = 0;

+        _IR( _ICU_SWINT ) = 0;


         /* Ensure the software interrupt is set to the kernel priority. */


diff --git a/portable/Renesas/RX600v2/portmacro.h b/portable/Renesas/RX600v2/portmacro.h
index a3478f2..1f87573 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/RX600v2/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Renesas/RX600v2/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/Renesas/SH2A_FPU/port.c b/portable/Renesas/SH2A_FPU/port.c
index 08a9f13..01a992a 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/SH2A_FPU/port.c
+++ b/portable/Renesas/SH2A_FPU/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -228,8 +229,8 @@

 BaseType_t xPortUsesFloatingPoint( TaskHandle_t xTask )


-    uint32_t *             pulFlopBuffer;

-    BaseType_t             xReturn;

+    uint32_t * pulFlopBuffer;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

     extern void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;


     /* This function tells the kernel that the task referenced by xTask is

@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@
         /* Use the task tag to point to the flop buffer.  Pass pointer to just

          * above the buffer because the flop save routine uses a pre-decrement. */

         vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag( xTask, ( void * ) ( pulFlopBuffer + portFLOP_REGISTERS_TO_STORE ) );

-        xReturn        = pdPASS;

+        xReturn = pdPASS;




diff --git a/portable/Renesas/SH2A_FPU/portmacro.h b/portable/Renesas/SH2A_FPU/portmacro.h
index ed50724..c88b066 100644
--- a/portable/Renesas/SH2A_FPU/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Renesas/SH2A_FPU/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/port.c b/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/port.c
index 01f1067..241dad9 100644
--- a/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/port.c
+++ b/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Scheduler includes. */

@@ -147,24 +148,24 @@
 void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


     /* Ensure the timer is stopped. */

-    TACTL   = 0;

+    TACTL = 0;


     /* Run the timer of the ACLK. */

-    TACTL   = TASSEL_1;

+    TACTL = TASSEL_1;


     /* Clear everything to start with. */

-    TACTL  |= TACLR;

+    TACTL |= TACLR;


     /* Set the compare match value according to the tick rate we want. */




     /* Enable the interrupts. */

     TACCTL0 = CCIE;


     /* Start up clean. */

-    TACTL  |= TACLR;

+    TACTL |= TACLR;


     /* Up mode. */

-    TACTL  |= MC_1;

+    TACTL |= MC_1;



diff --git a/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/portasm.h b/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/portasm.h
index 0bff627..21443bd 100644
--- a/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORT_ASM_H

diff --git a/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/portmacro.h b/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/portmacro.h
index a17659f..9bd65aa 100644
--- a/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Rowley/MSP430F449/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/port.c b/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/port.c
index cbdb984..786540b 100644
--- a/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/port.c
+++ b/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@

 /* Used during a context switch to store the size of the stack being copied

  * to or from XRAM. */

-data static uint8_t             ucStackBytes;

+data static uint8_t ucStackBytes;


 /* Used during a context switch to point to the next byte in XRAM from/to which

  * a RAM byte is to be copied. */

@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@

 /* Used during a context switch to point to the next byte in RAM from/to which

  * an XRAM byte is to be copied. */

-data static StackType_t * data  pxRAMStack;

+data static StackType_t * data pxRAMStack;


 /* We require the address of the pxCurrentTCB variable, but don't want to know

  * any details of its type. */

@@ -84,29 +85,29 @@
     {                            \

         /* pxCurrentTCB points to a TCB which itself points to the location into \

          * which the first	stack byte should be copied.  Set pxXRAMStack to point \

-         * to the location into which the first stack byte is to be copied. */              \

-        pxXRAMStack   = ( xdata StackType_t * ) *( ( xdata StackType_t ** ) pxCurrentTCB ); \

-                                                                                            \

-        /* Set pxRAMStack to point to the first byte to be coped from the stack. */         \

-        pxRAMStack    = ( data StackType_t * data ) configSTACK_START;                      \

-                                                                                            \

+         * to the location into which the first stack byte is to be copied. */            \

+        pxXRAMStack = ( xdata StackType_t * ) *( ( xdata StackType_t ** ) pxCurrentTCB ); \

+                                                                                          \

+        /* Set pxRAMStack to point to the first byte to be coped from the stack. */       \

+        pxRAMStack = ( data StackType_t * data ) configSTACK_START;                       \

+                                                                                          \

         /* Calculate the size of the stack we are about to copy from the current \

-         * stack pointer value. */                      \

-        ucStackBytes  = SP - ( configSTACK_START - 1 ); \

-                                                        \

+         * stack pointer value. */                     \

+        ucStackBytes = SP - ( configSTACK_START - 1 ); \

+                                                       \

         /* Before starting to copy the stack, store the calculated stack size so \

-         * the stack can be restored when the task is resumed. */ \

-        * pxXRAMStack = ucStackBytes;                             \

-                                                                  \

+         * the stack can be restored when the task is resumed. */\

+        * pxXRAMStack = ucStackBytes;                      \

+                                                           \

         /* Copy each stack byte in turn.  pxXRAMStack is incremented first as we \

-         * have already stored the stack size into XRAM. */ \

-        while( ucStackBytes )                               \

-        {                                                   \

-            pxXRAMStack ++;                                 \

-            * pxXRAMStack = * pxRAMStack;                   \

-            pxRAMStack ++;                                  \

-            ucStackBytes --;                                \

-        }                                                   \

+         * have already stored the stack size into XRAM. */\

+        while( ucStackBytes )                        \

+        {                                            \

+            pxXRAMStack ++;                          \

+            * pxXRAMStack = * pxRAMStack;            \

+            pxRAMStack ++;                           \

+            ucStackBytes --;                         \

+        }                                            \




@@ -117,10 +118,10 @@
 #define portCOPY_XRAM_TO_STACK() \

     {                            \

         /* Setup the pointers as per portCOPY_STACK_TO_XRAM(), but this time to \

-         * copy the data back out of XRAM and into the stack. */                           \

-        pxXRAMStack  = ( xdata StackType_t * ) *( ( xdata StackType_t ** ) pxCurrentTCB ); \

-        pxRAMStack   = ( data StackType_t * data )( configSTACK_START - 1 );               \

-                                                                                           \

+         * copy the data back out of XRAM and into the stack. */                          \

+        pxXRAMStack = ( xdata StackType_t * ) *( ( xdata StackType_t ** ) pxCurrentTCB ); \

+        pxRAMStack = ( data StackType_t * data )( configSTACK_START - 1 );                \

+                                                                                          \

         /* The first value stored in XRAM was the size of the stack - i.e. the \

          * number of bytes we need to copy back. */                      \

         ucStackBytes = pxXRAMStack[ 0 ];                                 \

@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@
         } while( ucStackBytes );                                         \


         /* Restore the stack pointer ready to use the restored stack. */ \

-        SP           = ( uint8_t ) pxRAMStack;                           \

+        SP = ( uint8_t ) pxRAMStack;                                     \




@@ -194,18 +195,18 @@
         pop DPL               \

         /* The next byte of the stack is the IE register.  Only the global \

          * enable bit forms part of the task context.  Pop off the IE then set \

-         * the global enable bit to match that of the stored IE register. */ \

-        pop ACC                                                              \

-        JB ACC .7, 00 98$                                                    \

-        CLR IE .7                                                            \

-        LJMP 00 99$                                                          \

-        00 98$ :                                                             \

-        SETB IE .7                                                           \

-        00 99$ :                                                             \

-        /* Finally pop off the ACC, which was the first register saved. */   \

-        pop ACC                                                              \

-        reti                                                                 \

-        _endasm;                                                             \

+         * the global enable bit to match that of the stored IE register. */\

+        pop ACC                                                            \

+        JB ACC .7, 00 98$                                                  \

+        CLR IE .7                                                          \

+        LJMP 00 99$                                                        \

+        00 98$ :                                                           \

+        SETB IE .7                                                         \

+        00 99$ :                                                           \

+        /* Finally pop off the ACC, which was the first register saved. */ \

+        pop ACC                                                            \

+        reti                                                               \

+        _endasm;                                                           \




@@ -216,11 +217,11 @@
                                      TaskFunction_t pxCode,

                                      void * pvParameters )


-    uint32_t      ulAddress;

+    uint32_t ulAddress;

     StackType_t * pxStartOfStack;


     /* Leave space to write the size of the stack as the first byte. */

-    pxStartOfStack  = pxTopOfStack;

+    pxStartOfStack = pxTopOfStack;



     /* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack.

@@ -237,53 +238,53 @@
      * ISR.


      * The return address that would have been pushed by the MCU. */

-    ulAddress       = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

-    *pxTopOfStack   = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;

-    ulAddress     >>= 8;

+    ulAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;

+    ulAddress >>= 8;


-    *pxTopOfStack   = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress );

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress );



     /* Next all the registers will have been pushed by portSAVE_CONTEXT(). */

-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0xaa; /* acc */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0xaa; /* acc */



     /* We want tasks to start with interrupts enabled. */

-    *pxTopOfStack   = portGLOBAL_INTERRUPT_BIT;

+    *pxTopOfStack = portGLOBAL_INTERRUPT_BIT;



     /* The function parameters will be passed in the DPTR and B register as

      * a three byte generic pointer is used. */

-    ulAddress       = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

-    *pxTopOfStack   = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress; /* DPL */

-    ulAddress     >>= 8;

+    ulAddress = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress; /* DPL */

+    ulAddress >>= 8;


-    *pxTopOfStack   = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress; /* DPH */

-    ulAddress     >>= 8;

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress; /* DPH */

+    ulAddress >>= 8;


-    *pxTopOfStack   = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress; /* b */

+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress; /* b */



     /* The remaining registers are straight forward. */

-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x02; /* R2 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x02; /* R2 */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x03; /* R3 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x03; /* R3 */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x04; /* R4 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x04; /* R4 */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x05; /* R5 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x05; /* R5 */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x06; /* R6 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x06; /* R6 */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x07; /* R7 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x07; /* R7 */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x00; /* R0 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x00; /* R0 */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x01; /* R1 */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x01; /* R1 */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0x00; /* PSW */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0x00; /* PSW */


-    *pxTopOfStack   = 0xbb; /* BP */

+    *pxTopOfStack = 0xbb; /* BP */


     /* Dont increment the stack size here as we don't want to include

      * the stack size byte as part of the stack size count.

@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@



-#else /* if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1 */

+#else  /* if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1 */

     void vTimer2ISR( void ) interrupt 5


         /* When using the cooperative scheduler the timer 2 ISR is only

@@ -383,40 +384,40 @@

 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )


-    uint8_t        ucOriginalSFRPage;

+    uint8_t ucOriginalSFRPage;


 /* Constants calculated to give the required timer capture values. */

-    const uint32_t ulTicksPerSecond  = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR;

-    const uint32_t ulCaptureTime     = ulTicksPerSecond / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

-    const uint32_t ulCaptureValue    = portMAX_TIMER_VALUE - ulCaptureTime;

-    const uint8_t  ucLowCaptureByte  = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCaptureValue & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

-    const uint8_t  ucHighCaptureByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCaptureValue >> ( uint32_t ) 8 );

+    const uint32_t ulTicksPerSecond = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / portCLOCK_DIVISOR;

+    const uint32_t ulCaptureTime = ulTicksPerSecond / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

+    const uint32_t ulCaptureValue = portMAX_TIMER_VALUE - ulCaptureTime;

+    const uint8_t ucLowCaptureByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCaptureValue & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

+    const uint8_t ucHighCaptureByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCaptureValue >> ( uint32_t ) 8 );


     /* NOTE:  This uses a timer only present on 8052 architecture. */


     /* Remember the current SFR page so we can restore it at the end of the

      * function. */

     ucOriginalSFRPage = SFRPAGE;

-    SFRPAGE           = 0;

+    SFRPAGE = 0;


     /* TMR2CF can be left in its default state. */

-    TMR2CF            = ( uint8_t ) 0;

+    TMR2CF = ( uint8_t ) 0;


     /* Setup the overflow reload value. */

-    RCAP2L            = ucLowCaptureByte;

-    RCAP2H            = ucHighCaptureByte;

+    RCAP2L = ucLowCaptureByte;

+    RCAP2H = ucHighCaptureByte;


     /* The initial load is performed manually. */

-    TMR2L             = ucLowCaptureByte;

-    TMR2H             = ucHighCaptureByte;

+    TMR2L = ucLowCaptureByte;

+    TMR2H = ucHighCaptureByte;


     /* Enable the timer 2 interrupts. */

-    IE               |= portTIMER_2_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;



     /* Interrupts are disabled when this is called so the timer can be started

      * here. */

-    TMR2CN            = portENABLE_TIMER;



     /* Restore the original SFR page. */

-    SFRPAGE           = ucOriginalSFRPage;

+    SFRPAGE = ucOriginalSFRPage;


diff --git a/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/portmacro.h b/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/portmacro.h
index 604b46d..2fe0a3f 100644
--- a/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -74,16 +75,16 @@
     push ACC                 \

     push IE                  \

     _endasm;                 \

-    EA                                 = 0;

+    EA = 0;


-#define portEXIT_CRITICAL()                    \

-    _asm                                       \

-    pop ACC                                    \

-    _endasm;                                   \

-    ACC                               &= 0x80; \

-    IE                                |= ACC;  \

-    _asm                                       \

-    pop ACC                                    \

+#define portEXIT_CRITICAL() \

+    _asm                    \

+    pop ACC                 \

+    _endasm;                \

+    ACC &= 0x80;            \

+    IE |= ACC;              \

+    _asm                    \

+    pop ACC                 \



 #define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS()    EA = 0;

diff --git a/portable/Softune/MB91460/__STD_LIB_sbrk.c b/portable/Softune/MB91460/__STD_LIB_sbrk.c
index bfe03bc..08201ca 100644
--- a/portable/Softune/MB91460/__STD_LIB_sbrk.c
+++ b/portable/Softune/MB91460/__STD_LIB_sbrk.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"

 #include <stdlib.h>


-static long    brk_siz = 0;

+static long brk_siz = 0;

 /*	#if  configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE != 0 */

 typedef int _heep_t;

 #define ROUNDUP( s )    ( ( ( s ) + sizeof( _heep_t ) - 1 ) & ~( sizeof( _heep_t ) - 1 ) )

diff --git a/portable/Softune/MB91460/port.c b/portable/Softune/MB91460/port.c
index 32d0034..23c3195 100644
--- a/portable/Softune/MB91460/port.c
+++ b/portable/Softune/MB91460/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #include "FreeRTOS.h"

@@ -210,18 +211,18 @@

     /* Setup RLT0 to generate a tick interrupt. */


-    TMCSR0_CNTE = 0;   /* Count Disable */

-    TMCSR0_CSL  = 0x2; /* CLKP/32 */

-    TMCSR0_MOD  = 0;   /* Software trigger */

-    TMCSR0_RELD = 1;   /* Reload */

+    TMCSR0_CNTE = 0;  /* Count Disable */

+    TMCSR0_CSL = 0x2; /* CLKP/32 */

+    TMCSR0_MOD = 0;   /* Software trigger */

+    TMCSR0_RELD = 1;  /* Reload */


-    TMCSR0_UF   = 0;   /* Clear underflow flag */

-    TMRLR0      = usReloadValue;

-    TMCSR0_INTE = 1;   /* Interrupt Enable */

-    TMCSR0_CNTE = 1;   /* Count Enable */

-    TMCSR0_TRG  = 1;   /* Trigger */

+    TMCSR0_UF = 0;    /* Clear underflow flag */

+    TMRLR0 = usReloadValue;

+    TMCSR0_INTE = 1;  /* Interrupt Enable */

+    TMCSR0_CNTE = 1;  /* Count Enable */

+    TMCSR0_TRG = 1;   /* Trigger */


-    PORTEN      = 0x3; /* Port Enable */

+    PORTEN = 0x3;     /* Port Enable */




diff --git a/portable/Softune/MB91460/portmacro.h b/portable/Softune/MB91460/portmacro.h
index b918292..3c36f22 100644
--- a/portable/Softune/MB91460/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Softune/MB91460/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/Softune/MB96340/__STD_LIB_sbrk.c b/portable/Softune/MB96340/__STD_LIB_sbrk.c
index 603e4db..0906319 100644
--- a/portable/Softune/MB96340/__STD_LIB_sbrk.c
+++ b/portable/Softune/MB96340/__STD_LIB_sbrk.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"

 #include <stdlib.h>


-static long    brk_siz = 0;

+static long brk_siz = 0;

 typedef int _heep_t;

 #define ROUNDUP( s )    ( ( ( s ) + sizeof( _heep_t ) - 1 ) & ~( sizeof( _heep_t ) - 1 ) )

 static _heep_t _heep[ ROUNDUP( configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE ) / sizeof( _heep_t ) ];

diff --git a/portable/Softune/MB96340/port.c b/portable/Softune/MB96340/port.c
index d13f16a..dea30bd 100644
--- a/portable/Softune/MB96340/port.c
+++ b/portable/Softune/MB96340/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #include "FreeRTOS.h"

diff --git a/portable/Softune/MB96340/portmacro.h b/portable/Softune/MB96340/portmacro.h
index c9a446c..84f3bec 100644
--- a/portable/Softune/MB96340/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Softune/MB96340/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/Tasking/ARM_CM4F/port.c b/portable/Tasking/ARM_CM4F/port.c
index 5e591b9..011ad77 100644
--- a/portable/Tasking/ARM_CM4F/port.c
+++ b/portable/Tasking/ARM_CM4F/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -68,11 +69,11 @@

 /* The priority used by the kernel is assigned to a variable to make access

  * from inline assembler easier. */

-const uint32_t  ulKernelPriority                  = configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY;

+const uint32_t ulKernelPriority = configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY;


 /* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting

  * variable. */

-static uint32_t ulCriticalNesting                 = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;

+static uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaaUL;



  * Setup the timer to generate the tick interrupts.

