blob: b2fced7442eff910e28ea05bcf5faaa7f087220e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
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"""Module containing definitions of all Rust providers."""
CrateInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider containing general Crate information.",
fields = {
"aliases": "Dict[Label, String]: Renamed and aliased crates",
"compile_data": "depset[File]: Compile data required by this crate.",
"compile_data_targets": "depset[Label]: Compile data targets required by this crate.",
"data": "depset[File]: Compile data required by crates that use the current crate as a proc-macro.",
"deps": "depset[DepVariantInfo]: This crate's (rust or cc) dependencies' providers.",
"edition": "str: The edition of this crate.",
"is_test": "bool: If the crate is being compiled in a test context",
"metadata": "File: The rmeta file produced for this crate. It is optional.",
"name": "str: The name of this crate.",
"output": "File: The output File that will be produced, depends on crate type.",
"owner": "Label: The label of the target that produced this CrateInfo",
"proc_macro_deps": "depset[DepVariantInfo]: This crate's rust proc_macro dependencies' providers.",
"root": "File: The source File entrypoint to this crate, eg.",
"rustc_env": "Dict[String, String]: Additional `\"key\": \"value\"` environment variables to set for rustc.",
"rustc_env_files": "[File]: Files containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.",
"srcs": "depset[File]: All source Files that are part of the crate.",
"type": (
"str: The type of this crate " +
"(see [rustc --crate-type]("
"wrapped_crate_type": (
"str, optional: The original crate type for targets generated using a previously defined " +
"crate (typically tests using the `rust_test::crate` attribute)"
# TODO: Remove `_rustc_env_attr` after refactoring rust_test to only rely on rustc_env
"_rustc_env_attr": "Dict[String, String]: Additional `\"key\": \"value\"` environment variables to set for rustc.",
DepInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider containing information about a Crate's dependencies.",
fields = {
"dep_env": "File: File with environment variables direct dependencies build scripts rely upon.",
"direct_crates": "depset[AliasableDepInfo]",
"link_search_path_files": "depset[File]: All transitive files containing search paths to pass to the linker",
"transitive_build_infos": "depset[BuildInfo]",
"transitive_crate_outputs": "depset[File]: All transitive crate outputs.",
"transitive_crates": "depset[CrateInfo]",
"transitive_data": "depset[File]: Data of all transitive non-macro dependencies.",
"transitive_metadata_outputs": "depset[File]: All transitive metadata dependencies (.rmeta, for crates that provide them) and all transitive object dependencies (.rlib) for crates that don't provide metadata.",
"transitive_noncrates": "depset[LinkerInput]: All transitive dependencies that aren't crates.",
"transitive_proc_macro_data": "depset[File]: Data of all transitive proc-macro dependencies, and non-macro dependencies of those macros.",
CrateGroupInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider containing a group of crates.",
fields = {
"dep_variant_infos": "depset[DepVariantInfo]: Dependency information from all crates in the group.",
BuildInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider containing `rustc` build settings for a given Crate.",
fields = {
"dep_env": "File: extra build script environment varibles to be set to direct dependencies.",
"flags": "File: file containing additional flags to pass to rustc",
"link_flags": "File: file containing flags to pass to the linker",
"link_search_paths": "File: file containing search paths to pass to the linker",
"out_dir": "File: directory containing the result of a build script",
"rustc_env": "File: file containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.",
DepVariantInfo = provider(
doc = "A wrapper provider for a dependency of a crate. The dependency can be a Rust " +
"dependency, in which case the `crate_info` and `dep_info` fields will be populated, " +
"a Rust build script dependency, in which case `build_info` will be populated, a C/C++" +
"dependency, in which case `cc_info` will be populated, or a Rust crate group, in which" +
"case `crate_group_info` will be populated.",
fields = {
"build_info": "BuildInfo: The BuildInfo of a Rust dependency",
"cc_info": "CcInfo: The CcInfo of a C/C++ dependency",
"crate_group_info": "CrateGroupInfo: The CrateGroupInfo of a Rust crate group dependency",
"crate_info": "CrateInfo: The CrateInfo of a Rust dependency",
"dep_info": "DepInfo: The DepInfo of a Rust dependency",
StdLibInfo = provider(
doc = (
"A collection of files either found within the `rust-stdlib` artifact or " +
"generated based on existing files."
fields = {
"alloc_files": "List[File]: `.a` files related to the `alloc` module.",
"between_alloc_and_core_files": "List[File]: `.a` files related to the `compiler_builtins` module.",
"between_core_and_std_files": "List[File]: `.a` files related to all modules except `adler`, `alloc`, `compiler_builtins`, `core`, and `std`.",
"core_files": "List[File]: `.a` files related to the `core` and `adler` modules",
"dot_a_files": "Depset[File]: Generated `.a` files",
"memchr_files": "Depset[File]: `.a` files associated with the `memchr` module.",
"panic_files": "Depset[File]: `.a` files associated with `panic_unwind` and `panic_abort`.",
"self_contained_files": "List[File]: All `.o` files from the `self-contained` directory.",
"srcs": "List[Target]: All targets from the original `srcs` attribute.",
"std_files": "Depset[File]: `.a` files associated with the `std` module.",
"std_rlibs": "List[File]: All `.rlib` files",
"test_files": "Depset[File]: `.a` files associated with the `test` module.",
CaptureClippyOutputInfo = provider(
doc = "Value of the `capture_clippy_output` build setting",
fields = {"capture_output": "Value of the `capture_clippy_output` build setting"},
ClippyInfo = provider(
doc = "Provides information on a clippy run.",
fields = {
"output": "File with the clippy output.",
TestCrateInfo = provider(
doc = "A wrapper around a CrateInfo. " +
"Certain rule types, like rust_static_library and rust_shared_library " +
"are not intended for consumption by other Rust targets, and should not " +
"provide a CrateInfo. However, one should still be able to write a rust_test " +
"for them. Thus, we create a CrateInfo, but do not advertise it as such, " +
"but rather through this provider, that rust_test understands.",
fields = {
"crate": "CrateInfo: The underlying CrateInfo of the dependency",