blob: eb8ea831b5bf7db27ac165daa1e866e4437f2bfa [file] [log] [blame]
"Module extensions for using rules_rust with bzlmod"
load("@bazel_features//:features.bzl", "bazel_features")
load("//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_common")
load("//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_register_toolchains", "rust_toolchain_tools_repository")
load("//rust/platform:triple.bzl", "get_host_triple")
rust = use_extension("@rules_rust//rust:extensions.bzl", "rust")
edition = "2021",
versions = ["1.70.2"],
use_repo(rust, "rust_toolchains")
Your transitive dependency %s is using rules_rust, so you need to define a rust toolchain.
To do so, you will need to add the following to your root MODULE.bazel. For example:
bazel_dep(name = "rules_rust", version = "<rules_rust version>")
Please add at least one toolchain to your root MODULE.bazel. For example:
def _find_root(module_ctx):
root = None
for mod in module_ctx.modules:
if mod.is_root:
root = mod
return root
def _rust_impl(module_ctx):
# Toolchain configuration is only allowed in the root module.
# It would be very confusing (and a security concern) if I was using the
# default rust toolchains, then when I added a module built on rust, I was
# suddenly using a custom rustc.
root = _find_root(module_ctx)
if not root:
fail(_TRANSITIVE_DEP_ERR % module_ctx.modules[0].name)
toolchains = root.tags.toolchain
if not toolchains:
for toolchain in toolchains:
dev_components = toolchain.dev_components,
edition = toolchain.edition,
allocator_library = toolchain.allocator_library,
rustfmt_version = toolchain.rustfmt_version,
rust_analyzer_version = toolchain.rust_analyzer_version,
sha256s = toolchain.sha256s,
extra_target_triples = toolchain.extra_target_triples,
urls = toolchain.urls,
versions = toolchain.versions,
register_toolchains = False,
allocator_library = attr.string(
doc = "Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary.",
default = "@rules_rust//ffi/cc/allocator_library",
dev_components = attr.bool(
doc = "Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be \"nightly\".",
default = False,
edition = attr.string(
doc = (
"The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). " +
"If absent, every rule is required to specify its `edition` attribute."
rustfmt_version = attr.string(
doc = "The version of the tool among \"nightly\", \"beta\", or an exact version.",
sha256s = attr.string_dict(
doc = "A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_repositories](#rust_repositories) for more details.",
urls = attr.string_list(
doc = "A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format).",
_RUST_TOOLCHAIN_TAG = tag_class(
attrs = dict(
extra_target_triples = attr.string_list(
rust_analyzer_version = attr.string(
doc = "The version of Rustc to pair with rust-analyzer.",
versions = attr.string_list(
doc = (
"A list of toolchain versions to download. This paramter only accepts one versions " +
"per channel. E.g. `[\"1.65.0\", \"nightly/2022-11-02\", \"beta/2020-12-30\"]`."
default = [],
_RUST_HOST_TOOLS_TAG = tag_class(
attrs = dict(
version = attr.string(
default = rust_common.default_version,
doc = "The version of Rust to use for tools executed on the Bazel host.",
rust = module_extension(
implementation = _rust_impl,
tag_classes = {
"toolchain": _RUST_TOOLCHAIN_TAG,
# This is a separate module extension so that only the host tools are
# marked as reproducible and os and arch dependent
def _rust_host_tools_impl(module_ctx):
root = _find_root(module_ctx)
if root != None and len(root.tags.host_tools) == 1:
attrs = root.tags.host_tools[0]
iso_date = None
version = attrs.version
# Any version containing a slash is expected to be a nightly/beta release with iso date. E.g. `nightly/2024-03-21`
if "/" in version:
version, _, iso_date = version.partition("/")
host_tools = {
"allocator_library": attrs.allocator_library,
"dev_components": attrs.dev_components,
"edition": attrs.edition,
"iso_date": iso_date,
"rustfmt_version": attrs.rustfmt_version,
"sha256s": attrs.sha256s,
"urls": attrs.urls,
"version": version,
elif root == None or not root.tags.host_tools:
host_tools = {
"version": rust_common.default_version,
fail("Multiple host_tools were defined in your root MODULE.bazel")
host_triple = get_host_triple(module_ctx)
name = "rust_host_tools",
exec_triple = host_triple.str,
target_triple = host_triple.str,
metadata_kwargs = {}
if bazel_features.external_deps.extension_metadata_has_reproducible:
metadata_kwargs["reproducible"] = True
return module_ctx.extension_metadata(**metadata_kwargs)
_conditional_rust_host_tools_args = {
"arch_dependent": True,
"os_dependent": True,
} if bazel_features.external_deps.module_extension_has_os_arch_dependent else {}
rust_host_tools = module_extension(
implementation = _rust_host_tools_impl,
tag_classes = {
"host_tools": _RUST_HOST_TOOLS_TAG,