blob: ea1b7c6433e8b1b8931cca30d357f5f257c2ac94 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 Google
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Rust Analyzer Bazel rules.
rust_analyzer will generate a rust-project.json file for the
given targets. This file can be consumed by rust-analyzer as an alternative
to Cargo.toml files.
load("//rust/platform:triple_mappings.bzl", "system_to_dylib_ext", "triple_to_system")
load("//rust/private:common.bzl", "rust_common")
load("//rust/private:rustc.bzl", "BuildInfo")
load("//rust/private:utils.bzl", "find_toolchain")
RustAnalyzerInfo = provider(
doc = "RustAnalyzerInfo holds rust crate metadata for targets",
fields = {
"build_info": "BuildInfo: build info for this crate if present",
"cfgs": "List[String]: features or other compilation --cfg settings",
"crate": "rust_common.crate_info",
"deps": "List[RustAnalyzerInfo]: direct dependencies",
"env": "Dict{String: String}: Environment variables, used for the `env!` macro",
"proc_macro_dylib_path": "File: compiled shared library output of proc-macro rule",
"transitive_deps": "List[RustAnalyzerInfo]: transitive closure of dependencies",
def _rust_analyzer_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
if rust_common.crate_info not in target:
return []
toolchain = find_toolchain(ctx)
# Always add test & debug_assertions (like here:
cfgs = ["test", "debug_assertions"]
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "crate_features"):
cfgs += ['feature="{}"'.format(f) for f in ctx.rule.attr.crate_features]
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "rustc_flags"):
cfgs += [f[6:] for f in ctx.rule.attr.rustc_flags if f.startswith("--cfg ") or f.startswith("--cfg=")]
# Save BuildInfo if we find any (for build script output)
build_info = None
for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:
if BuildInfo in dep:
build_info = dep[BuildInfo]
dep_infos = [dep[RustAnalyzerInfo] for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps if RustAnalyzerInfo in dep]
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "proc_macro_deps"):
dep_infos += [dep[RustAnalyzerInfo] for dep in ctx.rule.attr.proc_macro_deps if RustAnalyzerInfo in dep]
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "crate"):
transitive_deps = depset(direct = dep_infos, order = "postorder", transitive = [dep.transitive_deps for dep in dep_infos])
crate_info = target[rust_common.crate_info]
return [RustAnalyzerInfo(
crate = crate_info,
cfgs = cfgs,
env = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "rustc_env", {}),
deps = dep_infos,
transitive_deps = transitive_deps,
proc_macro_dylib_path = find_proc_macro_dylib_path(toolchain, target),
build_info = build_info,
def find_proc_macro_dylib_path(toolchain, target):
"""Find the proc_macro_dylib_path of target. Returns None if target crate is not type proc-macro.
toolchain: The current rust toolchain.
target: The current target.
(path): The path to the proc macro dylib, or None if this crate is not a proc-macro.
if target[rust_common.crate_info].type != "proc-macro":
return None
dylib_ext = system_to_dylib_ext(triple_to_system(toolchain.target_triple))
for action in target.actions:
for output in action.outputs.to_list():
if output.extension == dylib_ext[1:]:
return output.path
# Failed to find the dylib path inside a proc-macro crate.
# TODO: Should this be an error?
return None
rust_analyzer_aspect = aspect(
attr_aspects = ["deps", "proc_macro_deps", "crate"],
implementation = _rust_analyzer_aspect_impl,
toolchains = [str(Label("//rust:toolchain"))],
incompatible_use_toolchain_transition = True,
doc = "Annotates rust rules with RustAnalyzerInfo later used to build a rust-project.json",
_exec_root_tmpl = "__EXEC_ROOT__/"
def _crate_id(crate_info):
"""Returns a unique stable identifier for a crate
(string): This crate's unique stable id.
return "ID-" + crate_info.root.path
def _create_crate(ctx, infos, crate_mapping):
"""Creates a crate in the rust-project.json format.
It can happen a single source file is present in multiple crates - there can
be a `rust_library` with a `` file, and a `rust_test` for the `test`
module in that file. Tests can declare more dependencies than what library
had. Therefore we had to collect all RustAnalyzerInfos for a given crate
and take deps from all of them.
There's one exception - if the dependency is the same crate name as the
the crate being processed, we don't add it as a dependency to itself. This is
common and expected - `rust_test.crate` pointing to the `rust_library`.
ctx (ctx): The rule context
infos (list of RustAnalyzerInfos): RustAnalyzerInfos for the current crate
crate_mapping (dict): A dict of {String:Int} that memoizes crates for deps.
