blob: 1f6533eeafedeaa397f196fefe7dacadfd139348 [file] [log] [blame]
# @generated
# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# licenses([
# "TODO", # Apache-2.0 OR MIT
# ])
name = "indexmap",
srcs = glob(
include = [
exclude = [
aliases = selects.with_or({
"//conditions:default": {
compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
crate_features = [
crate_root = "src/",
data = select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
edition = "2021",
proc_macro_deps = [
] + select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
rustc_env = {
rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
rustc_flags = [
# In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
# they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
# warnings. For more details see:
tags = [
version = "1.9.1",
deps = [
] + select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
# See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
name = "indexmap_build_script",
srcs = glob(
include = [
exclude = [
aliases = selects.with_or({
"//conditions:default": {
build_script_env = {
compile_data = select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
crate_features = [
crate_name = "build_script_build",
crate_root = "",
data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
edition = "2021",
proc_macro_deps = [
] + select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
rustc_env = {
rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
rustc_flags = [
# In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
# they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
# warnings. For more details see:
tags = [
tools = select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
version = "1.9.1",
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
deps = [
] + select_with_or({
"//conditions:default": [
# Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
# determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
# target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
# of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
# environment variables set.
name = "build_script_build",
actual = "indexmap_build_script",
tags = [