blob: 6c6e3ce6099aae98feafb7c95ce93b4138cc34a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief This file has the WinBond SPI flash private definitions
/* Status Registers
* S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0
* +-------------------------------------------------------+
* | SRP0 | SEC | TB | BP2 | BP1 | BP0 | WEL | BUSY |
* +-------------------------------------------------------+
* BUSY - Erase/Write In Progress - 1 device is executing a command, 0 ready for command
* WEL - Write Enable Latch - 1 write enable is received, 0 completeion of
* a Write Disable, Page Program, Erase, Write Status Register
* S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8
* +-------------------------------------------------------+
* | SUS | CMP | LB3 | LB2 | LB1 | xxx | QE | SRP1 |
* +-------------------------------------------------------+
* S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16
* +----------------------------------------------------------+
* | HOLD/RST | DRV1 | DRV0 | xxx | xxx | WPS | xxx | xxx |
* +----------------------------------------------------------+
#define W25QXXDV_RDID_VALUE (0x00ef4015)
#define W25QXXDV_MAX_LEN_REG_CMD (6)
#define W25QXXDV_OPCODE_LEN (1)
#define W25QXXDV_LEN_CMD_AND_ID (4)
/* relevant status register bits */
#define W25QXXDV_WIP_BIT (0x1 << 0)
#define W25QXXDV_WEL_BIT (0x1 << 1)
#define W25QXXDV_SRWD_BIT (0x1 << 7)
#define W25QXXDV_TB_BIT (0x1 << 3)
#define W25QXXDV_SR_BP_OFFSET (2)
/* relevant security register bits */
#define W25QXXDV_SECR_WPSEL_BIT (0x1 << 7)
#define W25QXXDV_SECR_EFAIL_BIT (0x1 << 6)
#define W25QXXDV_SECR_PFAIL_BIT (0x1 << 5)
/* supported erase size */
#define W25QXXDV_SECTOR_SIZE (0x1000)
#define W25QXXDV_BLOCK32K_SIZE (0x8000)
#define W25QXXDV_BLOCK_SIZE (0x10000)
/* ID comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RDID 0x9F
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RES 0xAB
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_REMS 0x90
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_UNID 0x4B
/*Register comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_WRSR 0x01
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RDSR 0x05
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RDSR2 0x35
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_WRSCUR 0x2F
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RDSCUR 0x48
/* READ comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_READ 0x03
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_2READ 0xBB
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_4READ 0xEB
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_DREAD 0x3B
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_QREAD 0x6B
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RDSFDP 0x5A
/* Program comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_WREN 0x06
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_WRDI 0x04
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_PP 0x02
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_4PP 0x32
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_WRENVSR 0x50
/* Erase comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_SE 0x20
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_BE32K 0x52
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_BE 0xD8
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_CE 0x60
/* Mode setting comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_DP 0xB9
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RDP 0xAB
/* Reset comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RSTEN 0x66
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RST 0x99
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_RSTQIO 0xF5
/* Security comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_ERSR 0x44
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_PRSR 0x42
/* Suspend/Resume comands */
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_PGM_ERS_S 0x75
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_PGM_ERS_R 0x7A
#define W25QXXDV_CMD_NOP 0x00
#endif /*__SPI_FLASH_W25QXXDV_DEFS_H__*/