blob: 761384c2a0a2bb4dd2cf1a172396922e3d1ff9af [file] [log] [blame]
"""Repository rules for defining Rust dependencies and toolchains"""
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")
load("//rust/platform:triple.bzl", "get_host_triple", "triple")
load("//rust/platform:triple_mappings.bzl", "triple_to_constraint_set")
load("//rust/private:common.bzl", "rust_common")
_load_arbitrary_tool = "load_arbitrary_tool",
# Re-export `load_arbitrary_tool` as it's historically been used in external repositories.
load_arbitrary_tool = _load_arbitrary_tool
# Note: Code in `.github/workflows/crate_universe.yaml` looks for this line, if you remove it or change its format, you will also need to update that code.
"aarch64-apple-darwin": "rust_darwin_aarch64",
"aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": "rust_windows_aarch64",
"aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": "rust_linux_aarch64",
"s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": "rust_linux_s390x",
"x86_64-apple-darwin": "rust_darwin_x86_64",
"x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": "rust_windows_x86_64",
"x86_64-unknown-freebsd": "rust_freebsd_x86_64",
"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "rust_linux_x86_64",
def rules_rust_dependencies():
"""Dependencies used in the implementation of `rules_rust`."""
name = "platforms",
urls = [
sha256 = "8150406605389ececb6da07cbcb509d5637a3ab9a24bc69b1101531367d89d74",
name = "rules_cc",
urls = [""],
sha256 = "2037875b9a4456dce4a79d112a8ae885bbc4aad968e6587dca6e64f3a0900cdf",
strip_prefix = "rules_cc-0.0.9",
name = "rules_license",
urls = [
sha256 = "241b06f3097fd186ff468832150d6cc142247dc42a32aaefb56d0099895fd229",
name = "bazel_skylib",
sha256 = "cd55a062e763b9349921f0f5db8c3933288dc8ba4f76dd9416aac68acee3cb94",
urls = [
# Make the iOS simulator constraint available, which is referenced in abi_to_constraints()
# rules_rust does not require this dependency; it is just imported as a convenience for users.
name = "build_bazel_apple_support",
sha256 = "1c4031e72b456a048d8177f59a5581808c07585fa9e255c6f5fefb8752af7e40",
url = "",
# process_wrapper needs a low-dependency way to process json.
# buildifier: disable=unnamed-macro
def rust_register_toolchains(
dev_components = False,
edition = None,
allocator_library = None,
global_allocator_library = None,
register_toolchains = True,
rustfmt_version = None,
rust_analyzer_version = None,
sha256s = None,
extra_target_triples = DEFAULT_EXTRA_TARGET_TRIPLES,
extra_rustc_flags = None,
extra_exec_rustc_flags = None,
aliases = {}):
"""Emits a default set of toolchains for Linux, MacOS, and Freebsd
Skip this macro and call the `rust_repository_set` macros directly if you need a compiler for \
other hosts or for additional target triples.
The `sha256s` attribute represents a dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. As an example:
"rust-1.46.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "e3b98bc3440fe92817881933f9564389eccb396f5f431f33d48b979fa2fbdcf5",
"rustfmt-1.4.12-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "1894e76913303d66bf40885a601462844eec15fca9e76a6d13c390d7000d64b0",
"rust-std-1.46.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "ac04aef80423f612c0079829b504902de27a6997214eb58ab0765d02f7ec1dbc",
This would match for `exec_triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"`. If not specified, rules_rust pulls from a non-exhaustive \
list of known checksums..
See `load_arbitrary_tool` in `@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl` for more details.
dev_components (bool, optional): Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be "nightly".
edition (str, optional): The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every target is required to specify its `edition` attribute.
allocator_library (str, optional): Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary.
global_allocator_library (str, optional): Target that provides allocator functions when global allocator is used with
register_toolchains (bool): If true, repositories will be generated to produce and register `rust_toolchain` targets.
rustfmt_version (str, optional): The version of rustfmt. If none is supplied and only a single version in `versions` is given, then this defaults to that version, otherwise will default to the default nightly version.
rust_analyzer_version (str, optional): The version of Rustc to pair with rust-analyzer.
sha256s (str, optional): A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes.
extra_target_triples (list, optional): Additional rust-style targets that rust toolchains should support.
extra_rustc_flags (dict, list, optional): Dictionary of target triples to list of extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration.
extra_exec_rustc_flags (list, optional): Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration.
