blob: 1da062d923a281baa5722993ca2a12fed5c5ca37 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Functionality for constructing actions that invoke the Rust compiler"""
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl", "BuildSettingInfo")
load("//rust/private:common.bzl", "rust_common")
load("//rust/private:providers.bzl", _BuildInfo = "BuildInfo")
load("//rust/private:stamp.bzl", "is_stamping_enabled")
BuildInfo = _BuildInfo
AliasableDepInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider mapping an alias name to a Crate's information.",
fields = {
"dep": "CrateInfo",
"name": "str",
_error_format_values = ["human", "json", "short"]
ErrorFormatInfo = provider(
doc = "Set the --error-format flag for all rustc invocations",
fields = {"error_format": "(string) [" + ", ".join(_error_format_values) + "]"},
ExtraRustcFlagsInfo = provider(
doc = "Pass each value as an additional flag to non-exec rustc invocations",
fields = {"extra_rustc_flags": "List[string] Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration"},
ExtraExecRustcFlagsInfo = provider(
doc = "Pass each value as an additional flag to exec rustc invocations",
fields = {"extra_exec_rustc_flags": "List[string] Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration"},
PerCrateRustcFlagsInfo = provider(
doc = "Pass each value as an additional flag to non-exec rustc invocations for crates matching the provided filter",
fields = {"per_crate_rustc_flags": "List[string] Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration"},
IsProcMacroDepInfo = provider(
doc = "Records if this is a transitive dependency of a proc-macro.",
fields = {"is_proc_macro_dep": "Boolean"},
def _is_proc_macro_dep_impl(ctx):
return IsProcMacroDepInfo(is_proc_macro_dep = ctx.build_setting_value)
is_proc_macro_dep = rule(
doc = "Records if this is a transitive dependency of a proc-macro.",
implementation = _is_proc_macro_dep_impl,
build_setting = config.bool(flag = True),
IsProcMacroDepEnabledInfo = provider(
doc = "Enables the feature to record if a library is a transitive dependency of a proc-macro.",
fields = {"enabled": "Boolean"},
def _is_proc_macro_dep_enabled_impl(ctx):
return IsProcMacroDepEnabledInfo(enabled = ctx.build_setting_value)
is_proc_macro_dep_enabled = rule(
doc = "Enables the feature to record if a library is a transitive dependency of a proc-macro.",
implementation = _is_proc_macro_dep_enabled_impl,
build_setting = config.bool(flag = True),
def _get_rustc_env(attr, toolchain, crate_name):
"""Gathers rustc environment variables
attr (struct): The current target's attributes
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current target's rust toolchain context
crate_name (str): The name of the crate to be compiled
dict: Rustc environment variables
version = attr.version if hasattr(attr, "version") else "0.0.0"
major, minor, patch = version.split(".", 2)
if "-" in patch:
patch, pre = patch.split("-", 1)
pre = ""
result = {
"CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH": "" if toolchain.target_arch == None else toolchain.target_arch,
"CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS": "" if toolchain.target_os == None else toolchain.target_os,
"CARGO_CRATE_NAME": crate_name,
if hasattr(attr, "_is_proc_macro_dep_enabled") and attr._is_proc_macro_dep_enabled[IsProcMacroDepEnabledInfo].enabled:
is_proc_macro_dep = "0"
if hasattr(attr, "_is_proc_macro_dep") and attr._is_proc_macro_dep[IsProcMacroDepInfo].is_proc_macro_dep:
is_proc_macro_dep = "1"
result["BAZEL_RULES_RUST_IS_PROC_MACRO_DEP"] = is_proc_macro_dep
return result
def get_compilation_mode_opts(ctx, toolchain):
"""Gathers rustc flags for the current compilation mode (opt/debug)
ctx (ctx): The current rule's context object
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current rule's `rust_toolchain`
struct: See `_rust_toolchain_impl` for more details
comp_mode = ctx.var["COMPILATION_MODE"]
if not comp_mode in toolchain.compilation_mode_opts:
fail("Unrecognized compilation mode {} for toolchain.".format(comp_mode))
return toolchain.compilation_mode_opts[comp_mode]
def _are_linkstamps_supported(feature_configuration, has_grep_includes):
# Are linkstamps supported by the C++ toolchain?
return (cc_common.is_enabled(feature_configuration = feature_configuration, feature_name = "linkstamps") and
# Is Bazel recent enough to support Starlark linkstamps?
hasattr(cc_common, "register_linkstamp_compile_action") and
# The current rule doesn't define _grep_includes attribute; this
# attribute is required for compiling linkstamps.
def _should_use_pic(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, crate_type, compilation_mode):
"""Whether or not [PIC][pic] should be enabled
cc_toolchain (CcToolchainInfo): The current `cc_toolchain`.
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Feature configuration to be queried.
crate_type (str): A Rust target's crate type.
compilation_mode: The compilation mode.
bool: Whether or not [PIC][pic] should be enabled.
# We use the same logic to select between `pic` and `nopic` outputs as the C++ rules:
# - For shared libraries - we use `pic`. This covers `dylib`, `cdylib` and `proc-macro` crate types.
# - In `fastbuild` and `dbg` mode we use `pic` by default.
# - In `opt` mode we use `nopic` outputs to build binaries.
if crate_type in ("cdylib", "dylib", "proc-macro"):
return cc_toolchain.needs_pic_for_dynamic_libraries(feature_configuration = feature_configuration)
elif compilation_mode in ("fastbuild", "dbg"):
return True
return False
def _is_proc_macro(crate_info):
return "proc-macro" in (crate_info.type, crate_info.wrapped_crate_type)
def collect_deps(
are_linkstamps_supported = False):
"""Walks through dependencies and collects the transitive dependencies.
deps (list): The deps from ctx.attr.deps.
proc_macro_deps (list): The proc_macro deps from ctx.attr.proc_macro_deps.
aliases (dict): A dict mapping aliased targets to their actual Crate information.
are_linkstamps_supported (bool): Whether the current rule and the toolchain support building linkstamps..
tuple: Returns a tuple of:
linkstamps (depset[CcLinkstamp]): A depset of CcLinkstamps that need to be compiled and linked into all linked binaries.
direct_crates = []
transitive_crates = []
transitive_data = []
transitive_proc_macro_data = []
transitive_noncrates = []
transitive_build_infos = []
transitive_link_search_paths = []
build_info = None
linkstamps = []
transitive_crate_outputs = []
transitive_metadata_outputs = []
crate_deps = []
for dep in depset(transitive = [deps, proc_macro_deps]).to_list():
crate_group = None
if type(dep) == "Target" and rust_common.crate_group_info in dep:
crate_group = dep[rust_common.crate_group_info]
elif type(dep) == "struct" and hasattr(dep, "crate_group_info") and dep.crate_group_info != None:
crate_group = dep.crate_group_info
if crate_group:
for dep_variant_info in crate_group.dep_variant_infos.to_list():
crate_info = dep_variant_info.crate_info,
dep_info = dep_variant_info.dep_info,
aliases = {k.label: v for k, v in aliases.items()}
for dep in crate_deps:
(crate_info, dep_info) = _get_crate_and_dep_info(dep)
cc_info = _get_cc_info(dep)
dep_build_info = _get_build_info(dep)
if cc_info and are_linkstamps_supported:
if crate_info:
# This dependency is a rust_library
# When crate_info.owner is set, we use it. When the dep type is Target we get the
# label from dep.label
owner = getattr(crate_info, "owner", dep.label if type(dep) == "Target" else None)
name = aliases.get(owner,,
dep = crate_info,
transitive = [] if _is_proc_macro(crate_info) else [dep_info.transitive_crates],
if _is_proc_macro(crate_info):
# This crate's data and its non-macro dependencies' data are proc macro data.
# This crate's proc macro dependencies' data are proc macro data.
# Track transitive non-macro data in case a proc macro depends on this crate.
# If this dependency produces metadata, add it to the metadata outputs.
# If it doesn't (for example a custom library that exports crate_info),
# we depend on crate_info.output.
depend_on = crate_info.metadata
if not crate_info.metadata:
depend_on = crate_info.output
# If this dependency is a proc_macro, it still can be used for lib crates
# that produce metadata.
# In that case, we don't depend on its metadata dependencies.
transitive = [] if _is_proc_macro(crate_info) else [dep_info.transitive_metadata_outputs],
transitive = [] if _is_proc_macro(crate_info) else [dep_info.transitive_crate_outputs],
if "proc-macro" not in [crate_info.type, crate_info.wrapped_crate_type]:
elif cc_info:
# This dependency is a cc_library
elif dep_build_info:
if build_info:
fail("Several deps are providing build information, " +
"only one is allowed in the dependencies")
build_info = dep_build_info
fail("rust targets can only depend on rust_library, rust_*_library or cc_library " +
transitive_crates_depset = depset(transitive = transitive_crates)
transitive_data_depset = depset(transitive = transitive_data)
transitive_proc_macro_data_depset = depset(transitive = transitive_proc_macro_data)
return (
direct_crates = depset(direct_crates),
transitive_crates = transitive_crates_depset,
transitive_data = transitive_data_depset,
transitive_proc_macro_data = transitive_proc_macro_data_depset,
transitive_noncrates = depset(
transitive = transitive_noncrates,
order = "topological", # dylib link flag ordering matters.
transitive_crate_outputs = depset(transitive = transitive_crate_outputs),
transitive_metadata_outputs = depset(transitive = transitive_metadata_outputs),
transitive_build_infos = depset(transitive = transitive_build_infos),
link_search_path_files = depset(transitive = transitive_link_search_paths),
dep_env = build_info.dep_env if build_info else None,
depset(transitive = linkstamps),
def _collect_libs_from_linker_inputs(linker_inputs, use_pic):
# TODO: We could let the user choose how to link, instead of always preferring to link static libraries.
return [
get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic)
for li in linker_inputs
for lib in li.libraries
def _get_crate_and_dep_info(dep):
if type(dep) == "Target" and rust_common.crate_info in dep:
return (dep[rust_common.crate_info], dep[rust_common.dep_info])
elif type(dep) == "struct" and hasattr(dep, "crate_info"):
return (dep.crate_info, dep.dep_info)
return (None, None)
def _get_cc_info(dep):
if type(dep) == "Target" and CcInfo in dep:
return dep[CcInfo]
elif type(dep) == "struct" and hasattr(dep, "cc_info"):
return dep.cc_info
return None
def _get_build_info(dep):
if type(dep) == "Target" and BuildInfo in dep:
return dep[BuildInfo]
elif type(dep) == "struct" and hasattr(dep, "build_info"):
return dep.build_info
return None
def get_cc_user_link_flags(ctx):
"""Get the current target's linkopt flags
ctx (ctx): The current rule's context object
depset: The flags passed to Bazel by --linkopt option.
return ctx.fragments.cpp.linkopts
def get_linker_and_args(ctx, attr, crate_type, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, rpaths, rustdoc = False):
"""Gathers cc_common linker information
ctx (ctx): The current target's context object
attr (struct): Attributes to use in gathering linker args
crate_type (str): The target crate's type (i.e. "bin", "proc-macro", etc.).
cc_toolchain (CcToolchain): cc_toolchain for which we are creating build variables.
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Feature configuration to be queried.
rpaths (depset): Depset of directories where loader will look for libraries at runtime.
rustdoc (bool, optional): Whether to add "bin" link flags to the command regardless of `crate_type`.
tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (str): The tool path for given action.
- (sequence): A flattened command line flags for given action.
- (dict): Environment variables to be set for given action.
user_link_flags = get_cc_user_link_flags(ctx)
if crate_type in ("bin") or rustdoc:
is_linking_dynamic_library = False
elif crate_type in ("dylib"):
is_linking_dynamic_library = True
elif crate_type in ("staticlib"):
is_linking_dynamic_library = False
elif crate_type in ("cdylib", "proc-macro"):
# Proc macros get compiled as shared libraries to be loaded by the compiler.
is_linking_dynamic_library = True
elif crate_type in ("lib", "rlib"):
fail("Invalid `crate_type` for linking action: {}".format(crate_type))
fail("Unknown `crate_type`: {}".format(crate_type))
# Add linkopt's from dependencies. This includes linkopts from transitive
# dependencies since they get merged up.
for dep in getattr(attr, "deps", []):
if CcInfo in dep and dep[CcInfo].linking_context:
for linker_input in dep[CcInfo].linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
for flag in linker_input.user_link_flags:
link_variables = cc_common.create_link_variables(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
is_linking_dynamic_library = is_linking_dynamic_library,
runtime_library_search_directories = rpaths,
user_link_flags = user_link_flags,
link_args = cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
action_name = action_name,
variables = link_variables,
link_env = cc_common.get_environment_variables(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
action_name = action_name,
variables = link_variables,
ld = cc_common.get_tool_for_action(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
action_name = action_name,
return ld, link_args, link_env
def _process_build_scripts(
"""Gathers the outputs from a target's `cargo_build_script` action.
build_info (BuildInfo): The target Build's dependency info.
dep_info (DepInfo): The Depinfo provider form the target Crate's set of inputs.
compile_inputs (depset): A set of all files that will participate in the build.
tuple: A tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (depset[File]): A list of all build info `OUT_DIR` File objects
- (str): The `OUT_DIR` of the current build info
- (File): An optional path to a generated environment file from a `cargo_build_script` target
- (depset[File]): All direct and transitive build flags from the current build info.
extra_inputs, out_dir, build_env_file, build_flags_files = _create_extra_input_args(build_info, dep_info)
compile_inputs = depset(transitive = [extra_inputs, compile_inputs])
return compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_file, build_flags_files
def _symlink_for_ambiguous_lib(actions, toolchain, crate_info, lib):
"""Constructs a disambiguating symlink for a library dependency.
actions (Actions): The rule's context actions object.
toolchain: The Rust toolchain object.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The target crate's info.
lib (File): The library to symlink to.
(File): The disambiguating symlink for the library.
# FIXME: Once the relative order part of the native-link-modifiers rustc
# feature is stable, we should be able to eliminate the need to construct
# symlinks by passing the full paths to the libraries.
# Take the absolute value of hash() since it could be negative.
path_hash = abs(hash(lib.path))
lib_name = get_lib_name_for_windows(lib) if toolchain.target_os.startswith("windows") else get_lib_name_default(lib)
if toolchain.target_os.startswith("windows"):
prefix = ""
extension = ".lib"
elif lib_name.endswith(".pic"):
# Strip the .pic suffix
lib_name = lib_name[:-4]
prefix = "lib"
extension = ".pic.a"
prefix = "lib"
extension = ".a"
# Ensure the symlink follows the lib<name>.a pattern on Unix-like platforms
# or <name>.lib on Windows.
# Add a hash of the original library path to disambiguate libraries with the same basename.
symlink_name = "{}{}-{}{}".format(prefix, lib_name, path_hash, extension)
# Add the symlink to a target crate-specific _ambiguous_libs/ subfolder,
# to avoid possible collisions with sibling crates that may depend on the
# same ambiguous libraries.
symlink = actions.declare_file("_ambiguous_libs/" + crate_info.output.basename + "/" + symlink_name)
output = symlink,
target_file = lib,
progress_message = "Creating symlink to ambiguous lib: {}".format(lib.path),
return symlink
def _disambiguate_libs(actions, toolchain, crate_info, dep_info, use_pic):
"""Constructs disambiguating symlinks for ambiguous library dependencies.
The symlinks are all created in a _ambiguous_libs/ subfolder specific to
the target crate to avoid possible collisions with sibling crates that may
depend on the same ambiguous libraries.
actions (Actions): The rule's context actions object.
toolchain: The Rust toolchain object.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The target crate's info.
dep_info: (DepInfo): The target crate's dependency info.
use_pic: (boolean): Whether the build should use PIC.
dict[String, File]: A mapping from ambiguous library paths to their
disambiguating symlink.
# FIXME: Once the relative order part of the native-link-modifiers rustc
# feature is stable, we should be able to eliminate the need to construct
# symlinks by passing the full paths to the libraries.
# A dictionary from file paths of ambiguous libraries to the corresponding
# symlink.
ambiguous_libs = {}
# A dictionary maintaining a mapping from preferred library name to the
# last visited artifact with that name.
visited_libs = {}
for link_input in dep_info.transitive_noncrates.to_list():
for lib in link_input.libraries:
# FIXME: Dynamic libs are not disambiguated right now, there are
# cases where those have a non-standard name with version (e.g.,
# //test/unit/versioned_libs). We hope that the link modifiers
# stabilization will come before we need to make this work.
if _is_dylib(lib):
artifact = get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic)
name = get_lib_name_for_windows(artifact) if toolchain.target_os.startswith("windows") else get_lib_name_default(artifact)
# On Linux-like platforms, normally library base names start with
# `lib`, following the pattern `lib[name].(a|lo)` and we pass
# -lstatic=name.
# On Windows, the base name looks like `name.lib` and we pass
# -lstatic=name.
# FIXME: Under the native-link-modifiers unstable rustc feature,
# we could use -lstatic:+verbatim instead.
needs_symlink_to_standardize_name = (
toolchain.target_os.startswith(("linux", "mac", "darwin")) and
artifact.basename.endswith(".a") and not artifact.basename.startswith("lib")
) or (
toolchain.target_os.startswith("windows") and not artifact.basename.endswith(".lib")
# Detect cases where we need to disambiguate library dependencies
# by constructing symlinks.
if (
needs_symlink_to_standardize_name or
# We have multiple libraries with the same name.
(name in visited_libs and visited_libs[name].path != artifact.path)
# Disambiguate the previously visited library (if we just detected
# that it is ambiguous) and the current library.
if name in visited_libs:
old_path = visited_libs[name].path
if old_path not in ambiguous_libs:
ambiguous_libs[old_path] = _symlink_for_ambiguous_lib(actions, toolchain, crate_info, visited_libs[name])
ambiguous_libs[artifact.path] = _symlink_for_ambiguous_lib(actions, toolchain, crate_info, artifact)
visited_libs[name] = artifact
return ambiguous_libs
def _depend_on_metadata(crate_info, force_depend_on_objects):
"""Determines if we can depend on metadata for this crate.
By default (when pipelining is disabled or when the crate type needs to link against
objects) we depend on the set of object files (.rlib).
When pipelining is enabled and the crate type supports depending on metadata,
we depend on metadata files only (.rmeta).
In some rare cases, even if both of those conditions are true, we still want to
depend on objects. This is what force_depend_on_objects is.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The Crate to determine this for.
force_depend_on_objects (bool): if set we will not depend on metadata.
Whether we can depend on metadata for this crate.
if force_depend_on_objects:
return False
return crate_info.type in ("rlib", "lib")
def collect_inputs(
stamp = False,
force_depend_on_objects = False,
experimental_use_cc_common_link = False):
"""Gather's the inputs and required input information for a rustc action
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object.
file (struct): A struct containing files defined in label type attributes marked as `allow_single_file`.
files (list): A list of all inputs (`ctx.files`).
linkstamps (depset): A depset of CcLinkstamps that need to be compiled and linked into all linked binaries.
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`.
cc_toolchain (CcToolchainInfo): The current `cc_toolchain`.
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Feature configuration to be queried.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The Crate information of the crate to process build scripts for.
dep_info (DepInfo): The target Crate's dependency information.
build_info (BuildInfo): The target Crate's build settings.
stamp (bool, optional): Whether or not workspace status stamping is enabled. For more details see
force_depend_on_objects (bool, optional): Forces dependencies of this rule to be objects rather than
metadata, even for libraries. This is used in rustdoc tests.
experimental_use_cc_common_link (bool, optional): Whether rules_rust uses to link
rust binaries.
tuple: A tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (list): A list of all build info `OUT_DIR` File objects
- (str): The `OUT_DIR` of the current build info
- (File): An optional path to a generated environment file from a `cargo_build_script` target
- (depset[File]): All direct and transitive build flag files from the current build info
- (list[File]): Linkstamp outputs
- (dict[String, File]): Ambiguous libs, see `_disambiguate_libs`.
linker_script = getattr(file, "linker_script") if hasattr(file, "linker_script") else None
linker_depset = cc_toolchain.linker_files()
compilation_mode = ctx.var["COMPILATION_MODE"]
use_pic = _should_use_pic(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, crate_info.type, compilation_mode)
# Pass linker inputs only for linking-like actions, not for example where
# the output is rlib. This avoids quadratic behavior where transitive noncrates are
# flattened on each transitive rust_library dependency.
additional_transitive_inputs = []
ambiguous_libs = {}
if crate_info.type not in ("lib", "rlib"):
linker_inputs = dep_info.transitive_noncrates.to_list()
ambiguous_libs = _disambiguate_libs(ctx.actions, toolchain, crate_info, dep_info, use_pic)
additional_transitive_inputs = _collect_libs_from_linker_inputs(linker_inputs, use_pic) + [
for linker_input in linker_inputs
for additional_input in linker_input.additional_inputs
] + ambiguous_libs.values()
# Compute linkstamps. Use the inputs of the binary as inputs to the
# linkstamp action to ensure linkstamps are rebuilt whenever binary inputs
# change.
linkstamp_outs = []
transitive_crate_outputs = dep_info.transitive_crate_outputs
if _depend_on_metadata(crate_info, force_depend_on_objects):
transitive_crate_outputs = dep_info.transitive_metadata_outputs
nolinkstamp_compile_inputs = depset(
getattr(files, "data", []) +
([build_info.rustc_env, build_info.flags] if build_info else []) +
([toolchain.target_json] if toolchain.target_json else []) +
([] if linker_script == None else [linker_script]),
transitive = [
# Register linkstamps when linking with rustc (when linking with
# linkstamps are handled by itself).
if not experimental_use_cc_common_link and crate_info.type in ("bin", "cdylib"):
# There is no other way to register an action for each member of a depset than
# flattening the depset as of 2021-10-12. Luckily, usually there is only one linkstamp
# in a build, and we only flatten the list on binary targets that perform transitive linking,
# so it's extremely unlikely that this call to `to_list()` will ever be a performance
# problem.
for linkstamp in linkstamps.to_list():
# The linkstamp output path is based on the binary crate
# name and the input linkstamp path. This is to disambiguate
# the linkstamp outputs produced by multiple binary crates
# that depend on the same linkstamp. We use the same pattern
# for the output name as the one used by native cc rules.
out_name = "_objs/" + crate_info.output.basename + "/" + linkstamp.file().path[:-len(linkstamp.file().extension)] + "o"
linkstamp_out = ctx.actions.declare_file(out_name)
actions = ctx.actions,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
source_file = linkstamp.file(),
output_file = linkstamp_out,
compilation_inputs = linkstamp.hdrs(),
inputs_for_validation = nolinkstamp_compile_inputs,
label_replacement = str(ctx.label),
output_replacement = crate_info.output.path,
# If stamping is enabled include the volatile and stable status info file
stamp_info = [ctx.version_file, ctx.info_file] if stamp else []
compile_inputs = depset(
linkstamp_outs + stamp_info,
transitive = [
# For backwards compatibility, we also check the value of the `rustc_env_files` attribute when
# `crate_info.rustc_env_files` is not populated.
build_env_files = crate_info.rustc_env_files if crate_info.rustc_env_files else getattr(files, "rustc_env_files", [])
compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_file, build_flags_files = _process_build_scripts(build_info, dep_info, compile_inputs)
if build_env_file:
build_env_files = [f for f in build_env_files] + [build_env_file]
compile_inputs = depset(build_env_files, transitive = [compile_inputs])
return compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_files, build_flags_files, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs
def construct_arguments(
emit = ["dep-info", "link"],
force_all_deps_direct = False,
rustdoc = False,
stamp = False,
remap_path_prefix = "",
use_json_output = False,
build_metadata = False,
force_depend_on_objects = False,
skip_expanding_rustc_env = False):
"""Builds an Args object containing common rustc flags
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
attr (struct): The attributes for the target. These may be different from ctx.attr in an aspect context.
file (struct): A struct containing files defined in label type attributes marked as `allow_single_file`.
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current target's `rust_toolchain`
tool_path (str): Path to rustc
cc_toolchain (CcToolchain): The CcToolchain for the current target.
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Class used to construct command lines from CROSSTOOL features.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The CrateInfo provider of the target crate
dep_info (DepInfo): The DepInfo provider of the target crate
linkstamp_outs (list): Linkstamp outputs of native dependencies
ambiguous_libs (dict): Ambiguous libs, see `_disambiguate_libs`
output_hash (str): The hashed path of the crate root
rust_flags (list): Additional flags to pass to rustc
out_dir (str): The path to the output directory for the target Crate.
build_env_files (list): Files containing rustc environment variables, for instance from `cargo_build_script` actions.
build_flags_files (depset): The output files of a `cargo_build_script` actions containing rustc build flags
emit (list): Values for the --emit flag to rustc.
force_all_deps_direct (bool, optional): Whether to pass the transitive rlibs with --extern
to the commandline as opposed to -L.
rustdoc (bool, optional): Whether to add "bin" link flags to the command regardless of `emit` and `crate_type`.
stamp (bool, optional): Whether or not workspace status stamping is enabled. For more details see
remap_path_prefix (str, optional): A value used to remap `${pwd}` to. If set to None, no prefix will be set.
use_json_output (bool): Have rustc emit json and process_wrapper parse json messages to output rendered output.
build_metadata (bool): Generate CLI arguments for building *only* .rmeta files. This requires use_json_output.
force_depend_on_objects (bool): Force using `.rlib` object files instead of metadata (`.rmeta`) files even if they are available.
skip_expanding_rustc_env (bool): Whether to skip expanding CrateInfo.rustc_env_attr
tuple: A tuple of the following items
- (struct): A struct of arguments used to run the `Rustc` action
- process_wrapper_flags (Args): Arguments for the process wrapper
- rustc_path (Args): Arguments for invoking rustc via the process wrapper
- rustc_flags (Args): Rust flags for the Rust compiler
- all (list): A list of all `Args` objects in the order listed above.
This is to be passed to the `arguments` parameter of actions
- (dict): Common rustc environment variables
if build_metadata and not use_json_output:
fail("build_metadata requires parse_json_output")
output_dir = getattr(crate_info.output, "dirname", None)
linker_script = getattr(file, "linker_script", None)
env = _get_rustc_env(attr, toolchain,
# Wrapper args first
process_wrapper_flags = ctx.actions.args()
for build_env_file in build_env_files:
process_wrapper_flags.add("--env-file", build_env_file)
process_wrapper_flags.add_all(build_flags_files, before_each = "--arg-file")
# Certain rust build processes expect to find files from the environment
# variable `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR`. Examples of this include pest, tera,
# asakuma.
# The compiler and by extension proc-macros see the current working
# directory as the Bazel exec root. This is what `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR`
# would default to but is often the wrong value (e.g. if the source is in a
# sub-package or if we are building something in an external repository).
# Hence, we need to set `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` explicitly.
# Since we cannot get the `exec_root` from starlark, we cheat a little and
# use `${pwd}` which resolves the `exec_root` at action execution time.
process_wrapper_flags.add("--subst", "pwd=${pwd}")
# If stamping is enabled, enable the functionality in the process wrapper
if stamp:
process_wrapper_flags.add("--volatile-status-file", ctx.version_file)
process_wrapper_flags.add("--stable-status-file", ctx.info_file)
# Both ctx.label.workspace_root and ctx.label.package are relative paths
# and either can be empty strings. Avoid trailing/double slashes in the path.
components = "${{pwd}}/{}/{}".format(ctx.label.workspace_root, ctx.label.package).split("/")
env["CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"] = "/".join([c for c in components if c])
if out_dir != None:
env["OUT_DIR"] = "${pwd}/" + out_dir
# Handle that the binary name and crate name may be different.
# If a target name contains a - then cargo (and rules_rust) will generate a
# crate name with _ instead. Accordingly, rustc will generate a output
# file (executable, or rlib, or whatever) with _ not -. But when cargo
# puts a binary in the target/${config} directory, and sets environment
# variables like `CARGO_BIN_EXE_${binary_name}` it will use the - version
# not the _ version. So we rename the rustc-generated file (with _s) to
# have -s if needed.
emit_with_paths = emit
if crate_info.type == "bin" and crate_info.output != None:
generated_file = + toolchain.binary_ext
src = "/".join([crate_info.output.dirname, generated_file])
dst = crate_info.output.path
if src != dst:
emit_with_paths = [("link=" + dst if val == "link" else val) for val in emit]
# Arguments for launching rustc from the process wrapper
rustc_path = ctx.actions.args()
# Rustc arguments
rustc_flags = ctx.actions.args()
rustc_flags.use_param_file("@%s", use_always = False)
rustc_flags.add(, format = "--crate-name=%s")
rustc_flags.add(crate_info.type, format = "--crate-type=%s")
error_format = "human"
if hasattr(attr, "_error_format"):
error_format = attr._error_format[ErrorFormatInfo].error_format
if use_json_output:
# If --error-format was set to json, we just pass the output through
# Otherwise process_wrapper uses the "rendered" field.
process_wrapper_flags.add("--rustc-output-format", "json" if error_format == "json" else "rendered")
# Configure rustc json output by adding artifact notifications.
# These will always be filtered out by process_wrapper and will be use to terminate
# rustc when appropriate.
json = ["artifacts"]
if error_format == "short":
elif error_format == "human" and toolchain.target_os != "windows":
# If the os is not windows, we can get colorized output.
rustc_flags.add_joined(json, format_joined = "--json=%s", join_with = ",")
error_format = "json"
if build_metadata:
# Configure process_wrapper to terminate rustc when metadata are emitted
process_wrapper_flags.add("--rustc-quit-on-rmeta", "true")
rustc_flags.add(error_format, format = "--error-format=%s")
# Mangle symbols to disambiguate crates with the same name. This could
# happen only for non-final artifacts where we compute an output_hash,
# e.g., rust_library.
# For "final" artifacts and ones intended for distribution outside of
# Bazel, such as rust_binary, rust_static_library and rust_shared_library,
# where output_hash is None we don't need to add these flags.
if output_hash:
rustc_flags.add(output_hash, format = "--codegen=metadata=-%s")
rustc_flags.add(output_hash, format = "--codegen=extra-filename=-%s")
if output_dir:
rustc_flags.add(output_dir, format = "--out-dir=%s")
compilation_mode = get_compilation_mode_opts(ctx, toolchain)
rustc_flags.add(compilation_mode.opt_level, format = "--codegen=opt-level=%s")
rustc_flags.add(compilation_mode.debug_info, format = "--codegen=debuginfo=%s")
# For determinism to help with build distribution and such
if remap_path_prefix != None:
if emit:
rustc_flags.add_joined(emit_with_paths, format_joined = "--emit=%s", join_with = ",")
if error_format != "json":
# Color is not compatible with json output.
rustc_flags.add(toolchain.target_flag_value, format = "--target=%s")
if hasattr(attr, "crate_features"):
rustc_flags.add_all(getattr(attr, "crate_features"), before_each = "--cfg", format_each = 'feature="%s"')
if linker_script:
rustc_flags.add(linker_script, format = "--codegen=link-arg=-T%s")
# Tell Rustc where to find the standard library (or libcore)
rustc_flags.add_all(toolchain.rust_std_paths, before_each = "-L", format_each = "%s")
# Gather data path from crate_info since it is inherited from real crate for rust_doc and rust_test
# Deduplicate data paths due to
data_paths = depset(direct = getattr(attr, "data", []), transitive = [crate_info.compile_data_targets]).to_list()
getattr(attr, "rustc_flags", []),
add_edition_flags(rustc_flags, crate_info)
# Link!
if ("link" in emit and crate_info.type not in ["rlib", "lib"]) or rustdoc:
# Rust's built-in linker can handle linking wasm files. We don't want to attempt to use the cc
# linker since it won't understand.
compilation_mode = ctx.var["COMPILATION_MODE"]
if toolchain.target_arch != "wasm32":
if output_dir:
use_pic = _should_use_pic(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, crate_info.type, compilation_mode)
rpaths = _compute_rpaths(toolchain, output_dir, dep_info, use_pic)
rpaths = depset()
ld, link_args, link_env = get_linker_and_args(ctx, attr, crate_info.type, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, rpaths, rustdoc)
rustc_flags.add(ld, format = "--codegen=linker=%s")
rustc_flags.add_joined("--codegen", link_args, join_with = " ", format_joined = "link-args=%s")
_add_native_link_flags(rustc_flags, dep_info, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs, crate_info.type, toolchain, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, compilation_mode)
use_metadata = _depend_on_metadata(crate_info, force_depend_on_objects)
# These always need to be added, even if not linking this crate.
add_crate_link_flags(rustc_flags, dep_info, force_all_deps_direct, use_metadata)
needs_extern_proc_macro_flag = _is_proc_macro(crate_info) and crate_info.edition != "2015"
if needs_extern_proc_macro_flag:
if toolchain.llvm_cov and ctx.configuration.coverage_enabled:
# Make bin crate data deps available to tests.
for data in getattr(attr, "data", []):
if rust_common.crate_info in data:
dep_crate_info = data[rust_common.crate_info]
if dep_crate_info.type == "bin":
# Trying to make CARGO_BIN_EXE_{} canonical across platform by strip out extension if exists
env_basename = dep_crate_info.output.basename[:-(1 + len(dep_crate_info.output.extension))] if len(dep_crate_info.output.extension) > 0 else dep_crate_info.output.basename
env["CARGO_BIN_EXE_" + env_basename] = dep_crate_info.output.short_path
# Add environment variables from the Rust toolchain.
# Update environment with user provided variables.
if skip_expanding_rustc_env:
# Ensure the sysroot is set for the target platform
env["SYSROOT"] = toolchain.sysroot
if toolchain._rename_first_party_crates:
env["RULES_RUST_THIRD_PARTY_DIR"] = toolchain._third_party_dir
if is_exec_configuration(ctx):
# extra_rustc_flags apply to the target configuration, not the exec configuration.
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "_extra_rustc_flags") and not is_exec_configuration(ctx):
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "_extra_rustc_flag") and not is_exec_configuration(ctx):
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "_per_crate_rustc_flag") and not is_exec_configuration(ctx):
per_crate_rustc_flags = ctx.attr._per_crate_rustc_flag[PerCrateRustcFlagsInfo].per_crate_rustc_flags
_add_per_crate_rustc_flags(ctx, rustc_flags, crate_info, per_crate_rustc_flags)
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "_extra_exec_rustc_flags") and is_exec_configuration(ctx):
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "_extra_exec_rustc_flag") and is_exec_configuration(ctx):
if _is_no_std(ctx, toolchain, crate_info):
# Create a struct which keeps the arguments separate so each may be tuned or
# replaced where necessary
args = struct(
process_wrapper_flags = process_wrapper_flags,
rustc_path = rustc_path,
rustc_flags = rustc_flags,
all = [process_wrapper_flags, rustc_path, rustc_flags],
return args, env
def rustc_compile_action(
rust_flags = [],
output_hash = None,
force_all_deps_direct = False,
crate_info_dict = None,
skip_expanding_rustc_env = False):
"""Create and run a rustc compile action based on the current rule's attributes
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
attr (struct): Attributes to use for the rust compile action
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`
output_hash (str, optional): The hashed path of the crate root. Defaults to None.
rust_flags (list, optional): Additional flags to pass to rustc. Defaults to [].
force_all_deps_direct (bool, optional): Whether to pass the transitive rlibs with --extern
to the commandline as opposed to -L.
crate_info_dict: A mutable dict used to create CrateInfo provider
skip_expanding_rustc_env (bool, optional): Whether to expand CrateInfo.rustc_env
list: A list of the following providers:
- (CrateInfo): info for the crate we just built; same as `crate_info` parameter.
- (DepInfo): The transitive dependencies of this crate.
- (DefaultInfo): The output file for this crate, and its runfiles.
crate_info = rust_common.create_crate_info(**crate_info_dict)
build_metadata = None
if "metadata" in crate_info_dict:
build_metadata = crate_info_dict["metadata"]
cc_toolchain, feature_configuration = find_cc_toolchain(ctx)
# Determine whether to use
# * either if experimental_use_cc_common_link is 1,
# * or if experimental_use_cc_common_link is -1 and
# the toolchain experimental_use_cc_common_link is true.
experimental_use_cc_common_link = False
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "experimental_use_cc_common_link"):
if ctx.attr.experimental_use_cc_common_link == 0:
experimental_use_cc_common_link = False
elif ctx.attr.experimental_use_cc_common_link == 1:
experimental_use_cc_common_link = True
elif ctx.attr.experimental_use_cc_common_link == -1:
experimental_use_cc_common_link = toolchain._experimental_use_cc_common_link
dep_info, build_info, linkstamps = collect_deps(
deps = crate_info_dict["deps"],
proc_macro_deps = crate_info_dict["proc_macro_deps"],
aliases = crate_info_dict["aliases"],
are_linkstamps_supported = _are_linkstamps_supported(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
has_grep_includes = hasattr(ctx.attr, "_use_grep_includes"),
# Determine if the build is currently running with --stamp
stamp = is_stamping_enabled(attr)
compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_files, build_flags_files, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs = collect_inputs(
ctx = ctx,
file = ctx.file,
files = ctx.files,
linkstamps = linkstamps,
toolchain = toolchain,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
crate_info = crate_info,
dep_info = dep_info,
build_info = build_info,
stamp = stamp,
experimental_use_cc_common_link = experimental_use_cc_common_link,
# The types of rustc outputs to emit.
# If we build metadata, we need to keep the command line of the two invocations
# (rlib and rmeta) as similar as possible, otherwise rustc rejects the rmeta as
# a candidate.
# Because of that we need to add emit=metadata to both the rlib and rmeta invocation.
# When cc_common linking is enabled, emit a `.o` file, which is later
# passed to the action.
emit = ["dep-info", "link"]
if build_metadata:
if experimental_use_cc_common_link:
emit = ["obj"]
args, env_from_args = construct_arguments(
ctx = ctx,
attr = attr,
file = ctx.file,
toolchain = toolchain,
tool_path = toolchain.rustc.path,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
emit = emit,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
crate_info = crate_info,
dep_info = dep_info,
linkstamp_outs = linkstamp_outs,
ambiguous_libs = ambiguous_libs,
output_hash = output_hash,
rust_flags = rust_flags,
out_dir = out_dir,
build_env_files = build_env_files,
build_flags_files = build_flags_files,
force_all_deps_direct = force_all_deps_direct,
stamp = stamp,
use_json_output = bool(build_metadata),
skip_expanding_rustc_env = skip_expanding_rustc_env,
args_metadata = None
if build_metadata:
args_metadata, _ = construct_arguments(
ctx = ctx,
attr = attr,
file = ctx.file,
toolchain = toolchain,
tool_path = toolchain.rustc.path,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
emit = emit,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
crate_info = crate_info,
dep_info = dep_info,
linkstamp_outs = linkstamp_outs,
ambiguous_libs = ambiguous_libs,
output_hash = output_hash,
rust_flags = rust_flags,
out_dir = out_dir,
build_env_files = build_env_files,
build_flags_files = build_flags_files,
force_all_deps_direct = force_all_deps_direct,
stamp = stamp,
use_json_output = True,
build_metadata = True,
env = dict(ctx.configuration.default_shell_env)
# this is the final list of env vars
if hasattr(attr, "version") and attr.version != "0.0.0":
formatted_version = " v{}".format(attr.version)
formatted_version = ""
# Declares the outputs of the rustc compile action.
# By default this is the binary output; if is used, this is
# the main `.o` file (`output_o` below).
outputs = [crate_info.output]
# The `.o` output file, only used for linking via
output_o = None
if experimental_use_cc_common_link:
obj_ext = ".o"
output_o = ctx.actions.declare_file( + obj_ext, sibling = crate_info.output)
outputs = [output_o]
# For a cdylib that might be added as a dependency to a cc_* target on Windows, it is important to include the
# interface library that rustc generates in the output files.
interface_library = None
if toolchain.target_os == "windows" and crate_info.type == "cdylib":
# Rustc generates the import library with a `.dll.lib` extension rather than the usual `.lib` one that msvc
# expects (see for more context).
interface_library = ctx.actions.declare_file(crate_info.output.basename + ".lib", sibling = crate_info.output)
# The action might generate extra output that we don't want to include in the `DefaultInfo` files.
action_outputs = list(outputs)
# Rustc generates a pdb file (on Windows) or a dsym folder (on macos) so provide it in an output group for crate
# types that benefit from having debug information in a separate file.
pdb_file = None
dsym_folder = None
if crate_info.type in ("cdylib", "bin"):
if toolchain.target_os == "windows":
pdb_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(crate_info.output.basename[:-len(crate_info.output.extension)] + "pdb", sibling = crate_info.output)
elif toolchain.target_os == "darwin":
dsym_folder = ctx.actions.declare_directory(crate_info.output.basename + ".dSYM", sibling = crate_info.output)
if ctx.executable._process_wrapper:
# Run as normal
executable = ctx.executable._process_wrapper,
inputs = compile_inputs,
outputs = action_outputs,
env = env,
arguments = args.all,
mnemonic = "Rustc",
progress_message = "Compiling Rust {} {}{} ({} files)".format(
toolchain = "@rules_rust//rust:toolchain_type",
if args_metadata:
executable = ctx.executable._process_wrapper,
inputs = compile_inputs,
outputs = [build_metadata],
env = env,
arguments = args_metadata.all,
mnemonic = "RustcMetadata",
progress_message = "Compiling Rust metadata {} {}{} ({} files)".format(
toolchain = "@rules_rust//rust:toolchain_type",
elif hasattr(ctx.executable, "_bootstrap_process_wrapper"):
# Run without process_wrapper
if build_env_files or build_flags_files or stamp or build_metadata:
fail("build_env_files, build_flags_files, stamp, build_metadata are not supported when building without process_wrapper")
executable = ctx.executable._bootstrap_process_wrapper,
inputs = compile_inputs,
outputs = action_outputs,
env = env,
arguments = [args.rustc_path, args.rustc_flags],
mnemonic = "Rustc",
progress_message = "Compiling Rust (without process_wrapper) {} {}{} ({} files)".format(
toolchain = "@rules_rust//rust:toolchain_type",
fail("No process wrapper was defined for {}".format(ctx.label))
if experimental_use_cc_common_link:
# Wrap the main `.o` file into a compilation output suitable for
# The main `.o` file is useful in both PIC and non-PIC
# modes.
compilation_outputs = cc_common.create_compilation_outputs(
objects = depset([output_o]),
pic_objects = depset([output_o]),
malloc_library = ctx.attr._custom_malloc or ctx.attr.malloc
# Collect the linking contexts of the standard library and dependencies.
linking_contexts = [
_get_std_and_alloc_info(ctx, toolchain, crate_info).linking_context,
for dep in crate_info.deps.to_list():
if dep.cc_info:
