| # Rust rules |
| |
| * [cargo_build_script](#cargo_build_script) |
| * [rust_analyzer](#rust_analyzer) |
| * [rust_analyzer_aspect](#rust_analyzer_aspect) |
| * [rust_benchmark](#rust_benchmark) |
| * [rust_binary](#rust_binary) |
| * [rust_bindgen](#rust_bindgen) |
| * [rust_bindgen_library](#rust_bindgen_library) |
| * [rust_bindgen_repositories](#rust_bindgen_repositories) |
| * [rust_bindgen_toolchain](#rust_bindgen_toolchain) |
| * [rust_clippy](#rust_clippy) |
| * [rust_clippy_aspect](#rust_clippy_aspect) |
| * [rust_doc](#rust_doc) |
| * [rust_doc_test](#rust_doc_test) |
| * [rust_grpc_library](#rust_grpc_library) |
| * [rust_library](#rust_library) |
| * [rust_proc_macro](#rust_proc_macro) |
| * [rust_proto_library](#rust_proto_library) |
| * [rust_proto_repositories](#rust_proto_repositories) |
| * [rust_proto_toolchain](#rust_proto_toolchain) |
| * [rust_repositories](#rust_repositories) |
| * [rust_repository_set](#rust_repository_set) |
| * [rust_shared_library](#rust_shared_library) |
| * [rust_static_library](#rust_static_library) |
| * [rust_test](#rust_test) |
| * [rust_toolchain](#rust_toolchain) |
| * [rust_toolchain_repository](#rust_toolchain_repository) |
| * [rust_toolchain_repository_proxy](#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy) |
| * [rust_wasm_bindgen](#rust_wasm_bindgen) |
| * [rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories](#rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories) |
| * [rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain](#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain) |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_analyzer"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_analyzer |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_analyzer(<a href="#rust_analyzer-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_analyzer-targets">targets</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Produces a rust-project.json for the given targets. Configure rust-analyzer to load the generated file via the linked projects mechanism. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer-targets"></a>targets | List of all targets to be included in the index | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_benchmark"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_benchmark |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_benchmark(<a href="#rust_benchmark-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-aliases">aliases</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-compile_data">compile_data</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-crate_features">crate_features</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-crate_name">crate_name</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-crate_root">crate_root</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-data">data</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-deps">deps</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_benchmark-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-out_dir_tar">out_dir_tar</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-proc_macro_deps">proc_macro_deps</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-rustc_env">rustc_env</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-rustc_env_files">rustc_env_files</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-rustc_flags">rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_benchmark-srcs">srcs</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_benchmark-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust benchmark test. |
| |
| **Warning**: This rule is currently experimental. [Rust Benchmark tests][rust-bench] require the `Bencher` interface in the unstable `libtest` crate, which is behind the `test` unstable feature gate. As a result, using this rule would require using a nightly binary release of Rust. |
| |
| [rust-bench]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/benchmark-tests.html |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust project with a library crate, `fibonacci` with benchmarks under the `benches/` directory: |
| |
| ```output |
| [workspace]/ |
| fibonacci/ |
| src/ |
| lib.rs |
| benches/ |
| fibonacci_bench.rs |
| ``` |
| |
| `fibonacci/src/lib.rs`: |
| ```rust |
| pub fn fibonacci(n: u64) -> u64 { |
| if n < 2 { |
| return n; |
| } |
| let mut n1: u64 = 0; |
| let mut n2: u64 = 1; |
| for _ in 1..n { |
| let sum = n1 + n2; |
| n1 = n2; |
| n2 = sum; |
| } |
| n2 |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| `fibonacci/benches/fibonacci_bench.rs`: |
| ```rust |
| #![feature(test)] |
| |
| extern crate test; |
| extern crate fibonacci; |
| |
| use test::Bencher; |
| |
| #[bench] |
| fn bench_fibonacci(b: &mut Bencher) { |
| b.iter(|| fibonacci::fibonacci(40)); |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| To build the benchmark test, add a `rust_benchmark` target: |
| |
| `fibonacci/BUILD`: |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_benchmark") |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "fibonacci", |
| srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_benchmark( |
| name = "fibonacci_bench", |
| srcs = ["benches/fibonacci_bench.rs"], |
| deps = [":fibonacci"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Run the benchmark test using: `bazel run //fibonacci:fibonacci_bench`. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-aliases"></a>aliases | Remap crates to a new name or moniker for linkage to this target<br><br>These are other <code>rust_library</code> targets and will be presented as the new name given. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: Label -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-compile_data"></a>compile_data | List of files used by this rule at compile time.<br><br>This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the [<code>include_str!</code>](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.include_str!.html) macro. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-crate_features"></a>crate_features | List of features to enable for this crate.<br><br>Features are defined in the code using the <code>#[cfg(feature = "foo")]</code> configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to <code>rustc</code> with <code>--cfg feature="${feature_name}"</code> flags. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-crate_name"></a>crate_name | Crate name to use for this target.<br><br>This must be a valid Rust identifier, i.e. it may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Defaults to the target name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-crate_root"></a>crate_root | The file that will be passed to <code>rustc</code> to be used for building this crate.<br><br>If <code>crate_root</code> is not set, then this rule will look for a <code>lib.rs</code> file (or <code>main.rs</code> for rust_binary) or the single file in <code>srcs</code> if <code>srcs</code> contains only one file. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-data"></a>data | List of files used by this rule at compile time and runtime.<br><br>If including data at compile time with include_str!() and similar, prefer <code>compile_data</code> over <code>data</code>, to prevent the data also being included in the runfiles. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-deps"></a>deps | List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.<br><br>These can be either other <code>rust_library</code> targets or <code>cc_library</code> targets if linking a native library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to use for this crate. Defaults to the edition specified in the rust_toolchain. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-out_dir_tar"></a>out_dir_tar | __Deprecated__, do not use, see [#cargo_build_script] instead. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-proc_macro_deps"></a>proc_macro_deps | List of <code>rust_library</code> targets with kind <code>proc-macro</code> used to help build this library target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-rustc_env"></a>rustc_env | Dictionary of additional <code>"key": "value"</code> environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>rust_test()/rust_binary() rules can use $(rootpath //package:target) to pass in the location of a generated file or external tool. Cargo build scripts that wish to expand locations should use cargo_build_script()'s build_script_env argument instead, as build scripts are run in a different environment - see cargo_build_script()'s documentation for more. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-rustc_env_files"></a>rustc_env_files | Files containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>These files should contain a single variable per line, of format <code>NAME=value</code>, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a line with a trailing back-slash (<code>\</code>).<br><br>The order that these files will be processed is unspecified, so multiple definitions of a particular variable are discouraged. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-rustc_flags"></a>rustc_flags | List of compiler flags passed to <code>rustc</code>. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-srcs"></a>srcs | List of Rust <code>.rs</code> source files used to build the library.<br><br>If <code>srcs</code> contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named <code>lib.rs</code>. Otherwise, <code>crate_root</code> must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_benchmark-version"></a>version | A version to inject in the cargo environment variable. | String | optional | "0.0.0" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_binary"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_binary |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_binary(<a href="#rust_binary-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-aliases">aliases</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-compile_data">compile_data</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-crate_features">crate_features</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-crate_name">crate_name</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-crate_root">crate_root</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-crate_type">crate_type</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-data">data</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_binary-deps">deps</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-linker_script">linker_script</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-out_binary">out_binary</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-out_dir_tar">out_dir_tar</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-proc_macro_deps">proc_macro_deps</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-rustc_env">rustc_env</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_binary-rustc_env_files">rustc_env_files</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-rustc_flags">rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-srcs">srcs</a>, <a href="#rust_binary-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust binary crate. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust project with a |
| library crate, `hello_lib`, and a binary crate, `hello_world` that uses the |
| `hello_lib` library: |
| |
| ```output |
| [workspace]/ |
| hello_lib/ |
| src/ |
| lib.rs |
| hello_world/ |
| src/ |
| main.rs |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_lib/src/lib.rs`: |
| ```rust |
| pub struct Greeter { |
| greeting: String, |
| } |
| |
| impl Greeter { |
| pub fn new(greeting: &str) -> Greeter { |