urls (list, optional): A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format).
versions (list, optional): A list of toolchain versions to download. This parameter only accepts one versions
per channel. E.g. `["1.65.0", "nightly/2022-11-02", "beta/2020-12-30"]`.
aliases (dict, optional): A mapping of "full" repository name to another name to use instead.
if not rustfmt_version:
if len(versions) == 1:
rustfmt_version = versions[0]
if dev_components:
has_nightly = False
for ver in versions:
if ver.startswith("nightly"):
has_nightly = True
if not has_nightly:
fail("rustc-dev components were requested but no \"nightly\" is being registered. Please update `versions` to include a nightly version.")
if not rust_analyzer_version:
rust_analyzer_version = select_rust_version(versions)
# Convert to an unfrozen dict to remove mappings as they are used. This will allow us to determine if there
# are any unused aliases requested.
aliases = dict(aliases)
rust_analyzer_repo_name = "rust_analyzer_{}".format(rust_analyzer_version.replace("/", "-"))
toolchain_names = []
toolchain_labels = {}
toolchain_types = {}
exec_compatible_with_by_toolchain = {}
target_compatible_with_by_toolchain = {}
name = rust_analyzer_repo_name,
version = rust_analyzer_version,
urls = urls,
sha256s = sha256s,
toolchain_labels[rust_analyzer_repo_name] = "@{}_tools//:rust_analyzer_toolchain".format(
exec_compatible_with_by_toolchain[rust_analyzer_repo_name] = []
target_compatible_with_by_toolchain[rust_analyzer_repo_name] = []
toolchain_types[rust_analyzer_repo_name] = "@rules_rust//rust/rust_analyzer:toolchain_type"
if register_toolchains:
for exec_triple, name in DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_TRIPLES.items():
name = name,
dev_components = dev_components,
edition = edition,
exec_triple = exec_triple,
extra_target_triples = extra_target_triples,
allocator_library = allocator_library,
global_allocator_library = global_allocator_library,
register_toolchain = register_toolchains,
rustfmt_version = rustfmt_version,
extra_rustc_flags = extra_rustc_flags,
extra_exec_rustc_flags = extra_exec_rustc_flags,
sha256s = sha256s,
urls = urls,
versions = versions,
aliases = aliases,
rustfmt_repo_name = "rustfmt_{}__{}".format(rustfmt_version.replace("/", "-"), exec_triple)
if rustfmt_repo_name in aliases:
rustfmt_repo_name = aliases.pop(rustfmt_repo_name)
name = rustfmt_repo_name,
version = rustfmt_version,
urls = urls,
sha256s = sha256s,
exec_triple = exec_triple,
if register_toolchains:
for toolchain in _get_toolchain_repositories(name, exec_triple, extra_target_triples, versions, fallback_target_compatible_with = None, aliases = aliases):
toolchain_labels[] = "@{}//:{}".format( + "_tools", "rust_toolchain")
exec_compatible_with_by_toolchain[] = triple_to_constraint_set(exec_triple)
target_compatible_with_by_toolchain[] = toolchain.target_constraints
toolchain_types[] = "@rules_rust//rust:toolchain"
toolchain_labels[rustfmt_repo_name] = "@{}_tools//:rustfmt_toolchain".format(rustfmt_repo_name)
exec_compatible_with_by_toolchain[rustfmt_repo_name] = triple_to_constraint_set(exec_triple)
target_compatible_with_by_toolchain[rustfmt_repo_name] = []
toolchain_types[rustfmt_repo_name] = "@rules_rust//rust/rustfmt:toolchain_type"
if aliases:
fail("No repositories were created matching the requested names to alias:\n{}".format("\n".join(sorted(aliases))))
name = "rust_toolchains",
toolchain_names = toolchain_names,
toolchain_labels = toolchain_labels,
toolchain_types = toolchain_types,
exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with_by_toolchain,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with_by_toolchain,
# buildifier: disable=unnamed-macro
def rust_repositories(**kwargs):
"""**Deprecated**: Use [rules_rust_dependencies](#rules_rust_dependencies) \
and [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) directly.
**kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for the `rust_register_toolchains` macro.
"allocator_library": attr.string(
doc = "Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary.",
default = "@rules_rust//ffi/cc/allocator_library",
"auth": attr.string_dict(
doc = (
"Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files. " +
"See []( for more details."