@@ -171,13 +172,13 @@


     /* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */

-    ulCriticalNesting      = 0;

+    ulCriticalNesting = 0;


     /* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */



     /* Lazy save always. */

-    *( portFPCCR )        |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;

+    *( portFPCCR ) |= portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS;


     /* Start the first task. */


diff --git a/portable/Tasking/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h b/portable/Tasking/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
index 3b6d8e8..f15cc2b 100644
--- a/portable/Tasking/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/Tasking/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/CDK/T-HEAD_CK802/port.c b/portable/ThirdParty/CDK/T-HEAD_CK802/port.c
index 0b12a88..6cd0cc9 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/CDK/T-HEAD_CK802/port.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/CDK/T-HEAD_CK802/port.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
 /* Kernel includes. */
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
 /* Used to record one tack want to swtich task after enter critical area, we need know it
  * and implement task switch after exit critical area */
-portLONG pendsvflag        = 0;
+portLONG pendsvflag = 0;
 StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,
                                      TaskFunction_t pxCode,
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
     StackType_t * stk = NULL;
-    stk        = pxTopOfStack;
+    stk = pxTopOfStack;
     *( --stk ) = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;       /* Entry Point                                         */
     *( --stk ) = ( uint32_t ) 0xE0000140L;  /* PSR                                                 */
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/CDK/T-HEAD_CK802/portmacro.h b/portable/ThirdParty/CDK/T-HEAD_CK802/portmacro.h
index 9621c8d..5840ea1 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/CDK/T-HEAD_CK802/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/CDK/T-HEAD_CK802/portmacro.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/arc_freertos_exceptions.c b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/arc_freertos_exceptions.c
index 0149034..6c025ca 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/arc_freertos_exceptions.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/arc_freertos_exceptions.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/arc_freertos_exceptions.h b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/arc_freertos_exceptions.h
index 26c0491..4ef9b8e 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/arc_freertos_exceptions.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/arc_freertos_exceptions.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/freertos_tls.c b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/freertos_tls.c
index f838280..6495fd6 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/freertos_tls.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/freertos_tls.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
 #if defined( __MW__ )
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@
     static void * init_task_tls( void )
         uint32_t len = ( uint32_t ) ( _etls - _ftls );
-        void *   tls = NULL;
+        void * tls = NULL;
         #if FREERTOS_HEAP_SEL == 3
         #warning "FreeRTOS TLS support is not compatible with heap 3 solution(FREERTOS_HEAP_SEL=3)!"
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/port.c b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/port.c
index 9eb326e..cc3eb1e 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/port.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
     unsigned int status32;
-    status32              = cpu_lock_save();
+    status32 = cpu_lock_save();
     context_switch_reqflg = true;
     cpu_unlock_restore( status32 );
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/portmacro.h b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/portmacro.h
index 5e73580..96c4338 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ARC_EM_HS/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ATmega/port.c b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ATmega/port.c
index 4dcaacd..9b50468 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ATmega/port.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ATmega/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
@@ -534,12 +535,12 @@
     /* The start of the task code will be popped off the stack last, so place
      * it on first. */
-    usAddress         = ( uint16_t ) pxCode;
-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );
+    usAddress = ( uint16_t ) pxCode;
+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );
-    usAddress       >>= 8;
-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );
+    usAddress >>= 8;
+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );
     #if defined( __AVR_3_BYTE_PC__ )
@@ -562,9 +563,9 @@
      *  portSAVE_CONTEXT places the flags on the stack immediately after r0
      *  to ensure the interrupts get disabled as soon as possible, and so ensuring
      *  the stack use is minimal should a context switch interrupt occur. */
-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R0 */
+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R0 */
-    *pxTopOfStack     = portFLAGS_INT_ENABLED;
+    *pxTopOfStack = portFLAGS_INT_ENABLED;
     #if defined( __AVR_3_BYTE_PC__ )
@@ -586,21 +587,21 @@
     /* Now the remaining registers. The compiler expects R1 to be 0. */
-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R1 */
+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* R1 */
     /* Leave R2 - R23 untouched */
-    pxTopOfStack     -= 23;
+    pxTopOfStack -= 23;
     /* Place the parameter on the stack in the expected location. */
-    usAddress         = ( uint16_t ) pvParameters;
-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );
+    usAddress = ( uint16_t ) pvParameters;
+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );
-    usAddress       >>= 8;
-    *pxTopOfStack     = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );
+    usAddress >>= 8;
+    *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( usAddress & ( uint16_t ) 0x00ff );
     /* Leave register R26 - R31 untouched */
-    pxTopOfStack     -= 7;
+    pxTopOfStack -= 7;
     return pxTopOfStack;
@@ -703,12 +704,12 @@
     static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )
         uint32_t ulCompareMatch;
-        uint8_t  ucLowByte;
+        uint8_t ucLowByte;
         /* Using 8bit Timer0 to generate the tick. Correct fuses must be
          * selected for the configCPU_CLOCK_HZ clock.*/
-        ulCompareMatch  = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;
+        ulCompareMatch = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;
         /* We only have 8 bits so have to scale 1024 to get our required tick rate. */
         ulCompareMatch /= portCLOCK_PRESCALER;
@@ -718,18 +719,18 @@
         /* Setup compare match value for compare match A. Interrupts are disabled
          * before this is called so we need not worry here. */
-        ucLowByte       = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );
-        portOCRL        = ucLowByte;
+        ucLowByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCompareMatch & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );
+        portOCRL = ucLowByte;
         /* Setup clock source and compare match behaviour. */
-        portTCCRa       = portCLEAR_COUNTER_ON_MATCH;
-        portTCCRb       = portPRESCALE_1024;
+        portTCCRa = portCLEAR_COUNTER_ON_MATCH;
+        portTCCRb = portPRESCALE_1024;
         /* Enable the interrupt - this is okay as interrupt are currently globally disabled. */
-        ucLowByte       = portTIMSK;
-        ucLowByte      |= portCOMPARE_MATCH_A_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;
-        portTIMSK       = ucLowByte;
+        ucLowByte = portTIMSK;
+        portTIMSK = ucLowByte;
 #endif /* if defined( portUSE_WDTO ) */
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ATmega/portmacro.h b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ATmega/portmacro.h
index c28bff5..ab3dc1f 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ATmega/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/ATmega/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Posix/port.c b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Posix/port.c
index f41468b..a63ef7e 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Posix/port.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Posix/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
@@ -89,15 +90,15 @@
-static pthread_once_t         hSigSetupThread = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
-static sigset_t               xResumeSignals;
-static sigset_t               xAllSignals;
-static sigset_t               xSchedulerOriginalSignalMask;
-static pthread_t              hMainThread     = ( pthread_t ) NULL;
+static pthread_once_t hSigSetupThread = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+static sigset_t xResumeSignals;
+static sigset_t xAllSignals;
+static sigset_t xSchedulerOriginalSignalMask;
+static pthread_t hMainThread = ( pthread_t ) NULL;
 static volatile portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;
-static portBASE_TYPE          xSchedulerEnd   = pdFALSE;
+static portBASE_TYPE xSchedulerEnd = pdFALSE;
 static void prvSetupSignalsAndSchedulerPolicy( void );
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@
 void * malloc( size_t size )
     sigset_t xSavedSignals;
-    void *   ptr;
+    void * ptr;
     pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xAllSignals, &xSavedSignals );
     ptr = __libc_malloc( size );
@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@
                size_t size )
     sigset_t xSavedSignals;
-    void *   ptr;
+    void * ptr;
     pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xAllSignals, &xSavedSignals );
     ptr = __libc_calloc( nmemb, size );
@@ -199,31 +200,31 @@
                                         pdTASK_CODE pxCode,
                                         void * pvParameters )
-    Thread_t *     thread;
+    Thread_t * thread;
     pthread_attr_t xThreadAttributes;
-    size_t         ulStackSize;
-    int            iRet;
+    size_t ulStackSize;
+    int iRet;
     ( void ) pthread_once( &hSigSetupThread, prvSetupSignalsAndSchedulerPolicy );
      * Store the additional thread data at the start of the stack.
-    thread           = ( Thread_t * ) ( pxTopOfStack + 1 ) - 1;
-    pxTopOfStack     = ( portSTACK_TYPE * ) thread - 1;
-    ulStackSize      = ( pxTopOfStack + 1 - pxEndOfStack ) * sizeof( *pxTopOfStack );
+    thread = ( Thread_t * ) ( pxTopOfStack + 1 ) - 1;
+    pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE * ) thread - 1;
+    ulStackSize = ( pxTopOfStack + 1 - pxEndOfStack ) * sizeof( *pxTopOfStack );
-    thread->pxCode   = pxCode;
+    thread->pxCode = pxCode;
     thread->pvParams = pvParameters;
-    thread->xDying   = pdFALSE;
+    thread->xDying = pdFALSE;
     pthread_attr_init( &xThreadAttributes );
     pthread_attr_setstack( &xThreadAttributes, pxEndOfStack, ulStackSize );
-    iRet             = pthread_create( &thread->pthread, &xThreadAttributes,
-                                       prvWaitForStart, thread );
+    iRet = pthread_create( &thread->pthread, &xThreadAttributes,
+                           prvWaitForStart, thread );
     if( iRet )
@@ -250,7 +251,7 @@
 portBASE_TYPE xPortStartScheduler( void )
-    int      iSignal;
+    int iSignal;
     sigset_t xSignals;
     hMainThread = pthread_self();
@@ -285,20 +286,20 @@
     /* Stop the timer and ignore any pending SIGALRMs that would end
      * up running on the main thread when it is resumed. */
-    itimer.it_value.tv_sec     = 0;
-    itimer.it_value.tv_usec    = 0;
+    itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
+    itimer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
-    itimer.it_interval.tv_sec  = 0;
+    itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
     itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
     ( void ) setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL );
-    sigtick.sa_flags           = 0;
-    sigtick.sa_handler         = SIG_IGN;
+    sigtick.sa_flags = 0;
+    sigtick.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
     sigemptyset( &sigtick.sa_mask );
     sigaction( SIGALRM, &sigtick, NULL );
     /* Signal the scheduler to exit its loop. */
-    xSchedulerEnd              = pdTRUE;
+    xSchedulerEnd = pdTRUE;
     ( void ) pthread_kill( hMainThread, SIG_RESUME );
@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@
-    xThreadToResume  = prvGetThreadFromTask( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
+    xThreadToResume = prvGetThreadFromTask( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
     prvSwitchThread( xThreadToResume, xThreadToSuspend );
@@ -397,10 +398,10 @@
 void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )
     struct itimerval itimer;
-    int              iRet;
+    int iRet;
     /* Initialise the structure with the current timer information. */
-    iRet                       = getitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &itimer );
+    iRet = getitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &itimer );
     if( iRet )
@@ -408,22 +409,22 @@
     /* Set the interval between timer events. */
-    itimer.it_interval.tv_sec  = 0;
+    itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
     itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = portTICK_RATE_MICROSECONDS;
     /* Set the current count-down. */
-    itimer.it_value.tv_sec     = 0;
-    itimer.it_value.tv_usec    = portTICK_RATE_MICROSECONDS;
+    itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
+    itimer.it_value.tv_usec = portTICK_RATE_MICROSECONDS;
     /* Set-up the timer interrupt. */
-    iRet                       = setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL );
+    iRet = setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL );
     if( iRet )
         prvFatalError( "setitimer", errno );
-    prvStartTimeNs             = prvGetTimeNs();
+    prvStartTimeNs = prvGetTimeNs();
@@ -431,16 +432,16 @@
     Thread_t * pxThreadToSuspend;
     Thread_t * pxThreadToResume;
-    uint64_t   xExpectedTicks;
+    uint64_t xExpectedTicks;
     uxCriticalNesting++; /* Signals are blocked in this signal handler. */
-    pxThreadToSuspend    = prvGetThreadFromTask( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
+    pxThreadToSuspend = prvGetThreadFromTask( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
     /* Tick Increment, accounting for any lost signals or drift in
      * the timer. */
-    xExpectedTicks       = ( prvGetTimeNs() - prvStartTimeNs )
-                           / ( portTICK_RATE_MICROSECONDS * 1000 );
+    xExpectedTicks = ( prvGetTimeNs() - prvStartTimeNs )
+                     / ( portTICK_RATE_MICROSECONDS * 1000 );
@@ -524,7 +525,7 @@
-        uxCriticalNesting      = uxSavedCriticalNesting;
+        uxCriticalNesting = uxSavedCriticalNesting;
@@ -563,9 +564,9 @@
 static void prvSetupSignalsAndSchedulerPolicy( void )
     struct sigaction sigresume, sigtick;
-    int              iRet;
+    int iRet;
-    hMainThread          = pthread_self();
+    hMainThread = pthread_self();
     /* Initialise common signal masks. */
     sigemptyset( &xResumeSignals );
@@ -588,22 +589,22 @@
     /* SIG_RESUME is only used with sigwait() so doesn't need a
      * handler. */
-    sigresume.sa_flags   = 0;
+    sigresume.sa_flags = 0;
     sigresume.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
     sigfillset( &sigresume.sa_mask );
-    sigtick.sa_flags     = 0;
-    sigtick.sa_handler   = vPortSystemTickHandler;
+    sigtick.sa_flags = 0;
+    sigtick.sa_handler = vPortSystemTickHandler;
     sigfillset( &sigtick.sa_mask );
-    iRet                 = sigaction( SIG_RESUME, &sigresume, NULL );
+    iRet = sigaction( SIG_RESUME, &sigresume, NULL );
     if( iRet )
         prvFatalError( "sigaction", errno );
-    iRet                 = sigaction( SIGALRM, &sigtick, NULL );
+    iRet = sigaction( SIGALRM, &sigtick, NULL );
     if( iRet )
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Posix/portmacro.h b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Posix/portmacro.h
index e43b653..91d44fe 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Posix/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Posix/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/include/portmacro.h b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/include/portmacro.h
index 8740f22..cf39735 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/include/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/include/portmacro.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
  *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  Full license text is available from the following

  *  link:


+ *  1 tab == 4 spaces!



  *                                                                       *

@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
  *  engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and

  *  mission critical applications that require provable dependability.


+ *  1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

@@ -163,9 +165,9 @@

             #define portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED \

     {                                            \

-        .owner          = portMUX_FREE_VAL,      \

-        .count          = 0,                     \

-        .lastLockedFn   = "(never locked)",      \

+        .owner = portMUX_FREE_VAL,               \

+        .count = 0,                              \

+        .lastLockedFn = "(never locked)",        \

         .lastLockedLine = -1                     \


         #endif /* ifndef CONFIG_FREERTOS_PORTMUX_DEBUG */

diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/include/xtensa_context.h b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/include/xtensa_context.h
index fd235a3..b2dbb51 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/include/xtensa_context.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/include/xtensa_context.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 #if defined( _ASMLANGUAGE ) || defined( __ASSEMBLER__ )


     #define STRUCT_BEGIN    .pushsection.text; .struct 0

-    #define STRUCT_FIELD( ctype, size, asname, name ) size

+    #define STRUCT_FIELD( ctype, size, asname, name ) size

     #define STRUCT_AFIELD( ctype, size, asname, name, n ) size ) *( n )

     #define STRUCT_END( sname )                              sname ## Size:; .popsection


@@ -362,8 +362,8 @@

 #define ENTRY0

 #define RET( sz )    ret1 sz

-           .macro ret1 size   = 0x10

-                                l32i a0, sp, 0

+           .macro ret1 size = 0x10

+                              l32i a0, sp, 0

         addi sp, sp, \ size



diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/port.c b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/port.c
index e4b22b0..9324969 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/port.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/port.c
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
  *  engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and

  *  mission critical applications that require provable dependability.


+ *  1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@


 unsigned port_xSchedulerRunning[ portNUM_PROCESSORS ] = { 0 }; /* Duplicate of inaccessible xSchedulerRunning; needed at startup to avoid counting nesting */

-unsigned port_interruptNesting[ portNUM_PROCESSORS ]  = { 0 }; /* Interrupt nesting level. Increased/decreased in portasm.c, _frxt_int_enter/_frxt_int_exit */

+unsigned port_interruptNesting[ portNUM_PROCESSORS ] = { 0 };  /* Interrupt nesting level. Increased/decreased in portasm.c, _frxt_int_enter/_frxt_int_exit */




@@ -145,15 +146,15 @@
                                          void * pvParameters )



-    StackType_t *  sp, * tp;

-    XtExcFrame *   frame;

+    StackType_t * sp, * tp;

+    XtExcFrame * frame;


     #if XCHAL_CP_NUM > 0

         uint32_t * p;



     /* Create interrupt stack frame aligned to 16 byte boundary */

-    sp              = ( StackType_t * ) ( ( ( UBaseType_t ) ( pxTopOfStack + 1 ) - XT_CP_SIZE - XT_STK_FRMSZ ) & ~0xf );

+    sp = ( StackType_t * ) ( ( ( UBaseType_t ) ( pxTopOfStack + 1 ) - XT_CP_SIZE - XT_STK_FRMSZ ) & ~0xf );


     /* Clear the entire frame (do not use memset() because we don't depend on C library) */

     for( tp = sp; tp <= pxTopOfStack; ++tp )

@@ -161,23 +162,23 @@
         *tp = 0;



-    frame           = ( XtExcFrame * ) sp;

+    frame = ( XtExcFrame * ) sp;


     /* Explicitly initialize certain saved registers */

-    frame->pc       = ( UBaseType_t ) pxCode;            /* task entrypoint                */

-    frame->a0       = 0;                                 /* to terminate GDB backtrace     */

-    frame->a1       = ( UBaseType_t ) sp + XT_STK_FRMSZ; /* physical top of stack frame    */

-    frame->exit     = ( UBaseType_t ) _xt_user_exit;     /* user exception exit dispatcher */

+    frame->pc = ( UBaseType_t ) pxCode;             /* task entrypoint                */

+    frame->a0 = 0;                                  /* to terminate GDB backtrace     */

+    frame->a1 = ( UBaseType_t ) sp + XT_STK_FRMSZ;  /* physical top of stack frame    */

+    frame->exit = ( UBaseType_t ) _xt_user_exit;    /* user exception exit dispatcher */


     /* Set initial PS to int level 0, EXCM disabled ('rfe' will enable), user mode. */

     /* Also set entry point argument parameter. */

     #ifdef __XTENSA_CALL0_ABI__

-        frame->a2   = ( UBaseType_t ) pvParameters;

-        frame->ps   = PS_UM | PS_EXCM;

+        frame->a2 = ( UBaseType_t ) pvParameters;

+        frame->ps = PS_UM | PS_EXCM;


         /* + for windowed ABI also set WOE and CALLINC (pretend task was 'call4'd). */

-        frame->a6   = ( UBaseType_t ) pvParameters;

-        frame->ps   = PS_UM | PS_EXCM | PS_WOE | PS_CALLINC( 1 );

+        frame->a6 = ( UBaseType_t ) pvParameters;

+        frame->ps = PS_UM | PS_EXCM | PS_WOE | PS_CALLINC( 1 );



     #ifdef XT_USE_SWPRI

@@ -191,10 +192,10 @@
         /* No access to TCB here, so derive indirectly. Stack growth is top to bottom.

