blob: bee38253618266d64d5ddf7be264e9982655e954 [file] [log] [blame]
## Overview
Bazel rules for generating wasm modules for Javascript using [wasm-bindgen][wb].
## Setup
To begin using the `wasm-bindgen` rules, users can load the necessary dependencies
in their workspace by adding the following to their `WORKSPACE.bazel` file.
load("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:repositories.bzl", "rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies", "rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains")
This should enable users to start using the [rust_wasm_bindgen](#rust_wasm_bindgen)
rule. However, it's common to want to control the version of `wasm-bindgen` in the
workspace instead of relying on the one provided by `rules_rust`. In this case, users
should avoid calling `rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains` and instead use the
[rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain](#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain) rule to define their own
toolchains to register in the workspace.
### Interfacing with Javascript rules
While it's recommended for users to mantain their own , in the
`@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen` package there exists interface sub-packages for various
Javascript Bazel rules. E.g. `build_bazel_rules_nodejs` or `aspect_rules_js`. The
rules defined there are a more convenient way to use `rust_wasm_bindgen` with the
associated javascript rules due to the inclusion of additional providers. Each
directory contains a `defs.bzl` file that defines the different variants of
`rust_wasm_bindgen`. (e.g. `nodejs_rust_wasm_bindgen` for the `rules_nodejs` submodule).