blob: fb659a7c728caf9dd8a1c5fcf1bd679fa834c771 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A test to ensure the rules_rust bzlmod versions match the standard versions.
use runfiles::Runfiles;
fn parse_module_bazel_version(text: &str) -> String {
let mut found_module = false;
for line in text.split('\n') {
if found_module {
assert!(!line.ends_with(')'), "Failed to parse version");
if let Some((param, value)) = line.rsplit_once(" = ") {
if param.trim() == "version" {
return value.trim().trim_matches(',').trim_matches('"').to_owned();
} else if line.starts_with("module(") {
found_module = true;
panic!("Failed to find MODULE.bazel version");
/// If this test fails it means `//:version.bzl` and `//:MODULE.bazel` need to
/// be synced up. `//:version.bzl` should contain the source of truth.
fn module_bzl_has_correct_version() {
let version = std::env::var("VERSION").unwrap();
let module_bazel_text = {
let r = Runfiles::create().unwrap();
let path = r.rlocation(std::env::var("MODULE_BAZEL").unwrap());
let module_bazel_version = parse_module_bazel_version(&module_bazel_text);
version, module_bazel_version,
"//:version.bzl and //:MODULE.bazel versions are out of sync"