blob: 6ce77a6758d6bf2bae3a7511c0600a3d6f37cdd3 [file] [log] [blame]
"""A module defining rustfmt rules"""
load(":common.bzl", "rust_common")
def _get_rustfmt_ready_crate_info(target):
"""Check that a target is suitable for rustfmt and extract the `CrateInfo` provider from it.
target (Target): The target the aspect is running on.
CrateInfo, optional: A `CrateInfo` provider if clippy should be run or `None`.
# Ignore external targets
if target.label.workspace_root.startswith("external"):
return None
# Obviously ignore any targets that don't contain `CrateInfo`
if rust_common.crate_info in target:
return target[rust_common.crate_info]
elif rust_common.test_crate_info in target:
return target[rust_common.test_crate_info].crate
return None
def _find_rustfmtable_srcs(crate_info, aspect_ctx = None):
"""Parse a `CrateInfo` provider for rustfmt formattable sources.
crate_info (CrateInfo): A `CrateInfo` provider.
aspect_ctx (ctx, optional): The aspect's context object.
list: A list of formattable sources (`File`).
# Targets with specific tags will not be formatted
if aspect_ctx:
ignore_tags = [
for tag in ignore_tags:
if tag in aspect_ctx.rule.attr.tags:
return []
# Filter out any generated files
srcs = [src for src in crate_info.srcs.to_list() if src.is_source]
return srcs
def _generate_manifest(edition, srcs, ctx):
# Gather the source paths to non-generated files
src_paths = [src.path for src in srcs]
# Write the rustfmt manifest
manifest = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".rustfmt")
output = manifest,
content = "\n".join(src_paths + [
return manifest
def _perform_check(edition, srcs, ctx):
rustfmt_toolchain = ctx.toolchains[Label("//rust/rustfmt:toolchain_type")]
config = ctx.file._config
marker = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".rustfmt.ok")
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add("--touch-file", marker)
args.add("--config-path", config)
args.add("--edition", edition)
executable = ctx.executable._process_wrapper,
inputs = srcs + [config],
outputs = [marker],
tools = [rustfmt_toolchain.all_files],
arguments = [args],
mnemonic = "Rustfmt",
return marker
def _rustfmt_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
crate_info = _get_rustfmt_ready_crate_info(target)
if not crate_info:
return []
srcs = _find_rustfmtable_srcs(crate_info, ctx)
# If there are no formattable sources, do nothing.
if not srcs:
return []
edition = crate_info.edition
marker = _perform_check(edition, srcs, ctx)
return [
rustfmt_checks = depset([marker]),
rustfmt_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _rustfmt_aspect_impl,
doc = """\
This aspect is used to gather information about a crate for use in rustfmt and perform rustfmt checks
Output Groups:
- `rustfmt_checks`: Executes `rustfmt --check` on the specified target.
The build setting `@rules_rust//:rustfmt.toml` is used to control the Rustfmt [configuration settings][cs]
used at runtime.
This aspect is executed on any target which provides the `CrateInfo` provider. However
users may tag a target with `no-rustfmt` or `no-format` to have it skipped. Additionally,
generated source files are also ignored by this aspect.
attrs = {
"_config": attr.label(
doc = "The `rustfmt.toml` file used for formatting",
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//:rustfmt.toml"),
"_process_wrapper": attr.label(
doc = "A process wrapper for running rustfmt on all platforms",
cfg = "exec",
executable = True,
default = Label("//util/process_wrapper"),
required_providers = [
fragments = ["cpp"],
toolchains = [
def _rustfmt_test_manifest_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
crate_info = _get_rustfmt_ready_crate_info(target)
if not crate_info:
return []
# Parse the edition to use for formatting from the target
edition = crate_info.edition
srcs = _find_rustfmtable_srcs(crate_info, ctx)
manifest = _generate_manifest(edition, srcs, ctx)
return [
rustfmt_manifest = depset([manifest]),
# This aspect contains functionality split out of `rustfmt_aspect` which broke when
# `required_providers` was added to it. Aspects which have `required_providers` seems
# to not function with attributes that also require providers.
_rustfmt_test_manifest_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _rustfmt_test_manifest_aspect_impl,
doc = """\
This aspect is used to gather information about a crate for use in `rustfmt_test`
Output Groups:
- `rustfmt_manifest`: A manifest used by rustfmt binaries to provide crate specific settings.
fragments = ["cpp"],
toolchains = [
def _rustfmt_test_impl(ctx):
# The executable of a test target must be the output of an action in
# the rule implementation. This file is simply a symlink to the real
# rustfmt test runner.
is_windows = ctx.executable._runner.extension == ".exe"
runner = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}{}".format(,
".exe" if is_windows else "",
output = runner,
target_file = ctx.executable._runner,
is_executable = True,
crate_infos = [_get_rustfmt_ready_crate_info(target) for target in ctx.attr.targets]
srcs = [depset(_find_rustfmtable_srcs(crate_info)) for crate_info in crate_infos if crate_info]
# Some targets may be included in tests but tagged as "no-format". In this
# case, there will be no manifest.
manifests = [getattr(target[OutputGroupInfo], "rustfmt_manifest", None) for target in ctx.attr.targets]
manifests = depset(transitive = [manifest for manifest in manifests if manifest])
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
transitive_files = depset(transitive = srcs + [manifests]),
runfiles = runfiles.merge(
path_env_sep = ";" if is_windows else ":"
return [
files = depset([runner]),
runfiles = runfiles,
executable = runner,
"RUSTFMT_MANIFESTS": path_env_sep.join([
for manifest in sorted(manifests.to_list())
rustfmt_test = rule(
implementation = _rustfmt_test_impl,
doc = "A test rule for performing `rustfmt --check` on a set of targets",
attrs = {
"targets": attr.label_list(
doc = "Rust targets to run `rustfmt --check` on.",
providers = [
aspects = [_rustfmt_test_manifest_aspect],
"_runner": attr.label(
doc = "The rustfmt test runner",
cfg = "exec",
executable = True,
default = Label("//tools/rustfmt:rustfmt_test"),
test = True,
def _rustfmt_toolchain_impl(ctx):
make_variables = {
"RUSTFMT": ctx.file.rustfmt.path,
if ctx.attr.rustc:
"RUSTC": ctx.file.rustc.path,
make_variable_info = platform_common.TemplateVariableInfo(make_variables)
all_files = [ctx.file.rustfmt] + ctx.files.rustc_lib
if ctx.file.rustc:
toolchain = platform_common.ToolchainInfo(
rustfmt = ctx.file.rustfmt,
rustc = ctx.file.rustc,
rustc_lib = depset(ctx.files.rustc_lib),
all_files = depset(all_files),
make_variables = make_variable_info,
return [
rustfmt_toolchain = rule(
doc = "A toolchain for [rustfmt](",
implementation = _rustfmt_toolchain_impl,
attrs = {
"rustc": attr.label(
doc = "The location of the `rustc` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item.",
allow_single_file = True,
cfg = "exec",
"rustc_lib": attr.label(
doc = "The libraries used by rustc during compilation.",
cfg = "exec",
"rustfmt": attr.label(
doc = "The location of the `rustfmt` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item.",
allow_single_file = True,
cfg = "exec",
mandatory = True,
toolchains = [
def _current_rustfmt_toolchain_impl(ctx):
toolchain = ctx.toolchains[str(Label("@rules_rust//rust/rustfmt:toolchain_type"))]
return [
files = depset([
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(transitive_files = toolchain.all_files),
current_rustfmt_toolchain = rule(
doc = "A rule for exposing the current registered `rustfmt_toolchain`.",
implementation = _current_rustfmt_toolchain_impl,
toolchains = [