| """Bzlmod module extensions that are only used internally""" |
| |
| load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") |
| load("//bindgen:repositories.bzl", "rust_bindgen_dependencies") |
| load("//crate_universe:repositories.bzl", "crate_universe_dependencies") |
| load("//proto/prost:repositories.bzl", "rust_prost_dependencies") |
| load("//proto/protobuf:repositories.bzl", "rust_proto_protobuf_dependencies") |
| load("//rust/private:repository_utils.bzl", "TINYJSON_KWARGS") |
| load("//test:deps.bzl", "rules_rust_test_deps") |
| load("//tools/rust_analyzer:deps.bzl", "rust_analyzer_dependencies") |
| load("//wasm_bindgen:repositories.bzl", "rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies") |
| |
| def _internal_deps_impl(module_ctx): |
| # This should contain the subset of WORKSPACE.bazel that defines |
| # repositories. |
| |
| # We don't want rules_rust_dependencies, as they contain things like |
| # rules_cc, which is already declared in MODULE.bazel. |
| direct_deps = [struct(repo = "rules_rust_tinyjson", is_dev_dep = False)] |
| http_archive(**TINYJSON_KWARGS) |
| |
| direct_deps.extend(crate_universe_dependencies()) |
| direct_deps.extend(rust_prost_dependencies(bzlmod = True)) |
| direct_deps.extend(rust_proto_protobuf_dependencies(bzlmod = True)) |
| direct_deps.extend(rust_bindgen_dependencies()) |
| direct_deps.extend(rust_analyzer_dependencies()) |
| direct_deps.extend(rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies()) |
| direct_deps.extend(rules_rust_test_deps()) |
| |
| # is_dev_dep is ignored here. It's not relevant for internal_deps, as dev |
| # dependencies are only relevant for module extensions that can be used |
| # by other MODULES. |
| return module_ctx.extension_metadata( |
| root_module_direct_deps = [repo.repo for repo in direct_deps], |
| root_module_direct_dev_deps = [], |
| ) |
| |
| # This is named a single character to reduce the size of path names when running build scripts, to reduce the chance |
| # of hitting the 260 character windows path name limit. |
| # TODO: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_rust/issues/1120 |
| i = module_extension( |
| doc = "Dependencies for rules_rust", |
| implementation = _internal_deps_impl, |
| ) |