(dict) The crate rust-project.json representation
if len(infos) == 0:
fail("Expected to receive at least one crate to serialize to json, got 0.")
canonical_info = infos[0]
crate_name =
crate = dict()
crate["display_name"] = crate_name
crate["edition"] = canonical_info.crate.edition
crate["env"] = {}
# Switch on external/ to determine if crates are in the workspace or remote.
# TODO: Some folks may want to override this for vendored dependencies.
root_path = canonical_info.crate.root.path
root_dirname = canonical_info.crate.root.dirname
if root_path.startswith("external/"):
crate["is_workspace_member"] = False
crate["root_module"] = _exec_root_tmpl + root_path
crate_root = _exec_root_tmpl + root_dirname
crate["is_workspace_member"] = True
crate["root_module"] = root_path
crate_root = root_dirname
if canonical_info.build_info != None:
out_dir_path = canonical_info.build_info.out_dir.path
crate["env"].update({"OUT_DIR": _exec_root_tmpl + out_dir_path})
crate["source"] = {
# We have to tell rust-analyzer about our out_dir since it's not under the crate root.
"exclude_dirs": [],
"include_dirs": [crate_root, _exec_root_tmpl + out_dir_path],
# Collect deduplicated pairs of (crate idx from crate_mapping, crate name).
# Using dict because we don't have sets in Starlark.
deps = {
(crate_mapping[_crate_id(dep.crate)], None
for info in infos
for dep in info.deps
if != crate_name
crate["deps"] = [{"crate": d[0], "name": d[1]} for d in deps]
crate["cfg"] = canonical_info.cfgs
crate["target"] = find_toolchain(ctx).target_triple
if canonical_info.proc_macro_dylib_path != None:
crate["proc_macro_dylib_path"] = _exec_root_tmpl + canonical_info.proc_macro_dylib_path
return crate
# This implementation is incomplete because in order to get rustc env vars we
# would need to actually execute the build graph and gather the output of
# cargo_build_script rules. This would require a genrule to actually construct
# the JSON, rather than being able to build it completly in starlark.
# TODO(djmarcin): Run the cargo_build_scripts to gather env vars correctly.
def _rust_analyzer_impl(ctx):
rust_toolchain = find_toolchain(ctx)
if not rust_toolchain.rustc_srcs:
"Current Rust toolchain doesn't contain rustc sources in `rustc_srcs` attribute.",
"These are needed by rust analyzer.",
"If you are using the default Rust toolchain, add `rust_repositories(include_rustc_srcs = True, ...).` to your WORKSPACE file.",
sysroot_src = rust_toolchain.rustc_srcs.label.package + "/library"
if rust_toolchain.rustc_srcs.label.workspace_root:
sysroot_src = _exec_root_tmpl + rust_toolchain.rustc_srcs.label.workspace_root + "/" + sysroot_src
# Groups of RustAnalyzerInfos with the same _crate_id().
rust_analyzer_info_groups = []
# Dict from _crate_id() to the index of a RustAnalyzerInfo group in `rust_analyzer_info_groups`.
crate_mapping = dict()
# Dependencies are referenced by index, so leaves should come first.
idx = 0
for target in ctx.attr.targets:
if RustAnalyzerInfo not in target:
for info in depset(
direct = [target[RustAnalyzerInfo]],
transitive = [target[RustAnalyzerInfo].transitive_deps],
order = "postorder",
crate_id = _crate_id(info.crate)
if crate_id not in crate_mapping:
crate_mapping[crate_id] = idx
idx += 1
crates = []
for group in rust_analyzer_info_groups:
crates.append(_create_crate(ctx, group, crate_mapping))
# TODO(djmarcin): Use json module once bazel 4.0 is released.
ctx.actions.write(output = ctx.outputs.filename, content = struct(
sysroot_src = sysroot_src,
crates = crates,
rust_analyzer = rule(
attrs = {
"targets": attr.label_list(
aspects = [rust_analyzer_aspect],
doc = "List of all targets to be included in the index",
outputs = {
"filename": "rust-project.json",
implementation = _rust_analyzer_impl,
toolchains = [str(Label("//rust:toolchain"))],
incompatible_use_toolchain_transition = True,
doc = """\
Produces a rust-project.json for the given targets. Configure rust-analyzer to load the generated file via the linked projects mechanism.