| Greeter { greeting: greeting.to_string(), } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn greet(&self, thing: &str) { |
| println!("{} {}", &self.greeting, thing); |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_lib/BUILD`: |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library") |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "hello_lib", |
| srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_world/src/main.rs`: |
| ```rust |
| extern crate hello_lib; |
| |
| fn main() { |
| let hello = hello_lib::Greeter::new("Hello"); |
| hello.greet("world"); |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_world/BUILD`: |
| ```python |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:rust.bzl", "rust_binary") |
| |
| rust_binary( |
| name = "hello_world", |
| srcs = ["src/main.rs"], |
| deps = ["//hello_lib"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Build and run `hello_world`: |
| ``` |
| $ bazel run //hello_world |
| INFO: Found 1 target... |
| Target //examples/rust/hello_world:hello_world up-to-date: |
| bazel-bin/examples/rust/hello_world/hello_world |
| INFO: Elapsed time: 1.308s, Critical Path: 1.22s |
| |
| INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/examples/rust/hello_world/hello_world |
| Hello world |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-aliases"></a>aliases | Remap crates to a new name or moniker for linkage to this target<br><br>These are other <code>rust_library</code> targets and will be presented as the new name given. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: Label -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-compile_data"></a>compile_data | List of files used by this rule at compile time.<br><br>This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the [<code>include_str!</code>](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.include_str!.html) macro. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-crate_features"></a>crate_features | List of features to enable for this crate.<br><br>Features are defined in the code using the <code>#[cfg(feature = "foo")]</code> configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to <code>rustc</code> with <code>--cfg feature="${feature_name}"</code> flags. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-crate_name"></a>crate_name | Crate name to use for this target.<br><br>This must be a valid Rust identifier, i.e. it may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Defaults to the target name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-crate_root"></a>crate_root | The file that will be passed to <code>rustc</code> to be used for building this crate.<br><br>If <code>crate_root</code> is not set, then this rule will look for a <code>lib.rs</code> file (or <code>main.rs</code> for rust_binary) or the single file in <code>srcs</code> if <code>srcs</code> contains only one file. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-crate_type"></a>crate_type | Crate type that will be passed to <code>rustc</code> to be used for building this crate.<br><br>This option is a temporary workaround and should be used only when building for WebAssembly targets (//rust/platform:wasi and //rust/platform:wasm). | String | optional | "bin" | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-data"></a>data | List of files used by this rule at compile time and runtime.<br><br>If including data at compile time with include_str!() and similar, prefer <code>compile_data</code> over <code>data</code>, to prevent the data also being included in the runfiles. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-deps"></a>deps | List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.<br><br>These can be either other <code>rust_library</code> targets or <code>cc_library</code> targets if linking a native library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to use for this crate. Defaults to the edition specified in the rust_toolchain. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-linker_script"></a>linker_script | Link script to forward into linker via rustc options. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-out_binary"></a>out_binary | - | Boolean | optional | False | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-out_dir_tar"></a>out_dir_tar | __Deprecated__, do not use, see [#cargo_build_script] instead. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-proc_macro_deps"></a>proc_macro_deps | List of <code>rust_library</code> targets with kind <code>proc-macro</code> used to help build this library target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-rustc_env"></a>rustc_env | Dictionary of additional <code>"key": "value"</code> environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>rust_test()/rust_binary() rules can use $(rootpath //package:target) to pass in the location of a generated file or external tool. Cargo build scripts that wish to expand locations should use cargo_build_script()'s build_script_env argument instead, as build scripts are run in a different environment - see cargo_build_script()'s documentation for more. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-rustc_env_files"></a>rustc_env_files | Files containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>These files should contain a single variable per line, of format <code>NAME=value</code>, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a line with a trailing back-slash (<code>\</code>).<br><br>The order that these files will be processed is unspecified, so multiple definitions of a particular variable are discouraged. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-rustc_flags"></a>rustc_flags | List of compiler flags passed to <code>rustc</code>. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-srcs"></a>srcs | List of Rust <code>.rs</code> source files used to build the library.<br><br>If <code>srcs</code> contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named <code>lib.rs</code>. Otherwise, <code>crate_root</code> must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_binary-version"></a>version | A version to inject in the cargo environment variable. | String | optional | "0.0.0" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_bindgen"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_bindgen |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_bindgen(<a href="#rust_bindgen-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen-bindgen_flags">bindgen_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen-cc_lib">cc_lib</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen-clang_flags">clang_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen-header">header</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Generates a rust source file from a cc_library and a header. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen-bindgen_flags"></a>bindgen_flags | Flags to pass directly to the bindgen executable. See https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-bindgen/ for details. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen-cc_lib"></a>cc_lib | The cc_library that contains the .h file. This is used to find the transitive includes. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen-clang_flags"></a>clang_flags | Flags to pass directly to the clang executable. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen-header"></a>header | The .h file to generate bindings for. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_bindgen_toolchain"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_bindgen_toolchain |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_bindgen_toolchain(<a href="#rust_bindgen_toolchain-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_toolchain-bindgen">bindgen</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_toolchain-clang">clang</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_toolchain-libclang">libclang</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_toolchain-libstdcxx">libstdcxx</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_toolchain-rustfmt">rustfmt</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| The tools required for the `rust_bindgen` rule. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_toolchain-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_toolchain-bindgen"></a>bindgen | The label of a <code>bindgen</code> executable. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_toolchain-clang"></a>clang | The label of a <code>clang</code> executable. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_toolchain-libclang"></a>libclang | A cc_library that provides bindgen's runtime dependency on libclang. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_toolchain-libstdcxx"></a>libstdcxx | A cc_library that satisfies libclang's libstdc++ dependency. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_toolchain-rustfmt"></a>rustfmt | The label of a <code>rustfmt</code> executable. If this is provided, generated sources will be formatted. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_clippy"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_clippy |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_clippy(<a href="#rust_clippy-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_clippy-deps">deps</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Executes the clippy checker on a specific target. |
| |
| Similar to `rust_clippy_aspect`, but allows specifying a list of dependencies within the build system. |
| |
| For example, given the following example targets: |
| |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_test") |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "hello_lib", |
| srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_test( |
| name = "greeting_test", |
| srcs = ["tests/greeting.rs"], |
| deps = [":hello_lib"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Rust clippy can be set as a build target with the following: |
| |
| ```python |
| rust_clippy( |
| name = "hello_library_clippy", |
| testonly = True, |
| deps = [ |
| ":hello_lib", |
| ":greeting_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_clippy-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_clippy-deps"></a>deps | - | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_doc"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_doc |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_doc(<a href="#rust_doc-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_doc-dep">dep</a>, <a href="#rust_doc-html_after_content">html_after_content</a>, <a href="#rust_doc-html_before_content">html_before_content</a>, <a href="#rust_doc-html_in_header">html_in_header</a>, <a href="#rust_doc-markdown_css">markdown_css</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Generates code documentation. |
| |
| Example: |
| Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust library crate: |
| |
| ``` |
| [workspace]/ |
| hello_lib/ |
| src/ |
| lib.rs |
| ``` |
| |
| To build [`rustdoc`][rustdoc] documentation for the `hello_lib` crate, define a `rust_doc` rule that depends on the the `hello_lib` `rust_library` target: |
| |
| [rustdoc]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/documentation.html |
| |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_doc") |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "hello_lib", |
| srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_doc( |
| name = "hello_lib_doc", |
