blob: f3c7ce6388d5cc12d41277b14b26217c26b241cf [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2024 STMicroelectronics
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
This file implements the Symbol Link Identifer (SLID)
generation code, for use by the LLEXT subsystem.
SLID-based linking is enabled by the Kconfig
When executed as a script, this file can be used as
an interactive prompt to calculate the SLID of arbitrary
symbols, which can be useful for debugging purposes.
Currently, SLIDs are generated by taking the first
[pointer size] bytes of the symbol name's SHA-256
hash, taken in big-endian order.
This ordering provides one advantage: the 32-bit
SLID for an export is present in the top 32 bits of
the 64-bit SLID for the same export.
from hashlib import sha256
def generate_slid(symbol_name: str, slid_size: int) -> int:
Generates the Symbol Link Identifier (SLID) for a symbol.
symbol_name: Name of the symbol for which to generate a SLID
slid_side: Size of the SLID in bytes (4/8)
if slid_size not in (4, 8):
raise AssertionError(f"Invalid SLID size {slid_size}")
m = sha256()
hash = m.digest()
return int.from_bytes(hash[0:slid_size], byteorder='big', signed=False)
def format_slid(slid: int, slid_size: int) -> str:
if slid_size == 4:
fmt = f"0x{slid:08X}"
elif slid_size == 8:
fmt = f"0x{slid:016X}"
return fmt
def repl():
while True:
sym_name = input("Symbol name? ")
slid32 = generate_slid(sym_name, 4)
slid64 = generate_slid(sym_name, 8)
print(f" 32-bit SLID for '{sym_name}': {format_slid(slid32, 4)}")
print(f" 64-bit SLID for '{sym_name}': {format_slid(slid64, 8)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("LLEXT SLID calculation REPL")
print("Press ^C to exit.")
except KeyboardInterrupt: