blob: 1c46f23f0ab7982ef262910a90dcbd1805258fe4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Protos for Stardoc data.
// Stardoc collects information about Starlark functions, providers, and rules.
syntax = "proto3";
package stardoc_output;
// option java_api_version = 2;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "StardocOutputProtos";
// The root output proto of Stardoc. A single invocation of Stardoc will output
// exactly one instance of this proto, representing all documentation for
// the input Starlark file.
message ModuleInfo {
repeated RuleInfo rule_info = 1;
repeated ProviderInfo provider_info = 2;
repeated StarlarkFunctionInfo func_info = 3;
repeated AspectInfo aspect_info = 4;
// The docstring present at the top of the input Starlark file.
string module_docstring = 5;
// Representation of a Starlark rule attribute type. These generally
// have a one-to-one correspondence with functions defined at
enum AttributeType {
// A special case of STRING; all rules have exactly one implicit
// attribute "name" of type NAME.
NAME = 1;
INT = 2;
LABEL = 3;
OUTPUT = 12;
// Representation of a Starlark rule definition.
message RuleInfo {
// The name of the rule.
string rule_name = 1;
// The documentation string of the rule.
string doc_string = 2;
// The attributes of the rule.
repeated AttributeInfo attribute = 3;
// Representation of a Starlark rule attribute definition, comprised of an
// attribute name, and a schema defined by a call to one of the 'attr' module
// methods enumerated at
message AttributeInfo {
// The name of the attribute.
string name = 1;
// The documentation string of the attribute, supplied via the 'doc'
// parameter to the schema-creation call.
string doc_string = 2;
// The type of the attribute, defined generally by which function is invoked
// in the attr module.
AttributeType type = 3;
// If true, all targets of the rule must specify a value for this attribute.
bool mandatory = 4;
// The target(s) in this attribute must define all the providers of at least
// one of the ProviderNameGroups in this list. If the Attribute Type is not a
// label, a label list, or a label-keyed string dictionary, the field will be
// left empty.
repeated ProviderNameGroup provider_name_group = 5;
// The string representation of the default value of this attribute.
string default_value = 6;
// Representation of a set of providers that a rule attribute may be required to
// have.
message ProviderNameGroup {
// The names of the providers that must be given by any dependency appearing
// in this attribute. The name will be "Unknown Provider" if the name is
// unidentifiable, for example, if the provider is part of a namespace.
// TODO(kendalllane): Fix documentation of providers from namespaces.
repeated string provider_name = 1;
// Representation of Starlark function definition.
message StarlarkFunctionInfo {
// The name of the function.
string function_name = 1;
// The parameters for the function.
repeated FunctionParamInfo parameter = 2;
// The documented description of the function (if specified in the function's
// docstring).
string doc_string = 3;
// Representation of a Starlark function parameter definition.
message FunctionParamInfo {
// The name of the parameter.
string name = 1;
// The documented description of the parameter (if specified in the function's
// docstring).
string doc_string = 2;
// If not an empty string, the default value of the parameter displayed
// as a string.
string default_value = 3;
// If true, the default value is unset and a value is needed for this
// parameter. This might be false even if defaultValue is empty in the case of
// special parameter such as *args and **kwargs"
bool mandatory = 4;
// Representation of a Starlark provider field definition, comprised of
// the field name and provider description.
message ProviderFieldInfo {
// The name of the field.
string name = 1;
// The description of the provider.
string doc_string = 2;
// Representation of a Starlark provider definition.
message ProviderInfo {
// The name of the provider.
string provider_name = 1;
// The description of the provider.
string doc_string = 2;
// The fields of the provider.
repeated ProviderFieldInfo field_info = 3;
// Representation of a Starlark aspect definition.
message AspectInfo {
// The name of the aspect.
string aspect_name = 1;
// The documentation string of the aspect.
string doc_string = 2;
// The rule attributes along which the aspect propagates.
repeated string aspect_attribute = 3;
// The attributes of the aspect.
repeated AttributeInfo attribute = 4;