          * //p = (uint32_t *) xMPUSettings->coproc_area;


-        p           = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxTopOfStack - XT_CP_SIZE ) & ~0xf );

-        p[ 0 ]      = 0;

-        p[ 1 ]      = 0;

-        p[ 2 ]      = ( ( ( uint32_t ) p ) + 12 + XCHAL_TOTAL_SA_ALIGN - 1 ) & -XCHAL_TOTAL_SA_ALIGN;

+        p = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxTopOfStack - XT_CP_SIZE ) & ~0xf );

+        p[ 0 ] = 0;

+        p[ 1 ] = 0;

+        p[ 2 ] = ( ( ( uint32_t ) p ) + 12 + XCHAL_TOTAL_SA_ALIGN - 1 ) & -XCHAL_TOTAL_SA_ALIGN;



     return sp;

@@ -238,7 +239,7 @@
 BaseType_t xPortSysTickHandler( void )


     BaseType_t ret;

-    unsigned   interruptMask;

+    unsigned interruptMask;




@@ -306,10 +307,10 @@
 BaseType_t xPortInIsrContext()


     unsigned int irqStatus;

-    BaseType_t   ret;

+    BaseType_t ret;


     irqStatus = portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED();

-    ret       = ( port_interruptNesting[ xPortGetCoreID() ] != 0 );

+    ret = ( port_interruptNesting[ xPortGetCoreID() ] != 0 );

     portEXIT_CRITICAL_NESTED( irqStatus );

     return ret;


@@ -340,11 +341,11 @@


         ets_printf( "Initializing mux %p\n", mux );

-        mux->lastLockedFn   = "(never locked)";

+        mux->lastLockedFn = "(never locked)";

         mux->lastLockedLine = -1;


-    mux->owner              = portMUX_FREE_VAL;

-    mux->count              = 0;

+    mux->owner = portMUX_FREE_VAL;

+    mux->count = 0;



 #include "portmux_impl.h"

@@ -369,13 +370,13 @@
                                       int line )


         unsigned int irqStatus = portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED();

-        bool         result    = vPortCPUAcquireMutexIntsDisabled( mux, timeout_cycles, fnName, line );

+        bool result = vPortCPUAcquireMutexIntsDisabled( mux, timeout_cycles, fnName, line );


         portEXIT_CRITICAL_NESTED( irqStatus );

         return result;





     void vPortCPUAcquireMutex( portMUX_TYPE * mux )


         unsigned int irqStatus = portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED();

@@ -388,7 +389,7 @@
                                       int timeout_cycles )


         unsigned int irqStatus = portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED();

-        bool         result    = vPortCPUAcquireMutexIntsDisabled( mux, timeout_cycles );

+        bool result = vPortCPUAcquireMutexIntsDisabled( mux, timeout_cycles );


         portEXIT_CRITICAL_NESTED( irqStatus );

         return result;

diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/
index 30997e0..427eca6 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/
@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@



-            uint32_t      res;

+            uint32_t res;

             portBASE_TYPE coreID, otherCoreID;

-            uint32_t      ccount_start;

-            bool          set_timeout = timeout_cycles > portMUX_NO_TIMEOUT;

+            uint32_t ccount_start;

+            bool set_timeout = timeout_cycles > portMUX_NO_TIMEOUT;


                 if( !set_timeout )


                     timeout_cycles = 10000; /* Always set a timeout in debug mode */

-                    set_timeout    = true;

+                    set_timeout = true;




@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@



-                uint32_t owner        = mux->owner;

+                uint32_t owner = mux->owner;


                 if( ( owner != portMUX_FREE_VAL ) && ( owner != CORE_ID_PRO ) && ( owner != CORE_ID_APP ) )


@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@

                 if( res == portMUX_FREE_VAL ) /*initial lock */


-                    mux->lastLockedFn   = fnName;

+                    mux->lastLockedFn = fnName;

                     mux->lastLockedLine = line;



@@ -155,13 +155,13 @@



-                portBASE_TYPE    coreID;

+                portBASE_TYPE coreID;

                 #ifdef CONFIG_FREERTOS_PORTMUX_DEBUG

-                    const char * lastLockedFn   = mux->lastLockedFn;

-                    int          lastLockedLine = mux->lastLockedLine;

-                    mux->lastLockedFn   = fnName;

+                    const char * lastLockedFn = mux->lastLockedFn;

+                    int lastLockedLine = mux->lastLockedLine;

+                    mux->lastLockedFn = fnName;

                     mux->lastLockedLine = line;

-                    uint32_t     owner          = mux->owner;

+                    uint32_t owner = mux->owner;


                     if( ( owner != portMUX_FREE_VAL ) && ( owner != CORE_ID_PRO ) && ( owner != CORE_ID_APP ) )


diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/xtensa_intr.c b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/xtensa_intr.c
index ee4b7cb..6d05ae5 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/xtensa_intr.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32/xtensa_intr.c
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@


         /* Convert exception number to _xt_exception_table name */

-        n   = n * portNUM_PROCESSORS + xPortGetCoreID();

+        n = n * portNUM_PROCESSORS + xPortGetCoreID();

         old = _xt_exception_table[ n ];


         if( f )

@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
                                          void * arg )


         xt_handler_table_entry * entry;

-        xt_handler               old;

+        xt_handler old;


         if( ( n < 0 ) || ( n >= XCHAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS ) )


@@ -134,20 +134,20 @@


         /* Convert exception number to _xt_exception_table name */

-        n     = n * portNUM_PROCESSORS + xPortGetCoreID();

+        n = n * portNUM_PROCESSORS + xPortGetCoreID();


         entry = _xt_interrupt_table + n;

-        old   = entry->handler;

+        old = entry->handler;


         if( f )


             entry->handler = f;

-            entry->arg     = arg;

+            entry->arg = arg;




             entry->handler = &xt_unhandled_interrupt;

-            entry->arg     = ( void * ) n;

+            entry->arg = ( void * ) n;



         return( ( old == &xt_unhandled_interrupt ) ? 0 : old );

@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@


             /* Convert exception number to _xt_exception_table name */

-            n     = n * portNUM_PROCESSORS + xPortGetCoreID();

+            n = n * portNUM_PROCESSORS + xPortGetCoreID();


             entry = _xt_interrupt_table + n;

             return entry->arg;

diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/port.c b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/port.c
index ab14cf2..1412639 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/port.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/port.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
 extern volatile TCB_t * volatile pxCurrentTCB;


 unsigned port_xSchedulerRunning = 0; /* Duplicate of inaccessible xSchedulerRunning; needed at startup to avoid counting nesting */

-unsigned port_interruptNesting  = 0; /* Interrupt nesting level */

+unsigned port_interruptNesting = 0;  /* Interrupt nesting level */




@@ -93,15 +94,15 @@
                                          void * pvParameters )



-    StackType_t *  sp, * tp;

-    XtExcFrame *   frame;

+    StackType_t * sp, * tp;

+    XtExcFrame * frame;


     #if XCHAL_CP_NUM > 0

         uint32_t * p;



     /* Create interrupt stack frame aligned to 16 byte boundary */

-    sp              = ( StackType_t * ) ( ( ( UBaseType_t ) ( pxTopOfStack + 1 ) - XT_CP_SIZE - XT_STK_FRMSZ ) & ~0xf );

+    sp = ( StackType_t * ) ( ( ( UBaseType_t ) ( pxTopOfStack + 1 ) - XT_CP_SIZE - XT_STK_FRMSZ ) & ~0xf );


     /* Clear the entire frame (do not use memset() because we don't depend on C library) */

     for( tp = sp; tp <= pxTopOfStack; ++tp )

@@ -109,23 +110,23 @@
         *tp = 0;



-    frame           = ( XtExcFrame * ) sp;

+    frame = ( XtExcFrame * ) sp;


     /* Explicitly initialize certain saved registers */

-    frame->pc       = ( UBaseType_t ) pxCode;            /* task entrypoint                */

-    frame->a0       = 0;                                 /* to terminate GDB backtrace     */

-    frame->a1       = ( UBaseType_t ) sp + XT_STK_FRMSZ; /* physical top of stack frame    */

-    frame->exit     = ( UBaseType_t ) _xt_user_exit;     /* user exception exit dispatcher */

+    frame->pc = ( UBaseType_t ) pxCode;             /* task entrypoint                */

+    frame->a0 = 0;                                  /* to terminate GDB backtrace     */

+    frame->a1 = ( UBaseType_t ) sp + XT_STK_FRMSZ;  /* physical top of stack frame    */

+    frame->exit = ( UBaseType_t ) _xt_user_exit;    /* user exception exit dispatcher */


     /* Set initial PS to int level 0, EXCM disabled ('rfe' will enable), user mode. */

     /* Also set entry point argument parameter. */

     #ifdef __XTENSA_CALL0_ABI__

-        frame->a2   = ( UBaseType_t ) pvParameters;

-        frame->ps   = PS_UM | PS_EXCM;

+        frame->a2 = ( UBaseType_t ) pvParameters;

+        frame->ps = PS_UM | PS_EXCM;


         /* + for windowed ABI also set WOE and CALLINC (pretend task was 'call4'd). */

-        frame->a6   = ( UBaseType_t ) pvParameters;

-        frame->ps   = PS_UM | PS_EXCM | PS_WOE | PS_CALLINC( 1 );

+        frame->a6 = ( UBaseType_t ) pvParameters;

+        frame->ps = PS_UM | PS_EXCM | PS_WOE | PS_CALLINC( 1 );



     #ifdef XT_USE_SWPRI

@@ -139,10 +140,10 @@
         /* No access to TCB here, so derive indirectly. Stack growth is top to bottom.

          * //p = (uint32_t *) xMPUSettings->coproc_area;


-        p           = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxTopOfStack - XT_CP_SIZE ) & ~0xf );

-        p[ 0 ]      = 0;

-        p[ 1 ]      = 0;

-        p[ 2 ]      = ( ( ( uint32_t ) p ) + 12 + XCHAL_TOTAL_SA_ALIGN - 1 ) & -XCHAL_TOTAL_SA_ALIGN;

+        p = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( ( uint32_t ) pxTopOfStack - XT_CP_SIZE ) & ~0xf );

+        p[ 0 ] = 0;

+        p[ 1 ] = 0;

+        p[ 2 ] = ( ( ( uint32_t ) p ) + 12 + XCHAL_TOTAL_SA_ALIGN - 1 ) & -XCHAL_TOTAL_SA_ALIGN;



     return sp;

@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@
 BaseType_t xPortSysTickHandler( void )


     BaseType_t ret;

-    uint32_t   interruptMask;

+    uint32_t interruptMask;




diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/portclib.c b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/portclib.c
index add3e56..67d13bb 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/portclib.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/portclib.c
@@ -87,18 +87,18 @@
         void * _sbrk_r( struct _reent * reent,

                         int32_t incr )


-            extern char   _end;

-            extern char   _heap_sentry;

+            extern char _end;

+            extern char _heap_sentry;

             static char * _heap_sentry_ptr = &_heap_sentry;

             static char * heap_ptr;

-            char *        base;

+            char * base;


             if( !heap_ptr )


                 heap_ptr = ( char * ) &_end;



-            base      = heap_ptr;

+            base = heap_ptr;


             if( heap_ptr + incr >= _heap_sentry_ptr )


@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
         #include "semphr.h"


         static SemaphoreHandle_t xClibMutex;

-        static uint32_t          ulClibInitDone = 0;

+        static uint32_t ulClibInitDone = 0;


 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 /*  Get C library lock. */

@@ -189,18 +189,18 @@
         void * _sbrk_r( struct _reent * reent,

                         int32_t incr )


-            extern char   _end;

-            extern char   _heap_sentry;

+            extern char _end;

+            extern char _heap_sentry;

             static char * _heap_sentry_ptr = &_heap_sentry;

             static char * heap_ptr;

-            char *        base;

+            char * base;


             if( !heap_ptr )


                 heap_ptr = ( char * ) &_end;



-            base      = heap_ptr;

+            base = heap_ptr;


             if( heap_ptr + incr >= _heap_sentry_ptr )


@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@

             configASSERT( !ulClibInitDone );


-            xClibMutex     = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();

+            xClibMutex = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();

             ulClibInitDone = 1;



diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/portmacro.h b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/portmacro.h
index 1d74859..d0f68d8 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/portmacro.h
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@
             static inline void vPortCleanUpTcbClib( struct _reent * ptr )


                 FILE * fp = &( ptr->__sf[ 0 ] );

-                int    i;

+                int i;


                 for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i, ++fp )


diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_context.h b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_context.h
index 6b0410d..695d441 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_context.h
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_context.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 #if defined( _ASMLANGUAGE ) || defined( __ASSEMBLER__ )


     #define STRUCT_BEGIN    .pushsection.text; .struct 0

-    #define STRUCT_FIELD( ctype, size, asname, name ) size

+    #define STRUCT_FIELD( ctype, size, asname, name ) size

     #define STRUCT_AFIELD( ctype, size, asname, name, n ) size ) *( n )

     #define STRUCT_END( sname )                              sname ## Size:; .popsection


@@ -337,8 +337,8 @@

 #define ENTRY0

 #define RET( sz )    ret1 sz

-           .macro ret1 size   = 0x10

-                                l32i a0, sp, 0

+           .macro ret1 size = 0x10

+                              l32i a0, sp, 0

         addi sp, sp, \ size



diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_init.c b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_init.c
index 883549b..f227186 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_init.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_init.c
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     void _xt_tick_divisor_init( void )


         #ifdef XT_CLOCK_FREQ

-            _xt_tick_divisor     = ( XT_CLOCK_FREQ / XT_TICK_PER_SEC );

+            _xt_tick_divisor = ( XT_CLOCK_FREQ / XT_TICK_PER_SEC );


             #ifdef XT_BOARD

                 _xt_tick_divisor = xtbsp_clock_freq_hz() / XT_TICK_PER_SEC;

diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_intr.c b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_intr.c
index fa8d3a1..b79c9ed 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_intr.c
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/XCC/Xtensa/xtensa_intr.c
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
                                          void * arg )


         xt_handler_table_entry * entry;

-        xt_handler               old;

+        xt_handler old;


         if( ( n < 0 ) || ( n >= XCHAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS ) )


@@ -126,17 +126,17 @@


         entry = _xt_interrupt_table + n;

-        old   = entry->handler;

+        old = entry->handler;


         if( f )


             entry->handler = f;

-            entry->arg     = arg;

+            entry->arg = arg;




             entry->handler = &xt_unhandled_interrupt;

-            entry->arg     = ( void * ) n;

+            entry->arg = ( void * ) n;



         return( ( old == &xt_unhandled_interrupt ) ? 0 : old );

diff --git a/portable/WizC/PIC18/Drivers/Tick/Tick.c b/portable/WizC/PIC18/Drivers/Tick/Tick.c
index 54a1976..c85de50 100644
--- a/portable/WizC/PIC18/Drivers/Tick/Tick.c
+++ b/portable/WizC/PIC18/Drivers/Tick/Tick.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -89,28 +90,28 @@

      * Set the compare match value.


-    CCPR1H   = ( uint8_t ) ( ( portTIMER_COMPARE_VALUE >> 8 ) & 0xff );

-    CCPR1L   = ( uint8_t ) ( portTIMER_COMPARE_VALUE & 0xff );

+    CCPR1H = ( uint8_t ) ( ( portTIMER_COMPARE_VALUE >> 8 ) & 0xff );

+    CCPR1L = ( uint8_t ) ( portTIMER_COMPARE_VALUE & 0xff );



      * Set Compare Special Event Trigger Mode


-    bCCP1M3  = portBIT_SET;

-    bCCP1M2  = portBIT_CLEAR;

-    bCCP1M1  = portBIT_SET;

-    bCCP1M0  = portBIT_SET;

+    bCCP1M3 = portBIT_SET;

+    bCCP1M2 = portBIT_CLEAR;

+    bCCP1M1 = portBIT_SET;

+    bCCP1M0 = portBIT_SET;



      * Enable CCP1 interrupt


-    bCCP1IE  = portBIT_SET;

+    bCCP1IE = portBIT_SET;



      * We are only going to use the global interrupt bit, so disable

      * interruptpriorities and enable peripheral interrupts.


-    bIPEN    = portBIT_CLEAR;

-    bPEIE    = portBIT_SET;

+    bIPEN = portBIT_CLEAR;

+    bPEIE = portBIT_SET;



      * Set up timer1

@@ -120,18 +121,18 @@

      * Clear the time count


-    TMR1H    = ( uint8_t ) 0x00;

-    TMR1L    = ( uint8_t ) 0x00;

+    TMR1H = ( uint8_t ) 0x00;

+    TMR1L = ( uint8_t ) 0x00;



      * Setup the timer


-    bRD16    = portBIT_SET;           /* 16-bit */

+    bRD16 = portBIT_SET;              /* 16-bit */

     bT1CKPS1 = portTIMER_COMPARE_PS1; /* prescaler */

     bT1CKPS0 = portTIMER_COMPARE_PS0; /* prescaler */

     bT1OSCEN = portBIT_SET;           /* Oscillator enable */

-    bT1SYNC  = portBIT_SET;           /* No external clock sync */

-    bTMR1CS  = portBIT_CLEAR;         /* Internal clock */

+    bT1SYNC = portBIT_SET;            /* No external clock sync */

+    bTMR1CS = portBIT_CLEAR;          /* Internal clock */


-    bTMR1ON  = portBIT_SET;           /* Start timer1 */

+    bTMR1ON = portBIT_SET;            /* Start timer1 */


diff --git a/portable/WizC/PIC18/Drivers/Tick/isrTick.c b/portable/WizC/PIC18/Drivers/Tick/isrTick.c
index 54f6a57..34dd599 100644
--- a/portable/WizC/PIC18/Drivers/Tick/isrTick.c
+++ b/portable/WizC/PIC18/Drivers/Tick/isrTick.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/WizC/PIC18/addFreeRTOS.h b/portable/WizC/PIC18/addFreeRTOS.h
index 1c56093..8d14df7 100644
--- a/portable/WizC/PIC18/addFreeRTOS.h
+++ b/portable/WizC/PIC18/addFreeRTOS.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




diff --git a/portable/WizC/PIC18/port.c b/portable/WizC/PIC18/port.c
index 696b8be..e918253 100644
--- a/portable/WizC/PIC18/port.c
+++ b/portable/WizC/PIC18/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@
 #define portSTACK_MINIMAL_CALLRETURN_DEPTH     ( 10 )

 #define portSTACK_OTHER_BYTES                  ( 20 )


-uint16_t usCalcMinStackSize        = 0;

+uint16_t usCalcMinStackSize = 0;




@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@

     movwf PRODL, ACCESS;

     PRODL is used as temp register _Pragma( "asmend" )

-    ucScratch           = PRODL;

+    ucScratch = PRODL;



      * Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack.

@@ -137,31 +138,31 @@
      * First store the function parameters.  This is where the task expects

      * to find them when it starts running.


-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) ( ( ( uint16_t ) pvParameters >> 8 ) & 0x00ff );

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) ( ( uint16_t ) pvParameters & 0x00ff );

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) ( ( ( uint16_t ) pvParameters >> 8 ) & 0x00ff );

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) ( ( uint16_t ) pvParameters & 0x00ff );



      * Next are all the registers that form part of the task context.


-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x11; /* STATUS. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x22; /* WREG. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x33; /* BSR. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x44; /* PRODH. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x55; /* PRODL. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x66; /* FSR0H. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x77; /* FSR0L. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x88; /* FSR1H. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0x99; /* FSR1L. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0xAA; /* TABLAT. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x11;     /* STATUS. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x22;     /* WREG. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x33;     /* BSR. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x44;     /* PRODH. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x55;     /* PRODL. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x66;     /* FSR0H. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x77;     /* FSR0L. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x88;     /* FSR1H. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x99;     /* FSR1L. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0xAA;     /* TABLAT. */

     #if _ROMSIZE > 0x8000

         *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0x00; /* TBLPTRU. */


-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0xCC; /* TBLPTRH. */

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0xDD; /* TBLPTRL. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0xCC;     /* TBLPTRH. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0xDD;     /* TBLPTRL. */

     #if _ROMSIZE > 0x8000

         *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0xEE; /* PCLATU. */


-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 0xFF; /* PCLATH. */

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0xFF;     /* PCLATH. */



      * Next the compiler's scratchspace.

