blob: 1075ee982f30f64609f7cd6b8cedb6169065d708 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Rules for Cargo build scripts (`` files)"""
load("//rust:rust_common.bzl", "BuildInfo", "DepInfo")
# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
load("//rust/private:utils.bzl", "dedent")
def _cargo_dep_env_impl(ctx):
empty_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".empty_file")
empty_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory( + ".empty_dir")
output = empty_file,
content = "",
outputs = [empty_dir],
executable = "true",
build_infos = []
out_dir = ctx.file.out_dir
if out_dir:
if not out_dir.is_directory:
fail("out_dir must be a directory artifact")
# BuildInfos in this list are collected up for all transitive cargo_build_script
# dependencies. This is important for any flags set in `dep_env` which reference this
# `out_dir`.
# TLDR: This BuildInfo propagates up build script dependencies.
dep_env = empty_file,
flags = empty_file,
linker_flags = empty_file,
link_search_paths = empty_file,
out_dir = out_dir,
rustc_env = empty_file,
compile_data = depset([]),
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset(ctx.files.src)),
# Parts of this BuildInfo is used when building all transitive dependencies
# (cargo_build_script and otherwise), alongside the DepInfo. This is how other rules
# identify this one as a valid dependency, but we don't otherwise have a use for it.
# TLDR: This BuildInfo propagates up normal (non build script) depenencies.
# In the future, we could consider setting rustc_env here, and also propagating dep_dir
# so files in it can be referenced there.
dep_env = empty_file,
flags = empty_file,
linker_flags = empty_file,
link_search_paths = empty_file,
out_dir = None,
rustc_env = empty_file,
compile_data = depset([]),
# Information here is used directly by dependencies, and it is an error to have more than
# one dependency which sets this. This is the main way to specify information from build
# scripts, which is what we're looking to do.
dep_env = ctx.file.src,
direct_crates = depset(),
link_search_path_files = depset(),
transitive_build_infos = depset(direct = build_infos),
transitive_crate_outputs = depset(),
transitive_crates = depset(),
transitive_noncrates = depset(),
cargo_dep_env = rule(
implementation = _cargo_dep_env_impl,
doc = (
"A rule for generating variables for dependent `cargo_build_script`s " +
"without a build script. This is useful for using Bazel rules instead " +
"of a build script, while also generating configuration information " +
"for build scripts which depend on this crate."
attrs = {
"out_dir": attr.label(
doc = dedent("""\
Folder containing additional inputs when building all direct dependencies.
This has the same effect as a `cargo_build_script` which prints
puts files into `$OUT_DIR`, but without requiring a build script.
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = False,
"src": attr.label(
doc = dedent("""\
File containing additional environment variables to set for build scripts of direct dependencies.
This has the same effect as a `cargo_build_script` which prints
`cargo:VAR=VALUE` lines, but without requiring a build script.
This files should contain a single variable per line, of format
`NAME=value`, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a
line with a trailing back-slash (`\\\\`).
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,