"auth_patterns": attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of patterns to match against urls for which the auth object should be used.",
"dev_components": attr.bool(
doc = "Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be \"nightly\".",
default = False,
"edition": attr.string(
doc = (
"The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). " +
"If absent, every rule is required to specify its `edition` attribute."
"exec_triple": attr.string(
doc = "The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on",
mandatory = True,
"extra_exec_rustc_flags": attr.string_list(
doc = "Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration",
"extra_rustc_flags": attr.string_list(
doc = "Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration",
"global_allocator_library": attr.string(
doc = "Target that provides allocator functions when a global allocator is used with",
default = "@rules_rust//ffi/cc/global_allocator_library",
"netrc": attr.string(
doc = ".netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive",
"opt_level": attr.string_dict(
doc = "Rustc optimization levels. For more details see the documentation for `rust_toolchain.opt_level`.",
"rustfmt_version": attr.string(
doc = "The version of the tool among \"nightly\", \"beta\", or an exact version.",
"sha256s": attr.string_dict(
doc = "A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details.",
"target_triple": attr.string(
doc = "The Rust-style target that this compiler builds for.",
mandatory = True,
"urls": attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format).",
"version": attr.string(
doc = "The version of the tool among \"nightly\", \"beta\", or an exact version.",
mandatory = True,
def _rust_toolchain_tools_repository_impl(ctx):
"""The implementation of the rust toolchain tools repository rule."""
sha256s = dict(ctx.attr.sha256s)
iso_date = None
version = ctx.attr.version
version_array = version.split("/")
if len(version_array) > 1:
version = version_array[0]
iso_date = version_array[1]
check_version_valid(ctx.attr.version, iso_date)
exec_triple = triple(ctx.attr.exec_triple)
rustc_content, rustc_sha256 = load_rust_compiler(
ctx = ctx,
iso_date = iso_date,
target_triple = exec_triple,
version = version,
clippy_content, clippy_sha256 = load_clippy(
ctx = ctx,
iso_date = iso_date,
target_triple = exec_triple,
version = version,
cargo_content, cargo_sha256 = load_cargo(
ctx = ctx,
iso_date = iso_date,
target_triple = exec_triple,
version = version,
build_components = [
sha256s.update(rustc_sha256 | clippy_sha256 | cargo_sha256)
if ctx.attr.rustfmt_version:
rustfmt_version = ctx.attr.rustfmt_version
rustfmt_iso_date = None
if rustfmt_version in ("nightly", "beta"):
if iso_date:
rustfmt_iso_date = iso_date
fail("`rustfmt_version` does not include an iso_date. The following reposiotry should either set `iso_date` or update `rustfmt_version` to include an iso_date suffix: {}".format(,
elif rustfmt_version.startswith(("nightly", "beta")):
rustfmt_version, _, rustfmt_iso_date = rustfmt_version.partition("/")
rustfmt_content, rustfmt_sha256 = load_rustfmt(
ctx = ctx,
target_triple = triple(ctx.attr.exec_triple),
version = rustfmt_version,
iso_date = rustfmt_iso_date,
# Rust 1.45.0 and nightly builds after 2020-05-22 need the llvm-tools gzip to get the libLLVM dylib
include_llvm_tools = version >= "1.45.0" or (version == "nightly" and iso_date > "2020-05-22")
if include_llvm_tools:
llvm_tools_content, llvm_tools_sha256 = load_llvm_tools(
ctx = ctx,
target_triple = exec_triple,
version = version,
iso_date = iso_date,
target_triple = triple(ctx.attr.target_triple)
rust_stdlib_content, rust_stdlib_sha256 = load_rust_stdlib(
ctx = ctx,
target_triple = target_triple,
version = version,
iso_date = iso_date,
stdlib_linkflags = None
if "BAZEL_RUST_STDLIB_LINKFLAGS" in ctx.os.environ:
stdlib_linkflags = ctx.os.environ["BAZEL_RUST_STDLIB_LINKFLAGS"].split(":")
name = "rust_toolchain",
exec_triple = exec_triple,
allocator_library = ctx.attr.allocator_library,
global_allocator_library = ctx.attr.global_allocator_library,
target_triple = target_triple,
stdlib_linkflags = stdlib_linkflags,
default_edition = ctx.attr.edition,
include_rustfmt = not (not ctx.attr.rustfmt_version),
include_llvm_tools = include_llvm_tools,
extra_rustc_flags = ctx.attr.extra_rustc_flags,
extra_exec_rustc_flags = ctx.attr.extra_exec_rustc_flags,
opt_level = ctx.attr.opt_level if ctx.attr.opt_level else None,
# Not all target triples are expected to have dev components
if ctx.attr.dev_components:
rustc_dev_sha256 = load_rustc_dev_nightly(
ctx = ctx,
target_triple = target_triple,
version = version,
iso_date = iso_date,
ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", "")
ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", "\n".join(build_components))
repro = {"name":}
repro[key] = getattr(ctx.attr, key)
repro["sha256s"] = sha256s
return repro
rust_toolchain_tools_repository = repository_rule(
doc = (
"Composes a single workspace containing the toolchain components for compiling on a given " +
"platform to a series of target platforms.\n" +
"\n" +
"A given instance of this rule should be accompanied by a toolchain_repository_proxy " +
"invocation to declare its toolchains to Bazel; the indirection allows separating toolchain " +
"selection from toolchain fetching."