@@ -180,14 +181,14 @@
     #if _ROMSIZE > 0x8000

         *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 0;


-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) ( ( ( uint16_t ) pxCode >> 8 ) & 0x00ff );

-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) ( ( uint16_t ) pxCode & 0x00ff );

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) ( ( ( uint16_t ) pxCode >> 8 ) & 0x00ff );

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) ( ( uint16_t ) pxCode & 0x00ff );



      * Store the number of return addresses on the hardware stack.

      * So far only the address of the task entry point.


-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) 1;

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) 1;



      * The code generated by wizC does not maintain separate

@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@
      * track of the critical section nesting.  This variable has to be stored

      * as part of the task context and is initially set to zero.


-    *pxTopOfStack--     = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING;

+    *pxTopOfStack-- = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING;


     return pxTopOfStack;


diff --git a/portable/WizC/PIC18/portmacro.h b/portable/WizC/PIC18/portmacro.h
index 57ecf73..f56855b 100644
--- a/portable/WizC/PIC18/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/WizC/PIC18/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -199,86 +200,86 @@
  * assembler definitions.



-    #define portSAVE_CONTEXT( ucInterruptForced )                                 \

-    do                                                                            \

-    {                                                                             \

-        portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();                                                 \

-                                                                                  \

-        _Pragma( "asm" )                                                          \

-        ;                                                                         \

-        ; Push the relevant SFR 's onto the task's stack                          \

-        ;                                                                         \

-        movff               STATUS, POSTDEC2                                      \

-        movff WREG, POSTDEC2                                                      \

-        movff BSR, POSTDEC2                                                       \

-        movff PRODH, POSTDEC2                                                     \

-        movff PRODL, POSTDEC2                                                     \

-        movff FSR0H, POSTDEC2                                                     \

-        movff FSR0L, POSTDEC2                                                     \

-        movff FSR1H, POSTDEC2                                                     \

-        movff FSR1L, POSTDEC2                                                     \

-        movff TABLAT, POSTDEC2                                                    \

-                            if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000                                 \

-        movff TBLPTRU, POSTDEC2                                                   \

-        endif                                                                     \

-        movff TBLPTRH, POSTDEC2                                                   \

-        movff TBLPTRL, POSTDEC2                                                   \

-                            if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000                                 \

-        movff PCLATU, POSTDEC2                                                    \

-        endif                                                                     \

-        movff PCLATH, POSTDEC2                                                    \

-        ;                                                                         \

-        ; Store the compiler - scratch - area as described above.                 \

-           ;                                                                      \

-        movlw       OVERHEADPAGE0 - LOCOPTSIZE + MAXLOCOPTSIZE                    \

-        clrf FSR0L, ACCESS                                                        \

-        clrf FSR0H, ACCESS                                                        \

-_rtos_S1:                                                                         \

-        movff POSTINC0, POSTDEC2                                                  \

-        decfsz WREG, W, ACCESS                                                    \

-        SMARTJUMP _rtos_S1                                                        \

-        ;                                                                         \

-        ; Save the pic                      call / return -stack belonging to the \

+    #define portSAVE_CONTEXT( ucInterruptForced )                 \

+    do                                                            \

+    {                                                             \

+        portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();                                 \

+                                                                  \

+        _Pragma( "asm" )                                          \

+        ;                                                         \

+        ; Push the relevant SFR 's onto the task's stack          \

+        ;                                                         \

+        movff STATUS, POSTDEC2                                    \

+        movff WREG, POSTDEC2                                      \

+        movff BSR, POSTDEC2                                       \

+        movff PRODH, POSTDEC2                                     \

+        movff PRODL, POSTDEC2                                     \

+        movff FSR0H, POSTDEC2                                     \

+        movff FSR0L, POSTDEC2                                     \

+        movff FSR1H, POSTDEC2                                     \

+        movff FSR1L, POSTDEC2                                     \

+        movff TABLAT, POSTDEC2                                    \

+              if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000                               \

+        movff TBLPTRU, POSTDEC2                                   \

+        endif                                                     \

+        movff TBLPTRH, POSTDEC2                                   \

+        movff TBLPTRL, POSTDEC2                                   \

+              if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000                               \

+        movff PCLATU, POSTDEC2                                    \

+        endif                                                     \

+        movff PCLATH, POSTDEC2                                    \

+        ;                                                         \

+        ; Store the compiler - scratch - area as described above. \

+           ;                                                      \


+        clrf FSR0L, ACCESS                                        \

+        clrf FSR0H, ACCESS                                        \

+_rtos_S1:                                                         \

+        movff POSTINC0, POSTDEC2                                  \

+        decfsz WREG, W, ACCESS                                    \

+        SMARTJUMP _rtos_S1                                        \

+        ;                                                         \

+        ; Save the pic call / return -stack belonging to the      \

         ; current task by copying it to the task 's software-	\

 			; stack. We save the hardware stack pointer (which		\

 			; is the number of addresses on the stack) in the		\

 			; W-register first because we need it later and it		\

-			; is modified in the save-loop by executing pop's.                    \

-           ; After the loop the             W - register is stored on the         \

-        ; stack, too.                                                             \

-           ;                                                                      \

-        movf STKPTR, W, ACCESS                                                    \

-        bz _rtos_s3                                                               \

-_rtos_S2:                                                                         \

-        if   __ROMSIZE > 0x8000                                                   \

-        movff TOSU, POSTDEC2                                                      \

-        endif                                                                     \

-        movff TOSH, POSTDEC2                                                      \

-        movff TOSL, POSTDEC2                                                      \

-        pop                                                                       \

-        tstfsz STKPTR, ACCESS                                                     \

-        SMARTJUMP _rtos_S2                                                        \

-_rtos_s3:                                                                         \

-        movwf POSTDEC2, ACCESS                                                    \

-        ;                                                                         \

-        ; Next the value for ucCriticalNesting used by the                        \

-        ; task is stored on the stack.When                                        \

-        ; ( ucInterruptForced == portINTERRUPTS_FORCED ), we save                 \

-        ; it as 0 ( portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING ).                            \

-           ;                                                                      \

-        if   ucInterruptForced == portINTERRUPTS_FORCED                           \

-        clrf POSTDEC2, ACCESS                                                     \

-        else{                                                                     \

-            movff ucCriticalNesting, POSTDEC2                                     \

-             endif                                                                \

-            ; }                                                                   \

-        ; Save the new top of the software stack in the TCB.                      \

-           ;                                                                      \

-        movff  pxCurrentTCB, FSR0L                                                \

-        movff pxCurrentTCB + 1, FSR0H                                             \

-        movff FSR2L, POSTINC0                                                     \

-        movff FSR2H, POSTINC0                                                     \

-        _Pragma( "asmend" )                                                       \

+			; is modified in the save-loop by executing pop's.    \

+           ; After the loop the W - register is stored on the     \

+        ; stack, too.                                             \

+           ;                                                      \

+        movf STKPTR, W, ACCESS                                    \

+        bz _rtos_s3                                               \

+_rtos_S2:                                                         \

+        if __ROMSIZE > 0x8000                                     \

+        movff TOSU, POSTDEC2                                      \

+        endif                                                     \

+        movff TOSH, POSTDEC2                                      \

+        movff TOSL, POSTDEC2                                      \

+        pop                                                       \

+        tstfsz STKPTR, ACCESS                                     \

+        SMARTJUMP _rtos_S2                                        \

+_rtos_s3:                                                         \

+        movwf POSTDEC2, ACCESS                                    \

+        ;                                                         \

+        ; Next the value for ucCriticalNesting used by the        \

+        ; task is stored on the stack.When                        \

+        ; ( ucInterruptForced == portINTERRUPTS_FORCED ), we save \

+        ; it as 0 ( portNO_CRITICAL_SECTION_NESTING ).            \

+           ;                                                      \

+        if ucInterruptForced == portINTERRUPTS_FORCED             \

+        clrf POSTDEC2, ACCESS                                     \

+        else{                                                     \

+            movff ucCriticalNesting, POSTDEC2                     \

+           endif                                                  \

+            ; }                                                   \

+        ; Save the new top of the software stack in the TCB.      \

+           ;                                                      \

+        movff pxCurrentTCB, FSR0L                                 \

+        movff pxCurrentTCB + 1, FSR0H                             \

+        movff FSR2L, POSTINC0                                     \

+        movff FSR2H, POSTINC0                                     \

+        _Pragma( "asmend" )                                       \

     } while( 0 )



@@ -286,32 +287,32 @@

  * This is the reverse of portSAVE_CONTEXT.


-    #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                             \

-    do                                                                        \

-    {                                                                         \

-        _Pragma( "asm" )                                                      \

-        ;                                                                     \

-        ; Set FSR0 to point to pxCurrentTCB->pxTopOfStack.                    \

-           ;                                                                  \

-        movff pxCurrentTCB, FSR0L                                             \

-        movff pxCurrentTCB + 1, FSR0H                                         \

-        ;                                                                     \

-        ; De - reference FSR0 to set the address it holds into                \

-        ; FSR2( i.e. *( pxCurrentTCB->pxTopOfStack ) ).FSR2                   \

-        ; is used by wizC as stackpointer.                                    \

-           ;                                                                  \

-        movff POSTINC0, FSR2L                                                 \

-        movff POSTINC0, FSR2H                                                 \

-        ;                                                                     \

-        ; Next, the value for ucCriticalNesting used by the                   \

-        ; task is retrieved from the stack.                                   \

-           ;                                                                  \

-        movff                      PREINC2, ucCriticalNesting                 \

-        ;                                                                     \

-        ; Rebuild the pic          call / return -stack.The number of         \

-        ; return addresses is the next item on the task stack.                \

-           ; Save this number in PRODL.Then fetch the addresses               \

-        ; and store them on the hardwarestack.                                \

+    #define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                   \

+    do                                                              \

+    {                                                               \

+        _Pragma( "asm" )                                            \

+        ;                                                           \

+        ; Set FSR0 to point to pxCurrentTCB->pxTopOfStack.          \

+           ;                                                        \

+        movff pxCurrentTCB, FSR0L                                   \

+        movff pxCurrentTCB + 1, FSR0H                               \

+        ;                                                           \

+        ; De - reference FSR0 to set the address it holds into      \

+        ; FSR2( i.e. *( pxCurrentTCB->pxTopOfStack ) ).FSR2         \

+        ; is used by wizC as stackpointer.                          \

+           ;                                                        \

+        movff POSTINC0, FSR2L                                       \

+        movff POSTINC0, FSR2H                                       \

+        ;                                                           \

+        ; Next, the value for ucCriticalNesting used by the         \

+        ; task is retrieved from the stack.                         \

+           ;                                                        \

+        movff PREINC2, ucCriticalNesting                            \

+        ;                                                           \

+        ; Rebuild the pic call / return -stack.The number of        \

+        ; return addresses is the next item on the task stack.      \

+           ; Save this number in PRODL.Then fetch the addresses     \

+        ; and store them on the hardwarestack.                      \

            ; The datasheets say we can 't use movff here...			\

 			;														\

 			movff	PREINC2,PRODL	// Use PRODL as tempregister	\

@@ -331,17 +332,17 @@
 			decfsz	PRODL,F,ACCESS									\

 			SMARTJUMP _rtos_R1										\

 			;														\

-			; Restore the compiler's working storage area to page 0           \

-        ;                                                                     \

-        movlw                      OVERHEADPAGE0 - LOCOPTSIZE + MAXLOCOPTSIZE \

-        movwf FSR0L, ACCESS                                                   \

-        clrf FSR0H, ACCESS                                                    \

-_rtos_R2:                                                                     \

-        decf FSR0L, F, ACCESS                                                 \

-        movff PREINC2, INDF0                                                  \

-        tstfsz FSR0L, ACCESS                                                  \

-        SMARTJUMP _rtos_R2                                                    \

-        ;                                                                     \

+			; Restore the compiler's working storage area to page 0 \

+        ;                                                           \

+        movlw OVERHEADPAGE0 - LOCOPTSIZE + MAXLOCOPTSIZE            \

+        movwf FSR0L, ACCESS                                         \

+        clrf FSR0H, ACCESS                                          \

+_rtos_R2:                                                           \

+        decf FSR0L, F, ACCESS                                       \

+        movff PREINC2, INDF0                                        \

+        tstfsz FSR0L, ACCESS                                        \

+        SMARTJUMP _rtos_R2                                          \

+        ;                                                           \

         ; Restore the sfr 's forming the tasks context.			\

 			; We cannot yet restore bsr, w and status because		\

 			; we need these	registers for a final test.				\

@@ -424,3 +425,10 @@










diff --git a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/Flsh186/port.c b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/Flsh186/port.c
index f64ea3a..cdc5255 100644
--- a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/Flsh186/port.c
+++ b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/Flsh186/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@
 static void prvExitFunction( void )


     const uint16_t usTimerDisable = 0x0000;

-    uint16_t       usTimer0Control;

+    uint16_t usTimer0Control;


     /* Interrupts should be disabled here anyway - but no

      * harm in making sure. */

@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@
     portOUTPUT_WORD( portTIMER_1_CONTROL_REGISTER, usTimerDisable );


     /* Restart the DOS tick. */

-    usTimer0Control  = portINPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER );

+    usTimer0Control = portINPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER );

     usTimer0Control |= portTIMER_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;

     portOUTPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER, usTimer0Control );


@@ -220,25 +221,25 @@

 static void prvSetTickFrequency( uint32_t ulTickRateHz )


-    const uint16_t usMaxCountRegister      = 0xff5a;

+    const uint16_t usMaxCountRegister = 0xff5a;

     const uint16_t usTimerPriorityRegister = 0xff32;

-    const uint16_t usTimerEnable           = 0xC000;

-    const uint16_t usRetrigger             = 0x0001;

-    const uint16_t usTimerHighPriority     = 0x0000;

-    uint16_t       usTimer0Control;

+    const uint16_t usTimerEnable = 0xC000;

+    const uint16_t usRetrigger = 0x0001;

+    const uint16_t usTimerHighPriority = 0x0000;

+    uint16_t usTimer0Control;


 /* ( CPU frequency / 4 ) / clock 2 max count [inpw( 0xff62 ) = 7] */


-    const uint32_t ulClockFrequency        = 0x7f31a0;

+    const uint32_t ulClockFrequency = 0x7f31a0;


-    uint32_t       ulTimerCount            = ulClockFrequency / ulTickRateHz;

+    uint32_t ulTimerCount = ulClockFrequency / ulTickRateHz;


     portOUTPUT_WORD( portTIMER_1_CONTROL_REGISTER, usTimerEnable | portTIMER_INTERRUPT_ENABLE | usRetrigger );

     portOUTPUT_WORD( usMaxCountRegister, ( uint16_t ) ulTimerCount );

     portOUTPUT_WORD( usTimerPriorityRegister, usTimerHighPriority );


     /* Stop the DOS tick - don't do this if you want to maintain a TOD clock. */

-    usTimer0Control  = portINPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER );

+    usTimer0Control = portINPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER );

     usTimer0Control &= ~portTIMER_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;

     portOUTPUT_WORD( portTIMER_0_CONTROL_REGISTER, usTimer0Control );


diff --git a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/Flsh186/portmacro.h b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/Flsh186/portmacro.h
index c71eaad..57414c6 100644
--- a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/Flsh186/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/Flsh186/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/PC/port.c b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/PC/port.c
index 857cd02..7ef979d 100644
--- a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/PC/port.c
+++ b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/PC/port.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -125,8 +126,8 @@

     /* Remember what was on the interrupts we are going to use

      * so we can put them back later if required. */

-    pxOldSwitchISR      = _dos_getvect( portSWITCH_INT_NUMBER );

-    pxOriginalTickISR   = _dos_getvect( portTIMER_INT_NUMBER );

+    pxOldSwitchISR = _dos_getvect( portSWITCH_INT_NUMBER );

+    pxOriginalTickISR = _dos_getvect( portTIMER_INT_NUMBER );

     pxOldSwitchISRPlus1 = _dos_getvect( portSWITCH_INT_NUMBER + 1 );


     prvSetTickFrequency( configTICK_RATE_HZ );

@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@
     /* Setup a counter that is used to call the DOS interrupt as close

      * to it's original frequency as can be achieved given our chosen tick

      * frequency. */

-    sDOSTickCounter     = portTICKS_PER_DOS_TICK;

+    sDOSTickCounter = portTICKS_PER_DOS_TICK;


     /* Clean up function if we want to return to DOS. */

     if( setjmp( xJumpBuf ) != 0 )

@@ -277,15 +278,15 @@

 static void prvSetTickFrequency( uint32_t ulTickRateHz )


-    const uint16_t usPIT_MODE        = ( uint16_t ) 0x43;

-    const uint16_t usPIT0            = ( uint16_t ) 0x40;

-    const uint32_t ulPIT_CONST       = ( uint32_t ) 1193180;

+    const uint16_t usPIT_MODE = ( uint16_t ) 0x43;

+    const uint16_t usPIT0 = ( uint16_t ) 0x40;

+    const uint32_t ulPIT_CONST = ( uint32_t ) 1193180;

     const uint16_t us8254_CTR0_MODE3 = ( uint16_t ) 0x36;

-    uint32_t       ulOutput;

+    uint32_t ulOutput;


     /* Setup the 8245 to tick at the wanted frequency. */

     portOUTPUT_BYTE( usPIT_MODE, us8254_CTR0_MODE3 );

-    ulOutput   = ulPIT_CONST / ulTickRateHz;

+    ulOutput = ulPIT_CONST / ulTickRateHz;


     portOUTPUT_BYTE( usPIT0, ( uint16_t ) ( ulOutput & ( uint32_t ) 0xff ) );

     ulOutput >>= 8;

@@ -295,8 +296,8 @@

 static void prvSetTickFrequencyDefault( void )


-    const uint16_t usPIT_MODE        = ( uint16_t ) 0x43;

-    const uint16_t usPIT0            = ( uint16_t ) 0x40;

+    const uint16_t usPIT_MODE = ( uint16_t ) 0x43;

+    const uint16_t usPIT0 = ( uint16_t ) 0x40;

     const uint16_t us8254_CTR0_MODE3 = ( uint16_t ) 0x36;


     portOUTPUT_BYTE( usPIT_MODE, us8254_CTR0_MODE3 );

diff --git a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/PC/portmacro.h b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/PC/portmacro.h
index d041c0f..7489ffe 100644
--- a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/PC/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/PC/portmacro.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #ifndef PORTMACRO_H

diff --git a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/common/portasm.h b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/common/portasm.h
index c47f47a..bb5b9e7 100644
--- a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/common/portasm.h
+++ b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/common/portasm.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 typedef void TCB_t;

diff --git a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/common/portcomn.c b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/common/portcomn.c
index eed7349..3e03a50 100644
--- a/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/common/portcomn.c
+++ b/portable/oWatcom/16BitDOS/common/portcomn.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!