| dep = ":hello_lib", |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Running `bazel build //hello_lib:hello_lib_doc` will build a zip file containing the documentation for the `hello_lib` library crate generated by `rustdoc`. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_doc-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_doc-dep"></a>dep | The label of the target to generate code documentation for.<br><br><code>rust_doc</code> can generate HTML code documentation for the source files of <code>rust_library</code> or <code>rust_binary</code> targets. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_doc-html_after_content"></a>html_after_content | File to add in <code><body></code>, after content. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_doc-html_before_content"></a>html_before_content | File to add in <code><body></code>, before content. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_doc-html_in_header"></a>html_in_header | File to add to <code><head></code>. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_doc-markdown_css"></a>markdown_css | CSS files to include via <code><link></code> in a rendered Markdown file. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_doc_test"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_doc_test |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_doc_test(<a href="#rust_doc_test-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_doc_test-dep">dep</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Runs Rust documentation tests. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust library crate: |
| |
| ```output |
| [workspace]/ |
| hello_lib/ |
| src/ |
| lib.rs |
| ``` |
| |
| To run [documentation tests][doc-test] for the `hello_lib` crate, define a `rust_doc_test` target that depends on the `hello_lib` `rust_library` target: |
| |
| [doc-test]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/documentation.html#documentation-as-tests |
| |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_doc_test") |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "hello_lib", |
| srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_doc_test( |
| name = "hello_lib_doc_test", |
| dep = ":hello_lib", |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Running `bazel test //hello_lib:hello_lib_doc_test` will run all documentation tests for the `hello_lib` library crate. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_doc_test-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_doc_test-dep"></a>dep | The label of the target to run documentation tests for.<br><br><code>rust_doc_test</code> can run documentation tests for the source files of <code>rust_library</code> or <code>rust_binary</code> targets. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | required | | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_grpc_library"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_grpc_library |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_grpc_library(<a href="#rust_grpc_library-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_grpc_library-deps">deps</a>, <a href="#rust_grpc_library-rust_deps">rust_deps</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust library crate from a set of `proto_library`s suitable for gRPC. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| ```python |
| load("//proto:proto.bzl", "rust_grpc_library") |
| load("//proto:toolchain.bzl", "GRPC_COMPILE_DEPS") |
| |
| proto_library( |
| name = "my_proto", |
| srcs = ["my.proto"] |
| ) |
| |
| rust_grpc_library( |
| name = "rust", |
| deps = [":my_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_binary( |
| name = "my_service", |
| srcs = ["my_service.rs"], |
| deps = [":rust"] + GRPC_COMPILE_DEPS, |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_grpc_library-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_grpc_library-deps"></a>deps | List of proto_library dependencies that will be built. One crate for each proto_library will be created with the corresponding gRPC stubs. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_grpc_library-rust_deps"></a>rust_deps | The crates the generated library depends on. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [Label("//proto/raze:protobuf"), Label("//proto/raze:grpc"), Label("//proto/raze:tls_api"), Label("//proto/raze:tls_api_stub")] | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_library"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_library |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_library(<a href="#rust_library-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_library-aliases">aliases</a>, <a href="#rust_library-compile_data">compile_data</a>, <a href="#rust_library-crate_features">crate_features</a>, <a href="#rust_library-crate_name">crate_name</a>, <a href="#rust_library-crate_root">crate_root</a>, <a href="#rust_library-data">data</a>, <a href="#rust_library-deps">deps</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_library-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_library-out_dir_tar">out_dir_tar</a>, <a href="#rust_library-proc_macro_deps">proc_macro_deps</a>, <a href="#rust_library-rustc_env">rustc_env</a>, <a href="#rust_library-rustc_env_files">rustc_env_files</a>, <a href="#rust_library-rustc_flags">rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_library-srcs">srcs</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_library-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust library crate. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| Suppose you have the following directory structure for a simple Rust library crate: |
| |
| ```output |
| [workspace]/ |
| hello_lib/ |
| src/ |
| greeter.rs |
| lib.rs |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_lib/src/greeter.rs`: |
| ```rust |
| pub struct Greeter { |
| greeting: String, |
| } |
| |
| impl Greeter { |
| pub fn new(greeting: &str) -> Greeter { |
| Greeter { greeting: greeting.to_string(), } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn greet(&self, thing: &str) { |
| println!("{} {}", &self.greeting, thing); |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_lib/src/lib.rs`: |
| |
| ```rust |
| pub mod greeter; |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_lib/BUILD`: |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:rust.bzl", "rust_library") |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "hello_lib", |
| srcs = [ |
| "src/greeter.rs", |
| "src/lib.rs", |
| ], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Build the library: |
| ```output |
| $ bazel build //hello_lib |
| INFO: Found 1 target... |
| Target //examples/rust/hello_lib:hello_lib up-to-date: |
| bazel-bin/examples/rust/hello_lib/libhello_lib.rlib |
| INFO: Elapsed time: 1.245s, Critical Path: 1.01s |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_library-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_library-aliases"></a>aliases | Remap crates to a new name or moniker for linkage to this target<br><br>These are other <code>rust_library</code> targets and will be presented as the new name given. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: Label -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_library-compile_data"></a>compile_data | List of files used by this rule at compile time.<br><br>This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the [<code>include_str!</code>](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.include_str!.html) macro. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_library-crate_features"></a>crate_features | List of features to enable for this crate.<br><br>Features are defined in the code using the <code>#[cfg(feature = "foo")]</code> configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to <code>rustc</code> with <code>--cfg feature="${feature_name}"</code> flags. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_library-crate_name"></a>crate_name | Crate name to use for this target.<br><br>This must be a valid Rust identifier, i.e. it may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Defaults to the target name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_library-crate_root"></a>crate_root | The file that will be passed to <code>rustc</code> to be used for building this crate.<br><br>If <code>crate_root</code> is not set, then this rule will look for a <code>lib.rs</code> file (or <code>main.rs</code> for rust_binary) or the single file in <code>srcs</code> if <code>srcs</code> contains only one file. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_library-data"></a>data | List of files used by this rule at compile time and runtime.<br><br>If including data at compile time with include_str!() and similar, prefer <code>compile_data</code> over <code>data</code>, to prevent the data also being included in the runfiles. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_library-deps"></a>deps | List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.<br><br>These can be either other <code>rust_library</code> targets or <code>cc_library</code> targets if linking a native library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_library-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to use for this crate. Defaults to the edition specified in the rust_toolchain. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_library-out_dir_tar"></a>out_dir_tar | __Deprecated__, do not use, see [#cargo_build_script] instead. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_library-proc_macro_deps"></a>proc_macro_deps | List of <code>rust_library</code> targets with kind <code>proc-macro</code> used to help build this library target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_library-rustc_env"></a>rustc_env | Dictionary of additional <code>"key": "value"</code> environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>rust_test()/rust_binary() rules can use $(rootpath //package:target) to pass in the location of a generated file or external tool. Cargo build scripts that wish to expand locations should use cargo_build_script()'s build_script_env argument instead, as build scripts are run in a different environment - see cargo_build_script()'s documentation for more. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_library-rustc_env_files"></a>rustc_env_files | Files containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>These files should contain a single variable per line, of format <code>NAME=value</code>, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a line with a trailing back-slash (<code>\</code>).<br><br>The order that these files will be processed is unspecified, so multiple definitions of a particular variable are discouraged. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_library-rustc_flags"></a>rustc_flags | List of compiler flags passed to <code>rustc</code>. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_library-srcs"></a>srcs | List of Rust <code>.rs</code> source files used to build the library.<br><br>If <code>srcs</code> contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named <code>lib.rs</code>. Otherwise, <code>crate_root</code> must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_library-version"></a>version | A version to inject in the cargo environment variable. | String | optional | "0.0.0" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_proc_macro"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_proc_macro |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_proc_macro(<a href="#rust_proc_macro-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-aliases">aliases</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-compile_data">compile_data</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-crate_features">crate_features</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-crate_name">crate_name</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-crate_root">crate_root</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-data">data</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-deps">deps</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_proc_macro-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-out_dir_tar">out_dir_tar</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-proc_macro_deps">proc_macro_deps</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-rustc_env">rustc_env</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-rustc_env_files">rustc_env_files</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-rustc_flags">rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_proc_macro-srcs">srcs</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_proc_macro-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust proc-macro crate. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-aliases"></a>aliases | Remap crates to a new name or moniker for linkage to this target<br><br>These are other <code>rust_library</code> targets and will be presented as the new name given. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: Label -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-compile_data"></a>compile_data | List of files used by this rule at compile time.<br><br>This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the [<code>include_str!</code>](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.include_str!.html) macro. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-crate_features"></a>crate_features | List of features to enable for this crate.<br><br>Features are defined in the code using the <code>#[cfg(feature = "foo")]</code> configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to <code>rustc</code> with <code>--cfg feature="${feature_name}"</code> flags. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-crate_name"></a>crate_name | Crate name to use for this target.<br><br>This must be a valid Rust identifier, i.e. it may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Defaults to the target name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-crate_root"></a>crate_root | The file that will be passed to <code>rustc</code> to be used for building this crate.<br><br>If <code>crate_root</code> is not set, then this rule will look for a <code>lib.rs</code> file (or <code>main.rs</code> for rust_binary) or the single file in <code>srcs</code> if <code>srcs</code> contains only one file. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-data"></a>data | List of files used by this rule at compile time and runtime.<br><br>If including data at compile time with include_str!() and similar, prefer <code>compile_data</code> over <code>data</code>, to prevent the data also being included in the runfiles. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-deps"></a>deps | List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.<br><br>These can be either other <code>rust_library</code> targets or <code>cc_library</code> targets if linking a native library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to use for this crate. Defaults to the edition specified in the rust_toolchain. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-out_dir_tar"></a>out_dir_tar | __Deprecated__, do not use, see [#cargo_build_script] instead. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-proc_macro_deps"></a>proc_macro_deps | List of <code>rust_library</code> targets with kind <code>proc-macro</code> used to help build this library target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-rustc_env"></a>rustc_env | Dictionary of additional <code>"key": "value"</code> environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>rust_test()/rust_binary() rules can use $(rootpath //package:target) to pass in the location of a generated file or external tool. Cargo build scripts that wish to expand locations should use cargo_build_script()'s build_script_env argument instead, as build scripts are run in a different environment - see cargo_build_script()'s documentation for more. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-rustc_env_files"></a>rustc_env_files | Files containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>These files should contain a single variable per line, of format <code>NAME=value</code>, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a line with a trailing back-slash (<code>\</code>).<br><br>The order that these files will be processed is unspecified, so multiple definitions of a particular variable are discouraged. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-rustc_flags"></a>rustc_flags | List of compiler flags passed to <code>rustc</code>. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-srcs"></a>srcs | List of Rust <code>.rs</code> source files used to build the library.<br><br>If <code>srcs</code> contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named <code>lib.rs</code>. Otherwise, <code>crate_root</code> must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_proc_macro-version"></a>version | A version to inject in the cargo environment variable. | String | optional | "0.0.0" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_proto_library"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_proto_library |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_proto_library(<a href="#rust_proto_library-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_proto_library-deps">deps</a>, <a href="#rust_proto_library-rust_deps">rust_deps</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust library crate from a set of `proto_library`s. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| ```python |
| load("@rules_rust//proto:proto.bzl", "rust_proto_library") |
| load("@rules_rust//proto:toolchain.bzl", "PROTO_COMPILE_DEPS") |
| |
| proto_library( |
| name = "my_proto", |
| srcs = ["my.proto"] |
| ) |
| |
| proto_rust_library( |
| name = "rust", |
| deps = [":my_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_binary( |
| name = "my_proto_binary", |
| srcs = ["my_proto_binary.rs"], |
| deps = [":rust"] + PROTO_COMPILE_DEPS, |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_proto_library-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_proto_library-deps"></a>deps | List of proto_library dependencies that will be built. One crate for each proto_library will be created with the corresponding stubs. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_proto_library-rust_deps"></a>rust_deps | The crates the generated library depends on. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [Label("//proto/raze:protobuf")] | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_proto_toolchain"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_proto_toolchain |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_proto_toolchain(<a href="#rust_proto_toolchain-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_proto_toolchain-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_proto_toolchain-grpc_plugin">grpc_plugin</a>, <a href="#rust_proto_toolchain-proto_plugin">proto_plugin</a>, <a href="#rust_proto_toolchain-protoc">protoc</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Declares a Rust Proto toolchain for use. |
| |
| This is used to configure proto compilation and can be used to set different protobuf compiler plugin. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| Suppose a new nicer gRPC plugin has came out. The new plugin can be used in Bazel by defining a new toolchain definition and declaration: |
| |
| ```python |
| load('@rules_rust//proto:toolchain.bzl', 'rust_proto_toolchain') |
| |
| rust_proto_toolchain( |
| name="rust_proto_impl", |
| grpc_plugin="@rust_grpc//:grpc_plugin", |
| grpc_compile_deps=["@rust_grpc//:grpc_deps"], |
| ) |
| |
| toolchain( |
| name="rust_proto", |
| exec_compatible_with = [ |
| "@platforms//cpu:cpuX", |
| ], |
| target_compatible_with = [ |
| "@platforms//cpu:cpuX", |
| ], |
| toolchain = ":rust_proto_impl", |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Then, either add the label of the toolchain rule to register_toolchains in the WORKSPACE, or pass it to the `--extra_toolchains` flag for Bazel, and it will be used. |
| |
| See @rules_rust//proto:BUILD for examples of defining the toolchain. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_proto_toolchain-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_proto_toolchain-edition"></a>edition | The edition used by the generated rust source. | String | optional | "2015" | |
| | <a id="rust_proto_toolchain-grpc_plugin"></a>grpc_plugin | The location of the Rust protobuf compiler plugin to generate rust gRPC stubs. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | //proto:protoc_gen_rust_grpc | |
| | <a id="rust_proto_toolchain-proto_plugin"></a>proto_plugin | The location of the Rust protobuf compiler plugin used to generate rust sources. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | //proto:protoc_gen_rust | |
| | <a id="rust_proto_toolchain-protoc"></a>protoc | The location of the <code>protoc</code> binary. It should be an executable target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | @com_google_protobuf//:protoc | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_shared_library"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_shared_library |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_shared_library(<a href="#rust_shared_library-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-aliases">aliases</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-compile_data">compile_data</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-crate_features">crate_features</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-crate_name">crate_name</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-crate_root">crate_root</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-data">data</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-deps">deps</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_shared_library-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-out_dir_tar">out_dir_tar</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-proc_macro_deps">proc_macro_deps</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-rustc_env">rustc_env</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-rustc_env_files">rustc_env_files</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-rustc_flags">rustc_flags</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_shared_library-srcs">srcs</a>, <a href="#rust_shared_library-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust shared library. |
| |
| This shared library will contain all transitively reachable crates and native objects. |
| It is meant to be used when producing an artifact that is then consumed by some other build system |
| (for example to produce a shared library that Python program links against). |
| |
| This rule provides CcInfo, so it can be used everywhere Bazel expects `rules_cc`. |
| |
