blob: f45a55716220a9f9cd9623b1de19cd72f6e4d53c [file] [log] [blame]
"Module extensions for using rules_rust with bzlmod"
load("//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_common")
load("//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_register_toolchains", "rust_toolchain_tools_repository")
load("//rust/platform:triple.bzl", "get_host_triple")
_HOST_TOOL_ERR = """When %s, host tools must be explicitly defined. For example:
rust = use_extension("@rules_rust//rust:extensions.bzl", "rust")
edition = "2021",
version = "1.70.2",
rust = use_extension("@rules_rust//rust:extensions.bzl", "rust")
edition = "2021",
versions = ["1.70.2"],
use_repo(rust, "rust_toolchains")
Your transitive dependency %s is using rules_rust, so you need to define a rust toolchain.
To do so, you will need to add the following to your root MODULE.bazel. For example:
bazel_dep(name = "rules_rust", version = "<rules_rust version>")
Please add at least one toolchain to your root MODULE.bazel. For example:
def _rust_impl(module_ctx):
# Toolchain configuration is only allowed in the root module.
# It would be very confusing (and a security concern) if I was using the
# default rust toolchains, then when I added a module built on rust, I was
# suddenly using a custom rustc.
root = None
for mod in module_ctx.modules:
if mod.is_root:
root = mod
if not root:
fail(_TRANSITIVE_DEP_ERR % module_ctx.modules[0].name)
toolchains = root.tags.toolchain
if not toolchains:
if len(root.tags.host_tools) == 1:
host_tools = root.tags.host_tools[0]
elif not root.tags.host_tools:
if len(toolchains) != 1:
fail(_HOST_TOOL_ERR % "multiple toolchains are provided")
toolchain = toolchains[0]
if len(toolchain.versions) == 1:
version = toolchain.versions[0]
elif not toolchain.versions:
version = None
fail(_HOST_TOOL_ERR % "multiple toolchain versions are provided")
host_tools = struct(
allocator_library = toolchain.allocator_library,
dev_components = toolchain.dev_components,
edition = toolchain.edition,
rustfmt_version = toolchain.rustfmt_version,
sha256s = toolchain.sha256s,
urls = toolchain.urls,
version = version,
fail("Multiple host_tools were defined in your root MODULE.bazel")
host_triple = get_host_triple(module_ctx)
name = "rust_host_tools",
exec_triple = host_triple.str,
target_triple = host_triple.str,
allocator_library = host_tools.allocator_library,
dev_components = host_tools.dev_components,
edition = host_tools.edition,
rustfmt_version = host_tools.rustfmt_version,
sha256s = host_tools.sha256s,
urls = host_tools.urls,
version = host_tools.version or rust_common.default_version,
for toolchain in toolchains:
dev_components = toolchain.dev_components,
edition = toolchain.edition,
allocator_library = toolchain.allocator_library,
rustfmt_version = toolchain.rustfmt_version,
rust_analyzer_version = toolchain.rust_analyzer_version,
sha256s = toolchain.sha256s,
extra_target_triples = toolchain.extra_target_triples,
urls = toolchain.urls,
versions = toolchain.versions,
register_toolchains = False,
allocator_library = attr.string(default = "@rules_rust//ffi/cc/allocator_library"),
dev_components = attr.bool(default = False),
edition = attr.string(),
rustfmt_version = attr.string(default = DEFAULT_NIGHTLY_VERSION),
sha256s = attr.string_dict(),
urls = attr.string_list(default = DEFAULT_STATIC_RUST_URL_TEMPLATES),
_RUST_TOOLCHAIN_TAG = tag_class(attrs = dict(
extra_target_triples = attr.string_list(default = DEFAULT_EXTRA_TARGET_TRIPLES),
rust_analyzer_version = attr.string(),
versions = attr.string_list(default = []),
_RUST_HOST_TOOLS_TAG = tag_class(attrs = dict(
version = attr.string(),
rust = module_extension(
implementation = _rust_impl,
tag_classes = {
"host_tools": _RUST_HOST_TOOLS_TAG,
"toolchain": _RUST_TOOLCHAIN_TAG,