# In the action we need to pass the name of the final
# binary (output) relative to the package of this target.
# We compute it by stripping the path to the package directory,
# which is a prefix of the path of `crate_info.output`.
# The path to the package dir, including a trailing "/".
package_dir = ctx.bin_dir.path + "/"
if ctx.label.workspace_root:
package_dir = package_dir + ctx.label.workspace_root + "/"
if ctx.label.package:
package_dir = package_dir + ctx.label.package + "/"
if not crate_info.output.path.startswith(package_dir):
fail("The package dir path {} should be a prefix of the crate_info.output.path {}", package_dir, crate_info.output.path)
output_relative_to_package = crate_info.output.path[len(package_dir):]
# Compile actions that produce shared libraries create output of the form "" for linux and macos;
# expects us to pass "foo" to the name parameter. We cannot simply use because
# the name of the crate does not always match the name of output file, e.g a crate named foo-bar will produce
# a (lib)foo_bar output file.
if crate_info.type == "cdylib":
output_lib = crate_info.output.basename
if toolchain.target_os != "windows":
# Strip the leading "lib" prefix
output_lib = output_lib[3:]
# Strip the file extension
output_lib = output_lib[:-(1 + len(crate_info.output.extension))]
# Remove the basename (which contains the undesired 'lib' prefix and the file extension)
output_relative_to_package = output_relative_to_package[:-len(crate_info.output.basename)]
# Append the name of the library
output_relative_to_package = output_relative_to_package + output_lib
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
linking_contexts = linking_contexts,
compilation_outputs = compilation_outputs,
name = output_relative_to_package,
stamp = ctx.attr.stamp,
output_type = "executable" if crate_info.type == "bin" else "dynamic_library",
outputs = [crate_info.output]
coverage_runfiles = []
if toolchain.llvm_cov and ctx.configuration.coverage_enabled and crate_info.is_test:
coverage_runfiles = [toolchain.llvm_cov, toolchain.llvm_profdata]
experimental_use_coverage_metadata_files = toolchain._experimental_use_coverage_metadata_files
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
files = getattr(ctx.files, "data", []) + ([] if experimental_use_coverage_metadata_files else coverage_runfiles),
collect_data = True,
if getattr(ctx.attr, "crate", None):
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.attr.crate[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles)
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.attr.crate[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles)
# TODO: Remove after some resolution to
out_binary = getattr(attr, "out_binary", False)
executable = crate_info.output if crate_info.type == "bin" or crate_info.is_test or out_binary else None
instrumented_files_kwargs = {
"dependency_attributes": ["deps", "crate"],
"extensions": ["rs"],
"source_attributes": ["srcs"],
if experimental_use_coverage_metadata_files:
"metadata_files": coverage_runfiles + [executable] if executable else [],
providers = [
# nb. This field is required for cc_library to depend on our output.
files = depset(outputs),
runfiles = runfiles,
executable = executable,
if crate_info_dict != None:
"rustc_env": env,
crate_info = rust_common.create_crate_info(**crate_info_dict)
if crate_info.type in ["staticlib", "cdylib"]:
# These rules are not supposed to be depended on by other rust targets, and
# as such they shouldn't provide a CrateInfo. However, one may still want to
# write a rust_test for them, so we provide the CrateInfo wrapped in a provider
# that rust_test understands.
providers.extend([rust_common.test_crate_info(crate = crate_info), dep_info])
providers.extend([crate_info, dep_info])
if toolchain.target_arch != "wasm32":
providers += establish_cc_info(ctx, attr, crate_info, toolchain, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, interface_library)
if pdb_file:
providers.append(OutputGroupInfo(pdb_file = depset([pdb_file])))
if dsym_folder:
providers.append(OutputGroupInfo(dsym_folder = depset([dsym_folder])))
if build_metadata:
providers.append(OutputGroupInfo(build_metadata = depset([build_metadata])))
return providers
def _is_no_std(ctx, toolchain, crate_info):
if is_exec_configuration(ctx) or crate_info.is_test:
return False
if toolchain._no_std == "off":
return False
return True
def _get_std_and_alloc_info(ctx, toolchain, crate_info):
if is_exec_configuration(ctx):
return toolchain.libstd_and_allocator_ccinfo
if toolchain._experimental_use_global_allocator:
if _is_no_std(ctx, toolchain, crate_info):
return toolchain.nostd_and_global_allocator_cc_info
return toolchain.libstd_and_global_allocator_ccinfo
return toolchain.libstd_and_allocator_ccinfo
def _is_dylib(dep):
return not bool(dep.static_library or dep.pic_static_library)
def _collect_nonstatic_linker_inputs(cc_info):
shared_linker_inputs = []
for linker_input in cc_info.linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
dylibs = [
for lib in linker_input.libraries
if _is_dylib(lib)
if dylibs:
owner = linker_input.owner,
libraries = depset(dylibs),
return shared_linker_inputs
def establish_cc_info(ctx, attr, crate_info, toolchain, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, interface_library):
"""If the produced crate is suitable yield a CcInfo to allow for interop with cc rules
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
attr (struct): Attributes to use in gathering CcInfo
crate_info (CrateInfo): The CrateInfo provider of the target crate
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`
cc_toolchain (CcToolchainInfo): The current `CcToolchainInfo`
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Feature configuration to be queried.
interface_library (File): Optional interface library for cdylib crates on Windows.
list: A list containing the CcInfo provider
# A test will not need to produce CcInfo as nothing can depend on test targets
if crate_info.is_test:
return []
# Only generate CcInfo for particular crate types
if crate_info.type not in ("staticlib", "cdylib", "rlib", "lib"):
return []
# TODO: Remove after some resolution to
if getattr(attr, "out_binary", False):
return []
if crate_info.type == "staticlib":
library_to_link = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
static_library = crate_info.output,
# TODO(hlopko): handle PIC/NOPIC correctly
pic_static_library = crate_info.output,
elif crate_info.type in ("rlib", "lib"):
# bazel hard-codes a check for endswith((".a", ".pic.a",
# ".lib")) in create_library_to_link, so we work around that
# by creating a symlink to the .rlib with a .a extension.
dot_a = make_static_lib_symlink(ctx.actions, crate_info.output)
# TODO(hlopko): handle PIC/NOPIC correctly
library_to_link = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
static_library = dot_a,
# TODO(hlopko): handle PIC/NOPIC correctly
pic_static_library = dot_a,
elif crate_info.type == "cdylib":
library_to_link = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
dynamic_library = crate_info.output,
interface_library = interface_library,
fail("Unexpected case")
link_input = cc_common.create_linker_input(
owner = ctx.label,
libraries = depset([library_to_link]),
linking_context = cc_common.create_linking_context(
# TODO - What to do for no_std?
linker_inputs = depset([link_input]),
cc_infos = [
CcInfo(linking_context = linking_context),
# Flattening is okay since crate_info.deps only records direct deps.
for dep in crate_info.deps.to_list():
if dep.cc_info:
# A Rust staticlib or shared library doesn't need to propagate linker inputs
# of its dependencies, except for shared libraries.
if crate_info.type in ["cdylib", "staticlib"]:
shared_linker_inputs = _collect_nonstatic_linker_inputs(dep.cc_info)
if shared_linker_inputs:
linking_context = cc_common.create_linking_context(
linker_inputs = depset(shared_linker_inputs),
cc_infos.append(CcInfo(linking_context = linking_context))
if crate_info.type in ("rlib", "lib"):
libstd_and_allocator_cc_info = _get_std_and_alloc_info(ctx, toolchain, crate_info)
if libstd_and_allocator_cc_info:
# TODO: if we already have an rlib in our deps, we could skip this
return [cc_common.merge_cc_infos(cc_infos = cc_infos)]
def add_edition_flags(args, crate):
"""Adds the Rust edition flag to an arguments object reference
args (Args): A reference to an Args object
crate (CrateInfo): A CrateInfo provider
if crate.edition != "2015":
args.add(crate.edition, format = "--edition=%s")
def _create_extra_input_args(build_info, dep_info):
"""Gather additional input arguments from transitive dependencies
build_info (BuildInfo): The BuildInfo provider from the target Crate's set of inputs.
dep_info (DepInfo): The Depinfo provider form the target Crate's set of inputs.
tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (depset[File]): A list of all build info `OUT_DIR` File objects
- (str): The `OUT_DIR` of the current build info
- (File): An optional generated environment file from a `cargo_build_script` target
- (depset[File]): All direct and transitive build flag files from the current build info.
input_files = []
# Arguments to the commandline line wrapper that are going to be used
# to create the final command line
out_dir = None
build_env_file = None
build_flags_files = []
if build_info:
out_dir = build_info.out_dir.path
build_env_file = build_info.rustc_env
return (
depset(input_files, transitive = [dep_info.link_search_path_files]),
depset(build_flags_files, transitive = [dep_info.link_search_path_files]),
def _compute_rpaths(toolchain, output_dir, dep_info, use_pic):
"""Determine the artifact's rpaths relative to the bazel root for runtime linking of shared libraries.
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`
output_dir (str): The output directory of the current target
dep_info (DepInfo): The current target's dependency info
use_pic: If set, prefers pic_static_library over static_library.
depset: A set of relative paths from the output directory to each dependency
# Windows has no rpath equivalent, so always return an empty depset.
# Fuchsia assembles shared libraries during packaging.
if toolchain.target_os == "windows" or toolchain.target_os == "fuchsia":
return depset([])
dylibs = [
get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic)
for linker_input in dep_info.transitive_noncrates.to_list()
for lib in linker_input.libraries
if _is_dylib(lib)
if not dylibs:
return depset([])
# For darwin, dylibs compiled by Bazel will fail to be resolved at runtime
# without a version of Bazel that includes
# This is known to not be
# included in Bazel 4.1 and below.
if toolchain.target_os != "linux" and toolchain.target_os != "darwin":
fail("Runtime linking is not supported on {}, but found {}".format(
# Multiple dylibs can be present in the same directory, so deduplicate them.
return depset([
relativize(lib_dir, output_dir)
for lib_dir in _get_dir_names(dylibs)
def _get_dir_names(files):
"""Returns a list of directory names from the given list of File objects
files (list): A list of File objects
list: A list of directory names for all files
dirs = {}
for f in files:
dirs[f.dirname] = None
return dirs.keys()
def add_crate_link_flags(args, dep_info, force_all_deps_direct = False, use_metadata = False):
"""Adds link flags to an Args object reference
args (Args): An arguments object reference
dep_info (DepInfo): The current target's dependency info
force_all_deps_direct (bool, optional): Whether to pass the transitive rlibs with --extern
to the commandline as opposed to -L.
use_metadata (bool, optional): Build command line arugments using metadata for crates that provide it.
direct_crates = depset(
transitive = [
) if force_all_deps_direct else dep_info.direct_crates
crate_to_link_flags = _crate_to_link_flag_metadata if use_metadata else _crate_to_link_flag
args.add_all(direct_crates, uniquify = True, map_each = crate_to_link_flags)
map_each = _get_crate_dirname,
uniquify = True,
format_each = "-Ldependency=%s",
def _crate_to_link_flag_metadata(crate):
"""A helper macro used by `add_crate_link_flags` for adding crate link flags to a Arg object
crate (CrateInfo|AliasableDepInfo): A CrateInfo or an AliasableDepInfo provider
list: Link flags for the given provider
# This is AliasableDepInfo, we should use the alias as a crate name
if hasattr(crate, "dep"):
name =
crate_info = crate.dep
name =
crate_info = crate
lib_or_meta = crate_info.metadata
if not crate_info.metadata:
lib_or_meta = crate_info.output
return ["--extern={}={}".format(name, lib_or_meta.path)]
def _crate_to_link_flag(crate):
"""A helper macro used by `add_crate_link_flags` for adding crate link flags to a Arg object
crate (CrateInfo|AliasableDepInfo): A CrateInfo or an AliasableDepInfo provider
list: Link flags for the given provider
# This is AliasableDepInfo, we should use the alias as a crate name
if hasattr(crate, "dep"):
name =
crate_info = crate.dep
name =
crate_info = crate
return ["--extern={}={}".format(name, crate_info.output.path)]
def _get_crate_dirname(crate):
"""A helper macro used by `add_crate_link_flags` for getting the directory name of the current crate's output path
crate (CrateInfo): A CrateInfo provider from the current rule
str: The directory name of the the output File that will be produced.
return crate.output.dirname
def _portable_link_flags(lib, use_pic, ambiguous_libs, get_lib_name, for_windows = False, for_darwin = False, flavor_msvc = False):
artifact = get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic)
if ambiguous_libs and artifact.path in ambiguous_libs:
artifact = ambiguous_libs[artifact.path]
if lib.static_library or lib.pic_static_library:
# To ensure appropriate linker library argument order, in the presence
# of both native libraries that depend on rlibs and rlibs that depend
# on native libraries, we use an approach where we "sandwich" the
# rust libraries between two similar sections of all of native
# libraries:
# n1 n2 ... r1 r2 ... n1 n2 ...
# A B C
# This way any dependency from a native library to a rust library
# is resolved from A to B, and any dependency from a rust library to
# a native one is resolved from B to C.
# The question of resolving dependencies from a native library from A
# to any rust library is addressed in a different place, where we
# create symlinks to the rlibs, pretending they are native libraries,
# and adding references to these symlinks in the native section A.
# We rely in the behavior of -Clink-arg to put the linker args
# at the end of the linker invocation constructed by rustc.
# We skip adding `-Clink-arg=-l` for libstd and libtest from the standard library, as
# these two libraries are present both as an `.rlib` and a `.so` format.
# On linux, Rustc adds a -Bdynamic to the linker command line before the libraries specified
# with `-Clink-arg`, which leads to us linking against the `.so`s but not putting the
# corresponding value to the runtime library search paths, which results in a
# "cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" error at exectuion time.
# We can fix this by adding a `-Clink-arg=-Bstatic` on linux, but we don't have that option for
# macos. The proper solution for this issue would be to remove `libtest-{hash}.so` and `libstd-{hash}.so`
# from the toolchain. However, it is not enough to change the toolchain's `rust_std_{...}` filegroups
# here:
# because rustc manages to escape the sandbox and still finds them at linking time.
# We need to modify the repository rules to erase those files completely.
if "lib/rustlib" in artifact.path and (
artifact.basename.startswith("libtest-") or artifact.basename.startswith("libstd-") or
artifact.basename.startswith("test-") or artifact.basename.startswith("std-")
return [] if for_darwin else ["-lstatic=%s" % get_lib_name(artifact)]
if for_windows:
if flavor_msvc:
return [
"-lstatic=%s" % get_lib_name(artifact),
return [
"-lstatic=%s" % get_lib_name(artifact),
return [
"-lstatic=%s" % get_lib_name(artifact),
elif _is_dylib(lib):
return [
"-ldylib=%s" % get_lib_name(artifact),
return []
def _make_link_flags_windows(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs, flavor_msvc):
linker_input, use_pic, ambiguous_libs = linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs
ret = []
for lib in linker_input.libraries:
if lib.alwayslink:
if flavor_msvc:
ret.extend(["-C", "link-arg=/WHOLEARCHIVE:%s" % get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).path])
("link-arg=%s" % get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).path),
ret.extend(_portable_link_flags(lib, use_pic, ambiguous_libs, get_lib_name_for_windows, for_windows = True, flavor_msvc = flavor_msvc))
return ret
def _make_link_flags_windows_msvc(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
return _make_link_flags_windows(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs, flavor_msvc = True)
def _make_link_flags_windows_gnu(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
return _make_link_flags_windows(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs, flavor_msvc = False)
def _make_link_flags_darwin(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
linker_input, use_pic, ambiguous_libs = linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs
ret = []
for lib in linker_input.libraries:
if lib.alwayslink:
("link-arg=-Wl,-force_load,%s" % get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).path),
ret.extend(_portable_link_flags(lib, use_pic, ambiguous_libs, get_lib_name_default, for_darwin = True))
return ret
def _make_link_flags_default(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
linker_input, use_pic, ambiguous_libs = linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs
ret = []
for lib in linker_input.libraries:
if lib.alwayslink:
("link-arg=%s" % get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).path),
ret.extend(_portable_link_flags(lib, use_pic, ambiguous_libs, get_lib_name_default))
return ret
def _libraries_dirnames(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
link_input, use_pic, _ = linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs
# De-duplicate names.
return depset([get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).dirname for lib in link_input.libraries]).to_list()
def _add_native_link_flags(args, dep_info, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs, crate_type, toolchain, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, compilation_mode):
"""Adds linker flags for all dependencies of the current target.
args (Args): The Args struct for a ctx.action
dep_info (DepInfo): Dependency Info provider
linkstamp_outs (list): Linkstamp outputs of native dependencies
ambiguous_libs (dict): Ambiguous libs, see `_disambiguate_libs`
crate_type: Crate type of the current target
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`
cc_toolchain (CcToolchainInfo): The current `cc_toolchain`
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): feature configuration to use with cc_toolchain
compilation_mode (bool): The compilation mode for this build.
if crate_type in ["lib", "rlib"]:
use_pic = _should_use_pic(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, crate_type, compilation_mode)
if toolchain.target_os == "windows":
make_link_flags = _make_link_flags_windows_msvc if toolchain.target_triple.abi == "msvc" else _make_link_flags_windows_gnu
get_lib_name = get_lib_name_for_windows
elif toolchain.target_os.startswith(("mac", "darwin", "ios")):
make_link_flags = _make_link_flags_darwin
get_lib_name = get_lib_name_default
make_link_flags = _make_link_flags_default
get_lib_name = get_lib_name_default
# TODO(hlopko): Remove depset flattening by using lambdas once we are on >=Bazel 5.0
args_and_pic_and_ambiguous_libs = [(arg, use_pic, ambiguous_libs) for arg in dep_info.transitive_noncrates.to_list()]
args.add_all(args_and_pic_and_ambiguous_libs, map_each = _libraries_dirnames, uniquify = True, format_each = "-Lnative=%s")
if ambiguous_libs:
# If there are ambiguous libs, the disambiguation symlinks to them are
# all created in the same directory. Add it to the library search path.
ambiguous_libs_dirname = ambiguous_libs.values()[0].dirname
args.add(ambiguous_libs_dirname, format = "-Lnative=%s")
args.add_all(args_and_pic_and_ambiguous_libs, map_each = make_link_flags)
args.add_all(linkstamp_outs, before_each = "-C", format_each = "link-args=%s")
if crate_type in ["dylib", "cdylib"]:
# For shared libraries we want to link C++ runtime library dynamically
# (for example or
cc_toolchain.dynamic_runtime_lib(feature_configuration = feature_configuration),
map_each = _get_dirname,
format_each = "-Lnative=%s",
cc_toolchain.dynamic_runtime_lib(feature_configuration = feature_configuration),
map_each = get_lib_name,
format_each = "-ldylib=%s",
# For all other crate types we want to link C++ runtime library statically
# (for example libstdc++.a or libc++.a).
cc_toolchain.static_runtime_lib(feature_configuration = feature_configuration),
map_each = _get_dirname,
format_each = "-Lnative=%s",
cc_toolchain.static_runtime_lib(feature_configuration = feature_configuration),
map_each = get_lib_name,
format_each = "-lstatic=%s",
def _get_dirname(file):
"""A helper function for `_add_native_link_flags`.
file (File): The target file
str: Directory name of `file`
return file.dirname
def _add_per_crate_rustc_flags(ctx, args, crate_info, per_crate_rustc_flags):
"""Adds matching per-crate rustc flags to an arguments object reference
ctx (ctx): The source rule's context object
args (Args): A reference to an Args object
crate_info (CrateInfo): A CrateInfo provider
per_crate_rustc_flags (list): A list of per_crate_rustc_flag values
for per_crate_rustc_flag in per_crate_rustc_flags:
at_index = per_crate_rustc_flag.find("@")
if at_index == -1:
fail("per_crate_rustc_flag '{}' does not follow the expected format: prefix_filter@flag".format(per_crate_rustc_flag))
prefix_filter = per_crate_rustc_flag[:at_index]
flag = per_crate_rustc_flag[at_index + 1:]
if not flag:
fail("per_crate_rustc_flag '{}' does not follow the expected format: prefix_filter@flag".format(per_crate_rustc_flag))
label_string = str(ctx.label)
label = label_string[1:] if label_string.startswith("@//") else label_string
execution_path = crate_info.root.path
if label.startswith(prefix_filter) or execution_path.startswith(prefix_filter):
def _error_format_impl(ctx):
"""Implementation of the `error_format` rule
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
list: A list containing the ErrorFormatInfo provider
raw = ctx.build_setting_value
if raw not in _error_format_values:
fail("{} expected a value in `{}` but got `{}`".format(
return [ErrorFormatInfo(error_format = raw)]
error_format = rule(
doc = (
"Change the [--error-format]( " +
"flag from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:error_format`. See rustc documentation for valid values."
implementation = _error_format_impl,
build_setting = config.string(flag = True),
def _extra_rustc_flags_impl(ctx):
return ExtraRustcFlagsInfo(extra_rustc_flags = ctx.build_setting_value)
extra_rustc_flags = rule(
doc = (
"Add additional rustc_flags from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:extra_rustc_flags`. " +
"This flag should only be used for flags that need to be applied across the entire build. For options that " +
"apply to individual crates, use the rustc_flags attribute on the individual crate's rule instead. NOTE: " +
"These flags not applied to the exec configuration (proc-macros, cargo_build_script, etc); " +
"use `--@rules_rust//:extra_exec_rustc_flags` to apply flags to the exec configuration."
implementation = _extra_rustc_flags_impl,
build_setting = config.string_list(flag = True),
def _extra_rustc_flag_impl(ctx):
return ExtraRustcFlagsInfo(extra_rustc_flags = [f for f in ctx.build_setting_value if f != ""])
extra_rustc_flag = rule(
doc = (
"Add additional rustc_flag from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:extra_rustc_flag`. " +
"Multiple uses are accumulated and appended after the extra_rustc_flags."
implementation = _extra_rustc_flag_impl,
build_setting = config.string(flag = True, allow_multiple = True),
def _extra_exec_rustc_flags_impl(ctx):
return ExtraExecRustcFlagsInfo(extra_exec_rustc_flags = ctx.build_setting_value)
extra_exec_rustc_flags = rule(
doc = (
"Add additional rustc_flags in the exec configuration from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:extra_exec_rustc_flags`. " +
"This flag should only be used for flags that need to be applied across the entire build. " +
"These flags only apply to the exec configuration (proc-macros, cargo_build_script, etc)."
implementation = _extra_exec_rustc_flags_impl,
build_setting = config.string_list(flag = True),
def _extra_exec_rustc_flag_impl(ctx):
return ExtraExecRustcFlagsInfo(extra_exec_rustc_flags = [f for f in ctx.build_setting_value if f != ""])
extra_exec_rustc_flag = rule(
doc = (
"Add additional rustc_flags in the exec configuration from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:extra_exec_rustc_flag`. " +
"Multiple uses are accumulated and appended after the extra_exec_rustc_flags."
implementation = _extra_exec_rustc_flag_impl,
build_setting = config.string(flag = True, allow_multiple = True),
def _per_crate_rustc_flag_impl(ctx):
return PerCrateRustcFlagsInfo(per_crate_rustc_flags = [f for f in ctx.build_setting_value if f != ""])
per_crate_rustc_flag = rule(
doc = (
"Add additional rustc_flag to matching crates from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:experimental_per_crate_rustc_flag`. " +
"The expected flag format is prefix_filter@flag, where any crate with a label or execution path starting with the prefix filter will be built with the given flag." +
"The label matching uses the canonical form of the label (i.e //package:label_name)." +
"The execution path is the relative path to your workspace directory including the base name (including extension) of the crate root." +
"This flag is only applied to the exec configuration (proc-macros, cargo_build_script, etc)." +
"Multiple uses are accumulated."
implementation = _per_crate_rustc_flag_impl,
build_setting = config.string(flag = True, allow_multiple = True),
def _no_std_impl(ctx):
value = str(ctx.attr._no_std[BuildSettingInfo].value)
if is_exec_configuration(ctx):
return [config_common.FeatureFlagInfo(value = "off")]
return [config_common.FeatureFlagInfo(value = value)]
no_std = rule(
doc = (
"No std; we need this so that we can distinguish between host and exec"
attrs = {
"_no_std": attr.label(default = "//:no_std"),
implementation = _no_std_impl,