Added back some TCP/IP stack port layer files.
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Common/phyHandling.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Common/phyHandling.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa76959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Common/phyHandling.c
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@

+ * Handling of Ethernet PHY's

+ * PHY's communicate with an EMAC either through

+ * a Media-Independent Interface (MII), or a Reduced Media-Independent Interface (RMII).

+ * The EMAC can poll for PHY ports on 32 different addresses. Each of the PHY ports

+ * shall be treated independently.

+ * 

+ */


+/* Standard includes. */

+#include <stdint.h>

+#include <stdio.h>

+#include <stdlib.h>


+/* FreeRTOS includes. */

+#include "FreeRTOS.h"

+#include "task.h"

+#include "queue.h"

+#include "semphr.h"


+/* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */

+#include "FreeRTOS_IP.h"

+#include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h"


+#include "phyHandling.h"


+#define phyMIN_PHY_ADDRESS		0

+#define phyMAX_PHY_ADDRESS		31


+#if defined( PHY_LS_HIGH_CHECK_TIME_MS ) || defined( PHY_LS_LOW_CHECK_TIME_MS )

+	#warning please use the new defines with 'ipconfig' prefix



+#ifndef	ipconfigPHY_LS_HIGH_CHECK_TIME_MS

+	/* Check if the LinkStatus in the PHY is still high after 15 seconds of not

+	receiving packets. */

+	#define ipconfigPHY_LS_HIGH_CHECK_TIME_MS	15000uL



+#ifndef	ipconfigPHY_LS_LOW_CHECK_TIME_MS

+	/* Check if the LinkStatus in the PHY is still low every second. */

+	#define ipconfigPHY_LS_LOW_CHECK_TIME_MS	1000uL



+/* As the following 3 macro's are OK in most situations, and so they're not

+included in 'FreeRTOSIPConfigDefaults.h'.

+Users can change their values in the project's 'FreeRTOSIPConfig.h'. */


+	#define phyPHY_MAX_RESET_TIME_MS			1000uL




+	#define phyPHY_MAX_NEGOTIATE_TIME_MS		3000uL



+#ifndef phySHORT_DELAY_MS

+	#define phySHORT_DELAY_MS					50uL



+/* Naming and numbering of basic PHY registers. */

+#define phyREG_00_BMCR				0x00u	/* Basic Mode Control Register. */

+#define phyREG_01_BMSR				0x01u	/* Basic Mode Status Register. */

+#define phyREG_02_PHYSID1			0x02u	/* PHYS ID 1 */

+#define phyREG_03_PHYSID2			0x03u	/* PHYS ID 2 */

+#define phyREG_04_ADVERTISE			0x04u	/* Advertisement control reg */


+/* Naming and numbering of extended PHY registers. */

+#define PHYREG_10_PHYSTS			0x10u	/* 16 PHY status register Offset */

+#define	phyREG_19_PHYCR				0x19u	/* 25 RW PHY Control Register */

+#define	phyREG_1F_PHYSPCS			0x1Fu	/* 31 RW PHY Special Control Status */


+/* Bit fields for 'phyREG_00_BMCR', the 'Basic Mode Control Register'. */

+#define phyBMCR_FULL_DUPLEX			0x0100u	/* Full duplex. */

+#define phyBMCR_AN_RESTART			0x0200u	/* Auto negotiation restart. */

+#define phyBMCR_ISOLATE				0x0400u /* 1 = Isolates 0 = Normal operation. */

+#define phyBMCR_AN_ENABLE			0x1000u	/* Enable auto negotiation. */

+#define phyBMCR_SPEED_100			0x2000u	/* Select 100Mbps. */

+#define phyBMCR_RESET				0x8000u	/* Reset the PHY. */


+/* Bit fields for 'phyREG_19_PHYCR', the 'PHY Control Register'. */

+#define PHYCR_MDIX_EN				0x8000u	/* Enable Auto MDIX. */

+#define PHYCR_MDIX_FORCE			0x4000u	/* Force MDIX crossed. */


+#define phyBMSR_AN_COMPLETE			0x0020u	/* Auto-Negotiation process completed */


+#define phyBMSR_LINK_STATUS			0x0004u


+#define phyPHYSTS_LINK_STATUS		0x0001u	/* PHY Link mask */

+#define phyPHYSTS_SPEED_STATUS		0x0002u	/* PHY Speed mask */

+#define phyPHYSTS_DUPLEX_STATUS		0x0004u	/* PHY Duplex mask */


+/* Bit fields for 'phyREG_1F_PHYSPCS

+	001 = 10BASE-T half-duplex

+	101 = 10BASE-T full-duplex

+	010 = 100BASE-TX half-duplex

+	110 = 100BASE-TX full-duplex


+#define phyPHYSPCS_SPEED_MASK		0x000Cu

+#define phyPHYSPCS_SPEED_10			0x0004u

+#define phyPHYSPCS_FULL_DUPLEX		0x0010u



+ * Description of all capabilities that can be advertised to

+ * the peer (usually a switch or router).

+ */


+#define phyADVERTISE_CSMA			0x0001u	/* Supports IEEE 802.3u: Fast Ethernet at 100 Mbit/s */

+#define phyADVERTISE_10HALF			0x0020u	/* Try for 10mbps half-duplex. */

+#define phyADVERTISE_10FULL			0x0040u	/* Try for 10mbps full-duplex. */

+#define phyADVERTISE_100HALF		0x0080u	/* Try for 100mbps half-duplex. */

+#define phyADVERTISE_100FULL		0x0100u	/* Try for 100mbps full-duplex. */



+									  phyADVERTISE_100HALF | phyADVERTISE_100FULL | \

+									  phyADVERTISE_CSMA )


+/* Send a reset command to a set of PHY-ports. */

+static uint32_t xPhyReset( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, uint32_t ulPhyMask );


+static BaseType_t xHas_1F_PHYSPCS( uint32_t ulPhyID )


+BaseType_t xResult;


+	switch( ulPhyID )

+	{

+		case PHY_ID_LAN8720:

+		case PHY_ID_LAN8742A:

+		case PHY_ID_KSZ8041:


+		case PHY_ID_KSZ8051: // same ID as 8041

+		case PHY_ID_KSZ8081: // same ID as 8041


+		case PHY_ID_KSZ8081MNXIA:


+		case PHY_ID_KSZ8863:

+		default:

+			/* Most PHY's have a 1F_PHYSPCS */

+			xResult = pdTRUE;

+			break;

+		case PHY_ID_DP83848I:

+			xResult = pdFALSE;

+			break;

+	}

+	return xResult;




+static BaseType_t xHas_19_PHYCR( uint32_t ulPhyID )


+BaseType_t xResult;


+	switch( ulPhyID )

+	{

+		case PHY_ID_LAN8742A:

+		case PHY_ID_DP83848I:

+			xResult = pdTRUE;

+			break;

+		default:

+			/* Most PHY's do not have a 19_PHYCR */

+			xResult = pdFALSE;

+			break;

+	}

+	return xResult;




+/* Initialise the struct and assign a PHY-read and -write function. */

+void vPhyInitialise( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, xApplicationPhyReadHook_t fnPhyRead, xApplicationPhyWriteHook_t fnPhyWrite )


+	memset( ( void * )pxPhyObject, '\0', sizeof( *pxPhyObject ) );


+	pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead = fnPhyRead;

+	pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite = fnPhyWrite;




+/* Discover all PHY's connected by polling 32 indexes ( zero-based ) */

+BaseType_t xPhyDiscover( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject )


+BaseType_t xPhyAddress;


+	pxPhyObject->xPortCount = 0;


+	for( xPhyAddress = phyMIN_PHY_ADDRESS; xPhyAddress <= phyMAX_PHY_ADDRESS; xPhyAddress++ )

+	{

+	uint32_t ulLowerID;


+		pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_03_PHYSID2, &ulLowerID );

+		/* A valid PHY id can not be all zeros or all ones. */

+		if( ( ulLowerID != ( uint16_t )~0u )  && ( ulLowerID != ( uint16_t )0u ) )

+		{

+		uint32_t ulUpperID;

+		uint32_t ulPhyID;


+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_02_PHYSID1, &ulUpperID );

+			ulPhyID = ( ( ( uint32_t ) ulUpperID ) << 16 ) | ( ulLowerID & 0xFFF0 );


+			pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ pxPhyObject->xPortCount ] = xPhyAddress;

+			pxPhyObject->ulPhyIDs[ pxPhyObject->xPortCount ] = ulPhyID;


+			pxPhyObject->xPortCount++;


+			/* See if there is more storage space. */

+			if( pxPhyObject->xPortCount == ipconfigPHY_MAX_PORTS )

+			{

+				break;

+			}

+		}

+	}

+	if( pxPhyObject->xPortCount > 0 )

+	{

+		FreeRTOS_printf( ( "PHY ID %lX\n", pxPhyObject->ulPhyIDs[ 0 ] ) );

+	}


+	return pxPhyObject->xPortCount;




+/* Send a reset command to a set of PHY-ports. */

+static uint32_t xPhyReset( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, uint32_t ulPhyMask )


+uint32_t ulDoneMask, ulConfig;

+TickType_t xRemainingTime;

+TimeOut_t xTimer;

+BaseType_t xPhyIndex;


+	/* A bit-mask of PHY ports that are ready. */

+	ulDoneMask = 0ul;


+	/* Set the RESET bits high. */

+	for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++ )

+	{

+	BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];


+		/* Read Control register. */

+		pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, &ulConfig );

+		pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, ulConfig | phyBMCR_RESET );

+	}


+	xRemainingTime = ( TickType_t ) pdMS_TO_TICKS( phyPHY_MAX_RESET_TIME_MS );

+	vTaskSetTimeOutState( &xTimer );


+	/* The reset should last less than a second. */

+	for( ;; )

+	{

+		for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++ )

+		{

+		BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];


+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, &ulConfig );

+			if( ( ulConfig & phyBMCR_RESET ) == 0 )

+			{

+				FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xPhyReset: phyBMCR_RESET %d ready\n", (int)xPhyIndex ) );

+				ulDoneMask |= ( 1ul << xPhyIndex );

+			}

+		}

+		if( ulDoneMask == ulPhyMask )

+		{

+			break;

+		}

+		if( xTaskCheckForTimeOut( &xTimer, &xRemainingTime ) != pdFALSE )

+		{

+			FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xPhyReset: phyBMCR_RESET timed out ( done 0x%02lX )\n", ulDoneMask ) );

+			break;

+		}

+		/* Block for a while */

+		vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( phySHORT_DELAY_MS ) );

+	}


+	/* Clear the reset bits. */

+	for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++ )

+	{

+		if( ( ulDoneMask & ( 1ul << xPhyIndex ) ) == 0uL )

+		{

+		BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];


+			/* The reset operation timed out, clear the bit manually. */

+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, &ulConfig );

+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, ulConfig & ~phyBMCR_RESET );

+		}

+	}


+	vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( phySHORT_DELAY_MS ) );


+	return ulDoneMask;




+BaseType_t xPhyConfigure( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, const PhyProperties_t *pxPhyProperties )


+uint32_t ulConfig, ulAdvertise;

+BaseType_t xPhyIndex;


+	if( pxPhyObject->xPortCount < 1 )

+	{

+		FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xPhyConfigure: No PHY's detected.\n" ) );

+		return -1;

+	}


+	/* The expected ID for the 'LAN8742A'  is 0x0007c130. */

+	/* The expected ID for the 'LAN8720'   is 0x0007c0f0. */

+	/* The expected ID for the 'DP83848I'  is 0x20005C90. */


+    /* Set advertise register. */

+	if( ( pxPhyProperties->ucSpeed == ( uint8_t )PHY_SPEED_AUTO ) && ( pxPhyProperties->ucDuplex == ( uint8_t )PHY_DUPLEX_AUTO ) )

+	{

+		ulAdvertise = phyADVERTISE_ALL;

+		/* Reset auto-negotiation capability. */

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		/* Always select protocol 802.3u. */

+		ulAdvertise = phyADVERTISE_CSMA;


+		if( pxPhyProperties->ucSpeed == ( uint8_t )PHY_SPEED_AUTO )

+		{

+			if( pxPhyProperties->ucDuplex == ( uint8_t )PHY_DUPLEX_FULL )

+			{

+				ulAdvertise |= phyADVERTISE_10FULL | phyADVERTISE_100FULL;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				ulAdvertise |= phyADVERTISE_10HALF | phyADVERTISE_100HALF;

+			}

+		}

+		else if( pxPhyProperties->ucDuplex == ( uint8_t )PHY_DUPLEX_AUTO )

+		{

+			if( pxPhyProperties->ucSpeed == ( uint8_t )PHY_SPEED_10 )

+			{

+				ulAdvertise |= phyADVERTISE_10FULL | phyADVERTISE_10HALF;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				ulAdvertise |= phyADVERTISE_100FULL | phyADVERTISE_100HALF;

+			}

+		}

+		else if( pxPhyProperties->ucSpeed == ( uint8_t )PHY_SPEED_100 )

+		{

+			if( pxPhyProperties->ucDuplex == ( uint8_t )PHY_DUPLEX_FULL )

+			{

+				ulAdvertise |= phyADVERTISE_100FULL;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				ulAdvertise |= phyADVERTISE_100HALF;

+			}

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			if( pxPhyProperties->ucDuplex == ( uint8_t )PHY_DUPLEX_FULL )

+			{

+				ulAdvertise |= phyADVERTISE_10FULL;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				ulAdvertise |= phyADVERTISE_10HALF;

+			}

+		}

+	}


+	/* Send a reset command to a set of PHY-ports. */

+	xPhyReset( pxPhyObject, xPhyGetMask( pxPhyObject ) );


+	for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++ )

+	{

+	BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];

+	uint32_t ulPhyID = pxPhyObject->ulPhyIDs[ xPhyIndex ];


+		/* Write advertise register. */

+		pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite( xPhyAddress, phyREG_04_ADVERTISE, ulAdvertise );


+		/*

+				AN_EN        AN1         AN0       Forced Mode

+				  0           0           0        10BASE-T, Half-Duplex

+				  0           0           1        10BASE-T, Full-Duplex

+				  0           1           0        100BASE-TX, Half-Duplex

+				  0           1           1        100BASE-TX, Full-Duplex

+				AN_EN        AN1         AN0       Advertised Mode

+				  1           0           0        10BASE-T, Half/Full-Duplex

+				  1           0           1        100BASE-TX, Half/Full-Duplex

+				  1           1           0        10BASE-T Half-Duplex

+												   100BASE-TX, Half-Duplex

+				  1           1           1        10BASE-T, Half/Full-Duplex

+												   100BASE-TX, Half/Full-Duplex

+		*/


+		/* Read Control register. */

+		pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, &ulConfig );


+		ulConfig &= ~( phyBMCR_SPEED_100 | phyBMCR_FULL_DUPLEX );


+		ulConfig |= phyBMCR_AN_ENABLE;


+		if( ( pxPhyProperties->ucSpeed == ( uint8_t )PHY_SPEED_100 ) || ( pxPhyProperties->ucSpeed == ( uint8_t )PHY_SPEED_AUTO ) )

+		{

+			ulConfig |= phyBMCR_SPEED_100;

+		}

+		else if( pxPhyProperties->ucSpeed == ( uint8_t )PHY_SPEED_10 )

+		{

+			ulConfig &= ~phyBMCR_SPEED_100;

+		}


+		if( ( pxPhyProperties->ucDuplex == ( uint8_t )PHY_DUPLEX_FULL ) || ( pxPhyProperties->ucDuplex == ( uint8_t )PHY_DUPLEX_AUTO ) )

+		{

+			ulConfig |= phyBMCR_FULL_DUPLEX;

+		}

+		else if( pxPhyProperties->ucDuplex == ( uint8_t )PHY_DUPLEX_HALF )

+		{

+			ulConfig &= ~phyBMCR_FULL_DUPLEX;

+		}


+		if( xHas_19_PHYCR( ulPhyID ) )

+		{

+		uint32_t ulPhyControl;

+			/* Read PHY Control register. */

+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_19_PHYCR, &ulPhyControl );


+			/* Clear bits which might get set: */

+			ulPhyControl &= ~( PHYCR_MDIX_EN|PHYCR_MDIX_FORCE );


+			if( pxPhyProperties->ucMDI_X == PHY_MDIX_AUTO )

+			{

+				ulPhyControl |= PHYCR_MDIX_EN;

+			}

+			else if( pxPhyProperties->ucMDI_X == PHY_MDIX_CROSSED )

+			{

+				/* Force direct link = Use crossed RJ45 cable. */

+				ulPhyControl &= ~PHYCR_MDIX_FORCE;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				/* Force crossed link = Use direct RJ45 cable. */

+				ulPhyControl |= PHYCR_MDIX_FORCE;

+			}

+			/* update PHY Control Register. */

+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite( xPhyAddress, phyREG_19_PHYCR, ulPhyControl );

+		}


+		FreeRTOS_printf( ( "+TCP: advertise: %04lX config %04lX\n", ulAdvertise, ulConfig ) );

+	}


+	/* Keep these values for later use. */

+	pxPhyObject->ulBCRValue = ulConfig & ~phyBMCR_ISOLATE;

+	pxPhyObject->ulACRValue = ulAdvertise;


+	return 0;




+/* xPhyFixedValue(): this function is called in case auto-negotiation is disabled.

+The caller has set the values in 'xPhyPreferences' (ucDuplex and ucSpeed).

+The PHY register phyREG_00_BMCR will be set for every connected PHY that matches

+with ulPhyMask. */

+BaseType_t xPhyFixedValue( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, uint32_t ulPhyMask )


+BaseType_t xPhyIndex;

+uint32_t ulValue, ulBitMask = ( uint32_t )1u;


+	ulValue = ( uint32_t )0u;


+	if( pxPhyObject->xPhyPreferences.ucDuplex == PHY_DUPLEX_FULL )

+	{

+		ulValue |= phyBMCR_FULL_DUPLEX;

+	}

+	if( pxPhyObject->xPhyPreferences.ucSpeed == PHY_SPEED_100 )

+	{

+		ulValue |= phyBMCR_SPEED_100;

+	}


+	for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++, ulBitMask <<= 1 )

+	{

+		if( ( ulPhyMask & ulBitMask ) != 0lu )

+		{

+		BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];


+			/* Enable Auto-Negotiation. */

+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, ulValue );

+		}

+	}

+	return 0;




+/* xPhyStartAutoNegotiation() is the alternative xPhyFixedValue():

+It sets the BMCR_AN_RESTART bit and waits for the auto-negotiation completion

+( phyBMSR_AN_COMPLETE ). */

+BaseType_t xPhyStartAutoNegotiation( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, uint32_t ulPhyMask )


+uint32_t xPhyIndex, ulDoneMask, ulBitMask;

+uint32_t ulPHYLinkStatus, ulRegValue;

+TickType_t xRemainingTime;

+TimeOut_t xTimer;


+	if( ulPhyMask == ( uint32_t )0u )

+	{

+		return 0;

+	}

+	for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < ( uint32_t ) pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++ )

+	{

+		if( ( ulPhyMask & ( 1lu << xPhyIndex ) ) != 0lu )

+		{

+		BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];


+			/* Enable Auto-Negotiation. */

+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite( xPhyAddress, phyREG_04_ADVERTISE, pxPhyObject->ulACRValue);

+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, pxPhyObject->ulBCRValue | phyBMCR_AN_RESTART );

+		}

+	}

+	xRemainingTime = ( TickType_t ) pdMS_TO_TICKS( phyPHY_MAX_NEGOTIATE_TIME_MS );

+	vTaskSetTimeOutState( &xTimer );

+	ulDoneMask = 0;

+	/* Wait until the auto-negotiation will be completed */

+	for( ;; )

+	{

+		ulBitMask = ( uint32_t )1u;

+		for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < ( uint32_t ) pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++, ulBitMask <<= 1 )

+		{

+			if( ( ulPhyMask & ulBitMask ) != 0lu )

+			{

+				if( ( ulDoneMask & ulBitMask ) == 0lu )

+				{

+				BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];


+					pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_01_BMSR, &ulRegValue );

+					if( ( ulRegValue & phyBMSR_AN_COMPLETE ) != 0 )

+					{

+						ulDoneMask |= ulBitMask;

+					}

+				}

+			}

+		}

+		if( ulPhyMask == ulDoneMask )

+		{

+			break;

+		}

+		if( xTaskCheckForTimeOut( &xTimer, &xRemainingTime ) != pdFALSE )

+		{

+			FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xPhyStartAutoNegotiation: phyBMCR_RESET timed out ( done 0x%02lX )\n", ulDoneMask ) );

+			break;

+		}

+		vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( phySHORT_DELAY_MS ) );

+	}


+	if( ulDoneMask != ( uint32_t)0u )

+	{

+		ulBitMask = ( uint32_t )1u;

+		pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask &= ~( ulDoneMask );

+		for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < ( uint32_t ) pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++, ulBitMask <<= 1 )

+		{

+		BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];

+		uint32_t ulPhyID = pxPhyObject->ulPhyIDs[ xPhyIndex ];


+			if( ( ulDoneMask & ulBitMask ) == ( uint32_t )0u )

+			{

+				continue;

+			}


+			/* Clear the 'phyBMCR_AN_RESTART'  bit. */

+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyWrite( xPhyAddress, phyREG_00_BMCR, pxPhyObject->ulBCRValue );


+			pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_01_BMSR, &ulRegValue);

+			if( ( ulRegValue & phyBMSR_LINK_STATUS ) != 0 )

+			{

+				ulPHYLinkStatus |= phyBMSR_LINK_STATUS;

+				pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask |= ulBitMask;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				ulPHYLinkStatus &= ~( phyBMSR_LINK_STATUS );

+			}


+			if( ulPhyID == PHY_ID_KSZ8081MNXIA )

+			{

+			uint32_t ulControlStatus;


+				pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, 0x1E, &ulControlStatus);

+				switch( ulControlStatus & 0x07 )

+				{

+				case 0x01:

+				case 0x05:

+//	[001] = 10BASE-T half-duplex

+//	[101] = 10BASE-T full-duplex

+					/* 10 Mbps. */

+					ulRegValue |= phyPHYSTS_SPEED_STATUS;

+					break;

+				case 0x02:

+				case 0x06:

+//	[010] = 100BASE-TX half-duplex

+//	[110] = 100BASE-TX full-duplex

+					break;

+				}

+				switch( ulControlStatus & 0x07 )

+				{

+				case 0x05:

+				case 0x06:

+//	[101] = 10BASE-T full-duplex

+//	[110] = 100BASE-TX full-duplex

+					/* Full duplex. */

+					ulRegValue |= phyPHYSTS_DUPLEX_STATUS;

+					break;

+				case 0x01:

+				case 0x02:

+//	[001] = 10BASE-T half-duplex

+//	[010] = 100BASE-TX half-duplex

+					break;

+				}

+			}

+			else if( xHas_1F_PHYSPCS( ulPhyID ) )

+			{

+			/* 31 RW PHY Special Control Status */

+			uint32_t ulControlStatus;


+				pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_1F_PHYSPCS, &ulControlStatus);

+				ulRegValue = 0;

+				if( ( ulControlStatus & phyPHYSPCS_FULL_DUPLEX ) != 0 )

+				{

+					ulRegValue |= phyPHYSTS_DUPLEX_STATUS;

+				}

+				if( ( ulControlStatus & phyPHYSPCS_SPEED_MASK ) == phyPHYSPCS_SPEED_10 )

+				{

+					ulRegValue |= phyPHYSTS_SPEED_STATUS;

+				}

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				/* Read the result of the auto-negotiation. */

+				pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, PHYREG_10_PHYSTS, &ulRegValue);

+			}


+			FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Autonego ready: %08lx: %s duplex %u mbit %s status\n",

+				ulRegValue,

+				( ulRegValue & phyPHYSTS_DUPLEX_STATUS ) ? "full" : "half",

+				( ulRegValue & phyPHYSTS_SPEED_STATUS ) ? 10 : 100,

+				( ( ulPHYLinkStatus |= phyBMSR_LINK_STATUS ) != 0) ? "high" : "low" ) );

+			if( ( ulRegValue & phyPHYSTS_DUPLEX_STATUS ) != ( uint32_t )0u )

+			{

+				pxPhyObject->xPhyProperties.ucDuplex = PHY_DUPLEX_FULL;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				pxPhyObject->xPhyProperties.ucDuplex = PHY_DUPLEX_HALF;

+			}


+			if( ( ulRegValue & phyPHYSTS_SPEED_STATUS ) != 0 )

+			{

+				pxPhyObject->xPhyProperties.ucSpeed = PHY_SPEED_10;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				pxPhyObject->xPhyProperties.ucSpeed = PHY_SPEED_100;

+			}

+		}

+	}	/* if( ulDoneMask != ( uint32_t)0u ) */


+	return 0;




+BaseType_t xPhyCheckLinkStatus( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, BaseType_t xHadReception )


+uint32_t ulStatus, ulBitMask = 1u;

+BaseType_t xPhyIndex;

+BaseType_t xNeedCheck = pdFALSE;


+	if( xHadReception > 0 )

+	{

+		/* A packet was received. No need to check for the PHY status now,

+		but set a timer to check it later on. */

+		vTaskSetTimeOutState( &( pxPhyObject->xLinkStatusTimer ) );

+		pxPhyObject->xLinkStatusRemaining = pdMS_TO_TICKS( ipconfigPHY_LS_HIGH_CHECK_TIME_MS );

+		for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++, ulBitMask <<= 1 )

+		{

+			if( ( pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask & ulBitMask ) == 0ul )

+			{

+				pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask |= ulBitMask;

+				FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xPhyCheckLinkStatus: PHY LS now %02lX\n", pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask ) );

+				xNeedCheck = pdTRUE;

+			}

+		}

+	}

+	else if( xTaskCheckForTimeOut( &( pxPhyObject->xLinkStatusTimer ), &( pxPhyObject->xLinkStatusRemaining ) ) != pdFALSE )

+	{

+		/* Frequent checking the PHY Link Status can affect for the performance of Ethernet controller.

+		As long as packets are received, no polling is needed.

+		Otherwise, polling will be done when the 'xLinkStatusTimer' expires. */

+		for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < pxPhyObject->xPortCount; xPhyIndex++, ulBitMask <<= 1 )

+		{

+		BaseType_t xPhyAddress = pxPhyObject->ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ];


+			if( pxPhyObject->fnPhyRead( xPhyAddress, phyREG_01_BMSR, &ulStatus ) == 0 )

+			{

+				if( !!( pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask & ulBitMask ) != !!( ulStatus & phyBMSR_LINK_STATUS ) )

+				{

+					if( ( ulStatus & phyBMSR_LINK_STATUS ) != 0 )

+					{

+						pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask |= ulBitMask;

+					}

+					else

+					{

+						pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask &= ~( ulBitMask );

+					}

+					FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xPhyCheckLinkStatus: PHY LS now %02lX\n", pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask ) );

+					xNeedCheck = pdTRUE;

+				}

+			}

+		}

+		vTaskSetTimeOutState( &( pxPhyObject->xLinkStatusTimer ) );

+		if( ( pxPhyObject->ulLinkStatusMask & phyBMSR_LINK_STATUS ) != 0 )

+		{

+			/* The link status is high, so don't poll the PHY too often. */

+			pxPhyObject->xLinkStatusRemaining = pdMS_TO_TICKS( ipconfigPHY_LS_HIGH_CHECK_TIME_MS );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* The link status is low, polling may be done more frequently. */

+			pxPhyObject->xLinkStatusRemaining = pdMS_TO_TICKS( ipconfigPHY_LS_LOW_CHECK_TIME_MS );

+		}

+	}

+	return xNeedCheck;



diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/NetworkInterface.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/NetworkInterface.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de2902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/NetworkInterface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1193 @@

+ * Some constants, hardware definitions and comments taken from ST's HAL driver

+ * library, COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics.

+ */



+ * FreeRTOS+TCP V2.0.11

+ * Copyright (C) 2017, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.

+ *

+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of

+ * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in

+ * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to

+ * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of

+ * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,

+ * subject to the following conditions:

+ *

+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all

+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ *







+ *

+ *

+ *

+ *

+ * 1 tab == 4 spaces!

+ */


+/* Standard includes. */

+#include <stdint.h>

+#include <stdio.h>

+#include <stdlib.h>


+/* FreeRTOS includes. */

+#include "FreeRTOS.h"

+#include "task.h"

+#include "queue.h"

+#include "semphr.h"


+/* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */

+#include "FreeRTOS_IP.h"

+#include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h"

+#include "FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h"

+#include "FreeRTOS_DNS.h"

+#include "NetworkBufferManagement.h"

+#include "NetworkInterface.h"


+#include "phyHandling.h"


+/* ST includes. */

+#ifdef STM32F7xx

+	#include "stm32f7xx_hal.h"


+	#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"



+/* Interrupt events to process.  Currently only the Rx event is processed

+although code for other events is included to allow for possible future

+expansion. */

+#define EMAC_IF_RX_EVENT        1UL

+#define EMAC_IF_TX_EVENT        2UL

+#define EMAC_IF_ERR_EVENT       4UL



+#define ETH_DMA_ALL_INTS \







+#define ipFRAGMENT_OFFSET_BIT_MASK		( ( uint16_t ) 0x0fff ) /* The bits in the two byte IP header field that make up the fragment offset value. */



+ * Most users will want a PHY that negotiates about

+ * the connection properties: speed, dmix and duplex.

+ * On some rare cases, you want to select what is being

+ * advertised, properties like MDIX and duplex.

+ */


+#if !defined( ipconfigETHERNET_AN_ENABLE )

+	/* Enable auto-negotiation */

+	#define ipconfigETHERNET_AN_ENABLE				1



+#if !defined( ipconfigETHERNET_AUTO_CROSS_ENABLE )

+	#define ipconfigETHERNET_AUTO_CROSS_ENABLE		1



+#if( ipconfigETHERNET_AN_ENABLE == 0 )

+	/*

+	 * The following three defines are only used in case there

+	 * is no auto-negotiation.

+	 */

+	#if !defined( ipconfigETHERNET_CROSSED_LINK )

+		#define	ipconfigETHERNET_CROSSED_LINK			1

+	#endif


+	#if !defined( ipconfigETHERNET_USE_100MB )

+		#define ipconfigETHERNET_USE_100MB				1

+	#endif


+	#if !defined( ipconfigETHERNET_USE_FULL_DUPLEX )

+		#define ipconfigETHERNET_USE_FULL_DUPLEX		1

+	#endif

+#endif /* ipconfigETHERNET_AN_ENABLE == 0 */


+/* Default the size of the stack used by the EMAC deferred handler task to twice

+the size of the stack used by the idle task - but allow this to be overridden in

+FreeRTOSConfig.h as configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE is a user definable constant. */

+#ifndef configEMAC_TASK_STACK_SIZE

+	#define configEMAC_TASK_STACK_SIZE ( 2 * configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE )



+/* Two choices must be made: RMII versus MII,

+and the index of the PHY in use ( between 0 and 31 ). */

+#ifndef ipconfigUSE_RMII

+	#ifdef STM32F7xx

+		#define ipconfigUSE_RMII	1

+	#else

+		#define ipconfigUSE_RMII	0

+	#endif /* STM32F7xx */

+#endif /* ipconfigUSE_RMII */


+#ifndef ipconfigPHY_INDEX

+	#ifdef STM32F7xx

+		#define ipconfigPHY_INDEX	0

+	#else

+		#define ipconfigPHY_INDEX	1

+	#endif /* STM32F7xx */

+#endif /* ipconfigPHY_INDEX */






+ * A deferred interrupt handler task that processes

+ */

+static void prvEMACHandlerTask( void *pvParameters );



+ * Force a negotiation with the Switch or Router and wait for LS.

+ */

+static void prvEthernetUpdateConfig( BaseType_t xForce );



+ * See if there is a new packet and forward it to the IP-task.

+ */

+static BaseType_t prvNetworkInterfaceInput( void );


+#if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR != 0 )

+	/*

+	 * For LLMNR, an extra MAC-address must be configured to

+	 * be able to receive the multicast messages.

+	 */

+	static void prvMACAddressConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulIndex, uint8_t *Addr);




+ * Check if a given packet should be accepted.

+ */

+static BaseType_t xMayAcceptPacket( uint8_t *pcBuffer );



+ * Initialise the TX descriptors.

+ */

+static void prvDMATxDescListInit( void );



+ * Initialise the RX descriptors.

+ */

+static void prvDMARxDescListInit( void );


+/* After packets have been sent, the network

+buffers will be released. */

+static void vClearTXBuffers( void );




+/* Bit map of outstanding ETH interrupt events for processing.  Currently only

+the Rx interrupt is handled, although code is included for other events to

+enable future expansion. */

+static volatile uint32_t ulISREvents;


+#if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )

+	static const uint8_t xLLMNR_MACAddress[] = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5E, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC };



+static EthernetPhy_t xPhyObject;


+/* Ethernet handle. */

+static ETH_HandleTypeDef xETH;


+/* xTXDescriptorSemaphore is a counting semaphore with

+a maximum count of ETH_TXBUFNB, which is the number of

+DMA TX descriptors. */

+static SemaphoreHandle_t xTXDescriptorSemaphore = NULL;



+ * Note: it is adviced to define both

+ *

+ *     #define  ipconfigZERO_COPY_RX_DRIVER   1

+ *     #define  ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER   1

+ *

+ * The method using memcpy is slower and probaly uses more RAM memory.

+ * The possibility is left in the code just for comparison.

+ *

+ * It is adviced to define ETH_TXBUFNB at least 4. Note that no

+ * TX buffers are allocated in a zero-copy driver.

+ */

+/* MAC buffers: ---------------------------------------------------------*/


+/* Put the DMA descriptors in '.first_data'.

+This is important for STM32F7, which has an L1 data cache.

+The first 64KB of the SRAM is not cached. */


+/* Ethernet Rx MA Descriptor */

+__attribute__ ((aligned (32)))

+__attribute__ ((section(".first_data")))

+	ETH_DMADescTypeDef  DMARxDscrTab[ ETH_RXBUFNB ];


+#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_RX_DRIVER == 0 )

+	/* Ethernet Receive Buffer */




+/* Ethernet Tx DMA Descriptor */

+__attribute__ ((aligned (32)))

+__attribute__ ((section(".first_data")))

+	ETH_DMADescTypeDef  DMATxDscrTab[ ETH_TXBUFNB ];


+#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER == 0 )

+	/* Ethernet Transmit Buffer */




+#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER != 0 )

+	/* DMATxDescToClear points to the next TX DMA descriptor

+	that must be cleared by vClearTXBuffers(). */

+	static __IO ETH_DMADescTypeDef  *DMATxDescToClear;



+/* ucMACAddress as it appears in main.c */

+extern const uint8_t ucMACAddress[ 6 ];


+/* Holds the handle of the task used as a deferred interrupt processor.  The

+handle is used so direct notifications can be sent to the task for all EMAC/DMA

+related interrupts. */

+static TaskHandle_t xEMACTaskHandle = NULL;


+/* For local use only: describe the PHY's properties: */

+const PhyProperties_t xPHYProperties =


+	#if( ipconfigETHERNET_AN_ENABLE != 0 )

+		.ucSpeed = PHY_SPEED_AUTO,

+		.ucDuplex = PHY_DUPLEX_AUTO,

+	#else

+		#if( ipconfigETHERNET_USE_100MB != 0 )

+			.ucSpeed = PHY_SPEED_100,

+		#else

+			.ucSpeed = PHY_SPEED_10,

+		#endif


+		#if( ipconfigETHERNET_USE_FULL_DUPLEX != 0 )

+			.duplex = PHY_DUPLEX_FULL,

+		#else

+			.duplex = PHY_DUPLEX_HALF,

+		#endif

+	#endif


+	#if( ipconfigETHERNET_AN_ENABLE != 0 ) && ( ipconfigETHERNET_AUTO_CROSS_ENABLE != 0 )


+	#elif( ipconfigETHERNET_CROSSED_LINK != 0 )


+	#else


+	#endif





+void HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;


+	/* Ethernet RX-Complete callback function, elsewhere declared as weak. */

+    ulISREvents |= EMAC_IF_RX_EVENT;

+	/* Wakeup the prvEMACHandlerTask. */

+	if( xEMACTaskHandle != NULL )

+	{

+		vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR( xEMACTaskHandle, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );

+		portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );

+	}




+void HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;


+	/* This call-back is only useful in case packets are being sent

+	zero-copy.  Once they're sent, the buffers will be released

+	by the function vClearTXBuffers(). */

+	ulISREvents |= EMAC_IF_TX_EVENT;

+	/* Wakeup the prvEMACHandlerTask. */

+	if( xEMACTaskHandle != NULL )

+	{

+		vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR( xEMACTaskHandle, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );

+		portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );

+	}





+static void vClearTXBuffers()


+__IO ETH_DMADescTypeDef  *txLastDescriptor = xETH.TxDesc;

+size_t uxCount = ( ( UBaseType_t ) ETH_TXBUFNB ) - uxSemaphoreGetCount( xTXDescriptorSemaphore );

+#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER != 0 )

+	NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxNetworkBuffer;

+	uint8_t *ucPayLoad;



+	/* This function is called after a TX-completion interrupt.

+	It will release each Network Buffer used in xNetworkInterfaceOutput().

+	'uxCount' represents the number of descriptors given to DMA for transmission.

+	After sending a packet, the DMA will clear the 'ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN' bit. */

+	while( ( uxCount > 0 ) && ( ( DMATxDescToClear->Status & ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN ) == 0 ) )

+	{

+		if( ( DMATxDescToClear == txLastDescriptor ) && ( uxCount != ETH_TXBUFNB ) )

+		{

+			break;

+		}

+		#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER != 0 )

+		{

+			ucPayLoad = ( uint8_t * )DMATxDescToClear->Buffer1Addr;


+			if( ucPayLoad != NULL )

+			{

+				pxNetworkBuffer = pxPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer( ucPayLoad );

+				if( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL )

+				{

+					vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxNetworkBuffer ) ;

+				}

+				DMATxDescToClear->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )0u;

+			}

+		}

+		#endif /* ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER */


+		DMATxDescToClear = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef * )( DMATxDescToClear->Buffer2NextDescAddr );


+		uxCount--;

+		/* Tell the counting semaphore that one more TX descriptor is available. */

+		xSemaphoreGive( xTXDescriptorSemaphore );

+	}




+BaseType_t xNetworkInterfaceInitialise( void )


+HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_eth_init_status;

+BaseType_t xResult;


+	if( xEMACTaskHandle == NULL )

+	{

+		if( xTXDescriptorSemaphore == NULL )

+		{

+			xTXDescriptorSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateCounting( ( UBaseType_t ) ETH_TXBUFNB, ( UBaseType_t ) ETH_TXBUFNB );

+			configASSERT( xTXDescriptorSemaphore );

+		}


+		/* Initialise ETH */


+		xETH.Instance = ETH;

+//#warning Enable auto-nego again



+		xETH.Init.Speed = ETH_SPEED_100M;

+		xETH.Init.DuplexMode = ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX;

+		xETH.Init.PhyAddress = ipconfigPHY_INDEX;


+		xETH.Init.MACAddr = ( uint8_t *) ucMACAddress;



+		/* using the ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE option:

+		both the IP and the protocol checksums will be calculated

+		by the peripheral. */



+		#if( ipconfigUSE_RMII != 0 )

+		{

+			xETH.Init.MediaInterface = ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE_RMII;

+		}

+		#else

+		{

+			xETH.Init.MediaInterface = ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE_MII;

+		}

+		#endif /* ipconfigUSE_RMII */


+		hal_eth_init_status = HAL_ETH_Init( &xETH );


+		/* Only for inspection by debugger. */

+		( void ) hal_eth_init_status;


+		/* Set the TxDesc and RxDesc pointers. */

+		xETH.TxDesc = DMATxDscrTab;

+		xETH.RxDesc = DMARxDscrTab;


+		/* Make sure that all unused fields are cleared. */

+		memset( &DMATxDscrTab, '\0', sizeof( DMATxDscrTab ) );

+		memset( &DMARxDscrTab, '\0', sizeof( DMARxDscrTab ) );


+		/* Initialize Tx Descriptors list: Chain Mode */

+		DMATxDescToClear = DMATxDscrTab;


+		/* Initialise TX-descriptors. */

+		prvDMATxDescListInit();


+		/* Initialise RX-descriptors. */

+		prvDMARxDescListInit();


+		#if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR != 0 )

+		{

+			/* Program the LLMNR address at index 1. */

+			prvMACAddressConfig( &xETH, ETH_MAC_ADDRESS1, ( uint8_t *) xLLMNR_MACAddress );

+		}

+		#endif


+		/* Force a negotiation with the Switch or Router and wait for LS. */

+		prvEthernetUpdateConfig( pdTRUE );


+		/* The deferred interrupt handler task is created at the highest

+		possible priority to ensure the interrupt handler can return directly

+		to it.  The task's handle is stored in xEMACTaskHandle so interrupts can

+		notify the task when there is something to process. */

+		xTaskCreate( prvEMACHandlerTask, "EMAC", configEMAC_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1, &xEMACTaskHandle );

+	} /* if( xEMACTaskHandle == NULL ) */


+	if( xPhyObject.ulLinkStatusMask != 0 )

+	{


+		xResult = pdPASS;

+		FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Link Status is high\n" ) ) ;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		/* For now pdFAIL will be returned. But prvEMACHandlerTask() is running

+		and it will keep on checking the PHY and set 'ulLinkStatusMask' when necessary. */

+		xResult = pdFAIL;

+		FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Link Status still low\n" ) ) ;

+	}

+	/* When returning non-zero, the stack will become active and

+    start DHCP (in configured) */

+	return xResult;




+static void prvDMATxDescListInit()


+ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMADescriptor;

+BaseType_t xIndex;


+	/* Get the pointer on the first member of the descriptor list */

+	pxDMADescriptor = DMATxDscrTab;


+	/* Fill each DMA descriptor with the right values */

+	for( xIndex = 0; xIndex < ETH_TXBUFNB; xIndex++, pxDMADescriptor++ )

+	{

+		/* Set Second Address Chained bit */

+		pxDMADescriptor->Status = ETH_DMATXDESC_TCH;


+		#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER == 0 )

+		{

+			/* Set Buffer1 address pointer */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )( Tx_Buff[ xIndex ] );

+		}

+		#endif


+		if( xETH.Init.ChecksumMode == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE )

+		{

+			/* Set the DMA Tx descriptors checksum insertion for TCP, UDP, and ICMP */


+		}


+		/* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Descriptor Polling Enable */

+		if( xIndex < ETH_TXBUFNB - 1 )

+		{

+			/* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) ( pxDMADescriptor + 1 );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) DMATxDscrTab;

+		}

+	}


+	/* Set Transmit Descriptor List Address Register */

+	xETH.Instance->DMATDLAR = ( uint32_t ) DMATxDscrTab;




+static void prvDMARxDescListInit()


+ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMADescriptor;

+BaseType_t xIndex;

+	/*

+	 * RX-descriptors.

+	 */


+	/* Get the pointer on the first member of the descriptor list */

+	pxDMADescriptor = DMARxDscrTab;


+	/* Fill each DMA descriptor with the right values */

+	for( xIndex = 0; xIndex < ETH_RXBUFNB; xIndex++, pxDMADescriptor++ )

+	{


+		/* Set Buffer1 size and Second Address Chained bit */

+		pxDMADescriptor->ControlBufferSize = ETH_DMARXDESC_RCH | (uint32_t)ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE;  


+		#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_RX_DRIVER != 0 )

+		{

+		/* Set Buffer1 address pointer */

+		NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxBuffer;


+			pxBuffer = pxGetNetworkBufferWithDescriptor( ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE, 100ul );

+			/* If the assert below fails, make sure that there are at least 'ETH_RXBUFNB'

+			Network Buffers available during start-up ( ipconfigNUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_DESCRIPTORS ) */

+			configASSERT( pxBuffer != NULL );

+			if( pxBuffer != NULL )

+			{

+				pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = (uint32_t)pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer;

+				pxDMADescriptor->Status = ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN;

+			}

+		}

+		#else

+		{

+			/* Set Buffer1 address pointer */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )( Rx_Buff[ xIndex ] );

+			/* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Status = ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN;

+		}

+		#endif


+		/* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Descriptor Polling Enable */

+		if( xIndex < ETH_RXBUFNB - 1 )

+		{

+			/* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t )( pxDMADescriptor + 1 );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) DMARxDscrTab;

+		}


+	}

+	/* Set Receive Descriptor List Address Register */

+	xETH.Instance->DMARDLAR = ( uint32_t ) DMARxDscrTab;




+static void prvMACAddressConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulIndex, uint8_t *Addr)


+uint32_t ulTempReg;


+	/* Calculate the selected MAC address high register. */

+	ulTempReg = 0x80000000ul | ( ( uint32_t ) Addr[ 5 ] << 8 ) | ( uint32_t ) Addr[ 4 ];


+	/* Load the selected MAC address high register. */

+	( *(__IO uint32_t *)( ( uint32_t ) ( ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + ulIndex ) ) ) = ulTempReg;


+	/* Calculate the selected MAC address low register. */

+	ulTempReg = ( ( uint32_t ) Addr[ 3 ] << 24 ) | ( ( uint32_t ) Addr[ 2 ] << 16 ) | ( ( uint32_t ) Addr[ 1 ] << 8 ) | Addr[ 0 ];


+	/* Load the selected MAC address low register */

+	( *(__IO uint32_t *) ( ( uint32_t ) ( ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE + ulIndex ) ) ) = ulTempReg;




+BaseType_t xNetworkInterfaceOutput( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * const pxDescriptor, BaseType_t bReleaseAfterSend )


+BaseType_t xReturn = pdFAIL;

+uint32_t ulTransmitSize = 0;

+__IO ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDmaTxDesc;

+/* Do not wait too long for a free TX DMA buffer. */

+const TickType_t xBlockTimeTicks = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 50u );


+	#if( ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM != 0 )

+	{

+	ProtocolPacket_t *pxPacket;


+		#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_RX_DRIVER != 0 )

+		{

+			configASSERT( bReleaseAfterSend != 0 );

+		}

+		#endif /* ipconfigZERO_COPY_RX_DRIVER */


+		/* If the peripheral must calculate the checksum, it wants

+		the protocol checksum to have a value of zero. */

+		pxPacket = ( ProtocolPacket_t * ) ( pxDescriptor->pucEthernetBuffer );


+		if( pxPacket->xICMPPacket.xIPHeader.ucProtocol == ipPROTOCOL_ICMP )

+		{

+			pxPacket->xICMPPacket.xICMPHeader.usChecksum = ( uint16_t )0u;

+		}

+	}

+	#endif


+	/* Open a do {} while ( 0 ) loop to be able to call break. */

+	do

+	{

+		if( xPhyObject.ulLinkStatusMask != 0 )

+		{

+			if( xSemaphoreTake( xTXDescriptorSemaphore, xBlockTimeTicks ) != pdPASS )

+			{

+				/* Time-out waiting for a free TX descriptor. */

+				break;

+			}


+			/* This function does the actual transmission of the packet. The packet is

+			contained in 'pxDescriptor' that is passed to the function. */

+			pxDmaTxDesc = xETH.TxDesc;


+			/* Is this buffer available? */

+			configASSERT ( ( pxDmaTxDesc->Status & ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN ) == 0 );


+			{

+				/* Is this buffer available? */

+				/* Get bytes in current buffer. */

+				ulTransmitSize = pxDescriptor->xDataLength;


+				if( ulTransmitSize > ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE )

+				{

+					ulTransmitSize = ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE;

+				}


+				#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER == 0 )

+				{

+					/* Copy the bytes. */

+					memcpy( ( void * ) pxDmaTxDesc->Buffer1Addr, pxDescriptor->pucEthernetBuffer, ulTransmitSize );

+				}

+				#else

+				{

+					/* Move the buffer. */

+					pxDmaTxDesc->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )pxDescriptor->pucEthernetBuffer;

+					/* The Network Buffer has been passed to DMA, no need to release it. */

+					bReleaseAfterSend = pdFALSE_UNSIGNED;

+				}

+				#endif /* ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER */


+				/* Ask to set the IPv4 checksum.

+				Also need an Interrupt on Completion so that 'vClearTXBuffers()' will be called.. */



+				/* Prepare transmit descriptors to give to DMA. */


+				/* Set LAST and FIRST segment */

+				pxDmaTxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_FS | ETH_DMATXDESC_LS;

+				/* Set frame size */

+				pxDmaTxDesc->ControlBufferSize = ( ulTransmitSize & ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1 );

+				/* Set Own bit of the Tx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */

+				pxDmaTxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN;


+				/* Point to next descriptor */

+				xETH.TxDesc = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef * ) ( xETH.TxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr );

+				/* Ensure completion of memory access */

+				__DSB();

+				/* Resume DMA transmission*/

+				xETH.Instance->DMATPDR = 0;


+				xReturn = pdPASS;

+			}

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* The PHY has no Link Status, packet shall be dropped. */

+		}

+	} while( 0 );

+	/* The buffer has been sent so can be released. */

+	if( bReleaseAfterSend != pdFALSE )

+	{

+		vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxDescriptor );

+	}


+	return xReturn;




+static BaseType_t xMayAcceptPacket( uint8_t *pcBuffer )


+const ProtocolPacket_t *pxProtPacket = ( const ProtocolPacket_t * )pcBuffer;


+	switch( pxProtPacket->xTCPPacket.xEthernetHeader.usFrameType )

+	{

+	case ipARP_FRAME_TYPE:

+		/* Check it later. */

+		return pdTRUE;

+	case ipIPv4_FRAME_TYPE:

+		/* Check it here. */

+		break;

+	default:

+		/* Refuse the packet. */

+		return pdFALSE;

+	}



+	{

+		const IPHeader_t *pxIPHeader = &(pxProtPacket->xTCPPacket.xIPHeader);

+		uint32_t ulDestinationIPAddress;


+		/* Ensure that the incoming packet is not fragmented (only outgoing packets

+		 * can be fragmented) as these are the only handled IP frames currently. */

+		if( ( pxIPHeader->usFragmentOffset & FreeRTOS_ntohs( ipFRAGMENT_OFFSET_BIT_MASK ) ) != 0U )

+		{

+			return pdFALSE;

+		}

+		/* HT: Might want to make the following configurable because

+		 * most IP messages have a standard length of 20 bytes */


+		/* 0x45 means: IPv4 with an IP header of 5 x 4 = 20 bytes

+		 * 0x47 means: IPv4 with an IP header of 7 x 4 = 28 bytes */

+		if( pxIPHeader->ucVersionHeaderLength < 0x45 || pxIPHeader->ucVersionHeaderLength > 0x4F )

+		{

+			return pdFALSE;

+		}


+		ulDestinationIPAddress = pxIPHeader->ulDestinationIPAddress;

+		/* Is the packet for this node? */

+		if( ( ulDestinationIPAddress != *ipLOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_POINTER ) &&

+			/* Is it a broadcast address x.x.x.255 ? */

+			( ( FreeRTOS_ntohl( ulDestinationIPAddress ) & 0xff ) != 0xff ) &&

+		#if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )

+			( ulDestinationIPAddress != ipLLMNR_IP_ADDR ) &&

+		#endif

+			( *ipLOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_POINTER != 0 ) ) {

+			FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Drop IP %lxip\n", FreeRTOS_ntohl( ulDestinationIPAddress ) ) );

+			return pdFALSE;

+		}


+		if( pxIPHeader->ucProtocol == ipPROTOCOL_UDP )

+		{

+			uint16_t port = pxProtPacket->xUDPPacket.xUDPHeader.usDestinationPort;


+			if( ( xPortHasUDPSocket( port ) == pdFALSE )

+			#if ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1

+				&& ( port != FreeRTOS_ntohs( ipLLMNR_PORT ) )

+			#endif

+			#if ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1

+				&& ( port != FreeRTOS_ntohs( ipNBNS_PORT ) )

+			#endif

+			#if ipconfigUSE_DNS == 1

+				&& ( pxProtPacket->xUDPPacket.xUDPHeader.usSourcePort != FreeRTOS_ntohs( ipDNS_PORT ) )

+			#endif

+				) {

+				/* Drop this packet, not for this device. */

+				return pdFALSE;

+			}

+		}

+	}


+	return pdTRUE;




+static BaseType_t prvNetworkInterfaceInput( void )


+NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxCurDescriptor;

+NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxNewDescriptor = NULL;

+BaseType_t xReceivedLength, xAccepted;

+__IO ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMARxDescriptor;

+xIPStackEvent_t xRxEvent = { eNetworkRxEvent, NULL };

+const TickType_t xDescriptorWaitTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 250 );

+uint8_t *pucBuffer;


+	pxDMARxDescriptor = xETH.RxDesc;


+	if( ( pxDMARxDescriptor->Status & ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN) == 0 )

+	{

+		/* Get the Frame Length of the received packet: substruct 4 bytes of the CRC */

+		xReceivedLength = ( ( pxDMARxDescriptor->Status & ETH_DMARXDESC_FL ) >> ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAMELENGTHSHIFT ) - 4;


+		pucBuffer = (uint8_t *) pxDMARxDescriptor->Buffer1Addr;


+		/* Update the ETHERNET DMA global Rx descriptor with next Rx descriptor */

+		/* Chained Mode */    

+		/* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer to read */ 

+		xETH.RxDesc = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef* )pxDMARxDescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		xReceivedLength = 0;

+	}


+	/* Obtain the size of the packet and put it into the "usReceivedLength" variable. */


+	/* get received frame */

+	if( xReceivedLength > 0ul )

+	{

+		/* In order to make the code easier and faster, only packets in a single buffer

+		will be accepted.  This can be done by making the buffers large enough to

+		hold a complete Ethernet packet (1536 bytes).

+		Therefore, two sanity checks: */

+		configASSERT( xReceivedLength <= ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE );



+		{

+			/* Not an Ethernet frame-type or a checmsum error. */

+			xAccepted = pdFALSE;

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* See if this packet must be handled. */

+			xAccepted = xMayAcceptPacket( pucBuffer );

+		}


+		if( xAccepted != pdFALSE )

+		{

+			/* The packet wil be accepted, but check first if a new Network Buffer can

+			be obtained. If not, the packet will still be dropped. */

+			pxNewDescriptor = pxGetNetworkBufferWithDescriptor( ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE, xDescriptorWaitTime );


+			if( pxNewDescriptor == NULL )

+			{

+				/* A new descriptor can not be allocated now. This packet will be dropped. */

+				xAccepted = pdFALSE;

+			}

+		}

+		#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_RX_DRIVER != 0 )

+		{

+			/* Find out which Network Buffer was originally passed to the descriptor. */

+			pxCurDescriptor = pxPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer( pucBuffer );

+			configASSERT( pxCurDescriptor != NULL );

+		}

+		#else

+		{

+			/* In this mode, the two descriptors are the same. */

+			pxCurDescriptor = pxNewDescriptor;

+			if( pxNewDescriptor != NULL )

+			{

+				/* The packet is acepted and a new Network Buffer was created,

+				copy data to the Network Bufffer. */

+				memcpy( pxNewDescriptor->pucEthernetBuffer, pucBuffer, xReceivedLength );

+			}

+		}

+		#endif


+		if( xAccepted != pdFALSE )

+		{

+			pxCurDescriptor->xDataLength = xReceivedLength;

+			xRxEvent.pvData = ( void * ) pxCurDescriptor;


+			/* Pass the data to the TCP/IP task for processing. */

+			if( xSendEventStructToIPTask( &xRxEvent, xDescriptorWaitTime ) == pdFALSE )

+			{

+				/* Could not send the descriptor into the TCP/IP stack, it

+				must be released. */

+				vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxCurDescriptor );


+			}

+			else

+			{


+			}

+		}


+		/* Release descriptors to DMA */

+		#if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_RX_DRIVER != 0 )

+		{

+			/* Set Buffer1 address pointer */

+			if( pxNewDescriptor != NULL )

+			{

+				pxDMARxDescriptor->Buffer1Addr = (uint32_t)pxNewDescriptor->pucEthernetBuffer;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				/* The packet was dropped and the same Network

+				Buffer will be used to receive a new packet. */

+			}

+		}

+		#endif /* ipconfigZERO_COPY_RX_DRIVER */


+		/* Set Buffer1 size and Second Address Chained bit */

+		pxDMARxDescriptor->ControlBufferSize = ETH_DMARXDESC_RCH | (uint32_t)ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE;  

+		pxDMARxDescriptor->Status = ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN;


+		/* Ensure completion of memory access */

+		__DSB();

+		/* When Rx Buffer unavailable flag is set clear it and resume

+		reception. */

+		if( ( xETH.Instance->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_RBUS ) != 0 )

+		{

+			/* Clear RBUS ETHERNET DMA flag. */

+			xETH.Instance->DMASR = ETH_DMASR_RBUS;


+			/* Resume DMA reception. */

+			xETH.Instance->DMARPDR = 0;

+		}

+	}


+	return ( xReceivedLength > 0 );





+BaseType_t xSTM32_PhyRead( BaseType_t xAddress, BaseType_t xRegister, uint32_t *pulValue )


+uint16_t usPrevAddress = xETH.Init.PhyAddress;

+BaseType_t xResult;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xHALResult;


+	xETH.Init.PhyAddress = xAddress;

+	xHALResult = HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister( &xETH, ( uint16_t )xRegister, pulValue );

+	xETH.Init.PhyAddress = usPrevAddress;


+	if( xHALResult == HAL_OK )

+	{

+		xResult = 0;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		xResult = -1;

+	}

+	return xResult;




+BaseType_t xSTM32_PhyWrite( BaseType_t xAddress, BaseType_t xRegister, uint32_t ulValue )


+uint16_t usPrevAddress = xETH.Init.PhyAddress;

+BaseType_t xResult;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xHALResult;


+	xETH.Init.PhyAddress = xAddress;

+	xHALResult = HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister( &xETH, ( uint16_t )xRegister, ulValue );

+	xETH.Init.PhyAddress = usPrevAddress;


+	if( xHALResult == HAL_OK )

+	{

+		xResult = 0;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		xResult = -1;

+	}

+	return xResult;




+void phy_test()


+BaseType_t xPhyCount;

+BaseType_t xPhyIndex;


+	vPhyInitialise( &xPhyObject, xSTM32_PhyRead, xSTM32_PhyWrite );

+	xPhyCount = xPhyDiscover( &xPhyObject );

+	FreeRTOS_printf( ( "PHY count %ld\n", xPhyCount ) );

+	for( xPhyIndex = 0; xPhyIndex < xPhyCount; xPhyIndex++ )

+	{

+		FreeRTOS_printf( ( "PHY[%d] at address %d ( 0x%08X )\n",

+			xPhyIndex,

+			xPhyObject.ucPhyIndexes[ xPhyIndex ],

+			xPhyObject.ulPhyIDs[ xPhyIndex ] ) );


+	}




+void vMACBProbePhy( void )


+	vPhyInitialise( &xPhyObject, xSTM32_PhyRead, xSTM32_PhyWrite );

+	xPhyDiscover( &xPhyObject );

+	xPhyConfigure( &xPhyObject, &xPHYProperties );




+static void prvEthernetUpdateConfig( BaseType_t xForce )


+	FreeRTOS_printf( ( "prvEthernetUpdateConfig: LS mask %02X Force %d\n",

+		xPhyObject.ulLinkStatusMask,

+		( int )xForce ) );


+	if( ( xForce != pdFALSE ) || ( xPhyObject.ulLinkStatusMask != 0 ) )

+	{

+		/* Restart the auto-negotiation. */

+		if( xETH.Init.AutoNegotiation != ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION_DISABLE )

+		{

+			xPhyStartAutoNegotiation( &xPhyObject, xPhyGetMask( &xPhyObject ) );


+			/* Configure the MAC with the Duplex Mode fixed by the

+			auto-negotiation process. */

+			if( xPhyObject.xPhyProperties.ucDuplex == PHY_DUPLEX_FULL )

+			{

+				xETH.Init.DuplexMode = ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				xETH.Init.DuplexMode = ETH_MODE_HALFDUPLEX;

+			}


+			/* Configure the MAC with the speed fixed by the

+			auto-negotiation process. */

+			if( xPhyObject.xPhyProperties.ucSpeed == PHY_SPEED_10 )

+			{

+				xETH.Init.Speed = ETH_SPEED_10M;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				xETH.Init.Speed = ETH_SPEED_100M;

+			}

+		}

+		else /* AutoNegotiation Disable */

+		{

+			/* Check parameters */

+			assert_param( IS_ETH_SPEED( xETH.Init.Speed ) );

+			assert_param( IS_ETH_DUPLEX_MODE( xETH.Init.DuplexMode ) );


+			if( xETH.Init.DuplexMode == ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX )

+			{

+				xPhyObject.xPhyPreferences.ucDuplex = PHY_DUPLEX_HALF;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				xPhyObject.xPhyPreferences.ucDuplex = PHY_DUPLEX_FULL;

+			}


+			if( xETH.Init.Speed == ETH_SPEED_10M )

+			{

+				xPhyObject.xPhyPreferences.ucSpeed = PHY_SPEED_10;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				xPhyObject.xPhyPreferences.ucSpeed = PHY_SPEED_100;

+			}


+			xPhyObject.xPhyPreferences.ucMDI_X = PHY_MDIX_AUTO;


+			/* Use predefined (fixed) configuration. */

+			xPhyFixedValue( &xPhyObject, xPhyGetMask( &xPhyObject ) );

+		}


+		/* ETHERNET MAC Re-Configuration */

+		HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC( &xETH, (ETH_MACInitTypeDef *) NULL);


+		/* Restart MAC interface */

+		HAL_ETH_Start( &xETH);

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		/* Stop MAC interface */

+		HAL_ETH_Stop( &xETH );

+	}




+BaseType_t xGetPhyLinkStatus( void )


+BaseType_t xReturn;


+	if( xPhyObject.ulLinkStatusMask != 0 )

+	{

+		xReturn = pdPASS;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		xReturn = pdFAIL;

+	}


+	return xReturn;




+#define niBUFFER_1_PACKET_SIZE		1536


+static __attribute__ ((section(".first_data"))) uint8_t ucNetworkPackets[ ipconfigNUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_DESCRIPTORS * niBUFFER_1_PACKET_SIZE ] __attribute__ ( ( aligned( 32 ) ) );


+void vNetworkInterfaceAllocateRAMToBuffers( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t pxNetworkBuffers[ ipconfigNUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_DESCRIPTORS ] )



+uint8_t *ucRAMBuffer = ucNetworkPackets;

+uint32_t ul;


+	for( ul = 0; ul < ipconfigNUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_DESCRIPTORS; ul++ )

+	{

+		pxNetworkBuffers[ ul ].pucEthernetBuffer = ucRAMBuffer + ipBUFFER_PADDING;

+		*( ( unsigned * ) ucRAMBuffer ) = ( unsigned ) ( &( pxNetworkBuffers[ ul ] ) );

+		ucRAMBuffer += niBUFFER_1_PACKET_SIZE;

+	}




+static void prvEMACHandlerTask( void *pvParameters )


+UBaseType_t uxLastMinBufferCount = 0;

+#if( ipconfigCHECK_IP_QUEUE_SPACE != 0 )

+UBaseType_t uxLastMinQueueSpace = 0;


+UBaseType_t uxCurrentCount;

+BaseType_t xResult;

+const TickType_t ulMaxBlockTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 100UL );


+	/* Remove compiler warnings about unused parameters. */

+	( void ) pvParameters;


+	for( ;; )

+	{

+		xResult = 0;

+		uxCurrentCount = uxGetMinimumFreeNetworkBuffers();

+		if( uxLastMinBufferCount != uxCurrentCount )

+		{

+			/* The logging produced below may be helpful

+			while tuning +TCP: see how many buffers are in use. */

+			uxLastMinBufferCount = uxCurrentCount;

+			FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Network buffers: %lu lowest %lu\n",

+				uxGetNumberOfFreeNetworkBuffers(), uxCurrentCount ) );

+		}


+		if( xTXDescriptorSemaphore != NULL )

+		{

+		static UBaseType_t uxLowestSemCount = ( UBaseType_t ) ETH_TXBUFNB - 1;


+			uxCurrentCount = uxSemaphoreGetCount( xTXDescriptorSemaphore );

+			if( uxLowestSemCount > uxCurrentCount )

+			{

+				uxLowestSemCount = uxCurrentCount;

+				FreeRTOS_printf( ( "TX DMA buffers: lowest %lu\n", uxLowestSemCount ) );

+			}


+		}


+		#if( ipconfigCHECK_IP_QUEUE_SPACE != 0 )

+		{

+			uxCurrentCount = uxGetMinimumIPQueueSpace();

+			if( uxLastMinQueueSpace != uxCurrentCount )

+			{

+				/* The logging produced below may be helpful

+				while tuning +TCP: see how many buffers are in use. */

+				uxLastMinQueueSpace = uxCurrentCount;

+				FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Queue space: lowest %lu\n", uxCurrentCount ) );

+			}

+		}

+		#endif /* ipconfigCHECK_IP_QUEUE_SPACE */


+		if( ( ulISREvents & EMAC_IF_ALL_EVENT ) == 0 )

+		{

+			/* No events to process now, wait for the next. */

+			ulTaskNotifyTake( pdFALSE, ulMaxBlockTime );

+		}


+		if( ( ulISREvents & EMAC_IF_RX_EVENT ) != 0 )

+		{

+			ulISREvents &= ~EMAC_IF_RX_EVENT;


+			xResult = prvNetworkInterfaceInput();

+			if( xResult > 0 )

+			{

+			  	while( prvNetworkInterfaceInput() > 0 )

+				{

+				}

+			}

+		}


+		if( ( ulISREvents & EMAC_IF_TX_EVENT ) != 0 )

+		{

+			/* Code to release TX buffers if zero-copy is used. */

+			ulISREvents &= ~EMAC_IF_TX_EVENT;

+			/* Check if DMA packets have been delivered. */

+			vClearTXBuffers();

+		}


+		if( ( ulISREvents & EMAC_IF_ERR_EVENT ) != 0 )

+		{

+			/* Future extension: logging about errors that occurred. */

+			ulISREvents &= ~EMAC_IF_ERR_EVENT;

+		}

+		if( xPhyCheckLinkStatus( &xPhyObject, xResult ) != 0 )

+		{

+			/* Something has changed to a Link Status, need re-check. */

+			prvEthernetUpdateConfig( pdFALSE );

+		}

+	}




+void ETH_IRQHandler( void )


+	HAL_ETH_IRQHandler( &xETH );



diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f335c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1835 @@

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @file    stm32f7xx_hal_eth.c

+  * @author  MCD Application Team

+  * @version V1.3.2

+  * @date    26-June-2015

+  * @brief   ETH HAL module driver.

+  *          This file provides firmware functions to manage the following 

+  *          functionalities of the Ethernet (ETH) peripheral:

+  *           + Initialization and de-initialization functions

+  *           + IO operation functions

+  *           + Peripheral Control functions 

+  *           + Peripheral State and Errors functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ==============================================================================

+                    ##### How to use this driver #####

+  ==============================================================================

+    [..]

+      (#)Declare a ETH_HandleTypeDef handle structure, for example:

+         ETH_HandleTypeDef  heth;


+      (#)Fill parameters of Init structure in heth handle


+      (#)Call HAL_ETH_Init() API to initialize the Ethernet peripheral (MAC, DMA, ...) 


+      (#)Initialize the ETH low level resources through the HAL_ETH_MspInit() API:

+          (##) Enable the Ethernet interface clock using 

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMAC_CLK_ENABLE();

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMACTX_CLK_ENABLE();

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMACRX_CLK_ENABLE();


+          (##) Initialize the related GPIO clocks

+          (##) Configure Ethernet pin-out

+          (##) Configure Ethernet NVIC interrupt (IT mode)   


+      (#)Initialize Ethernet DMA Descriptors in chain mode and point to allocated buffers:

+          (##) HAL_ETH_DMATxDescListInit(); for Transmission process

+          (##) HAL_ETH_DMARxDescListInit(); for Reception process


+      (#)Enable MAC and DMA transmission and reception:

+          (##) HAL_ETH_Start();


+      (#)Prepare ETH DMA TX Descriptors and give the hand to ETH DMA to transfer 

+         the frame to MAC TX FIFO:

+         (##) HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame();


+      (#)Poll for a received frame in ETH RX DMA Descriptors and get received 

+         frame parameters

+         (##) HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame(); (should be called into an infinite loop)


+      (#) Get a received frame when an ETH RX interrupt occurs:

+         (##) HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT(); (called in IT mode only)


+      (#) Communicate with external PHY device:

+         (##) Read a specific register from the PHY  

+              HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister();

+         (##) Write data to a specific RHY register:

+              HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister();


+      (#) Configure the Ethernet MAC after ETH peripheral initialization

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC(); all MAC parameters should be filled.


+      (#) Configure the Ethernet DMA after ETH peripheral initialization

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA(); all DMA parameters should be filled.


+      -@- The PTP protocol and the DMA descriptors ring mode are not supported

+          in this driver


+  @endverbatim

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @attention

+  *

+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>

+  *

+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,

+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation

+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors

+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software

+  *      without specific prior written permission.

+  *











+  *

+  ******************************************************************************

+  */ 


+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

+#include "stm32f7xx_hal.h"



+int lUDPLoggingPrintf( const char *pcFormatString, ... );


+/** @addtogroup STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH ETH

+  * @brief ETH HAL module driver

+  * @{

+  */


+#if !defined( ARRAY_SIZE )

+	#define ARRAY_SIZE( x ) ( sizeof ( x ) / sizeof ( x )[ 0 ] )





+#if defined(STM32F7xx)


+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Constants ETH Private Constants

+  * @{

+  */

+#define LINKED_STATE_TIMEOUT_VALUE          ((uint32_t)2000)  /* 2000 ms */

+#define AUTONEGO_COMPLETED_TIMEOUT_VALUE    ((uint32_t)1000)  /* 1000 ms */



+  * @}

+  */

+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Functions ETH Private Functions

+  * @{

+  */

+static void ETH_MACDMAConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t err);

+static void ETH_MACAddressConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t MacAddr, uint8_t *Addr);

+static void ETH_MACReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);



+  * @}

+  */

+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions ETH Exported Functions

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions

+  *  @brief   Initialization and Configuration functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ===============================================================================

+            ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####

+  ===============================================================================

+  [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+      (+) Initialize and configure the Ethernet peripheral

+      (+) De-initialize the Ethernet peripheral


+  @endverbatim

+  * @{

+  */

+extern void vMACBProbePhy ( void );



+  * @brief  Initializes the Ethernet MAC and DMA according to default

+  *         parameters.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Init(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0;

+	uint32_t hclk = 60000000;

+	uint32_t err = ETH_SUCCESS;


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth == NULL )

+	{

+		return HAL_ERROR;

+	}


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION(heth->Init.AutoNegotiation));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RX_MODE(heth->Init.RxMode));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_CHECKSUM_MODE(heth->Init.ChecksumMode));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE(heth->Init.MediaInterface));


+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_RESET )

+	{

+		/* Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC. */

+		HAL_ETH_MspInit( heth );

+	}


+	/* Enable SYSCFG Clock */



+	/* Select MII or RMII Mode*/


+	SYSCFG->PMC |= (uint32_t)heth->Init.MediaInterface;


+	/* Ethernet Software reset */

+	/* Set the SWR bit: resets all MAC subsystem internal registers and logic */

+	/* After reset all the registers holds their respective reset values */

+	/* Also enable EDFE: Enhanced descriptor format enable. */

+//	heth->Instance->DMABMR |= ETH_DMABMR_SR | ETH_DMABMR_EDE;

+	heth->Instance->DMABMR |= ETH_DMABMR_SR;


+	/* Wait for software reset */

+	while ((heth->Instance->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_SR) != (uint32_t)RESET)

+	{

+	}


+	/*-------------------------------- MAC Initialization ----------------------*/

+	/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;

+	/* Clear CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits */



+	/* Get hclk frequency value (168,000,000) */

+	hclk = HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq();


+	/* Set CR bits depending on hclk value */

+	if( ( hclk >= 20000000 ) && ( hclk < 35000000 ) )

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 20-35 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t) ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div16;

+	}

+	else if( ( hclk >= 35000000 ) && ( hclk < 60000000 ) )

+	{

+	/* CSR Clock Range between 35-60 MHz */

+	tmpreg |= ( uint32_t ) ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div26;

+	}

+	else if((hclk >= 60000000 ) && ( hclk < 100000000 ) )

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 60-100 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div42;

+	}

+	else if((hclk >= 100000000 ) && ( hclk < 150000000))

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 100-150 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div62;

+	}

+	else /* ((hclk >= 150000000 ) && ( hclk <= 168000000)) */

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 150-168 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div102;

+	}


+	/* Write to ETHERNET MAC MIIAR: Configure the ETHERNET CSR Clock Range */

+	heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = (uint32_t)tmpreg;


+	/* Initialise the MACB and set all PHY properties */

+	vMACBProbePhy();


+	/* Config MAC and DMA */

+	ETH_MACDMAConfig(heth, err);


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  De-Initializes the ETH peripheral.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* De-Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC. */

+	HAL_ETH_MspDeInit( heth );


+	/* Set ETH HAL state to Disabled */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_RESET;


+	/* Release Lock */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Tx descriptors in chain mode.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  DMATxDescTab: Pointer to the first Tx desc list

+  * @param  TxBuff: Pointer to the first TxBuffer list

+  * @param  TxBuffCount: Number of the used Tx desc in the list

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DMATxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMATable, uint8_t *ucDataBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferCount)


+	uint32_t i = 0;

+	ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMADescriptor;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Set the TxDesc pointer with the first one of the pxDMATable list */

+	heth->TxDesc = pxDMATable;


+	/* Fill each DMA descriptor with the right values */

+	for( i=0; i < ulBufferCount; i++ )

+	{

+		/* Get the pointer on the ith member of the descriptor list */

+		pxDMADescriptor = pxDMATable + i;


+		/* Set Second Address Chained bit */

+		pxDMADescriptor->Status = ETH_DMATXDESC_TCH;


+		pxDMADescriptor->ControlBufferSize = 0;


+		/* Set Buffer1 address pointer */

+		if( ucDataBuffer != NULL )

+		{

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )( &ucDataBuffer[ i * ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE ] );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* Buffer space is not provided because it uses zero-copy transmissions. */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )0u;

+		}


+		if (heth->Init.ChecksumMode == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE)

+		{

+			/* Set the DMA Tx descriptors checksum insertion for TCP, UDP, and ICMP */


+		}


+		/* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Descriptor Polling Enable */

+		if(i < ( ulBufferCount - 1 ) )

+		{

+			/* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) ( pxDMATable + i + 1 );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) pxDMATable;

+		}

+	}


+	/* Set Transmit Descriptor List Address Register */

+	heth->Instance->DMATDLAR = ( uint32_t ) pxDMATable;


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Rx descriptors in chain mode.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  DMARxDescTab: Pointer to the first Rx desc list

+  * @param  RxBuff: Pointer to the first RxBuffer list

+  * @param  RxBuffCount: Number of the used Rx desc in the list

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DMARxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMATable, uint8_t *ucDataBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferCount)


+	uint32_t i = 0;

+	ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMADescriptor;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Set the RxDesc pointer with the first one of the pxDMATable list */

+	heth->RxDesc = pxDMATable;


+	/* Fill each DMA descriptor with the right values */

+	for(i=0; i < ulBufferCount; i++)

+	{

+		/* Get the pointer on the ith member of the descriptor list */

+		pxDMADescriptor = pxDMATable+i;


+		/* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status */

+		pxDMADescriptor->Status = ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN;


+		/* Set Buffer1 size and Second Address Chained bit */

+		pxDMADescriptor->ControlBufferSize = ETH_DMARXDESC_RCH | ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE;


+		/* Set Buffer1 address pointer */

+		if( ucDataBuffer != NULL )

+		{

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )( &ucDataBuffer[ i * ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE ] );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* Buffer space is not provided because it uses zero-copy reception. */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )0u;

+		}


+		if( heth->Init.RxMode == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE )

+		{

+			/* Enable Ethernet DMA Rx Descriptor interrupt */

+			pxDMADescriptor->ControlBufferSize &= ~ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC;

+		}


+		/* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Descriptor Polling Enable */

+		if(i < (ulBufferCount-1))

+		{

+			/* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(pxDMATable+i+1);

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) pxDMATable;

+		}

+	}


+	/* Set Receive Descriptor List Address Register */

+	heth->Instance->DMARDLAR = ( uint32_t ) pxDMATable;


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Initializes the ETH MSP.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_MspInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_MspInit could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @brief  DeInitializes ETH MSP.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_MspDeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions

+  *  @brief   Data transfers functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ==============================================================================

+                          ##### IO operation functions #####

+  ==============================================================================

+  [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+        (+) Transmit a frame

+            HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame();

+        (+) Receive a frame

+            HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame();

+            HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT();

+        (+) Read from an External PHY register

+            HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister();

+        (+) Write to an External PHY register

+            HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister();


+  @endverbatim


+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  Sends an Ethernet frame.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  FrameLength: Amount of data to be sent

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t FrameLength)


+	uint32_t bufcount = 0, size = 0, i = 0;

+	__IO ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDmaTxDesc = heth->TxDesc;

+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	if( FrameLength == 0 )

+	{

+		/* Set ETH HAL state to READY */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+		return  HAL_ERROR;

+	}


+	/* Check if the descriptor is owned by the ETHERNET DMA (when set) or CPU (when reset) */

+	if( ( pxDmaTxDesc->Status & ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN ) != ( uint32_t ) RESET )

+	{

+		/* OWN bit set */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_TX;


+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+		return HAL_ERROR;

+	}


+	/* Get the number of needed Tx buffers for the current frame, rounding up. */

+	bufcount = ( FrameLength + ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE - 1 ) / ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE;


+	if (bufcount == 1)

+	{

+		/* Set LAST and FIRST segment */


+		/* Set frame size */

+		pxDmaTxDesc->ControlBufferSize = ( FrameLength & ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1 );

+		/* Set Own bit of the Tx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */

+		pxDmaTxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN;

+		/* Point to next descriptor */

+		heth->TxDesc = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef * ) ( heth->TxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr );

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		for( i = 0; i < bufcount; i++ )

+		{

+			/* Clear FIRST and LAST segment bits */

+		uint32_t ulStatus = heth->TxDesc->Status & ~( ETH_DMATXDESC_FS | ETH_DMATXDESC_LS );


+			if( i == 0 )

+			{

+				/* Setting the first segment bit */

+				heth->TxDesc->Status = ulStatus | ETH_DMATXDESC_FS;

+			}


+			/* Program size */

+			if (i < (bufcount-1))

+			{

+				heth->TxDesc->ControlBufferSize = (ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE & ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1);

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				/* Setting the last segment bit */

+				heth->TxDesc->Status = ulStatus | ETH_DMATXDESC_LS;

+				size = FrameLength - (bufcount-1)*ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE;

+				heth->TxDesc->ControlBufferSize = (size & ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1);

+			}


+			/* Set Own bit of the Tx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */

+			heth->TxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN;

+			/* point to next descriptor */

+			heth->TxDesc = (ETH_DMADescTypeDef *)( heth->TxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr );

+		}

+	}


+	__DSB();


+	/* When Tx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume transmission */

+	if( ( heth->Instance->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_TBUS ) != ( uint32_t )RESET )

+	{

+		heth->Instance->DMACHTDR = ( uint32_t )pxDmaTxDesc;


+		/* Clear TBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */

+		heth->Instance->DMASR = ETH_DMASR_TBUS;

+		/* Resume DMA transmission*/

+		heth->Instance->DMATPDR = 0;

+	}


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Checks for received frames.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+	return HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame( heth );



+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+uint32_t ulCounter = 0;

+ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDescriptor = heth->RxDesc;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xResult = HAL_ERROR;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Check the ETH state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Scan descriptors owned by CPU */

+	while( ( ( pxDescriptor->Status & ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN ) == 0ul ) && ( ulCounter < ETH_RXBUFNB ) )

+	{

+	uint32_t ulStatus = pxDescriptor->Status;


+		/* Just for security. */

+		ulCounter++;


+		if( ( ulStatus & ( ETH_DMARXDESC_FS | ETH_DMARXDESC_LS ) ) == ( uint32_t )ETH_DMARXDESC_FS )

+		{

+			/* First segment in frame, but not the last. */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.FSRxDesc = pxDescriptor;

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.LSRxDesc = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef *)NULL;

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.SegCount = 1;

+			/* Point to next descriptor. */

+			pxDescriptor = (ETH_DMADescTypeDef*) (pxDescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr);

+			heth->RxDesc = pxDescriptor;

+		}

+		else if( ( ulStatus & ( ETH_DMARXDESC_LS | ETH_DMARXDESC_FS ) ) == 0ul )

+		{

+			/* This is an intermediate segment, not first, not last. */

+			/* Increment segment count. */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.SegCount++;

+			/* Move to the next descriptor. */

+			pxDescriptor = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef * ) ( pxDescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr );

+			heth->RxDesc = pxDescriptor;

+		}

+		/* Must be a last segment */

+		else

+		{

+			/* This is the last segment. */

+			/* Check if last segment is first segment: one segment contains the frame */

+			if( heth->RxFrameInfos.SegCount == 0 )

+			{

+				/* Remember the first segment. */

+				heth->RxFrameInfos.FSRxDesc = pxDescriptor;

+			}


+			/* Increment segment count */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.SegCount++;


+			/* Remember the last segment. */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.LSRxDesc = pxDescriptor;


+			/* Get the Frame Length of the received packet: substruct 4 bytes of the CRC */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.length =



+			/* Get the address of the buffer start address */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.buffer = heth->RxFrameInfos.FSRxDesc->Buffer1Addr;


+			/* Point to next descriptor */

+			heth->RxDesc = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef * ) pxDescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr;


+			/* Return OK status: a packet was received. */

+			xResult = HAL_OK;

+			break;

+		}

+	}


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return xResult;



+#if( STM32_ETHERNET_STATS != 0 )


+	volatile int rx_count, tx_count, int_count;

+	/**

+	  * @brief  This function handles ETH interrupt request.

+	  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+	  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+	  * @retval HAL status

+	  */

+	volatile int int_counts[32];

+	volatile int tx_status[8];

+	volatile unsigned sr_history[32];

+	volatile int sr_head;

+	#define	STM32_STAT_INC( x )		do { ( x )++; } while( 0 )



+	#define	STM32_STAT_INC( x )		do { } while( 0 )

+#endif /* STM32_ETHERNET_STATS */


+#define ETH_DMA_ALL_INTS \







+#define INT_MASK		( ( uint32_t ) ~ ( ETH_DMA_IT_TBU ) )

+void HAL_ETH_IRQHandler(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t dmasr;


+	STM32_STAT_INC( int_count );


+	dmasr = heth->Instance->DMASR & ETH_DMA_ALL_INTS;

+	heth->Instance->DMASR = dmasr;


+#if( STM32_ETHERNET_STATS != 0 )

+	if( sr_head < ARRAY_SIZE( sr_history ) )

+	{

+		sr_history[ sr_head++ ] = dmasr;

+	}


+	{

+		int i;

+		for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {

+			if (dmasr & (1u << i)) {

+				int_counts[i]++;

+			}

+		}

+		tx_status[ ( dmasr >> 20 ) & 0x07 ]++;

+	}



+	/* Frame received */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_R | ETH_DMA_IT_RBU ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Receive complete callback */

+		HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback( heth );

+		STM32_STAT_INC( rx_count );

+	}

+	/* Frame transmitted */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_T ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Transfer complete callback */

+		HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback( heth );

+		STM32_STAT_INC( tx_count );

+	}


+	/* ETH DMA Error */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Ethernet Error callback */

+		HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback( heth );

+	}




+  * @brief  Tx Transfer completed callbacks.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @brief  Rx Transfer completed callbacks.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @brief  Ethernet transfer error callbacks

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @brief  Reads a PHY register

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param PHYReg: PHY register address, is the index of one of the 32 PHY register.

+  *                This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *                   PHY_BCR: Transceiver Basic Control Register,

+  *                   PHY_BSR: Transceiver Basic Status Register.

+  *                   More PHY register could be read depending on the used PHY

+  * @param RegValue: PHY register value

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t *RegValue)


+uint32_t tmpreg = 0;

+uint32_t tickstart = 0;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xResult;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS(heth->Init.PhyAddress));


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RD )

+	{

+		xResult = HAL_BUSY;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to BUSY_RD */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RD;


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+		/* Keep only the CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits value */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;


+		/* Prepare the MII address register value */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t )heth->Init.PhyAddress << 11) & ETH_MACMIIAR_PA );    /* Set the PHY device address   */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t )PHYReg << 6 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_MR );                   /* Set the PHY register address */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_MW;                                           /* Set the read mode            */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MB;                                            /* Set the MII Busy bit         */


+		/* Write the result value into the MII Address register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = tmpreg;


+		/* Get tick */

+		tickstart = HAL_GetTick();


+		/* Check for the Busy flag */

+		while( 1 )

+		{

+			tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+			if( ( tmpreg & ETH_MACMIIAR_MB ) == 0ul )

+			{

+				/* Get MACMIIDR value */

+				*RegValue = ( uint32_t ) heth->Instance->MACMIIDR;

+				xResult = HAL_OK;

+				break;

+			}

+			/* Check for the Timeout */

+			if( ( HAL_GetTick( ) - tickstart ) > PHY_READ_TO )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_TIMEOUT;

+				break;

+			}


+		}


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to READY */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );

+	}


+	if( xResult != HAL_OK )

+	{

+		lUDPLoggingPrintf( "ReadPHY: %d\n", xResult );

+	}

+	/* Return function status */

+	return xResult;




+  * @brief  Writes to a PHY register.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  PHYReg: PHY register address, is the index of one of the 32 PHY register.

+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *             PHY_BCR: Transceiver Control Register.

+  *             More PHY register could be written depending on the used PHY

+  * @param  RegValue: the value to write

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t RegValue)


+uint32_t tmpreg = 0;

+uint32_t tickstart = 0;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xResult;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param( IS_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS( heth->Init.PhyAddress ) );


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_WR )

+	{

+		xResult = HAL_BUSY;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to BUSY_WR */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_WR;


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+		/* Keep only the CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits value */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;


+		/* Prepare the MII register address value */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t ) heth->Init.PhyAddress << 11 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_PA ); /* Set the PHY device address */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t ) PHYReg << 6 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_MR );                 /* Set the PHY register address */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MW;                                          /* Set the write mode */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MB;                                          /* Set the MII Busy bit */


+		/* Give the value to the MII data register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIDR = ( uint16_t ) RegValue;


+		/* Write the result value into the MII Address register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = tmpreg;


+		/* Get tick */

+		tickstart = HAL_GetTick();


+		/* Check for the Busy flag */

+		while( 1 )

+		{

+			tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+			if( ( tmpreg & ETH_MACMIIAR_MB ) == 0ul )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_OK;

+				break;

+			}

+			/* Check for the Timeout */

+			if( ( HAL_GetTick( ) - tickstart ) > PHY_WRITE_TO )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_TIMEOUT;

+				break;

+			}

+		}


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to READY */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;

+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );

+	}


+	if( xResult != HAL_OK )

+	{

+		lUDPLoggingPrintf( "WritePHY: %d\n", xResult );

+	}

+	/* Return function status */

+	return xResult;




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions

+ *  @brief    Peripheral Control functions

+ *


+ ===============================================================================

+                  ##### Peripheral Control functions #####

+ ===============================================================================

+    [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+      (+) Enable MAC and DMA transmission and reception.

+          HAL_ETH_Start();

+      (+) Disable MAC and DMA transmission and reception.

+          HAL_ETH_Stop();

+      (+) Set the MAC configuration in runtime mode

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC();

+      (+) Set the DMA configuration in runtime mode

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA();



+  * @{

+  */


+ /**

+  * @brief  Enables Ethernet MAC and DMA reception/transmission

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Start( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Enable transmit state machine of the MAC for transmission on the MII */

+	ETH_MACTransmissionEnable( heth );


+	/* Enable receive state machine of the MAC for reception from the MII */

+	ETH_MACReceptionEnable( heth );


+	/* Flush Transmit FIFO */

+	ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO( heth );


+	/* Start DMA transmission */

+	ETH_DMATransmissionEnable( heth );


+	/* Start DMA reception */

+	ETH_DMAReceptionEnable( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH state to READY*/

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Stop Ethernet MAC and DMA reception/transmission

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Stop(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* Process Locked */

+  __HAL_LOCK( heth );


+  /* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+  heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+  /* Stop DMA transmission */

+  ETH_DMATransmissionDisable( heth );


+  /* Stop DMA reception */

+  ETH_DMAReceptionDisable( heth );


+  /* Disable receive state machine of the MAC for reception from the MII */

+  ETH_MACReceptionDisable( heth );


+  /* Flush Transmit FIFO */

+  ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO( heth );


+  /* Disable transmit state machine of the MAC for transmission on the MII */

+  ETH_MACTransmissionDisable( heth );


+  /* Set the ETH state*/

+  heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+  /* Process Unlocked */

+  __HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+  /* Return function status */

+  return HAL_OK;



+static void prvWriteMACFCR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->MACFCR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->MACFCR;




+	heth->Instance->MACFCR = ulValue;



+static void prvWriteDMAOMR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->DMAOMR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->DMAOMR;




+	heth->Instance->DMAOMR = ulValue;



+static void prvWriteMACCR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->MACCR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->MACCR;




+	heth->Instance->MACCR = ulValue;




+  * @brief  Set ETH MAC Configuration.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  macconf: MAC Configuration structure

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_MACInitTypeDef *macconf)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	assert_param(IS_ETH_SPEED(heth->Init.Speed));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DUPLEX_MODE(heth->Init.DuplexMode));


+	if (macconf != NULL)

+	{

+		/* Check the parameters */

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_WATCHDOG(macconf->Watchdog));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_JABBER(macconf->Jabber));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_INTER_FRAME_GAP(macconf->InterFrameGap));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CARRIER_SENSE(macconf->CarrierSense));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_OWN(macconf->ReceiveOwn));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_LOOPBACK_MODE(macconf->LoopbackMode));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD(macconf->ChecksumOffload));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RETRY_TRANSMISSION(macconf->RetryTransmission));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_AUTOMATIC_PADCRC_STRIP(macconf->AutomaticPadCRCStrip));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_BACKOFF_LIMIT(macconf->BackOffLimit));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_DEFERRAL_CHECK(macconf->DeferralCheck));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_ALL(macconf->ReceiveAll));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_SOURCE_ADDR_FILTER(macconf->SourceAddrFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CONTROL_FRAMES(macconf->PassControlFrames));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_BROADCAST_FRAMES_RECEPTION(macconf->BroadcastFramesReception));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_DESTINATION_ADDR_FILTER(macconf->DestinationAddrFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE(macconf->PromiscuousMode));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_MULTICAST_FRAMES_FILTER(macconf->MulticastFramesFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_UNICAST_FRAMES_FILTER(macconf->UnicastFramesFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PAUSE_TIME(macconf->PauseTime));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_ZEROQUANTA_PAUSE(macconf->ZeroQuantaPause));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PAUSE_LOW_THRESHOLD(macconf->PauseLowThreshold));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_UNICAST_PAUSE_FRAME_DETECT(macconf->UnicastPauseFrameDetect));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_FLOWCONTROL(macconf->ReceiveFlowControl));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_FLOWCONTROL(macconf->TransmitFlowControl));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_VLAN_TAG_COMPARISON(macconf->VLANTagComparison));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_VLAN_TAG_IDENTIFIER(macconf->VLANTagIdentifier));


+		/*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;

+		/* Clear WD, PCE, PS, TE and RE bits */

+		tmpreg &= ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK;


+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(

+			macconf->Watchdog |

+			macconf->Jabber |

+			macconf->InterFrameGap |

+			macconf->CarrierSense |

+			heth->Init.Speed |

+			macconf->ReceiveOwn |

+			macconf->LoopbackMode |

+			heth->Init.DuplexMode |

+			macconf->ChecksumOffload |

+			macconf->RetryTransmission |

+			macconf->AutomaticPadCRCStrip |

+			macconf->BackOffLimit |

+			macconf->DeferralCheck);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+		prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );


+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFFR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACFFR */

+		heth->Instance->MACFFR = (uint32_t)(

+			macconf->ReceiveAll |

+			macconf->SourceAddrFilter |

+			macconf->PassControlFrames |

+			macconf->BroadcastFramesReception |

+			macconf->DestinationAddrFilter |

+			macconf->PromiscuousMode |

+			macconf->MulticastFramesFilter |

+			macconf->UnicastFramesFilter);


+		/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account :

+		at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFFR;


+		heth->Instance->MACFFR = tmpreg;


+		/*--------------- ETHERNET MACHTHR and MACHTLR Configuration ---------------*/

+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACHTHR */

+		heth->Instance->MACHTHR = (uint32_t)macconf->HashTableHigh;


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACHTLR */

+		heth->Instance->MACHTLR = (uint32_t)macconf->HashTableLow;

+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFCR Configuration --------------------*/


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACFCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFCR;

+		/* Clear xx bits */



+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((

+			macconf->PauseTime << 16) |

+			macconf->ZeroQuantaPause |

+			macconf->PauseLowThreshold |

+			macconf->UnicastPauseFrameDetect |

+			macconf->ReceiveFlowControl |

+			macconf->TransmitFlowControl);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACFCR */

+		prvWriteMACFCR( heth, tmpreg );


+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACVLANTR Configuration -----------------*/

+		heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = (uint32_t)(macconf->VLANTagComparison |

+		macconf->VLANTagIdentifier);


+		/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account :

+		at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACVLANTR;


+		heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = tmpreg;

+	}

+	else /* macconf == NULL : here we just configure Speed and Duplex mode */

+	{

+		/*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;


+		/* Clear FES and DM bits */

+		tmpreg &= ~((uint32_t)0x00004800);


+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(heth->Init.Speed | heth->Init.DuplexMode);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+		prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );

+	}


+	/* Set the ETH state to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Sets ETH DMA Configuration.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  dmaconf: DMA Configuration structure

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMAInitTypeDef *dmaconf)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DROP_TCPIP_CHECKSUM_FRAME(dmaconf->DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_STORE_FORWARD(dmaconf->ReceiveStoreForward));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FLUSH_RECEIVE_FRAME(dmaconf->FlushReceivedFrame));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_STORE_FORWARD(dmaconf->TransmitStoreForward));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_CONTROL(dmaconf->TransmitThresholdControl));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FORWARD_ERROR_FRAMES(dmaconf->ForwardErrorFrames));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FORWARD_UNDERSIZED_GOOD_FRAMES(dmaconf->ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_THRESHOLD_CONTROL(dmaconf->ReceiveThresholdControl));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_SECOND_FRAME_OPERATE(dmaconf->SecondFrameOperate));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_ADDRESS_ALIGNED_BEATS(dmaconf->AddressAlignedBeats));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FIXED_BURST(dmaconf->FixedBurst));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RXDMA_BURST_LENGTH(dmaconf->RxDMABurstLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TXDMA_BURST_LENGTH(dmaconf->TxDMABurstLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_ENHANCED_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT(dmaconf->EnhancedDescriptorFormat));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DMA_DESC_SKIP_LENGTH(dmaconf->DescriptorSkipLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DMA_ARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX(dmaconf->DMAArbitration));


+	/*----------------------- ETHERNET DMAOMR Configuration --------------------*/

+	/* Get the ETHERNET DMAOMR value */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR;

+	/* Clear xx bits */



+	tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(

+		dmaconf->DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame |

+		dmaconf->ReceiveStoreForward |

+		dmaconf->FlushReceivedFrame |

+		dmaconf->TransmitStoreForward |

+		dmaconf->TransmitThresholdControl |

+		dmaconf->ForwardErrorFrames |

+		dmaconf->ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames |

+		dmaconf->ReceiveThresholdControl |

+		dmaconf->SecondFrameOperate);


+	/* Write to ETHERNET DMAOMR */

+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );


+	/*----------------------- ETHERNET DMABMR Configuration --------------------*/

+	heth->Instance->DMABMR = (uint32_t)(dmaconf->AddressAlignedBeats |

+	dmaconf->FixedBurst |

+	dmaconf->RxDMABurstLength | /* !! if 4xPBL is selected for Tx or Rx it is applied for the other */

+	dmaconf->TxDMABurstLength |

+	dmaconf->EnhancedDescriptorFormat |

+	(dmaconf->DescriptorSkipLength << 2) |

+	dmaconf->DMAArbitration |

+	ETH_DMABMR_USP); /* Enable use of separate PBL for Rx and Tx */


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMABMR;


+	heth->Instance->DMABMR = tmpreg;


+	/* Set the ETH state to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State functions

+  *  @brief   Peripheral State functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ===============================================================================

+                         ##### Peripheral State functions #####

+  ===============================================================================

+  [..]

+  This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral

+  and the data flow.

+       (+) Get the ETH handle state:

+           HAL_ETH_GetState();



+  @endverbatim

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  Return the ETH HAL state

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL state

+  */

+HAL_ETH_StateTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetState(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* Return ETH state */

+  return heth->State;




+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Private_Functions

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  Configures Ethernet MAC and DMA with default parameters.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  err: Ethernet Init error

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+static void ETH_MACDMAConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t err)


+  ETH_MACInitTypeDef macinit;

+  ETH_DMAInitTypeDef dmainit;

+  uint32_t tmpreg = 0;


+  if (err != ETH_SUCCESS) /* Auto-negotiation failed */

+  {

+    /* Set Ethernet duplex mode to Full-duplex */

+    heth->Init.DuplexMode = ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX;


+    /* Set Ethernet speed to 100M */

+    heth->Init.Speed = ETH_SPEED_100M;

+  }


+  /* Ethernet MAC default initialization **************************************/

+  macinit.Watchdog = ETH_WATCHDOG_ENABLE;

+  macinit.Jabber = ETH_JABBER_ENABLE;

+  macinit.InterFrameGap = ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_96BIT;

+  macinit.CarrierSense = ETH_CARRIERSENCE_ENABLE;

+  macinit.ReceiveOwn = ETH_RECEIVEOWN_ENABLE;

+  macinit.LoopbackMode = ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_DISABLE;

+  if(heth->Init.ChecksumMode == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE)

+  {

+    macinit.ChecksumOffload = ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_ENABLE;

+  }

+  else

+  {

+    macinit.ChecksumOffload = ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_DISABLE;

+  }

+  macinit.RetryTransmission = ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_DISABLE;


+  macinit.BackOffLimit = ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_10;

+  macinit.DeferralCheck = ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_DISABLE;

+  macinit.ReceiveAll = ETH_RECEIVEAll_DISABLE;

+  macinit.SourceAddrFilter = ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_DISABLE;

+  macinit.PassControlFrames = ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_BLOCKALL;

+  macinit.BroadcastFramesReception = ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_ENABLE;

+  macinit.DestinationAddrFilter = ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_NORMAL;

+  macinit.PromiscuousMode = ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_DISABLE;

+  macinit.MulticastFramesFilter = ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT;

+  macinit.UnicastFramesFilter = ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT;

+  macinit.HashTableHigh = 0x0;

+  macinit.HashTableLow = 0x0;

+  macinit.PauseTime = 0x0;

+  macinit.ZeroQuantaPause = ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_DISABLE;

+  macinit.PauseLowThreshold = ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS4;


+  macinit.ReceiveFlowControl = ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE;

+  macinit.TransmitFlowControl = ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE;

+  macinit.VLANTagComparison = ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_16BIT;

+  macinit.VLANTagIdentifier = 0x0;


+  /*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+  /* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+  tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;

+  /* Clear WD, PCE, PS, TE and RE bits */

+  tmpreg &= ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK;

+  /* Set the WD bit according to ETH Watchdog value */

+  /* Set the JD: bit according to ETH Jabber value */

+  /* Set the IFG bit according to ETH InterFrameGap value */

+  /* Set the DCRS bit according to ETH CarrierSense value */

+  /* Set the FES bit according to ETH Speed value */

+  /* Set the DO bit according to ETH ReceiveOwn value */

+  /* Set the LM bit according to ETH LoopbackMode value */

+  /* Set the DM bit according to ETH Mode value */

+  /* Set the IPCO bit according to ETH ChecksumOffload value */

+  /* Set the DR bit according to ETH RetryTransmission value */

+  /* Set the ACS bit according to ETH AutomaticPadCRCStrip value */

+  /* Set the BL bit according to ETH BackOffLimit value */

+  /* Set the DC bit according to ETH DeferralCheck value */

+  tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(macinit.Watchdog |

+                       macinit.Jabber |

+                       macinit.InterFrameGap |

+                       macinit.CarrierSense |

+                       heth->Init.Speed |

+                       macinit.ReceiveOwn |

+                       macinit.LoopbackMode |

+                       heth->Init.DuplexMode |

+                       macinit.ChecksumOffload |

+                       macinit.RetryTransmission |

+                       macinit.AutomaticPadCRCStrip |

+                       macinit.BackOffLimit |

+                       macinit.DeferralCheck);


+  /* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+  prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );


+  /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFFR Configuration --------------------*/

+  /* Set the RA bit according to ETH ReceiveAll value */

+  /* Set the SAF and SAIF bits according to ETH SourceAddrFilter value */

+  /* Set the PCF bit according to ETH PassControlFrames value */

+  /* Set the DBF bit according to ETH BroadcastFramesReception value */

+  /* Set the DAIF bit according to ETH DestinationAddrFilter value */

+  /* Set the PR bit according to ETH PromiscuousMode value */

+  /* Set the PM, HMC and HPF bits according to ETH MulticastFramesFilter value */

+  /* Set the HUC and HPF bits according to ETH UnicastFramesFilter value */

+  /* Write to ETHERNET MACFFR */

+  heth->Instance->MACFFR = (uint32_t)(macinit.ReceiveAll |

+                                        macinit.SourceAddrFilter |

+                                        macinit.PassControlFrames |

+                                        macinit.BroadcastFramesReception |

+                                        macinit.DestinationAddrFilter |

+                                        macinit.PromiscuousMode |

+                                        macinit.MulticastFramesFilter |

+                                        macinit.UnicastFramesFilter);


+   /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+      at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+   tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFFR;


+   heth->Instance->MACFFR = tmpreg;


+   /*--------------- ETHERNET MACHTHR and MACHTLR Configuration --------------*/

+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTHR */

+   heth->Instance->MACHTHR = (uint32_t)macinit.HashTableHigh;


+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTLR */

+   heth->Instance->MACHTLR = (uint32_t)macinit.HashTableLow;

+   /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFCR Configuration -------------------*/


+   /* Get the ETHERNET MACFCR value */

+   tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFCR;

+   /* Clear xx bits */

+   tmpreg &= ETH_MACFCR_CLEAR_MASK;


+   /* Set the PT bit according to ETH PauseTime value */

+   /* Set the DZPQ bit according to ETH ZeroQuantaPause value */

+   /* Set the PLT bit according to ETH PauseLowThreshold value */

+   /* Set the UP bit according to ETH UnicastPauseFrameDetect value */

+   /* Set the RFE bit according to ETH ReceiveFlowControl value */

+   /* Set the TFE bit according to ETH TransmitFlowControl value */

+   tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((macinit.PauseTime << 16) |

+                        macinit.ZeroQuantaPause |

+                        macinit.PauseLowThreshold |

+                        macinit.UnicastPauseFrameDetect |

+                        macinit.ReceiveFlowControl |

+                        macinit.TransmitFlowControl);


+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACFCR */

+   prvWriteMACFCR( heth, tmpreg );


+   /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACVLANTR Configuration ----------------*/

+   /* Set the ETV bit according to ETH VLANTagComparison value */

+   /* Set the VL bit according to ETH VLANTagIdentifier value */

+   heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = (uint32_t)(macinit.VLANTagComparison |

+                                            macinit.VLANTagIdentifier);


+    /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+       at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+    tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACVLANTR;


+    heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = tmpreg;


+    /* Ethernet DMA default initialization ************************************/


+    dmainit.ReceiveStoreForward = ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.FlushReceivedFrame = ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.TransmitStoreForward = ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.TransmitThresholdControl = ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES;

+    dmainit.ForwardErrorFrames = ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_DISABLE;

+    dmainit.ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames = ETH_FORWARDUNDERSIZEDGOODFRAMES_DISABLE;

+    dmainit.ReceiveThresholdControl = ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES;

+    dmainit.SecondFrameOperate = ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats = ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.FixedBurst = ETH_FIXEDBURST_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.RxDMABurstLength = ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT;

+    dmainit.TxDMABurstLength = ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT;

+    dmainit.EnhancedDescriptorFormat = ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.DescriptorSkipLength = 0x0;



+    /* Get the ETHERNET DMAOMR value */

+    tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR;

+    /* Clear xx bits */

+    tmpreg &= ETH_DMAOMR_CLEAR_MASK;


+    /* Set the DT bit according to ETH DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame value */

+    /* Set the RSF bit according to ETH ReceiveStoreForward value */

+    /* Set the DFF bit according to ETH FlushReceivedFrame value */

+    /* Set the TSF bit according to ETH TransmitStoreForward value */

+    /* Set the TTC bit according to ETH TransmitThresholdControl value */

+    /* Set the FEF bit according to ETH ForwardErrorFrames value */

+    /* Set the FUF bit according to ETH ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames value */

+    /* Set the RTC bit according to ETH ReceiveThresholdControl value */

+    /* Set the OSF bit according to ETH SecondFrameOperate value */

+    tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(dmainit.DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame |

+                         dmainit.ReceiveStoreForward |

+                         dmainit.FlushReceivedFrame |

+                         dmainit.TransmitStoreForward |

+                         dmainit.TransmitThresholdControl |

+                         dmainit.ForwardErrorFrames |

+                         dmainit.ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames |

+                         dmainit.ReceiveThresholdControl |

+                         dmainit.SecondFrameOperate);


+    /* Write to ETHERNET DMAOMR */

+    prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );


+    /*----------------------- ETHERNET DMABMR Configuration ------------------*/

+    /* Set the AAL bit according to ETH AddressAlignedBeats value */

+    /* Set the FB bit according to ETH FixedBurst value */

+    /* Set the RPBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH RxDMABurstLength value */

+    /* Set the PBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH TxDMABurstLength value */

+    /* Set the Enhanced DMA descriptors bit according to ETH EnhancedDescriptorFormat value*/

+    /* Set the DSL bit according to ETH DesciptorSkipLength value */

+    /* Set the PR and DA bits according to ETH DMAArbitration value */

+    heth->Instance->DMABMR = (uint32_t)(dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats |

+                                          dmainit.FixedBurst |

+                                          dmainit.RxDMABurstLength |    /* !! if 4xPBL is selected for Tx or Rx it is applied for the other */

+                                          dmainit.TxDMABurstLength |

+                                          dmainit.EnhancedDescriptorFormat |

+                                          (dmainit.DescriptorSkipLength << 2) |

+                                          dmainit.DMAArbitration |

+                                          ETH_DMABMR_USP); /* Enable use of separate PBL for Rx and Tx */


+     /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+        at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+     tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMABMR;


+     heth->Instance->DMABMR = tmpreg;


+     if(heth->Init.RxMode == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE)

+     {

+       /* Enable the Ethernet Rx Interrupt */


+     }


+     /* Initialize MAC address in ethernet MAC */

+     ETH_MACAddressConfig(heth, ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0, heth->Init.MACAddr);




+  * @brief  Configures the selected MAC address.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  MacAddr: The MAC address to configure

+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address0: MAC Address0

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address1: MAC Address1

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address2: MAC Address2

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address3: MAC Address3

+  * @param  Addr: Pointer to MAC address buffer data (6 bytes)

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+static void ETH_MACAddressConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t MacAddr, uint8_t *Addr)


+	uint32_t tmpreg;


+	/* Check the parameters */

+	assert_param( IS_ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0123( MacAddr ) );


+	/* Calculate the selected MAC address high register */

+	tmpreg = 0x80000000ul | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 5 ] << 8) | (uint32_t)Addr[ 4 ];

+	/* Load the selected MAC address high register */

+	( * ( __IO uint32_t * ) ( ( uint32_t ) ( ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr ) ) ) = tmpreg;

+	/* Calculate the selected MAC address low register */

+	tmpreg = ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 3 ] << 24 ) | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 2 ] << 16 ) | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 1 ] << 8 ) | Addr[ 0 ];


+	/* Load the selected MAC address low register */

+	( * ( __IO uint32_t * ) ( ( uint32_t ) ( ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE + MacAddr ) ) ) = tmpreg;




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR | ETH_MACCR_TE;


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR & ~( ETH_MACCR_TE );


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR | ETH_MACCR_RE;


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR & ~( ETH_MACCR_RE );


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the DMA transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Enable the DMA transmission */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_ST;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the DMA transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Disable the DMA transmission */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR & ~( ETH_DMAOMR_ST );


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the DMA reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Enable the DMA reception */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_SR;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the DMA reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Disable the DMA reception */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR & ~( ETH_DMAOMR_SR );


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Clears the ETHERNET transmit FIFO.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Set the Flush Transmit FIFO bit */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_FTF;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @}

+  */


+#endif /* STM32F7xx */



+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */


+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c40193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2214 @@

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @file    stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h

+  * @author  MCD Application Team

+  * @version V1.2.2

+  * @date    14-April-2017

+  * @brief   Header file of ETH HAL module.

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @attention

+  *

+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2017 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>

+  *

+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,

+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation

+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors

+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software

+  *      without specific prior written permission.

+  *











+  *

+  ******************************************************************************

+  */ 


+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/

+#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_ETH_H

+#define __STM32F7xx_HAL_ETH_H


+#ifdef __cplusplus

+ extern "C" {



+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

+#include "stm32f7xx_hal_def.h"


+/** @addtogroup STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @addtogroup ETH

+  * @{

+  */ 


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Private_Macros

+  * @{

+  */



+                                     ((CMD) == ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION_DISABLE))

+#define IS_ETH_SPEED(SPEED) (((SPEED) == ETH_SPEED_10M) || \

+                             ((SPEED) == ETH_SPEED_100M))


+                                  ((MODE) == ETH_MODE_HALFDUPLEX))


+                                 ((MODE) == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE))


+                                      ((MODE) == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_SOFTWARE))


+                                              ((MODE) == ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE_RMII))


+                              ((CMD) == ETH_WATCHDOG_DISABLE))


+                            ((CMD) == ETH_JABBER_DISABLE))


+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_88BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_80BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_72BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_64BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_56BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_48BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_40BIT))


+                                   ((CMD) == ETH_CARRIERSENCE_DISABLE))


+                                 ((CMD) == ETH_RECEIVEOWN_DISABLE))


+                                   ((CMD) == ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_DISABLE))


+                                      ((CMD) == ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_DISABLE))


+                                        ((CMD) == ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_DISABLE))


+                                            ((CMD) == ETH_AUTOMATICPADCRCSTRIP_DISABLE))


+                                     ((LIMIT) == ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_8) || \

+                                     ((LIMIT) == ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_4) || \

+                                     ((LIMIT) == ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_1))


+                                    ((CMD) == ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_DISABLE))


+                                 ((CMD) == ETH_RECEIVEAll_DISABLE))


+                                        ((CMD) == ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_INVERSE_ENABLE) || \

+                                        ((CMD) == ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_DISABLE))


+                                     ((PASS) == ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_FORWARDALL) || \

+                                     ((PASS) == ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_FORWARDPASSEDADDRFILTER))


+                                                ((CMD) == ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_DISABLE))


+                                                ((FILTER) == ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_INVERSE))


+                                      ((CMD) == ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_DISABLE))


+                                                ((FILTER) == ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_HASHTABLE) || \

+                                                ((FILTER) == ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT) || \

+                                                ((FILTER) == ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_NONE))


+                                              ((FILTER) == ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_HASHTABLE) || \

+                                              ((FILTER) == ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT))



+                                        ((CMD) == ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_DISABLE))


+                                               ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS28) || \

+                                               ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS144) || \

+                                               ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS256))


+                                                ((CMD) == ETH_UNICASTPAUSEFRAMEDETECT_DISABLE))


+                                         ((CMD) == ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE))


+                                          ((CMD) == ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE))


+                                                ((COMPARISON) == ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_16BIT))



+                                         ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS1) || \

+                                         ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS2) || \

+                                         ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS3))


+                                        ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS2) || \

+                                        ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS3))


+                                           ((FILTER) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSFILTER_DA))


+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE5) || \

+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE4) || \

+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE3) || \

+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE2) || \

+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE1))


+                                               ((CMD) == ETH_DROPTCPIPCHECKSUMERRORFRAME_DISABLE))


+                                           ((CMD) == ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_DISABLE))


+                                         ((CMD) == ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_DISABLE))


+                                            ((CMD) == ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_DISABLE))


+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_128BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_192BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_256BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_40BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_32BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_24BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_16BYTES))


+                                          ((CMD) == ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_DISABLE))


+                                                    ((CMD) == ETH_FORWARDUNDERSIZEDGOODFRAMES_DISABLE))


+                                                     ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_32BYTES) || \

+                                                     ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_96BYTES) || \

+                                                     ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_128BYTES))


+                                          ((CMD) == ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_DISABLE))


+                                           ((CMD) == ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_DISABLE))


+                                 ((CMD) == ETH_FIXEDBURST_DISABLE))


+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_2BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_8BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_16BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_4BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_8BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_16BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_32BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_64BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_128BEAT))


+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_2BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_8BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_16BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_4BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_8BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_16BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_32BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_64BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_128BEAT))



+                                                       ((RATIO) == ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_2_1) || \

+                                                       ((RATIO) == ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_3_1) || \

+                                                       ((RATIO) == ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_4_1) || \

+                                                       ((RATIO) == ETH_DMAARBITRATION_RXPRIORTX))


+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_IC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_LS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_FS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_DC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_DP) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_TER) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_TCH) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_IHE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_ES) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_JT) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_FF) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_PCE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_LCA) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_NC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_LCO) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_EC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_VF) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_CC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_ED) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_UF) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_DB))


+                                            ((SEGMENT) == ETH_DMATXDESC_FIRSTSEGMENT))


+                                              ((CHECKSUM) == ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMIPV4HEADER) || \

+                                              ((CHECKSUM) == ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPSEGMENT) || \

+                                              ((CHECKSUM) == ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPFULL))



+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_AFM) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_ES) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_DE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_SAF) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_LE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_OE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_VLAN) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_FS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_LS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_IPV4HCE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_LC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_FT) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_RWT) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_RE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_DBE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_CE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_MAMPCE))


+                                          ((BUFFER) == ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER2))


+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_PMT_FLAG_MPR))

+#define IS_ETH_DMA_FLAG(FLAG) ((((FLAG) & (uint32_t)0xC7FE1800) == 0x00) && ((FLAG) != 0x00)) 


+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_MMC) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_DATATRANSFERERROR) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_READWRITEERROR) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_ACCESSERROR) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_NIS) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_ER) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_FBE) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_ET) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_RWT) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_RPS) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_RBU) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_R) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_TU) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_RO) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_TJT) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_TBU) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_TPS) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_T))

+#define IS_ETH_MAC_IT(IT) ((((IT) & (uint32_t)0xFFFFFDF1) == 0x00) && ((IT) != 0x00))

+#define IS_ETH_MAC_GET_IT(IT) (((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_TST) || ((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_MMCT) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_MMCR) || ((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_MMC) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_PMT))


+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCR) || ((FLAG) == ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMC) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_MAC_FLAG_PMT))

+#define IS_ETH_DMA_IT(IT) ((((IT) & (uint32_t)0xC7FE1800) == 0x00) && ((IT) != 0x00))

+#define IS_ETH_DMA_GET_IT(IT) (((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TST) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_PMT) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_MMC) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_NIS) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_AIS) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_ER) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_FBE) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_ET) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_RWT) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_RPS) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_RBU) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_R) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TU) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_RO) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TJT) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TBU) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TPS) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_T))


+                                           ((OVERFLOW) == ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_MISSEDFRAMECOUNTER))

+#define IS_ETH_MMC_IT(IT) (((((IT) & (uint32_t)0xFFDF3FFF) == 0x00) || (((IT) & (uint32_t)0xEFFDFF9F) == 0x00)) && \

+                           ((IT) != 0x00))

+#define IS_ETH_MMC_GET_IT(IT) (((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_TGF) || ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC) || ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE) || ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE))


+                                                ((CMD) == ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_DISABLE))




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Private_Defines

+  * @{

+  */

+/* Delay to wait when writing to some Ethernet registers */

+#define ETH_REG_WRITE_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)


+/* Ethernet Errors */

+#define  ETH_SUCCESS            ((uint32_t)0U)

+#define  ETH_ERROR              ((uint32_t)1U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Tx descriptors Collision Count Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMATXDESC_COLLISION_COUNTSHIFT         ((uint32_t)3U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Tx descriptors Buffer2 Size Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMATXDESC_BUFFER2_SIZESHIFT           ((uint32_t)16U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Rx descriptors Frame Length Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAME_LENGTHSHIFT           ((uint32_t)16U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Rx descriptors Buffer2 Size Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER2_SIZESHIFT           ((uint32_t)16U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Rx descriptors Frame length Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAMELENGTHSHIFT            ((uint32_t)16)


+/* Ethernet MAC address offsets */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE    (uint32_t)(ETH_MAC_BASE + (uint32_t)0x40U)  /* Ethernet MAC address high offset */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE    (uint32_t)(ETH_MAC_BASE + (uint32_t)0x44U)  /* Ethernet MAC address low offset */


+/* Ethernet MACMIIAR register Mask */

+#define ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_MASK    ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFE3U)


+/* Ethernet MACCR register Mask */

+#define ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK    ((uint32_t)0xFF20810FU)  


+/* Ethernet MACFCR register Mask */

+#define ETH_MACFCR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0x0000FF41U)


+/* Ethernet DMAOMR register Mask */

+#define ETH_DMAOMR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xF8DE3F23U)


+/* Ethernet Remote Wake-up frame register length */



+/* Ethernet Missed frames counter Shift */


+ /**

+  * @}

+  */


+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 

+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Types ETH Exported Types

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  HAL State structures definition  

+  */ 

+typedef enum


+  HAL_ETH_STATE_RESET             = 0x00U,    /*!< Peripheral not yet Initialized or disabled         */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_READY             = 0x01U,    /*!< Peripheral Initialized and ready for use           */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY              = 0x02U,    /*!< an internal process is ongoing                     */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_TX           = 0x12U,    /*!< Data Transmission process is ongoing               */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RX           = 0x22U,    /*!< Data Reception process is ongoing                  */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX        = 0x32U,    /*!< Data Transmission and Reception process is ongoing */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_WR           = 0x42U,    /*!< Write process is ongoing                           */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RD           = 0x82U,    /*!< Read process is ongoing                            */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_TIMEOUT           = 0x03U,    /*!< Timeout state                                      */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_ERROR             = 0x04U     /*!< Reception process is ongoing                       */




+  * @brief  ETH Init Structure definition  

+  */


+typedef struct


+  uint32_t             AutoNegotiation;           /*!< Selects or not the AutoNegotiation mode for the external PHY

+                                                           The AutoNegotiation allows an automatic setting of the Speed (10/100Mbps)

+                                                           and the mode (half/full-duplex).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_AutoNegotiation */


+  uint32_t             Speed;                     /*!< Sets the Ethernet speed: 10/100 Mbps.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Speed */


+  uint32_t             DuplexMode;                /*!< Selects the MAC duplex mode: Half-Duplex or Full-Duplex mode

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Duplex_Mode */


+  uint16_t             PhyAddress;                /*!< Ethernet PHY address.

+                                                           This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 32 */


+  uint8_t             *MACAddr;                   /*!< MAC Address of used Hardware: must be pointer on an array of 6 bytes */


+  uint32_t             RxMode;                    /*!< Selects the Ethernet Rx mode: Polling mode, Interrupt mode.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Rx_Mode */


+  uint32_t             ChecksumMode;              /*!< Selects if the checksum is check by hardware or by software. 

+                                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Checksum_Mode */


+  uint32_t             MediaInterface    ;               /*!< Selects the media-independent interface or the reduced media-independent interface. 

+                                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Media_Interface */


+} ETH_InitTypeDef;



+ /** 

+  * @brief  ETH MAC Configuration Structure definition  

+  */


+typedef struct


+  uint32_t             Watchdog;                  /*!< Selects or not the Watchdog timer

+                                                           When enabled, the MAC allows no more then 2048 bytes to be received.

+                                                           When disabled, the MAC can receive up to 16384 bytes.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Watchdog */  


+  uint32_t             Jabber;                    /*!< Selects or not Jabber timer

+                                                           When enabled, the MAC allows no more then 2048 bytes to be sent.

+                                                           When disabled, the MAC can send up to 16384 bytes.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Jabber */


+  uint32_t             InterFrameGap;             /*!< Selects the minimum IFG between frames during transmission.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Inter_Frame_Gap */   


+  uint32_t             CarrierSense;              /*!< Selects or not the Carrier Sense.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Carrier_Sense */


+  uint32_t             ReceiveOwn;                /*!< Selects or not the ReceiveOwn,

+                                                           ReceiveOwn allows the reception of frames when the TX_EN signal is asserted

+                                                           in Half-Duplex mode.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Own */  


+  uint32_t             LoopbackMode;              /*!< Selects or not the internal MAC MII Loopback mode.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Loop_Back_Mode */  


+  uint32_t             ChecksumOffload;           /*!< Selects or not the IPv4 checksum checking for received frame payloads' TCP/UDP/ICMP headers.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Checksum_Offload */    


+  uint32_t             RetryTransmission;         /*!< Selects or not the MAC attempt retries transmission, based on the settings of BL,

+                                                           when a collision occurs (Half-Duplex mode).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Retry_Transmission */


+  uint32_t             AutomaticPadCRCStrip;      /*!< Selects or not the Automatic MAC Pad/CRC Stripping.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Automatic_Pad_CRC_Strip */ 


+  uint32_t             BackOffLimit;              /*!< Selects the BackOff limit value.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Back_Off_Limit */


+  uint32_t             DeferralCheck;             /*!< Selects or not the deferral check function (Half-Duplex mode).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Deferral_Check */                                                                                                        


+  uint32_t             ReceiveAll;                /*!< Selects or not all frames reception by the MAC (No filtering).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_All */   


+  uint32_t             SourceAddrFilter;          /*!< Selects the Source Address Filter mode.                                                           

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Source_Addr_Filter */                  


+  uint32_t             PassControlFrames;         /*!< Sets the forwarding mode of the control frames (including unicast and multicast PAUSE frames)                                                          

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Pass_Control_Frames */ 


+  uint32_t             BroadcastFramesReception;  /*!< Selects or not the reception of Broadcast Frames.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Broadcast_Frames_Reception */


+  uint32_t             DestinationAddrFilter;     /*!< Sets the destination filter mode for both unicast and multicast frames.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Destination_Addr_Filter */ 


+  uint32_t             PromiscuousMode;           /*!< Selects or not the Promiscuous Mode

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Promiscuous_Mode */


+  uint32_t             MulticastFramesFilter;     /*!< Selects the Multicast Frames filter mode: None/HashTableFilter/PerfectFilter/PerfectHashTableFilter.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Multicast_Frames_Filter */ 


+  uint32_t             UnicastFramesFilter;       /*!< Selects the Unicast Frames filter mode: HashTableFilter/PerfectFilter/PerfectHashTableFilter.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Unicast_Frames_Filter */ 


+  uint32_t             HashTableHigh;             /*!< This field holds the higher 32 bits of Hash table.

+                                                           This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */


+  uint32_t             HashTableLow;              /*!< This field holds the lower 32 bits of Hash table.

+                                                           This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF  */    


+  uint32_t             PauseTime;                 /*!< This field holds the value to be used in the Pause Time field in the transmit control frame. 

+                                                           This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF */


+  uint32_t             ZeroQuantaPause;           /*!< Selects or not the automatic generation of Zero-Quanta Pause Control frames.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Zero_Quanta_Pause */  


+  uint32_t             PauseLowThreshold;         /*!< This field configures the threshold of the PAUSE to be checked for

+                                                           automatic retransmission of PAUSE Frame.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Pause_Low_Threshold */


+  uint32_t             UnicastPauseFrameDetect;   /*!< Selects or not the MAC detection of the Pause frames (with MAC Address0

+                                                           unicast address and unique multicast address).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Unicast_Pause_Frame_Detect */  


+  uint32_t             ReceiveFlowControl;        /*!< Enables or disables the MAC to decode the received Pause frame and

+                                                           disable its transmitter for a specified time (Pause Time)

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Flow_Control */


+  uint32_t             TransmitFlowControl;       /*!< Enables or disables the MAC to transmit Pause frames (Full-Duplex mode)

+                                                           or the MAC back-pressure operation (Half-Duplex mode)

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Flow_Control */     


+  uint32_t             VLANTagComparison;         /*!< Selects the 12-bit VLAN identifier or the complete 16-bit VLAN tag for

+                                                           comparison and filtering.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_VLAN_Tag_Comparison */ 


+  uint32_t             VLANTagIdentifier;         /*!< Holds the VLAN tag identifier for receive frames */


+} ETH_MACInitTypeDef;




+  * @brief  ETH DMA Configuration Structure definition  

+  */


+typedef struct


+ uint32_t              DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame; /*!< Selects or not the Dropping of TCP/IP Checksum Error Frames.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Drop_TCP_IP_Checksum_Error_Frame */ 


+  uint32_t             ReceiveStoreForward;         /*!< Enables or disables the Receive store and forward mode.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Store_Forward */ 


+  uint32_t             FlushReceivedFrame;          /*!< Enables or disables the flushing of received frames.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Flush_Received_Frame */ 


+  uint32_t             TransmitStoreForward;        /*!< Enables or disables Transmit store and forward mode.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Store_Forward */ 


+  uint32_t             TransmitThresholdControl;    /*!< Selects or not the Transmit Threshold Control.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Threshold_Control */


+  uint32_t             ForwardErrorFrames;          /*!< Selects or not the forward to the DMA of erroneous frames.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Forward_Error_Frames */


+  uint32_t             ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames; /*!< Enables or disables the Rx FIFO to forward Undersized frames (frames with no Error

+                                                             and length less than 64 bytes) including pad-bytes and CRC)

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Forward_Undersized_Good_Frames */


+  uint32_t             ReceiveThresholdControl;     /*!< Selects the threshold level of the Receive FIFO.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Threshold_Control */


+  uint32_t             SecondFrameOperate;          /*!< Selects or not the Operate on second frame mode, which allows the DMA to process a second

+                                                             frame of Transmit data even before obtaining the status for the first frame.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Second_Frame_Operate */


+  uint32_t             AddressAlignedBeats;         /*!< Enables or disables the Address Aligned Beats.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Address_Aligned_Beats */


+  uint32_t             FixedBurst;                  /*!< Enables or disables the AHB Master interface fixed burst transfers.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Fixed_Burst */


+  uint32_t             RxDMABurstLength;            /*!< Indicates the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one Rx DMA transaction.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Rx_DMA_Burst_Length */ 


+  uint32_t             TxDMABurstLength;            /*!< Indicates the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one Tx DMA transaction.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Tx_DMA_Burst_Length */


+  uint32_t             EnhancedDescriptorFormat;    /*!< Enables the enhanced descriptor format.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_DMA_Enhanced_descriptor_format */


+  uint32_t             DescriptorSkipLength;        /*!< Specifies the number of word to skip between two unchained descriptors (Ring mode)

+                                                             This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 32 */                                                             


+  uint32_t             DMAArbitration;              /*!< Selects the DMA Tx/Rx arbitration.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_DMA_Arbitration */  

+} ETH_DMAInitTypeDef;




+  * @brief  ETH DMA Descriptors data structure definition

+  */ 


+typedef struct  


+  __IO uint32_t   Status;           /*!< Status */


+  uint32_t   ControlBufferSize;     /*!< Control and Buffer1, Buffer2 lengths */


+  uint32_t   Buffer1Addr;           /*!< Buffer1 address pointer */


+  uint32_t   Buffer2NextDescAddr;   /*!< Buffer2 or next descriptor address pointer */


+  /*!< Enhanced Ethernet DMA PTP Descriptors */

+  uint32_t   ExtendedStatus;        /*!< Extended status for PTP receive descriptor */


+  uint32_t   Reserved1;             /*!< Reserved */


+  uint32_t   TimeStampLow;          /*!< Time Stamp Low value for transmit and receive */


+  uint32_t   TimeStampHigh;         /*!< Time Stamp High value for transmit and receive */


+} ETH_DMADescTypeDef;




+  * @brief  Received Frame Informations structure definition

+  */ 

+typedef struct  


+  ETH_DMADescTypeDef *FSRxDesc;          /*!< First Segment Rx Desc */


+  ETH_DMADescTypeDef *LSRxDesc;          /*!< Last Segment Rx Desc */


+  uint32_t  SegCount;                    /*!< Segment count */


+  uint32_t length;                       /*!< Frame length */


+  uint32_t buffer;                       /*!< Frame buffer */


+} ETH_DMARxFrameInfos;




+  * @brief  ETH Handle Structure definition  

+  */


+typedef struct


+  ETH_TypeDef                *Instance;     /*!< Register base address       */


+  ETH_InitTypeDef            Init;          /*!< Ethernet Init Configuration */


+  uint32_t                   LinkStatus;    /*!< Ethernet link status        */


+  ETH_DMADescTypeDef         *RxDesc;       /*!< Rx descriptor to Get        */


+  ETH_DMADescTypeDef         *TxDesc;       /*!< Tx descriptor to Set        */


+  ETH_DMARxFrameInfos        RxFrameInfos;  /*!< last Rx frame infos         */


+  __IO HAL_ETH_StateTypeDef  State;         /*!< ETH communication state     */


+  HAL_LockTypeDef            Lock;          /*!< ETH Lock                    */


+} ETH_HandleTypeDef;


+ /**

+  * @}

+  */


+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Constants ETH Exported Constants

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Buffers_setting ETH Buffers setting

+  * @{

+  */ 


+#define ETH_HEADER               ((uint32_t)14U)    /*!< 6 byte Dest addr, 6 byte Src addr, 2 byte length/type */

+#define ETH_CRC                   ((uint32_t)4U)    /*!< Ethernet CRC */

+#define ETH_EXTRA                 ((uint32_t)2U)    /*!< Extra bytes in some cases */   

+#define ETH_VLAN_TAG              ((uint32_t)4U)    /*!< optional 802.1q VLAN Tag */

+#define ETH_MIN_ETH_PAYLOAD       ((uint32_t)46U)    /*!< Minimum Ethernet payload size */

+#define ETH_MAX_ETH_PAYLOAD       ((uint32_t)1500U)    /*!< Maximum Ethernet payload size */

+#define ETH_JUMBO_FRAME_PAYLOAD   ((uint32_t)9000U)    /*!< Jumbo frame payload size */      


+ /* Ethernet driver receive buffers are organized in a chained linked-list, when

+    an Ethernet packet is received, the Rx-DMA will transfer the packet from RxFIFO

+    to the driver receive buffers memory.


+    Depending on the size of the received Ethernet packet and the size of 

+    each Ethernet driver receive buffer, the received packet can take one or more

+    Ethernet driver receive buffer. 


+    In below are defined the size of one Ethernet driver receive buffer ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE 

+    and the total count of the driver receive buffers ETH_RXBUFNB.


+    The configured value for ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE and ETH_RXBUFNB are only provided as 

+    example, they can be reconfigured in the application layer to fit the application 

+    needs */ 


+/* Here we configure each Ethernet driver receive buffer to fit the Max size Ethernet

+   packet */

+#ifndef ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE




+/* 5 Ethernet driver receive buffers are used (in a chained linked list)*/ 

+#ifndef ETH_RXBUFNB

+ #define ETH_RXBUFNB             ((uint32_t)5U)     /*  5 Rx buffers of size ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE */




+ /* Ethernet driver transmit buffers are organized in a chained linked-list, when

+    an Ethernet packet is transmitted, Tx-DMA will transfer the packet from the 

+    driver transmit buffers memory to the TxFIFO.


+    Depending on the size of the Ethernet packet to be transmitted and the size of 

+    each Ethernet driver transmit buffer, the packet to be transmitted can take 

+    one or more Ethernet driver transmit buffer. 


+    In below are defined the size of one Ethernet driver transmit buffer ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE 

+    and the total count of the driver transmit buffers ETH_TXBUFNB.


+    The configured value for ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE and ETH_TXBUFNB are only provided as 

+    example, they can be reconfigured in the application layer to fit the application 

+    needs */ 


+/* Here we configure each Ethernet driver transmit buffer to fit the Max size Ethernet

+   packet */

+#ifndef ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE 




+/* 5 Ethernet driver transmit buffers are used (in a chained linked list)*/ 

+#ifndef ETH_TXBUFNB

+ #define ETH_TXBUFNB             ((uint32_t)5U)      /* 5  Tx buffers of size ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE */



+ /**

+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_TX_Descriptor ETH DMA TX Descriptor

+  * @{

+  */



+   DMA Tx Descriptor

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES0 | OWN(31) | CTRL[30:26] | Reserved[25:24] | CTRL[23:20] | Reserved[19:17] | Status[16:0] |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES1 | Reserved[31:29] | Buffer2 ByteCount[28:16] | Reserved[15:13] | Buffer1 ByteCount[12:0] |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES2 |                         Buffer1 Address [31:0]                                         |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES3 |                   Buffer2 Address [31:0] / Next Descriptor Address [31:0]              |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




+  * @brief  Bit definition of TDES0 register: DMA Tx descriptor status register

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN                     ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)  /*!< OWN bit: descriptor is owned by DMA engine */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_IC                      ((uint32_t)0x40000000U)  /*!< Interrupt on Completion */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LS                      ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< Last Segment */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_FS                      ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< First Segment */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DC                      ((uint32_t)0x08000000U)  /*!< Disable CRC */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DP                      ((uint32_t)0x04000000U)  /*!< Disable Padding */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSE                    ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)  /*!< Transmit Time Stamp Enable */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC                     ((uint32_t)0x00C00000U)  /*!< Checksum Insertion Control: 4 cases */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_BYPASS              ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< Do Nothing: Checksum Engine is bypassed */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_IPV4HEADER          ((uint32_t)0x00400000U)  /*!< IPV4 header Checksum Insertion */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_TCPUDPICMP_SEGMENT  ((uint32_t)0x00800000U)  /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP Checksum Insertion calculated over segment only */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_TCPUDPICMP_FULL     ((uint32_t)0x00C00000U)  /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP Checksum Insertion fully calculated */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TER                     ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)  /*!< Transmit End of Ring */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TCH                     ((uint32_t)0x00100000U)  /*!< Second Address Chained */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSS                    ((uint32_t)0x00020000U)  /*!< Tx Time Stamp Status */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_IHE                     ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< IP Header Error */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_ES                      ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Error summary: OR of the following bits: UE || ED || EC || LCO || NC || LCA || FF || JT */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_JT                      ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Jabber Timeout */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_FF                      ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< Frame Flushed: DMA/MTL flushed the frame due to SW flush */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_PCE                     ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)  /*!< Payload Checksum Error */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LCA                     ((uint32_t)0x00000800U)  /*!< Loss of Carrier: carrier lost during transmission */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_NC                      ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< No Carrier: no carrier signal from the transceiver */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LCO                     ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Late Collision: transmission aborted due to collision */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_EC                      ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< Excessive Collision: transmission aborted after 16 collisions */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VF                      ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< VLAN Frame */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CC                      ((uint32_t)0x00000078U)  /*!< Collision Count */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_ED                      ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< Excessive Deferral */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_UF                      ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< Underflow Error: late data arrival from the memory */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DB                      ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Deferred Bit */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of TDES1 register

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS2  ((uint32_t)0x1FFF0000U)  /*!< Transmit Buffer2 Size */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1  ((uint32_t)0x00001FFFU)  /*!< Transmit Buffer1 Size */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of TDES2 register

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_B1AP  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /*!< Buffer1 Address Pointer */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of TDES3 register

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_B2AP  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /*!< Buffer2 Address Pointer */


+  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES6 |                         Transmit Time Stamp Low [31:0]                                 |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES7 |                         Transmit Time Stamp High [31:0]                                |

+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/


+/* Bit definition of TDES6 register */

+ #define ETH_DMAPTPTXDESC_TTSL  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /* Transmit Time Stamp Low */


+/* Bit definition of TDES7 register */

+ #define ETH_DMAPTPTXDESC_TTSH  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /* Transmit Time Stamp High */



+  * @}

+  */ 

+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_RX_Descriptor ETH DMA RX Descriptor

+  * @{

+  */



+  DMA Rx Descriptor

+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES0 | OWN(31) |                                             Status [30:0]                                          |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES1 | CTRL(31) | Reserved[30:29] | Buffer2 ByteCount[28:16] | CTRL[15:14] | Reserved(13) | Buffer1 ByteCount[12:0] |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES2 |                                       Buffer1 Address [31:0]                                                 |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES3 |                          Buffer2 Address [31:0] / Next Descriptor Address [31:0]                             |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




+  * @brief  Bit definition of RDES0 register: DMA Rx descriptor status register

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN         ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)  /*!< OWN bit: descriptor is owned by DMA engine  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_AFM         ((uint32_t)0x40000000U)  /*!< DA Filter Fail for the rx frame  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_FL          ((uint32_t)0x3FFF0000U)  /*!< Receive descriptor frame length  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_ES          ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Error summary: OR of the following bits: DE || OE || IPC || LC || RWT || RE || CE */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DE          ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Descriptor error: no more descriptors for receive frame  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_SAF         ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< SA Filter Fail for the received frame */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_LE          ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)  /*!< Frame size not matching with length field */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_OE          ((uint32_t)0x00000800U)  /*!< Overflow Error: Frame was damaged due to buffer overflow */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_VLAN        ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< VLAN Tag: received frame is a VLAN frame */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_FS          ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< First descriptor of the frame  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_LS          ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< Last descriptor of the frame  */ 

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPV4HCE     ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< IPC Checksum Error: Rx Ipv4 header checksum error   */    

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_LC          ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< Late collision occurred during reception   */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_FT          ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Frame type - Ethernet, otherwise 802.3    */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RWT         ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Receive Watchdog Timeout: watchdog timer expired during reception    */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RE          ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< Receive error: error reported by MII interface  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DBE         ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< Dribble bit error: frame contains non int multiple of 8 bits  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_CE          ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< CRC error */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MAMPCE      ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Rx MAC Address/Payload Checksum Error: Rx MAC address matched/ Rx Payload Checksum Error */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of RDES1 register

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC   ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)  /*!< Disable Interrupt on Completion */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RBS2  ((uint32_t)0x1FFF0000U)  /*!< Receive Buffer2 Size */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RER   ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Receive End of Ring */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RCH   ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Second Address Chained */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RBS1  ((uint32_t)0x00001FFFU)  /*!< Receive Buffer1 Size */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of RDES2 register  

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_B1AP  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /*!< Buffer1 Address Pointer */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of RDES3 register  

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_B2AP  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /*!< Buffer2 Address Pointer */



+  RDES4 |                   Reserved[31:15]              |             Extended Status [14:0]                          |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES5 |                                            Reserved[31:0]                                                    |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES6 |                                       Receive Time Stamp Low [31:0]                                          |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES7 |                                       Receive Time Stamp High [31:0]                                         |

+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/


+/* Bit definition of RDES4 register */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPV                            ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /* PTP Version */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPFT                           ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)  /* PTP Frame Type */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT                           ((uint32_t)0x00000F00U)  /* PTP Message Type */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_SYNC                      ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /* SYNC message (all clock types) */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_FOLLOWUP                  ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /* FollowUp message (all clock types) */ 

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_DELAYREQ                  ((uint32_t)0x00000300U)  /* DelayReq message (all clock types) */ 

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_DELAYRESP                 ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /* DelayResp message (all clock types) */ 

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYREQ_ANNOUNCE        ((uint32_t)0x00000500U)  /* PdelayReq message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Announce message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */ 

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYRESP_MANAG          ((uint32_t)0x00000600U)  /* PdelayResp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Management message (Ordinary or Boundary clock)  */ 

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYRESPFOLLOWUP_SIGNAL ((uint32_t)0x00000700U)  /* PdelayRespFollowUp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Signaling message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */           

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPV6PR                          ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /* IPv6 Packet Received */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPV4PR                          ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /* IPv4 Packet Received */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPCB                            ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /* IP Checksum Bypassed */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPE                            ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /* IP Payload Error */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPHE                            ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /* IP Header Error */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPT                            ((uint32_t)0x00000007U)  /* IP Payload Type */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPT_UDP                        ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /* UDP payload encapsulated in the IP datagram */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPT_TCP                        ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /* TCP payload encapsulated in the IP datagram */ 

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPT_ICMP                       ((uint32_t)0x00000003U)  /* ICMP payload encapsulated in the IP datagram */


+/* Bit definition of RDES6 register */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_RTSL  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /* Receive Time Stamp Low */


+/* Bit definition of RDES7 register */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_RTSH  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /* Receive Time Stamp High */


+  * @}

+  */

+ /** @defgroup ETH_AutoNegotiation ETH AutoNegotiation 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)

+#define ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)



+  * @}

+  */

+/** @defgroup ETH_Speed ETH Speed 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_SPEED_10M        ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_SPEED_100M       ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)



+  * @}

+  */

+/** @defgroup ETH_Duplex_Mode ETH Duplex Mode

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX       ((uint32_t)0x00000800U)

+#define ETH_MODE_HALFDUPLEX       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */

+/** @defgroup ETH_Rx_Mode ETH Rx Mode

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_RXPOLLING_MODE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE    ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Checksum_Mode ETH Checksum Mode

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_SOFTWARE      ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Media_Interface ETH Media Interface

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE_MII       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)



+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Watchdog ETH Watchdog 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_WATCHDOG_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_WATCHDOG_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00800000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Jabber ETH Jabber

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_JABBER_ENABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_JABBER_DISABLE   ((uint32_t)0x00400000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Inter_Frame_Gap ETH Inter Frame Gap 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_96BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 96Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_88BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00020000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 88Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_80BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00040000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 80Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_72BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00060000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 72Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_64BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00080000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 64Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_56BIT   ((uint32_t)0x000A0000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 56Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_48BIT   ((uint32_t)0x000C0000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 48Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_40BIT   ((uint32_t)0x000E0000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 40Bit */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Carrier_Sense ETH Carrier Sense

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_CARRIERSENCE_ENABLE   ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_CARRIERSENCE_DISABLE  ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_Own ETH Receive Own 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_RECEIVEOWN_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_RECEIVEOWN_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Loop_Back_Mode ETH Loop Back Mode 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)

+#define ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_DISABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Checksum_Offload ETH Checksum Offload

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)

+#define ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Retry_Transmission ETH Retry Transmission

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_ENABLE   ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_DISABLE  ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Automatic_Pad_CRC_Strip ETH Automatic Pad CRC Strip

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_AUTOMATICPADCRCSTRIP_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)

+#define ETH_AUTOMATICPADCRCSTRIP_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Back_Off_Limit ETH Back Off Limit

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_10  ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_8   ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)

+#define ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_4   ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)

+#define ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_1   ((uint32_t)0x00000060U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Deferral_Check ETH Deferral Check

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)

+#define ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_All ETH Receive All

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_RECEIVEALL_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)

+#define ETH_RECEIVEAll_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Source_Addr_Filter ETH Source Addr Filter

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_NORMAL_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)

+#define ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_INVERSE_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000300U)

+#define ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_DISABLE             ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Pass_Control_Frames ETH Pass Control Frames

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_BLOCKALL                ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< MAC filters all control frames from reaching the application */

+#define ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_FORWARDALL              ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< MAC forwards all control frames to application even if they fail the Address Filter */

+#define ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_FORWARDPASSEDADDRFILTER ((uint32_t)0x000000C0U)  /*!< MAC forwards control frames that pass the Address Filter. */ 


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Broadcast_Frames_Reception ETH Broadcast Frames Reception

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Destination_Addr_Filter ETH Destination Addr Filter

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_NORMAL    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_INVERSE   ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Promiscuous_Mode ETH Promiscuous Mode

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)

+#define ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Multicast_Frames_Filter ETH Multicast Frames Filter

+  * @{

+  */ 


+#define ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_HASHTABLE           ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)

+#define ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT             ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_NONE                ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Unicast_Frames_Filter ETH Unicast Frames Filter

+  * @{

+  */ 


+#define ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_HASHTABLE        ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)

+#define ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT          ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Zero_Quanta_Pause ETH Zero Quanta Pause 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Pause_Low_Threshold ETH Pause Low Threshold

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS4        ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< Pause time minus 4 slot times */

+#define ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS28       ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Pause time minus 28 slot times */

+#define ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS144      ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Pause time minus 144 slot times */

+#define ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS256      ((uint32_t)0x00000030U)  /*!< Pause time minus 256 slot times */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Unicast_Pause_Frame_Detect ETH Unicast Pause Frame Detect

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_UNICASTPAUSEFRAMEDETECT_ENABLE  ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)

+#define ETH_UNICASTPAUSEFRAMEDETECT_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_Flow_Control ETH Receive Flow Control

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)

+#define ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Flow_Control ETH Transmit Flow Control

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)

+#define ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_VLAN_Tag_Comparison ETH VLAN Tag Comparison

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_12BIT    ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)

+#define ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_16BIT    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_addresses ETH MAC addresses

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS1     ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS2     ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS3     ((uint32_t)0x00000018U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_addresses_filter_SA_DA ETH MAC addresses filter SA DA 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSFILTER_SA       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSFILTER_DA       ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_addresses_filter_Mask_bytes ETH MAC addresses filter Mask bytes

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE6      ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address high reg bits [15:8] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE5      ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address high reg bits [7:0] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE4      ((uint32_t)0x08000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [31:24] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE3      ((uint32_t)0x04000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [23:16] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE2      ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [15:8] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE1      ((uint32_t)0x01000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [70] */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_Debug_flags ETH MAC Debug flags

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_FULL          ((uint32_t)0x02000000)  /* Tx FIFO full */

+#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFONOT_EMPTY      ((uint32_t)0x01000000)  /* Tx FIFO not empty */

+#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE  ((uint32_t)0x00400000)  /* Tx FIFO write active */

+#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_IDLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /* Tx FIFO read status: Idle */

+#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_READ     ((uint32_t)0x00100000)  /* Tx FIFO read status: Read (transferring data to the MAC transmitter) */

+#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WAITING  ((uint32_t)0x00200000)  /* Tx FIFO read status: Waiting for TxStatus from MAC transmitter */

+#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WRITING  ((uint32_t)0x00300000)  /* Tx FIFO read status: Writing the received TxStatus or flushing the TxFIFO */

+#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMISSION_PAUSE     ((uint32_t)0x00080000)  /* MAC transmitter in pause */

+#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_IDLE            ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /* MAC transmit frame controller: Idle */

+#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_WAITING         ((uint32_t)0x00020000)  /* MAC transmit frame controller: Waiting for Status of previous frame or IFG/backoff period to be over */

+#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_GENRATING_PCF   ((uint32_t)0x00040000)  /* MAC transmit frame controller: Generating and transmitting a Pause control frame (in full duplex mode) */

+#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_TRANSFERRING    ((uint32_t)0x00060000)  /* MAC transmit frame controller: Transferring input frame for transmission */

+#define ETH_MAC_MII_TRANSMIT_ACTIVE      ((uint32_t)0x00010000)  /* MAC MII transmit engine active */

+#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_EMPTY             ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /* Rx FIFO fill level: empty */

+#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_BELOW_THRESHOLD   ((uint32_t)0x00000100)  /* Rx FIFO fill level: fill-level below flow-control de-activate threshold */

+#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_ABOVE_THRESHOLD   ((uint32_t)0x00000200)  /* Rx FIFO fill level: fill-level above flow-control activate threshold */

+#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_FULL              ((uint32_t)0x00000300)  /* Rx FIFO fill level: full */

+#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_IDLE            ((uint32_t)0x00000060)  /* Rx FIFO read controller IDLE state */

+#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_READING_DATA    ((uint32_t)0x00000060)  /* Rx FIFO read controller Reading frame data */

+#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_READING_STATUS  ((uint32_t)0x00000060)  /* Rx FIFO read controller Reading frame status (or time-stamp) */

+#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_ FLUSHING       ((uint32_t)0x00000060)  /* Rx FIFO read controller Flushing the frame data and status */

+#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE     ((uint32_t)0x00000010)  /* Rx FIFO write controller active */

+#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_NOTACTIVE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /* MAC small FIFO read / write controllers not active */

+#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_READ_ACTIVE  ((uint32_t)0x00000002)  /* MAC small FIFO read controller active */

+#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE ((uint32_t)0x00000004)  /* MAC small FIFO write controller active */

+#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_RW_ACTIVE    ((uint32_t)0x00000006)  /* MAC small FIFO read / write controllers active */

+#define ETH_MAC_MII_RECEIVE_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE   ((uint32_t)0x00000001)  /* MAC MII receive protocol engine active */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Drop_TCP_IP_Checksum_Error_Frame ETH Drop TCP IP Checksum Error Frame

+  * @{

+  */ 




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_Store_Forward ETH Receive Store Forward

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)

+#define ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_DISABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Flush_Received_Frame ETH Flush Received Frame

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x01000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Store_Forward ETH Transmit Store Forward

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)

+#define ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Threshold_Control ETH Transmit Threshold Control

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 64 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_128BYTES    ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 128 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_192BYTES    ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 192 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_256BYTES    ((uint32_t)0x0000C000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 256 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_40BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 40 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_32BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00014000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 32 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_24BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00018000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 24 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_16BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x0001C000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 16 Bytes */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Forward_Error_Frames ETH Forward Error Frames

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)

+#define ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Forward_Undersized_Good_Frames ETH Forward Undersized Good Frames

+  * @{

+  */ 


+#define ETH_FORWARDUNDERSIZEDGOODFRAMES_DISABLE  ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)     


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_Threshold_Control ETH Receive Threshold Control

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Receive FIFO is 64 Bytes */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_32BYTES      ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Receive FIFO is 32 Bytes */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_96BYTES      ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Receive FIFO is 96 Bytes */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_128BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00000018U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Receive FIFO is 128 Bytes */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Second_Frame_Operate ETH Second Frame Operate

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)

+#define ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Address_Aligned_Beats ETH Address Aligned Beats 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)

+#define ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_DISABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) 


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Fixed_Burst ETH Fixed Burst

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_FIXEDBURST_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)

+#define ETH_FIXEDBURST_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) 


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Rx_DMA_Burst_Length ETH Rx DMA Burst Length

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_1BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00020000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 1 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_2BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00040000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 2 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00080000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 4 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_8BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00100000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 8 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_16BEAT         ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 16 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT         ((uint32_t)0x00400000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 32 */                

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_4BEAT    ((uint32_t)0x01020000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 4 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_8BEAT    ((uint32_t)0x01040000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 8 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_16BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01080000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 16 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_32BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01100000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 32 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_64BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01200000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 64 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_128BEAT  ((uint32_t)0x01400000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 128 */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Tx_DMA_Burst_Length ETH Tx DMA Burst Length

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_1BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 1 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_2BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 2 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 4 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_8BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00000800U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 8 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_16BEAT         ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 16 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT         ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 32 */                

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_4BEAT    ((uint32_t)0x01000100U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 4 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_8BEAT    ((uint32_t)0x01000200U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 8 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_16BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01000400U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 16 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_32BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01000800U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 32 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_64BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01001000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 64 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_128BEAT  ((uint32_t)0x01002000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 128 */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Enhanced_descriptor_format ETH DMA Enhanced descriptor format

+  * @{

+  */  

+#define ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_ENABLE              ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)

+#define ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_DISABLE             ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Arbitration ETH DMA Arbitration

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_1_1   ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_2_1   ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_3_1   ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_4_1   ((uint32_t)0x0000C000U)

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_RXPRIORTX             ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Tx_descriptor_segment ETH DMA Tx descriptor segment

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LASTSEGMENTS      ((uint32_t)0x40000000U)  /*!< Last Segment */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_FIRSTSEGMENT      ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< First Segment */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Tx_descriptor_Checksum_Insertion_Control ETH DMA Tx descriptor Checksum Insertion Control

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMBYPASS             ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)   /*!< Checksum engine bypass */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMIPV4HEADER         ((uint32_t)0x00400000U)   /*!< IPv4 header checksum insertion  */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPSEGMENT  ((uint32_t)0x00800000U)   /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum insertion. Pseudo header checksum is assumed to be present */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPFULL     ((uint32_t)0x00C00000U)   /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum fully in hardware including pseudo header */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Rx_descriptor_buffers ETH DMA Rx descriptor buffers 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER1     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< DMA Rx Desc Buffer1 */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER2     ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< DMA Rx Desc Buffer2 */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_PMT_Flags ETH PMT Flags

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFFRPR      ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)  /*!< Wake-Up Frame Filter Register Pointer Reset */

+#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFR         ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< Wake-Up Frame Received */

+#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_MPR          ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Magic Packet Received */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MMC_Tx_Interrupts ETH MMC Tx Interrupts

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_TGF       ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)  /*!< When Tx good frame counter reaches half the maximum value */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC    ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< When Tx good multi col counter reaches half the maximum value */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC     ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< When Tx good single col counter reaches half the maximum value */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MMC_Rx_Interrupts ETH MMC Rx Interrupts

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF      ((uint32_t)0x10020000U)  /*!< When Rx good unicast frames counter reaches half the maximum value */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE      ((uint32_t)0x10000040U)  /*!< When Rx alignment error counter reaches half the maximum value */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE      ((uint32_t)0x10000020U)  /*!< When Rx crc error counter reaches half the maximum value */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_Flags ETH MAC Flags

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_TST     ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Time stamp trigger flag (on MAC) */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCT    ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< MMC transmit flag  */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCR    ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< MMC receive flag */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMC     ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< MMC flag (on MAC) */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_PMT     ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< PMT flag (on MAC) */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Flags ETH DMA Flags

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TST               ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< Time-stamp trigger interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_PMT               ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< PMT interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_MMC               ((uint32_t)0x08000000U)  /*!< MMC interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_DATATRANSFERERROR ((uint32_t)0x00800000U)  /*!< Error bits 0-Rx DMA, 1-Tx DMA */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_READWRITEERROR    ((uint32_t)0x01000000U)  /*!< Error bits 0-write transfer, 1-read transfer */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_ACCESSERROR       ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)  /*!< Error bits 0-data buffer, 1-desc. access */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_NIS               ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< Normal interrupt summary flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS               ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Abnormal interrupt summary flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_ER                ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Early receive flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_FBE               ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< Fatal bus error flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_ET                ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< Early transmit flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RWT               ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Receive watchdog timeout flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RPS               ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< Receive process stopped flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RBU               ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< Receive buffer unavailable flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_R                 ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< Receive flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TU                ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Underflow flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RO                ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Overflow flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TJT               ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< Transmit jabber timeout flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TBU               ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< Transmit buffer unavailable flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TPS               ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< Transmit process stopped flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_T                 ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Transmit flag */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_Interrupts ETH MAC Interrupts 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_TST       ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Time stamp trigger interrupt (on MAC) */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_MMCT      ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< MMC transmit interrupt */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_MMCR      ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< MMC receive interrupt */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_MMC       ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< MMC interrupt (on MAC) */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_PMT       ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< PMT interrupt (on MAC) */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Interrupts ETH DMA Interrupts 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TST       ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< Time-stamp trigger interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_PMT       ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< PMT interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_MMC       ((uint32_t)0x08000000U)  /*!< MMC interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_NIS       ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< Normal interrupt summary */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_AIS       ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Abnormal interrupt summary */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_ER        ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Early receive interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_FBE       ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< Fatal bus error interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_ET        ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< Early transmit interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_RWT       ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Receive watchdog timeout interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_RPS       ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< Receive process stopped interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_RBU       ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< Receive buffer unavailable interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_R         ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< Receive interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TU        ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Underflow interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_RO        ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Overflow interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TJT       ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< Transmit jabber timeout interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TBU       ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< Transmit buffer unavailable interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TPS       ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< Transmit process stopped interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_T         ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Transmit interrupt */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_transmit_process_state ETH DMA transmit process state 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_STOPPED     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< Stopped - Reset or Stop Tx Command issued */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_FETCHING    ((uint32_t)0x00100000U)  /*!< Running - fetching the Tx descriptor */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_WAITING     ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)  /*!< Running - waiting for status */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_READING     ((uint32_t)0x00300000U)  /*!< Running - reading the data from host memory */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_SUSPENDED   ((uint32_t)0x00600000U)  /*!< Suspended - Tx Descriptor unavailable */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_CLOSING     ((uint32_t)0x00700000U)  /*!< Running - closing Rx descriptor */



+  * @}

+  */ 



+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_receive_process_state ETH DMA receive process state 

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_STOPPED      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< Stopped - Reset or Stop Rx Command issued */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_FETCHING     ((uint32_t)0x00020000U)  /*!< Running - fetching the Rx descriptor */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_WAITING      ((uint32_t)0x00060000U)  /*!< Running - waiting for packet */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_SUSPENDED    ((uint32_t)0x00080000U)  /*!< Suspended - Rx Descriptor unavailable */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_CLOSING      ((uint32_t)0x000A0000U)  /*!< Running - closing descriptor */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_QUEUING      ((uint32_t)0x000E0000U)  /*!< Running - queuing the receive frame into host memory */



+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_overflow ETH DMA overflow

+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_RXFIFOCOUNTER      ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< Overflow bit for FIFO overflow counter */

+#define ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_MISSEDFRAMECOUNTER ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< Overflow bit for missed frame counter */


+  * @}

+  */ 



+  * @{

+  */ 

+#define ETH_EXTI_LINE_WAKEUP              ((uint32_t)0x00080000U)  /*!< External interrupt line 19 Connected to the ETH EXTI Line */



+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */


+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Macros ETH Exported Macros

+ *  @brief macros to handle interrupts and specific clock configurations

+ * @{

+ */


+/** @brief Reset ETH handle state

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the ETH handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA Tx Desc flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag of TDES0 to check.

+  * @retval the ETH_DMATxDescFlag (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)             ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status & (__FLAG__) == (__FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA Rx Desc flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag of RDES0 to check.

+  * @retval the ETH_DMATxDescFlag (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMARXDESC_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)             ((__HANDLE__)->RxDesc->Status & (__FLAG__) == (__FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Enables the specified DMA Rx Desc receive interrupt.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMARXDESC_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__)                          ((__HANDLE__)->RxDesc->ControlBufferSize &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC))



+  * @brief  Disables the specified DMA Rx Desc receive interrupt.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMARXDESC_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__)                         ((__HANDLE__)->RxDesc->ControlBufferSize |= ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC)



+  * @brief  Set the specified DMA Rx Desc Own bit.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMARXDESC_SET_OWN_BIT(__HANDLE__)                           ((__HANDLE__)->RxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN)



+  * @brief  Returns the specified Ethernet DMA Tx Desc collision count.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle                     

+  * @retval The Transmit descriptor collision counter value.

+  */




+  * @brief  Set the specified DMA Tx Desc Own bit.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_SET_OWN_BIT(__HANDLE__)                       ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN)



+  * @brief  Enables the specified DMA Tx Desc Transmit interrupt.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle                   

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__)                          ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_IC)



+  * @brief  Disables the specified DMA Tx Desc Transmit interrupt.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle             

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__)                          ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status &= ~ETH_DMATXDESC_IC)



+  * @brief  Selects the specified Ethernet DMA Tx Desc Checksum Insertion.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle  

+  * @param  __CHECKSUM__: specifies is the DMA Tx desc checksum insertion.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMBYPASS : Checksum bypass

+  *     @arg ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMIPV4HEADER : IPv4 header checksum

+  *     @arg ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPSEGMENT : TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum. Pseudo header checksum is assumed to be present

+  *     @arg ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPFULL : TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum fully in hardware including pseudo header                                                                

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUM_INSERTION(__HANDLE__, __CHECKSUM__)     ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status |= (__CHECKSUM__))



+  * @brief  Enables the DMA Tx Desc CRC.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle 

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_CRC_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                          ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status &= ~ETH_DMATXDESC_DC)



+  * @brief  Disables the DMA Tx Desc CRC.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle 

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_CRC_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                         ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_DC)



+  * @brief  Enables the DMA Tx Desc padding for frame shorter than 64 bytes.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle 

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the DMA Tx Desc padding for frame shorter than 64 bytes.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle 

+  * @retval None

+  */




+ * @brief  Enables the specified Ethernet MAC interrupts.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MAC interrupt sources to be

+  *   enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_TST : Time stamp trigger interrupt 

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_PMT : PMT interrupt 

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MAC_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                 ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACIMR |= (__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Disables the specified Ethernet MAC interrupts.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MAC interrupt sources to be

+  *   enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_TST : Time stamp trigger interrupt 

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_PMT : PMT interrupt

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MAC_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACIMR &= ~(__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Initiate a Pause Control Frame (Full-duplex only).

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Checks whether the Ethernet flow control busy bit is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval The new state of flow control busy status bit (SET or RESET).

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC Back Pressure operation activation (Half-duplex only).

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC BackPressure operation activation (Half-duplex only).

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet MAC flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_TST  : Time stamp trigger flag   

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCT : MMC transmit flag  

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCR : MMC receive flag   

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMC  : MMC flag  

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_PMT  : PMT flag  

+  * @retval The state of Ethernet MAC flag.

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MAC_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                   (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACSR &( __FLAG__)) == ( __FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Enables the specified Ethernet DMA interrupts.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet DMA interrupt sources to be

+  *   enabled @ref ETH_DMA_Interrupts

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                 ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMAIER |= (__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Disables the specified Ethernet DMA interrupts.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet DMA interrupt sources to be

+  *   disabled. @ref ETH_DMA_Interrupts

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMAIER &= ~(__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Clears the Ethernet DMA IT pending bit.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear. @ref ETH_DMA_Interrupts

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_CLEAR_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)      ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMASR =(__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA flag is set or not.

+* @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check. @ref ETH_DMA_Flags

+  * @retval The new state of ETH_DMA_FLAG (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                   (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMASR &( __FLAG__)) == ( __FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to clear. @ref ETH_DMA_Flags

+  * @retval The new state of ETH_DMA_FLAG (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                 ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMASR = (__FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA overflow flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __OVERFLOW__: specifies the DMA overflow flag to check.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_RXFIFOCOUNTER : Overflow for FIFO Overflows Counter

+  *     @arg ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_MISSEDFRAMECOUNTER : Overflow for Buffer Unavailable Missed Frame Counter

+  * @retval The state of Ethernet DMA overflow Flag (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_GET_DMA_OVERFLOW_STATUS(__HANDLE__, __OVERFLOW__)       (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMAMFBOCR & (__OVERFLOW__)) == (__OVERFLOW__))



+  * @brief  Set the DMA Receive status watchdog timer register value

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __VALUE__: DMA Receive status watchdog timer register value   

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_SET_RECEIVE_WATCHDOG_TIMER(__HANDLE__, __VALUE__)       ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMARSWTR = (__VALUE__))



+  * @brief  Enables any unicast packet filtered by the MAC address

+  *   recognition to be a wake-up frame.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables any unicast packet filtered by the MAC address

+  *   recognition to be a wake-up frame.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC Wake-Up Frame Detection.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC Wake-Up Frame Detection.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC Magic Packet Detection.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC Magic Packet Detection.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC Power Down.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_POWER_DOWN_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                         ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACPMTCSR |= ETH_MACPMTCSR_PD)



+  * @brief  Disables the MAC Power Down.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_POWER_DOWN_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                        ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACPMTCSR &= ~ETH_MACPMTCSR_PD)



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet PMT flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFFRPR : Wake-Up Frame Filter Register Pointer Reset 

+  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFR    : Wake-Up Frame Received 

+  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_MPR     : Magic Packet Received

+  * @retval The new state of Ethernet PMT Flag (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_GET_PMT_FLAG_STATUS(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)               (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACPMTCSR &( __FLAG__)) == ( __FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Preset and Initialize the MMC counters to almost-full value: 0xFFFF_FFF0 (full - 16)

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTER_FULL_PRESET(__HANDLE__)                     ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= (ETH_MMCCR_MCFHP | ETH_MMCCR_MCP))



+  * @brief  Preset and Initialize the MMC counters to almost-half value: 0x7FFF_FFF0 (half - 16)

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTER_HALF_PRESET(__HANDLE__)                     do{(__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR &= ~ETH_MMCCR_MCFHP;\

+                                                                          (__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= ETH_MMCCR_MCP;} while (0)



+  * @brief  Enables the MMC Counter Freeze.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTER_FREEZE_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                  ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= ETH_MMCCR_MCF)



+  * @brief  Disables the MMC Counter Freeze.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTER_FREEZE_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                 ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR &= ~ETH_MMCCR_MCF)



+  * @brief  Enables the MMC Reset On Read.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_ETH_MMC_RESET_ONREAD_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= ETH_MMCCR_ROR)



+  * @brief  Disables the MMC Reset On Read.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_ETH_MMC_RESET_ONREAD_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)               ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR &= ~ETH_MMCCR_ROR)



+  * @brief  Enables the MMC Counter Stop Rollover.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the MMC Counter Stop Rollover.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Resets the MMC Counters.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTERS_RESET(__HANDLE__)                         ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= ETH_MMCCR_CR)



+  * @brief  Enables the specified Ethernet MMC Rx interrupts.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:  

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF  : When Rx good unicast frames counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE  : When Rx alignment error counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE  : When Rx crc error counter reaches half the maximum value

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_RX_IT_ENABLE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)               (__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCRIMR &= ~((__INTERRUPT__) & 0xEFFFFFFF)


+  * @brief  Disables the specified Ethernet MMC Rx interrupts.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values: 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF  : When Rx good unicast frames counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE  : When Rx alignment error counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE  : When Rx crc error counter reaches half the maximum value

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_RX_IT_DISABLE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)              (__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCRIMR |= ((__INTERRUPT__) & 0xEFFFFFFF)


+  * @brief  Enables the specified Ethernet MMC Tx interrupts.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:  

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGF   : When Tx good frame counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC: When Tx good multi col counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC : When Tx good single col counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_TX_IT_ENABLE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)            ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCRIMR &= ~ (__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Disables the specified Ethernet MMC Tx interrupts.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:  

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGF   : When Tx good frame counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC: When Tx good multi col counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC : When Tx good single col counter reaches half the maximum value 

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_TX_IT_DISABLE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)           ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCRIMR |= (__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Enables the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief Enable event on ETH External event line.

+  * @retval None.

+  */




+  * @brief Disable event on ETH External event line

+  * @retval None.

+  */




+  * @brief  Get flag of the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Clear flag of the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables rising edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the rising edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_WAKEUP_EXTI_DISABLE_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER()  EXTI->RTSR &= ~(ETH_EXTI_LINE_WAKEUP)                                                          



+  * @brief  Enables falling edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */                                                      




+  * @brief  Disables falling edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables rising/falling edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */


+                                                              EXTI->FTSR |= ETH_EXTI_LINE_WAKEUP



+  * @brief  Disables rising/falling edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */


+                                                               EXTI->FTSR &= ~(ETH_EXTI_LINE_WAKEUP)



+  * @brief Generate a Software interrupt on selected EXTI line.

+  * @retval None.

+  */




+  * @}

+  */

+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions

+  * @{

+  */


+/* Initialization and de-initialization functions  ****************************/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group1

+  * @{

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Init(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_MspInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_MspDeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DMATxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMADescTypeDef *DMATxDescTab, uint8_t* TxBuff, uint32_t TxBuffCount);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DMARxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMADescTypeDef *DMARxDescTab, uint8_t *RxBuff, uint32_t RxBuffCount);



+  * @}

+  */

+/* IO operation functions  ****************************************************/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group2

+  * @{

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t FrameLength);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+/* Communication with PHY functions*/

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t *RegValue);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t RegValue);

+/* Non-Blocking mode: Interrupt */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_IRQHandler(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+/* Callback in non blocking modes (Interrupt) */

+void HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);


+  * @}

+  */


+/* Peripheral Control functions  **********************************************/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group3

+  * @{

+  */


+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Start(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Stop(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_MACInitTypeDef *macconf);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMAInitTypeDef *dmaconf);


+  * @}

+  */ 


+/* Peripheral State functions  ************************************************/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group4

+  * @{

+  */

+HAL_ETH_StateTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetState(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);


+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */

+#ifdef __cplusplus




+#endif /* __STM32F7xx_HAL_ETH_H */




+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f2xx_hal_eth.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f2xx_hal_eth.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93b9caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f2xx_hal_eth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ * The Ethernet header files for STM32F2, STM32F4 and STM32F7 have been merged to

+ * a single module that works for both parts: "stm32fxx_hal_eth"

+ */


+#include "stm32fxx_hal_eth.h"

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4388d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1833 @@

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @file    stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c

+  * @author  MCD Application Team

+  * @version V1.3.2

+  * @date    26-June-2015

+  * @brief   ETH HAL module driver.

+  *          This file provides firmware functions to manage the following

+  *          functionalities of the Ethernet (ETH) peripheral:

+  *           + Initialization and de-initialization functions

+  *           + IO operation functions

+  *           + Peripheral Control functions

+  *           + Peripheral State and Errors functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ==============================================================================

+                    ##### How to use this driver #####

+  ==============================================================================

+    [..]

+      (#)Declare a ETH_HandleTypeDef handle structure, for example:

+         ETH_HandleTypeDef  heth;


+      (#)Fill parameters of Init structure in heth handle


+      (#)Call HAL_ETH_Init() API to initialize the Ethernet peripheral (MAC, DMA, ...)


+      (#)Initialize the ETH low level resources through the HAL_ETH_MspInit() API:

+          (##) Enable the Ethernet interface clock using

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMAC_CLK_ENABLE();

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMACTX_CLK_ENABLE();

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMACRX_CLK_ENABLE();


+          (##) Initialize the related GPIO clocks

+          (##) Configure Ethernet pin-out

+          (##) Configure Ethernet NVIC interrupt (IT mode)


+      (#)Initialize Ethernet DMA Descriptors in chain mode and point to allocated buffers:

+          (##) HAL_ETH_DMATxDescListInit(); for Transmission process

+          (##) HAL_ETH_DMARxDescListInit(); for Reception process


+      (#)Enable MAC and DMA transmission and reception:

+          (##) HAL_ETH_Start();


+      (#)Prepare ETH DMA TX Descriptors and give the hand to ETH DMA to transfer

+         the frame to MAC TX FIFO:

+         (##) HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame();


+      (#)Poll for a received frame in ETH RX DMA Descriptors and get received

+         frame parameters

+         (##) HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame(); (should be called into an infinite loop)


+      (#) Get a received frame when an ETH RX interrupt occurs:

+         (##) HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT(); (called in IT mode only)


+      (#) Communicate with external PHY device:

+         (##) Read a specific register from the PHY

+              HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister();

+         (##) Write data to a specific RHY register:

+              HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister();


+      (#) Configure the Ethernet MAC after ETH peripheral initialization

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC(); all MAC parameters should be filled.


+      (#) Configure the Ethernet DMA after ETH peripheral initialization

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA(); all DMA parameters should be filled.


+      -@- The PTP protocol and the DMA descriptors ring mode are not supported

+          in this driver


+  @endverbatim

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @attention

+  *

+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>

+  *

+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,

+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation

+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors

+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software

+  *      without specific prior written permission.

+  *











+  *

+  ******************************************************************************

+  */


+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

+#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"


+int lUDPLoggingPrintf( const char *pcFormatString, ... );


+/** @addtogroup STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH ETH

+  * @brief ETH HAL module driver

+  * @{

+  */


+#if !defined( ARRAY_SIZE )

+	#define ARRAY_SIZE( x ) ( sizeof ( x ) / sizeof ( x )[ 0 ] )





+#if defined(STM32F407xx) || defined(STM32F417xx) || defined(STM32F427xx) || defined(STM32F437xx) || defined(STM32F429xx) || defined(STM32F439xx)


+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Constants ETH Private Constants

+  * @{

+  */

+#define LINKED_STATE_TIMEOUT_VALUE          ((uint32_t)2000)  /* 2000 ms */

+#define AUTONEGO_COMPLETED_TIMEOUT_VALUE    ((uint32_t)1000)  /* 1000 ms */



+  * @}

+  */

+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Functions ETH Private Functions

+  * @{

+  */

+static void ETH_MACDMAConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t err);

+static void ETH_MACAddressConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t MacAddr, uint8_t *Addr);

+static void ETH_MACReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);



+  * @}

+  */

+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions ETH Exported Functions

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions

+  *  @brief   Initialization and Configuration functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ===============================================================================

+            ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####

+  ===============================================================================

+  [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+      (+) Initialize and configure the Ethernet peripheral

+      (+) De-initialize the Ethernet peripheral


+  @endverbatim

+  * @{

+  */

+extern void vMACBProbePhy ( void );



+  * @brief  Initializes the Ethernet MAC and DMA according to default

+  *         parameters.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Init(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0;

+	uint32_t hclk = 60000000;

+	uint32_t err = ETH_SUCCESS;


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth == NULL )

+	{

+		return HAL_ERROR;

+	}


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION(heth->Init.AutoNegotiation));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RX_MODE(heth->Init.RxMode));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_CHECKSUM_MODE(heth->Init.ChecksumMode));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE(heth->Init.MediaInterface));


+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_RESET )

+	{

+		/* Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC. */

+		HAL_ETH_MspInit( heth );

+	}


+	/* Enable SYSCFG Clock */



+	/* Select MII or RMII Mode*/


+	SYSCFG->PMC |= (uint32_t)heth->Init.MediaInterface;


+	/* Ethernet Software reset */

+	/* Set the SWR bit: resets all MAC subsystem internal registers and logic */

+	/* After reset all the registers holds their respective reset values */

+	/* Also enable EDFE: Enhanced descriptor format enable. */



+	/* Wait for software reset */

+	while ((heth->Instance->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_SR) != (uint32_t)RESET)

+	{

+	}


+	/*-------------------------------- MAC Initialization ----------------------*/

+	/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;

+	/* Clear CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits */



+	/* Get hclk frequency value (168,000,000) */

+	hclk = HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq();


+	/* Set CR bits depending on hclk value */

+	if( ( hclk >= 20000000 ) && ( hclk < 35000000 ) )

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 20-35 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t) ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div16;

+	}

+	else if( ( hclk >= 35000000 ) && ( hclk < 60000000 ) )

+	{

+	/* CSR Clock Range between 35-60 MHz */

+	tmpreg |= ( uint32_t ) ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div26;

+	}

+	else if((hclk >= 60000000 ) && ( hclk < 100000000 ) )

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 60-100 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div42;

+	}

+	else if((hclk >= 100000000 ) && ( hclk < 150000000))

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 100-150 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div62;

+	}

+	else /* ((hclk >= 150000000 ) && ( hclk <= 168000000)) */

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 150-168 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div102;

+	}


+	/* Write to ETHERNET MAC MIIAR: Configure the ETHERNET CSR Clock Range */

+	heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = (uint32_t)tmpreg;


+	/* Initialise the MACB and set all PHY properties */

+	vMACBProbePhy();


+	/* Config MAC and DMA */

+	ETH_MACDMAConfig(heth, err);


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  De-Initializes the ETH peripheral.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* De-Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC. */

+	HAL_ETH_MspDeInit( heth );


+	/* Set ETH HAL state to Disabled */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_RESET;


+	/* Release Lock */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Tx descriptors in chain mode.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  DMATxDescTab: Pointer to the first Tx desc list

+  * @param  TxBuff: Pointer to the first TxBuffer list

+  * @param  TxBuffCount: Number of the used Tx desc in the list

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DMATxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMATable, uint8_t *ucDataBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferCount)


+	uint32_t i = 0;

+	ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMADescriptor;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Set the TxDesc pointer with the first one of the pxDMATable list */

+	heth->TxDesc = pxDMATable;


+	/* Fill each DMA descriptor with the right values */

+	for( i=0; i < ulBufferCount; i++ )

+	{

+		/* Get the pointer on the ith member of the descriptor list */

+		pxDMADescriptor = pxDMATable + i;


+		/* Set Second Address Chained bit */

+		pxDMADescriptor->Status = ETH_DMATXDESC_TCH;


+		pxDMADescriptor->ControlBufferSize = 0;


+		/* Set Buffer1 address pointer */

+		if( ucDataBuffer != NULL )

+		{

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )( &ucDataBuffer[ i * ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE ] );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* Buffer space is not provided because it uses zero-copy transmissions. */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )0u;

+		}


+		if (heth->Init.ChecksumMode == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE)

+		{

+			/* Set the DMA Tx descriptors checksum insertion for TCP, UDP, and ICMP */


+		}


+		/* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Descriptor Polling Enable */

+		if(i < ( ulBufferCount - 1 ) )

+		{

+			/* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) ( pxDMATable + i + 1 );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) pxDMATable;

+		}

+	}


+	/* Set Transmit Descriptor List Address Register */

+	heth->Instance->DMATDLAR = ( uint32_t ) pxDMATable;


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Rx descriptors in chain mode.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  DMARxDescTab: Pointer to the first Rx desc list

+  * @param  RxBuff: Pointer to the first RxBuffer list

+  * @param  RxBuffCount: Number of the used Rx desc in the list

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DMARxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMATable, uint8_t *ucDataBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferCount)


+	uint32_t i = 0;

+	ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDMADescriptor;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Set the RxDesc pointer with the first one of the pxDMATable list */

+	heth->RxDesc = pxDMATable;


+	/* Fill each DMA descriptor with the right values */

+	for(i=0; i < ulBufferCount; i++)

+	{

+		/* Get the pointer on the ith member of the descriptor list */

+		pxDMADescriptor = pxDMATable+i;


+		/* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status */

+		pxDMADescriptor->Status = ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN;


+		/* Set Buffer1 size and Second Address Chained bit */

+		pxDMADescriptor->ControlBufferSize = ETH_DMARXDESC_RCH | ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE;


+		/* Set Buffer1 address pointer */

+		if( ucDataBuffer != NULL )

+		{

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )( &ucDataBuffer[ i * ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE ] );

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* Buffer space is not provided because it uses zero-copy reception. */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer1Addr = ( uint32_t )0u;

+		}


+		if( heth->Init.RxMode == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE )

+		{

+			/* Enable Ethernet DMA Rx Descriptor interrupt */

+			pxDMADescriptor->ControlBufferSize &= ~ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC;

+		}


+		/* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Descriptor Polling Enable */

+		if(i < (ulBufferCount-1))

+		{

+			/* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(pxDMATable+i+1);

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			/* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */

+			pxDMADescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr = ( uint32_t ) pxDMATable;

+		}

+	}


+	/* Set Receive Descriptor List Address Register */

+	heth->Instance->DMARDLAR = ( uint32_t ) pxDMATable;


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Initializes the ETH MSP.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_MspInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_MspInit could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @brief  DeInitializes ETH MSP.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_MspDeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions

+  *  @brief   Data transfers functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ==============================================================================

+                          ##### IO operation functions #####

+  ==============================================================================

+  [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+        (+) Transmit a frame

+            HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame();

+        (+) Receive a frame

+            HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame();

+            HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT();

+        (+) Read from an External PHY register

+            HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister();

+        (+) Write to an External PHY register

+            HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister();


+  @endverbatim


+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  Sends an Ethernet frame.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  FrameLength: Amount of data to be sent

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t FrameLength)


+	uint32_t bufcount = 0, size = 0, i = 0;

+	__IO ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDmaTxDesc = heth->TxDesc;

+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	if( FrameLength == 0 )

+	{

+		/* Set ETH HAL state to READY */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+		return  HAL_ERROR;

+	}


+	/* Check if the descriptor is owned by the ETHERNET DMA (when set) or CPU (when reset) */

+	if( ( pxDmaTxDesc->Status & ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN ) != ( uint32_t ) RESET )

+	{

+		/* OWN bit set */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_TX;


+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+		return HAL_ERROR;

+	}


+	/* Get the number of needed Tx buffers for the current frame, rounding up. */

+	bufcount = ( FrameLength + ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE - 1 ) / ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE;


+	if (bufcount == 1)

+	{

+		/* Set LAST and FIRST segment */


+		/* Set frame size */

+		pxDmaTxDesc->ControlBufferSize = ( FrameLength & ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1 );

+		/* Set Own bit of the Tx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */

+		pxDmaTxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN;

+		/* Point to next descriptor */

+		heth->TxDesc = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef * ) ( heth->TxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr );

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		for( i = 0; i < bufcount; i++ )

+		{

+			/* Clear FIRST and LAST segment bits */

+		uint32_t ulStatus = heth->TxDesc->Status & ~( ETH_DMATXDESC_FS | ETH_DMATXDESC_LS );


+			if( i == 0 )

+			{

+				/* Setting the first segment bit */

+				heth->TxDesc->Status = ulStatus | ETH_DMATXDESC_FS;

+			}


+			/* Program size */

+			if (i < (bufcount-1))

+			{

+				heth->TxDesc->ControlBufferSize = (ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE & ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1);

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				/* Setting the last segment bit */

+				heth->TxDesc->Status = ulStatus | ETH_DMATXDESC_LS;

+				size = FrameLength - (bufcount-1)*ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE;

+				heth->TxDesc->ControlBufferSize = (size & ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1);

+			}


+			/* Set Own bit of the Tx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */

+			heth->TxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN;

+			/* point to next descriptor */

+			heth->TxDesc = (ETH_DMADescTypeDef *)( heth->TxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr );

+		}

+	}


+	__DSB();


+	/* When Tx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume transmission */

+	if( ( heth->Instance->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_TBUS ) != ( uint32_t )RESET )

+	{

+		heth->Instance->DMACHTDR = ( uint32_t )pxDmaTxDesc;


+		/* Clear TBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */

+		heth->Instance->DMASR = ETH_DMASR_TBUS;

+		/* Resume DMA transmission*/

+		heth->Instance->DMATPDR = 0;

+	}


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Checks for received frames.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+	return HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame( heth );



+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+uint32_t ulCounter = 0;

+ETH_DMADescTypeDef *pxDescriptor = heth->RxDesc;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xResult = HAL_ERROR;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Check the ETH state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Scan descriptors owned by CPU */

+	while( ( ( pxDescriptor->Status & ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN ) == 0ul ) && ( ulCounter < ETH_RXBUFNB ) )

+	{

+	uint32_t ulStatus = pxDescriptor->Status;


+		/* Just for security. */

+		ulCounter++;


+		if( ( ulStatus & ( ETH_DMARXDESC_FS | ETH_DMARXDESC_LS ) ) == ( uint32_t )ETH_DMARXDESC_FS )

+		{

+			/* First segment in frame, but not the last. */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.FSRxDesc = pxDescriptor;

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.LSRxDesc = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef *)NULL;

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.SegCount = 1;

+			/* Point to next descriptor. */

+			pxDescriptor = (ETH_DMADescTypeDef*) (pxDescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr);

+			heth->RxDesc = pxDescriptor;

+		}

+		else if( ( ulStatus & ( ETH_DMARXDESC_LS | ETH_DMARXDESC_FS ) ) == 0ul )

+		{

+			/* This is an intermediate segment, not first, not last. */

+			/* Increment segment count. */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.SegCount++;

+			/* Move to the next descriptor. */

+			pxDescriptor = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef * ) ( pxDescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr );

+			heth->RxDesc = pxDescriptor;

+		}

+		/* Must be a last segment */

+		else

+		{

+			/* This is the last segment. */

+			/* Check if last segment is first segment: one segment contains the frame */

+			if( heth->RxFrameInfos.SegCount == 0 )

+			{

+				/* Remember the first segment. */

+				heth->RxFrameInfos.FSRxDesc = pxDescriptor;

+			}


+			/* Increment segment count */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.SegCount++;


+			/* Remember the last segment. */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.LSRxDesc = pxDescriptor;


+			/* Get the Frame Length of the received packet: substruct 4 bytes of the CRC */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.length =



+			/* Get the address of the buffer start address */

+			heth->RxFrameInfos.buffer = heth->RxFrameInfos.FSRxDesc->Buffer1Addr;


+			/* Point to next descriptor */

+			heth->RxDesc = ( ETH_DMADescTypeDef * ) pxDescriptor->Buffer2NextDescAddr;


+			/* Return OK status: a packet was received. */

+			xResult = HAL_OK;

+			break;

+		}

+	}


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return xResult;



+#if( STM32_ETHERNET_STATS != 0 )


+	volatile int rx_count, tx_count, int_count;

+	/**

+	  * @brief  This function handles ETH interrupt request.

+	  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+	  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+	  * @retval HAL status

+	  */

+	volatile int int_counts[32];

+	volatile int tx_status[8];

+	volatile unsigned sr_history[32];

+	volatile int sr_head;

+	#define	STM32_STAT_INC( x )		do { ( x )++; } while( 0 )



+	#define	STM32_STAT_INC( x )		do { } while( 0 )

+#endif /* STM32_ETHERNET_STATS */


+#define ETH_DMA_ALL_INTS \







+#define INT_MASK		( ( uint32_t ) ~ ( ETH_DMA_IT_TBU ) )

+void HAL_ETH_IRQHandler(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t dmasr;


+	STM32_STAT_INC( int_count );


+	dmasr = heth->Instance->DMASR & ETH_DMA_ALL_INTS;

+	heth->Instance->DMASR = dmasr;


+#if( STM32_ETHERNET_STATS != 0 )

+	if( sr_head < ARRAY_SIZE( sr_history ) )

+	{

+		sr_history[ sr_head++ ] = dmasr;

+	}


+	{

+		int i;

+		for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {

+			if (dmasr & (1u << i)) {

+				int_counts[i]++;

+			}

+		}

+		tx_status[ ( dmasr >> 20 ) & 0x07 ]++;

+	}



+	/* Frame received */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_R | ETH_DMA_IT_RBU ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Receive complete callback */

+		HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback( heth );

+		STM32_STAT_INC( rx_count );

+	}

+	/* Frame transmitted */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_T ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Transfer complete callback */

+		HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback( heth );

+		STM32_STAT_INC( tx_count );

+	}


+	/* ETH DMA Error */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Ethernet Error callback */

+		HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback( heth );

+	}




+  * @brief  Tx Transfer completed callbacks.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @brief  Rx Transfer completed callbacks.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @brief  Ethernet transfer error callbacks

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */




+  * @brief  Reads a PHY register

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param PHYReg: PHY register address, is the index of one of the 32 PHY register.

+  *                This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *                   PHY_BCR: Transceiver Basic Control Register,

+  *                   PHY_BSR: Transceiver Basic Status Register.

+  *                   More PHY register could be read depending on the used PHY

+  * @param RegValue: PHY register value

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t *RegValue)


+uint32_t tmpreg = 0;

+uint32_t tickstart = 0;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xResult;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS(heth->Init.PhyAddress));


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RD )

+	{

+		xResult = HAL_BUSY;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to BUSY_RD */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RD;


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+		/* Keep only the CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits value */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;


+		/* Prepare the MII address register value */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t )heth->Init.PhyAddress << 11) & ETH_MACMIIAR_PA );    /* Set the PHY device address   */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t )PHYReg << 6 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_MR );                   /* Set the PHY register address */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_MW;                                           /* Set the read mode            */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MB;                                            /* Set the MII Busy bit         */


+		/* Write the result value into the MII Address register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = tmpreg;


+		/* Get tick */

+		tickstart = HAL_GetTick();


+		/* Check for the Busy flag */

+		while( 1 )

+		{

+			tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+			if( ( tmpreg & ETH_MACMIIAR_MB ) == 0ul )

+			{

+				/* Get MACMIIDR value */

+				*RegValue = ( uint32_t ) heth->Instance->MACMIIDR;

+				xResult = HAL_OK;

+				break;

+			}

+			/* Check for the Timeout */

+			if( ( HAL_GetTick( ) - tickstart ) > PHY_READ_TO )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_TIMEOUT;

+				break;

+			}


+		}


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to READY */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );

+	}


+	if( xResult != HAL_OK )

+	{

+		lUDPLoggingPrintf( "ReadPHY: %d\n", xResult );

+	}

+	/* Return function status */

+	return xResult;




+  * @brief  Writes to a PHY register.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  PHYReg: PHY register address, is the index of one of the 32 PHY register.

+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *             PHY_BCR: Transceiver Control Register.

+  *             More PHY register could be written depending on the used PHY

+  * @param  RegValue: the value to write

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t RegValue)


+uint32_t tmpreg = 0;

+uint32_t tickstart = 0;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xResult;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param( IS_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS( heth->Init.PhyAddress ) );


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_WR )

+	{

+		xResult = HAL_BUSY;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to BUSY_WR */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_WR;


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+		/* Keep only the CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits value */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;


+		/* Prepare the MII register address value */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t ) heth->Init.PhyAddress << 11 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_PA ); /* Set the PHY device address */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t ) PHYReg << 6 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_MR );                 /* Set the PHY register address */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MW;                                          /* Set the write mode */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MB;                                          /* Set the MII Busy bit */


+		/* Give the value to the MII data register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIDR = ( uint16_t ) RegValue;


+		/* Write the result value into the MII Address register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = tmpreg;


+		/* Get tick */

+		tickstart = HAL_GetTick();


+		/* Check for the Busy flag */

+		while( 1 )

+		{

+			tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+			if( ( tmpreg & ETH_MACMIIAR_MB ) == 0ul )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_OK;

+				break;

+			}

+			/* Check for the Timeout */

+			if( ( HAL_GetTick( ) - tickstart ) > PHY_WRITE_TO )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_TIMEOUT;

+				break;

+			}

+		}


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to READY */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;

+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );

+	}


+	if( xResult != HAL_OK )

+	{

+		lUDPLoggingPrintf( "WritePHY: %d\n", xResult );

+	}

+	/* Return function status */

+	return xResult;




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions

+ *  @brief    Peripheral Control functions

+ *


+ ===============================================================================

+                  ##### Peripheral Control functions #####

+ ===============================================================================

+    [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+      (+) Enable MAC and DMA transmission and reception.

+          HAL_ETH_Start();

+      (+) Disable MAC and DMA transmission and reception.

+          HAL_ETH_Stop();

+      (+) Set the MAC configuration in runtime mode

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC();

+      (+) Set the DMA configuration in runtime mode

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA();



+  * @{

+  */


+ /**

+  * @brief  Enables Ethernet MAC and DMA reception/transmission

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Start( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Enable transmit state machine of the MAC for transmission on the MII */

+	ETH_MACTransmissionEnable( heth );


+	/* Enable receive state machine of the MAC for reception from the MII */

+	ETH_MACReceptionEnable( heth );


+	/* Flush Transmit FIFO */

+	ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO( heth );


+	/* Start DMA transmission */

+	ETH_DMATransmissionEnable( heth );


+	/* Start DMA reception */

+	ETH_DMAReceptionEnable( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH state to READY*/

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Stop Ethernet MAC and DMA reception/transmission

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Stop(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* Process Locked */

+  __HAL_LOCK( heth );


+  /* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+  heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+  /* Stop DMA transmission */

+  ETH_DMATransmissionDisable( heth );


+  /* Stop DMA reception */

+  ETH_DMAReceptionDisable( heth );


+  /* Disable receive state machine of the MAC for reception from the MII */

+  ETH_MACReceptionDisable( heth );


+  /* Flush Transmit FIFO */

+  ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO( heth );


+  /* Disable transmit state machine of the MAC for transmission on the MII */

+  ETH_MACTransmissionDisable( heth );


+  /* Set the ETH state*/

+  heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+  /* Process Unlocked */

+  __HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+  /* Return function status */

+  return HAL_OK;



+static void prvWriteMACFCR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->MACFCR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->MACFCR;




+	heth->Instance->MACFCR = ulValue;



+static void prvWriteDMAOMR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->DMAOMR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->DMAOMR;




+	heth->Instance->DMAOMR = ulValue;



+static void prvWriteMACCR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->MACCR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->MACCR;




+	heth->Instance->MACCR = ulValue;




+  * @brief  Set ETH MAC Configuration.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  macconf: MAC Configuration structure

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_MACInitTypeDef *macconf)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	assert_param(IS_ETH_SPEED(heth->Init.Speed));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DUPLEX_MODE(heth->Init.DuplexMode));


+	if (macconf != NULL)

+	{

+		/* Check the parameters */

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_WATCHDOG(macconf->Watchdog));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_JABBER(macconf->Jabber));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_INTER_FRAME_GAP(macconf->InterFrameGap));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CARRIER_SENSE(macconf->CarrierSense));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_OWN(macconf->ReceiveOwn));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_LOOPBACK_MODE(macconf->LoopbackMode));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD(macconf->ChecksumOffload));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RETRY_TRANSMISSION(macconf->RetryTransmission));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_AUTOMATIC_PADCRC_STRIP(macconf->AutomaticPadCRCStrip));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_BACKOFF_LIMIT(macconf->BackOffLimit));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_DEFERRAL_CHECK(macconf->DeferralCheck));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_ALL(macconf->ReceiveAll));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_SOURCE_ADDR_FILTER(macconf->SourceAddrFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CONTROL_FRAMES(macconf->PassControlFrames));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_BROADCAST_FRAMES_RECEPTION(macconf->BroadcastFramesReception));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_DESTINATION_ADDR_FILTER(macconf->DestinationAddrFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE(macconf->PromiscuousMode));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_MULTICAST_FRAMES_FILTER(macconf->MulticastFramesFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_UNICAST_FRAMES_FILTER(macconf->UnicastFramesFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PAUSE_TIME(macconf->PauseTime));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_ZEROQUANTA_PAUSE(macconf->ZeroQuantaPause));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PAUSE_LOW_THRESHOLD(macconf->PauseLowThreshold));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_UNICAST_PAUSE_FRAME_DETECT(macconf->UnicastPauseFrameDetect));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_FLOWCONTROL(macconf->ReceiveFlowControl));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_FLOWCONTROL(macconf->TransmitFlowControl));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_VLAN_TAG_COMPARISON(macconf->VLANTagComparison));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_VLAN_TAG_IDENTIFIER(macconf->VLANTagIdentifier));


+		/*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;

+		/* Clear WD, PCE, PS, TE and RE bits */

+		tmpreg &= ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK;


+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(

+			macconf->Watchdog |

+			macconf->Jabber |

+			macconf->InterFrameGap |

+			macconf->CarrierSense |

+			heth->Init.Speed |

+			macconf->ReceiveOwn |

+			macconf->LoopbackMode |

+			heth->Init.DuplexMode |

+			macconf->ChecksumOffload |

+			macconf->RetryTransmission |

+			macconf->AutomaticPadCRCStrip |

+			macconf->BackOffLimit |

+			macconf->DeferralCheck);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+		prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );


+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFFR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACFFR */

+		heth->Instance->MACFFR = (uint32_t)(

+			macconf->ReceiveAll |

+			macconf->SourceAddrFilter |

+			macconf->PassControlFrames |

+			macconf->BroadcastFramesReception |

+			macconf->DestinationAddrFilter |

+			macconf->PromiscuousMode |

+			macconf->MulticastFramesFilter |

+			macconf->UnicastFramesFilter);


+		/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account :

+		at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFFR;


+		heth->Instance->MACFFR = tmpreg;


+		/*--------------- ETHERNET MACHTHR and MACHTLR Configuration ---------------*/

+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACHTHR */

+		heth->Instance->MACHTHR = (uint32_t)macconf->HashTableHigh;


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACHTLR */

+		heth->Instance->MACHTLR = (uint32_t)macconf->HashTableLow;

+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFCR Configuration --------------------*/


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACFCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFCR;

+		/* Clear xx bits */



+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((

+			macconf->PauseTime << 16) |

+			macconf->ZeroQuantaPause |

+			macconf->PauseLowThreshold |

+			macconf->UnicastPauseFrameDetect |

+			macconf->ReceiveFlowControl |

+			macconf->TransmitFlowControl);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACFCR */

+		prvWriteMACFCR( heth, tmpreg );


+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACVLANTR Configuration -----------------*/

+		heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = (uint32_t)(macconf->VLANTagComparison |

+		macconf->VLANTagIdentifier);


+		/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account :

+		at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACVLANTR;


+		heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = tmpreg;

+	}

+	else /* macconf == NULL : here we just configure Speed and Duplex mode */

+	{

+		/*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;


+		/* Clear FES and DM bits */

+		tmpreg &= ~((uint32_t)0x00004800);


+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(heth->Init.Speed | heth->Init.DuplexMode);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+		prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );

+	}


+	/* Set the ETH state to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Sets ETH DMA Configuration.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  dmaconf: DMA Configuration structure

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMAInitTypeDef *dmaconf)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DROP_TCPIP_CHECKSUM_FRAME(dmaconf->DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_STORE_FORWARD(dmaconf->ReceiveStoreForward));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FLUSH_RECEIVE_FRAME(dmaconf->FlushReceivedFrame));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_STORE_FORWARD(dmaconf->TransmitStoreForward));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_CONTROL(dmaconf->TransmitThresholdControl));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FORWARD_ERROR_FRAMES(dmaconf->ForwardErrorFrames));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FORWARD_UNDERSIZED_GOOD_FRAMES(dmaconf->ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_THRESHOLD_CONTROL(dmaconf->ReceiveThresholdControl));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_SECOND_FRAME_OPERATE(dmaconf->SecondFrameOperate));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_ADDRESS_ALIGNED_BEATS(dmaconf->AddressAlignedBeats));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FIXED_BURST(dmaconf->FixedBurst));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RXDMA_BURST_LENGTH(dmaconf->RxDMABurstLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TXDMA_BURST_LENGTH(dmaconf->TxDMABurstLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_ENHANCED_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT(dmaconf->EnhancedDescriptorFormat));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DMA_DESC_SKIP_LENGTH(dmaconf->DescriptorSkipLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DMA_ARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX(dmaconf->DMAArbitration));


+	/*----------------------- ETHERNET DMAOMR Configuration --------------------*/

+	/* Get the ETHERNET DMAOMR value */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR;

+	/* Clear xx bits */



+	tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(

+		dmaconf->DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame |

+		dmaconf->ReceiveStoreForward |

+		dmaconf->FlushReceivedFrame |

+		dmaconf->TransmitStoreForward |

+		dmaconf->TransmitThresholdControl |

+		dmaconf->ForwardErrorFrames |

+		dmaconf->ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames |

+		dmaconf->ReceiveThresholdControl |

+		dmaconf->SecondFrameOperate);


+	/* Write to ETHERNET DMAOMR */

+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );


+	/*----------------------- ETHERNET DMABMR Configuration --------------------*/

+	heth->Instance->DMABMR = (uint32_t)(dmaconf->AddressAlignedBeats |

+	dmaconf->FixedBurst |

+	dmaconf->RxDMABurstLength | /* !! if 4xPBL is selected for Tx or Rx it is applied for the other */

+	dmaconf->TxDMABurstLength |

+	dmaconf->EnhancedDescriptorFormat |

+	(dmaconf->DescriptorSkipLength << 2) |

+	dmaconf->DMAArbitration |

+	ETH_DMABMR_USP); /* Enable use of separate PBL for Rx and Tx */


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMABMR;


+	heth->Instance->DMABMR = tmpreg;


+	/* Set the ETH state to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State functions

+  *  @brief   Peripheral State functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ===============================================================================

+                         ##### Peripheral State functions #####

+  ===============================================================================

+  [..]

+  This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral

+  and the data flow.

+       (+) Get the ETH handle state:

+           HAL_ETH_GetState();



+  @endverbatim

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  Return the ETH HAL state

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL state

+  */

+HAL_ETH_StateTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetState(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* Return ETH state */

+  return heth->State;




+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Private_Functions

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  Configures Ethernet MAC and DMA with default parameters.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  err: Ethernet Init error

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+static void ETH_MACDMAConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t err)


+  ETH_MACInitTypeDef macinit;

+  ETH_DMAInitTypeDef dmainit;

+  uint32_t tmpreg = 0;


+  if (err != ETH_SUCCESS) /* Auto-negotiation failed */

+  {

+    /* Set Ethernet duplex mode to Full-duplex */

+    heth->Init.DuplexMode = ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX;


+    /* Set Ethernet speed to 100M */

+    heth->Init.Speed = ETH_SPEED_100M;

+  }


+  /* Ethernet MAC default initialization **************************************/

+  macinit.Watchdog = ETH_WATCHDOG_ENABLE;

+  macinit.Jabber = ETH_JABBER_ENABLE;

+  macinit.InterFrameGap = ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_96BIT;

+  macinit.CarrierSense = ETH_CARRIERSENCE_ENABLE;

+  macinit.ReceiveOwn = ETH_RECEIVEOWN_ENABLE;

+  macinit.LoopbackMode = ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_DISABLE;

+  if(heth->Init.ChecksumMode == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE)

+  {

+    macinit.ChecksumOffload = ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_ENABLE;

+  }

+  else

+  {

+    macinit.ChecksumOffload = ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_DISABLE;

+  }

+  macinit.RetryTransmission = ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_DISABLE;


+  macinit.BackOffLimit = ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_10;

+  macinit.DeferralCheck = ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_DISABLE;

+  macinit.ReceiveAll = ETH_RECEIVEAll_DISABLE;

+  macinit.SourceAddrFilter = ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_DISABLE;

+  macinit.PassControlFrames = ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_BLOCKALL;

+  macinit.BroadcastFramesReception = ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_ENABLE;

+  macinit.DestinationAddrFilter = ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_NORMAL;

+  macinit.PromiscuousMode = ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_DISABLE;

+  macinit.MulticastFramesFilter = ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT;

+  macinit.UnicastFramesFilter = ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT;

+  macinit.HashTableHigh = 0x0;

+  macinit.HashTableLow = 0x0;

+  macinit.PauseTime = 0x0;

+  macinit.ZeroQuantaPause = ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_DISABLE;

+  macinit.PauseLowThreshold = ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS4;


+  macinit.ReceiveFlowControl = ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE;

+  macinit.TransmitFlowControl = ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE;

+  macinit.VLANTagComparison = ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_16BIT;

+  macinit.VLANTagIdentifier = 0x0;


+  /*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+  /* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+  tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;

+  /* Clear WD, PCE, PS, TE and RE bits */

+  tmpreg &= ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK;

+  /* Set the WD bit according to ETH Watchdog value */

+  /* Set the JD: bit according to ETH Jabber value */

+  /* Set the IFG bit according to ETH InterFrameGap value */

+  /* Set the DCRS bit according to ETH CarrierSense value */

+  /* Set the FES bit according to ETH Speed value */

+  /* Set the DO bit according to ETH ReceiveOwn value */

+  /* Set the LM bit according to ETH LoopbackMode value */

+  /* Set the DM bit according to ETH Mode value */

+  /* Set the IPCO bit according to ETH ChecksumOffload value */

+  /* Set the DR bit according to ETH RetryTransmission value */

+  /* Set the ACS bit according to ETH AutomaticPadCRCStrip value */

+  /* Set the BL bit according to ETH BackOffLimit value */

+  /* Set the DC bit according to ETH DeferralCheck value */

+  tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(macinit.Watchdog |

+                       macinit.Jabber |

+                       macinit.InterFrameGap |

+                       macinit.CarrierSense |

+                       heth->Init.Speed |

+                       macinit.ReceiveOwn |

+                       macinit.LoopbackMode |

+                       heth->Init.DuplexMode |

+                       macinit.ChecksumOffload |

+                       macinit.RetryTransmission |

+                       macinit.AutomaticPadCRCStrip |

+                       macinit.BackOffLimit |

+                       macinit.DeferralCheck);


+  /* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+  prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );


+  /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFFR Configuration --------------------*/

+  /* Set the RA bit according to ETH ReceiveAll value */

+  /* Set the SAF and SAIF bits according to ETH SourceAddrFilter value */

+  /* Set the PCF bit according to ETH PassControlFrames value */

+  /* Set the DBF bit according to ETH BroadcastFramesReception value */

+  /* Set the DAIF bit according to ETH DestinationAddrFilter value */

+  /* Set the PR bit according to ETH PromiscuousMode value */

+  /* Set the PM, HMC and HPF bits according to ETH MulticastFramesFilter value */

+  /* Set the HUC and HPF bits according to ETH UnicastFramesFilter value */

+  /* Write to ETHERNET MACFFR */

+  heth->Instance->MACFFR = (uint32_t)(macinit.ReceiveAll |

+                                        macinit.SourceAddrFilter |

+                                        macinit.PassControlFrames |

+                                        macinit.BroadcastFramesReception |

+                                        macinit.DestinationAddrFilter |

+                                        macinit.PromiscuousMode |

+                                        macinit.MulticastFramesFilter |

+                                        macinit.UnicastFramesFilter);


+   /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+      at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+   tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFFR;


+   heth->Instance->MACFFR = tmpreg;


+   /*--------------- ETHERNET MACHTHR and MACHTLR Configuration --------------*/

+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTHR */

+   heth->Instance->MACHTHR = (uint32_t)macinit.HashTableHigh;


+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTLR */

+   heth->Instance->MACHTLR = (uint32_t)macinit.HashTableLow;

+   /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFCR Configuration -------------------*/


+   /* Get the ETHERNET MACFCR value */

+   tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFCR;

+   /* Clear xx bits */

+   tmpreg &= ETH_MACFCR_CLEAR_MASK;


+   /* Set the PT bit according to ETH PauseTime value */

+   /* Set the DZPQ bit according to ETH ZeroQuantaPause value */

+   /* Set the PLT bit according to ETH PauseLowThreshold value */

+   /* Set the UP bit according to ETH UnicastPauseFrameDetect value */

+   /* Set the RFE bit according to ETH ReceiveFlowControl value */

+   /* Set the TFE bit according to ETH TransmitFlowControl value */

+   tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((macinit.PauseTime << 16) |

+                        macinit.ZeroQuantaPause |

+                        macinit.PauseLowThreshold |

+                        macinit.UnicastPauseFrameDetect |

+                        macinit.ReceiveFlowControl |

+                        macinit.TransmitFlowControl);


+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACFCR */

+   prvWriteMACFCR( heth, tmpreg );


+   /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACVLANTR Configuration ----------------*/

+   /* Set the ETV bit according to ETH VLANTagComparison value */

+   /* Set the VL bit according to ETH VLANTagIdentifier value */

+   heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = (uint32_t)(macinit.VLANTagComparison |

+                                            macinit.VLANTagIdentifier);


+    /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+       at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+    tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACVLANTR;


+    heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = tmpreg;


+    /* Ethernet DMA default initialization ************************************/


+    dmainit.ReceiveStoreForward = ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.FlushReceivedFrame = ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.TransmitStoreForward = ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.TransmitThresholdControl = ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES;

+    dmainit.ForwardErrorFrames = ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_DISABLE;

+    dmainit.ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames = ETH_FORWARDUNDERSIZEDGOODFRAMES_DISABLE;

+    dmainit.ReceiveThresholdControl = ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES;

+    dmainit.SecondFrameOperate = ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats = ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.FixedBurst = ETH_FIXEDBURST_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.RxDMABurstLength = ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT;

+    dmainit.TxDMABurstLength = ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT;

+    dmainit.EnhancedDescriptorFormat = ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.DescriptorSkipLength = 0x0;



+    /* Get the ETHERNET DMAOMR value */

+    tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR;

+    /* Clear xx bits */

+    tmpreg &= ETH_DMAOMR_CLEAR_MASK;


+    /* Set the DT bit according to ETH DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame value */

+    /* Set the RSF bit according to ETH ReceiveStoreForward value */

+    /* Set the DFF bit according to ETH FlushReceivedFrame value */

+    /* Set the TSF bit according to ETH TransmitStoreForward value */

+    /* Set the TTC bit according to ETH TransmitThresholdControl value */

+    /* Set the FEF bit according to ETH ForwardErrorFrames value */

+    /* Set the FUF bit according to ETH ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames value */

+    /* Set the RTC bit according to ETH ReceiveThresholdControl value */

+    /* Set the OSF bit according to ETH SecondFrameOperate value */

+    tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(dmainit.DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame |

+                         dmainit.ReceiveStoreForward |

+                         dmainit.FlushReceivedFrame |

+                         dmainit.TransmitStoreForward |

+                         dmainit.TransmitThresholdControl |

+                         dmainit.ForwardErrorFrames |

+                         dmainit.ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames |

+                         dmainit.ReceiveThresholdControl |

+                         dmainit.SecondFrameOperate);


+    /* Write to ETHERNET DMAOMR */

+    prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );


+    /*----------------------- ETHERNET DMABMR Configuration ------------------*/

+    /* Set the AAL bit according to ETH AddressAlignedBeats value */

+    /* Set the FB bit according to ETH FixedBurst value */

+    /* Set the RPBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH RxDMABurstLength value */

+    /* Set the PBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH TxDMABurstLength value */

+    /* Set the Enhanced DMA descriptors bit according to ETH EnhancedDescriptorFormat value*/

+    /* Set the DSL bit according to ETH DesciptorSkipLength value */

+    /* Set the PR and DA bits according to ETH DMAArbitration value */

+    heth->Instance->DMABMR = (uint32_t)(dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats |

+                                          dmainit.FixedBurst |

+                                          dmainit.RxDMABurstLength |    /* !! if 4xPBL is selected for Tx or Rx it is applied for the other */

+                                          dmainit.TxDMABurstLength |

+                                          dmainit.EnhancedDescriptorFormat |

+                                          (dmainit.DescriptorSkipLength << 2) |

+                                          dmainit.DMAArbitration |

+                                          ETH_DMABMR_USP); /* Enable use of separate PBL for Rx and Tx */


+     /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+        at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+     tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMABMR;


+     heth->Instance->DMABMR = tmpreg;


+     if(heth->Init.RxMode == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE)

+     {

+       /* Enable the Ethernet Rx Interrupt */


+     }


+     /* Initialize MAC address in ethernet MAC */

+     ETH_MACAddressConfig(heth, ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0, heth->Init.MACAddr);




+  * @brief  Configures the selected MAC address.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  MacAddr: The MAC address to configure

+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address0: MAC Address0

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address1: MAC Address1

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address2: MAC Address2

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address3: MAC Address3

+  * @param  Addr: Pointer to MAC address buffer data (6 bytes)

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+static void ETH_MACAddressConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t MacAddr, uint8_t *Addr)


+	uint32_t tmpreg;


+	/* Check the parameters */

+	assert_param( IS_ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0123( MacAddr ) );


+	/* Calculate the selected MAC address high register */

+	tmpreg = 0x80000000ul | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 5 ] << 8) | (uint32_t)Addr[ 4 ];

+	/* Load the selected MAC address high register */

+	( * ( __IO uint32_t * ) ( ( uint32_t ) ( ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr ) ) ) = tmpreg;

+	/* Calculate the selected MAC address low register */

+	tmpreg = ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 3 ] << 24 ) | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 2 ] << 16 ) | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 1 ] << 8 ) | Addr[ 0 ];


+	/* Load the selected MAC address low register */

+	( * ( __IO uint32_t * ) ( ( uint32_t ) ( ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE + MacAddr ) ) ) = tmpreg;




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR | ETH_MACCR_TE;


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR & ~( ETH_MACCR_TE );


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR | ETH_MACCR_RE;


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR & ~( ETH_MACCR_RE );


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the DMA transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Enable the DMA transmission */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_ST;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the DMA transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Disable the DMA transmission */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR & ~( ETH_DMAOMR_ST );


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the DMA reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Enable the DMA reception */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_SR;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the DMA reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Disable the DMA reception */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR & ~( ETH_DMAOMR_SR );


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Clears the ETHERNET transmit FIFO.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Set the Flush Transmit FIFO bit */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_FTF;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @}

+  */


+#endif /* STM32F405xx || STM32F415xx || STM32F407xx || STM32F417xx || STM32F427xx || STM32F437xx || STM32F429xx || STM32F439xx */



+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */


+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93b9caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ * The Ethernet header files for STM32F2, STM32F4 and STM32F7 have been merged to

+ * a single module that works for both parts: "stm32fxx_hal_eth"

+ */


+#include "stm32fxx_hal_eth.h"

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93b9caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ * The Ethernet header files for STM32F2, STM32F4 and STM32F7 have been merged to

+ * a single module that works for both parts: "stm32fxx_hal_eth"

+ */


+#include "stm32fxx_hal_eth.h"

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dad16aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1468 @@

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @file    stm32fxx_hal_eth.c

+  * @author  MCD Application Team

+  * @version V1.3.2

+  * @date    26-June-2015

+  * @brief   ETH HAL module driver.

+  *          This file provides firmware functions to manage the following

+  *          functionalities of the Ethernet (ETH) peripheral:

+  *           + Initialization and de-initialization functions

+  *           + IO operation functions

+  *           + Peripheral Control functions

+  *           + Peripheral State and Errors functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ==============================================================================

+                    ##### How to use this driver #####

+  ==============================================================================

+    [..]

+      (#)Declare a ETH_HandleTypeDef handle structure, for example:

+         ETH_HandleTypeDef  heth;


+      (#)Fill parameters of Init structure in heth handle


+      (#)Call HAL_ETH_Init() API to initialize the Ethernet peripheral (MAC, DMA, ...)


+      (#)Initialize the ETH low level resources through the HAL_ETH_MspInit() API:

+          (##) Enable the Ethernet interface clock using

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMAC_CLK_ENABLE();

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMACTX_CLK_ENABLE();

+               (+++) __HAL_RCC_ETHMACRX_CLK_ENABLE();


+          (##) Initialize the related GPIO clocks

+          (##) Configure Ethernet pin-out

+          (##) Configure Ethernet NVIC interrupt (IT mode)


+      (#)Initialize Ethernet DMA Descriptors in chain mode and point to allocated buffers:

+          (##) HAL_ETH_DMATxDescListInit(); for Transmission process

+          (##) HAL_ETH_DMARxDescListInit(); for Reception process


+      (#)Enable MAC and DMA transmission and reception:

+          (##) HAL_ETH_Start();


+      (#)Prepare ETH DMA TX Descriptors and give the hand to ETH DMA to transfer

+         the frame to MAC TX FIFO:

+         (##) HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame();


+      (#)Poll for a received frame in ETH RX DMA Descriptors and get received

+         frame parameters

+         (##) HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame(); (should be called into an infinite loop)


+      (#) Get a received frame when an ETH RX interrupt occurs:

+         (##) HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT(); (called in IT mode only)


+      (#) Communicate with external PHY device:

+         (##) Read a specific register from the PHY

+              HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister();

+         (##) Write data to a specific RHY register:

+              HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister();


+      (#) Configure the Ethernet MAC after ETH peripheral initialization

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC(); all MAC parameters should be filled.


+      (#) Configure the Ethernet DMA after ETH peripheral initialization

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA(); all DMA parameters should be filled.


+      -@- The PTP protocol and the DMA descriptors ring mode are not supported

+          in this driver


+  @endverbatim

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @attention

+  *

+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>

+  *

+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,

+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation

+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors

+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software

+  *      without specific prior written permission.

+  *











+  *

+  ******************************************************************************

+  */


+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/


+#if defined(STM32F7xx)

+	#include "stm32f7xx_hal.h"

+	#define stm_is_F7	1

+#elif defined(STM32F407xx) || defined(STM32F417xx) || defined(STM32F427xx) || defined(STM32F437xx) || defined(STM32F429xx) || defined(STM32F439xx)

+	#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"

+	#define stm_is_F4	1

+#elif defined(STM32F2xx)

+	#include "stm32f2xx_hal.h"

+	#define stm_is_F2	1


+	#error For what part should this be compiled?



+#include "stm32fxx_hal_eth.h"


+/** @addtogroup STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH ETH

+  * @brief ETH HAL module driver

+  * @{

+  */


+#if !defined( ARRAY_SIZE )

+	#define ARRAY_SIZE( x ) ( sizeof ( x ) / sizeof ( x )[ 0 ] )





+#if( stm_is_F2 != 0 || stm_is_F4 != 0 || stm_is_F7 )


+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Constants ETH Private Constants

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @}

+  */

+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/

+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Functions ETH Private Functions

+  * @{

+  */

+static void ETH_MACDMAConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t err);

+static void ETH_MACAddressConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t MacAddr, uint8_t *Addr);

+static void ETH_MACReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+static void ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);



+  * @}

+  */

+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions ETH Exported Functions

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions

+  *  @brief   Initialization and Configuration functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ===============================================================================

+            ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####

+  ===============================================================================

+  [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+      (+) Initialize and configure the Ethernet peripheral

+      (+) De-initialize the Ethernet peripheral


+  @endverbatim

+  * @{

+  */

+extern void vMACBProbePhy ( void );



+  * @brief  Initializes the Ethernet MAC and DMA according to default

+  *         parameters.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Init(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0uL;

+	uint32_t hclk = 60000000uL;

+	uint32_t err = ETH_SUCCESS;


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth == NULL )

+	{

+		return HAL_ERROR;

+	}


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION(heth->Init.AutoNegotiation));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RX_MODE(heth->Init.RxMode));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_CHECKSUM_MODE(heth->Init.ChecksumMode));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE(heth->Init.MediaInterface));


+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_RESET )

+	{

+		/* Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC. */

+		HAL_ETH_MspInit( heth );

+	}


+	/* Enable SYSCFG Clock */



+	/* Select MII or RMII Mode*/


+	SYSCFG->PMC |= (uint32_t)heth->Init.MediaInterface;


+	/* Ethernet Software reset */

+	/* Set the SWR bit: resets all MAC subsystem internal registers and logic */

+	/* After reset all the registers holds their respective reset values */

+	/* Also enable EDFE: Enhanced descriptor format enable. */



+	/* Wait for software reset */

+	while ((heth->Instance->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_SR) != (uint32_t)RESET)

+	{

+		/* If your program hangs here, please check the value of 'ipconfigUSE_RMII'. */

+	}


+	/*-------------------------------- MAC Initialization ----------------------*/

+	/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;

+	/* Clear CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits */



+	/* Get hclk frequency value (e.g. 168,000,000) */

+	hclk = HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq();


+	/* Set CR bits depending on hclk value */

+	if(( hclk >= 20000000uL ) && ( hclk < 35000000uL ) )

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 20-35 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= ( uint32_t) ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div16;

+	}

+	else if( ( hclk >= 35000000uL ) && ( hclk < 60000000uL ) )

+	{

+	/* CSR Clock Range between 35-60 MHz */

+	tmpreg |= ( uint32_t ) ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div26;

+	}

+	else if( ( hclk >= 60000000uL ) && ( hclk < 100000000uL ) )

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 60-100 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div42;

+	}

+	else if( ( hclk >= 100000000uL ) && ( hclk < 150000000uL ) )

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 100-150 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div62;

+	}

+	else /* ( ( hclk >= 150000000uL ) && ( hclk <= 183000000uL ) ) */

+	{

+		/* CSR Clock Range between 150-183 MHz */

+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div102;

+	}


+	/* Write to ETHERNET MAC MIIAR: Configure the ETHERNET CSR Clock Range */

+	heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = (uint32_t)tmpreg;


+	/* Initialise the MACB and set all PHY properties */

+	vMACBProbePhy();


+	/* Config MAC and DMA */

+	ETH_MACDMAConfig(heth, err);


+	/* Set ETH HAL State to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  De-Initializes the ETH peripheral.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* De-Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC. */

+	HAL_ETH_MspDeInit( heth );


+	/* Set ETH HAL state to Disabled */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_RESET;


+	/* Release Lock */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Initializes the ETH MSP.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_MspInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_MspInit could be implemented in the user file

+  */

+  ( void ) heth;




+  * @brief  DeInitializes ETH MSP.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_MspDeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file

+  */

+  ( void ) heth;




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions

+  *  @brief   Data transfers functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ==============================================================================

+                          ##### IO operation functions #####

+  ==============================================================================

+  [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+        (+) Transmit a frame

+            HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame();

+        (+) Receive a frame

+            HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame();

+            HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT();

+        (+) Read from an External PHY register

+            HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister();

+        (+) Write to an External PHY register

+            HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister();


+  @endverbatim


+  * @{

+  */


+#define ETH_DMA_ALL_INTS \







+#define INT_MASK		( ( uint32_t ) ~ ( ETH_DMA_IT_TBU ) )

+void HAL_ETH_IRQHandler(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t dmasr;


+	dmasr = heth->Instance->DMASR & ETH_DMA_ALL_INTS;

+	heth->Instance->DMASR = dmasr;


+	/* Frame received */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_R | ETH_DMA_IT_RBU ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Receive complete callback */

+		HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback( heth );

+	}

+	/* Frame transmitted */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_T ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Transfer complete callback */

+		HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback( heth );

+	}


+	/* ETH DMA Error */

+	if( ( dmasr & ( ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS ) ) != 0 )

+	{

+		/* Ethernet Error callback */

+		HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback( heth );

+	}




+  * @brief  Tx Transfer completed callbacks.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */

+  ( void ) heth;




+  * @brief  Rx Transfer completed callbacks.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */

+  ( void ) heth;




+  * @brief  Ethernet transfer error callbacks

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+__weak void HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,

+  the HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file

+  */

+  ( void ) heth;




+  * @brief  Reads a PHY register

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param PHYReg: PHY register address, is the index of one of the 32 PHY register.

+  *                This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *                   PHY_BCR: Transceiver Basic Control Register,

+  *                   PHY_BSR: Transceiver Basic Status Register.

+  *                   More PHY register could be read depending on the used PHY

+  * @param RegValue: PHY register value

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t *RegValue)


+uint32_t tmpreg = 0uL;

+uint32_t tickstart = 0uL;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xResult;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS(heth->Init.PhyAddress));


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RD )

+	{

+		xResult = HAL_BUSY;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to BUSY_RD */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RD;


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+		/* Keep only the CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits value */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;


+		/* Prepare the MII address register value */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t )heth->Init.PhyAddress << 11) & ETH_MACMIIAR_PA );    /* Set the PHY device address   */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t )PHYReg << 6 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_MR );                   /* Set the PHY register address */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_MW;                                           /* Set the read mode            */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MB;                                            /* Set the MII Busy bit         */


+		/* Write the result value into the MII Address register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = tmpreg;


+		/* Get tick */

+		tickstart = HAL_GetTick();


+		/* Check for the Busy flag */

+		while( 1 )

+		{

+			tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+			if( ( tmpreg & ETH_MACMIIAR_MB ) == 0uL )

+			{

+				/* Get MACMIIDR value */

+				*RegValue = ( uint32_t ) heth->Instance->MACMIIDR;

+				xResult = HAL_OK;

+				break;

+			}

+			/* Check for the Timeout */

+			if( ( HAL_GetTick( ) - tickstart ) > PHY_READ_TO )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_TIMEOUT;

+				break;

+			}


+		}


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to READY */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );

+	}


+	/* Return function status */

+	return xResult;




+  * @brief  Writes to a PHY register.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  PHYReg: PHY register address, is the index of one of the 32 PHY register.

+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *             PHY_BCR: Transceiver Control Register.

+  *             More PHY register could be written depending on the used PHY

+  * @param  RegValue: the value to write

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t RegValue)


+uint32_t tmpreg = 0;

+uint32_t tickstart = 0;

+HAL_StatusTypeDef xResult;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param( IS_ETH_PHY_ADDRESS( heth->Init.PhyAddress ) );


+	/* Check the ETH peripheral state */

+	if( heth->State == HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_WR )

+	{

+		xResult = HAL_BUSY;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to BUSY_WR */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_WR;


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+		/* Keep only the CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits value */

+		tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;


+		/* Prepare the MII register address value */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t ) heth->Init.PhyAddress << 11 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_PA ); /* Set the PHY device address */

+		tmpreg |= ( ( ( uint32_t ) PHYReg << 6 ) & ETH_MACMIIAR_MR );                 /* Set the PHY register address */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MW;                                          /* Set the write mode */

+		tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MB;                                          /* Set the MII Busy bit */


+		/* Give the value to the MII data register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIDR = ( uint16_t ) RegValue;


+		/* Write the result value into the MII Address register */

+		heth->Instance->MACMIIAR = tmpreg;


+		/* Get tick */

+		tickstart = HAL_GetTick();


+		/* Check for the Busy flag */

+		while( 1 )

+		{

+			tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACMIIAR;


+			if( ( tmpreg & ETH_MACMIIAR_MB ) == 0ul )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_OK;

+				break;

+			}

+			/* Check for the Timeout */

+			if( ( HAL_GetTick( ) - tickstart ) > PHY_WRITE_TO )

+			{

+				xResult = HAL_TIMEOUT;

+				break;

+			}

+		}


+		/* Set ETH HAL State to READY */

+		heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;

+		/* Process Unlocked */

+		__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );

+	}


+	/* Return function status */

+	return xResult;




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions

+ *  @brief    Peripheral Control functions

+ *


+ ===============================================================================

+                  ##### Peripheral Control functions #####

+ ===============================================================================

+    [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:

+      (+) Enable MAC and DMA transmission and reception.

+          HAL_ETH_Start();

+      (+) Disable MAC and DMA transmission and reception.

+          HAL_ETH_Stop();

+      (+) Set the MAC configuration in runtime mode

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC();

+      (+) Set the DMA configuration in runtime mode

+          HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA();



+  * @{

+  */


+ /**

+  * @brief  Enables Ethernet MAC and DMA reception/transmission

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Start( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth )


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Enable transmit state machine of the MAC for transmission on the MII */

+	ETH_MACTransmissionEnable( heth );


+	/* Enable receive state machine of the MAC for reception from the MII */

+	ETH_MACReceptionEnable( heth );


+	/* Flush Transmit FIFO */

+	ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO( heth );


+	/* Start DMA transmission */

+	ETH_DMATransmissionEnable( heth );


+	/* Start DMA reception */

+	ETH_DMAReceptionEnable( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH state to READY*/

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Stop Ethernet MAC and DMA reception/transmission

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Stop(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* Process Locked */

+  __HAL_LOCK( heth );


+  /* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+  heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+  /* Stop DMA transmission */

+  ETH_DMATransmissionDisable( heth );


+  /* Stop DMA reception */

+  ETH_DMAReceptionDisable( heth );


+  /* Disable receive state machine of the MAC for reception from the MII */

+  ETH_MACReceptionDisable( heth );


+  /* Flush Transmit FIFO */

+  ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO( heth );


+  /* Disable transmit state machine of the MAC for transmission on the MII */

+  ETH_MACTransmissionDisable( heth );


+  /* Set the ETH state*/

+  heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+  /* Process Unlocked */

+  __HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+  /* Return function status */

+  return HAL_OK;



+static void vRegisterDelay()


+uint32_t uxCount;

+	/*

+	 * Regarding the HAL delay functions, I noticed that HAL delay is being used to workaround the

+	 * "Successive write operations to the same register might not be fully taken into account" errata.

+	 * The workaround requires a delay of four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles. For a 10 Mbit connection,

+	 * these clocks are running at 2.5 MHz, so this delay would be at most 1.6 microseconds.

+	 * 180 Mhz = 288 loops

+	 * 168 Mhz = 269 loops

+	 * 100 Mhz = 160 loops

+	 *  84 Mhz = 134 loops

+	 */

+	#define WAIT_TIME_NS	1600uL			/* 1.6 microseconds */

+	#define CPU_MAX_FREQ	SystemCoreClock	/* 84, 100, 168 or 180 MHz */

+	uint32_t NOP_COUNT = ( WAIT_TIME_NS * ( CPU_MAX_FREQ / 1000uL ) ) / 1000000uL;

+	for( uxCount = NOP_COUNT; uxCount > 0uL; uxCount-- )

+	{

+		__NOP();

+	}



+static void prvWriteMACFCR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->MACFCR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->MACFCR;


+	vRegisterDelay();


+	heth->Instance->MACFCR = ulValue;



+static void prvWriteDMAOMR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->DMAOMR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->DMAOMR;


+	vRegisterDelay();


+	heth->Instance->DMAOMR = ulValue;



+static void prvWriteMACCR( ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t ulValue)


+	/* Enable the MAC transmission */

+	heth->Instance->MACCR = ulValue;


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles.

+	Read it back, wait a ms and */

+	( void ) heth->Instance->MACCR;


+	vRegisterDelay();


+	heth->Instance->MACCR = ulValue;




+  * @brief  Set ETH MAC Configuration.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  macconf: MAC Configuration structure

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_MACInitTypeDef *macconf)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0uL;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	assert_param(IS_ETH_SPEED(heth->Init.Speed));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DUPLEX_MODE(heth->Init.DuplexMode));


+	if (macconf != NULL)

+	{

+		/* Check the parameters */

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_WATCHDOG(macconf->Watchdog));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_JABBER(macconf->Jabber));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_INTER_FRAME_GAP(macconf->InterFrameGap));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CARRIER_SENSE(macconf->CarrierSense));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_OWN(macconf->ReceiveOwn));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_LOOPBACK_MODE(macconf->LoopbackMode));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD(macconf->ChecksumOffload));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RETRY_TRANSMISSION(macconf->RetryTransmission));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_AUTOMATIC_PADCRC_STRIP(macconf->AutomaticPadCRCStrip));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_BACKOFF_LIMIT(macconf->BackOffLimit));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_DEFERRAL_CHECK(macconf->DeferralCheck));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_ALL(macconf->ReceiveAll));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_SOURCE_ADDR_FILTER(macconf->SourceAddrFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_CONTROL_FRAMES(macconf->PassControlFrames));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_BROADCAST_FRAMES_RECEPTION(macconf->BroadcastFramesReception));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_DESTINATION_ADDR_FILTER(macconf->DestinationAddrFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE(macconf->PromiscuousMode));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_MULTICAST_FRAMES_FILTER(macconf->MulticastFramesFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_UNICAST_FRAMES_FILTER(macconf->UnicastFramesFilter));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PAUSE_TIME(macconf->PauseTime));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_ZEROQUANTA_PAUSE(macconf->ZeroQuantaPause));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_PAUSE_LOW_THRESHOLD(macconf->PauseLowThreshold));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_UNICAST_PAUSE_FRAME_DETECT(macconf->UnicastPauseFrameDetect));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_FLOWCONTROL(macconf->ReceiveFlowControl));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_FLOWCONTROL(macconf->TransmitFlowControl));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_VLAN_TAG_COMPARISON(macconf->VLANTagComparison));

+		assert_param(IS_ETH_VLAN_TAG_IDENTIFIER(macconf->VLANTagIdentifier));


+		/*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;

+		/* Clear WD, PCE, PS, TE and RE bits */

+		tmpreg &= ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK;


+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(

+			macconf->Watchdog |

+			macconf->Jabber |

+			macconf->InterFrameGap |

+			macconf->CarrierSense |

+			heth->Init.Speed |

+			macconf->ReceiveOwn |

+			macconf->LoopbackMode |

+			heth->Init.DuplexMode |

+			macconf->ChecksumOffload |

+			macconf->RetryTransmission |

+			macconf->AutomaticPadCRCStrip |

+			macconf->BackOffLimit |

+			macconf->DeferralCheck);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+		prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );


+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFFR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACFFR */

+		heth->Instance->MACFFR = (uint32_t)(

+			macconf->ReceiveAll |

+			macconf->SourceAddrFilter |

+			macconf->PassControlFrames |

+			macconf->BroadcastFramesReception |

+			macconf->DestinationAddrFilter |

+			macconf->PromiscuousMode |

+			macconf->MulticastFramesFilter |

+			macconf->UnicastFramesFilter);


+		/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account :

+		at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFFR;

+		vRegisterDelay();

+		heth->Instance->MACFFR = tmpreg;


+		/*--------------- ETHERNET MACHTHR and MACHTLR Configuration ---------------*/

+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACHTHR */

+		heth->Instance->MACHTHR = (uint32_t)macconf->HashTableHigh;


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACHTLR */

+		heth->Instance->MACHTLR = (uint32_t)macconf->HashTableLow;

+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFCR Configuration --------------------*/


+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACFCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFCR;

+		/* Clear xx bits */



+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((

+			macconf->PauseTime << 16) |

+			macconf->ZeroQuantaPause |

+			macconf->PauseLowThreshold |

+			macconf->UnicastPauseFrameDetect |

+			macconf->ReceiveFlowControl |

+			macconf->TransmitFlowControl);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACFCR */

+		prvWriteMACFCR( heth, tmpreg );


+		/*----------------------- ETHERNET MACVLANTR Configuration -----------------*/

+		heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = (uint32_t)(macconf->VLANTagComparison |

+		macconf->VLANTagIdentifier);


+		/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account :

+		at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACVLANTR;

+		vRegisterDelay();

+		heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = tmpreg;

+	}

+	else /* macconf == NULL : here we just configure Speed and Duplex mode */

+	{

+		/*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+		/* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+		tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;


+		/* Clear FES and DM bits */

+		tmpreg &= ~( ( uint32_t ) 0x00004800uL );


+		tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(heth->Init.Speed | heth->Init.DuplexMode);


+		/* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+		prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );

+	}


+	/* Set the ETH state to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @brief  Sets ETH DMA Configuration.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  dmaconf: DMA Configuration structure

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMAInitTypeDef *dmaconf)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = 0uL;


+	/* Process Locked */

+	__HAL_LOCK( heth );


+	/* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY;


+	/* Check parameters */

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DROP_TCPIP_CHECKSUM_FRAME(dmaconf->DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_STORE_FORWARD(dmaconf->ReceiveStoreForward));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FLUSH_RECEIVE_FRAME(dmaconf->FlushReceivedFrame));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_STORE_FORWARD(dmaconf->TransmitStoreForward));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_CONTROL(dmaconf->TransmitThresholdControl));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FORWARD_ERROR_FRAMES(dmaconf->ForwardErrorFrames));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FORWARD_UNDERSIZED_GOOD_FRAMES(dmaconf->ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RECEIVE_THRESHOLD_CONTROL(dmaconf->ReceiveThresholdControl));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_SECOND_FRAME_OPERATE(dmaconf->SecondFrameOperate));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_ADDRESS_ALIGNED_BEATS(dmaconf->AddressAlignedBeats));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_FIXED_BURST(dmaconf->FixedBurst));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_RXDMA_BURST_LENGTH(dmaconf->RxDMABurstLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_TXDMA_BURST_LENGTH(dmaconf->TxDMABurstLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_ENHANCED_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT(dmaconf->EnhancedDescriptorFormat));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DMA_DESC_SKIP_LENGTH(dmaconf->DescriptorSkipLength));

+	assert_param(IS_ETH_DMA_ARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX(dmaconf->DMAArbitration));


+	/*----------------------- ETHERNET DMAOMR Configuration --------------------*/

+	/* Get the ETHERNET DMAOMR value */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR;

+	/* Clear xx bits */



+	tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(

+		dmaconf->DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame |

+		dmaconf->ReceiveStoreForward |

+		dmaconf->FlushReceivedFrame |

+		dmaconf->TransmitStoreForward |

+		dmaconf->TransmitThresholdControl |

+		dmaconf->ForwardErrorFrames |

+		dmaconf->ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames |

+		dmaconf->ReceiveThresholdControl |

+		dmaconf->SecondFrameOperate);


+	/* Write to ETHERNET DMAOMR */

+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );


+	/*----------------------- ETHERNET DMABMR Configuration --------------------*/

+	heth->Instance->DMABMR = (uint32_t)(dmaconf->AddressAlignedBeats |

+	dmaconf->FixedBurst |

+	dmaconf->RxDMABurstLength | /* !! if 4xPBL is selected for Tx or Rx it is applied for the other */

+	dmaconf->TxDMABurstLength |

+	dmaconf->EnhancedDescriptorFormat |

+	(dmaconf->DescriptorSkipLength << 2) |

+	dmaconf->DMAArbitration |

+	ETH_DMABMR_USP); /* Enable use of separate PBL for Rx and Tx */


+	/* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+	at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+	tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMABMR;

+	vRegisterDelay();

+	heth->Instance->DMABMR = tmpreg;


+	/* Set the ETH state to Ready */

+	heth->State= HAL_ETH_STATE_READY;


+	/* Process Unlocked */

+	__HAL_UNLOCK( heth );


+	/* Return function status */

+	return HAL_OK;




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State functions

+  *  @brief   Peripheral State functions

+  *

+  @verbatim

+  ===============================================================================

+                         ##### Peripheral State functions #####

+  ===============================================================================

+  [..]

+  This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral

+  and the data flow.

+       (+) Get the ETH handle state:

+           HAL_ETH_GetState();



+  @endverbatim

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  Return the ETH HAL state

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval HAL state

+  */

+HAL_ETH_StateTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetState(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+  /* Return ETH state */

+  return heth->State;




+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Private_Functions

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  Configures Ethernet MAC and DMA with default parameters.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  err: Ethernet Init error

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+static void ETH_MACDMAConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t err)


+  ETH_MACInitTypeDef macinit;

+  ETH_DMAInitTypeDef dmainit;

+  uint32_t tmpreg = 0uL;


+  if (err != ETH_SUCCESS) /* Auto-negotiation failed */

+  {

+    /* Set Ethernet duplex mode to Full-duplex */

+    heth->Init.DuplexMode = ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX;


+    /* Set Ethernet speed to 100M */

+    heth->Init.Speed = ETH_SPEED_100M;

+  }


+  /* Ethernet MAC default initialization **************************************/

+  macinit.Watchdog = ETH_WATCHDOG_ENABLE;

+  macinit.Jabber = ETH_JABBER_ENABLE;

+  macinit.InterFrameGap = ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_96BIT;

+  macinit.CarrierSense = ETH_CARRIERSENCE_ENABLE;

+  macinit.ReceiveOwn = ETH_RECEIVEOWN_ENABLE;

+  macinit.LoopbackMode = ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_DISABLE;

+  if(heth->Init.ChecksumMode == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE)

+  {

+    macinit.ChecksumOffload = ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_ENABLE;

+  }

+  else

+  {

+    macinit.ChecksumOffload = ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_DISABLE;

+  }

+  macinit.RetryTransmission = ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_DISABLE;


+  macinit.BackOffLimit = ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_10;

+  macinit.DeferralCheck = ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_DISABLE;

+  macinit.ReceiveAll = ETH_RECEIVEAll_DISABLE;

+  macinit.SourceAddrFilter = ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_DISABLE;

+  macinit.PassControlFrames = ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_BLOCKALL;

+  macinit.BroadcastFramesReception = ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_ENABLE;

+  macinit.DestinationAddrFilter = ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_NORMAL;

+  macinit.PromiscuousMode = ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_DISABLE;

+  macinit.MulticastFramesFilter = ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT;

+  macinit.UnicastFramesFilter = ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT;

+  macinit.HashTableHigh = 0x0uL;

+  macinit.HashTableLow = 0x0uL;

+  macinit.PauseTime = 0x0uL;

+  macinit.ZeroQuantaPause = ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_DISABLE;

+  macinit.PauseLowThreshold = ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS4;


+  macinit.ReceiveFlowControl = ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE;

+  macinit.TransmitFlowControl = ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE;

+  macinit.VLANTagComparison = ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_16BIT;

+  macinit.VLANTagIdentifier = 0x0uL;


+  /*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/

+  /* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */

+  tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR;

+  /* Clear WD, PCE, PS, TE and RE bits */

+  tmpreg &= ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK;

+  /* Set the WD bit according to ETH Watchdog value */

+  /* Set the JD: bit according to ETH Jabber value */

+  /* Set the IFG bit according to ETH InterFrameGap value */

+  /* Set the DCRS bit according to ETH CarrierSense value */

+  /* Set the FES bit according to ETH Speed value */

+  /* Set the DO bit according to ETH ReceiveOwn value */

+  /* Set the LM bit according to ETH LoopbackMode value */

+  /* Set the DM bit according to ETH Mode value */

+  /* Set the IPCO bit according to ETH ChecksumOffload value */

+  /* Set the DR bit according to ETH RetryTransmission value */

+  /* Set the ACS bit according to ETH AutomaticPadCRCStrip value */

+  /* Set the BL bit according to ETH BackOffLimit value */

+  /* Set the DC bit according to ETH DeferralCheck value */

+  tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(macinit.Watchdog |

+                       macinit.Jabber |

+                       macinit.InterFrameGap |

+                       macinit.CarrierSense |

+                       heth->Init.Speed |

+                       macinit.ReceiveOwn |

+                       macinit.LoopbackMode |

+                       heth->Init.DuplexMode |

+                       macinit.ChecksumOffload |

+                       macinit.RetryTransmission |

+                       macinit.AutomaticPadCRCStrip |

+                       macinit.BackOffLimit |

+                       macinit.DeferralCheck);


+  /* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */

+  prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );


+  /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFFR Configuration --------------------*/

+  /* Set the RA bit according to ETH ReceiveAll value */

+  /* Set the SAF and SAIF bits according to ETH SourceAddrFilter value */

+  /* Set the PCF bit according to ETH PassControlFrames value */

+  /* Set the DBF bit according to ETH BroadcastFramesReception value */

+  /* Set the DAIF bit according to ETH DestinationAddrFilter value */

+  /* Set the PR bit according to ETH PromiscuousMode value */

+  /* Set the PM, HMC and HPF bits according to ETH MulticastFramesFilter value */

+  /* Set the HUC and HPF bits according to ETH UnicastFramesFilter value */

+  /* Write to ETHERNET MACFFR */

+  heth->Instance->MACFFR = (uint32_t)(macinit.ReceiveAll |

+                                        macinit.SourceAddrFilter |

+                                        macinit.PassControlFrames |

+                                        macinit.BroadcastFramesReception |

+                                        macinit.DestinationAddrFilter |

+                                        macinit.PromiscuousMode |

+                                        macinit.MulticastFramesFilter |

+                                        macinit.UnicastFramesFilter);


+   /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+      at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+   tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFFR;

+   vRegisterDelay();

+   heth->Instance->MACFFR = tmpreg;


+   /*--------------- ETHERNET MACHTHR and MACHTLR Configuration --------------*/

+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTHR */

+   heth->Instance->MACHTHR = (uint32_t)macinit.HashTableHigh;


+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTLR */

+   heth->Instance->MACHTLR = (uint32_t)macinit.HashTableLow;

+   /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFCR Configuration -------------------*/


+   /* Get the ETHERNET MACFCR value */

+   tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACFCR;

+   /* Clear xx bits */

+   tmpreg &= ETH_MACFCR_CLEAR_MASK;


+   /* Set the PT bit according to ETH PauseTime value */

+   /* Set the DZPQ bit according to ETH ZeroQuantaPause value */

+   /* Set the PLT bit according to ETH PauseLowThreshold value */

+   /* Set the UP bit according to ETH UnicastPauseFrameDetect value */

+   /* Set the RFE bit according to ETH ReceiveFlowControl value */

+   /* Set the TFE bit according to ETH TransmitFlowControl value */

+   tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((macinit.PauseTime << 16) |

+                        macinit.ZeroQuantaPause |

+                        macinit.PauseLowThreshold |

+                        macinit.UnicastPauseFrameDetect |

+                        macinit.ReceiveFlowControl |

+                        macinit.TransmitFlowControl);


+   /* Write to ETHERNET MACFCR */

+   prvWriteMACFCR( heth, tmpreg );


+   /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACVLANTR Configuration ----------------*/

+   /* Set the ETV bit according to ETH VLANTagComparison value */

+   /* Set the VL bit according to ETH VLANTagIdentifier value */

+   heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = (uint32_t)(macinit.VLANTagComparison |

+                                            macinit.VLANTagIdentifier);


+    /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+       at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+    tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACVLANTR;

+    vRegisterDelay();

+    heth->Instance->MACVLANTR = tmpreg;


+    /* Ethernet DMA default initialization ************************************/


+    dmainit.ReceiveStoreForward = ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.FlushReceivedFrame = ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.TransmitStoreForward = ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.TransmitThresholdControl = ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES;

+    dmainit.ForwardErrorFrames = ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_DISABLE;

+    dmainit.ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames = ETH_FORWARDUNDERSIZEDGOODFRAMES_DISABLE;

+    dmainit.ReceiveThresholdControl = ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES;

+    dmainit.SecondFrameOperate = ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats = ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.FixedBurst = ETH_FIXEDBURST_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.RxDMABurstLength = ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT;

+    dmainit.TxDMABurstLength = ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT;

+    dmainit.EnhancedDescriptorFormat = ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_ENABLE;

+    dmainit.DescriptorSkipLength = 0x0uL;



+    /* Get the ETHERNET DMAOMR value */

+    tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR;

+    /* Clear xx bits */

+    tmpreg &= ETH_DMAOMR_CLEAR_MASK;


+    /* Set the DT bit according to ETH DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame value */

+    /* Set the RSF bit according to ETH ReceiveStoreForward value */

+    /* Set the DFF bit according to ETH FlushReceivedFrame value */

+    /* Set the TSF bit according to ETH TransmitStoreForward value */

+    /* Set the TTC bit according to ETH TransmitThresholdControl value */

+    /* Set the FEF bit according to ETH ForwardErrorFrames value */

+    /* Set the FUF bit according to ETH ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames value */

+    /* Set the RTC bit according to ETH ReceiveThresholdControl value */

+    /* Set the OSF bit according to ETH SecondFrameOperate value */

+    tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(dmainit.DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame |

+                         dmainit.ReceiveStoreForward |

+                         dmainit.FlushReceivedFrame |

+                         dmainit.TransmitStoreForward |

+                         dmainit.TransmitThresholdControl |

+                         dmainit.ForwardErrorFrames |

+                         dmainit.ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames |

+                         dmainit.ReceiveThresholdControl |

+                         dmainit.SecondFrameOperate);


+    /* Write to ETHERNET DMAOMR */

+    prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );


+    /*----------------------- ETHERNET DMABMR Configuration ------------------*/

+    /* Set the AAL bit according to ETH AddressAlignedBeats value */

+    /* Set the FB bit according to ETH FixedBurst value */

+    /* Set the RPBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH RxDMABurstLength value */

+    /* Set the PBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH TxDMABurstLength value */

+    /* Set the Enhanced DMA descriptors bit according to ETH EnhancedDescriptorFormat value*/

+    /* Set the DSL bit according to ETH DesciptorSkipLength value */

+    /* Set the PR and DA bits according to ETH DMAArbitration value */

+    heth->Instance->DMABMR = (uint32_t)(dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats |

+                                          dmainit.FixedBurst |

+                                          dmainit.RxDMABurstLength |    /* !! if 4xPBL is selected for Tx or Rx it is applied for the other */

+                                          dmainit.TxDMABurstLength |

+                                          dmainit.EnhancedDescriptorFormat |

+                                          (dmainit.DescriptorSkipLength << 2) |

+                                          dmainit.DMAArbitration |

+                                          ETH_DMABMR_USP); /* Enable use of separate PBL for Rx and Tx */


+     /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:

+        at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */

+     tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMABMR;

+     vRegisterDelay();

+     heth->Instance->DMABMR = tmpreg;


+     if(heth->Init.RxMode == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE)

+     {

+       /* Enable the Ethernet Rx Interrupt */


+     }


+     /* Initialize MAC address in ethernet MAC */

+     ETH_MACAddressConfig(heth, ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0, heth->Init.MACAddr);




+  * @brief  Configures the selected MAC address.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @param  MacAddr: The MAC address to configure

+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address0: MAC Address0

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address1: MAC Address1

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address2: MAC Address2

+  *             @arg ETH_MAC_Address3: MAC Address3

+  * @param  Addr: Pointer to MAC address buffer data (6 bytes)

+  * @retval HAL status

+  */

+static void ETH_MACAddressConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t MacAddr, uint8_t *Addr)


+	uint32_t tmpreg;


+	( void ) heth;


+	/* Check the parameters */

+	assert_param( IS_ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0123( MacAddr ) );


+	/* Calculate the selected MAC address high register */

+	/* Register ETH_MACA0HR: Bit 31 MO: Always 1. */

+	tmpreg = 0x80000000uL | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 5 ] << 8) | (uint32_t)Addr[ 4 ];

+	/* Load the selected MAC address high register */

+	( * ( __IO uint32_t * ) ( ( uint32_t ) ( ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr ) ) ) = tmpreg;

+	/* Calculate the selected MAC address low register */

+	tmpreg = ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 3 ] << 24 ) | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 2 ] << 16 ) | ( ( uint32_t )Addr[ 1 ] << 8 ) | Addr[ 0 ];


+	/* Load the selected MAC address low register */

+	( * ( __IO uint32_t * ) ( ( uint32_t ) ( ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE + MacAddr ) ) ) = tmpreg;




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR | ETH_MACCR_TE;


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACTransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR & ~( ETH_MACCR_TE );


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR | ETH_MACCR_RE;


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_MACReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->MACCR & ~( ETH_MACCR_RE );


+	prvWriteMACCR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the DMA transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Enable the DMA transmission */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_ST;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the DMA transmission.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMATransmissionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Disable the DMA transmission */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR & ~( ETH_DMAOMR_ST );


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Enables the DMA reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionEnable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Enable the DMA reception */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_SR;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Disables the DMA reception.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_DMAReceptionDisable(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Disable the DMA reception */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR & ~( ETH_DMAOMR_SR );


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @brief  Clears the ETHERNET transmit FIFO.

+  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains

+  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module

+  * @retval None

+  */

+static void ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)


+	/* Set the Flush Transmit FIFO bit */

+	__IO uint32_t tmpreg = heth->Instance->DMAOMR | ETH_DMAOMR_FTF;


+	prvWriteDMAOMR( heth, tmpreg );




+  * @}

+  */

+#endif /* stm_is_F2 != 0 || stm_is_F4 != 0 || stm_is_F7 */




+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */


+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f911225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2262 @@

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @file    stm32fxx_hal_eth.h

+  * @author  MCD Application Team

+  * @version V1.2.2

+  * @date    14-April-2017

+  * @brief   Header file of ETH HAL module.

+  ******************************************************************************

+  * @attention

+  *

+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2017 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>

+  *

+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,

+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,

+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation

+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors

+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software

+  *      without specific prior written permission.

+  *











+  *

+  ******************************************************************************

+  */


+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/

+#ifndef __STM32Fxx_HAL_ETH_H

+#define __STM32Fxx_HAL_ETH_H


+/* make sure that the original ETH headers files won't be included after this. */

+#define __STM32F2xx_HAL_ETH_H

+#define __STM32F4xx_HAL_ETH_H

+#define __STM32F7xx_HAL_ETH_H


+#if defined(STM32F7xx)

+	#include "stm32f7xx_hal_def.h"

+#elif defined(STM32F407xx) || defined(STM32F417xx) || defined(STM32F427xx) || defined(STM32F437xx) || defined(STM32F429xx) || defined(STM32F439xx)

+	#include "stm32f4xx_hal_def.h"

+#elif defined(STM32F2xx)

+	#include "stm32f2xx_hal_def.h"



+#ifdef __cplusplus

+ extern "C" {



+/** @addtogroup STM32Fxx_HAL_Driver

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @addtogroup ETH

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Private_Macros

+  * @{

+  */



+                                     ((CMD) == ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION_DISABLE))

+#define IS_ETH_SPEED(SPEED) (((SPEED) == ETH_SPEED_10M) || \

+                             ((SPEED) == ETH_SPEED_100M))


+                                  ((MODE) == ETH_MODE_HALFDUPLEX))


+                                  ((MODE) == ETH_MODE_HALFDUPLEX))


+                                 ((MODE) == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE))


+                                 ((MODE) == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE))


+                                 ((MODE) == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE))


+                                      ((MODE) == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_SOFTWARE))


+                                              ((MODE) == ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE_RMII))


+                              ((CMD) == ETH_WATCHDOG_DISABLE))


+                            ((CMD) == ETH_JABBER_DISABLE))


+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_88BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_80BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_72BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_64BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_56BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_48BIT) || \

+                                     ((GAP) == ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_40BIT))


+                                   ((CMD) == ETH_CARRIERSENCE_DISABLE))


+                                 ((CMD) == ETH_RECEIVEOWN_DISABLE))


+                                   ((CMD) == ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_DISABLE))


+                                      ((CMD) == ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_DISABLE))


+                                        ((CMD) == ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_DISABLE))


+                                            ((CMD) == ETH_AUTOMATICPADCRCSTRIP_DISABLE))


+                                     ((LIMIT) == ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_8) || \

+                                     ((LIMIT) == ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_4) || \

+                                     ((LIMIT) == ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_1))


+                                    ((CMD) == ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_DISABLE))


+                                 ((CMD) == ETH_RECEIVEAll_DISABLE))


+                                        ((CMD) == ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_INVERSE_ENABLE) || \

+                                        ((CMD) == ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_DISABLE))


+                                     ((PASS) == ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_FORWARDALL) || \

+                                     ((PASS) == ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_FORWARDPASSEDADDRFILTER))


+                                                ((CMD) == ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_DISABLE))


+                                                ((FILTER) == ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_INVERSE))


+                                      ((CMD) == ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_DISABLE))


+                                                ((FILTER) == ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_HASHTABLE) || \

+                                                ((FILTER) == ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT) || \

+                                                ((FILTER) == ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_NONE))


+                                              ((FILTER) == ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_HASHTABLE) || \

+                                              ((FILTER) == ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT))



+                                        ((CMD) == ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_DISABLE))


+                                               ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS28) || \

+                                               ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS144) || \

+                                               ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS256))


+                                                ((CMD) == ETH_UNICASTPAUSEFRAMEDETECT_DISABLE))


+                                         ((CMD) == ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE))


+                                          ((CMD) == ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE))


+                                                ((COMPARISON) == ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_16BIT))



+                                         ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS1) || \

+                                         ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS2) || \

+                                         ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS3))


+                                        ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS2) || \

+                                        ((ADDRESS) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESS3))


+                                           ((FILTER) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSFILTER_DA))


+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE5) || \

+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE4) || \

+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE3) || \

+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE2) || \

+                                       ((MASK) == ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE1))


+                                               ((CMD) == ETH_DROPTCPIPCHECKSUMERRORFRAME_DISABLE))


+                                           ((CMD) == ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_DISABLE))


+                                         ((CMD) == ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_DISABLE))


+                                            ((CMD) == ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_DISABLE))


+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_128BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_192BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_256BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_40BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_32BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_24BYTES) || \

+                                                      ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_16BYTES))


+                                          ((CMD) == ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_DISABLE))


+                                                    ((CMD) == ETH_FORWARDUNDERSIZEDGOODFRAMES_DISABLE))


+                                                     ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_32BYTES) || \

+                                                     ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_96BYTES) || \

+                                                     ((THRESHOLD) == ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_128BYTES))


+                                          ((CMD) == ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_DISABLE))


+                                           ((CMD) == ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_DISABLE))


+                                 ((CMD) == ETH_FIXEDBURST_DISABLE))


+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_2BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_8BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_16BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_4BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_8BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_16BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_32BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_64BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_128BEAT))


+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_2BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_8BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_16BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_4BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_8BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_16BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_32BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_64BEAT) || \

+                                           ((LENGTH) == ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_128BEAT))



+                                                       ((RATIO) == ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_2_1) || \

+                                                       ((RATIO) == ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_3_1) || \

+                                                       ((RATIO) == ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_4_1) || \

+                                                       ((RATIO) == ETH_DMAARBITRATION_RXPRIORTX))


+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_IC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_LS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_FS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_DC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_DP) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_TER) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_TCH) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_IHE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_ES) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_JT) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_FF) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_PCE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_LCA) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_NC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_LCO) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_EC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_VF) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_CC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_ED) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_UF) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMATXDESC_DB))


+                                            ((SEGMENT) == ETH_DMATXDESC_FIRSTSEGMENT))


+                                              ((CHECKSUM) == ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMIPV4HEADER) || \

+                                              ((CHECKSUM) == ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPSEGMENT) || \

+                                              ((CHECKSUM) == ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPFULL))



+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_AFM) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_ES) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_DE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_SAF) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_LE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_OE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_VLAN) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_FS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_LS) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_IPV4HCE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_LC) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_FT) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_RWT) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_RE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_DBE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_CE) || \

+                                         ((FLAG) == ETH_DMARXDESC_MAMPCE))


+                                          ((BUFFER) == ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER2))


+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_PMT_FLAG_MPR))

+#define IS_ETH_DMA_FLAG(FLAG) ((((FLAG) & (uint32_t)0xC7FE1800) == 0x00) && ((FLAG) != 0x00))


+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_MMC) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_DATATRANSFERERROR) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_READWRITEERROR) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_ACCESSERROR) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_NIS) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_ER) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_FBE) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_ET) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_RWT) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_RPS) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_RBU) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_R) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_TU) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_RO) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_TJT) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_TBU) || ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_TPS) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_DMA_FLAG_T))

+#define IS_ETH_MAC_IT(IT) ((((IT) & (uint32_t)0xFFFFFDF1) == 0x00) && ((IT) != 0x00))

+#define IS_ETH_MAC_GET_IT(IT) (((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_TST) || ((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_MMCT) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_MMCR) || ((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_MMC) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_MAC_IT_PMT))


+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCR) || ((FLAG) == ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMC) || \

+                                   ((FLAG) == ETH_MAC_FLAG_PMT))

+#define IS_ETH_DMA_IT(IT) ((((IT) & (uint32_t)0xC7FE1800) == 0x00) && ((IT) != 0x00))

+#define IS_ETH_DMA_GET_IT(IT) (((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TST) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_PMT) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_MMC) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_NIS) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_AIS) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_ER) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_FBE) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_ET) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_RWT) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_RPS) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_RBU) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_R) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TU) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_RO) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TJT) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TBU) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_TPS) || ((IT) == ETH_DMA_IT_T))


+                                           ((OVERFLOW) == ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_MISSEDFRAMECOUNTER))

+#define IS_ETH_MMC_IT(IT) (((((IT) & (uint32_t)0xFFDF3FFF) == 0x00) || (((IT) & (uint32_t)0xEFFDFF9F) == 0x00)) && \

+                           ((IT) != 0x00))

+#define IS_ETH_MMC_GET_IT(IT) (((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_TGF) || ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC) || ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF) || \

+                               ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE) || ((IT) == ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE))


+                                                ((CMD) == ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_DISABLE))




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Private_Defines

+  * @{

+  */

+/* Delay to wait when writing to some Ethernet registers */

+#define ETH_REG_WRITE_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)


+/* Ethernet Errors */

+#define  ETH_SUCCESS            ((uint32_t)0U)

+#define  ETH_ERROR              ((uint32_t)1U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Tx descriptors Collision Count Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMATXDESC_COLLISION_COUNTSHIFT         ((uint32_t)3U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Tx descriptors Buffer2 Size Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMATXDESC_BUFFER2_SIZESHIFT           ((uint32_t)16U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Rx descriptors Frame Length Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAME_LENGTHSHIFT           ((uint32_t)16U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Rx descriptors Buffer2 Size Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER2_SIZESHIFT           ((uint32_t)16U)


+/* Ethernet DMA Rx descriptors Frame length Shift */

+#define  ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAMELENGTHSHIFT            ((uint32_t)16U)


+/* Ethernet MAC address offsets */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE    (uint32_t)(ETH_MAC_BASE + (uint32_t)0x40U)  /* Ethernet MAC address high offset */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE    (uint32_t)(ETH_MAC_BASE + (uint32_t)0x44U)  /* Ethernet MAC address low offset */


+/* Ethernet MACMIIAR register Mask */

+#define ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_MASK    ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFE3U)


+/* Ethernet MACCR register Mask */

+#define ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK    ((uint32_t)0xFF20810FU)


+/* Ethernet MACFCR register Mask */

+#define ETH_MACFCR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0x0000FF41U)


+/* Ethernet DMAOMR register Mask */

+#define ETH_DMAOMR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xF8DE3F23U)


+/* Ethernet Remote Wake-up frame register length */



+/* Ethernet Missed frames counter Shift */


+ /**

+  * @}

+  */


+#ifdef _lint

+	#ifdef __IO

+		#undef __IO

+	#endif

+	#define __IO


+	#ifdef ETH_TypeDef

+		#undef ETH_TypeDef

+	#endif

+	#define ETH_TypeDef	void


+	#ifdef HAL_LockTypeDef

+		#undef HAL_LockTypeDef

+	#endif

+	#define HAL_LockTypeDef	unsigned


+	#ifdef ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE

+		#undef ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE

+	#endif

+	#define ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE	1536


+	#ifdef ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE

+		#undef ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE

+	#endif

+	#define ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE	1536



+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Types ETH Exported Types

+  * @{

+  */



+  * @brief  HAL State structures definition

+  */

+typedef enum


+  HAL_ETH_STATE_RESET             = 0x00U,    /*!< Peripheral not yet Initialized or disabled         */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_READY             = 0x01U,    /*!< Peripheral Initialized and ready for use           */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY              = 0x02U,    /*!< an internal process is ongoing                     */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_TX           = 0x12U,    /*!< Data Transmission process is ongoing               */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RX           = 0x22U,    /*!< Data Reception process is ongoing                  */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX        = 0x32U,    /*!< Data Transmission and Reception process is ongoing */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_WR           = 0x42U,    /*!< Write process is ongoing                           */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY_RD           = 0x82U,    /*!< Read process is ongoing                            */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_TIMEOUT           = 0x03U,    /*!< Timeout state                                      */

+  HAL_ETH_STATE_ERROR             = 0x04U     /*!< Reception process is ongoing                       */




+  * @brief  ETH Init Structure definition

+  */


+typedef struct


+  uint32_t             AutoNegotiation;           /*!< Selects or not the AutoNegotiation mode for the external PHY

+                                                           The AutoNegotiation allows an automatic setting of the Speed (10/100Mbps)

+                                                           and the mode (half/full-duplex).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_AutoNegotiation */


+  uint32_t             Speed;                     /*!< Sets the Ethernet speed: 10/100 Mbps.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Speed */


+  uint32_t             DuplexMode;                /*!< Selects the MAC duplex mode: Half-Duplex or Full-Duplex mode

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Duplex_Mode */


+  uint16_t             PhyAddress;                /*!< Ethernet PHY address.

+                                                           This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 32 */


+  uint8_t             *MACAddr;                   /*!< MAC Address of used Hardware: must be pointer on an array of 6 bytes */


+  uint32_t             RxMode;                    /*!< Selects the Ethernet Rx mode: Polling mode, Interrupt mode.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Rx_Mode */


+  uint32_t             ChecksumMode;              /*!< Selects if the checksum is check by hardware or by software.

+                                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Checksum_Mode */


+  uint32_t             MediaInterface    ;               /*!< Selects the media-independent interface or the reduced media-independent interface.

+                                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Media_Interface */


+} ETH_InitTypeDef;



+ /**

+  * @brief  ETH MAC Configuration Structure definition

+  */


+typedef struct


+  uint32_t             Watchdog;                  /*!< Selects or not the Watchdog timer

+                                                           When enabled, the MAC allows no more then 2048 bytes to be received.

+                                                           When disabled, the MAC can receive up to 16384 bytes.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Watchdog */


+  uint32_t             Jabber;                    /*!< Selects or not Jabber timer

+                                                           When enabled, the MAC allows no more then 2048 bytes to be sent.

+                                                           When disabled, the MAC can send up to 16384 bytes.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Jabber */


+  uint32_t             InterFrameGap;             /*!< Selects the minimum IFG between frames during transmission.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Inter_Frame_Gap */


+  uint32_t             CarrierSense;              /*!< Selects or not the Carrier Sense.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Carrier_Sense */


+  uint32_t             ReceiveOwn;                /*!< Selects or not the ReceiveOwn,

+                                                           ReceiveOwn allows the reception of frames when the TX_EN signal is asserted

+                                                           in Half-Duplex mode.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Own */


+  uint32_t             LoopbackMode;              /*!< Selects or not the internal MAC MII Loopback mode.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Loop_Back_Mode */


+  uint32_t             ChecksumOffload;           /*!< Selects or not the IPv4 checksum checking for received frame payloads' TCP/UDP/ICMP headers.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Checksum_Offload */


+  uint32_t             RetryTransmission;         /*!< Selects or not the MAC attempt retries transmission, based on the settings of BL,

+                                                           when a collision occurs (Half-Duplex mode).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Retry_Transmission */


+  uint32_t             AutomaticPadCRCStrip;      /*!< Selects or not the Automatic MAC Pad/CRC Stripping.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Automatic_Pad_CRC_Strip */


+  uint32_t             BackOffLimit;              /*!< Selects the BackOff limit value.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Back_Off_Limit */


+  uint32_t             DeferralCheck;             /*!< Selects or not the deferral check function (Half-Duplex mode).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Deferral_Check */


+  uint32_t             ReceiveAll;                /*!< Selects or not all frames reception by the MAC (No filtering).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_All */


+  uint32_t             SourceAddrFilter;          /*!< Selects the Source Address Filter mode.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Source_Addr_Filter */


+  uint32_t             PassControlFrames;         /*!< Sets the forwarding mode of the control frames (including unicast and multicast PAUSE frames)

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Pass_Control_Frames */


+  uint32_t             BroadcastFramesReception;  /*!< Selects or not the reception of Broadcast Frames.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Broadcast_Frames_Reception */


+  uint32_t             DestinationAddrFilter;     /*!< Sets the destination filter mode for both unicast and multicast frames.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Destination_Addr_Filter */


+  uint32_t             PromiscuousMode;           /*!< Selects or not the Promiscuous Mode

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Promiscuous_Mode */


+  uint32_t             MulticastFramesFilter;     /*!< Selects the Multicast Frames filter mode: None/HashTableFilter/PerfectFilter/PerfectHashTableFilter.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Multicast_Frames_Filter */


+  uint32_t             UnicastFramesFilter;       /*!< Selects the Unicast Frames filter mode: HashTableFilter/PerfectFilter/PerfectHashTableFilter.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Unicast_Frames_Filter */


+  uint32_t             HashTableHigh;             /*!< This field holds the higher 32 bits of Hash table.

+                                                           This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */


+  uint32_t             HashTableLow;              /*!< This field holds the lower 32 bits of Hash table.

+                                                           This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF  */


+  uint32_t             PauseTime;                 /*!< This field holds the value to be used in the Pause Time field in the transmit control frame.

+                                                           This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF */


+  uint32_t             ZeroQuantaPause;           /*!< Selects or not the automatic generation of Zero-Quanta Pause Control frames.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Zero_Quanta_Pause */


+  uint32_t             PauseLowThreshold;         /*!< This field configures the threshold of the PAUSE to be checked for

+                                                           automatic retransmission of PAUSE Frame.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Pause_Low_Threshold */


+  uint32_t             UnicastPauseFrameDetect;   /*!< Selects or not the MAC detection of the Pause frames (with MAC Address0

+                                                           unicast address and unique multicast address).

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Unicast_Pause_Frame_Detect */


+  uint32_t             ReceiveFlowControl;        /*!< Enables or disables the MAC to decode the received Pause frame and

+                                                           disable its transmitter for a specified time (Pause Time)

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Flow_Control */


+  uint32_t             TransmitFlowControl;       /*!< Enables or disables the MAC to transmit Pause frames (Full-Duplex mode)

+                                                           or the MAC back-pressure operation (Half-Duplex mode)

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Flow_Control */


+  uint32_t             VLANTagComparison;         /*!< Selects the 12-bit VLAN identifier or the complete 16-bit VLAN tag for

+                                                           comparison and filtering.

+                                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_VLAN_Tag_Comparison */


+  uint32_t             VLANTagIdentifier;         /*!< Holds the VLAN tag identifier for receive frames */


+} ETH_MACInitTypeDef;




+  * @brief  ETH DMA Configuration Structure definition

+  */


+typedef struct


+ uint32_t              DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame; /*!< Selects or not the Dropping of TCP/IP Checksum Error Frames.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Drop_TCP_IP_Checksum_Error_Frame */


+  uint32_t             ReceiveStoreForward;         /*!< Enables or disables the Receive store and forward mode.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Store_Forward */


+  uint32_t             FlushReceivedFrame;          /*!< Enables or disables the flushing of received frames.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Flush_Received_Frame */


+  uint32_t             TransmitStoreForward;        /*!< Enables or disables Transmit store and forward mode.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Store_Forward */


+  uint32_t             TransmitThresholdControl;    /*!< Selects or not the Transmit Threshold Control.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Threshold_Control */


+  uint32_t             ForwardErrorFrames;          /*!< Selects or not the forward to the DMA of erroneous frames.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Forward_Error_Frames */


+  uint32_t             ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames; /*!< Enables or disables the Rx FIFO to forward Undersized frames (frames with no Error

+                                                             and length less than 64 bytes) including pad-bytes and CRC)

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Forward_Undersized_Good_Frames */


+  uint32_t             ReceiveThresholdControl;     /*!< Selects the threshold level of the Receive FIFO.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Threshold_Control */


+  uint32_t             SecondFrameOperate;          /*!< Selects or not the Operate on second frame mode, which allows the DMA to process a second

+                                                             frame of Transmit data even before obtaining the status for the first frame.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Second_Frame_Operate */


+  uint32_t             AddressAlignedBeats;         /*!< Enables or disables the Address Aligned Beats.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Address_Aligned_Beats */


+  uint32_t             FixedBurst;                  /*!< Enables or disables the AHB Master interface fixed burst transfers.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Fixed_Burst */


+  uint32_t             RxDMABurstLength;            /*!< Indicates the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one Rx DMA transaction.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Rx_DMA_Burst_Length */


+  uint32_t             TxDMABurstLength;            /*!< Indicates the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one Tx DMA transaction.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Tx_DMA_Burst_Length */


+  uint32_t             EnhancedDescriptorFormat;    /*!< Enables the enhanced descriptor format.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_DMA_Enhanced_descriptor_format */


+  uint32_t             DescriptorSkipLength;        /*!< Specifies the number of word to skip between two unchained descriptors (Ring mode)

+                                                             This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 32 */


+  uint32_t             DMAArbitration;              /*!< Selects the DMA Tx/Rx arbitration.

+                                                             This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_DMA_Arbitration */

+} ETH_DMAInitTypeDef;




+  * @brief  ETH DMA Descriptors data structure definition

+  */


+typedef struct


+  __IO uint32_t   Status;           /*!< Status */


+  uint32_t   ControlBufferSize;     /*!< Control and Buffer1, Buffer2 lengths */


+  uint32_t   Buffer1Addr;           /*!< Buffer1 address pointer */


+  uint32_t   Buffer2NextDescAddr;   /*!< Buffer2 or next descriptor address pointer */


+  /*!< Enhanced Ethernet DMA PTP Descriptors */

+  uint32_t   ExtendedStatus;        /*!< Extended status for PTP receive descriptor */


+  uint32_t   Reserved1;             /*!< Reserved */


+  uint32_t   TimeStampLow;          /*!< Time Stamp Low value for transmit and receive */


+  uint32_t   TimeStampHigh;         /*!< Time Stamp High value for transmit and receive */


+} ETH_DMADescTypeDef;




+  * @brief  Received Frame Informations structure definition

+  */

+typedef struct


+  ETH_DMADescTypeDef *FSRxDesc;          /*!< First Segment Rx Desc */


+  ETH_DMADescTypeDef *LSRxDesc;          /*!< Last Segment Rx Desc */


+  uint32_t  SegCount;                    /*!< Segment count */


+  uint32_t length;                       /*!< Frame length */


+  uint32_t buffer;                       /*!< Frame buffer */


+} ETH_DMARxFrameInfos;




+  * @brief  ETH Handle Structure definition

+  */


+typedef struct


+  ETH_TypeDef                *Instance;     /*!< Register base address       */


+  ETH_InitTypeDef            Init;          /*!< Ethernet Init Configuration */


+  uint32_t                   LinkStatus;    /*!< Ethernet link status        */


+  ETH_DMADescTypeDef         *RxDesc;       /*!< Rx descriptor to Get        */


+  ETH_DMADescTypeDef         *TxDesc;       /*!< Tx descriptor to Set        */


+  ETH_DMARxFrameInfos        RxFrameInfos;  /*!< last Rx frame infos         */


+  __IO HAL_ETH_StateTypeDef  State;         /*!< ETH communication state     */


+  HAL_LockTypeDef            Lock;          /*!< ETH Lock                    */


+} ETH_HandleTypeDef;


+ /**

+  * @}

+  */


+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Constants ETH Exported Constants

+  * @{

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Buffers_setting ETH Buffers setting

+  * @{

+  */


+#define ETH_HEADER               ((uint32_t)14U)    /*!< 6 byte Dest addr, 6 byte Src addr, 2 byte length/type */

+#define ETH_CRC                   ((uint32_t)4U)    /*!< Ethernet CRC */

+#define ETH_EXTRA                 ((uint32_t)2U)    /*!< Extra bytes in some cases */

+#define ETH_VLAN_TAG              ((uint32_t)4U)    /*!< optional 802.1q VLAN Tag */

+#define ETH_MIN_ETH_PAYLOAD       ((uint32_t)46U)    /*!< Minimum Ethernet payload size */

+#define ETH_MAX_ETH_PAYLOAD       ((uint32_t)1500U)    /*!< Maximum Ethernet payload size */

+#define ETH_JUMBO_FRAME_PAYLOAD   ((uint32_t)9000U)    /*!< Jumbo frame payload size */


+ /* Ethernet driver receive buffers are organized in a chained linked-list, when

+    an Ethernet packet is received, the Rx-DMA will transfer the packet from RxFIFO

+    to the driver receive buffers memory.


+    Depending on the size of the received Ethernet packet and the size of

+    each Ethernet driver receive buffer, the received packet can take one or more

+    Ethernet driver receive buffer.


+    In below are defined the size of one Ethernet driver receive buffer ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE

+    and the total count of the driver receive buffers ETH_RXBUFNB.


+    The configured value for ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE and ETH_RXBUFNB are only provided as

+    example, they can be reconfigured in the application layer to fit the application

+    needs */


+/* Here we configure each Ethernet driver receive buffer to fit the Max size Ethernet

+   packet */

+#ifndef ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE

+ #error please define ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE




+/* 5 Ethernet driver receive buffers are used (in a chained linked list)*/

+#ifndef ETH_RXBUFNB

+ #define ETH_RXBUFNB             ((uint32_t)5U)     /*  5 Rx buffers of size ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE */




+ /* Ethernet driver transmit buffers are organized in a chained linked-list, when

+    an Ethernet packet is transmitted, Tx-DMA will transfer the packet from the

+    driver transmit buffers memory to the TxFIFO.


+    Depending on the size of the Ethernet packet to be transmitted and the size of

+    each Ethernet driver transmit buffer, the packet to be transmitted can take

+    one or more Ethernet driver transmit buffer.


+    In below are defined the size of one Ethernet driver transmit buffer ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE

+    and the total count of the driver transmit buffers ETH_TXBUFNB.


+    The configured value for ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE and ETH_TXBUFNB are only provided as

+    example, they can be reconfigured in the application layer to fit the application

+    needs */


+/* Here we configure each Ethernet driver transmit buffer to fit the Max size Ethernet

+   packet */

+#ifndef ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE

+ #error please define ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE




+/* 5 Ethernet driver transmit buffers are used (in a chained linked list)*/

+#ifndef ETH_TXBUFNB

+ #define ETH_TXBUFNB             ((uint32_t)5U)      /* 5  Tx buffers of size ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE */



+ /**

+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_TX_Descriptor ETH DMA TX Descriptor

+  * @{

+  */



+   DMA Tx Descriptor

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES0 | OWN(31) | CTRL[30:26] | Reserved[25:24] | CTRL[23:20] | Reserved[19:17] | Status[16:0] |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES1 | Reserved[31:29] | Buffer2 ByteCount[28:16] | Reserved[15:13] | Buffer1 ByteCount[12:0] |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES2 |                         Buffer1 Address [31:0]                                         |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES3 |                   Buffer2 Address [31:0] / Next Descriptor Address [31:0]              |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




+  * @brief  Bit definition of TDES0 register: DMA Tx descriptor status register

+  */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN                     ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)  /*!< OWN bit: descriptor is owned by DMA engine */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_IC                      ((uint32_t)0x40000000U)  /*!< Interrupt on Completion */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LS                      ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< Last Segment */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_FS                      ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< First Segment */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DC                      ((uint32_t)0x08000000U)  /*!< Disable CRC */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DP                      ((uint32_t)0x04000000U)  /*!< Disable Padding */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSE                    ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)  /*!< Transmit Time Stamp Enable */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC                     ((uint32_t)0x00C00000U)  /*!< Checksum Insertion Control: 4 cases */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_BYPASS              ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< Do Nothing: Checksum Engine is bypassed */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_IPV4HEADER          ((uint32_t)0x00400000U)  /*!< IPV4 header Checksum Insertion */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_TCPUDPICMP_SEGMENT  ((uint32_t)0x00800000U)  /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP Checksum Insertion calculated over segment only */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_TCPUDPICMP_FULL     ((uint32_t)0x00C00000U)  /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP Checksum Insertion fully calculated */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TER                     ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)  /*!< Transmit End of Ring */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TCH                     ((uint32_t)0x00100000U)  /*!< Second Address Chained */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSS                    ((uint32_t)0x00020000U)  /*!< Tx Time Stamp Status */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_IHE                     ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< IP Header Error */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_ES                      ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Error summary: OR of the following bits: UE || ED || EC || LCO || NC || LCA || FF || JT */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_JT                      ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Jabber Timeout */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_FF                      ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< Frame Flushed: DMA/MTL flushed the frame due to SW flush */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_PCE                     ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)  /*!< Payload Checksum Error */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LCA                     ((uint32_t)0x00000800U)  /*!< Loss of Carrier: carrier lost during transmission */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_NC                      ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< No Carrier: no carrier signal from the transceiver */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LCO                     ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Late Collision: transmission aborted due to collision */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_EC                      ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< Excessive Collision: transmission aborted after 16 collisions */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VF                      ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< VLAN Frame */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CC                      ((uint32_t)0x00000078U)  /*!< Collision Count */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_ED                      ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< Excessive Deferral */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_UF                      ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< Underflow Error: late data arrival from the memory */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DB                      ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Deferred Bit */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of TDES1 register

+  */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS2  ((uint32_t)0x1FFF0000U)  /*!< Transmit Buffer2 Size */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1  ((uint32_t)0x00001FFFU)  /*!< Transmit Buffer1 Size */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of TDES2 register

+  */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_B1AP  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /*!< Buffer1 Address Pointer */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of TDES3 register

+  */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_B2AP  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /*!< Buffer2 Address Pointer */


+  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES6 |                         Transmit Time Stamp Low [31:0]                                 |

+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  TDES7 |                         Transmit Time Stamp High [31:0]                                |

+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/


+/* Bit definition of TDES6 register */

+ #define ETH_DMAPTPTXDESC_TTSL  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /* Transmit Time Stamp Low */


+/* Bit definition of TDES7 register */

+ #define ETH_DMAPTPTXDESC_TTSH  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /* Transmit Time Stamp High */



+  * @}

+  */

+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_RX_Descriptor ETH DMA RX Descriptor

+  * @{

+  */



+  DMA Rx Descriptor

+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES0 | OWN(31) |                                             Status [30:0]                                          |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES1 | CTRL(31) | Reserved[30:29] | Buffer2 ByteCount[28:16] | CTRL[15:14] | Reserved(13) | Buffer1 ByteCount[12:0] |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES2 |                                       Buffer1 Address [31:0]                                                 |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES3 |                          Buffer2 Address [31:0] / Next Descriptor Address [31:0]                             |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




+  * @brief  Bit definition of RDES0 register: DMA Rx descriptor status register

+  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN         ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)  /*!< OWN bit: descriptor is owned by DMA engine  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_AFM         ((uint32_t)0x40000000U)  /*!< DA Filter Fail for the rx frame  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_FL          ((uint32_t)0x3FFF0000U)  /*!< Receive descriptor frame length  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_ES          ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Error summary: OR of the following bits: DE || OE || IPC || LC || RWT || RE || CE */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DE          ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Descriptor error: no more descriptors for receive frame  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_SAF         ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< SA Filter Fail for the received frame */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_LE          ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)  /*!< Frame size not matching with length field */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_OE          ((uint32_t)0x00000800U)  /*!< Overflow Error: Frame was damaged due to buffer overflow */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_VLAN        ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< VLAN Tag: received frame is a VLAN frame */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_FS          ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< First descriptor of the frame  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_LS          ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< Last descriptor of the frame  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPV4HCE     ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< IPC Checksum Error: Rx Ipv4 header checksum error   */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_LC          ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< Late collision occurred during reception   */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_FT          ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Frame type - Ethernet, otherwise 802.3    */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RWT         ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Receive Watchdog Timeout: watchdog timer expired during reception    */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RE          ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< Receive error: error reported by MII interface  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DBE         ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< Dribble bit error: frame contains non int multiple of 8 bits  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_CE          ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< CRC error */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MAMPCE      ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Rx MAC Address/Payload Checksum Error: Rx MAC address matched/ Rx Payload Checksum Error */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of RDES1 register

+  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC   ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)  /*!< Disable Interrupt on Completion */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RBS2  ((uint32_t)0x1FFF0000U)  /*!< Receive Buffer2 Size */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RER   ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Receive End of Ring */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RCH   ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Second Address Chained */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RBS1  ((uint32_t)0x00001FFFU)  /*!< Receive Buffer1 Size */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of RDES2 register

+  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_B1AP  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /*!< Buffer1 Address Pointer */



+  * @brief  Bit definition of RDES3 register

+  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_B2AP  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /*!< Buffer2 Address Pointer */



+  RDES4 |                   Reserved[31:15]              |             Extended Status [14:0]                          |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES5 |                                            Reserved[31:0]                                                    |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES6 |                                       Receive Time Stamp Low [31:0]                                          |

+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+  RDES7 |                                       Receive Time Stamp High [31:0]                                         |

+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/


+/* Bit definition of RDES4 register */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPV                            ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /* PTP Version */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPFT                           ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)  /* PTP Frame Type */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT                           ((uint32_t)0x00000F00U)  /* PTP Message Type */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_SYNC                      ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /* SYNC message (all clock types) */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_FOLLOWUP                  ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /* FollowUp message (all clock types) */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_DELAYREQ                  ((uint32_t)0x00000300U)  /* DelayReq message (all clock types) */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_DELAYRESP                 ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /* DelayResp message (all clock types) */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYREQ_ANNOUNCE        ((uint32_t)0x00000500U)  /* PdelayReq message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Announce message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYRESP_MANAG          ((uint32_t)0x00000600U)  /* PdelayResp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Management message (Ordinary or Boundary clock)  */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYRESPFOLLOWUP_SIGNAL ((uint32_t)0x00000700U)  /* PdelayRespFollowUp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Signaling message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPV6PR                          ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /* IPv6 Packet Received */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPV4PR                          ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /* IPv4 Packet Received */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPCB                            ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /* IP Checksum Bypassed */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPE                            ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /* IP Payload Error */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPHE                            ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /* IP Header Error */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPT                            ((uint32_t)0x00000007U)  /* IP Payload Type */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPT_UDP                      ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /* UDP payload encapsulated in the IP datagram */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPT_TCP                      ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /* TCP payload encapsulated in the IP datagram */

