blob: 0df98a2223a281eb8ea03950ba4627c532e2a86a [file] [log] [blame]
//! Runfiles lookup library for Bazel-built Rust binaries and tests.
//! USAGE:
//! 1. Depend on this runfiles library from your build rule:
//! ```python
//! rust_binary(
//! name = "my_binary",
//! ...
//! data = ["//path/to/my/data.txt"],
//! deps = ["@rules_rust//tools/runfiles"],
//! )
//! ```
//! 2. Import the runfiles library.
//! ```ignore
//! extern crate runfiles;
//! use runfiles::Runfiles;
//! ```
//! 3. Create a Runfiles object and use `rlocation!`` to look up runfile paths:
//! ```ignore -- This doesn't work under rust_doc_test because argv[0] is not what we expect.
//! use runfiles::{Runfiles, rlocation};
//! let r = Runfiles::create().unwrap();
//! let path = rlocation!(r, "my_workspace/path/to/my/data.txt");
//! let f = File::open(path).unwrap();
//! // ...
//! ```
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
macro_rules! rlocation {
($r:expr, $path:expr) => {
$r.rlocation_from($path, env!("REPOSITORY_NAME"))
enum Mode {
ManifestBased(HashMap<PathBuf, PathBuf>),
type RepoMappingKey = (String, String);
type RepoMapping = HashMap<RepoMappingKey, String>;
pub struct Runfiles {
mode: Mode,
repo_mapping: RepoMapping,
impl Runfiles {
/// Creates a manifest based Runfiles object when
/// RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE environment variable is present,
/// or a directory based Runfiles object otherwise.
pub fn create() -> io::Result<Self> {
let mode = if let Some(manifest_file) = std::env::var_os(MANIFEST_FILE_ENV_VAR) {
} else {
let repo_mapping = parse_repo_mapping(raw_rlocation(&mode, "_repo_mapping"))
.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
println!("No repo mapping found!");
Ok(Runfiles { mode, repo_mapping })
fn create_manifest_based(manifest_path: &Path) -> io::Result<Mode> {
let manifest_content = std::fs::read_to_string(manifest_path)?;
let path_mapping = manifest_content
.map(|line| {
let pair = line
.split_once(' ')
.expect("manifest file contained unexpected content");
(pair.0.into(), pair.1.into())
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
/// Returns the runtime path of a runfile.
/// Runfiles are data-dependencies of Bazel-built binaries and tests.
/// The returned path may not be valid. The caller should check the path's
/// validity and that the path exists.
/// @deprecated - this is not bzlmod-aware. Prefer the `rlocation!` macro or `rlocation_from`
pub fn rlocation(&self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> PathBuf {
let path = path.as_ref();
if path.is_absolute() {
return path.to_path_buf();
raw_rlocation(&self.mode, path)
/// Returns the runtime path of a runfile.
/// Runfiles are data-dependencies of Bazel-built binaries and tests.
/// The returned path may not be valid. The caller should check the path's
/// validity and that the path exists.
/// Typically this should be used via the `rlocation!` macro to properly set source_repo.
pub fn rlocation_from(&self, path: impl AsRef<Path>, source_repo: &str) -> PathBuf {
let path = path.as_ref();
if path.is_absolute() {
return path.to_path_buf();
let path_str = path.to_str().expect("Should be valid UTF8");
let (repo_alias, repo_path): (&str, Option<&str>) = match path_str.split_once('/') {
Some((name, alias)) => (name, Some(alias)),
None => (path_str, None),
let key: (String, String) = (source_repo.into(), repo_alias.into());
if let Some(target_repo_directory) = self.repo_mapping.get(&key) {
match repo_path {
Some(repo_path) => {
raw_rlocation(&self.mode, format!("{target_repo_directory}/{repo_path}"))
None => raw_rlocation(&self.mode, target_repo_directory),
} else {
raw_rlocation(&self.mode, path)
fn raw_rlocation(mode: &Mode, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> PathBuf {
let path = path.as_ref();
match mode {
Mode::DirectoryBased(runfiles_dir) => runfiles_dir.join(path),
Mode::ManifestBased(path_mapping) => path_mapping
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Path {} not found among runfiles.", path.to_string_lossy()))
fn parse_repo_mapping(path: PathBuf) -> io::Result<RepoMapping> {
let mut repo_mapping = RepoMapping::new();
for line in std::fs::read_to_string(path)?.lines() {
let parts: Vec<&str> = line.splitn(3, ',').collect();
if parts.len() < 3 {
return Err(make_io_error("Malformed repo_mapping file"));
repo_mapping.insert((parts[0].into(), parts[1].into()), parts[2].into());
/// Returns the .runfiles directory for the currently executing binary.
pub fn find_runfiles_dir() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
// If bazel told us about the runfiles dir, use that without looking further.
if let Some(runfiles_dir) = std::env::var_os(RUNFILES_DIR_ENV_VAR).map(PathBuf::from) {
if runfiles_dir.is_dir() {
return Ok(runfiles_dir);
if let Some(test_srcdir) = std::env::var_os(TEST_SRCDIR_ENV_VAR).map(PathBuf::from) {
if test_srcdir.is_dir() {
return Ok(test_srcdir);
// Consume the first argument (argv[0])
let exec_path = std::env::args().next().expect("arg 0 was not set");
let mut binary_path = PathBuf::from(&exec_path);
loop {
// Check for our neighboring $binary.runfiles directory.
let mut runfiles_name = binary_path.file_name().unwrap().to_owned();
let runfiles_path = binary_path.with_file_name(&runfiles_name);
if runfiles_path.is_dir() {
return Ok(runfiles_path);
// Check if we're already under a *.runfiles directory.
// TODO: 1.28 adds Path::ancestors() which is a little simpler.
let mut next = binary_path.parent();
while let Some(ancestor) = next {
if ancestor
.map_or(false, |f| f.to_string_lossy().ends_with(".runfiles"))
return Ok(ancestor.to_path_buf());
next = ancestor.parent();
if !fs::symlink_metadata(&binary_path)?.file_type().is_symlink() {
// Follow symlinks and keep looking.
let link_target = binary_path.read_link()?;
binary_path = if link_target.is_absolute() {
} else {
let link_dir = binary_path.parent().unwrap();
Err(make_io_error("failed to find .runfiles directory"))
fn make_io_error(msg: &str) -> io::Error {
io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, msg)
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
fn test_can_read_data_from_runfiles() {
// We want to run multiple test cases with different environment variables set. Since
// environment variables are global state, we need to ensure the test cases do not run
// concurrently. Rust runs tests in parallel and does not provide an easy way to synchronise
// them, so we run all test cases in the same #[test] function.
let test_srcdir =
env::var_os(TEST_SRCDIR_ENV_VAR).expect("bazel did not provide TEST_SRCDIR");
let runfiles_dir =
env::var_os(RUNFILES_DIR_ENV_VAR).expect("bazel did not provide RUNFILES_DIR");
let runfiles_manifest_file = env::var_os(MANIFEST_FILE_ENV_VAR).unwrap_or("".into());
// Test case 1: Only $RUNFILES_DIR is set.
let r = Runfiles::create().unwrap();
let d = rlocation!(r, "rules_rust");
let f = rlocation!(r, "rules_rust/tools/runfiles/data/sample.txt");
assert_eq!(d.join("tools/runfiles/data/sample.txt"), f);
let mut f = File::open(f).unwrap();
let mut buffer = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!("Example Text!", buffer);
env::set_var(TEST_SRCDIR_ENV_VAR, &test_srcdir);
env::set_var(MANIFEST_FILE_ENV_VAR, &runfiles_manifest_file);
// Test case 2: Only $TEST_SRCDIR is set.
let r = Runfiles::create().unwrap();
let mut f =
File::open(rlocation!(r, "rules_rust/tools/runfiles/data/sample.txt")).unwrap();
let mut buffer = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!("Example Text!", buffer);
env::set_var(RUNFILES_DIR_ENV_VAR, &runfiles_dir);
env::set_var(MANIFEST_FILE_ENV_VAR, &runfiles_manifest_file);
// Test case 3: Neither are set
let r = Runfiles::create().unwrap();
let mut f =
File::open(rlocation!(r, "rules_rust/tools/runfiles/data/sample.txt")).unwrap();
let mut buffer = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!("Example Text!", buffer);
env::set_var(TEST_SRCDIR_ENV_VAR, &test_srcdir);
env::set_var(RUNFILES_DIR_ENV_VAR, &runfiles_dir);
env::set_var(MANIFEST_FILE_ENV_VAR, &runfiles_manifest_file);
fn test_manifest_based_can_read_data_from_runfiles() {
let mut path_mapping = HashMap::new();
path_mapping.insert("a/b".into(), "c/d".into());
let r = Runfiles {
mode: Mode::ManifestBased(path_mapping),
repo_mapping: RepoMapping::new(),
assert_eq!(r.rlocation("a/b"), PathBuf::from("c/d"));