| When building the whole binary in Bazel, use `rust_library` instead. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-aliases"></a>aliases | Remap crates to a new name or moniker for linkage to this target<br><br>These are other <code>rust_library</code> targets and will be presented as the new name given. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: Label -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-compile_data"></a>compile_data | List of files used by this rule at compile time.<br><br>This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the [<code>include_str!</code>](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.include_str!.html) macro. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-crate_features"></a>crate_features | List of features to enable for this crate.<br><br>Features are defined in the code using the <code>#[cfg(feature = "foo")]</code> configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to <code>rustc</code> with <code>--cfg feature="${feature_name}"</code> flags. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-crate_name"></a>crate_name | Crate name to use for this target.<br><br>This must be a valid Rust identifier, i.e. it may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Defaults to the target name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-crate_root"></a>crate_root | The file that will be passed to <code>rustc</code> to be used for building this crate.<br><br>If <code>crate_root</code> is not set, then this rule will look for a <code>lib.rs</code> file (or <code>main.rs</code> for rust_binary) or the single file in <code>srcs</code> if <code>srcs</code> contains only one file. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-data"></a>data | List of files used by this rule at compile time and runtime.<br><br>If including data at compile time with include_str!() and similar, prefer <code>compile_data</code> over <code>data</code>, to prevent the data also being included in the runfiles. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-deps"></a>deps | List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.<br><br>These can be either other <code>rust_library</code> targets or <code>cc_library</code> targets if linking a native library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to use for this crate. Defaults to the edition specified in the rust_toolchain. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-out_dir_tar"></a>out_dir_tar | __Deprecated__, do not use, see [#cargo_build_script] instead. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-proc_macro_deps"></a>proc_macro_deps | List of <code>rust_library</code> targets with kind <code>proc-macro</code> used to help build this library target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-rustc_env"></a>rustc_env | Dictionary of additional <code>"key": "value"</code> environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>rust_test()/rust_binary() rules can use $(rootpath //package:target) to pass in the location of a generated file or external tool. Cargo build scripts that wish to expand locations should use cargo_build_script()'s build_script_env argument instead, as build scripts are run in a different environment - see cargo_build_script()'s documentation for more. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-rustc_env_files"></a>rustc_env_files | Files containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>These files should contain a single variable per line, of format <code>NAME=value</code>, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a line with a trailing back-slash (<code>\</code>).<br><br>The order that these files will be processed is unspecified, so multiple definitions of a particular variable are discouraged. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-rustc_flags"></a>rustc_flags | List of compiler flags passed to <code>rustc</code>. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-srcs"></a>srcs | List of Rust <code>.rs</code> source files used to build the library.<br><br>If <code>srcs</code> contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named <code>lib.rs</code>. Otherwise, <code>crate_root</code> must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_shared_library-version"></a>version | A version to inject in the cargo environment variable. | String | optional | "0.0.0" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_static_library"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_static_library |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_static_library(<a href="#rust_static_library-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-aliases">aliases</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-compile_data">compile_data</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-crate_features">crate_features</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-crate_name">crate_name</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-crate_root">crate_root</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-data">data</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-deps">deps</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_static_library-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-out_dir_tar">out_dir_tar</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-proc_macro_deps">proc_macro_deps</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-rustc_env">rustc_env</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-rustc_env_files">rustc_env_files</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-rustc_flags">rustc_flags</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_static_library-srcs">srcs</a>, <a href="#rust_static_library-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust static library. |
| |
| This static library will contain all transitively reachable crates and native objects. |
| It is meant to be used when producing an artifact that is then consumed by some other build system |
| (for example to produce an archive that Python program links against). |
| |
| This rule provides CcInfo, so it can be used everywhere Bazel expects `rules_cc`. |
| |
| When building the whole binary in Bazel, use `rust_library` instead. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-aliases"></a>aliases | Remap crates to a new name or moniker for linkage to this target<br><br>These are other <code>rust_library</code> targets and will be presented as the new name given. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: Label -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-compile_data"></a>compile_data | List of files used by this rule at compile time.<br><br>This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the [<code>include_str!</code>](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.include_str!.html) macro. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-crate_features"></a>crate_features | List of features to enable for this crate.<br><br>Features are defined in the code using the <code>#[cfg(feature = "foo")]</code> configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to <code>rustc</code> with <code>--cfg feature="${feature_name}"</code> flags. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-crate_name"></a>crate_name | Crate name to use for this target.<br><br>This must be a valid Rust identifier, i.e. it may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Defaults to the target name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-crate_root"></a>crate_root | The file that will be passed to <code>rustc</code> to be used for building this crate.<br><br>If <code>crate_root</code> is not set, then this rule will look for a <code>lib.rs</code> file (or <code>main.rs</code> for rust_binary) or the single file in <code>srcs</code> if <code>srcs</code> contains only one file. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-data"></a>data | List of files used by this rule at compile time and runtime.<br><br>If including data at compile time with include_str!() and similar, prefer <code>compile_data</code> over <code>data</code>, to prevent the data also being included in the runfiles. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-deps"></a>deps | List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.<br><br>These can be either other <code>rust_library</code> targets or <code>cc_library</code> targets if linking a native library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to use for this crate. Defaults to the edition specified in the rust_toolchain. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-out_dir_tar"></a>out_dir_tar | __Deprecated__, do not use, see [#cargo_build_script] instead. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-proc_macro_deps"></a>proc_macro_deps | List of <code>rust_library</code> targets with kind <code>proc-macro</code> used to help build this library target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-rustc_env"></a>rustc_env | Dictionary of additional <code>"key": "value"</code> environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>rust_test()/rust_binary() rules can use $(rootpath //package:target) to pass in the location of a generated file or external tool. Cargo build scripts that wish to expand locations should use cargo_build_script()'s build_script_env argument instead, as build scripts are run in a different environment - see cargo_build_script()'s documentation for more. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-rustc_env_files"></a>rustc_env_files | Files containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>These files should contain a single variable per line, of format <code>NAME=value</code>, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a line with a trailing back-slash (<code>\</code>).<br><br>The order that these files will be processed is unspecified, so multiple definitions of a particular variable are discouraged. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-rustc_flags"></a>rustc_flags | List of compiler flags passed to <code>rustc</code>. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-srcs"></a>srcs | List of Rust <code>.rs</code> source files used to build the library.<br><br>If <code>srcs</code> contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named <code>lib.rs</code>. Otherwise, <code>crate_root</code> must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_static_library-version"></a>version | A version to inject in the cargo environment variable. | String | optional | "0.0.0" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_test"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_test |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_test(<a href="#rust_test-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_test-aliases">aliases</a>, <a href="#rust_test-compile_data">compile_data</a>, <a href="#rust_test-crate">crate</a>, <a href="#rust_test-crate_features">crate_features</a>, <a href="#rust_test-crate_name">crate_name</a>, <a href="#rust_test-crate_root">crate_root</a>, <a href="#rust_test-data">data</a>, <a href="#rust_test-deps">deps</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_test-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_test-env">env</a>, <a href="#rust_test-out_dir_tar">out_dir_tar</a>, <a href="#rust_test-proc_macro_deps">proc_macro_deps</a>, <a href="#rust_test-rustc_env">rustc_env</a>, <a href="#rust_test-rustc_env_files">rustc_env_files</a>, <a href="#rust_test-rustc_flags">rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_test-srcs">srcs</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_test-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Builds a Rust test crate. |
| |
| Examples: |
| |
| Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust library crate with unit test code in the library sources: |
| |
| ```output |
| [workspace]/ |
| hello_lib/ |
| src/ |
| lib.rs |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_lib/src/lib.rs`: |
| ```rust |
| pub struct Greeter { |
| greeting: String, |
| } |
| |
| impl Greeter { |
| pub fn new(greeting: &str) -> Greeter { |
| Greeter { greeting: greeting.to_string(), } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn greet(&self, thing: &str) { |
| println!("{} {}", &self.greeting, thing); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(test)] |
| mod test { |
| use super::Greeter; |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_greeting() { |
| let hello = Greeter::new("Hi"); |