@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@
      * the address of the existing stack top to place in the SP register within

      * the stack frame.  pxOriginalSP holds SP before (simulated) pusha was

      * called. */

-    pxOriginalSP  = pxTopOfStack;

+    pxOriginalSP = pxTopOfStack;


     /* The remaining registers would be pushed on the stack by our context

      * switch function.  These are loaded with values simply to make debugging

diff --git a/queue.c b/queue.c
index bb75c50..dec1a07 100644
--- a/queue.c
+++ b/queue.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 #include <stdlib.h>

@@ -270,12 +271,12 @@



-        pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcTail     = pxQueue->pcHead + ( pxQueue->uxLength * pxQueue->uxItemSize ); /*lint !e9016 Pointer arithmetic allowed on char types, especially when it assists conveying intent. */

-        pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting   = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;

-        pxQueue->pcWriteTo           = pxQueue->pcHead;

+        pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcTail = pxQueue->pcHead + ( pxQueue->uxLength * pxQueue->uxItemSize ); /*lint !e9016 Pointer arithmetic allowed on char types, especially when it assists conveying intent. */

+        pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;

+        pxQueue->pcWriteTo = pxQueue->pcHead;

         pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom = pxQueue->pcHead + ( ( pxQueue->uxLength - 1U ) * pxQueue->uxItemSize ); /*lint !e9016 Pointer arithmetic allowed on char types, especially when it assists conveying intent. */

-        pxQueue->cRxLock             = queueUNLOCKED;

-        pxQueue->cTxLock             = queueUNLOCKED;

+        pxQueue->cRxLock = queueUNLOCKED;

+        pxQueue->cTxLock = queueUNLOCKED;


         if( xNewQueue == pdFALSE )


@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@
                                        const uint8_t ucQueueType )


         Queue_t * pxNewQueue;

-        size_t    xQueueSizeInBytes;

+        size_t xQueueSizeInBytes;

         uint8_t * pucQueueStorage;


         configASSERT( uxQueueLength > ( UBaseType_t ) 0 );

@@ -406,13 +407,13 @@
          * are greater than or equal to the pointer to char requirements the cast

          * is safe.  In other cases alignment requirements are not strict (one or

          * two bytes). */

-        pxNewQueue        = ( Queue_t * ) pvPortMalloc( sizeof( Queue_t ) + xQueueSizeInBytes ); /*lint !e9087 !e9079 see comment above. */

+        pxNewQueue = ( Queue_t * ) pvPortMalloc( sizeof( Queue_t ) + xQueueSizeInBytes ); /*lint !e9087 !e9079 see comment above. */


         if( pxNewQueue != NULL )


             /* Jump past the queue structure to find the location of the queue

              * storage area. */

-            pucQueueStorage  = ( uint8_t * ) pxNewQueue;

+            pucQueueStorage = ( uint8_t * ) pxNewQueue;

             pucQueueStorage += sizeof( Queue_t ); /*lint !e9016 Pointer arithmetic allowed on char types, especially when it assists conveying intent. */


             #if ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 )

@@ -464,7 +465,7 @@

     /* Initialise the queue members as described where the queue type is

      * defined. */

-    pxNewQueue->uxLength   = uxQueueLength;

+    pxNewQueue->uxLength = uxQueueLength;

     pxNewQueue->uxItemSize = uxItemSize;

     ( void ) xQueueGenericReset( pxNewQueue, pdTRUE );


@@ -494,8 +495,8 @@
             * correctly for a generic queue, but this function is creating a

             * mutex.  Overwrite those members that need to be set differently -

             * in particular the information required for priority inheritance. */

-            pxNewQueue->u.xSemaphore.xMutexHolder         = NULL;

-            pxNewQueue->uxQueueType                       = queueQUEUE_IS_MUTEX;

+            pxNewQueue->u.xSemaphore.xMutexHolder = NULL;

+            pxNewQueue->uxQueueType = queueQUEUE_IS_MUTEX;


             /* In case this is a recursive mutex. */

             pxNewQueue->u.xSemaphore.uxRecursiveCallCount = 0;

@@ -518,7 +519,7 @@

     QueueHandle_t xQueueCreateMutex( const uint8_t ucQueueType )


-        QueueHandle_t     xNewQueue;

+        QueueHandle_t xNewQueue;

         const UBaseType_t uxMutexLength = ( UBaseType_t ) 1, uxMutexSize = ( UBaseType_t ) 0;


         xNewQueue = xQueueGenericCreate( uxMutexLength, uxMutexSize, ucQueueType );

@@ -535,7 +536,7 @@
     QueueHandle_t xQueueCreateMutexStatic( const uint8_t ucQueueType,

                                            StaticQueue_t * pxStaticQueue )


-        QueueHandle_t     xNewQueue;

+        QueueHandle_t xNewQueue;

         const UBaseType_t uxMutexLength = ( UBaseType_t ) 1, uxMutexSize = ( UBaseType_t ) 0;


         /* Prevent compiler warnings about unused parameters if

@@ -555,7 +556,7 @@

     TaskHandle_t xQueueGetMutexHolder( QueueHandle_t xSemaphore )


-        TaskHandle_t    pxReturn;

+        TaskHandle_t pxReturn;

         Queue_t * const pxSemaphore = ( Queue_t * ) xSemaphore;


         /* This function is called by xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder(), and should not

@@ -612,7 +613,7 @@

     BaseType_t xQueueGiveMutexRecursive( QueueHandle_t xMutex )


-        BaseType_t      xReturn;

+        BaseType_t xReturn;

         Queue_t * const pxMutex = ( Queue_t * ) xMutex;


         configASSERT( pxMutex );

@@ -668,7 +669,7 @@
     BaseType_t xQueueTakeMutexRecursive( QueueHandle_t xMutex,

                                          TickType_t xTicksToWait )


-        BaseType_t      xReturn;

+        BaseType_t xReturn;

         Queue_t * const pxMutex = ( Queue_t * ) xMutex;


         configASSERT( pxMutex );

@@ -770,8 +771,8 @@
                               TickType_t xTicksToWait,

                               const BaseType_t xCopyPosition )


-    BaseType_t      xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE, xYieldRequired;

-    TimeOut_t       xTimeOut;

+    BaseType_t xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE, xYieldRequired;

+    TimeOut_t xTimeOut;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     configASSERT( pxQueue );

@@ -982,8 +983,8 @@
                                      BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken,

                                      const BaseType_t xCopyPosition )


-    BaseType_t      xReturn;

-    UBaseType_t     uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

+    UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     configASSERT( pxQueue );

@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@

         if( ( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting < pxQueue->uxLength ) || ( xCopyPosition == queueOVERWRITE ) )


-            const int8_t      cTxLock                   = pxQueue->cTxLock;

+            const int8_t cTxLock = pxQueue->cTxLock;

             const UBaseType_t uxPreviousMessagesWaiting = pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting;


             traceQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR( pxQueue );

@@ -1147,8 +1148,8 @@
 BaseType_t xQueueGiveFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,

                               BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


-    BaseType_t      xReturn;

-    UBaseType_t     uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

+    UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     /* Similar to xQueueGenericSendFromISR() but used with semaphores where the

@@ -1298,7 +1299,7 @@
                 pxQueue->cTxLock = ( int8_t ) ( cTxLock + 1 );



-            xReturn                    = pdPASS;

+            xReturn = pdPASS;




@@ -1316,9 +1317,9 @@
                           void * const pvBuffer,

                           TickType_t xTicksToWait )


-    BaseType_t      xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE;

-    TimeOut_t       xTimeOut;

-    Queue_t * const pxQueue       = xQueue;

+    BaseType_t xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE;

+    TimeOut_t xTimeOut;

+    Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     /* Check the pointer is not NULL. */

     configASSERT( ( pxQueue ) );

@@ -1458,12 +1459,12 @@
 BaseType_t xQueueSemaphoreTake( QueueHandle_t xQueue,

                                 TickType_t xTicksToWait )


-    BaseType_t      xEntryTimeSet        = pdFALSE;

-    TimeOut_t       xTimeOut;

-    Queue_t * const pxQueue              = xQueue;

+    BaseType_t xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE;

+    TimeOut_t xTimeOut;

+    Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     #if ( configUSE_MUTEXES == 1 )

-        BaseType_t  xInheritanceOccurred = pdFALSE;

+        BaseType_t xInheritanceOccurred = pdFALSE;



     /* Check the queue pointer is not NULL. */

@@ -1678,10 +1679,10 @@
                        void * const pvBuffer,

                        TickType_t xTicksToWait )


-    BaseType_t      xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE;

-    TimeOut_t       xTimeOut;

-    int8_t *        pcOriginalReadPosition;

-    Queue_t * const pxQueue       = xQueue;

+    BaseType_t xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE;

+    TimeOut_t xTimeOut;

+    int8_t * pcOriginalReadPosition;

+    Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     /* Check the pointer is not NULL. */

     configASSERT( ( pxQueue ) );

@@ -1713,7 +1714,7 @@
                 /* Remember the read position so it can be reset after the data

                  * is read from the queue as this function is only peeking the

                  * data, not removing it. */

-                pcOriginalReadPosition       = pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom;

+                pcOriginalReadPosition = pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom;


                 prvCopyDataFromQueue( pxQueue, pvBuffer );

                 traceQUEUE_PEEK( pxQueue );

@@ -1829,8 +1830,8 @@
                                  void * const pvBuffer,

                                  BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


-    BaseType_t      xReturn;

-    UBaseType_t     uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

+    UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     configASSERT( pxQueue );

@@ -1906,7 +1907,7 @@
                 pxQueue->cRxLock = ( int8_t ) ( cRxLock + 1 );



-            xReturn                    = pdPASS;

+            xReturn = pdPASS;




@@ -1923,9 +1924,9 @@
 BaseType_t xQueuePeekFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,

                               void * const pvBuffer )


-    BaseType_t      xReturn;

-    UBaseType_t     uxSavedInterruptStatus;

-    int8_t *        pcOriginalReadPosition;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

+    UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+    int8_t * pcOriginalReadPosition;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     configASSERT( pxQueue );

@@ -1957,11 +1958,11 @@

             /* Remember the read position so it can be reset as nothing is

              * actually being removed from the queue. */

-            pcOriginalReadPosition       = pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom;

+            pcOriginalReadPosition = pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom;

             prvCopyDataFromQueue( pxQueue, pvBuffer );

             pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom = pcOriginalReadPosition;


-            xReturn                      = pdPASS;

+            xReturn = pdPASS;




@@ -1993,7 +1994,7 @@

 UBaseType_t uxQueueSpacesAvailable( const QueueHandle_t xQueue )


-    UBaseType_t     uxReturn;

+    UBaseType_t uxReturn;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     configASSERT( pxQueue );

@@ -2010,7 +2011,7 @@

 UBaseType_t uxQueueMessagesWaitingFromISR( const QueueHandle_t xQueue )


-    UBaseType_t     uxReturn;

+    UBaseType_t uxReturn;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     configASSERT( pxQueue );

@@ -2124,12 +2125,12 @@
                                       const void * pvItemToQueue,

                                       const BaseType_t xPosition )


-    BaseType_t  xReturn = pdFALSE;

+    BaseType_t xReturn = pdFALSE;

     UBaseType_t uxMessagesWaiting;


     /* This function is called from a critical section. */


-    uxMessagesWaiting          = pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting;

+    uxMessagesWaiting = pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting;


     if( pxQueue->uxItemSize == ( UBaseType_t ) 0 )


@@ -2138,7 +2139,7 @@
                 if( pxQueue->uxQueueType == queueQUEUE_IS_MUTEX )


                     /* The mutex is no longer being held. */

-                    xReturn                            = xTaskPriorityDisinherit( pxQueue->u.xSemaphore.xMutexHolder );

+                    xReturn = xTaskPriorityDisinherit( pxQueue->u.xSemaphore.xMutexHolder );

                     pxQueue->u.xSemaphore.xMutexHolder = NULL;



@@ -2367,7 +2368,7 @@

 BaseType_t xQueueIsQueueEmptyFromISR( const QueueHandle_t xQueue )


-    BaseType_t      xReturn;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     configASSERT( pxQueue );

@@ -2408,7 +2409,7 @@

 BaseType_t xQueueIsQueueFullFromISR( const QueueHandle_t xQueue )


-    BaseType_t      xReturn;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

     Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


     configASSERT( pxQueue );

@@ -2432,7 +2433,7 @@
                              const void * pvItemToQueue,

                              TickType_t xTicksToWait )


-        BaseType_t      xReturn;

+        BaseType_t xReturn;

         Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


         /* If the queue is already full we may have to block.  A critical section

@@ -2511,7 +2512,7 @@
                                 void * pvBuffer,

                                 TickType_t xTicksToWait )


-        BaseType_t      xReturn;

+        BaseType_t xReturn;

         Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


         /* If the queue is already empty we may have to block.  A critical section

@@ -2563,7 +2564,7 @@
                 --( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting );

                 ( void ) memcpy( ( void * ) pvBuffer, ( void * ) pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom, ( unsigned ) pxQueue->uxItemSize );


-                xReturn                       = pdPASS;

+                xReturn = pdPASS;


                 /* Were any co-routines waiting for space to become available? */

                 if( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToSend ) ) == pdFALSE )

@@ -2655,7 +2656,7 @@
                                        void * pvBuffer,

                                        BaseType_t * pxCoRoutineWoken )


-        BaseType_t      xReturn;

+        BaseType_t xReturn;

         Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;


         /* We cannot block from an ISR, so check there is data available. If

@@ -2700,7 +2701,7 @@



-            xReturn                       = pdPASS;

+            xReturn = pdPASS;




@@ -2728,7 +2729,7 @@

                 /* Store the information on this queue. */

                 xQueueRegistry[ ux ].pcQueueName = pcQueueName;

-                xQueueRegistry[ ux ].xHandle     = xQueue;

+                xQueueRegistry[ ux ].xHandle = xQueue;


                 traceQUEUE_REGISTRY_ADD( xQueue, pcQueueName );


@@ -2747,7 +2748,7 @@

     const char * pcQueueGetName( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */


-        UBaseType_t  ux;

+        UBaseType_t ux;

         const char * pcReturn = NULL; /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */


         /* Note there is nothing here to protect against another task adding or

@@ -2790,7 +2791,7 @@
                 /* Set the handle to NULL to ensure the same queue handle cannot

                  * appear in the registry twice if it is added, removed, then

                  * added again. */

-                xQueueRegistry[ ux ].xHandle     = ( QueueHandle_t ) 0;

+                xQueueRegistry[ ux ].xHandle = ( QueueHandle_t ) 0;




@@ -2896,7 +2897,7 @@
     BaseType_t xQueueRemoveFromSet( QueueSetMemberHandle_t xQueueOrSemaphore,

                                     QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSet )


-        BaseType_t      xReturn;

+        BaseType_t xReturn;

         Queue_t * const pxQueueOrSemaphore = ( Queue_t * ) xQueueOrSemaphore;


         if( pxQueueOrSemaphore->pxQueueSetContainer != xQueueSet )

@@ -2959,8 +2960,8 @@

     static BaseType_t prvNotifyQueueSetContainer( const Queue_t * const pxQueue )


-        Queue_t *  pxQueueSetContainer = pxQueue->pxQueueSetContainer;

-        BaseType_t xReturn             = pdFALSE;

+        Queue_t * pxQueueSetContainer = pxQueue->pxQueueSetContainer;

+        BaseType_t xReturn = pdFALSE;


         /* This function must be called form a critical section. */


diff --git a/stream_buffer.c b/stream_buffer.c
index a1e91e9..bef8214 100644
--- a/stream_buffer.c
+++ b/stream_buffer.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -222,7 +223,7 @@
                                                      BaseType_t xIsMessageBuffer )


         uint8_t * pucAllocatedMemory;

-        uint8_t   ucFlags;

+        uint8_t ucFlags;


         /* In case the stream buffer is going to be used as a message buffer

          * (that is, it will hold discrete messages with a little meta data that

@@ -291,8 +292,8 @@
                                                            StaticStreamBuffer_t * const pxStaticStreamBuffer )


         StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = ( StreamBuffer_t * ) pxStaticStreamBuffer; /*lint !e740 !e9087 Safe cast as StaticStreamBuffer_t is opaque Streambuffer_t. */

-        StreamBufferHandle_t   xReturn;

-        uint8_t                ucFlags;

+        StreamBufferHandle_t xReturn;

+        uint8_t ucFlags;


         configASSERT( pucStreamBufferStorageArea );

         configASSERT( pxStaticStreamBuffer );

@@ -346,7 +347,7 @@

             traceSTREAM_BUFFER_CREATE( pxStreamBuffer, xIsMessageBuffer );


-            xReturn                  = ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) pxStaticStreamBuffer; /*lint !e9087 Data hiding requires cast to opaque type. */

+            xReturn = ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) pxStaticStreamBuffer; /*lint !e9087 Data hiding requires cast to opaque type. */




@@ -396,10 +397,10 @@
 BaseType_t xStreamBufferReset( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer )


     StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    BaseType_t             xReturn        = pdFAIL;

+    BaseType_t xReturn = pdFAIL;


     #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )

-        UBaseType_t        uxStreamBufferNumber;

+        UBaseType_t uxStreamBufferNumber;



     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );

@@ -446,7 +447,7 @@
                                          size_t xTriggerLevel )


     StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    BaseType_t             xReturn;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;


     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );


@@ -461,7 +462,7 @@
     if( xTriggerLevel <= pxStreamBuffer->xLength )


         pxStreamBuffer->xTriggerLevelBytes = xTriggerLevel;

-        xReturn                            = pdPASS;

+        xReturn = pdPASS;




@@ -479,7 +480,7 @@

     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );


-    xSpace  = pxStreamBuffer->xLength + pxStreamBuffer->xTail;

+    xSpace = pxStreamBuffer->xLength + pxStreamBuffer->xTail;

     xSpace -= pxStreamBuffer->xHead;

     xSpace -= ( size_t ) 1;


@@ -514,9 +515,9 @@
                           TickType_t xTicksToWait )


     StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    size_t                 xReturn, xSpace = 0;

-    size_t                 xRequiredSpace = xDataLengthBytes;

-    TimeOut_t              xTimeOut;

+    size_t xReturn, xSpace = 0;

+    size_t xRequiredSpace = xDataLengthBytes;

+    TimeOut_t xTimeOut;


     configASSERT( pvTxData );

     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );

@@ -617,8 +618,8 @@
                                  BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


     StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    size_t                 xReturn, xSpace;

-    size_t                 xRequiredSpace = xDataLengthBytes;

+    size_t xReturn, xSpace;

+    size_t xRequiredSpace = xDataLengthBytes;


     configASSERT( pvTxData );

     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );

@@ -636,7 +637,7 @@



-    xSpace  = xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable( pxStreamBuffer );

+    xSpace = xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable( pxStreamBuffer );

     xReturn = prvWriteMessageToBuffer( pxStreamBuffer, pvTxData, xDataLengthBytes, xSpace, xRequiredSpace );


     if( xReturn > ( size_t ) 0 )

@@ -669,7 +670,7 @@
                                        size_t xRequiredSpace )


     BaseType_t xShouldWrite;

-    size_t     xReturn;

+    size_t xReturn;


     if( xSpace == ( size_t ) 0 )


@@ -682,7 +683,7 @@
         /* This is a stream buffer, as opposed to a message buffer, so writing a

          * stream of bytes rather than discrete messages.  Write as many bytes as

          * possible. */

-        xShouldWrite     = pdTRUE;

+        xShouldWrite = pdTRUE;

         xDataLengthBytes = configMIN( xDataLengthBytes, xSpace );


     else if( xSpace >= xRequiredSpace )

@@ -720,7 +721,7 @@
                              TickType_t xTicksToWait )


     StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    size_t                 xReceivedLength = 0, xBytesAvailable, xBytesToStoreMessageLength;

+    size_t xReceivedLength = 0, xBytesAvailable, xBytesToStoreMessageLength;


     configASSERT( pvRxData );

     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );

@@ -776,7 +777,7 @@
             pxStreamBuffer->xTaskWaitingToReceive = NULL;


             /* Recheck the data available after blocking. */

-            xBytesAvailable                       = prvBytesInBuffer( pxStreamBuffer );

+            xBytesAvailable = prvBytesInBuffer( pxStreamBuffer );




@@ -820,8 +821,8 @@

 size_t xStreamBufferNextMessageLengthBytes( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer )


-    StreamBuffer_t * const           pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    size_t                           xReturn, xBytesAvailable, xOriginalTail;

+    StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

+    size_t xReturn, xBytesAvailable, xOriginalTail;

     configMESSAGE_BUFFER_LENGTH_TYPE xTempReturn;


     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );

@@ -839,9 +840,9 @@
              * from the buffer.  A copy of the tail is stored so the buffer can be

              * returned to its prior state as the message is not actually being

              * removed from the buffer. */

-            xOriginalTail         = pxStreamBuffer->xTail;

+            xOriginalTail = pxStreamBuffer->xTail;

             ( void ) prvReadBytesFromBuffer( pxStreamBuffer, ( uint8_t * ) &xTempReturn, sbBYTES_TO_STORE_MESSAGE_LENGTH, xBytesAvailable );

-            xReturn               = ( size_t ) xTempReturn;

+            xReturn = ( size_t ) xTempReturn;

             pxStreamBuffer->xTail = xOriginalTail;



@@ -869,7 +870,7 @@
                                     BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


     StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    size_t                 xReceivedLength = 0, xBytesAvailable, xBytesToStoreMessageLength;

+    size_t xReceivedLength = 0, xBytesAvailable, xBytesToStoreMessageLength;


     configASSERT( pvRxData );

     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );

@@ -935,13 +936,13 @@
          * of the message.  A copy of the tail is stored so the buffer can be

          * returned to its prior state if the length of the message is too

          * large for the provided buffer. */

-        xOriginalTail      = pxStreamBuffer->xTail;

+        xOriginalTail = pxStreamBuffer->xTail;

         ( void ) prvReadBytesFromBuffer( pxStreamBuffer, ( uint8_t * ) &xTempNextMessageLength, xBytesToStoreMessageLength, xBytesAvailable );

         xNextMessageLength = ( size_t ) xTempNextMessageLength;


         /* Reduce the number of bytes available by the number of bytes just

          * read out. */

-        xBytesAvailable   -= xBytesToStoreMessageLength;

+        xBytesAvailable -= xBytesToStoreMessageLength;


         /* Check there is enough space in the buffer provided by the

          * user. */

@@ -951,7 +952,7 @@
              * so return the buffer to its previous state (so the length of

              * the message is in the buffer again). */

             pxStreamBuffer->xTail = xOriginalTail;

-            xNextMessageLength    = 0;

+            xNextMessageLength = 0;




@@ -976,7 +977,7 @@

     const StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

     BaseType_t xReturn;

-    size_t     xTail;

+    size_t xTail;


     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );


@@ -999,7 +1000,7 @@
 BaseType_t xStreamBufferIsFull( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer )


     BaseType_t xReturn;

-    size_t     xBytesToStoreMessageLength;

+    size_t xBytesToStoreMessageLength;

     const StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;


     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );

@@ -1035,8 +1036,8 @@
                                               BaseType_t * pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


     StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    BaseType_t             xReturn;

-    UBaseType_t            uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

+    UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;


     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );


@@ -1049,7 +1050,7 @@

                                          pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );

             ( pxStreamBuffer )->xTaskWaitingToReceive = NULL;

-            xReturn                                   = pdTRUE;

+            xReturn = pdTRUE;




@@ -1066,8 +1067,8 @@
                                                  BaseType_t * pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


     StreamBuffer_t * const pxStreamBuffer = xStreamBuffer;

-    BaseType_t             xReturn;

-    UBaseType_t            uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+    BaseType_t xReturn;

+    UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;


     configASSERT( pxStreamBuffer );


@@ -1080,7 +1081,7 @@

                                          pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );

             ( pxStreamBuffer )->xTaskWaitingToSend = NULL;

-            xReturn                                = pdTRUE;

+            xReturn = pdTRUE;




@@ -1101,12 +1102,12 @@

     configASSERT( xCount > ( size_t ) 0 );


-    xNextHead             = pxStreamBuffer->xHead;

+    xNextHead = pxStreamBuffer->xHead;


     /* Calculate the number of bytes that can be added in the first write -

      * which may be less than the total number of bytes that need to be added if

      * the buffer will wrap back to the beginning. */

-    xFirstLength          = configMIN( pxStreamBuffer->xLength - xNextHead, xCount );

+    xFirstLength = configMIN( pxStreamBuffer->xLength - xNextHead, xCount );


     /* Write as many bytes as can be written in the first write. */

     configASSERT( ( xNextHead + xFirstLength ) <= pxStreamBuffer->xLength );

@@ -1125,7 +1126,7 @@



-    xNextHead            += xCount;

+    xNextHead += xCount;


     if( xNextHead >= pxStreamBuffer->xLength )


@@ -1154,12 +1155,12 @@

     if( xCount > ( size_t ) 0 )


-        xNextTail             = pxStreamBuffer->xTail;

+        xNextTail = pxStreamBuffer->xTail;


         /* Calculate the number of bytes that can be read - which may be

          * less than the number wanted if the data wraps around to the start of

          * the buffer. */

-        xFirstLength          = configMIN( pxStreamBuffer->xLength - xNextTail, xCount );

+        xFirstLength = configMIN( pxStreamBuffer->xLength - xNextTail, xCount );


         /* Obtain the number of bytes it is possible to obtain in the first

          * read.  Asserts check bounds of read and write. */

@@ -1182,7 +1183,7 @@

         /* Move the tail pointer to effectively remove the data read from

          * the buffer. */

-        xNextTail            += xCount;

+        xNextTail += xCount;


         if( xNextTail >= pxStreamBuffer->xLength )


@@ -1205,7 +1206,7 @@
 /* Returns the distance between xTail and xHead. */

     size_t xCount;


-    xCount  = pxStreamBuffer->xLength + pxStreamBuffer->xHead;

+    xCount = pxStreamBuffer->xLength + pxStreamBuffer->xHead;

     xCount -= pxStreamBuffer->xTail;


     if( xCount >= pxStreamBuffer->xLength )

@@ -1241,10 +1242,10 @@


     ( void ) memset( ( void * ) pxStreamBuffer, 0x00, sizeof( StreamBuffer_t ) ); /*lint !e9087 memset() requires void *. */

-    pxStreamBuffer->pucBuffer          = pucBuffer;

-    pxStreamBuffer->xLength            = xBufferSizeBytes;

+    pxStreamBuffer->pucBuffer = pucBuffer;

+    pxStreamBuffer->xLength = xBufferSizeBytes;

     pxStreamBuffer->xTriggerLevelBytes = xTriggerLevelBytes;

-    pxStreamBuffer->ucFlags            = ucFlags;

+    pxStreamBuffer->ucFlags = ucFlags;



 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )

diff --git a/tasks.c b/tasks.c
index 4c5fe06..9b9424a 100644
--- a/tasks.c
+++ b/tasks.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -203,8 +204,8 @@
         /* The delayed tasks list should be empty when the lists are switched. */ \

         configASSERT( ( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( pxDelayedTaskList ) ) );               \


-        pxTemp                    = pxDelayedTaskList;                            \

-        pxDelayedTaskList         = pxOverflowDelayedTaskList;                    \

+        pxTemp = pxDelayedTaskList;                                               \

+        pxDelayedTaskList = pxOverflowDelayedTaskList;                            \

         pxOverflowDelayedTaskList = pxTemp;                                       \

         xNumOfOverflows++;                                                        \

         prvResetNextTaskUnblockTime();                                            \

@@ -335,22 +336,22 @@

 /*lint -save -e956 A manual analysis and inspection has been used to determine

  * which static variables must be declared volatile. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA TCB_t * volatile pxCurrentTCB                                = NULL;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA TCB_t * volatile pxCurrentTCB = NULL;


 /* Lists for ready and blocked tasks. --------------------

  * xDelayedTaskList1 and xDelayedTaskList2 could be move to function scople but

  * doing so breaks some kernel aware debuggers and debuggers that rely on removing

  * the static qualifier. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t                   pxReadyTasksLists[ configMAX_PRIORITIES ]; /*< Prioritised ready tasks. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t                   xDelayedTaskList1;                         /*< Delayed tasks. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t                   xDelayedTaskList2;                         /*< Delayed tasks (two lists are used - one for delays that have overflowed the current tick count. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t * volatile        pxDelayedTaskList;                         /*< Points to the delayed task list currently being used. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t * volatile        pxOverflowDelayedTaskList;                 /*< Points to the delayed task list currently being used to hold tasks that have overflowed the current tick count. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t                   xPendingReadyList;                         /*< Tasks that have been readied while the scheduler was suspended.  They will be moved to the ready list when the scheduler is resumed. */

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t pxReadyTasksLists[ configMAX_PRIORITIES ]; /*< Prioritised ready tasks. */

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t xDelayedTaskList1;                         /*< Delayed tasks. */

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t xDelayedTaskList2;                         /*< Delayed tasks (two lists are used - one for delays that have overflowed the current tick count. */

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t * volatile pxDelayedTaskList;              /*< Points to the delayed task list currently being used. */

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t * volatile pxOverflowDelayedTaskList;      /*< Points to the delayed task list currently being used to hold tasks that have overflowed the current tick count. */

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t xPendingReadyList;                         /*< Tasks that have been readied while the scheduler was suspended.  They will be moved to the ready list when the scheduler is resumed. */


 #if ( INCLUDE_vTaskDelete == 1 )


-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t               xTasksWaitingTermination; /*< Tasks that have been deleted - but their memory not yet freed. */

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t xTasksWaitingTermination; /*< Tasks that have been deleted - but their memory not yet freed. */

     PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile UBaseType_t uxDeletedTasksWaitingCleanUp = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;



@@ -368,16 +369,16 @@


 /* Other file private variables. --------------------------------*/

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile UBaseType_t uxCurrentNumberOfTasks           = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile TickType_t  xTickCount                       = ( TickType_t ) configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT;

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile UBaseType_t uxTopReadyPriority               = tskIDLE_PRIORITY;

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile BaseType_t  xSchedulerRunning                = pdFALSE;

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile TickType_t  xPendedTicks                     = ( TickType_t ) 0U;

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile BaseType_t  xYieldPending                    = pdFALSE;

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile BaseType_t  xNumOfOverflows                  = ( BaseType_t ) 0;

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static UBaseType_t          uxTaskNumber                     = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile TickType_t  xNextTaskUnblockTime             = ( TickType_t ) 0U; /* Initialised to portMAX_DELAY before the scheduler starts. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static TaskHandle_t         xIdleTaskHandle                  = NULL;              /*< Holds the handle of the idle task.  The idle task is created automatically when the scheduler is started. */

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile UBaseType_t uxCurrentNumberOfTasks = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile TickType_t xTickCount = ( TickType_t ) configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile UBaseType_t uxTopReadyPriority = tskIDLE_PRIORITY;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile BaseType_t xSchedulerRunning = pdFALSE;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile TickType_t xPendedTicks = ( TickType_t ) 0U;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile BaseType_t xYieldPending = pdFALSE;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile BaseType_t xNumOfOverflows = ( BaseType_t ) 0;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static UBaseType_t uxTaskNumber = ( UBaseType_t ) 0U;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile TickType_t xNextTaskUnblockTime = ( TickType_t ) 0U; /* Initialised to portMAX_DELAY before the scheduler starts. */

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static TaskHandle_t xIdleTaskHandle = NULL;                          /*< Holds the handle of the idle task.  The idle task is created automatically when the scheduler is started. */


 /* Context switches are held pending while the scheduler is suspended.  Also,

  * interrupts must not manipulate the xStateListItem of a TCB, or any of the

@@ -387,14 +388,14 @@
  * kernel to move the task from the pending ready list into the real ready list

  * when the scheduler is unsuspended.  The pending ready list itself can only be

  * accessed from a critical section. */

-PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile UBaseType_t uxSchedulerSuspended             = ( UBaseType_t ) pdFALSE;

+PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile UBaseType_t uxSchedulerSuspended = ( UBaseType_t ) pdFALSE;


 #if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 )


 /* Do not move these variables to function scope as doing so prevents the

  * code working with debuggers that need to remove the static qualifier. */

-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static uint32_t          ulTaskSwitchedInTime            = 0UL; /*< Holds the value of a timer/counter the last time a task was switched in. */

-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile uint32_t ulTotalRunTime                  = 0UL; /*< Holds the total amount of execution time as defined by the run time counter clock. */

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static uint32_t ulTaskSwitchedInTime = 0UL;    /*< Holds the value of a timer/counter the last time a task was switched in. */

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile uint32_t ulTotalRunTime = 0UL; /*< Holds the total amount of execution time as defined by the run time counter clock. */




@@ -595,7 +596,7 @@
                                     StackType_t * const puxStackBuffer,

                                     StaticTask_t * const pxTaskBuffer )


-        TCB_t *      pxNewTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxNewTCB;

         TaskHandle_t xReturn;


         configASSERT( puxStackBuffer != NULL );

@@ -616,7 +617,7 @@

             /* The memory used for the task's TCB and stack are passed into this

              * function - use them. */

-            pxNewTCB          = ( TCB_t * ) pxTaskBuffer; /*lint !e740 !e9087 Unusual cast is ok as the structures are designed to have the same alignment, and the size is checked by an assert. */

+            pxNewTCB = ( TCB_t * ) pxTaskBuffer; /*lint !e740 !e9087 Unusual cast is ok as the structures are designed to have the same alignment, and the size is checked by an assert. */

             pxNewTCB->pxStack = ( StackType_t * ) puxStackBuffer;


             #if ( tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE != 0 ) /*lint !e731 !e9029 Macro has been consolidated for readability reasons. */

@@ -646,7 +647,7 @@
     BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition,

                                             TaskHandle_t * pxCreatedTask )


-        TCB_t *    pxNewTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxNewTCB;

         BaseType_t xReturn = errCOULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_REQUIRED_MEMORY;


         configASSERT( pxTaskDefinition->puxStackBuffer != NULL );

@@ -657,7 +658,7 @@
             /* Allocate space for the TCB.  Where the memory comes from depends

              * on the implementation of the port malloc function and whether or

              * not static allocation is being used. */

-            pxNewTCB          = ( TCB_t * ) pxTaskDefinition->pxTaskBuffer;

+            pxNewTCB = ( TCB_t * ) pxTaskDefinition->pxTaskBuffer;


             /* Store the stack location in the TCB. */

             pxNewTCB->pxStack = pxTaskDefinition->puxStackBuffer;

@@ -679,7 +680,7 @@
                                   pxTaskDefinition->xRegions );


             prvAddNewTaskToReadyList( pxNewTCB );

-            xReturn           = pdPASS;

+            xReturn = pdPASS;



         return xReturn;

@@ -693,7 +694,7 @@
     BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestricted( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition,

                                       TaskHandle_t * pxCreatedTask )


-        TCB_t *    pxNewTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxNewTCB;

         BaseType_t xReturn = errCOULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_REQUIRED_MEMORY;


         configASSERT( pxTaskDefinition->puxStackBuffer );

@@ -728,7 +729,7 @@
                                       pxTaskDefinition->xRegions );


                 prvAddNewTaskToReadyList( pxNewTCB );

-                xReturn           = pdPASS;

+                xReturn = pdPASS;




@@ -747,7 +748,7 @@
                             UBaseType_t uxPriority,

                             TaskHandle_t * const pxCreatedTask )


-        TCB_t *    pxNewTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxNewTCB;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* If the stack grows down then allocate the stack then the TCB so the stack

@@ -840,8 +841,8 @@
                                   TCB_t * pxNewTCB,

                                   const MemoryRegion_t * const xRegions )


-    StackType_t *  pxTopOfStack;

-    UBaseType_t    x;

+    StackType_t * pxTopOfStack;

+    UBaseType_t x;


     #if ( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 )

         /* Should the task be created in privileged mode? */

@@ -855,7 +856,7 @@

             xRunPrivileged = pdFALSE;


-        uxPriority      &= ~portPRIVILEGE_BIT;

+        uxPriority &= ~portPRIVILEGE_BIT;

     #endif /* portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 */


     /* Avoid dependency on memset() if it is not required. */

@@ -888,7 +889,7 @@

     #else /* portSTACK_GROWTH */


-            pxTopOfStack           = pxNewTCB->pxStack;

+            pxTopOfStack = pxNewTCB->pxStack;


             /* Check the alignment of the stack buffer is correct. */

             configASSERT( ( ( ( portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE ) pxNewTCB->pxStack & ( portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0UL ) );

@@ -945,7 +946,7 @@
     #if ( configUSE_MUTEXES == 1 )


             pxNewTCB->uxBasePriority = uxPriority;

-            pxNewTCB->uxMutexesHeld  = 0;

+            pxNewTCB->uxMutexesHeld = 0;


     #endif /* configUSE_MUTEXES */


@@ -1280,7 +1281,7 @@
             const TickType_t xConstTickCount = xTickCount;


             /* Generate the tick time at which the task wants to wake. */

-            xTimeToWake         = *pxPreviousWakeTime + xTimeIncrement;

+            xTimeToWake = *pxPreviousWakeTime + xTimeIncrement;


             if( xConstTickCount < *pxPreviousWakeTime )


@@ -1395,8 +1396,8 @@

     eTaskState eTaskGetState( TaskHandle_t xTask )


-        eTaskState          eReturn;

-        List_t const *      pxStateList, * pxDelayedList, * pxOverflowedDelayedList;

+        eTaskState eReturn;

+        List_t const * pxStateList, * pxDelayedList, * pxOverflowedDelayedList;

         const TCB_t * const pxTCB = xTask;


         configASSERT( pxTCB );

@@ -1410,8 +1411,8 @@



-                pxStateList             = listLIST_ITEM_CONTAINER( &( pxTCB->xStateListItem ) );

-                pxDelayedList           = pxDelayedTaskList;

+                pxStateList = listLIST_ITEM_CONTAINER( &( pxTCB->xStateListItem ) );

+                pxDelayedList = pxDelayedTaskList;

                 pxOverflowedDelayedList = pxOverflowDelayedTaskList;



@@ -1493,13 +1494,13 @@
     UBaseType_t uxTaskPriorityGet( const TaskHandle_t xTask )


         TCB_t const * pxTCB;

-        UBaseType_t   uxReturn;

+        UBaseType_t uxReturn;




             /* If null is passed in here then it is the priority of the task

              * that called uxTaskPriorityGet() that is being queried. */

-            pxTCB    = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );

+            pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );

             uxReturn = pxTCB->uxPriority;



@@ -1515,7 +1516,7 @@
     UBaseType_t uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR( const TaskHandle_t xTask )


         TCB_t const * pxTCB;

-        UBaseType_t   uxReturn, uxSavedInterruptState;

+        UBaseType_t uxReturn, uxSavedInterruptState;


         /* RTOS ports that support interrupt nesting have the concept of a

          * maximum	system call (or maximum API call) interrupt priority.

