blob: 08bad7fabef20bbcd1d44f80fbc03f3701873ba1 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A utility for writing scripts for use as test executables intended to match the
//! subcommands of Bazel build actions so `rustdoc --test`, which builds and tests
//! code in a single call, can be run as a test target in a hermetic manner.
use std::cmp::Reverse;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
struct Options {
/// A list of environment variable keys to parse from the build action env.
env_keys: BTreeSet<String>,
/// A list of substrings to strip from [Options::action_argv].
strip_substrings: Vec<String>,
/// The path where the script should be written.
output: PathBuf,
/// If Bazel generated a params file, we may need to strip roots from it.
/// This is the path where we will output our stripped params file.
optional_output_params_file: PathBuf,
/// The `argv` of the configured rustdoc build action.
action_argv: Vec<String>,
/// Parse command line arguments
fn parse_args() -> Options {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let (writer_args, action_args) = {
let split = args
.position(|arg| arg == "--")
.expect("Unable to find split identifier `--`");
// Converting each set into a vector makes them easier to parse in
// the absence of nightly features
let (writer, action) = args.split_at(split);
(writer.to_vec(), action.to_vec())
// Remove the leading `--` which is expected to be the first
// item in `action_args`
debug_assert_eq!(action_args[0], "--");
let action_argv = action_args[1..].to_vec();
let output = writer_args
.find(|arg| arg.starts_with("--output="))
.and_then(|arg| arg.splitn(2, '=').last())
.expect("Missing `--output` argument");
let optional_output_params_file = writer_args
.find(|arg| arg.starts_with("--optional_test_params="))
.and_then(|arg| arg.splitn(2, '=').last())
.expect("Missing `--optional_test_params` argument");
let (strip_substring_args, writer_args): (Vec<String>, Vec<String>) = writer_args
.partition(|arg| arg.starts_with("--strip_substring="));
let mut strip_substrings: Vec<String> = strip_substring_args
.map(|arg| {
arg.splitn(2, '=')
.expect("--strip_substring arguments must have assignments using `=`")
// Strip substrings should always be in reverse order of the length of each
// string so when filtering we know that the longer strings are checked
// first in order to avoid cases where shorter strings might match longer ones.
strip_substrings.sort_by_key(|b| Reverse(b.len()));
let env_keys = writer_args
.filter(|arg| arg.starts_with("--action_env="))
.map(|arg| {
arg.splitn(2, '=')
.expect("--env arguments must have assignments using `=`")
Options {
/// Expand the Bazel Arg file and write it into our manually defined params file
fn expand_params_file(mut options: Options) -> Options {
let params_extension = if cfg!(target_family = "windows") {
} else {
// We always need to produce the params file, we might overwrite this later though
fs::write(&options.optional_output_params_file, b"unused")
.expect("Failed to write params file");
// extract the path for the params file, if it exists
let params_path = match options.action_argv.pop() {
// Found the params file!
Some(arg) if arg.starts_with('@') && arg.ends_with(params_extension) => {
let path_str = arg
.expect("Checked that there is an @ prefix");
// No params file present, exit early
Some(arg) => {
return options;
None => return options,
// read the params file
let params_file = fs::File::open(params_path).expect("Failed to read the rustdoc params file");
let content: Vec<_> = BufReader::new(params_file)
.map(|line| line.expect("failed to parse param as String"))
// Remove any substrings found in the argument
.map(|arg| {
let mut stripped_arg = arg;
.for_each(|substring| stripped_arg = stripped_arg.replace(substring, ""));
// add all arguments
fs::write(&options.optional_output_params_file, content.join("\n"))
.expect("Failed to write test runner");
// append the path of our new params file
let formatted_params_path = format!(
.expect("invalid UTF-8")
/// Write a unix compatible test runner
fn write_test_runner_unix(
path: &Path,
env: &BTreeMap<String, String>,
argv: &[String],
strip_substrings: &[String],
) {
let mut content = vec![
"#!/usr/bin/env bash".to_owned(),
// TODO: Instead of creating a symlink to mimic the behavior of
// --legacy_external_runfiles, this rule should be able to correcrtly
// sanitize the action args to run in a runfiles without this link.
"if [[ ! -e 'external' ]]; then ln -s ../ external ; fi".to_owned(),
"exec env - \\".to_owned(),
content.extend(env.iter().map(|(key, val)| format!("{key}='{val}' \\")));
let argv_str = argv
// Remove any substrings found in the argument
.map(|arg| {
let mut stripped_arg = arg.to_owned();
.for_each(|substring| stripped_arg = stripped_arg.replace(substring, ""));
.map(|arg| format!("'{arg}'"))
.join(" ");
content.extend(vec![argv_str, "".to_owned()]);
fs::write(path, content.join("\n")).expect("Failed to write test runner");
/// Write a windows compatible test runner
fn write_test_runner_windows(
path: &Path,
env: &BTreeMap<String, String>,
argv: &[String],
strip_substrings: &[String],
) {
let env_str = env
.map(|(key, val)| format!("$env:{key}='{val}'"))
.join(" ; ");
let argv_str = argv
// Remove any substrings found in the argument
.map(|arg| {
let mut stripped_arg = arg.to_owned();
.for_each(|substring| stripped_arg = stripped_arg.replace(substring, ""));
.map(|arg| format!("'{arg}'"))
.join(" ");
let content = [
"@ECHO OFF".to_owned(),
// TODO: Instead of creating a symlink to mimic the behavior of
// --legacy_external_runfiles, this rule should be able to correcrtly
// sanitize the action args to run in a runfiles without this link.
"powershell.exe -c \"if (!(Test-Path .\\external)) { New-Item -Path .\\external -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value ..\\ }\""
format!("powershell.exe -c \"{env_str} ; & {argv_str}\""),
fs::write(path, content.join("\n")).expect("Failed to write test runner");
#[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
fn set_executable(path: &Path) {
use std::os::unix::prelude::PermissionsExt;
let mut perm = fs::metadata(path)
.expect("Failed to get test runner metadata")
fs::set_permissions(path, perm).expect("Failed to set permissions on test runner");
#[cfg(target_family = "windows")]
fn set_executable(_path: &Path) {
// Windows determines whether or not a file is executable via the PATHEXT
// environment variable. This function is a no-op for this platform.
fn write_test_runner(
path: &Path,
env: &BTreeMap<String, String>,
argv: &[String],
strip_substrings: &[String],
) {
if cfg!(target_family = "unix") {
write_test_runner_unix(path, env, argv, strip_substrings);
} else if cfg!(target_family = "windows") {
write_test_runner_windows(path, env, argv, strip_substrings);
fn main() {
let opt = parse_args();
let opt = expand_params_file(opt);
let env: BTreeMap<String, String> = env::vars()
.filter(|(key, _)| opt.env_keys.iter().any(|k| k == key))
write_test_runner(&opt.output, &env, &opt.action_argv, &opt.strip_substrings);