+  #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPPT_ICMP                     ((uint32_t)0x00000003U)  /* ICMP payload encapsulated in the IP datagram */


+/* Bit definition of RDES6 register */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_RTSL  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /* Receive Time Stamp Low */


+/* Bit definition of RDES7 register */

+#define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_RTSH  ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU)  /* Receive Time Stamp High */


+  * @}

+  */

+ /** @defgroup ETH_AutoNegotiation ETH AutoNegotiation

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)

+#define ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)



+  * @}

+  */

+/** @defgroup ETH_Speed ETH Speed

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_SPEED_10M        ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_SPEED_100M       ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)



+  * @}

+  */

+/** @defgroup ETH_Duplex_Mode ETH Duplex Mode

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX       ((uint32_t)0x00000800U)

+#define ETH_MODE_HALFDUPLEX       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */

+/** @defgroup ETH_Rx_Mode ETH Rx Mode

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_RXPOLLING_MODE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE    ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Checksum_Mode ETH Checksum Mode

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_SOFTWARE      ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Media_Interface ETH Media Interface

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MEDIA_INTERFACE_MII       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)



+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Watchdog ETH Watchdog

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_WATCHDOG_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_WATCHDOG_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00800000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Jabber ETH Jabber

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_JABBER_ENABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_JABBER_DISABLE   ((uint32_t)0x00400000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Inter_Frame_Gap ETH Inter Frame Gap

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_96BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 96Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_88BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00020000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 88Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_80BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00040000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 80Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_72BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00060000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 72Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_64BIT   ((uint32_t)0x00080000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 64Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_56BIT   ((uint32_t)0x000A0000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 56Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_48BIT   ((uint32_t)0x000C0000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 48Bit */

+#define ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_40BIT   ((uint32_t)0x000E0000U)  /*!< minimum IFG between frames during transmission is 40Bit */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Carrier_Sense ETH Carrier Sense

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_CARRIERSENCE_ENABLE   ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_CARRIERSENCE_DISABLE  ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_Own ETH Receive Own

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEOWN_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_RECEIVEOWN_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Loop_Back_Mode ETH Loop Back Mode

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)

+#define ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_DISABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Checksum_Offload ETH Checksum Offload

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)

+#define ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Retry_Transmission ETH Retry Transmission

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_ENABLE   ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_DISABLE  ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Automatic_Pad_CRC_Strip ETH Automatic Pad CRC Strip

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_AUTOMATICPADCRCSTRIP_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)

+#define ETH_AUTOMATICPADCRCSTRIP_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Back_Off_Limit ETH Back Off Limit

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_10  ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_8   ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)

+#define ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_4   ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)

+#define ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_1   ((uint32_t)0x00000060U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Deferral_Check ETH Deferral Check

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)

+#define ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_All ETH Receive All

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEALL_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)

+#define ETH_RECEIVEAll_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Source_Addr_Filter ETH Source Addr Filter

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_NORMAL_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)

+#define ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_INVERSE_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000300U)

+#define ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_DISABLE             ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Pass_Control_Frames ETH Pass Control Frames

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_BLOCKALL                ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< MAC filters all control frames from reaching the application */

+#define ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_FORWARDALL              ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< MAC forwards all control frames to application even if they fail the Address Filter */

+#define ETH_PASSCONTROLFRAMES_FORWARDPASSEDADDRFILTER ((uint32_t)0x000000C0U)  /*!< MAC forwards control frames that pass the Address Filter. */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Broadcast_Frames_Reception ETH Broadcast Frames Reception

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Destination_Addr_Filter ETH Destination Addr Filter

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_NORMAL    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_INVERSE   ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Promiscuous_Mode ETH Promiscuous Mode

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)

+#define ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Multicast_Frames_Filter ETH Multicast Frames Filter

+  * @{

+  */


+#define ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_HASHTABLE           ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)

+#define ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT             ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_NONE                ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Unicast_Frames_Filter ETH Unicast Frames Filter

+  * @{

+  */


+#define ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_HASHTABLE        ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)

+#define ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT          ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Zero_Quanta_Pause ETH Zero Quanta Pause

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Pause_Low_Threshold ETH Pause Low Threshold

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS4        ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< Pause time minus 4 slot times */

+#define ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS28       ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Pause time minus 28 slot times */

+#define ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS144      ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Pause time minus 144 slot times */

+#define ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS256      ((uint32_t)0x00000030U)  /*!< Pause time minus 256 slot times */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Unicast_Pause_Frame_Detect ETH Unicast Pause Frame Detect

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_UNICASTPAUSEFRAMEDETECT_ENABLE  ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)

+#define ETH_UNICASTPAUSEFRAMEDETECT_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_Flow_Control ETH Receive Flow Control

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)

+#define ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Flow_Control ETH Transmit Flow Control

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)

+#define ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_VLAN_Tag_Comparison ETH VLAN Tag Comparison

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_12BIT    ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)

+#define ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_16BIT    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_addresses ETH MAC addresses

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS1     ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS2     ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS3     ((uint32_t)0x00000018U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_addresses_filter_SA_DA ETH MAC addresses filter SA DA

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSFILTER_SA       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSFILTER_DA       ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_addresses_filter_Mask_bytes ETH MAC addresses filter Mask bytes

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE6      ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address high reg bits [15:8] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE5      ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address high reg bits [7:0] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE4      ((uint32_t)0x08000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [31:24] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE3      ((uint32_t)0x04000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [23:16] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE2      ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [15:8] */

+#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESSMASK_BYTE1      ((uint32_t)0x01000000U)  /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [70] */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_Debug_flags ETH MAC Debug flags

+  * @{

+  */


+	#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_FULL          ((uint32_t)0x02000000)  /* Tx FIFO full */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFONOT_EMPTY      ((uint32_t)0x01000000)  /* Tx FIFO not empty */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE  ((uint32_t)0x00400000)  /* Tx FIFO write active */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_IDLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /* Tx FIFO read status: Idle */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_READ     ((uint32_t)0x00100000)  /* Tx FIFO read status: Read (transferring data to the MAC transmitter) */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WAITING  ((uint32_t)0x00200000)  /* Tx FIFO read status: Waiting for TxStatus from MAC transmitter */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WRITING  ((uint32_t)0x00300000)  /* Tx FIFO read status: Writing the received TxStatus or flushing the TxFIFO */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMISSION_PAUSE     ((uint32_t)0x00080000)  /* MAC transmitter in pause */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_IDLE            ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /* MAC transmit frame controller: Idle */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_WAITING         ((uint32_t)0x00020000)  /* MAC transmit frame controller: Waiting for Status of previous frame or IFG/backoff period to be over */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_GENRATING_PCF   ((uint32_t)0x00040000)  /* MAC transmit frame controller: Generating and transmitting a Pause control frame (in full duplex mode) */

+	#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_TRANSFERRING    ((uint32_t)0x00060000)  /* MAC transmit frame controller: Transferring input frame for transmission */

+	#define ETH_MAC_MII_TRANSMIT_ACTIVE      ((uint32_t)0x00010000)  /* MAC MII transmit engine active */

+	#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_EMPTY             ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /* Rx FIFO fill level: empty */

+	#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_BELOW_THRESHOLD   ((uint32_t)0x00000100)  /* Rx FIFO fill level: fill-level below flow-control de-activate threshold */

+	#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_ABOVE_THRESHOLD   ((uint32_t)0x00000200)  /* Rx FIFO fill level: fill-level above flow-control activate threshold */

+	#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_FULL              ((uint32_t)0x00000300)  /* Rx FIFO fill level: full */

+	#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_IDLE            ((uint32_t)0x00000060)  /* Rx FIFO read controller IDLE state */

+	#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_READING_DATA    ((uint32_t)0x00000060)  /* Rx FIFO read controller Reading frame data */

+	#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_READING_STATUS  ((uint32_t)0x00000060)  /* Rx FIFO read controller Reading frame status (or time-stamp) */

+	#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_ FLUSHING       ((uint32_t)0x00000060)  /* Rx FIFO read controller Flushing the frame data and status */

+	#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE     ((uint32_t)0x00000010)  /* Rx FIFO write controller active */

+	#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_NOTACTIVE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000)  /* MAC small FIFO read / write controllers not active */

+	#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_READ_ACTIVE  ((uint32_t)0x00000002)  /* MAC small FIFO read controller active */

+	#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE ((uint32_t)0x00000004)  /* MAC small FIFO write controller active */

+	#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_RW_ACTIVE    ((uint32_t)0x00000006)  /* MAC small FIFO read / write controllers active */

+	#define ETH_MAC_MII_RECEIVE_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE   ((uint32_t)0x00000001)  /* MAC MII receive protocol engine active */


+	/* stm32_hal_legacy.h has probably been included. That file defines 'ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_FULL' and all macro's here below. */



+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Drop_TCP_IP_Checksum_Error_Frame ETH Drop TCP IP Checksum Error Frame

+  * @{

+  */




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_Store_Forward ETH Receive Store Forward

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)

+#define ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_DISABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Flush_Received_Frame ETH Flush Received Frame

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x01000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Store_Forward ETH Transmit Store Forward

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)

+#define ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Threshold_Control ETH Transmit Threshold Control

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 64 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_128BYTES    ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 128 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_192BYTES    ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 192 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_256BYTES    ((uint32_t)0x0000C000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 256 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_40BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 40 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_32BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00014000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 32 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_24BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00018000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 24 Bytes */

+#define ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_16BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x0001C000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Transmit FIFO is 16 Bytes */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Forward_Error_Frames ETH Forward Error Frames

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)

+#define ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Forward_Undersized_Good_Frames ETH Forward Undersized Good Frames

+  * @{

+  */




+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Receive_Threshold_Control ETH Receive Threshold Control

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Receive FIFO is 64 Bytes */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_32BYTES      ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Receive FIFO is 32 Bytes */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_96BYTES      ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Receive FIFO is 96 Bytes */

+#define ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_128BYTES     ((uint32_t)0x00000018U)  /*!< threshold level of the MTL Receive FIFO is 128 Bytes */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Second_Frame_Operate ETH Second Frame Operate

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_ENABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)

+#define ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_DISABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Address_Aligned_Beats ETH Address Aligned Beats

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)

+#define ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_DISABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Fixed_Burst ETH Fixed Burst

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_FIXEDBURST_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)

+#define ETH_FIXEDBURST_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Rx_DMA_Burst_Length ETH Rx DMA Burst Length

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_1BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00020000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 1 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_2BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00040000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 2 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00080000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 4 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_8BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00100000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 8 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_16BEAT         ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 16 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT         ((uint32_t)0x00400000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 32 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_4BEAT    ((uint32_t)0x01020000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 4 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_8BEAT    ((uint32_t)0x01040000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 8 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_16BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01080000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 16 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_32BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01100000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 32 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_64BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01200000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 64 */

+#define ETH_RXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_128BEAT  ((uint32_t)0x01400000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 128 */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_Tx_DMA_Burst_Length ETH Tx DMA Burst Length

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_1BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 1 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_2BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 2 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 4 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_8BEAT          ((uint32_t)0x00000800U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 8 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_16BEAT         ((uint32_t)0x00001000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 16 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_32BEAT         ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 32 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_4BEAT    ((uint32_t)0x01000100U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 4 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_8BEAT    ((uint32_t)0x01000200U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 8 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_16BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01000400U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 16 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_32BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01000800U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 32 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_64BEAT   ((uint32_t)0x01001000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 64 */

+#define ETH_TXDMABURSTLENGTH_4XPBL_128BEAT  ((uint32_t)0x01002000U)  /*!< maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 128 */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Enhanced_descriptor_format ETH DMA Enhanced descriptor format

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_ENABLE              ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)

+#define ETH_DMAENHANCEDDESCRIPTOR_DISABLE             ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Arbitration ETH DMA Arbitration

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_1_1   ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_2_1   ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_3_1   ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_ROUNDROBIN_RXTX_4_1   ((uint32_t)0x0000C000U)

+#define ETH_DMAARBITRATION_RXPRIORTX             ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Tx_descriptor_segment ETH DMA Tx descriptor segment

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LASTSEGMENTS      ((uint32_t)0x40000000U)  /*!< Last Segment */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_FIRSTSEGMENT      ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< First Segment */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Tx_descriptor_Checksum_Insertion_Control ETH DMA Tx descriptor Checksum Insertion Control

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMBYPASS             ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)   /*!< Checksum engine bypass */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMIPV4HEADER         ((uint32_t)0x00400000U)   /*!< IPv4 header checksum insertion  */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPSEGMENT  ((uint32_t)0x00800000U)   /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum insertion. Pseudo header checksum is assumed to be present */

+#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPFULL     ((uint32_t)0x00C00000U)   /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum fully in hardware including pseudo header */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Rx_descriptor_buffers ETH DMA Rx descriptor buffers

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER1     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< DMA Rx Desc Buffer1 */

+#define ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER2     ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< DMA Rx Desc Buffer2 */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_PMT_Flags ETH PMT Flags

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFFRPR      ((uint32_t)0x80000000U)  /*!< Wake-Up Frame Filter Register Pointer Reset */

+#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFR         ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< Wake-Up Frame Received */

+#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_MPR          ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Magic Packet Received */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MMC_Tx_Interrupts ETH MMC Tx Interrupts

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_TGF       ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)  /*!< When Tx good frame counter reaches half the maximum value */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC    ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< When Tx good multi col counter reaches half the maximum value */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC     ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< When Tx good single col counter reaches half the maximum value */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MMC_Rx_Interrupts ETH MMC Rx Interrupts

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF      ((uint32_t)0x10020000U)  /*!< When Rx good unicast frames counter reaches half the maximum value */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE      ((uint32_t)0x10000040U)  /*!< When Rx alignment error counter reaches half the maximum value */

+#define ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE      ((uint32_t)0x10000020U)  /*!< When Rx crc error counter reaches half the maximum value */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_Flags ETH MAC Flags

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_TST     ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Time stamp trigger flag (on MAC) */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCT    ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< MMC transmit flag  */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCR    ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< MMC receive flag */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMC     ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< MMC flag (on MAC) */

+#define ETH_MAC_FLAG_PMT     ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< PMT flag (on MAC) */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Flags ETH DMA Flags

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TST               ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< Time-stamp trigger interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_PMT               ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< PMT interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_MMC               ((uint32_t)0x08000000U)  /*!< MMC interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_DATATRANSFERERROR ((uint32_t)0x00800000U)  /*!< Error bits 0-Rx DMA, 1-Tx DMA */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_READWRITEERROR    ((uint32_t)0x01000000U)  /*!< Error bits 0-write transfer, 1-read transfer */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_ACCESSERROR       ((uint32_t)0x02000000U)  /*!< Error bits 0-data buffer, 1-desc. access */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_NIS               ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< Normal interrupt summary flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS               ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Abnormal interrupt summary flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_ER                ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Early receive flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_FBE               ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< Fatal bus error flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_ET                ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< Early transmit flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RWT               ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Receive watchdog timeout flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RPS               ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< Receive process stopped flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RBU               ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< Receive buffer unavailable flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_R                 ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< Receive flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TU                ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Underflow flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RO                ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Overflow flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TJT               ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< Transmit jabber timeout flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TBU               ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< Transmit buffer unavailable flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TPS               ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< Transmit process stopped flag */

+#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_T                 ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Transmit flag */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_MAC_Interrupts ETH MAC Interrupts

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_TST       ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Time stamp trigger interrupt (on MAC) */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_MMCT      ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< MMC transmit interrupt */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_MMCR      ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< MMC receive interrupt */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_MMC       ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< MMC interrupt (on MAC) */

+#define ETH_MAC_IT_PMT       ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< PMT interrupt (on MAC) */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_Interrupts ETH DMA Interrupts

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TST       ((uint32_t)0x20000000U)  /*!< Time-stamp trigger interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_PMT       ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< PMT interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_MMC       ((uint32_t)0x08000000U)  /*!< MMC interrupt (on DMA) */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_NIS       ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< Normal interrupt summary */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_AIS       ((uint32_t)0x00008000U)  /*!< Abnormal interrupt summary */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_ER        ((uint32_t)0x00004000U)  /*!< Early receive interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_FBE       ((uint32_t)0x00002000U)  /*!< Fatal bus error interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_ET        ((uint32_t)0x00000400U)  /*!< Early transmit interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_RWT       ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)  /*!< Receive watchdog timeout interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_RPS       ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)  /*!< Receive process stopped interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_RBU       ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< Receive buffer unavailable interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_R         ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)  /*!< Receive interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TU        ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Underflow interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_RO        ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Overflow interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TJT       ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< Transmit jabber timeout interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TBU       ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< Transmit buffer unavailable interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_TPS       ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< Transmit process stopped interrupt */

+#define ETH_DMA_IT_T         ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Transmit interrupt */


+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_transmit_process_state ETH DMA transmit process state

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_STOPPED     ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< Stopped - Reset or Stop Tx Command issued */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_FETCHING    ((uint32_t)0x00100000U)  /*!< Running - fetching the Tx descriptor */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_WAITING     ((uint32_t)0x00200000U)  /*!< Running - waiting for status */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_READING     ((uint32_t)0x00300000U)  /*!< Running - reading the data from host memory */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_SUSPENDED   ((uint32_t)0x00600000U)  /*!< Suspended - Tx Descriptor unavailable */

+#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITPROCESS_CLOSING     ((uint32_t)0x00700000U)  /*!< Running - closing Rx descriptor */



+  * @}

+  */



+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_receive_process_state ETH DMA receive process state

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_STOPPED      ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< Stopped - Reset or Stop Rx Command issued */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_FETCHING     ((uint32_t)0x00020000U)  /*!< Running - fetching the Rx descriptor */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_WAITING      ((uint32_t)0x00060000U)  /*!< Running - waiting for packet */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_SUSPENDED    ((uint32_t)0x00080000U)  /*!< Suspended - Rx Descriptor unavailable */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_CLOSING      ((uint32_t)0x000A0000U)  /*!< Running - closing descriptor */

+#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVEPROCESS_QUEUING      ((uint32_t)0x000E0000U)  /*!< Running - queuing the receive frame into host memory */



+  * @}

+  */


+/** @defgroup ETH_DMA_overflow ETH DMA overflow

+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_RXFIFOCOUNTER      ((uint32_t)0x10000000U)  /*!< Overflow bit for FIFO overflow counter */

+#define ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_MISSEDFRAMECOUNTER ((uint32_t)0x00010000U)  /*!< Overflow bit for missed frame counter */


+  * @}

+  */



+  * @{

+  */

+#define ETH_EXTI_LINE_WAKEUP              ((uint32_t)0x00080000U)  /*!< External interrupt line 19 Connected to the ETH EXTI Line */



+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */


+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/

+/** @defgroup ETH_Exported_Macros ETH Exported Macros

+ *  @brief macros to handle interrupts and specific clock configurations

+ * @{

+ */


+/** @brief Reset ETH handle state

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the ETH handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA Tx Desc flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag of TDES0 to check.

+  * @retval the ETH_DMATxDescFlag (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)             ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status & (__FLAG__) == (__FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA Rx Desc flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag of RDES0 to check.

+  * @retval the ETH_DMATxDescFlag (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMARXDESC_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)             ((__HANDLE__)->RxDesc->Status & (__FLAG__) == (__FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Enables the specified DMA Rx Desc receive interrupt.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMARXDESC_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__)                          ((__HANDLE__)->RxDesc->ControlBufferSize &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC))



+  * @brief  Disables the specified DMA Rx Desc receive interrupt.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMARXDESC_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__)                         ((__HANDLE__)->RxDesc->ControlBufferSize |= ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC)



+  * @brief  Set the specified DMA Rx Desc Own bit.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMARXDESC_SET_OWN_BIT(__HANDLE__)                           ((__HANDLE__)->RxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN)



+  * @brief  Returns the specified Ethernet DMA Tx Desc collision count.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval The Transmit descriptor collision counter value.

+  */




+  * @brief  Set the specified DMA Tx Desc Own bit.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_SET_OWN_BIT(__HANDLE__)                       ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN)



+  * @brief  Enables the specified DMA Tx Desc Transmit interrupt.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__)                          ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_IC)



+  * @brief  Disables the specified DMA Tx Desc Transmit interrupt.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__)                          ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status &= ~ETH_DMATXDESC_IC)



+  * @brief  Selects the specified Ethernet DMA Tx Desc Checksum Insertion.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __CHECKSUM__: specifies is the DMA Tx desc checksum insertion.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMBYPASS : Checksum bypass

+  *     @arg ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMIPV4HEADER : IPv4 header checksum

+  *     @arg ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPSEGMENT : TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum. Pseudo header checksum is assumed to be present

+  *     @arg ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUMTCPUDPICMPFULL : TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum fully in hardware including pseudo header

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUM_INSERTION(__HANDLE__, __CHECKSUM__)     ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status |= (__CHECKSUM__))



+  * @brief  Enables the DMA Tx Desc CRC.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_CRC_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                          ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status &= ~ETH_DMATXDESC_DC)



+  * @brief  Disables the DMA Tx Desc CRC.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMATXDESC_CRC_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                         ((__HANDLE__)->TxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATXDESC_DC)



+  * @brief  Enables the DMA Tx Desc padding for frame shorter than 64 bytes.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the DMA Tx Desc padding for frame shorter than 64 bytes.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */




+ * @brief  Enables the specified Ethernet MAC interrupts.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MAC interrupt sources to be

+  *   enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_TST : Time stamp trigger interrupt

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_PMT : PMT interrupt

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MAC_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                 ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACIMR |= (__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Disables the specified Ethernet MAC interrupts.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MAC interrupt sources to be

+  *   enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_TST : Time stamp trigger interrupt

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_PMT : PMT interrupt

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MAC_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACIMR &= ~(__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Initiate a Pause Control Frame (Full-duplex only).

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Checks whether the Ethernet flow control busy bit is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval The new state of flow control busy status bit (SET or RESET).

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC Back Pressure operation activation (Half-duplex only).

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC BackPressure operation activation (Half-duplex only).

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet MAC flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_TST  : Time stamp trigger flag

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCT : MMC transmit flag

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCR : MMC receive flag

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMC  : MMC flag

+  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_PMT  : PMT flag

+  * @retval The state of Ethernet MAC flag.

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MAC_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                   (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACSR &( __FLAG__)) == ( __FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Enables the specified Ethernet DMA interrupts.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet DMA interrupt sources to be

+  *   enabled @ref ETH_DMA_Interrupts

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                 ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMAIER |= (__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Disables the specified Ethernet DMA interrupts.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet DMA interrupt sources to be

+  *   disabled. @ref ETH_DMA_Interrupts

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMAIER &= ~(__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Clears the Ethernet DMA IT pending bit.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__   : ETH Handle

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear. @ref ETH_DMA_Interrupts

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_CLEAR_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)      ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMASR =(__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA flag is set or not.

+* @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check. @ref ETH_DMA_Flags

+  * @retval The new state of ETH_DMA_FLAG (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                   (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMASR &( __FLAG__)) == ( __FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to clear. @ref ETH_DMA_Flags

+  * @retval The new state of ETH_DMA_FLAG (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_DMA_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                 ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMASR = (__FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet DMA overflow flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __OVERFLOW__: specifies the DMA overflow flag to check.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_RXFIFOCOUNTER : Overflow for FIFO Overflows Counter

+  *     @arg ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_MISSEDFRAMECOUNTER : Overflow for Buffer Unavailable Missed Frame Counter

+  * @retval The state of Ethernet DMA overflow Flag (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_GET_DMA_OVERFLOW_STATUS(__HANDLE__, __OVERFLOW__)       (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMAMFBOCR & (__OVERFLOW__)) == (__OVERFLOW__))



+  * @brief  Set the DMA Receive status watchdog timer register value

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @param  __VALUE__: DMA Receive status watchdog timer register value

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_SET_RECEIVE_WATCHDOG_TIMER(__HANDLE__, __VALUE__)       ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->DMARSWTR = (__VALUE__))



+  * @brief  Enables any unicast packet filtered by the MAC address

+  *   recognition to be a wake-up frame.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables any unicast packet filtered by the MAC address

+  *   recognition to be a wake-up frame.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC Wake-Up Frame Detection.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC Wake-Up Frame Detection.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC Magic Packet Detection.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the MAC Magic Packet Detection.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables the MAC Power Down.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_POWER_DOWN_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                         ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACPMTCSR |= ETH_MACPMTCSR_PD)



+  * @brief  Disables the MAC Power Down.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_POWER_DOWN_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                        ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACPMTCSR &= ~ETH_MACPMTCSR_PD)



+  * @brief  Checks whether the specified Ethernet PMT flag is set or not.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFFRPR : Wake-Up Frame Filter Register Pointer Reset

+  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFR    : Wake-Up Frame Received

+  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_MPR     : Magic Packet Received

+  * @retval The new state of Ethernet PMT Flag (SET or RESET).

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_GET_PMT_FLAG_STATUS(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)               (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MACPMTCSR &( __FLAG__)) == ( __FLAG__))



+  * @brief  Preset and Initialize the MMC counters to almost-full value: 0xFFFF_FFF0 (full - 16)

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTER_FULL_PRESET(__HANDLE__)                     ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= (ETH_MMCCR_MCFHP | ETH_MMCCR_MCP))



+  * @brief  Preset and Initialize the MMC counters to almost-half value: 0x7FFF_FFF0 (half - 16)

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTER_HALF_PRESET(__HANDLE__)                     do{(__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR &= ~ETH_MMCCR_MCFHP;\

+                                                                          (__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= ETH_MMCCR_MCP;} while (0)



+  * @brief  Enables the MMC Counter Freeze.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTER_FREEZE_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                  ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= ETH_MMCCR_MCF)



+  * @brief  Disables the MMC Counter Freeze.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTER_FREEZE_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                 ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR &= ~ETH_MMCCR_MCF)



+  * @brief  Enables the MMC Reset On Read.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_ETH_MMC_RESET_ONREAD_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= ETH_MMCCR_ROR)



+  * @brief  Disables the MMC Reset On Read.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_ETH_MMC_RESET_ONREAD_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)               ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR &= ~ETH_MMCCR_ROR)



+  * @brief  Enables the MMC Counter Stop Rollover.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the MMC Counter Stop Rollover.

+  * @param  __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Resets the MMC Counters.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_COUNTERS_RESET(__HANDLE__)                         ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCCR |= ETH_MMCCR_CR)



+  * @brief  Enables the specified Ethernet MMC Rx interrupts.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF  : When Rx good unicast frames counter reaches half the maximum value

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE  : When Rx alignment error counter reaches half the maximum value

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE  : When Rx crc error counter reaches half the maximum value

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_RX_IT_ENABLE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)               (__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCRIMR &= ~((__INTERRUPT__) & 0xEFFFFFFF)


+  * @brief  Disables the specified Ethernet MMC Rx interrupts.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF  : When Rx good unicast frames counter reaches half the maximum value

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE  : When Rx alignment error counter reaches half the maximum value

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE  : When Rx crc error counter reaches half the maximum value

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_RX_IT_DISABLE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)              (__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCRIMR |= ((__INTERRUPT__) & 0xEFFFFFFF)


+  * @brief  Enables the specified Ethernet MMC Tx interrupts.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGF   : When Tx good frame counter reaches half the maximum value

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC: When Tx good multi col counter reaches half the maximum value

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC : When Tx good single col counter reaches half the maximum value

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_TX_IT_ENABLE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)            ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCRIMR &= ~ (__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Disables the specified Ethernet MMC Tx interrupts.

+  * @param   __HANDLE__: ETH Handle.

+  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the Ethernet MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.

+  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGF   : When Tx good frame counter reaches half the maximum value

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC: When Tx good multi col counter reaches half the maximum value

+  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC : When Tx good single col counter reaches half the maximum value

+  * @retval None

+  */

+#define __HAL_ETH_MMC_TX_IT_DISABLE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)           ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->MMCRIMR |= (__INTERRUPT__))



+  * @brief  Enables the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief Enable event on ETH External event line.

+  * @retval None.

+  */




+  * @brief Disable event on ETH External event line

+  * @retval None.

+  */




+  * @brief  Get flag of the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Clear flag of the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables rising edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables the rising edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables falling edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Disables falling edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */




+  * @brief  Enables rising/falling edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */


+                                                              EXTI->FTSR |= ETH_EXTI_LINE_WAKEUP



+  * @brief  Disables rising/falling edge trigger to the ETH External interrupt line.

+  * @retval None

+  */


+                                                               EXTI->FTSR &= ~(ETH_EXTI_LINE_WAKEUP)



+  * @brief Generate a Software interrupt on selected EXTI line.

+  * @retval None.

+  */




+  * @}

+  */

+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions

+  * @{

+  */


+/* Initialization and de-initialization functions  ****************************/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group1

+  * @{

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Init(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_MspInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_MspDeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DMATxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMADescTypeDef *DMATxDescTab, uint8_t* TxBuff, uint32_t TxBuffCount);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_DMARxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMADescTypeDef *DMARxDescTab, uint8_t *RxBuff, uint32_t RxBuffCount);



+  * @}

+  */

+/* IO operation functions  ****************************************************/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group2

+  * @{

+  */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t FrameLength);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+/* Communication with PHY functions*/

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t *RegValue);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_WritePHYRegister(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint16_t PHYReg, uint32_t RegValue);

+/* Non-Blocking mode: Interrupt */

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_IRQHandler(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+/* Callback in non blocking modes (Interrupt) */

+void HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+void HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);


+  * @}

+  */


+/* Peripheral Control functions  **********************************************/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group3

+  * @{

+  */


+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Start(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Stop(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_MACInitTypeDef *macconf);

+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_ConfigDMA(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_DMAInitTypeDef *dmaconf);


+  * @}

+  */


+/* Peripheral State functions  ************************************************/


+/** @addtogroup ETH_Exported_Functions_Group4

+  * @{

+  */

+HAL_ETH_StateTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetState(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth);


+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */



+  * @}

+  */

+#ifdef __cplusplus




+#endif /* __STM32Fxx_HAL_ETH_H */



+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/uncached_memory.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/uncached_memory.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b43e50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/uncached_memory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@

+ * uncached_memory.c

+ *

+ * This module will declare 1 MB of memory and switch off the caching for it.

+ *

+ * pucGetUncachedMemory( ulSize ) returns a trunc of this memory with a length

+ * rounded up to a multiple of 4 KB

+ *

+ * ucIsCachedMemory( pucBuffer ) returns non-zero if a given pointer is NOT

+ * within the range of the 1 MB non-cached memory.

+ *

+ */



+ * After "_end", 1 MB of uncached memory will be allocated for DMA transfers.

+ * Both the DMA descriptors as well as all EMAC TX-buffers will be allocated in

+ * uncached memory.

+ */


+/* Standard includes. */

+#include <stdint.h>

+#include <stdio.h>

+#include <stdlib.h>


+/* FreeRTOS includes. */

+#include "FreeRTOS.h"

+#include "task.h"

+#include "queue.h"


+/* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */

+#include "FreeRTOS_IP.h"

+#include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h"

+#include "FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h"


+#include "Zynq/x_emacpsif.h"

+#include "Zynq/x_topology.h"

+#include "xstatus.h"


+#include "xparameters.h"

+#include "xparameters_ps.h"

+#include "xil_exception.h"

+#include "xil_mmu.h"


+#include "uncached_memory.h"


+#define UNCACHED_MEMORY_SIZE	0x100000ul




+static void vInitialiseUncachedMemory( void );


+static uint8_t *pucHeadOfMemory;

+static uint32_t ulMemorySize;

+static uint8_t *pucStartOfMemory = NULL;


+uint8_t ucIsCachedMemory( const uint8_t *pucBuffer )


+uint8_t ucReturn;


+	if( ( pucStartOfMemory != NULL ) &&

+		( pucBuffer >= pucStartOfMemory ) &&

+		( pucBuffer < ( pucStartOfMemory + UNCACHED_MEMORY_SIZE ) ) )

+	{

+		ucReturn = pdFALSE;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		ucReturn = pdTRUE;

+	}


+	return ucReturn;



+uint8_t *pucGetUncachedMemory( uint32_t ulSize )


+uint8_t *pucReturn;


+	if( pucStartOfMemory == NULL )

+	{

+		vInitialiseUncachedMemory( );

+	}

+	if( ( pucStartOfMemory == NULL ) || ( ulSize > ulMemorySize ) )

+	{

+		pucReturn = NULL;

+	}

+	else

+	{

+	uint32_t ulSkipSize;


+		pucReturn = pucHeadOfMemory;

+		ulSkipSize = ( ulSize + 0x1000ul ) & ~0xffful;

+		pucHeadOfMemory += ulSkipSize;

+		ulMemorySize -= ulSkipSize;

+	}


+	return pucReturn;



+extern u8 _end;


+static void vInitialiseUncachedMemory( )


+	/* At the end of program's space... */

+	pucStartOfMemory = (uint8_t *) &_end;

+	/*

+	 * Align the start address to 1 MB boundary.

+	 */

+	pucStartOfMemory = (uint8_t *)( ( ( uint32_t )pucStartOfMemory + UNCACHED_MEMORY_SIZE ) & ( ~( UNCACHED_MEMORY_SIZE - 1 ) ) );


+	if( ( ( u32 )pucStartOfMemory ) + UNCACHED_MEMORY_SIZE > DDR_MEMORY_END )

+	{

+//		vLoggingPrintf("vInitialiseUncachedMemory: Can not allocate uncached memory\n" );

+	}

+	else

+	{

+		/*

+		 * Some objects want to be stored in uncached memory. Hence the 1 MB

+		 * address range that starts after "_end" is made uncached

+		 * by setting appropriate attributes in the translation table.

+		 */

+		/* FIXME claudio rossi. Modified to prevent data abort exception (misaligned access)

+		 * when application is compiled with -O1 or more optimization flag.

+		 */

+/*		Xil_SetTlbAttributes( ( uint32_t )pucStartOfMemory, 0xc02 ); // addr, attr */

+		Xil_SetTlbAttributes( ( uint32_t )pucStartOfMemory, 0x1c02 ); // addr, attr


+		/* For experiments in the SDIO driver, make the remaining uncached memory public */

+		pucHeadOfMemory = pucStartOfMemory;


+		memset( pucStartOfMemory, '\0', UNCACHED_MEMORY_SIZE );

+	}


diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/uncached_memory.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/uncached_memory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a8e5f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/uncached_memory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@

+ * uncached_memory.h

+ *

+ * This module will declare 1 MB of memory and switch off the caching for it.

+ *

+ * pucGetUncachedMemory( ulSize ) returns a trunc of this memory with a length

+ * rounded up to a multiple of 4 KB

+ *

+ * ucIsCachedMemory( pucBuffer ) returns non-zero if a given pointer is NOT

+ * within the range of the 1 MB non-cached memory.

+ *

+ */






+uint8_t *pucGetUncachedMemory( uint32_t ulSize );


+uint8_t ucIsCachedMemory( const uint8_t *pucBuffer );


+#endif /* UNCACHEMEMORY_H */


diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/include/phyHandling.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/include/phyHandling.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e8a113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/include/phyHandling.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@

+ * Handling of Ethernet PHY's

+ * PHY's communicate with an EMAC either through

+ * a Media-Independent Interface (MII), or a Reduced Media-Independent Interface (RMII).

+ * The EMAC can poll for PHY ports on 32 different addresses. Each of the PHY ports

+ * shall be treated independently.

+ * 

+ */






+#ifdef __cplusplus

+extern "C" {




+#ifndef ipconfigPHY_MAX_PORTS

+	/* There can be at most 32 PHY ports, but in most cases there are 4 or less. */

+	#define	ipconfigPHY_MAX_PORTS	4



+/* A generic user-provided function that reads from the PHY-port at 'xAddress'( 0-based ). A 16-bit value shall be stored in

+  '*pulValue'. xRegister is the register number ( 0 .. 31 ). In fact all PHY registers are 16-bit.

+  Return non-zero in case the action failed. */

+typedef BaseType_t ( *xApplicationPhyReadHook_t )( BaseType_t xAddress, BaseType_t xRegister, uint32_t *pulValue );


+/* A generic user-provided function that writes 'ulValue' to the

+   PHY-port at 'xAddress' ( 0-based ). xRegister is the register number ( 0 .. 31 ).

+   Return non-zero in case the action failed. */

+typedef BaseType_t ( *xApplicationPhyWriteHook_t )( BaseType_t xAddress, BaseType_t xRegister, uint32_t ulValue );


+typedef struct xPhyProperties


+	uint8_t ucSpeed;

+	uint8_t ucMDI_X;		/* MDI-X : Medium Dependent Interface - Crossover */

+	uint8_t ucDuplex;

+	uint8_t ucSpare;

+} PhyProperties_t;


+typedef struct xEthernetPhy


+	xApplicationPhyReadHook_t fnPhyRead;

+	xApplicationPhyWriteHook_t fnPhyWrite;

+	uint32_t ulPhyIDs[ ipconfigPHY_MAX_PORTS ];

+	uint8_t ucPhyIndexes[ ipconfigPHY_MAX_PORTS ];

+	TimeOut_t xLinkStatusTimer;

+	TickType_t xLinkStatusRemaining;

+	BaseType_t xPortCount;

+	uint32_t ulBCRValue;

+	uint32_t ulACRValue;

+	uint32_t ulLinkStatusMask;

+	PhyProperties_t xPhyPreferences;

+	PhyProperties_t xPhyProperties;

+} EthernetPhy_t;


+/* Some defines used internally here to indicate preferences about speed, MDIX

+(wired direct or crossed), and duplex (half or full). */


+/* Values for PhyProperties_t::ucSpeed : */

+#define	PHY_SPEED_10		1

+#define	PHY_SPEED_100		2

+#define	PHY_SPEED_AUTO		3


+/* Values for PhyProperties_t::ucMDI_X : */

+#define	PHY_MDIX_DIRECT		1


+#define	PHY_MDIX_AUTO		3


+/* Values for PhyProperties_t::ucDuplex : */

+#define	PHY_DUPLEX_HALF		1

+#define	PHY_DUPLEX_FULL		2

+#define	PHY_DUPLEX_AUTO		3


+/* ID's of supported PHY's : */

+#define PHY_ID_LAN8742A		0x0007c130

+#define PHY_ID_LAN8720		0x0007c0f0


+#define PHY_ID_KSZ8041		0x000010A1

+#define PHY_ID_KSZ8051		0x000010A1

+#define PHY_ID_KSZ8081		0x000010A1


+#define PHY_ID_KSZ8863		0x00221430

+#define PHY_ID_KSZ8081MNXIA 0x00221560


+#define PHY_ID_DP83848I		0x20005C90



+/* Initialise the struct and assign a PHY-read and -write function. */

+void vPhyInitialise( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, xApplicationPhyReadHook_t fnPhyRead, xApplicationPhyWriteHook_t fnPhyWrite );


+/* Discover all PHY's connected by polling 32 indexes ( zero-based ) */

+BaseType_t xPhyDiscover( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject );


+/* Send a reset command to the connected PHY ports and send configuration. */

+BaseType_t xPhyConfigure( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, const PhyProperties_t *pxPhyProperties );


+/* Give a command to start auto negotiation on a set of PHY port's. */

+BaseType_t xPhyStartAutoNegotiation( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, uint32_t ulPhyMask );


+/* Do not use auto negotiation but use predefined values from 'pxPhyObject->xPhyPreferences'. */

+BaseType_t xPhyFixedValue( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, uint32_t ulPhyMask );


+/* Check the current Link Status.

+'xHadReception' : make this true if a packet has been received since the

+last call to this function. */

+BaseType_t xPhyCheckLinkStatus( EthernetPhy_t *pxPhyObject, BaseType_t xHadReception );


+/* Get the bitmask of a given 'EthernetPhy_t'. */

+#define xPhyGetMask( pxPhyObject ) \

+	( ( ( ( uint32_t ) 1u ) << ( pxPhyObject )->xPortCount ) - 1u )


+#ifdef __cplusplus

+} /* extern "C" */




diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1579863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@

+ *

+ * \file

+ *

+ * \brief KS8851SNL driver for SAM.

+ *

+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved.

+ *

+ * \asf_license_start

+ *

+ * \page License

+ *

+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

+ *

+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

+ *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

+ *

+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,

+ *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation

+ *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

+ *

+ * 3. The name of Atmel may not be used to endorse or promote products derived

+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.

+ *

+ * 4. This software may only be redistributed and used in connection with an

+ *    Atmel microcontroller product.

+ *












+ *

+ * \asf_license_stop

+ *

+ */


+ * Support and FAQ: visit <a href="">Atmel Support</a>

+ */


+/* FreeRTOS includes. */

+#include "FreeRTOS.h"

+#include "task.h"


+#include "spi_master.h"

+#include "ksz8851snl.h"

+#include "ksz8851snl_reg.h"

+#include "delay.h"

+#include "pio.h"

+#include "pio_handler.h"

+#include "pdc.h"

+#include "conf_eth.h"


+/* Clock polarity. */



+/* Clock phase. */

+#define SPI_CLK_PHASE 1


+/* SPI PDC register base. */

+Pdc *g_p_spi_pdc = 0;


+int lUDPLoggingPrintf( const char *pcFormatString, ... );


+/* Temporary buffer for PDC reception. */

+uint8_t tmpbuf[1536] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));


+union {

+	uint64_t ul[2];

+	uint8_t uc[16];

+} cmdBuf, respBuf;


+void dbg_add_line( const char *pcFormat, ... );


+static void spi_clear_ovres( void );



+ * \brief Read register content, set bitmask and write back to register.

+ *

+ * \param reg the register address to modify.

+ * \param bits_to_set bitmask to apply.

+ */

+void ksz8851_reg_setbits(uint16_t reg, uint16_t bits_to_set)


+   uint16_t	temp;


+   temp = ksz8851_reg_read(reg);

+   temp |= bits_to_set;

+   ksz8851_reg_write(reg, temp);




+ * \brief Read register content, clear bitmask and write back to register.

+ *

+ * \param reg the register address to modify.

+ * \param bits_to_set bitmask to apply.

+ */

+void ksz8851_reg_clrbits(uint16_t reg, uint16_t bits_to_clr)


+   uint16_t	temp;


+   temp = ksz8851_reg_read(reg);

+   temp &= ~(uint32_t) bits_to_clr;

+   ksz8851_reg_write(reg, temp);




+ * \brief Configure the INTN interrupt.

+ */

+void configure_intn(void (*p_handler) (uint32_t, uint32_t))


+//	gpio_configure_pin(KSZ8851SNL_INTN_GPIO, PIO_INPUT);

+//	pio_set_input(PIOA, PIO_PA11_IDX, PIO_PULLUP);


+	/* Configure PIO clock. */

+	pmc_enable_periph_clk(INTN_ID);


+	/* Adjust PIO debounce filter parameters, uses 10 Hz filter. */

+	pio_set_debounce_filter(INTN_PIO, INTN_PIN_MSK, 10);


+	/* Initialize PIO interrupt handlers, see PIO definition in board.h. */

+	pio_handler_set(INTN_PIO, INTN_ID, INTN_PIN_MSK,

+		INTN_ATTR, p_handler);


+	/* Enable NVIC interrupts. */


+	NVIC_EnableIRQ((IRQn_Type)INTN_ID);


+	/* Enable PIO interrupts. */

+	pio_enable_interrupt(INTN_PIO, INTN_PIN_MSK);




+ * \brief Read a register value.

+ *

+ * \param reg the register address to modify.

+ *

+ * \return the register value.

+ */

+uint16_t ksz8851_reg_read(uint16_t reg)


+pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_tx_packet;

+pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_rx_packet;

+uint16_t cmd = 0;

+uint16_t res = 0;

+int iTryCount = 3;


+	while( iTryCount-- > 0 )

+	{

+	uint32_t ulStatus;


+		spi_clear_ovres();

+		/* Move register address to cmd bits 9-2, make 32-bit address. */

+		cmd = (reg << 2) & REG_ADDR_MASK;


+		/* Last 2 bits still under "don't care bits" handled with byte enable. */

+		/* Select byte enable for command. */

+		if (reg & 2) {

+			/* Odd word address writes bytes 2 and 3 */

+			cmd |= (0xc << 10);

+		} else {

+			/* Even word address write bytes 0 and 1 */

+			cmd |= (0x3 << 10);

+		}


+		/* Add command read code. */

+		cmd |= CMD_READ;

+		cmdBuf.uc[0] = cmd >> 8;

+		cmdBuf.uc[1] = cmd & 0xff;

+		cmdBuf.uc[2] = CONFIG_SPI_MASTER_DUMMY;

+		cmdBuf.uc[3] = CONFIG_SPI_MASTER_DUMMY;


+		/* Prepare PDC transfer. */

+		g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) cmdBuf.uc;

+		g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_size = 4;

+		g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) tmpbuf;

+		g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_size = 4;

+		pdc_disable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTDIS | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTDIS);

+		pdc_tx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_tx_packet, NULL);

+		pdc_rx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_rx_packet, NULL);

+	gpio_set_pin_low(KSZ8851SNL_CSN_GPIO);


+	spi_disable_interrupt( KSZ8851SNL_SPI, ~0ul );

+		pdc_enable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTEN | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN);

+		for( ;; )

+		{

+			ulStatus = spi_read_status( KSZ8851SNL_SPI );

+			if( ( ulStatus & ( SPI_SR_OVRES | SPI_SR_ENDRX ) ) != 0 )

+			{

+				break;

+			}

+		}

+		gpio_set_pin_high( KSZ8851SNL_CSN_GPIO );

+		if( ( ulStatus & SPI_SR_OVRES ) == 0 )

+		{

+			break;

+		}

+		pdc_disable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTDIS | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTDIS);

+		lUDPLoggingPrintf( "ksz8851_reg_read: SPI_SR_OVRES\n" );

+	}


+	res = (tmpbuf[3] << 8) | tmpbuf[2];

+	return res;




+ * \brief Write a register value.

+ *

+ * \param reg the register address to modify.

+ * \param wrdata the new register value.

