blob: 09152158f75615ee9a76b3f43ebbf5b73aca01f8 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Input file to test angle bracket bug (
<b>HTML formatting</b> can be used in docstrings, just as in regular Markdown.
Literal angle brackets can be obtained by escaping them with a backslash, where
the backslash itself must be escaped for use in a Starlark docstring
(`\\\\<` becomes \\<), or by using HTML entities (`&lt;` becomes &lt;).
Angle brackets are also preserved in inline code blocks (`#include <vector>`).
def bracket_function(param = "<default>", md_string = "foo `1<<10` bar"):
"""Dummy docstring with \\<brackets>.
This rule runs checks on `<angle brackets>`.
Sometimes, we have such things on their own, but they may
also appear in code blocks, like
foo = "<thing>"
param: an arg with **formatted** docstring, `<default>` by default.
md_string: A markdown string.
some \\<angled> brackets
deprecated for \\<reasons> as well as `<reasons>`.
return param or md_string
# buildifier: disable=unsorted-dict-items
bracketuse = provider(
doc = "Information with \\<brackets>",
fields = {
"foo": "A string representing \\<foo>",
"bar": "A string representing bar",
"baz": "A string representing baz",
def _rule_impl(ctx):
_ignore = [ctx] # @unused
return []
my_anglebrac = rule(
implementation = _rule_impl,
doc = "Rule with \\<brackets>",
attrs = {
"useless": attr.string(
doc = "Args with some tags: \\<tag1>, \\<tag2>",
default = "Find \\<brackets>",
"also_useless": attr.string(
doc = """Args with some formatted tags: `<tag>` and
default = "1<<5",
def _bracket_aspect_impl(ctx):
_ignore = [ctx] # @unused
return []
bracket_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _bracket_aspect_impl,
doc = """Aspect.
Sometimes, we want a code block like
foo = "<brackets>"
which includes angle brackets.
attr_aspects = ["deps"],
attrs = {
"brackets": attr.string(
doc = "Attribute with \\<brackets>",
default = "<default>",