| assert_eq!("Hi Rust", hello.greet("Rust")); |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| To build and run the tests, simply add a `rust_test` rule with no `srcs` and only depends on the `hello_lib` `rust_library` target: |
| |
| `hello_lib/BUILD`: |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_test") |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "hello_lib", |
| srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_test( |
| name = "hello_lib_test", |
| deps = [":hello_lib"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Run the test with `bazel build //hello_lib:hello_lib_test`. |
| |
| To run a crate or lib with the `#[cfg(test)]` configuration, handling inline tests, you should specify the crate directly like so. |
| |
| ```python |
| rust_test( |
| name = "hello_lib_test", |
| crate = ":hello_lib", |
| # You may add other deps that are specific to the test configuration |
| deps = ["//some/dev/dep"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Example: `test` directory |
| |
| Integration tests that live in the [`tests` directory][int-tests], they are essentially built as separate crates. Suppose you have the following directory structure where `greeting.rs` is an integration test for the `hello_lib` library crate: |
| |
| [int-tests]: http://doc.rust-lang.org/book/testing.html#the-tests-directory |
| |
| ```output |
| [workspace]/ |
| hello_lib/ |
| src/ |
| lib.rs |
| tests/ |
| greeting.rs |
| ``` |
| |
| `hello_lib/tests/greeting.rs`: |
| ```rust |
| extern crate hello_lib; |
| |
| use hello_lib; |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_greeting() { |
| let hello = greeter::Greeter::new("Hello"); |
| assert_eq!("Hello world", hello.greeting("world")); |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| To build the `greeting.rs` integration test, simply add a `rust_test` target |
| with `greeting.rs` in `srcs` and a dependency on the `hello_lib` target: |
| |
| `hello_lib/BUILD`: |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_test") |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "hello_lib", |
| srcs = ["src/lib.rs"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_test( |
| name = "greeting_test", |
| srcs = ["tests/greeting.rs"], |
| deps = [":hello_lib"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Run the test with `bazel build //hello_lib:hello_lib_test`. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_test-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_test-aliases"></a>aliases | Remap crates to a new name or moniker for linkage to this target<br><br>These are other <code>rust_library</code> targets and will be presented as the new name given. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: Label -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_test-compile_data"></a>compile_data | List of files used by this rule at compile time.<br><br>This attribute can be used to specify any data files that are embedded into the library, such as via the [<code>include_str!</code>](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.include_str!.html) macro. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_test-crate"></a>crate | Target inline tests declared in the given crate<br><br>These tests are typically those that would be held out under <code>#[cfg(test)]</code> declarations. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_test-crate_features"></a>crate_features | List of features to enable for this crate.<br><br>Features are defined in the code using the <code>#[cfg(feature = "foo")]</code> configuration option. The features listed here will be passed to <code>rustc</code> with <code>--cfg feature="${feature_name}"</code> flags. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_test-crate_name"></a>crate_name | Crate name to use for this target.<br><br>This must be a valid Rust identifier, i.e. it may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Defaults to the target name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_test-crate_root"></a>crate_root | The file that will be passed to <code>rustc</code> to be used for building this crate.<br><br>If <code>crate_root</code> is not set, then this rule will look for a <code>lib.rs</code> file (or <code>main.rs</code> for rust_binary) or the single file in <code>srcs</code> if <code>srcs</code> contains only one file. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_test-data"></a>data | List of files used by this rule at compile time and runtime.<br><br>If including data at compile time with include_str!() and similar, prefer <code>compile_data</code> over <code>data</code>, to prevent the data also being included in the runfiles. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_test-deps"></a>deps | List of other libraries to be linked to this library target.<br><br>These can be either other <code>rust_library</code> targets or <code>cc_library</code> targets if linking a native library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_test-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to use for this crate. Defaults to the edition specified in the rust_toolchain. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_test-env"></a>env | Specifies additional environment variables to set when the test is executed by bazel test. Values are subject to <code>$(execpath)</code> and ["Make variable"](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/make-variables.html) substitution. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_test-out_dir_tar"></a>out_dir_tar | __Deprecated__, do not use, see [#cargo_build_script] instead. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_test-proc_macro_deps"></a>proc_macro_deps | List of <code>rust_library</code> targets with kind <code>proc-macro</code> used to help build this library target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_test-rustc_env"></a>rustc_env | Dictionary of additional <code>"key": "value"</code> environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>rust_test()/rust_binary() rules can use $(rootpath //package:target) to pass in the location of a generated file or external tool. Cargo build scripts that wish to expand locations should use cargo_build_script()'s build_script_env argument instead, as build scripts are run in a different environment - see cargo_build_script()'s documentation for more. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_test-rustc_env_files"></a>rustc_env_files | Files containing additional environment variables to set for rustc.<br><br>These files should contain a single variable per line, of format <code>NAME=value</code>, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a line with a trailing back-slash (<code>\</code>).<br><br>The order that these files will be processed is unspecified, so multiple definitions of a particular variable are discouraged. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_test-rustc_flags"></a>rustc_flags | List of compiler flags passed to <code>rustc</code>. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_test-srcs"></a>srcs | List of Rust <code>.rs</code> source files used to build the library.<br><br>If <code>srcs</code> contains more than one file, then there must be a file either named <code>lib.rs</code>. Otherwise, <code>crate_root</code> must be set to the source file that is the root of the crate to be passed to rustc to build this crate. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">List of labels</a> | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_test-version"></a>version | A version to inject in the cargo environment variable. | String | optional | "0.0.0" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_toolchain"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_toolchain |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_toolchain(<a href="#rust_toolchain-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-allocator_library">allocator_library</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-binary_ext">binary_ext</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-cargo">cargo</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-clippy_driver">clippy_driver</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-debug_info">debug_info</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain-default_edition">default_edition</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-dylib_ext">dylib_ext</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-exec_triple">exec_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-opt_level">opt_level</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-os">os</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rust_doc">rust_doc</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rust_lib">rust_lib</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rustc">rustc</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain-rustc_lib">rustc_lib</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rustc_src">rustc_src</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rustfmt">rustfmt</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-staticlib_ext">staticlib_ext</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-stdlib_linkflags">stdlib_linkflags</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-target_triple">target_triple</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Declares a Rust toolchain for use. |
| |
| This is for declaring a custom toolchain, eg. for configuring a particular version of rust or supporting a new platform. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| Suppose the core rust team has ported the compiler to a new target CPU, called `cpuX`. This support can be used in Bazel by defining a new toolchain definition and declaration: |
| |
| ```python |
| load('@rules_rust//rust:toolchain.bzl', 'rust_toolchain') |
| |
| rust_toolchain( |
| name = "rust_cpuX_impl", |
| rustc = "@rust_cpuX//:rustc", |
| rustc_lib = "@rust_cpuX//:rustc_lib", |
| rust_lib = "@rust_cpuX//:rust_lib", |
| rust_doc = "@rust_cpuX//:rustdoc", |
| binary_ext = "", |
| staticlib_ext = ".a", |
| dylib_ext = ".so", |
| stdlib_linkflags = ["-lpthread", "-ldl"], |
| os = "linux", |
| ) |
| |
| toolchain( |
| name = "rust_cpuX", |
| exec_compatible_with = [ |
| "@platforms//cpu:cpuX", |
| ], |
| target_compatible_with = [ |
| "@platforms//cpu:cpuX", |
| ], |
| toolchain = ":rust_cpuX_impl", |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Then, either add the label of the toolchain rule to `register_toolchains` in the WORKSPACE, or pass it to the `"--extra_toolchains"` flag for Bazel, and it will be used. |
| |
