blob: 289738ba0dcf02cc40b74cbd5460a64549c7126b [file] [log] [blame]
"""The input file for the python rule test"""
def exercise_the_api():
var1 = PyRuntimeInfo # @unused
var2 = PyInfo # @unused
def my_rule_impl(ctx):
_ignore = [ctx] # @unused
return []
# buildifier: disable=unsorted-dict-items
py_related_rule = rule(
implementation = my_rule_impl,
doc = "This rule does python-related things.",
attrs = {
"first": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
doc = "this is the first doc string!",
allow_single_file = True,
"second": attr.string_dict(mandatory = True),
"third": attr.output(mandatory = True),
"fourth": attr.bool(default = False, doc = "the fourth doc string.", mandatory = False),
"fifth": attr.bool(default = True, doc = "Hey look, its the fifth thing!"),
"sixth": attr.int_list(
default = range(10),
doc = "it's the sixth thing.",
mandatory = False,
"_hidden": attr.string(),