implementation = _rust_toolchain_tools_repository_impl,
def _toolchain_repository_proxy_impl(repository_ctx):
repository_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", """workspace(name = "{}")""".format(,
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", BUILD_for_toolchain(
name = "toolchain",
toolchain = repository_ctx.attr.toolchain,
target_settings = repository_ctx.attr.target_settings,
toolchain_type = repository_ctx.attr.toolchain_type,
target_compatible_with = repository_ctx.attr.target_compatible_with,
exec_compatible_with = repository_ctx.attr.exec_compatible_with,
toolchain_repository_proxy = repository_rule(
doc = (
"Generates a toolchain-bearing repository that declares the toolchains from some other " +
attrs = {
"exec_compatible_with": attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain.",
"target_compatible_with": attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain.",
"target_settings": attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this toolchain to be selected during toolchain resolution.",
"toolchain": attr.string(
doc = "The name of the toolchain implementation target.",
mandatory = True,
"toolchain_type": attr.string(
doc = "The toolchain type of the toolchain to declare",
mandatory = True,
implementation = _toolchain_repository_proxy_impl,
# For legacy support
rust_toolchain_repository_proxy = toolchain_repository_proxy
# N.B. A "proxy repository" is needed to allow for registering the toolchain (with constraints)
# without actually downloading the toolchain.
def rust_toolchain_repository(
exec_compatible_with = None,
target_compatible_with = None,
target_settings = [],
channel = None,
allocator_library = None,
global_allocator_library = None,
rustfmt_version = None,
edition = None,
dev_components = False,
extra_rustc_flags = None,
extra_exec_rustc_flags = None,
opt_level = None,
sha256s = None,
auth = None,
netrc = None,
auth_patterns = None):
"""Assembles a remote repository for the given toolchain params, produces a proxy repository \
to contain the toolchain declaration, and registers the toolchains.
name (str): The name of the generated repository
version (str): The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version.
exec_triple (str): The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on.
target_triple (str): The Rust-style target to build for.
channel (str, optional): The channel of the Rust toolchain.
exec_compatible_with (list, optional): A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain.
target_compatible_with (list, optional): A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain.
target_settings (list, optional): A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this toolchain to be selected during toolchain resolution.
allocator_library (str, optional): Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary.
global_allocator_library (str, optional): Target that provides allocator functions when a global allocator is used with
rustfmt_version (str, optional): The version of rustfmt to be associated with the
edition (str, optional): The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every rule is required to specify its `edition` attribute.
dev_components (bool, optional): Whether to download the rustc-dev components.
Requires version to be "nightly". Defaults to False.
extra_rustc_flags (list, optional): Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration.
extra_exec_rustc_flags (list, optional): Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration.
opt_level (dict, optional): Optimization level config for this toolchain.
sha256s (str, optional): A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See
[rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details.
urls (list, optional): A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['{}.tar.xz']
auth (dict): Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files.
See []( for more details.
netrc (str, optional): .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive
auth_patterns (list, optional): A list of patterns to match against urls for which the auth object should be used.
str: The name of the registerable toolchain created by this rule.
if exec_compatible_with == None:
exec_compatible_with = triple_to_constraint_set(exec_triple)
if target_compatible_with == None:
target_compatible_with = triple_to_constraint_set(target_triple)
tools_repo_name = "{}_tools".format(name)
name = tools_repo_name,
exec_triple = exec_triple,
allocator_library = allocator_library,
global_allocator_library = global_allocator_library,
target_triple = target_triple,
version = version,
rustfmt_version = rustfmt_version,
edition = edition,
dev_components = dev_components,
extra_rustc_flags = extra_rustc_flags,
extra_exec_rustc_flags = extra_exec_rustc_flags,
opt_level = opt_level,
sha256s = sha256s,
urls = urls,
auth = auth,
netrc = netrc,
auth_patterns = auth_patterns,
channel_target_settings = ["@rules_rust//rust/toolchain/channel:{}".format(channel)] if channel else []
name = name,
toolchain = "@{}//:rust_toolchain".format(tools_repo_name),
target_settings = channel_target_settings + target_settings,
toolchain_type = "@rules_rust//rust:toolchain",
exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
return "@{name}//:toolchain".format(
name = name,
"auth": attr.string_dict(
doc = (
"Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files. " +
"See []( for more details."
"auth_patterns": attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of patterns to match against urls for which the auth object should be used.",
"netrc": attr.string(
doc = ".netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive",
"sha256s": attr.string_dict(
doc = "A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details.",
"urls": attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format).",
"version": attr.string(
doc = "The version of the tool among \"nightly\", \"beta\" with an iso date, or an exact version.",
mandatory = True,
def _rust_analyzer_toolchain_tools_repository_impl(repository_ctx):
sha256s = dict(repository_ctx.attr.sha256s)
iso_date = None
version = repository_ctx.attr.version
version_array = version.split("/")
if len(version_array) > 1:
version = version_array[0]
iso_date = version_array[1]
ctx = repository_ctx,
iso_date = iso_date,
version = version,
repository_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", """workspace(name = "{}")""".format(,
host_triple = get_host_triple(repository_ctx)
rustc_content, rustc_sha256 = load_rust_compiler(
ctx = repository_ctx,
iso_date = iso_date,
target_triple = host_triple,
version = version,
build_contents = [rustc_content]
rustc = "//:rustc"
proc_macro_srv = None
if includes_rust_analyzer_proc_macro_srv(version, iso_date):
proc_macro_srv = "//:rust_analyzer_proc_macro_srv"
name = "rust_analyzer_toolchain",
rustc = rustc,
proc_macro_srv = proc_macro_srv,
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", "\n".join(build_contents))
repository_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", """workspace(name = "{}")""".format(,
repro = {"name":}
repro[key] = getattr(repository_ctx.attr, key)
repro["sha256s"] = sha256s
return repro
rust_analyzer_toolchain_tools_repository = repository_rule(
doc = "A repository rule for defining a rust_analyzer_toolchain with a `rust-src` artifact.",
implementation = _rust_analyzer_toolchain_tools_repository_impl,
def rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository(
exec_compatible_with = [],
target_compatible_with = [],
sha256s = None,
urls = None,
auth = None,
netrc = None,
auth_patterns = None):
"""Assemble a remote rust_analyzer_toolchain target based on the given params.
name (str): The name of the toolchain proxy repository contianing the registerable toolchain.
version (str): The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version.
exec_compatible_with (list, optional): A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain.
target_compatible_with (list, optional): A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain.
sha256s (str, optional): A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See
[rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details.
urls (list, optional): A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['{}.tar.xz']
auth (dict): Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files.
See []( for more details.
netrc (str, optional): .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive
auth_patterns (dict, optional): Override mapping of hostnames to authorization patterns; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive
str: The name of a registerable rust_analyzer_toolchain.
name = name + "_tools",
version = version,
sha256s = sha256s,
urls = urls,
auth = auth,
netrc = netrc,
auth_patterns = auth_patterns,
name = name,
toolchain = "@{}//:{}".format(name + "_tools", "rust_analyzer_toolchain"),
toolchain_type = "@rules_rust//rust/rust_analyzer:toolchain_type",
exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
return "@{}//:toolchain".format(
"auth": attr.string_dict(
doc = (
"Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files. " +
"See []( for more details."
