blob: 2178f276cb25b1a5ae8b409b596b14f8561cd78e [file] [log] [blame]
//! The cli entrypoint for the `generate` subcommand
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use anyhow::{bail, Context as AnyhowContext, Result};
use cargo_lock::Lockfile;
use clap::Parser;
use crate::config::Config;
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::lockfile::{lock_context, write_lockfile};
use crate::metadata::{load_metadata, Annotations, Cargo};
use crate::rendering::{write_outputs, Renderer};
use crate::splicing::SplicingManifest;
use crate::utils::normalize_cargo_file_paths;
/// Command line options for the `generate` subcommand
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[clap(about = "Command line options for the `generate` subcommand", version)]
pub struct GenerateOptions {
/// The path to a Cargo binary to use for gathering metadata
#[clap(long, env = "CARGO")]
pub cargo: Option<PathBuf>,
/// The path to a rustc binary for use with Cargo
#[clap(long, env = "RUSTC")]
pub rustc: Option<PathBuf>,
/// The config file with information about the Bazel and Cargo workspace
pub config: PathBuf,
/// A generated manifest of splicing inputs
pub splicing_manifest: PathBuf,
/// The path to either a Cargo or Bazel lockfile
pub lockfile: Option<PathBuf>,
/// The path to a [Cargo.lock]( file.
pub cargo_lockfile: PathBuf,
/// The directory of the current repository rule
pub repository_dir: PathBuf,
/// A [Cargo config](
/// file to use when gathering metadata
pub cargo_config: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Whether or not to ignore the provided lockfile and re-generate one
pub repin: bool,
/// The path to a Cargo metadata `json` file. This file must be next to a `Cargo.toml` and `Cargo.lock` file.
pub metadata: Option<PathBuf>,
/// If true, outputs will be printed instead of written to disk.
pub dry_run: bool,
pub fn generate(opt: GenerateOptions) -> Result<()> {
// Load the config
let config = Config::try_from_path(&opt.config)?;
// Go straight to rendering if there is no need to repin
if !opt.repin {
if let Some(lockfile) = &opt.lockfile {
let context = Context::try_from_path(lockfile)?;
// Render build files
let outputs = Renderer::new(config.rendering, config.supported_platform_triples)
// make file paths compatible with bazel labels
let normalized_outputs = normalize_cargo_file_paths(outputs, &opt.repository_dir);
// Write the outputs to disk
write_outputs(normalized_outputs, opt.dry_run)?;
return Ok(());
// Ensure Cargo and Rustc are available for use during generation.
let rustc_bin = match &opt.rustc {
Some(bin) => bin,
None => bail!("The `--rustc` argument is required when generating unpinned content"),
let cargo_bin = Cargo::new(
match opt.cargo {
Some(bin) => bin,
None => bail!("The `--cargo` argument is required when generating unpinned content"),
// Ensure a path to a metadata file was provided
let metadata_path = match &opt.metadata {
Some(path) => path,
None => bail!("The `--metadata` argument is required when generating unpinned content"),
// Load Metadata and Lockfile
let (cargo_metadata, cargo_lockfile) = load_metadata(metadata_path)?;
// Annotate metadata
let annotations = Annotations::new(cargo_metadata, cargo_lockfile.clone(), config.clone())?;
// Generate renderable contexts for each package
let context = Context::new(annotations, config.rendering.are_sources_present())?;
// Render build files
let outputs = Renderer::new(
// make file paths compatible with bazel labels
let normalized_outputs = normalize_cargo_file_paths(outputs, &opt.repository_dir);
// Write the outputs to disk
write_outputs(normalized_outputs, opt.dry_run)?;
// Ensure Bazel lockfiles are written to disk so future generations can be short-circuited.
if let Some(lockfile) = opt.lockfile {
let splicing_manifest = SplicingManifest::try_from_path(&opt.splicing_manifest)?;
let lock_content =
lock_context(context, &config, &splicing_manifest, &cargo_bin, rustc_bin)?;
write_lockfile(lock_content, &lockfile, opt.dry_run)?;
update_cargo_lockfile(&opt.cargo_lockfile, cargo_lockfile)?;
fn update_cargo_lockfile(path: &Path, cargo_lockfile: Lockfile) -> Result<()> {
let old_contents = fs::read_to_string(path).ok();
let new_contents = cargo_lockfile.to_string();
// Don't overwrite identical contents because timestamp changes may invalidate repo rules.
if old_contents.as_ref() == Some(&new_contents) {
return Ok(());
fs::write(path, new_contents)
.context("Failed to write Cargo.lock file back to the workspace.")?;