| See @rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl for examples of defining the @rust_cpuX repository with the actual binaries and libraries. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-allocator_library"></a>allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-binary_ext"></a>binary_ext | The extension for binaries created from rustc. | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-cargo"></a>cargo | The location of the <code>cargo</code> binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-clippy_driver"></a>clippy_driver | The location of the <code>clippy-driver</code> binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-debug_info"></a>debug_info | Rustc debug info levels per opt level | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {"dbg": "2", "fastbuild": "0", "opt": "0"} | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-default_edition"></a>default_edition | The edition to use for rust_* rules that don't specify an edition. | String | optional | "2015" | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-dylib_ext"></a>dylib_ext | The extension for dynamic libraries created from rustc. | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-exec_triple"></a>exec_triple | The platform triple for the toolchains execution environment. For more details see: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/rules.html#configurations | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-opt_level"></a>opt_level | Rustc optimization levels. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {"dbg": "0", "fastbuild": "0", "opt": "3"} | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-os"></a>os | The operating system for the current toolchain | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rust_doc"></a>rust_doc | The location of the <code>rustdoc</code> binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rust_lib"></a>rust_lib | The rust standard library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rustc"></a>rustc | The location of the <code>rustc</code> binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rustc_lib"></a>rustc_lib | The libraries used by rustc during compilation. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rustc_src"></a>rustc_src | The source code of rustc. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rustfmt"></a>rustfmt | The location of the <code>rustfmt</code> binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-staticlib_ext"></a>staticlib_ext | The extension for static libraries created from rustc. | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-stdlib_linkflags"></a>stdlib_linkflags | Additional linker libs used when std lib is linked, see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/libstd/build.rs | List of strings | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-target_triple"></a>target_triple | The platform triple for the toolchains target environment. For more details see: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/rules.html#configurations | String | optional | "" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_toolchain_repository"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_toolchain_repository |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_toolchain_repository(<a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-dev_components">dev_components</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-exec_triple">exec_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-extra_target_triples">extra_target_triples</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-iso_date">iso_date</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-repo_mapping">repo_mapping</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-rustfmt_version">rustfmt_version</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-sha256s">sha256s</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-toolchain_name_prefix">toolchain_name_prefix</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-urls">urls</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Composes a single workspace containing the toolchain components for compiling on a given platform to a series of target platforms. |
| |
| A given instance of this rule should be accompanied by a rust_toolchain_repository_proxy invocation to declare its toolchains to Bazel; the indirection allows separating toolchain selection from toolchain fetching. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-name"></a>name | A unique name for this repository. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-dev_components"></a>dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be "nightly". | Boolean | optional | False | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to be used by default. | String | optional | "2015" | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-exec_triple"></a>exec_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-extra_target_triples"></a>extra_target_triples | Additional rust-style targets that this set of toolchains should support. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-iso_date"></a>iso_date | The date of the tool (or None, if the version is a specific version). | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-repo_mapping"></a>repo_mapping | A dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<p>For example, an entry <code>"@foo": "@bar"</code> declares that, for any time this repository depends on <code>@foo</code> (such as a dependency on <code>@foo//some:target</code>, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared <code>@bar</code> (<code>@bar//some:target</code>). | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-rustfmt_version"></a>rustfmt_version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-sha256s"></a>sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_repositories](#rust_repositories) for more details. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | {} | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-toolchain_name_prefix"></a>toolchain_name_prefix | The per-target prefix expected for the rust_toolchain declarations in the parent workspace. | String | optional | "" | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-urls"></a>urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). | List of strings | optional | ["https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.gz"] | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-version"></a>version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. | String | required | | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_toolchain_repository_proxy |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_toolchain_repository_proxy(<a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-exec_triple">exec_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-extra_target_triples">extra_target_triples</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-parent_workspace_name">parent_workspace_name</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-repo_mapping">repo_mapping</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-toolchain_name_prefix">toolchain_name_prefix</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Generates a toolchain-bearing repository that declares the toolchains from some other rust_toolchain_repository. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-name"></a>name | A unique name for this repository. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-exec_triple"></a>exec_triple | The Rust-style target triple for the compilation platform | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-extra_target_triples"></a>extra_target_triples | The Rust-style triples for extra compilation targets | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-parent_workspace_name"></a>parent_workspace_name | The name of the other rust_toolchain_repository | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-repo_mapping"></a>repo_mapping | A dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<p>For example, an entry <code>"@foo": "@bar"</code> declares that, for any time this repository depends on <code>@foo</code> (such as a dependency on <code>@foo//some:target</code>, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared <code>@bar</code> (<code>@bar//some:target</code>). | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/dict.html">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-toolchain_name_prefix"></a>toolchain_name_prefix | The per-target prefix expected for the rust_toolchain declarations in the parent workspace. | String | optional | "" | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_wasm_bindgen"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_wasm_bindgen |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_wasm_bindgen(<a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen-bindgen_flags">bindgen_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen-wasm_file">wasm_file</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Generates javascript and typescript bindings for a webassembly module using [wasm-bindgen][ws]. |
| |
| [ws]: https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/wasm-bindgen/ |
| |
| To use the Rust WebAssembly bindgen rules, add the following to your `WORKSPACE` file to add the |
| external repositories for the Rust bindgen toolchain (in addition to the Rust rules setup): |
| |
| ```python |
| load("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:repositories.bzl", "rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories") |
| |
| rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories() |
| ``` |
| |
| For more details on `rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories`, see [here](#rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories). |
| |
| An example of this rule in use can be seen at [@rules_rust//examples/wasm](../examples/wasm) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen-bindgen_flags"></a>bindgen_flags | Flags to pass directly to the bindgen executable. See https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/ for details. | List of strings | optional | [] | |
| | <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen-wasm_file"></a>wasm_file | The .wasm file to generate bindings for. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain(<a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain-bindgen">bindgen</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| The tools required for the `rust_wasm_bindgen` rule. |
| |
| In cases where users want to control or change the version of `wasm-bindgen` used by [rust_wasm_bindgen](#rust_wasm_bindgen), |
| a unique toolchain can be created as in the example below: |
| |
| ```python |
| load("@rules_rust//bindgen:bindgen.bzl", "rust_bindgen_toolchain") |
| |
| rust_bindgen_toolchain( |
| bindgen = "//my/cargo_raze:cargo_bin_wasm_bindgen", |
| ) |
| |
| toolchain( |
| name = "wasm_bindgen_toolchain", |
| toolchain = "wasm_bindgen_toolchain_impl", |
| toolchain_type = "@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:wasm_bindgen_toolchain", |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Now that you have your own toolchain, you need to register it by |
| inserting the following statement in your `WORKSPACE` file: |
| |
| ```python |
| register_toolchains("//my/toolchains:wasm_bindgen_toolchain") |
| ``` |
| |
| For additional information, see the [Bazel toolchains documentation][toolchains]. |
| |
| [toolchains]: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/toolchains.html |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#name">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain-bindgen"></a>bindgen | The label of a <code>wasm-bindgen-cli</code> executable. | <a href="https://bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels">Label</a> | optional | None | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#cargo_build_script"></a> |
| |
| ## cargo_build_script |
| |
| <pre> |
| cargo_build_script(<a href="#cargo_build_script-name">name</a>, <a href="#cargo_build_script-crate_features">crate_features</a>, <a href="#cargo_build_script-version">version</a>, <a href="#cargo_build_script-deps">deps</a>, <a href="#cargo_build_script-build_script_env">build_script_env</a>, <a href="#cargo_build_script-data">data</a>, <a href="#cargo_build_script-links">links</a>, <a href="#cargo_build_script-rustc_env">rustc_env</a>, |
| <a href="#cargo_build_script-kwargs">kwargs</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Compile and execute a rust build script to generate build attributes |
| |
| This rules take the same arguments as rust_binary. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| Suppose you have a crate with a cargo build script `build.rs`: |
| |
| ```output |
| [workspace]/ |
| hello_lib/ |
| build.rs |
| src/ |
| lib.rs |
| ``` |
| |
| Then you want to use the build script in the following: |
| |
| `hello_lib/BUILD`: |
| ```python |
| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
| |
| load("@rules_rust//rust:rust.bzl", "rust_binary", "rust_library") |
| load("@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl", "cargo_build_script") |
| |
| # This will run the build script from the root of the workspace, and |
| # collect the outputs. |
| cargo_build_script( |
| name = "build_script", |
| srcs = ["build.rs"], |
| # Optional environment variables passed during build.rs compilation |
| rustc_env = { |
| "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.2", |
| }, |
| # Optional environment variables passed during build.rs execution. |
| # Note that as the build script's working directory is not execroot, |
| # execpath/location will return an absolute path, instead of a relative |
| # one. |
| build_script_env = { |
| "SOME_TOOL_OR_FILE": "$(execpath @tool//:binary)" |
| } |
| # Optional data/tool dependencies |
| data = ["@tool//:binary"], |
| ) |
| |
| rust_library( |
| name = "hello_lib", |
| srcs = [ |
| "src/lib.rs", |
| ], |
| deps = [":build_script"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| The `hello_lib` target will be build with the flags and the environment variables declared by the build script in addition to the file generated by it. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-name"></a>name | The name for the underlying rule. This should be the name of the package being compiled, optionally with a suffix of _build_script. | none | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-crate_features"></a>crate_features | A list of features to enable for the build script. | <code>[]</code> | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-version"></a>version | The semantic version (semver) of the crate. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-deps"></a>deps | The dependencies of the crate. | <code>[]</code> | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-build_script_env"></a>build_script_env | Environment variables for build scripts. | <code>{}</code> | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-data"></a>data | Files or tools needed by the build script. | <code>[]</code> | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-links"></a>links | Name of the native library this crate links against. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-rustc_env"></a>rustc_env | Environment variables to set in rustc when compiling the build script. | <code>{}</code> | |
| | <a id="cargo_build_script-kwargs"></a>kwargs | Forwards to the underlying <code>rust_binary</code> rule. | none | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_bindgen_library"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_bindgen_library |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_bindgen_library(<a href="#rust_bindgen_library-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_library-header">header</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_library-cc_lib">cc_lib</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_library-bindgen_flags">bindgen_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_library-clang_flags">clang_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_bindgen_library-kwargs">kwargs</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Generates a rust source file for `header`, and builds a rust_library. |
| |
| Arguments are the same as `rust_bindgen`, and `kwargs` are passed directly to rust_library. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_library-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_library-header"></a>header | The label of the .h file to generate bindings for. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_library-cc_lib"></a>cc_lib | The label of the cc_library that contains the .h file. This is used to find the transitive includes. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_library-bindgen_flags"></a>bindgen_flags | Flags to pass directly to the bindgen executable. See https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-bindgen/ for details. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_library-clang_flags"></a>clang_flags | Flags to pass directly to the clang executable. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_bindgen_library-kwargs"></a>kwargs | Arguments to forward to the underlying <code>rust_library</code> rule. | none | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_bindgen_repositories"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_bindgen_repositories |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_bindgen_repositories() |
| </pre> |
| |
| Declare dependencies needed for bindgen. |
| |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_proto_repositories"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_proto_repositories |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_proto_repositories() |
| </pre> |
| |
| Declare dependencies needed for proto compilation. |
| |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_repositories"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_repositories |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_repositories(<a href="#rust_repositories-version">version</a>, <a href="#rust_repositories-iso_date">iso_date</a>, <a href="#rust_repositories-rustfmt_version">rustfmt_version</a>, <a href="#rust_repositories-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_repositories-dev_components">dev_components</a>, <a href="#rust_repositories-sha256s">sha256s</a>, <a href="#rust_repositories-urls">urls</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Emits a default set of toolchains for Linux, MacOS, and Freebsd |
| |
| Skip this macro and call the `rust_repository_set` macros directly if you need a compiler for other hosts or for additional target triples. |
| |
| The `sha256` attribute represents a dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. As an example: |
| ```python |
| { |
| "rust-1.46.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "e3b98bc3440fe92817881933f9564389eccb396f5f431f33d48b979fa2fbdcf5", |
| "rustfmt-1.4.12-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "1894e76913303d66bf40885a601462844eec15fca9e76a6d13c390d7000d64b0", |
| "rust-std-1.46.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "ac04aef80423f612c0079829b504902de27a6997214eb58ab0765d02f7ec1dbc", |
| } |
| ``` |
| This would match for `exec_triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"`. If not specified, rules_rust pulls from a non-exhaustive list of known checksums.. |
| |
| See `load_arbitrary_tool` in `@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl` for more details. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_repositories-version"></a>version | The version of Rust. Either "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. Defaults to a modern version. | <code>"1.51.0"</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repositories-iso_date"></a>iso_date | The date of the nightly or beta release (or None, if the version is a specific version). | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repositories-rustfmt_version"></a>rustfmt_version | The version of rustfmt. Either "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. Defaults to <code>version</code> if not specified. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repositories-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015 (default) or 2018) | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repositories-dev_components"></a>dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be "nightly". | <code>False</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repositories-sha256s"></a>sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. Defaults to None. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repositories-urls"></a>urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.gz'] | <code>["https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.gz"]</code> | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_repository_set"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_repository_set |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_repository_set(<a href="#rust_repository_set-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-version">version</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-exec_triple">exec_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-extra_target_triples">extra_target_triples</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-iso_date">iso_date</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-rustfmt_version">rustfmt_version</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_repository_set-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-dev_components">dev_components</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-sha256s">sha256s</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-urls">urls</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Assembles a remote repository for the given toolchain params, produces a proxy repository to contain the toolchain declaration, and registers the toolchains. |
| |
| N.B. A "proxy repository" is needed to allow for registering the toolchain (with constraints) without actually downloading the toolchain. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-name"></a>name | The name of the generated repository | none | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-version"></a>version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-exec_triple"></a>exec_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on | none | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-extra_target_triples"></a>extra_target_triples | Additional rust-style targets that this set of toolchains should support. Defaults to []. | <code>[]</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-iso_date"></a>iso_date | The date of the tool. Defaults to None. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-rustfmt_version"></a>rustfmt_version | The version of rustfmt to be associated with the toolchain. Defaults to None. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015 (if None) or 2018). | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-dev_components"></a>dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components. Requires version to be "nightly". Defaults to False. | <code>False</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-sha256s"></a>sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_repositories](#rust_repositories) for more details. | <code>None</code> | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-urls"></a>urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.gz'] | <code>["https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.gz"]</code> | |
| |
| |
| <a id="#rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories(<a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories-register_default_toolchain">register_default_toolchain</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Declare dependencies needed for [rust_wasm_bindgen](#rust_wasm_bindgen). |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories-register_default_toolchain"></a>register_default_toolchain | If True, the default [rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain](#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain) (<code>@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:default_wasm_bindgen_toolchain</code>) is registered. This toolchain requires a set of dependencies that were generated using [cargo raze](https://github.com/google/cargo-raze). These will also be loaded. | <code>True</code> | |
| |
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