@@ -1539,7 +1540,7 @@

             /* If null is passed in here then it is the priority of the calling

              * task that is being queried. */

-            pxTCB    = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );

+            pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );

             uxReturn = pxTCB->uxPriority;


         portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR( uxSavedInterruptState );

@@ -1555,9 +1556,9 @@
     void vTaskPrioritySet( TaskHandle_t xTask,

                            UBaseType_t uxNewPriority )


-        TCB_t *     pxTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

         UBaseType_t uxCurrentBasePriority, uxPriorityUsedOnEntry;

-        BaseType_t  xYieldRequired = pdFALSE;

+        BaseType_t xYieldRequired = pdFALSE;


         configASSERT( ( uxNewPriority < configMAX_PRIORITIES ) );


@@ -1826,8 +1827,8 @@

     static BaseType_t prvTaskIsTaskSuspended( const TaskHandle_t xTask )


-        BaseType_t          xReturn = pdFALSE;

-        const TCB_t * const pxTCB   = xTask;

+        BaseType_t xReturn = pdFALSE;

+        const TCB_t * const pxTCB = xTask;


         /* Accesses xPendingReadyList so must be called from a critical

          * section. */

@@ -1926,9 +1927,9 @@

     BaseType_t xTaskResumeFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToResume )


-        BaseType_t    xYieldRequired = pdFALSE;

-        TCB_t * const pxTCB          = xTaskToResume;

-        UBaseType_t   uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+        BaseType_t xYieldRequired = pdFALSE;

+        TCB_t * const pxTCB = xTaskToResume;

+        UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;


         configASSERT( xTaskToResume );


@@ -2001,9 +2002,9 @@
     /* Add the idle task at the lowest priority. */

     #if ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 )


-            StaticTask_t * pxIdleTaskTCBBuffer   = NULL;

-            StackType_t *  pxIdleTaskStackBuffer = NULL;

-            uint32_t       ulIdleTaskStackSize;

+            StaticTask_t * pxIdleTaskTCBBuffer = NULL;

+            StackType_t * pxIdleTaskStackBuffer = NULL;

+            uint32_t ulIdleTaskStackSize;


             /* The Idle task is created using user provided RAM - obtain the

              * address of the RAM then create the idle task. */

@@ -2079,8 +2080,8 @@
         #endif /* configUSE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT */


         xNextTaskUnblockTime = portMAX_DELAY;

-        xSchedulerRunning    = pdTRUE;

-        xTickCount           = ( TickType_t ) configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT;

+        xSchedulerRunning = pdTRUE;

+        xTickCount = ( TickType_t ) configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT;


         /* If configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS is defined then the following

          * macro must be defined to configure the timer/counter used to generate

@@ -2154,7 +2155,7 @@

     static TickType_t prvGetExpectedIdleTime( void )


-        TickType_t  xReturn;

+        TickType_t xReturn;

         UBaseType_t uxHigherPriorityReadyTasks = pdFALSE;


         /* uxHigherPriorityReadyTasks takes care of the case where

@@ -2215,7 +2216,7 @@

 BaseType_t xTaskResumeAll( void )


-    TCB_t *    pxTCB           = NULL;

+    TCB_t * pxTCB = NULL;

     BaseType_t xAlreadyYielded = pdFALSE;


     /* If uxSchedulerSuspended is zero then this function does not match a

@@ -2341,7 +2342,7 @@

 TickType_t xTaskGetTickCountFromISR( void )


-    TickType_t  xReturn;

+    TickType_t xReturn;

     UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;


     /* RTOS ports that support interrupt nesting have the concept of a maximum

@@ -2395,10 +2396,10 @@
     static TCB_t * prvSearchForNameWithinSingleList( List_t * pxList,

                                                      const char pcNameToQuery[] )


-        TCB_t *     pxNextTCB, * pxFirstTCB, * pxReturn = NULL;

+        TCB_t * pxNextTCB, * pxFirstTCB, * pxReturn = NULL;

         UBaseType_t x;

-        char        cNextChar;

-        BaseType_t  xBreakLoop;

+        char cNextChar;

+        BaseType_t xBreakLoop;


         /* This function is called with the scheduler suspended. */


@@ -2427,7 +2428,7 @@

                         /* Both strings terminated, a match must have been

                          * found. */

-                        pxReturn   = pxNextTCB;

+                        pxReturn = pxNextTCB;

                         xBreakLoop = pdTRUE;



@@ -2464,7 +2465,7 @@
     TaskHandle_t xTaskGetHandle( const char * pcNameToQuery ) /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */


         UBaseType_t uxQueue = configMAX_PRIORITIES;

-        TCB_t *     pxTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;


         /* Task names will be truncated to configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN - 1 bytes. */

         configASSERT( strlen( pcNameToQuery ) < configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN );

@@ -2641,7 +2642,7 @@
     /* Use xPendedTicks to mimic xTicksToCatchUp number of ticks occurring when

      * the scheduler is suspended so the ticks are executed in xTaskResumeAll(). */


-    xPendedTicks  += xTicksToCatchUp;

+    xPendedTicks += xTicksToCatchUp;

     xYieldOccurred = xTaskResumeAll();


     return xYieldOccurred;

@@ -2652,7 +2653,7 @@

     BaseType_t xTaskAbortDelay( TaskHandle_t xTask )


-        TCB_t *    pxTCB = xTask;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB = xTask;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         configASSERT( pxTCB );

@@ -2730,7 +2731,7 @@

 BaseType_t xTaskIncrementTick( void )


-    TCB_t *    pxTCB;

+    TCB_t * pxTCB;

     TickType_t xItemValue;

     BaseType_t xSwitchRequired = pdFALSE;


@@ -2782,7 +2783,7 @@
                      * item at the head of the delayed list.  This is the time

                      * at which the task at the head of the delayed list must

                      * be removed from the Blocked state. */

-                    pxTCB      = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxDelayedTaskList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */

+                    pxTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxDelayedTaskList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */

                     xItemValue = listGET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE( &( pxTCB->xStateListItem ) );


                     if( xConstTickCount < xItemValue )

@@ -2935,7 +2936,7 @@

     TaskHookFunction_t xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag( TaskHandle_t xTask )


-        TCB_t *            pxTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

         TaskHookFunction_t xReturn;


         /* If xTask is NULL then set the calling task's hook. */

@@ -2959,12 +2960,12 @@

     TaskHookFunction_t xTaskGetApplicationTaskTagFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTask )


-        TCB_t *            pxTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

         TaskHookFunction_t xReturn;

-        UBaseType_t        uxSavedInterruptStatus;

+        UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;


         /* If xTask is NULL then set the calling task's hook. */

-        pxTCB                  = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );

+        pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );


         /* Save the hook function in the TCB.  A critical section is required as

          * the value can be accessed from an interrupt. */

@@ -2985,7 +2986,7 @@
     BaseType_t xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook( TaskHandle_t xTask,

                                              void * pvParameter )


-        TCB_t *    xTCB;

+        TCB_t * xTCB;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         /* If xTask is NULL then we are calling our own task hook. */

@@ -3031,7 +3032,7 @@
                 #ifdef portALT_GET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE

                     portALT_GET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE( ulTotalRunTime );


-                    ulTotalRunTime   = portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE();

+                    ulTotalRunTime = portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE();



                 /* Add the amount of time the task has been running to the

@@ -3170,7 +3171,7 @@

 BaseType_t xTaskRemoveFromEventList( const List_t * const pxEventList )


-    TCB_t *    pxUnblockedTCB;

+    TCB_t * pxUnblockedTCB;

     BaseType_t xReturn;



@@ -3221,7 +3222,7 @@
         /* Return true if the task removed from the event list has a higher

          * priority than the calling task.  This allows the calling task to know if

          * it should force a context switch now. */

-        xReturn       = pdTRUE;

+        xReturn = pdTRUE;


         /* Mark that a yield is pending in case the user is not using the

          * "xHigherPriorityTaskWoken" parameter to an ISR safe FreeRTOS function. */

@@ -3290,7 +3291,7 @@
     configASSERT( pxTimeOut );



-        pxTimeOut->xOverflowCount  = xNumOfOverflows;

+        pxTimeOut->xOverflowCount = xNumOfOverflows;

         pxTimeOut->xTimeOnEntering = xTickCount;



@@ -3300,7 +3301,7 @@
 void vTaskInternalSetTimeOutState( TimeOut_t * const pxTimeOut )


     /* For internal use only as it does not use a critical section. */

-    pxTimeOut->xOverflowCount  = xNumOfOverflows;

+    pxTimeOut->xOverflowCount = xNumOfOverflows;

     pxTimeOut->xTimeOnEntering = xTickCount;



@@ -3317,7 +3318,7 @@

         /* Minor optimisation.  The tick count cannot change in this block. */

         const TickType_t xConstTickCount = xTickCount;

-        const TickType_t xElapsedTime    = xConstTickCount - pxTimeOut->xTimeOnEntering;

+        const TickType_t xElapsedTime = xConstTickCount - pxTimeOut->xTimeOnEntering;


         #if ( INCLUDE_xTaskAbortDelay == 1 )

             if( pxCurrentTCB->ucDelayAborted != ( uint8_t ) pdFALSE )

@@ -3325,7 +3326,7 @@
                 /* The delay was aborted, which is not the same as a time out,

                  * but has the same result. */

                 pxCurrentTCB->ucDelayAborted = pdFALSE;

-                xReturn                      = pdTRUE;

+                xReturn = pdTRUE;




@@ -3355,12 +3356,12 @@
             /* Not a genuine timeout. Adjust parameters for time remaining. */

             *pxTicksToWait -= xElapsedTime;

             vTaskInternalSetTimeOutState( pxTimeOut );

-            xReturn         = pdFALSE;

+            xReturn = pdFALSE;




             *pxTicksToWait = 0;

-            xReturn        = pdTRUE;

+            xReturn = pdTRUE;




@@ -3379,12 +3380,12 @@

     UBaseType_t uxTaskGetTaskNumber( TaskHandle_t xTask )


-        UBaseType_t   uxReturn;

+        UBaseType_t uxReturn;

         TCB_t const * pxTCB;


         if( xTask != NULL )


-            pxTCB    = xTask;

+            pxTCB = xTask;

             uxReturn = pxTCB->uxTaskNumber;



@@ -3407,7 +3408,7 @@

         if( xTask != NULL )


-            pxTCB               = xTask;

+            pxTCB = xTask;

             pxTCB->uxTaskNumber = uxHandle;



@@ -3548,7 +3549,7 @@

         /* The idle task exists in addition to the application tasks. */

         const UBaseType_t uxNonApplicationTasks = 1;

-        eSleepModeStatus  eReturn               = eStandardSleep;

+        eSleepModeStatus eReturn = eStandardSleep;


         /* This function must be called from a critical section. */


@@ -3600,7 +3601,7 @@

         if( xIndex < configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS )


-            pxTCB                                         = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTaskToSet );

+            pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTaskToSet );

             configASSERT( pxTCB != NULL );

             pxTCB->pvThreadLocalStoragePointers[ xIndex ] = pvValue;


@@ -3614,12 +3615,12 @@
     void * pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer( TaskHandle_t xTaskToQuery,

                                                BaseType_t xIndex )


-        void *  pvReturn = NULL;

+        void * pvReturn = NULL;

         TCB_t * pxTCB;


         if( xIndex < configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS )


-            pxTCB    = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTaskToQuery );

+            pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTaskToQuery );

             pvReturn = pxTCB->pvThreadLocalStoragePointers[ xIndex ];



@@ -3677,7 +3678,7 @@

     /* Start with pxDelayedTaskList using list1 and the pxOverflowDelayedTaskList

      * using list2. */

-    pxDelayedTaskList         = &xDelayedTaskList1;

+    pxDelayedTaskList = &xDelayedTaskList1;

     pxOverflowDelayedTaskList = &xDelayedTaskList2;



@@ -3720,13 +3721,13 @@
         TCB_t * pxTCB;


         /* xTask is NULL then get the state of the calling task. */

-        pxTCB                           = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );

+        pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );


-        pxTaskStatus->xHandle           = ( TaskHandle_t ) pxTCB;

-        pxTaskStatus->pcTaskName        = ( const char * ) &( pxTCB->pcTaskName[ 0 ] );

+        pxTaskStatus->xHandle = ( TaskHandle_t ) pxTCB;

+        pxTaskStatus->pcTaskName = ( const char * ) &( pxTCB->pcTaskName[ 0 ] );

         pxTaskStatus->uxCurrentPriority = pxTCB->uxPriority;

-        pxTaskStatus->pxStackBase       = pxTCB->pxStack;

-        pxTaskStatus->xTaskNumber       = pxTCB->uxTCBNumber;

+        pxTaskStatus->pxStackBase = pxTCB->pxStack;

+        pxTaskStatus->xTaskNumber = pxTCB->uxTCBNumber;


         #if ( configUSE_MUTEXES == 1 )


@@ -3816,7 +3817,7 @@
                                                      eTaskState eState )


         configLIST_VOLATILE TCB_t * pxNextTCB, * pxFirstTCB;

-        UBaseType_t                 uxTask = 0;

+        UBaseType_t uxTask = 0;


         if( listCURRENT_LIST_LENGTH( pxList ) > ( UBaseType_t ) 0 )


@@ -3873,8 +3874,8 @@
  * applications that expect an 8-bit return type. */

     configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark2( TaskHandle_t xTask )


-        TCB_t *                pxTCB;

-        uint8_t *              pucEndOfStack;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

+        uint8_t * pucEndOfStack;

         configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE uxReturn;


         /* uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark() and uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark2() are

@@ -3884,7 +3885,7 @@
          * backward compatibility for applications that expect an 8-bit return

          * type. */


-        pxTCB    = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );

+        pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );


         #if portSTACK_GROWTH < 0


@@ -3908,11 +3909,11 @@

     UBaseType_t uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( TaskHandle_t xTask )


-        TCB_t *     pxTCB;

-        uint8_t *   pucEndOfStack;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

+        uint8_t * pucEndOfStack;

         UBaseType_t uxReturn;


-        pxTCB    = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );

+        pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );


         #if portSTACK_GROWTH < 0


@@ -4061,7 +4062,7 @@
     BaseType_t xTaskPriorityInherit( TaskHandle_t const pxMutexHolder )


         TCB_t * const pxMutexHolderTCB = pxMutexHolder;

-        BaseType_t    xReturn          = pdFALSE;

+        BaseType_t xReturn = pdFALSE;


         /* If the mutex was given back by an interrupt while the queue was

          * locked then the mutex holder might now be NULL.  _RB_ Is this still

@@ -4150,8 +4151,8 @@

     BaseType_t xTaskPriorityDisinherit( TaskHandle_t const pxMutexHolder )


-        TCB_t * const pxTCB   = pxMutexHolder;

-        BaseType_t    xReturn = pdFALSE;

+        TCB_t * const pxTCB = pxMutexHolder;

+        BaseType_t xReturn = pdFALSE;


         if( pxMutexHolder != NULL )


@@ -4203,7 +4204,7 @@
                      * returned, even if a task was waiting on it, then a context

                      * switch should occur when the last mutex is returned whether

                      * a task is waiting on it or not. */

-                    xReturn           = pdTRUE;

+                    xReturn = pdTRUE;




@@ -4231,8 +4232,8 @@
     void vTaskPriorityDisinheritAfterTimeout( TaskHandle_t const pxMutexHolder,

                                               UBaseType_t uxHighestPriorityWaitingTask )


-        TCB_t * const     pxTCB = pxMutexHolder;

-        UBaseType_t       uxPriorityUsedOnEntry, uxPriorityToUse;

+        TCB_t * const pxTCB = pxMutexHolder;

+        UBaseType_t uxPriorityUsedOnEntry, uxPriorityToUse;

         const UBaseType_t uxOnlyOneMutexHeld = ( UBaseType_t ) 1;


         if( pxMutexHolder != NULL )

@@ -4273,7 +4274,7 @@
                      * state. */

                     traceTASK_PRIORITY_DISINHERIT( pxTCB, uxPriorityToUse );

                     uxPriorityUsedOnEntry = pxTCB->uxPriority;

-                    pxTCB->uxPriority     = uxPriorityToUse;

+                    pxTCB->uxPriority = uxPriorityToUse;


                     /* Only reset the event list item value if the value is not

                      * being used for anything else. */

@@ -4427,8 +4428,8 @@
     void vTaskList( char * pcWriteBuffer )


         TaskStatus_t * pxTaskStatusArray;

-        UBaseType_t    uxArraySize, x;

-        char           cStatus;

+        UBaseType_t uxArraySize, x;

+        char cStatus;



          * PLEASE NOTE:

@@ -4456,11 +4457,11 @@


         /* Make sure the write buffer does not contain a string. */

-        *pcWriteBuffer    = ( char ) 0x00;

+        *pcWriteBuffer = ( char ) 0x00;


         /* Take a snapshot of the number of tasks in case it changes while this

          * function is executing. */

-        uxArraySize       = uxCurrentNumberOfTasks;

+        uxArraySize = uxCurrentNumberOfTasks;


         /* Allocate an array index for each task.  NOTE!  if

          * configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION is set to 0 then pvPortMalloc() will

@@ -4506,7 +4507,7 @@

                 /* Write the task name to the string, padding with spaces so it

                  * can be printed in tabular form more easily. */

-                pcWriteBuffer  = prvWriteNameToBuffer( pcWriteBuffer, pxTaskStatusArray[ x ].pcTaskName );

+                pcWriteBuffer = prvWriteNameToBuffer( pcWriteBuffer, pxTaskStatusArray[ x ].pcTaskName );


                 /* Write the rest of the string. */

                 sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "\t%c\t%u\t%u\t%u\r\n", cStatus, ( unsigned int ) pxTaskStatusArray[ x ].uxCurrentPriority, ( unsigned int ) pxTaskStatusArray[ x ].usStackHighWaterMark, ( unsigned int ) pxTaskStatusArray[ x ].xTaskNumber ); /*lint !e586 sprintf() allowed as this is compiled with many compilers and this is a utility function only - not part of the core kernel implementation. */

@@ -4531,8 +4532,8 @@
     void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( char * pcWriteBuffer )


         TaskStatus_t * pxTaskStatusArray;

-        UBaseType_t    uxArraySize, x;

-        uint32_t       ulTotalTime, ulStatsAsPercentage;

+        UBaseType_t uxArraySize, x;

+        uint32_t ulTotalTime, ulStatsAsPercentage;


         #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY != 1 )


@@ -4566,11 +4567,11 @@


         /* Make sure the write buffer does not contain a string. */

-        *pcWriteBuffer    = ( char ) 0x00;

+        *pcWriteBuffer = ( char ) 0x00;


         /* Take a snapshot of the number of tasks in case it changes while this

          * function is executing. */

-        uxArraySize       = uxCurrentNumberOfTasks;

+        uxArraySize = uxCurrentNumberOfTasks;