"auth_patterns": attr.string_dict(
doc = "Override mapping of hostnames to authorization patterns; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive",
"exec_triple": attr.string(
doc = "The Rust-style triple Rustfmt is expected to run on.",
mandatory = True,
"netrc": attr.string(
doc = ".netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive",
"sha256s": attr.string_dict(
doc = "A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details.",
"urls": attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format).",
"version": attr.string(
doc = "The version of the tool among \"nightly\", \"beta\" with an iso date, or an exact version.",
mandatory = True,
def _rustfmt_toolchain_tools_repository_impl(repository_ctx):
sha256s = dict(repository_ctx.attr.sha256s)
repository_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", """workspace(name = "{}")""".format(,
iso_date = None
version = repository_ctx.attr.version
version_array = version.split("/")
if len(version_array) > 1:
version = version_array[0]
iso_date = version_array[1]
rustfmt = "//:rustfmt_bin"
rustc = "//:rustc"
rustc_lib = "//:rustc_lib"
exec_triple = triple(repository_ctx.attr.exec_triple)
rustc_content, rustc_sha256 = load_rust_compiler(
ctx = repository_ctx,
iso_date = iso_date,
target_triple = exec_triple,
version = version,
rustfmt_content, rustfmt_sha256 = load_rustfmt(
ctx = repository_ctx,
iso_date = iso_date,
target_triple = exec_triple,
version = version,
build_contents = [
name = "rustfmt_toolchain",
rustfmt = rustfmt,
rustc = rustc,
rustc_lib = rustc_lib,
sha256s.update(rustc_sha256 | rustfmt_sha256)
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", "\n".join(build_contents))
repository_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", """workspace(name = "{}")""".format(,
repro = {"name":}
repro[key] = getattr(repository_ctx.attr, key)
repro["sha256s"] = sha256s
return repro
rustfmt_toolchain_tools_repository = repository_rule(
doc = "A repository rule for defining a rustfmt_toolchain.",
implementation = _rustfmt_toolchain_tools_repository_impl,
def rustfmt_toolchain_repository(
exec_compatible_with = None,
target_compatible_with = None,
channel = None,
sha256s = None,
urls = None,
auth = None,
netrc = None,
auth_patterns = None):
"""Assemble a remote rustfmt_toolchain target based on the given params.
name (str): The name of the toolchain proxy repository contianing the registerable toolchain.
version (str): The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version.
exec_triple (str): The platform triple Rustfmt is expected to run on.
exec_compatible_with (list, optional): A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain.
target_compatible_with (list, optional): A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain.
channel (str, optional): The channel value to with which to constrain the toolchain.
sha256s (str, optional): A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See
[rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details.
urls (list, optional): A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['{}.tar.xz']
auth (dict): Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files.
See []( for more details.
netrc (str, optional): .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive
auth_patterns (dict, optional): Override mapping of hostnames to authorization patterns; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive
str: The name of a registerable rustfmt_toolchain.
if exec_compatible_with == None:
exec_compatible_with = triple_to_constraint_set(exec_triple)
name = name + "_tools",
version = version,
sha256s = sha256s,
urls = urls,
auth = auth,
netrc = netrc,
auth_patterns = auth_patterns,
exec_triple = exec_triple,
name = name,
toolchain = "@{}//:{}".format(name + "_tools", "rustfmt_toolchain"),
toolchain_type = "@rules_rust//rust/rustfmt:toolchain_type",
target_settings = ["@rules_rust//rust/toolchain/channel:{}".format(channel)] if channel else None,
exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
return "@{}//:toolchain".format(
def _rust_toolchain_set_repository_impl(repository_ctx):
repository_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", """workspace(name = "{}")""".format(,
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", """exports_files(["defs.bzl"])""")
repository_ctx.file("defs.bzl", "ALL_TOOLCHAINS = {}\n".format(
json.encode_indent(repository_ctx.attr.toolchains, indent = " " * 4),
rust_toolchain_set_repository = repository_rule(
doc = (
"Generates a toolchain-bearing repository that declares the toolchains from some other " +
attrs = {
"toolchains": attr.string_list(
doc = "The list of all toolchains created by the current `rust_toolchain_set`",
mandatory = True,
implementation = _rust_toolchain_set_repository_impl,
def _get_toolchain_repositories(name, exec_triple, extra_target_triples, versions, fallback_target_compatible_with, aliases = {}):
extra_target_triples_list = extra_target_triples.keys() if type(extra_target_triples) == "dict" else extra_target_triples
toolchain_repos = []
for target_triple in depset([exec_triple] + extra_target_triples_list).to_list():
# Parse all provided versions while checking for duplicates
channels = {}
for version in versions:
if version.startswith(("beta", "nightly")):
channel, _, _ = version.partition("/")
channel = "stable"
if channel in channels:
fail("Duplicate {} channels provided for {}: {}".format(channel, name, versions))
channels.update({channel: struct(
name = channel,
version = version,
if type(extra_target_triples) == "dict" and target_triple in extra_target_triples:
target_constraints = extra_target_triples[target_triple]
elif fallback_target_compatible_with != None:
target_constraints = fallback_target_compatible_with
target_constraints = triple_to_constraint_set(target_triple)
# Define toolchains for each requested version
for channel in channels.values():