+ */

+void ksz8851_reg_write(uint16_t reg, uint16_t wrdata)


+pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_tx_packet;

+pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_rx_packet;

+uint16_t cmd = 0;

+int iTryCount = 3;


+	while( iTryCount-- > 0 )

+	{

+	uint32_t ulStatus;



+		spi_clear_ovres();

+		/* Move register address to cmd bits 9-2, make 32-bit address. */

+		cmd = (reg << 2) & REG_ADDR_MASK;


+		/* Last 2 bits still under "don't care bits" handled with byte enable. */

+		/* Select byte enable for command. */

+		if (reg & 2) {

+			/* Odd word address writes bytes 2 and 3 */

+			cmd |= (0xc << 10);

+		} else {

+			/* Even word address write bytes 0 and 1 */

+			cmd |= (0x3 << 10);

+		}


+		/* Add command write code. */

+		cmd |= CMD_WRITE;

+		cmdBuf.uc[0] = cmd >> 8;

+		cmdBuf.uc[1] = cmd & 0xff;

+		cmdBuf.uc[2] = wrdata & 0xff;

+		cmdBuf.uc[3] = wrdata >> 8;


+		/* Prepare PDC transfer. */

+		g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) cmdBuf.uc;

+		g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_size = 4;

+		g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) tmpbuf;

+		g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_size = 4;

+		pdc_disable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTDIS | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTDIS);

+		pdc_tx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_tx_packet, NULL);

+		pdc_rx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_rx_packet, NULL);

+		gpio_set_pin_low(KSZ8851SNL_CSN_GPIO);


+		spi_disable_interrupt( KSZ8851SNL_SPI, ~0ul );


+		pdc_enable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTEN | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN);

+		for( ;; )

+		{

+			ulStatus = spi_read_status( KSZ8851SNL_SPI );

+			if( ( ulStatus & ( SPI_SR_OVRES | SPI_SR_ENDRX ) ) != 0 )

+			{

+				break;

+			}

+		}

+		gpio_set_pin_high( KSZ8851SNL_CSN_GPIO );

+		if( ( ulStatus & SPI_SR_OVRES ) == 0 )

+		{

+			break;

+		}

+		pdc_disable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTDIS | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTDIS);

+		lUDPLoggingPrintf( "ksz8851_reg_write: SPI_SR_OVRES\n" );

+	}



+static void spi_clear_ovres( void )


+volatile uint32_t rc;

+	rc = KSZ8851SNL_SPI->SPI_RDR;


+	spi_read_status( KSZ8851SNL_SPI );




+ * \brief Read internal fifo buffer.

+ *

+ * \param buf the buffer to store the data from the fifo buffer.

+ * \param len the amount of data to read.

+ */

+void ksz8851_fifo_read(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)


+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_tx_packet;

+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_rx_packet;

+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_tx_npacket;

+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_rx_npacket;


+	memset( cmdBuf.uc, '\0', sizeof cmdBuf );

+	cmdBuf.uc[0] = FIFO_READ;

+	spi_clear_ovres();


+	/* Prepare PDC transfer. */

+	g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) cmdBuf.uc;

+	g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_size = 9;

+	g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) respBuf.uc;

+	g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_size = 9;


+	g_pdc_spi_tx_npacket.ul_addr = (uint32_t) buf;

+	g_pdc_spi_tx_npacket.ul_size = len;

+	g_pdc_spi_rx_npacket.ul_addr = (uint32_t) buf;

+	g_pdc_spi_rx_npacket.ul_size = len;

+	pdc_disable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTDIS | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTDIS);

+	pdc_tx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_tx_packet, &g_pdc_spi_tx_npacket);

+	pdc_rx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_rx_packet, &g_pdc_spi_rx_npacket);


+spi_enable_interrupt(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, SPI_IER_RXBUFF | SPI_IER_OVRES);


+	pdc_enable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTEN | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN);




+ * \brief Write internal fifo buffer.

+ *

+ * \param buf the buffer to send to the fifo buffer.

+ * \param ulActualLength the total amount of data to write.

+ * \param ulFIFOLength the size of the first pbuf to write from the pbuf chain.

+ */

+void ksz8851_fifo_write(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t ulActualLength, uint32_t ulFIFOLength)


+	static uint8_t frameID = 0;


+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_tx_packet;

+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_rx_packet;

+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_tx_npacket;

+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_rx_npacket;


+	/* Prepare control word and byte count. */

+	cmdBuf.uc[0] = FIFO_WRITE;

+	cmdBuf.uc[1] = frameID++ & 0x3f;

+	cmdBuf.uc[2] = 0;

+	cmdBuf.uc[3] = ulActualLength & 0xff;

+	cmdBuf.uc[4] = ulActualLength >> 8;


+	spi_clear_ovres();


+	/* Prepare PDC transfer. */

+	g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) cmdBuf.uc;

+	g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_size = 5;


+	g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) respBuf.uc;

+	g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_size = 5;


+	g_pdc_spi_tx_npacket.ul_addr = (uint32_t) buf;

+	g_pdc_spi_tx_npacket.ul_size = ulFIFOLength;


+	g_pdc_spi_rx_npacket.ul_addr = (uint32_t) tmpbuf;

+	g_pdc_spi_rx_npacket.ul_size = ulFIFOLength;


+	pdc_disable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTDIS | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTDIS);

+	pdc_tx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_tx_packet, &g_pdc_spi_tx_npacket);

+	#if( TX_USES_RECV == 1 )

+		pdc_rx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_rx_packet, &g_pdc_spi_rx_npacket);

+		spi_enable_interrupt(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, SPI_IER_ENDRX | SPI_IER_OVRES);

+		pdc_enable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTEN | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN);

+	#else

+		spi_enable_interrupt(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, SPI_SR_TXBUFE | SPI_IER_OVRES);

+		pdc_enable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN);

+	#endif




+ * \brief Write dummy data to the internal fifo buffer.

+ *

+ * \param len the amount of dummy data to write.

+ */

+void ksz8851_fifo_dummy(uint32_t len)


+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_tx_packet;

+	pdc_packet_t g_pdc_spi_rx_packet;


+	/* Prepare PDC transfer. */

+	g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) tmpbuf;

+	g_pdc_spi_tx_packet.ul_size = len;

+	g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_addr = (uint32_t) tmpbuf;

+	g_pdc_spi_rx_packet.ul_size = len;

+	pdc_disable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTDIS | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTDIS);

+	pdc_tx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_tx_packet, NULL);

+	pdc_rx_init(g_p_spi_pdc, &g_pdc_spi_rx_packet, NULL);

+	pdc_enable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTEN | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN);


+	while (!(spi_read_status(KSZ8851SNL_SPI) & SPI_SR_ENDRX))

+		;



+void ksz8851snl_set_registers(void)


+	/* Init step2-4: write QMU MAC address (low, middle then high). */





+	/* Init step5: enable QMU Transmit Frame Data Pointer Auto Increment. */

+	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_TX_ADDR_PTR, ADDR_PTR_AUTO_INC);


+	/* Init step6: configure QMU transmit control register. */

+	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_TX_CTRL,








+		);


+	/* Init step7: enable QMU Receive Frame Data Pointer Auto Increment. */

+	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_RX_ADDR_PTR, ADDR_PTR_AUTO_INC);


+	/* Init step8: configure QMU Receive Frame Threshold for one frame. */

+	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_RX_FRAME_CNT_THRES, 1);


+	/* Init step9: configure QMU receive control register1. */

+	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_RX_CTRL1,









+//	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_RX_CTRL1,







+	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_RX_CTRL2,







+//#define   RXQ_TWOBYTE_OFFSET          (0x0200)    /* Enable adding 2-byte before frame header for IP aligned with DWORD */

+#warning Remember to try the above option to get a 2-byte offset


+	/* Init step11: configure QMU receive queue: trigger INT and auto-dequeue frame. */

+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_RXQ_CMD, RXQ_CMD_CNTL | RXQ_TWOBYTE_OFFSET );


+	/* Init step12: adjust SPI data output delay. */



+	/* Init step13: restart auto-negotiation. */

+	ksz8851_reg_setbits(REG_PORT_CTRL, PORT_AUTO_NEG_RESTART);


+	/* Init step13.1: force link in half duplex if auto-negotiation failed. */


+	{

+		ksz8851_reg_clrbits(REG_PORT_CTRL, PORT_FORCE_FULL_DUPLEX);

+	}


+	/* Init step14: clear interrupt status. */

+	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_INT_STATUS, 0xFFFF);


+	/* Init step15: set interrupt mask. */

+	ksz8851_reg_write(REG_INT_MASK, INT_RX);


+	/* Init step16: enable QMU Transmit. */

+	ksz8851_reg_setbits(REG_TX_CTRL, TX_CTRL_ENABLE);


+	/* Init step17: enable QMU Receive. */

+	ksz8851_reg_setbits(REG_RX_CTRL1, RX_CTRL_ENABLE);



+ * \brief KSZ8851SNL initialization function.

+ *

+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on communication error.

+ */

+uint32_t ksz8851snl_init(void)


+uint32_t count = 10;

+uint16_t dev_id = 0;

+uint8_t id_ok = 0;


+	/* Configure the SPI peripheral. */

+	spi_enable_clock(KSZ8851SNL_SPI);

+	spi_disable(KSZ8851SNL_SPI);

+	spi_reset(KSZ8851SNL_SPI);

+	spi_set_master_mode(KSZ8851SNL_SPI);

+	spi_disable_mode_fault_detect(KSZ8851SNL_SPI);

+	spi_set_peripheral_chip_select_value(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, ~(uint32_t)(1UL << KSZ8851SNL_CS_PIN));




+	spi_set_clock_polarity(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, KSZ8851SNL_CS_PIN, SPI_CLK_POLARITY);

+	spi_set_clock_phase(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, KSZ8851SNL_CS_PIN, SPI_CLK_PHASE);

+	spi_set_bits_per_transfer(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, KSZ8851SNL_CS_PIN,


+	spi_set_baudrate_div(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, KSZ8851SNL_CS_PIN, (sysclk_get_cpu_hz() / KSZ8851SNL_CLOCK_SPEED));

+//	spi_set_transfer_delay(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, KSZ8851SNL_CS_PIN, CONFIG_SPI_MASTER_DELAY_BS,




+	spi_set_transfer_delay(KSZ8851SNL_SPI, KSZ8851SNL_CS_PIN, 0, 0);


+	spi_enable(KSZ8851SNL_SPI);


+	/* Get pointer to UART PDC register base. */

+	g_p_spi_pdc = spi_get_pdc_base(KSZ8851SNL_SPI);

+	pdc_enable_transfer(g_p_spi_pdc, PERIPH_PTCR_RXTEN | PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN);


+	/* Control RSTN and CSN pin from the driver. */

+	gpio_configure_pin(KSZ8851SNL_CSN_GPIO, KSZ8851SNL_CSN_FLAGS);

+	gpio_set_pin_high(KSZ8851SNL_CSN_GPIO);

+	gpio_configure_pin(KSZ8851SNL_RSTN_GPIO, KSZ8851SNL_RSTN_FLAGS);


+	/* Reset the Micrel in a proper state. */

+	while( count-- )

+	{

+		/* Perform hardware reset with respect to the reset timing from the datasheet. */

+		gpio_set_pin_low(KSZ8851SNL_RSTN_GPIO);

+		vTaskDelay(2);

+		gpio_set_pin_high(KSZ8851SNL_RSTN_GPIO);

+		vTaskDelay(2);


+		/* Init step1: read chip ID. */

+		dev_id = ksz8851_reg_read(REG_CHIP_ID);

+		if( ( dev_id & 0xFFF0 ) == CHIP_ID_8851_16 )

+		{

+			id_ok = 1;

+			break;

+		}

+	}

+	if( id_ok != 0 )

+	{

+		ksz8851snl_set_registers();

+	}


+	return id_ok ? 1 : -1;



+uint32_t ksz8851snl_reinit(void)


+uint32_t count = 10;

+uint16_t dev_id = 0;

+uint8_t id_ok = 0;

+	/* Reset the Micrel in a proper state. */

+	while( count-- )

+	{

+		/* Perform hardware reset with respect to the reset timing from the datasheet. */

+		gpio_set_pin_low(KSZ8851SNL_RSTN_GPIO);

+		vTaskDelay(2);

+		gpio_set_pin_high(KSZ8851SNL_RSTN_GPIO);

+		vTaskDelay(2);


+		/* Init step1: read chip ID. */

+		dev_id = ksz8851_reg_read(REG_CHIP_ID);

+		if( ( dev_id & 0xFFF0 ) == CHIP_ID_8851_16 )

+		{

+			id_ok = 1;

+			break;

+		}

+	}

+	if( id_ok != 0 )

+	{

+		ksz8851snl_set_registers();

+	}


+	return id_ok ? 1 : -1;



+uint32_t ksz8851snl_reset_rx( void )


+uint16_t usValue;


+	usValue = ksz8851_reg_read(REG_RX_CTRL1);


+	usValue &= ~( ( uint16_t ) RX_CTRL_ENABLE | RX_CTRL_FLUSH_QUEUE );


+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_RX_CTRL1, usValue ); vTaskDelay( 2 );

+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_RX_CTRL1, usValue | RX_CTRL_FLUSH_QUEUE ); vTaskDelay( 1 );

+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_RX_CTRL1, usValue ); vTaskDelay( 1 );

+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_RX_CTRL1, usValue | RX_CTRL_ENABLE ); vTaskDelay( 1 );


+	return ( uint32_t )usValue;



+uint32_t ksz8851snl_reset_tx( void )


+uint16_t usValue;


+	usValue = ksz8851_reg_read( REG_TX_CTRL );


+	usValue &= ~( ( uint16_t ) TX_CTRL_ENABLE | TX_CTRL_FLUSH_QUEUE );


+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_TX_CTRL, usValue ); vTaskDelay( 2 );

+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_TX_CTRL, usValue | TX_CTRL_FLUSH_QUEUE ); vTaskDelay( 1 );

+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_TX_CTRL, usValue ); vTaskDelay( 1 );

+	ksz8851_reg_write( REG_TX_CTRL, usValue | TX_CTRL_ENABLE ); vTaskDelay( 1 );


+	return ( uint32_t )usValue;


diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7952dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@

+ *

+ * \file

+ *

+ * \brief KS8851SNL driver for SAM.

+ *

+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved.

+ *

+ * \asf_license_start

+ *

+ * \page License

+ *

+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

+ *

+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

+ *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

+ *

+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,

+ *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation

+ *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

+ *

+ * 3. The name of Atmel may not be used to endorse or promote products derived

+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.

+ *

+ * 4. This software may only be redistributed and used in connection with an

+ *    Atmel microcontroller product.

+ *












+ *

+ * \asf_license_stop

+ *

+ */


+ * Support and FAQ: visit <a href="">Atmel Support</a>

+ */


+#ifndef KSZ8851SNL_H_INCLUDED

+#define KSZ8851SNL_H_INCLUDED


+#include "gpio.h"


+void configure_intn(void (*p_handler) (uint32_t, uint32_t));

+void ksz8851_reg_setbits(uint16_t reg, uint16_t bits_to_set);

+void ksz8851_reg_clrbits(uint16_t reg, uint16_t bits_to_clr);

+void ksz8851_fifo_read(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);

+void ksz8851_fifo_write(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t ulActualLength, uint32_t ulFIFOLength);

+void ksz8851_fifo_dummy(uint32_t len);

+void ksz8851_reg_write(uint16_t reg, uint16_t wrdata);

+uint16_t ksz8851_reg_read(uint16_t reg);

+uint32_t ksz8851snl_init(void);

+uint32_t ksz8851snl_reinit(void);


+uint32_t ksz8851snl_reset_rx( void );

+uint32_t ksz8851snl_reset_tx( void );


+#endif /* KSZ8851SNL_H_INCLUDED */

diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl_reg.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl_reg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3102fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl_reg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@

+ *

+ * \file

+ *

+ * \brief KS8851SNL registers definitions.

+ *

+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved.

+ *

+ * \asf_license_start

+ *

+ * \page License

+ *

+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

+ *

+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

+ *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

+ *

+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,

+ *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation

+ *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

+ *

+ * 3. The name of Atmel may not be used to endorse or promote products derived

+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.

+ *

+ * 4. This software may only be redistributed and used in connection with an

+ *    Atmel microcontroller product.

+ *












+ *

+ * \asf_license_stop

+ *

+ */


+ * Support and FAQ: visit <a href="">Atmel Support</a>

+ */





+#define REG_ADDR_MASK              (0x3F0)      /* Register address mask */

+#define OPCODE_MASK                (3 << 14)

+#define CMD_READ                   (0 << 14)

+#define CMD_WRITE                  (1 << 14)

+#define FIFO_READ                  (0x80)

+#define FIFO_WRITE                 (0xC0)



+ * MAC Registers

+ * (Offset 0x00 - 0x25)

+ */

+#define REG_BUS_ERROR_STATUS       (0x06)       /* BESR */

+#define   BUS_ERROR_IBEC              (0x8000)

+#define   BUS_ERROR_IBECV_MASK        (0x7800)    /* Default IPSec clock at 166Mhz */


+#define REG_CHIP_CFG_STATUS        (0x08)       /* CCFG */

+#define   LITTLE_ENDIAN_BUS_MODE      (0x0400)    /* Bus in little endian mode */

+#define   EEPROM_PRESENCE             (0x0200)    /* External EEPROM is used */

+#define   SPI_BUS_MODE                (0x0100)    /* In SPI bus mode */

+#define   DATA_BUS_8BIT               (0x0080)    /* In 8-bit bus mode operation */

+#define   DATA_BUS_16BIT              (0x0040)    /* In 16-bit bus mode operation */

+#define   DATA_BUS_32BIT              (0x0020)    /* In 32-bit bus mode operation */

+#define   MULTIPLEX_MODE              (0x0010)    /* Data and address bus are shared */

+#define   CHIP_PACKAGE_128PIN         (0x0008)    /* 128-pin package */

+#define   CHIP_PACKAGE_80PIN          (0x0004)    /* 80-pin package */

+#define   CHIP_PACKAGE_48PIN          (0x0002)    /* 48-pin package */

+#define   CHIP_PACKAGE_32PIN          (0x0001)    /* 32-pin package for SPI host interface only */


+#define REG_MAC_ADDR_0             (0x10)       /* MARL */

+#define REG_MAC_ADDR_1             (0x11)       /* MARL */

+#define REG_MAC_ADDR_2             (0x12)       /* MARM */

+#define REG_MAC_ADDR_3             (0x13)       /* MARM */

+#define REG_MAC_ADDR_4             (0x14)       /* MARH */

+#define REG_MAC_ADDR_5             (0x15)       /* MARH */


+#define REG_BUS_CLOCK_CTRL         (0x20)       /* OBCR */

+#define   BUS_CLOCK_166               (0x0004)    /* 166 MHz on-chip bus clock (defaul is 125MHz) */

+#define   BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDEDBY_5       (0x0003)    /* Bus clock devided by 5 */

+#define   BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDEDBY_3       (0x0002)    /* Bus clock devided by 3 */

+#define   BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDEDBY_2       (0x0001)    /* Bus clock devided by 2 */

+#define   BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDEDBY_1       (0x0000)    /* Bus clock devided by 1 */

+#define   BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDED_MASK      (0x0003)    /* Bus clock devider mask */


+#define   BUS_SPEED_166_MHZ           (0x0004)    /* Set bus speed to 166 MHz */

+#define   BUS_SPEED_125_MHZ           (0x0000)    /* Set bus speed to 125 MHz */

+#define   BUS_SPEED_83_MHZ            (0x0005)    /* Set bus speed to 83 MHz (166/2)*/

+#define   BUS_SPEED_62_5_MHZ          (0x0001)    /* Set bus speed to 62.5 MHz (125/2) */

+#define   BUS_SPEED_53_3_MHZ          (0x0006)    /* Set bus speed to 53.3 MHz (166/3) */

+#define   BUS_SPEED_41_7_MHZ          (0x0002)    /* Set bus speed to 41.67 MHz (125/3) */

+#define   BUS_SPEED_33_2_MHZ          (0x0007)    /* Set bus speed to 33.2 MHz (166/5) */

+#define   BUS_SPEED_25_MHZ            (0x0003)    /* Set bus speed to 25 MHz (125/5) */


+#define REG_EEPROM_CTRL            (0x22)       /* EEPCR */

+#define   EEPROM_ACCESS_ENABLE        (0x0010)    /* Enable software to access EEPROM through bit 3 to bit 0 */

+#define   EEPROM_DATA_IN              (0x0008)    /* Data receive from EEPROM (EEDI pin) */

+#define   EEPROM_DATA_OUT             (0x0004)    /* Data transmit to EEPROM (EEDO pin) */

+#define   EEPROM_SERIAL_CLOCK         (0x0002)    /* Serial clock (EESK pin) */

+#define   EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT          (0x0001)    /* EEPROM chip select (EECS pin) */


+#define REG_MEM_BIST_INFO          (0x24)       /* MBIR */

+#define   TX_MEM_TEST_FINISHED        (0x1000)    /* TX memeory BIST test finish */

+#define   TX_MEM_TEST_FAILED          (0x0800)    /* TX memory BIST test fail */

+#define   TX_MEM_TEST_FAILED_COUNT    (0x0700)    /* TX memory BIST test fail count */

+#define   RX_MEM_TEST_FINISHED        (0x0010)    /* RX memory BIST test finish */

+#define   RX_MEM_TEST_FAILED          (0x0008)    /* RX memory BIST test fail */

+#define   RX_MEM_TEST_FAILED_COUNT    (0x0003)    /* RX memory BIST test fail count */


+#define REG_RESET_CTRL             (0x26)       /* GRR */

+#define   QMU_SOFTWARE_RESET          (0x0002)    /* QMU soft reset (clear TxQ, RxQ) */

+#define   GLOBAL_SOFTWARE_RESET       (0x0001)    /* Global soft reset (PHY, MAC, QMU) */



+ * Wake On Lan Control Registers

+ * (Offset 0x2A - 0x6B)

+ */

+#define REG_WOL_CTRL               (0x2A)       /* WFCR */

+#define   WOL_MAGIC_ENABLE            (0x0080)    /* Enable the magic packet pattern detection */

+#define   WOL_FRAME3_ENABLE           (0x0008)    /* Enable the wake up frame 3 pattern detection */

+#define   WOL_FRAME2_ENABLE           (0x0004)    /* Enable the wake up frame 2 pattern detection */

+#define   WOL_FRAME1_ENABLE           (0x0002)    /* Enable the wake up frame 1 pattern detection */

+#define   WOL_FRAME0_ENABLE           (0x0001)    /* Enable the wake up frame 0 pattern detection */


+#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_CRC0        (0x30)       /* WF0CRC0 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_CRC1        (0x32)       /* WF0CRC1 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_BYTE_MASK0  (0x34)       /* WF0BM0 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_BYTE_MASK1  (0x36)       /* WF0BM1 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_BYTE_MASK2  (0x38)       /* WF0BM2 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_BYTE_MASK3  (0x3A)       /* WF0BM3 */


+#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_CRC0        (0x40)       /* WF1CRC0 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_CRC1        (0x42)       /* WF1CRC1 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_BYTE_MASK0  (0x44)       /* WF1BM0 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_BYTE_MASK1  (0x46)       /* WF1BM1 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_BYTE_MASK2  (0x48)       /* WF1BM2 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_BYTE_MASK3  (0x4A)       /* WF1BM3 */


+#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_CRC0        (0x50)       /* WF2CRC0 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_CRC1        (0x52)       /* WF2CRC1 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_BYTE_MASK0  (0x54)       /* WF2BM0 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_BYTE_MASK1  (0x56)       /* WF2BM1 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_BYTE_MASK2  (0x58)       /* WF2BM2 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_BYTE_MASK3  (0x5A)       /* WF2BM3 */


+#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_CRC0        (0x60)       /* WF3CRC0 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_CRC1        (0x62)       /* WF3CRC1 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_BYTE_MASK0  (0x64)       /* WF3BM0 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_BYTE_MASK1  (0x66)       /* WF3BM1 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_BYTE_MASK2  (0x68)       /* WF3BM2 */

+#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_BYTE_MASK3  (0x6A)       /* WF3BM3 */



+ * Transmit/Receive Control Registers

+ * (Offset 0x70 - 0x9F)

+ */


+/* Transmit Frame Header */

+#define REG_QDR_DUMMY              (0x00)       /* Dummy address to access QMU RxQ, TxQ */

+#define   TX_CTRL_INTERRUPT_ON        (0x8000)    /* Transmit Interrupt on Completion */


+#define REG_TX_CTRL                (0x70)       /* TXCR */

+#define   TX_CTRL_ICMP_CHECKSUM       (0x0100)    /* Enable ICMP frame checksum generation */

+#define   TX_CTRL_UDP_CHECKSUM        (0x0080)    /* Enable UDP frame checksum generation */

+#define   TX_CTRL_TCP_CHECKSUM        (0x0040)    /* Enable TCP frame checksum generation */

+#define   TX_CTRL_IP_CHECKSUM         (0x0020)    /* Enable IP frame checksum generation */

+#define   TX_CTRL_FLUSH_QUEUE         (0x0010)    /* Clear transmit queue, reset tx frame pointer */

+#define   TX_CTRL_FLOW_ENABLE         (0x0008)    /* Enable transmit flow control */

+#define   TX_CTRL_PAD_ENABLE          (0x0004)    /* Eanble adding a padding to a packet shorter than 64 bytes */

+#define   TX_CTRL_CRC_ENABLE          (0x0002)    /* Enable adding a CRC to the end of transmit frame */

+#define   TX_CTRL_ENABLE              (0x0001)    /* Enable tranmsit */


+#define REG_TX_STATUS              (0x72)       /* TXSR */

+#define   TX_STAT_LATE_COL            (0x2000)    /* Tranmsit late collision occurs */

+#define   TX_STAT_MAX_COL             (0x1000)    /* Tranmsit maximum collision is reached */

+#define   TX_FRAME_ID_MASK            (0x003F)    /* Transmit frame ID mask */

+#define   TX_STAT_ERRORS             ( TX_STAT_MAX_COL | TX_STAT_LATE_COL )


+#define REG_RX_CTRL1               (0x74)       /* RXCR1 */

+#define   RX_CTRL_FLUSH_QUEUE         (0x8000)    /* Clear receive queue, reset rx frame pointer */

+#define   RX_CTRL_UDP_CHECKSUM        (0x4000)    /* Enable UDP frame checksum verification */

+#define   RX_CTRL_TCP_CHECKSUM        (0x2000)    /* Enable TCP frame checksum verification */

+#define   RX_CTRL_IP_CHECKSUM         (0x1000)    /* Enable IP frame checksum verification */

+#define   RX_CTRL_MAC_FILTER          (0x0800)    /* Receive with address that pass MAC address filtering */

+#define   RX_CTRL_FLOW_ENABLE         (0x0400)    /* Enable receive flow control */

+#define   RX_CTRL_BAD_PACKET          (0x0200)    /* Eanble receive CRC error frames */

+#define   RX_CTRL_MULTICAST           (0x0100)    /* Receive multicast frames that pass the CRC hash filtering */

+#define   RX_CTRL_BROADCAST           (0x0080)    /* Receive all the broadcast frames */

+#define   RX_CTRL_ALL_MULTICAST       (0x0040)    /* Receive all the multicast frames (including broadcast frames) */

+#define   RX_CTRL_UNICAST             (0x0020)    /* Receive unicast frames that match the device MAC address */

+#define   RX_CTRL_PROMISCUOUS         (0x0010)    /* Receive all incoming frames, regardless of frame's DA */

+#define   RX_CTRL_STRIP_CRC           (0x0008)    /* Enable strip CRC on the received frames */

+#define   RX_CTRL_INVERSE_FILTER      (0x0002)    /* Receive with address check in inverse filtering mode */

+#define   RX_CTRL_ENABLE              (0x0001)    /* Enable receive */


+/* Address filtering scheme mask */



+#define REG_RX_CTRL2               (0x76)       /* RXCR2 */

+#define   RX_CTRL_IPV6_UDP_NOCHECKSUM (0x0010)    /* No checksum generation and verification if IPv6 UDP is fragment */

+#define   RX_CTRL_IPV6_UDP_CHECKSUM   (0x0008)    /* Receive pass IPv6 UDP frame with UDP checksum is zero */

+#define   RX_CTRL_UDP_LITE_CHECKSUM   (0x0004)    /* Enable UDP Lite frame checksum generation and verification */

+#define   RX_CTRL_ICMP_CHECKSUM       (0x0002)    /* Enable ICMP frame checksum verification */

+#define   RX_CTRL_BLOCK_MAC           (0x0001)    /* Receive drop frame if the SA is same as device MAC address */

+#define   RX_CTRL_BURST_LEN_MASK      (0x00e0)    /* SRDBL SPI Receive Data Burst Length */

+#define   RX_CTRL_BURST_LEN_4         (0x0000)

+#define   RX_CTRL_BURST_LEN_8         (0x0020)

+#define   RX_CTRL_BURST_LEN_16        (0x0040)

+#define   RX_CTRL_BURST_LEN_32        (0x0060)

+#define   RX_CTRL_BURST_LEN_FRAME     (0x0080)


+#define REG_TX_MEM_INFO            (0x78)       /* TXMIR */

+#define   TX_MEM_AVAILABLE_MASK       (0x1FFF)    /* The amount of memory available in TXQ */


+#define REG_RX_FHR_STATUS          (0x7C)       /* RXFHSR */

+#define   RX_VALID                    (0x8000)    /* Frame in the receive packet memory is valid */

+#define   RX_ICMP_ERROR               (0x2000)    /* ICMP checksum field doesn't match */

+#define   RX_IP_ERROR                 (0x1000)    /* IP checksum field doesn't match */

+#define   RX_TCP_ERROR                (0x0800)    /* TCP checksum field doesn't match */

+#define   RX_UDP_ERROR                (0x0400)    /* UDP checksum field doesn't match */

+#define   RX_BROADCAST                (0x0080)    /* Received frame is a broadcast frame */

+#define   RX_MULTICAST                (0x0040)    /* Received frame is a multicast frame */

+#define   RX_UNICAST                  (0x0020)    /* Received frame is a unicast frame */

+#define   RX_PHY_ERROR                (0x0010)    /* Received frame has runt error */

+#define   RX_FRAME_ETHER              (0x0008)    /* Received frame is an Ethernet-type frame */

+#define   RX_TOO_LONG                 (0x0004)    /* Received frame length exceeds max size 0f 2048 bytes */

+#define   RX_RUNT_ERROR               (0x0002)    /* Received frame was demaged by a collision */

+#define   RX_BAD_CRC                  (0x0001)    /* Received frame has a CRC error */

+#define   RX_ERRORS                   ( RX_BAD_CRC | RX_TOO_LONG | RX_RUNT_ERROR | RX_PHY_ERROR | \

+                                        RX_ICMP_ERROR | RX_IP_ERROR | RX_TCP_ERROR | RX_UDP_ERROR )


+#define REG_RX_FHR_BYTE_CNT        (0x7E)       /* RXFHBCR */

+#define   RX_BYTE_CNT_MASK            (0x0FFF)    /* Received frame byte size mask */


+#define REG_TXQ_CMD                (0x80)       /* TXQCR */

+#define   TXQ_AUTO_ENQUEUE            (0x0004)    /* Enable enqueue tx frames from tx buffer automatically */

+#define   TXQ_MEM_AVAILABLE_INT       (0x0002)    /* Enable generate interrupt when tx memory is available */

+#define   TXQ_ENQUEUE                 (0x0001)    /* Enable enqueue tx frames one frame at a time */


+#define REG_RXQ_CMD                (0x82)       /* RXQCR */

+#define   RXQ_STAT_TIME_INT           (0x1000)    /* RX interrupt is occured by timer duration */

+#define   RXQ_STAT_BYTE_CNT_INT       (0x0800)    /* RX interrupt is occured by byte count threshold */

+#define   RXQ_STAT_FRAME_CNT_INT      (0x0400)    /* RX interrupt is occured by frame count threshold */

+#define   RXQ_TWOBYTE_OFFSET          (0x0200)    /* Enable adding 2-byte before frame header for IP aligned with DWORD */

+#define   RXQ_TIME_INT                (0x0080)    /* Enable RX interrupt by timer duration */

+#define   RXQ_BYTE_CNT_INT            (0x0040)    /* Enable RX interrupt by byte count threshold */

+#define   RXQ_FRAME_CNT_INT           (0x0020)    /* Enable RX interrupt by frame count threshold */

+#define   RXQ_AUTO_DEQUEUE            (0x0010)    /* Enable release rx frames from rx buffer automatically */

+#define   RXQ_START                   (0x0008)    /* Start QMU transfer operation */

+#define   RXQ_CMD_FREE_PACKET         (0x0001)    /* Manual dequeue (release the current frame from RxQ) */




+#define REG_TX_ADDR_PTR            (0x84)       /* TXFDPR */

+#define REG_RX_ADDR_PTR            (0x86)       /* RXFDPR */

+#define   ADDR_PTR_AUTO_INC           (0x4000)    /* Enable Frame data pointer increments automatically */

+#define   ADDR_PTR_MASK               (0x03ff)    /* Address pointer mask */


+#define REG_RX_TIME_THRES          (0x8C)       /* RXDTTR */

+#define   RX_TIME_THRESHOLD_MASK      (0xFFFF)    /* Set receive timer duration threshold */


+#define REG_RX_BYTE_CNT_THRES      (0x8E)       /* RXDBCTR */

+#define   RX_BYTE_THRESHOLD_MASK      (0xFFFF)    /* Set receive byte count threshold */


+#define REG_INT_MASK               (0x90)       /* IER */

+#define   INT_PHY                     (0x8000)    /* Enable link change interrupt */

+#define   INT_TX                      (0x4000)    /* Enable transmit done interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX                      (0x2000)    /* Enable receive interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX_OVERRUN              (0x0800)    /* Enable receive overrun interrupt */

+#define   INT_TX_STOPPED              (0x0200)    /* Enable transmit process stopped interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX_STOPPED              (0x0100)    /* Enable receive process stopped interrupt */

+#define   INT_TX_SPACE                (0x0040)    /* Enable transmit space available interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX_WOL_FRAME            (0x0020)    /* Enable WOL on receive wake-up frame detect interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX_WOL_MAGIC            (0x0010)    /* Enable WOL on receive magic packet detect interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX_WOL_LINKUP           (0x0008)    /* Enable WOL on link up detect interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX_WOL_ENERGY           (0x0004)    /* Enable WOL on energy detect interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX_SPI_ERROR            (0x0002)    /* Enable receive SPI bus error interrupt */

+#define   INT_RX_WOL_DELAY_ENERGY     (0x0001)    /* Enable WOL on delay energy detect interrupt */

+#define   INT_MASK                    ( INT_RX | INT_TX | INT_PHY )


+#define REG_INT_STATUS             (0x92)       /* ISR */


+#define REG_RX_FRAME_CNT_THRES     (0x9C)       /* RXFCTFC */

+#define   RX_FRAME_CNT_MASK           (0xFF00)    /* Received frame count mask */

+#define   RX_FRAME_THRESHOLD_MASK     (0x00FF)    /* Set receive frame count threshold mask */


+#define REG_TX_TOTAL_FRAME_SIZE    (0x9E)       /* TXNTFSR */

+#define   TX_TOTAL_FRAME_SIZE_MASK    (0xFFFF)    /* Set next total tx frame size mask */



+ * MAC Address Hash Table Control Registers

+ * (Offset 0xA0 - 0xA7)

+ */

+#define REG_MAC_HASH_0             (0xA0)       /* MAHTR0 */

+#define REG_MAC_HASH_1             (0xA1)


+#define REG_MAC_HASH_2             (0xA2)       /* MAHTR1 */

+#define REG_MAC_HASH_3             (0xA3)


+#define REG_MAC_HASH_4             (0xA4)       /* MAHTR2 */

+#define REG_MAC_HASH_5             (0xA5)


+#define REG_MAC_HASH_6             (0xA6)       /* MAHTR3 */

+#define REG_MAC_HASH_7             (0xA7)



+ * QMU Receive Queue Watermark Control Registers

+ * (Offset 0xB0 - 0xB5)

+ */

+#define REG_RX_LOW_WATERMARK       (0xB0)       /* FCLWR */

+#define   RX_LOW_WATERMARK_MASK       (0x0FFF)    /* Set QMU RxQ low watermark mask */


+#define REG_RX_HIGH_WATERMARK      (0xB2)       /* FCHWR */

+#define   RX_HIGH_WATERMARK_MASK      (0x0FFF)    /* Set QMU RxQ high watermark mask */


+#define REG_RX_OVERRUN_WATERMARK   (0xB4)       /* FCOWR */

+#define   RX_OVERRUN_WATERMARK_MASK   (0x0FFF)    /* Set QMU RxQ overrun watermark mask */



+ * Global Control Registers

+ * (Offset 0xC0 - 0xD3)

+ */

+#define REG_CHIP_ID                (0xC0)       /* CIDER */

+#define   CHIP_ID_MASK                (0xFFF0)     /* Family ID and chip ID mask */

+#define   REVISION_MASK               (0x000E)     /* Chip revision mask */

+#define   CHIP_ID_SHIFT               (4)

+#define   REVISION_SHIFT              (1)

+#define   CHIP_ID_8851_16             (0x8870)     /* KS8851-16/32MQL chip ID */


+#define REG_LED_CTRL               (0xC6)       /* CGCR */

+#define   LED_CTRL_SEL1               (0x8000)     /* Select LED3/LED2/LED1/LED0 indication */

+#define   LED_CTRL_SEL0               (0x0200)     /* Select LED3/LED2/LED1/LED0 indication */


+#define REG_IND_IACR               (0xC8)       /* IACR */

+#define   TABLE_READ                  (0x1000)     /* Indirect read */

+#define   TABLE_MIB                   (0x0C00)     /* Select MIB counter table */

+#define   TABLE_ENTRY_MASK            (0x001F)     /* Set table entry to access */


+#define REG_IND_DATA_LOW           (0xD0)       /* IADLR */

+#define REG_IND_DATA_HIGH          (0xD2)       /* IADHR */



+ * Power Management Control Registers

+ * (Offset 0xD4 - 0xD7)

+ */

+#define REG_POWER_CNTL             (0xD4)       /* PMECR */

+#define   PME_DELAY_ENABLE            (0x4000)    /* Enable the PME output pin assertion delay */

+#define   PME_ACTIVE_HIGHT            (0x1000)    /* PME output pin is active high */

+#define   PME_FROM_WKFRAME            (0x0800)    /* PME asserted when wake-up frame is detected */

+#define   PME_FROM_MAGIC              (0x0400)    /* PME asserted when magic packet is detected */

+#define   PME_FROM_LINKUP             (0x0200)    /* PME asserted when link up is detected */

+#define   PME_FROM_ENERGY             (0x0100)    /* PME asserted when energy is detected */

+#define   PME_EVENT_MASK              (0x0F00)    /* PME asserted event mask */

+#define   WAKEUP_AUTO_ENABLE          (0x0080)    /* Enable auto wake-up in energy mode */

+#define   WAKEUP_NORMAL_AUTO_ENABLE   (0x0040)    /* Enable auto goto normal mode from energy detecion mode */

+#define   WAKEUP_FROM_WKFRAME         (0x0020)    /* Wake-up from wake-up frame event detected */

+#define   WAKEUP_FROM_MAGIC           (0x0010)    /* Wake-up from magic packet event detected */

+#define   WAKEUP_FROM_LINKUP          (0x0008)    /* Wake-up from link up event detected */

+#define   WAKEUP_FROM_ENERGY          (0x0004)    /* Wake-up from energy event detected */

+#define   WAKEUP_EVENT_MASK           (0x003C)    /* Wake-up event mask */

+#define   POWER_STATE_D1              (0x0003)    /* Power saving mode */

+#define   POWER_STATE_D3              (0x0002)    /* Power down mode */

+#define   POWER_STATE_D2              (0x0001)    /* Power detection mode */

+#define   POWER_STATE_D0              (0x0000)    /* Normal operation mode (default) */

+#define   POWER_STATE_MASK            (0x0003)    /* Power management mode mask */


+#define REG_WAKEUP_TIME            (0xD6)       /* GSWUTR */

+#define   WAKEUP_TIME                 (0xFF00)    /* Min time (sec) wake-uo after detected energy */

+#define   GOSLEEP_TIME                (0x00FF)    /* Min time (sec) before goto sleep when in energy mode */



+ * PHY Control Registers

+ * (Offset 0xD8 - 0xF9)

+ */

+#define REG_PHY_RESET              (0xD8)       /* PHYRR */

+#define   PHY_RESET                   (0x0001)    /* Reset PHY */


+#define REG_PHY_CNTL               (0xE4)       /* P1MBCR */

+#define   PHY_SPEED_100MBIT           (0x2000)     /* Force PHY 100Mbps */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_ENABLE         (0x1000)     /* Enable PHY auto-negotiation */

+#define   PHY_POWER_DOWN              (0x0800)     /* Set PHY power-down */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_RESTART        (0x0200)     /* Restart PHY auto-negotiation */

+#define   PHY_FULL_DUPLEX             (0x0100)     /* Force PHY in full duplex mode */

+#define   PHY_HP_MDIX                 (0x0020)     /* Set PHY in HP auto MDI-X mode */

+#define   PHY_FORCE_MDIX              (0x0010)     /* Force MDI-X */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_MDIX_DISABLE       (0x0008)     /* Disable auto MDI-X */

+#define   PHY_TRANSMIT_DISABLE        (0x0002)     /* Disable PHY transmit */

+#define   PHY_LED_DISABLE             (0x0001)     /* Disable PHY LED */


+#define REG_PHY_STATUS             (0xE6)       /* P1MBSR */

+#define   PHY_100BT4_CAPABLE          (0x8000)     /* 100 BASE-T4 capable */

+#define   PHY_100BTX_FD_CAPABLE       (0x4000)     /* 100BASE-TX full duplex capable */

+#define   PHY_100BTX_CAPABLE          (0x2000)     /* 100BASE-TX half duplex capable */

+#define   PHY_10BT_FD_CAPABLE         (0x1000)     /* 10BASE-TX full duplex capable */

+#define   PHY_10BT_CAPABLE            (0x0800)     /* 10BASE-TX half duplex capable */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_ACKNOWLEDGE    (0x0020)     /* Auto-negotiation complete */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_CAPABLE        (0x0008)     /* Auto-negotiation capable */

+#define   PHY_LINK_UP                 (0x0004)     /* PHY link is up */

+#define   PHY_EXTENDED_CAPABILITY     (0x0001)     /* PHY extended register capable */


+#define REG_PHY_ID_LOW             (0xE8)       /* PHY1ILR */

+#define REG_PHY_ID_HIGH            (0xEA)       /* PHY1IHR */


+#define REG_PHY_AUTO_NEGOTIATION   (0xEC)       /* P1ANAR */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_SYM_PAUSE      (0x0400)     /* Advertise pause capability */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_100BTX_FD      (0x0100)     /* Advertise 100 full-duplex capability */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_100BTX         (0x0080)     /* Advertise 100 half-duplex capability */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_10BT_FD        (0x0040)     /* Advertise 10 full-duplex capability */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_10BT           (0x0020)     /* Advertise 10 half-duplex capability */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_SELECTOR       (0x001F)     /* Selector field mask */

+#define   PHY_AUTO_NEG_802_3          (0x0001)     /* 802.3 */


+#define REG_PHY_REMOTE_CAPABILITY  (0xEE)       /* P1ANLPR */

+#define   PHY_REMOTE_SYM_PAUSE        (0x0400)     /* Link partner pause capability */

+#define   PHY_REMOTE_100BTX_FD        (0x0100)     /* Link partner 100 full-duplex capability */

+#define   PHY_REMOTE_100BTX           (0x0080)     /* Link partner 100 half-duplex capability */

+#define   PHY_REMOTE_10BT_FD          (0x0040)     /* Link partner 10 full-duplex capability */

+#define   PHY_REMOTE_10BT             (0x0020)     /* Link partner 10 half-duplex capability */


+#define REG_PORT_LINK_MD           (0xF4)       /* P1SCLMD */

+#define   PORT_CABLE_10M_SHORT        (0x8000)     /* Cable length is less than 10m short */

+#define   PORT_CABLE_STAT_FAILED      (0x6000)     /* Cable diagnostic test fail */

+#define   PORT_CABLE_STAT_SHORT       (0x4000)     /* Short condition detected in the cable */

+#define   PORT_CABLE_STAT_OPEN        (0x2000)     /* Open condition detected in the cable */

+#define   PORT_CABLE_STAT_NORMAL      (0x0000)     /* Normal condition */

+#define   PORT_CABLE_DIAG_RESULT      (0x6000)     /* Cable diagnostic test result mask */

+#define   PORT_START_CABLE_DIAG       (0x1000)     /* Enable cable diagnostic test */

+#define   PORT_FORCE_LINK             (0x0800)     /* Enable force link pass */

+#define   PORT_POWER_SAVING           (0x0400)     /* Disable power saving */

+#define   PORT_REMOTE_LOOPBACK        (0x0200)     /* Enable remote loopback at PHY */

+#define   PORT_CABLE_FAULT_COUNTER    (0x01FF)     /* Cable length distance to the fault */


+#define REG_PORT_CTRL              (0xF6)       /* P1CR */

+#define   PORT_LED_OFF                (0x8000)     /* Turn off all the port LEDs (LED3/LED2/LED1/LED0) */

+#define   PORT_TX_DISABLE             (0x4000)     /* Disable port transmit */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_NEG_RESTART       (0x2000)     /* Restart auto-negotiation */

+#define   PORT_POWER_DOWN             (0x0800)     /* Set port power-down */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_MDIX_DISABLE      (0x0400)     /* Disable auto MDI-X */

+#define   PORT_FORCE_MDIX             (0x0200)     /* Force MDI-X */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_NEG_ENABLE        (0x0080)     /* Enable auto-negotiation */

+#define   PORT_FORCE_100_MBIT         (0x0040)     /* Force PHY 100Mbps */

+#define   PORT_FORCE_FULL_DUPLEX      (0x0020)     /* Force PHY in full duplex mode */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_NEG_SYM_PAUSE     (0x0010)     /* Advertise pause capability */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_NEG_100BTX_FD     (0x0008)     /* Advertise 100 full-duplex capability */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_NEG_100BTX        (0x0004)     /* Advertise 100 half-duplex capability */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_NEG_10BT_FD       (0x0002)     /* Advertise 10 full-duplex capability */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_NEG_10BT          (0x0001)     /* Advertise 10 half-duplex capability */


+#define REG_PORT_STATUS            (0xF8)       /* P1SR */

+#define   PORT_HP_MDIX                (0x8000)     /* Set PHY in HP auto MDI-X mode */

+#define   PORT_REVERSED_POLARITY      (0x2000)     /* Polarity is reversed */

+#define   PORT_RX_FLOW_CTRL           (0x1000)     /* Reeive flow control feature is active */

+#define   PORT_TX_FLOW_CTRL           (0x0800)     /* Transmit flow control feature is active */

+#define   PORT_STAT_SPEED_100MBIT     (0x0400)     /* Link is 100Mbps */

+#define   PORT_STAT_FULL_DUPLEX       (0x0200)     /* Link is full duplex mode */

+#define   PORT_MDIX_STATUS            (0x0080)     /* Is MDI */

+#define   PORT_AUTO_NEG_COMPLETE      (0x0040)     /* Auto-negotiation complete */

+#define   PORT_STATUS_LINK_GOOD       (0x0020)     /* PHY link is up */

+#define   PORT_REMOTE_SYM_PAUSE       (0x0010)     /* Link partner pause capability */

+#define   PORT_REMOTE_100BTX_FD       (0x0008)     /* Link partner 100 full-duplex capability */

+#define   PORT_REMOTE_100BTX          (0x0004)     /* Link partner 100 half-duplex capability */

+#define   PORT_REMOTE_10BT_FD         (0x0002)     /* Link partner 10 full-duplex capability */

+#define   PORT_REMOTE_10BT            (0x0001)     /* Link partner 10 half-duplex capability */


+#endif /* KSZ8851SNL_REG_H_INCLUDED */