         /* Allocate an array index for each task.  NOTE!  If

          * configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION is set to 0 then pvPortMalloc() will

@@ -4580,7 +4581,7 @@
         if( pxTaskStatusArray != NULL )


             /* Generate the (binary) data. */

-            uxArraySize  = uxTaskGetSystemState( pxTaskStatusArray, uxArraySize, &ulTotalTime );

+            uxArraySize = uxTaskGetSystemState( pxTaskStatusArray, uxArraySize, &ulTotalTime );


             /* For percentage calculations. */

             ulTotalTime /= 100UL;

@@ -4599,7 +4600,7 @@
                     /* Write the task name to the string, padding with

                      * spaces so it can be printed in tabular form more

                      * easily. */

-                    pcWriteBuffer       = prvWriteNameToBuffer( pcWriteBuffer, pxTaskStatusArray[ x ].pcTaskName );

+                    pcWriteBuffer = prvWriteNameToBuffer( pcWriteBuffer, pxTaskStatusArray[ x ].pcTaskName );


                     if( ulStatsAsPercentage > 0UL )


@@ -4632,7 +4633,7 @@



-                    pcWriteBuffer      += strlen( pcWriteBuffer ); /*lint !e9016 Pointer arithmetic ok on char pointers especially as in this case where it best denotes the intent of the code. */

+                    pcWriteBuffer += strlen( pcWriteBuffer ); /*lint !e9016 Pointer arithmetic ok on char pointers especially as in this case where it best denotes the intent of the code. */




@@ -4728,7 +4729,7 @@


             traceTASK_NOTIFY_TAKE( uxIndexToWait );

-            ulReturn                                     = pxCurrentTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToWait ];

+            ulReturn = pxCurrentTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToWait ];


             if( ulReturn != 0UL )


@@ -4779,7 +4780,7 @@
                 pxCurrentTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToWait ] &= ~ulBitsToClearOnEntry;


                 /* Mark this task as waiting for a notification. */

-                pxCurrentTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToWait ]    = taskWAITING_NOTIFICATION;

+                pxCurrentTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToWait ] = taskWAITING_NOTIFICATION;


                 if( xTicksToWait > ( TickType_t ) 0 )


@@ -4829,7 +4830,7 @@
                 /* A notification was already pending or a notification was

                  * received while the task was waiting. */

                 pxCurrentTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToWait ] &= ~ulBitsToClearOnExit;

-                xReturn                                         = pdTRUE;

+                xReturn = pdTRUE;



             pxCurrentTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToWait ] = taskNOT_WAITING_NOTIFICATION;

@@ -4850,9 +4851,9 @@
                                    eNotifyAction eAction,

                                    uint32_t * pulPreviousNotificationValue )


-        TCB_t *    pxTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

         BaseType_t xReturn = pdPASS;

-        uint8_t    ucOriginalNotifyState;

+        uint8_t ucOriginalNotifyState;


         configASSERT( uxIndexToNotify < configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES );

         configASSERT( xTaskToNotify );

@@ -4865,7 +4866,7 @@
                 *pulPreviousNotificationValue = pxTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToNotify ];



-            ucOriginalNotifyState                   = pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ];

+            ucOriginalNotifyState = pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ];


             pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ] = taskNOTIFICATION_RECEIVED;


@@ -4880,7 +4881,7 @@


                 case eSetValueWithOverwrite:

-                    pxTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToNotify ]  = ulValue;

+                    pxTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToNotify ] = ulValue;



                 case eSetValueWithoutOverwrite:

@@ -4974,9 +4975,9 @@
                                           uint32_t * pulPreviousNotificationValue,

                                           BaseType_t * pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


-        TCB_t *     pxTCB;

-        uint8_t     ucOriginalNotifyState;

-        BaseType_t  xReturn = pdPASS;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

+        uint8_t ucOriginalNotifyState;

+        BaseType_t xReturn = pdPASS;

         UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;


         configASSERT( xTaskToNotify );

@@ -5000,7 +5001,7 @@
          * */



-        pxTCB                  = xTaskToNotify;

+        pxTCB = xTaskToNotify;


         uxSavedInterruptStatus = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR();


@@ -5009,7 +5010,7 @@
                 *pulPreviousNotificationValue = pxTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToNotify ];



-            ucOriginalNotifyState                   = pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ];

+            ucOriginalNotifyState = pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ];

             pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ] = taskNOTIFICATION_RECEIVED;


             switch( eAction )

@@ -5023,7 +5024,7 @@


                 case eSetValueWithOverwrite:

-                    pxTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToNotify ]  = ulValue;

+                    pxTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToNotify ] = ulValue;



                 case eSetValueWithoutOverwrite:

@@ -5110,8 +5111,8 @@
                                         UBaseType_t uxIndexToNotify,

                                         BaseType_t * pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


-        TCB_t *     pxTCB;

-        uint8_t     ucOriginalNotifyState;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

+        uint8_t ucOriginalNotifyState;

         UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;


         configASSERT( xTaskToNotify );

@@ -5135,11 +5136,11 @@
          * */



-        pxTCB                  = xTaskToNotify;

+        pxTCB = xTaskToNotify;


         uxSavedInterruptStatus = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR();


-            ucOriginalNotifyState                   = pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ];

+            ucOriginalNotifyState = pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ];

             pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToNotify ] = taskNOTIFICATION_RECEIVED;


             /* 'Giving' is equivalent to incrementing a count in a counting

@@ -5198,7 +5199,7 @@
     BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyStateClear( TaskHandle_t xTask,

                                              UBaseType_t uxIndexToClear )


-        TCB_t *    pxTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

         BaseType_t xReturn;


         configASSERT( uxIndexToClear < configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES );

@@ -5212,7 +5213,7 @@
             if( pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToClear ] == taskNOTIFICATION_RECEIVED )


                 pxTCB->ucNotifyState[ uxIndexToClear ] = taskNOT_WAITING_NOTIFICATION;

-                xReturn                                = pdPASS;

+                xReturn = pdPASS;




@@ -5233,7 +5234,7 @@
                                             UBaseType_t uxIndexToClear,

                                             uint32_t ulBitsToClear )


-        TCB_t *  pxTCB;

+        TCB_t * pxTCB;

         uint32_t ulReturn;


         /* If null is passed in here then it is the calling task that is having

@@ -5244,7 +5245,7 @@

             /* Return the notification as it was before the bits were cleared,

              * then clear the bit mask. */

-            ulReturn                                  = pxCurrentTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToClear ];

+            ulReturn = pxCurrentTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToClear ];

             pxTCB->ulNotifiedValue[ uxIndexToClear ] &= ~ulBitsToClear;



@@ -5268,7 +5269,7 @@
 static void prvAddCurrentTaskToDelayedList( TickType_t xTicksToWait,

                                             const BaseType_t xCanBlockIndefinitely )


-    TickType_t       xTimeToWake;

+    TickType_t xTimeToWake;

     const TickType_t xConstTickCount = xTickCount;


     #if ( INCLUDE_xTaskAbortDelay == 1 )

diff --git a/timers.c b/timers.c
index 7cebee5..bd7fc8e 100644
--- a/timers.c
+++ b/timers.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@



+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!



 /* Standard includes. */

@@ -131,14 +132,14 @@
  * xActiveTimerList1 and xActiveTimerList2 could be at function scope but that

  * breaks some kernel aware debuggers, and debuggers that reply on removing the

  * static qualifier. */

-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t        xActiveTimerList1;

-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t        xActiveTimerList2;

-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t *      pxCurrentTimerList;

-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t *      pxOverflowTimerList;

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t xActiveTimerList1;

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t xActiveTimerList2;

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t * pxCurrentTimerList;

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static List_t * pxOverflowTimerList;


 /* A queue that is used to send commands to the timer service task. */

-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static QueueHandle_t xTimerQueue      = NULL;

-    PRIVILEGED_DATA static TaskHandle_t  xTimerTaskHandle = NULL;

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static QueueHandle_t xTimerQueue = NULL;

+    PRIVILEGED_DATA static TaskHandle_t xTimerTaskHandle = NULL;


 /*lint -restore */


@@ -244,9 +245,9 @@

             #if ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 )


-                    StaticTask_t * pxTimerTaskTCBBuffer   = NULL;

-                    StackType_t *  pxTimerTaskStackBuffer = NULL;

-                    uint32_t       ulTimerTaskStackSize;

+                    StaticTask_t * pxTimerTaskTCBBuffer = NULL;

+                    StackType_t * pxTimerTaskStackBuffer = NULL;

+                    uint32_t ulTimerTaskStackSize;


                     vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory( &pxTimerTaskTCBBuffer, &pxTimerTaskStackBuffer, &ulTimerTaskStackSize );

                     xTimerTaskHandle = xTaskCreateStatic( prvTimerTask,

@@ -370,10 +371,10 @@

             /* Initialise the timer structure members using the function

              * parameters. */

-            pxNewTimer->pcTimerName         = pcTimerName;

+            pxNewTimer->pcTimerName = pcTimerName;

             pxNewTimer->xTimerPeriodInTicks = xTimerPeriodInTicks;

-            pxNewTimer->pvTimerID           = pvTimerID;

-            pxNewTimer->pxCallbackFunction  = pxCallbackFunction;

+            pxNewTimer->pvTimerID = pvTimerID;

+            pxNewTimer->pxCallbackFunction = pxCallbackFunction;

             vListInitialiseItem( &( pxNewTimer->xTimerListItem ) );


             if( uxAutoReload != pdFALSE )

@@ -392,7 +393,7 @@
                                      BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken,

                                      const TickType_t xTicksToWait )


-        BaseType_t          xReturn = pdFAIL;

+        BaseType_t xReturn = pdFAIL;

         DaemonTaskMessage_t xMessage;


         configASSERT( xTimer );

@@ -402,9 +403,9 @@
         if( xTimerQueue != NULL )


             /* Send a command to the timer service task to start the xTimer timer. */

-            xMessage.xMessageID                       = xCommandID;

+            xMessage.xMessageID = xCommandID;

             xMessage.u.xTimerParameters.xMessageValue = xOptionalValue;

-            xMessage.u.xTimerParameters.pxTimer       = xTimer;

+            xMessage.u.xTimerParameters.pxTimer = xTimer;


             if( xCommandID < tmrFIRST_FROM_ISR_COMMAND )


@@ -474,7 +475,7 @@

     UBaseType_t uxTimerGetReloadMode( TimerHandle_t xTimer )


-        Timer_t *   pxTimer = xTimer;

+        Timer_t * pxTimer = xTimer;

         UBaseType_t uxReturn;


         configASSERT( xTimer );

@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@

     TickType_t xTimerGetExpiryTime( TimerHandle_t xTimer )


-        Timer_t *  pxTimer = xTimer;

+        Timer_t * pxTimer = xTimer;

         TickType_t xReturn;


         configASSERT( xTimer );

@@ -520,7 +521,7 @@
     static void prvProcessExpiredTimer( const TickType_t xNextExpireTime,

                                         const TickType_t xTimeNow )


-        BaseType_t      xResult;

+        BaseType_t xResult;

         Timer_t * const pxTimer = ( Timer_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxCurrentTimerList ); /*lint !e9087 !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with tasks and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */


         /* Remove the timer from the list of active timers.  A check has already

@@ -690,7 +691,7 @@
         TickType_t xTimeNow;

         PRIVILEGED_DATA static TickType_t xLastTime = ( TickType_t ) 0U; /*lint !e956 Variable is only accessible to one task. */


-        xTimeNow  = xTaskGetTickCount();

+        xTimeNow = xTaskGetTickCount();


         if( xTimeNow < xLastTime )


@@ -755,9 +756,9 @@
     static void prvProcessReceivedCommands( void )


         DaemonTaskMessage_t xMessage;

-        Timer_t *           pxTimer;

-        BaseType_t          xTimerListsWereSwitched, xResult;

-        TickType_t          xTimeNow;

+        Timer_t * pxTimer;

+        BaseType_t xTimerListsWereSwitched, xResult;

+        TickType_t xTimeNow;


         while( xQueueReceive( xTimerQueue, &xMessage, tmrNO_DELAY ) != pdFAIL ) /*lint !e603 xMessage does not have to be initialised as it is passed out, not in, and it is not used unless xQueueReceive() returns pdTRUE. */


@@ -789,7 +790,7 @@

                 /* The messages uses the xTimerParameters member to work on a

                  * software timer. */

-                pxTimer  = xMessage.u.xTimerParameters.pxTimer;

+                pxTimer = xMessage.u.xTimerParameters.pxTimer;


                 if( listIS_CONTAINED_WITHIN( NULL, &( pxTimer->xTimerListItem ) ) == pdFALSE ) /*lint !e961. The cast is only redundant when NULL is passed into the macro. */


@@ -819,7 +820,7 @@
                     case tmrCOMMAND_RESET_FROM_ISR:

                     case tmrCOMMAND_START_DONT_TRACE:

                         /* Start or restart a timer. */

-                        pxTimer->ucStatus           |= tmrSTATUS_IS_ACTIVE;

+                        pxTimer->ucStatus |= tmrSTATUS_IS_ACTIVE;


                         if( prvInsertTimerInActiveList( pxTimer, xMessage.u.xTimerParameters.xMessageValue + pxTimer->xTimerPeriodInTicks, xTimeNow, xMessage.u.xTimerParameters.xMessageValue ) != pdFALSE )


@@ -849,12 +850,12 @@
                     case tmrCOMMAND_STOP:

                     case tmrCOMMAND_STOP_FROM_ISR:

                         /* The timer has already been removed from the active list. */

-                        pxTimer->ucStatus           &= ~tmrSTATUS_IS_ACTIVE;

+                        pxTimer->ucStatus &= ~tmrSTATUS_IS_ACTIVE;



                     case tmrCOMMAND_CHANGE_PERIOD:

                     case tmrCOMMAND_CHANGE_PERIOD_FROM_ISR:

-                        pxTimer->ucStatus           |= tmrSTATUS_IS_ACTIVE;

+                        pxTimer->ucStatus |= tmrSTATUS_IS_ACTIVE;

                         pxTimer->xTimerPeriodInTicks = xMessage.u.xTimerParameters.xMessageValue;

                         configASSERT( ( pxTimer->xTimerPeriodInTicks > 0 ) );


@@ -905,8 +906,8 @@
     static void prvSwitchTimerLists( void )


         TickType_t xNextExpireTime, xReloadTime;

-        List_t *   pxTemp;

-        Timer_t *  pxTimer;

+        List_t * pxTemp;

+        Timer_t * pxTimer;

         BaseType_t xResult;


         /* The tick count has overflowed.  The timer lists must be switched.

@@ -918,7 +919,7 @@
             xNextExpireTime = listGET_ITEM_VALUE_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxCurrentTimerList );


             /* Remove the timer from the list. */

-            pxTimer         = ( Timer_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxCurrentTimerList ); /*lint !e9087 !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with tasks and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */

+            pxTimer = ( Timer_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxCurrentTimerList ); /*lint !e9087 !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with tasks and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */

             ( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxTimer->xTimerListItem ) );

             traceTIMER_EXPIRED( pxTimer );


@@ -956,8 +957,8 @@



-        pxTemp              = pxCurrentTimerList;

-        pxCurrentTimerList  = pxOverflowTimerList;

+        pxTemp = pxCurrentTimerList;

+        pxCurrentTimerList = pxOverflowTimerList;

         pxOverflowTimerList = pxTemp;



@@ -973,15 +974,15 @@

                 vListInitialise( &xActiveTimerList1 );

                 vListInitialise( &xActiveTimerList2 );

-                pxCurrentTimerList  = &xActiveTimerList1;

+                pxCurrentTimerList = &xActiveTimerList1;

                 pxOverflowTimerList = &xActiveTimerList2;


                 #if ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 )


                         /* The timer queue is allocated statically in case

                          * configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION is 0. */

-                        static StaticQueue_t xStaticTimerQueue;                                                                                /*lint !e956 Ok to declare in this manner to prevent additional conditional compilation guards in other locations. */

-                        static uint8_t       ucStaticTimerQueueStorage[ ( size_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH * sizeof( DaemonTaskMessage_t ) ]; /*lint !e956 Ok to declare in this manner to prevent additional conditional compilation guards in other locations. */

+                        static StaticQueue_t xStaticTimerQueue;                                                                          /*lint !e956 Ok to declare in this manner to prevent additional conditional compilation guards in other locations. */

+                        static uint8_t ucStaticTimerQueueStorage[ ( size_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH * sizeof( DaemonTaskMessage_t ) ]; /*lint !e956 Ok to declare in this manner to prevent additional conditional compilation guards in other locations. */


                         xTimerQueue = xQueueCreateStatic( ( UBaseType_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH, ( UBaseType_t ) sizeof( DaemonTaskMessage_t ), &( ucStaticTimerQueueStorage[ 0 ] ), &xStaticTimerQueue );


@@ -1016,7 +1017,7 @@
     BaseType_t xTimerIsTimerActive( TimerHandle_t xTimer )


         BaseType_t xReturn;

-        Timer_t *  pxTimer = xTimer;

+        Timer_t * pxTimer = xTimer;


         configASSERT( xTimer );


@@ -1041,7 +1042,7 @@
     void * pvTimerGetTimerID( const TimerHandle_t xTimer )


         Timer_t * const pxTimer = xTimer;

-        void *          pvReturn;

+        void * pvReturn;


         configASSERT( xTimer );


@@ -1078,14 +1079,14 @@
                                                   BaseType_t * pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )


             DaemonTaskMessage_t xMessage;

-            BaseType_t          xReturn;

+            BaseType_t xReturn;


             /* Complete the message with the function parameters and post it to the

              * daemon task. */

-            xMessage.xMessageID                               = tmrCOMMAND_EXECUTE_CALLBACK_FROM_ISR;

+            xMessage.xMessageID = tmrCOMMAND_EXECUTE_CALLBACK_FROM_ISR;

             xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.pxCallbackFunction = xFunctionToPend;

-            xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.pvParameter1       = pvParameter1;

-            xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.ulParameter2       = ulParameter2;

+            xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.pvParameter1 = pvParameter1;

+            xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.ulParameter2 = ulParameter2;


             xReturn = xQueueSendFromISR( xTimerQueue, &xMessage, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );


@@ -1105,7 +1106,7 @@
                                            TickType_t xTicksToWait )


             DaemonTaskMessage_t xMessage;

-            BaseType_t          xReturn;

+            BaseType_t xReturn;


             /* This function can only be called after a timer has been created or

              * after the scheduler has been started because, until then, the timer

@@ -1114,10 +1115,10 @@

             /* Complete the message with the function parameters and post it to the

              * daemon task. */

-            xMessage.xMessageID                               = tmrCOMMAND_EXECUTE_CALLBACK;

+            xMessage.xMessageID = tmrCOMMAND_EXECUTE_CALLBACK;

             xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.pxCallbackFunction = xFunctionToPend;

-            xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.pvParameter1       = pvParameter1;

-            xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.ulParameter2       = ulParameter2;

+            xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.pvParameter1 = pvParameter1;

+            xMessage.u.xCallbackParameters.ulParameter2 = ulParameter2;


             xReturn = xQueueSendToBack( xTimerQueue, &xMessage, xTicksToWait );