| """Module extension for generating third-party crates for use in bazel.""" |
| |
| load("@bazel_skylib//lib:structs.bzl", "structs") |
| load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "new_git_repository") |
| load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") |
| load("//crate_universe:defs.bzl", _crate_universe_crate = "crate") |
| load("//crate_universe/private:crates_vendor.bzl", "CRATES_VENDOR_ATTRS", "generate_config_file", "generate_splicing_manifest") |
| load("//crate_universe/private:generate_utils.bzl", "render_config") |
| load("//crate_universe/private/module_extensions:cargo_bazel_bootstrap.bzl", "get_cargo_bazel_runner") |
| |
| # A list of labels which may be relative (and if so, is within the repo the rule is generated in). |
| # |
| # If I were to write ":foo", with attr.label_list, it would evaluate to |
| # "@@//:foo". However, for a tag such as deps, ":foo" should refer to |
| # "@@rules_rust~crates~<crate>//:foo". |
| _relative_label_list = attr.string_list |
| |
| "auto": None, |
| "off": False, |
| "on": True, |
| } |
| |
| def optional_bool(doc): |
| return attr.string(doc = doc, values = _OPT_BOOL_VALUES.keys(), default = "auto") |
| |
| def _get_or_insert(d, key, value): |
| if key not in d: |
| d[key] = value |
| return d[key] |
| |
| def _generate_repo_impl(repo_ctx): |
| for path, contents in repo_ctx.attr.contents.items(): |
| repo_ctx.file(path, contents) |
| |
| _generate_repo = repository_rule( |
| implementation = _generate_repo_impl, |
| attrs = dict( |
| contents = attr.string_dict(mandatory = True), |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| def _generate_hub_and_spokes(module_ctx, cargo_bazel, cfg, annotations): |
| cargo_lockfile = module_ctx.path(cfg.cargo_lockfile) |
| tag_path = module_ctx.path(cfg.name) |
| |
| rendering_config = json.decode(render_config( |
| regen_command = "Run 'cargo update [--workspace]'", |
| )) |
| config_file = tag_path.get_child("config.json") |
| module_ctx.file( |
| config_file, |
| executable = False, |
| content = generate_config_file( |
| module_ctx, |
| mode = "remote", |
| annotations = annotations, |
| generate_build_scripts = cfg.generate_build_scripts, |
| supported_platform_triples = cfg.supported_platform_triples, |
| generate_target_compatible_with = True, |
| repository_name = cfg.name, |
| output_pkg = cfg.name, |
| workspace_name = cfg.name, |
| generate_binaries = cfg.generate_binaries, |
| render_config = rendering_config, |
| repository_ctx = module_ctx, |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| manifests = {module_ctx.path(m): m for m in cfg.manifests} |
| splicing_manifest = tag_path.get_child("splicing_manifest.json") |
| module_ctx.file( |
| splicing_manifest, |
| executable = False, |
| content = generate_splicing_manifest( |
| packages = {}, |
| splicing_config = "", |
| cargo_config = cfg.cargo_config, |
| manifests = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in manifests.items()}, |
| manifest_to_path = module_ctx.path, |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| splicing_output_dir = tag_path.get_child("splicing-output") |
| cargo_bazel([ |
| "splice", |
| "--output-dir", |
| splicing_output_dir, |
| "--config", |
| config_file, |
| "--splicing-manifest", |
| splicing_manifest, |
| "--cargo-lockfile", |
| cargo_lockfile, |
| ]) |
| |
| # Create a lockfile, since we need to parse it to generate spoke |
| # repos. |
| lockfile_path = tag_path.get_child("lockfile.json") |
| module_ctx.file(lockfile_path, "") |
| |
| cargo_bazel([ |
| "generate", |
| "--cargo-lockfile", |
| cargo_lockfile, |
| "--config", |
| config_file, |
| "--splicing-manifest", |
| splicing_manifest, |
| "--repository-dir", |
| tag_path, |
| "--metadata", |
| splicing_output_dir.get_child("metadata.json"), |
| "--repin", |
| "--lockfile", |
| lockfile_path, |
| ]) |
| |
| crates_dir = tag_path.get_child(cfg.name) |
| _generate_repo( |
| name = cfg.name, |
| contents = { |
| "BUILD.bazel": module_ctx.read(crates_dir.get_child("BUILD.bazel")), |
| }, |
| ) |
| |
| contents = json.decode(module_ctx.read(lockfile_path)) |
| |
| for crate in contents["crates"].values(): |
| repo = crate["repository"] |
| if repo == None: |
| continue |
| name = crate["name"] |
| version = crate["version"] |
| |
| # "+" isn't valid in a repo name. |
| crate_repo_name = "{repo_name}__{name}-{version}".format( |
| repo_name = cfg.name, |
| name = name, |
| version = version.replace("+", "-"), |
| ) |
| |
| build_file_content = module_ctx.read(crates_dir.get_child("BUILD.%s-%s.bazel" % (name, version))) |
| if "Http" in repo: |
| # Replicates functionality in repo_http.j2. |
| repo = repo["Http"] |
| http_archive( |
| name = crate_repo_name, |
| patch_args = repo.get("patch_args", None), |
| patch_tool = repo.get("patch_tool", None), |
| patches = repo.get("patches", None), |
| remote_patch_strip = 1, |
| sha256 = repo.get("sha256", None), |
| type = "tar.gz", |
| urls = [repo["url"]], |
| strip_prefix = "%s-%s" % (crate["name"], crate["version"]), |
| build_file_content = build_file_content, |
| ) |
| elif "Git" in repo: |
| # Replicates functionality in repo_git.j2 |
| repo = repo["Git"] |
| kwargs = {} |
| for k, v in repo["commitish"].items(): |
| if k == "Rev": |
| kwargs["commit"] = v |
| else: |
| kwargs[k.lower()] = v |
| new_git_repository( |
| name = crate_repo_name, |
| init_submodules = True, |
| patch_args = repo.get("patch_args", None), |
| patch_tool = repo.get("patch_tool", None), |
| patches = repo.get("patches", None), |
| shallow_since = repo.get("shallow_since", None), |
| remote = repo["remote"], |
| build_file_content = build_file_content, |
| strip_prefix = repo.get("strip_prefix", None), |
| **kwargs |
| ) |
| else: |
| fail("Invalid repo: expected Http or Git to exist for crate %s-%s, got %s" % (name, version, repo)) |
| |
| def _crate_impl(module_ctx): |
| cargo_bazel = get_cargo_bazel_runner(module_ctx) |
| all_repos = [] |
| for mod in module_ctx.modules: |
| module_annotations = {} |
| repo_specific_annotations = {} |
| for annotation_tag in mod.tags.annotation: |
| annotation_dict = structs.to_dict(annotation_tag) |
| repositories = annotation_dict.pop("repositories") |
| crate = annotation_dict.pop("crate") |
| |
| # The crate.annotation function can take in either a list or a bool. |
| # For the tag-based method, because it has type safety, we have to |
| # split it into two parameters. |
| if annotation_dict.pop("gen_all_binaries"): |
| annotation_dict["gen_binaries"] = True |
| annotation_dict["gen_build_script"] = _OPT_BOOL_VALUES[annotation_dict["gen_build_script"]] |
| annotation = _crate_universe_crate.annotation(**{ |
| k: v |
| for k, v in annotation_dict.items() |
| # Tag classes can't take in None, but the function requires None |
| # instead of the empty values in many cases. |
| # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/20744 |
| if v != "" and v != [] and v != {} |
| }) |
| if not repositories: |
| _get_or_insert(module_annotations, crate, []).append(annotation) |
| for repo in repositories: |
| _get_or_insert( |
| _get_or_insert(repo_specific_annotations, repo, {}), |
| crate, |
| [], |
| ).append(annotation) |
| |
| local_repos = [] |
| for cfg in mod.tags.from_cargo: |
| if cfg.name in local_repos: |
| fail("Defined two crate universes with the same name in the same MODULE.bazel file. Use the name tag to give them different names.") |
| elif cfg.name in all_repos: |
| fail("Defined two crate universes with the same name in different MODULE.bazel files. Either give one a different name, or use use_extension(isolate=True)") |
| |
| annotations = {k: v for k, v in module_annotations.items()} |
| for crate, values in repo_specific_annotations.get(cfg.name, {}).items(): |
| _get_or_insert(annotations, crate, []).extend(values) |
| _generate_hub_and_spokes(module_ctx, cargo_bazel, cfg, annotations) |
| all_repos.append(cfg.name) |
| local_repos.append(cfg.name) |
| |
| for repo in repo_specific_annotations: |
| if repo not in local_repos: |
| fail("Annotation specified for repo %s, but the module defined repositories %s" % (repo, local_repos)) |
| |
| _from_cargo = tag_class( |
| doc = "Generates a repo @crates from a Cargo.toml / Cargo.lock pair", |
| attrs = dict( |
| name = attr.string(doc = "The name of the repo to generate", default = "crates"), |
| cargo_lockfile = CRATES_VENDOR_ATTRS["cargo_lockfile"], |
| manifests = CRATES_VENDOR_ATTRS["manifests"], |
| cargo_config = CRATES_VENDOR_ATTRS["cargo_config"], |
| generate_binaries = CRATES_VENDOR_ATTRS["generate_binaries"], |
| generate_build_scripts = CRATES_VENDOR_ATTRS["generate_build_scripts"], |
| supported_platform_triples = CRATES_VENDOR_ATTRS["supported_platform_triples"], |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| # This should be kept in sync with crate_universe/private/crate.bzl. |
| _annotation = tag_class( |
| attrs = dict( |
| repositories = attr.string_list(doc = "A list of repository names specified from `crate.from_cargo(name=...)` that this annotation is applied to. Defaults to all repositories.", default = []), |
| crate = attr.string(doc = "The name of the crate the annotation is applied to", mandatory = True), |
| version = attr.string(doc = "The versions of the crate the annotation is applied to. Defaults to all versions.", default = "*"), |
| additive_build_file_content = attr.string(doc = "Extra contents to write to the bottom of generated BUILD files."), |