# Check if this toolchain is requested to be aliased.
full_name = "{}__{}__{}".format(name, target_triple,
if full_name in aliases:
full_name = aliases.pop(full_name)
name = full_name,
target_triple = target_triple,
channel = channel,
target_constraints = target_constraints,
return toolchain_repos
def rust_repository_set(
target_settings = [],
allocator_library = None,
global_allocator_library = None,
extra_target_triples = {},
rustfmt_version = None,
edition = None,
dev_components = False,
extra_rustc_flags = None,
extra_exec_rustc_flags = None,
opt_level = None,
sha256s = None,
auth = None,
netrc = None,
auth_patterns = None,
register_toolchain = True,
exec_compatible_with = None,
default_target_compatible_with = None,
aliases = {}):
"""Assembles a remote repository for the given toolchain params, produces a proxy repository \
to contain the toolchain declaration, and registers the toolchains.
name (str): The name of the generated repository
versions (list, optional): A list of toolchain versions to download. This paramter only accepts one versions
per channel. E.g. `["1.65.0", "nightly/2022-11-02", "beta/2020-12-30"]`.
exec_triple (str): The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on
target_settings (list, optional): A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this set of toolchains to be selected during toolchain resolution.
allocator_library (str, optional): Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are
embedded in a cc_binary.
global_allocator_library (str, optional): Target that provides allocator functions a global allocator is used with
extra_target_triples (list or map, optional): Additional rust-style targets that this set of
toolchains should support. If a map, values should be (optional) target_compatible_with lists for that particular target triple.
rustfmt_version (str, optional): The version of rustfmt to be associated with the
edition (str, optional): The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every rule is
required to specify its `edition` attribute.
dev_components (bool, optional): Whether to download the rustc-dev components.
Requires version to be "nightly".
extra_rustc_flags (dict, list, optional): Dictionary of target triples to list of extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration.
extra_exec_rustc_flags (list, optional): Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration.
opt_level (dict, dict, optional): Dictionary of target triples to optimiztion config.
sha256s (str, optional): A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See
[rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details.
urls (list, optional): A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These
must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format).
auth (dict): Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files.
See []( for more details.
netrc (str, optional): .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive
auth_patterns (dict, optional): Override mapping of hostnames to authorization patterns; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive
register_toolchain (bool): If True, the generated `rust_toolchain` target will become a registered toolchain.
exec_compatible_with (list, optional): A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain.
default_target_compatible_with (list, optional): A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain when the exec platform is the same as the target platform.
aliases (dict): Replacement names to use for toolchains created by this macro.
all_toolchain_names = []
for toolchain in _get_toolchain_repositories(name, exec_triple, extra_target_triples, versions, default_target_compatible_with, aliases):
# Infer toolchain-specific rustc flags depending on the type (list, dict, optional) of extra_rustc_flags
if extra_rustc_flags == None:
toolchain_extra_rustc_flags = []
elif type(extra_rustc_flags) == "list":
toolchain_extra_rustc_flags = extra_rustc_flags
elif type(extra_rustc_flags) == "dict":
toolchain_extra_rustc_flags = extra_rustc_flags.get(toolchain.target_triple)
fail("extra_rustc_flags should be a list or a dict")
name =,
allocator_library = allocator_library,
global_allocator_library = global_allocator_library,
auth = auth,
netrc = netrc,
auth_patterns = auth_patterns,
channel =,
dev_components = dev_components,
edition = edition,
exec_triple = exec_triple,
extra_exec_rustc_flags = extra_exec_rustc_flags,
extra_rustc_flags = toolchain_extra_rustc_flags,
opt_level = opt_level.get(toolchain.target_triple) if opt_level != None else None,
target_settings = target_settings,
rustfmt_version = rustfmt_version,
sha256s = sha256s,
target_triple = toolchain.target_triple,
urls = urls,
version =,
exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with,
target_compatible_with = toolchain.target_constraints,
# This repository exists to allow `rust_repository_set` to work with the `maybe` wrapper.
name = name,
toolchains = all_toolchain_names,
# Register toolchains
if register_toolchain: