blob: b634aa3e0cbdbf770e0bcd7e70e9810f813b76a0 [file] [log] [blame]
"""The `cargo_bootstrap` rule is used for bootstrapping cargo binaries in a repository rule."""
load("//cargo/private:cargo_utils.bzl", "get_rust_tools")
load("//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_common")
load("//rust/platform:triple.bzl", "get_host_triple")
Process exited with code '{code}'
# ARGV ########################################################################
# STDOUT ######################################################################
# STDERR ######################################################################
def cargo_bootstrap(
cargo_config = None,
environment = {},
quiet = False,
build_mode = "release",
target_dir = None,
timeout = 600):
"""A function for bootstrapping a cargo binary within a repository rule
repository_ctx (repository_ctx): The rule's context object.
cargo_bin (path): The path to a Cargo binary.
rustc_bin (path): The path to a Rustc binary.
binary (str): The binary to build (the `--bin` parameter for Cargo).
cargo_manifest (path): The path to a Cargo manifest (Cargo.toml file).
cargo_config (path, optional): The path to a Cargo configuration file (Config.toml) to use.
environment (dict): Environment variables to use during execution.
quiet (bool, optional): Whether or not to print output from the Cargo command.
build_mode (str, optional): The build mode to use
target_dir (path, optional): The directory in which to produce build outputs
(Cargo's --target-dir argument).
timeout (int, optional): Maximum duration of the Cargo build command in seconds,
path: The path of the built binary within the target directory
if not target_dir:
target_dir = repository_ctx.path(".")
if cargo_config:
repository_ctx.symlink(cargo_config, repository_ctx.path(".cargo/config.toml"))
args = [
if build_mode not in _CARGO_BUILD_MODES:
fail("'{}' is not a supported build mode. Use one of {}".format(build_mode, _CARGO_BUILD_MODES))
if build_mode == "release":
env = dict({
"RUSTC": str(rustc_bin),
}.items() + environment.items())
repository_ctx.report_progress("Cargo Bootstrapping {}".format(binary))
result = repository_ctx.execute(
environment = env,
quiet = quiet,
timeout = timeout,
if result.return_code != 0:
code = result.return_code,
argv = args,
stdout = result.stdout,
stderr = result.stderr,
extension = ""
if "win" in
extension = ".exe"
binary_path = "{}/{}{}".format(
if not repository_ctx.path(binary_path).exists:
fail("Failed to produce binary at {}".format(binary_path))
return binary_path
load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "binary",
actual = "{binary}",
name = "install",
rustc_env = {{
"RULES_RUST_CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_BINARY": "$(rootpath {binary})"
data = [
srcs = [
def _collect_environ(repository_ctx, host_triple):
"""Gather environment varialbes to use from the current rule context
repository_ctx (repository_ctx): The rule's context object.
host_triple (str): A string of the current host triple
dict: A map of environment variables
env_vars = dict(json.decode(repository_ctx.attr.env.get(host_triple, "{}")))
# Gather the path for each label and ensure it exists
env_labels = dict(json.decode(repository_ctx.attr.env_label.get(host_triple, "{}")))
env_labels = {key: repository_ctx.path(Label(value)) for (key, value) in env_labels.items()}
for key in env_labels:
if not env_labels[key].exists:
fail("File for key '{}' does not exist: {}", key, env_labels[key])
env_labels = {key: str(value) for (key, value) in env_labels.items()}
return dict(env_vars.items() + env_labels.items())
def _detect_changes(repository_ctx):
"""Inspect files that are considered inputs to the build for changes
repository_ctx (repository_ctx): The rule's context object.
# Simply generating a `path` object consideres the file as 'tracked' or
# 'consumed' which means changes to it will trigger rebuilds
for src in repository_ctx.attr.srcs:
if repository_ctx.attr.cargo_config:
def _cargo_bootstrap_repository_impl(repository_ctx):
# Pretend to Bazel that this rule's input files have been used, so that it will re-run the rule if they change.
# Expects something like `1.56.0`, or `nightly/2021-09-08`.
version, _, iso_date = repository_ctx.attr.version.partition("/")
if iso_date:
channel = version
version = iso_date
channel = "stable"
host_triple = get_host_triple(repository_ctx)
cargo_template = repository_ctx.attr.rust_toolchain_cargo_template
rustc_template = repository_ctx.attr.rust_toolchain_rustc_template
tools = get_rust_tools(
cargo_template = cargo_template,
rustc_template = rustc_template,
host_triple = host_triple,
channel = channel,
version = version,
binary_name = repository_ctx.attr.binary or
# In addition to platform specific environment variables, a common set (indicated by `*`) will always
# be gathered.
environment = dict(_collect_environ(repository_ctx, "*").items() + _collect_environ(repository_ctx, host_triple.str).items())
cargo_config = None
if repository_ctx.attr.cargo_config:
cargo_config = repository_ctx.path(repository_ctx.attr.cargo_config)
built_binary = cargo_bootstrap(
repository_ctx = repository_ctx,
cargo_bin = repository_ctx.path(tools.cargo),
rustc_bin = repository_ctx.path(tools.rustc),
cargo_config = cargo_config,
binary = binary_name,
cargo_manifest = repository_ctx.path(repository_ctx.attr.cargo_toml),
build_mode = repository_ctx.attr.build_mode,
environment = environment,
timeout = repository_ctx.attr.timeout,
# Create a symlink so that the binary can be accesed via it's target name
repository_ctx.symlink(built_binary, binary_name)
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", _BUILD_FILE_CONTENT.format(
binary_name = binary_name,
binary = built_binary,
cargo_bootstrap_repository = repository_rule(
doc = "A rule for bootstrapping a Rust binary using [Cargo](",
implementation = _cargo_bootstrap_repository_impl,
attrs = {
"binary": attr.string(
doc = "The binary to build (the `--bin` parameter for Cargo). If left empty, the repository name will be used.",
"build_mode": attr.string(
doc = "The build mode the binary should be built with",
values = [
default = "release",
"cargo_config": attr.label(
doc = "The path of the Cargo configuration (`Config.toml`) file.",
allow_single_file = True,
"cargo_lockfile": attr.label(
doc = "The lockfile of the crate_universe resolver",
allow_single_file = ["Cargo.lock"],
mandatory = True,
"cargo_toml": attr.label(
doc = "The path of the `Cargo.toml` file.",
allow_single_file = ["Cargo.toml"],
mandatory = True,
"env": attr.string_dict(
doc = (
"A mapping of platform triple to a set of environment variables. See " +
"[cargo_env](#cargo_env) for usage details. Additionally, the platform triple `*` applies to all platforms."
"env_label": attr.string_dict(
doc = (
"A mapping of platform triple to a set of environment variables. This " +
"attribute differs from `env` in that all variables passed here must be " +
"fully qualified labels of files. See [cargo_env](#cargo_env) for usage details. " +
"Additionally, the platform triple `*` applies to all platforms."
"rust_toolchain_cargo_template": attr.string(
doc = (
"The template to use for finding the host `cargo` binary. `{version}` (eg. '1.53.0'), " +
"`{triple}` (eg. 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'), `{arch}` (eg. 'aarch64'), `{vendor}` (eg. 'unknown'), " +
"`{system}` (eg. 'darwin'), `{channel}` (eg. 'stable'), and `{tool}` (eg. 'rustc.exe') will be " +
"replaced in the string if present."
default = "@rust_{system}_{arch}__{triple}__{channel}_tools//:bin/{tool}",
"rust_toolchain_rustc_template": attr.string(
doc = (
"The template to use for finding the host `rustc` binary. `{version}` (eg. '1.53.0'), " +
"`{triple}` (eg. 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'), `{arch}` (eg. 'aarch64'), `{vendor}` (eg. 'unknown'), " +
"`{system}` (eg. 'darwin'), `{channel}` (eg. 'stable'), and `{tool}` (eg. 'rustc.exe') will be " +
"replaced in the string if present."
default = "@rust_{system}_{arch}__{triple}__{channel}_tools//:bin/{tool}",
"srcs": attr.label_list(
doc = "Souce files of the crate to build. Passing source files here can be used to trigger rebuilds when changes are made",
allow_files = True,
doc = "Maximum duration of the Cargo build command in seconds",
default = 600,
"version": attr.string(
doc = "The version of Rust the currently registered toolchain is using. Eg. `1.56.0`, or `nightly/2021-09-08`",
default = rust_common.default_version,
def cargo_env(env):
"""A helper for generating platform specific environment variables
load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_common")
load("@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl", "cargo_bootstrap_repository", "cargo_env")
name = "bootstrapped_bin",
cargo_lockfile = "//:Cargo.lock",
cargo_toml = "//:Cargo.toml",
srcs = ["//:resolver_srcs"],
version = rust_common.default_version,
binary = "my-crate-binary",
env = {
"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": cargo_env({
"FOO": "BAR",
env_label = {
"aarch64-unknown-linux-musl": cargo_env({
"DOC": "//",
env (dict): A map of environment variables
str: A json encoded string of the environment variables
return json.encode(dict(env))