| additive_build_file = attr.label(doc = "A file containing extra contents to write to the bottom of generated BUILD files."), |
| alias_rule = attr.string(doc = "Alias rule to use instead of `native.alias()`. Overrides [render_config](#render_config)'s 'default_alias_rule'."), |
| build_script_data = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to add to a crate's `cargo_build_script::data` attribute."), |
| build_script_tools = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to add to a crate's `cargo_build_script::tools` attribute."), |
| build_script_data_glob = attr.string_list(doc = "A list of glob patterns to add to a crate's `cargo_build_script::data` attribute"), |
| build_script_deps = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to add to a crate's `cargo_build_script::deps` attribute."), |
| build_script_env = attr.string_dict(doc = "Additional environment variables to set on a crate's `cargo_build_script::env` attribute."), |
| build_script_proc_macro_deps = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to add to a crate's `cargo_build_script::proc_macro_deps` attribute."), |
| build_script_rundir = attr.string(doc = "An override for the build script's rundir attribute."), |
| build_script_rustc_env = attr.string_dict(doc = "Additional environment variables to set on a crate's `cargo_build_script::env` attribute."), |
| build_script_toolchains = attr.label_list(doc = "A list of labels to set on a crates's `cargo_build_script::toolchains` attribute."), |
| compile_data = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to add to a crate's `rust_library::compile_data` attribute."), |
| compile_data_glob = attr.string_list(doc = "A list of glob patterns to add to a crate's `rust_library::compile_data` attribute."), |
| crate_features = attr.string_list(doc = "A list of strings to add to a crate's `rust_library::crate_features` attribute."), |
| data = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to add to a crate's `rust_library::data` attribute."), |
| data_glob = attr.string_list(doc = "A list of glob patterns to add to a crate's `rust_library::data` attribute."), |
| deps = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to add to a crate's `rust_library::deps` attribute."), |
| extra_aliased_targets = attr.string_dict(doc = "A list of targets to add to the generated aliases in the root crate_universe repository."), |
| gen_binaries = attr.string_list(doc = "As a list, the subset of the crate's bins that should get `rust_binary` targets produced."), |
| gen_all_binaries = attr.bool(doc = "If true, generates `rust_binary` targets for all of the crates bins"), |
| disable_pipelining = attr.bool(doc = "If True, disables pipelining for library targets for this crate."), |
| gen_build_script = attr.string( |
| doc = "An authorative flag to determine whether or not to produce `cargo_build_script` targets for the current crate. Supported values are 'on', 'off', and 'auto'.", |
| values = _OPT_BOOL_VALUES.keys(), |
| default = "auto", |
| ), |
| patch_args = attr.string_list(doc = "The `patch_args` attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See [http_archive.patch_args](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/repo/http.html#http_archive-patch_args)"), |
| patch_tool = attr.string(doc = "The `patch_tool` attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See [http_archive.patch_tool](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/repo/http.html#http_archive-patch_tool)"), |
| patches = attr.label_list(doc = "The `patches` attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See [http_archive.patches](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/repo/http.html#http_archive-patches)"), |
| proc_macro_deps = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to add to a crate's `rust_library::proc_macro_deps` attribute."), |
| rustc_env = attr.string_dict(doc = "Additional variables to set on a crate's `rust_library::rustc_env` attribute."), |
| rustc_env_files = _relative_label_list(doc = "A list of labels to set on a crate's `rust_library::rustc_env_files` attribute."), |
| rustc_flags = attr.string_list(doc = "A list of strings to set on a crate's `rust_library::rustc_flags` attribute."), |
| shallow_since = attr.string(doc = "An optional timestamp used for crates originating from a git repository instead of a crate registry. This flag optimizes fetching the source code."), |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| crate = module_extension( |
| implementation = _crate_impl, |
| tag_classes = dict( |
| from_cargo = _from_cargo, |
| annotation = _annotation, |
| ), |
| ) |