| load("@bazel_skylib//:bzl_library.bzl", "bzl_library") |
| load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:defs.bzl", "crate", "crates_vendor") |
| load("//:repositories.bzl", "BINDGEN_VERSION") |
| |
| "clap": crate.spec( |
| version = "4.3.3", |
| ), |
| "clap_complete": crate.spec( |
| version = "4.3.1", |
| ), |
| "env_logger": crate.spec( |
| version = "0.10.0", |
| ), |
| } |
| |
| crates_vendor( |
| name = "crates_vendor", |
| annotations = { |
| "bindgen": [crate.annotation( |
| gen_build_script = True, |
| )], |
| "clang-sys": [crate.annotation( |
| gen_build_script = True, |
| )], |
| "libc": [crate.annotation( |
| gen_build_script = True, |
| )], |
| "winapi": [crate.annotation( |
| gen_build_script = True, |
| )], |
| }, |
| cargo_lockfile = "Cargo.Bazel.lock", |
| generate_build_scripts = False, |
| mode = "remote", |
| packages = dict({ |
| "bindgen": crate.spec( |
| default_features = False, |
| features = ["runtime"], |
| version = BINDGEN_VERSION, |
| ), |
| "bindgen-cli": crate.spec( |
| default_features = False, |
| features = ["runtime"], |
| version = BINDGEN_VERSION, |
| ), |
| "clang-sys": crate.spec( |
| # Should match the version of llvm-project being used. |
| features = ["clang_14_0"], |
| version = "1.6.1", |
| ), |
| }.items() + _BINDGEN_CLI_PACKAGES.items()), |
| repository_name = "rules_rust_bindgen_deps", |
| tags = ["manual"], |
| ) |
| |
| alias( |
| name = "bindgen", |
| actual = "@rules_rust_bindgen__bindgen-cli-{}//:bindgen-cli".format(BINDGEN_VERSION), |
| tags = ["manual"], |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| ) |
| |
| bzl_library( |
| name = "bzl_lib", |
| srcs = [ |
| "//3rdparty/crates:crates.bzl", |
| "//3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//:__pkg__"], |
| ) |