blob: a9f02fc09f5675df09275ff8295768cbb25863f6 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _cpptest:
Parasoft C/C++test support
Parasoft `C/C++test <>`__ is a software testing
and static analysis tool for C and C++. It is a commercial software and you must acquire a
commercial license to use it.
Documentation of C/C++test can be found at Please refer to the
documentation for how to use it.
Generating Build Data Files
To use C/C++test, ``cpptestscan`` must be found in your :envvar:`PATH` environment variable. And
:ref:`west build <west-building>` should be called with a ``-DZEPHYR_SCA_VARIANT=cpptest``
parameter, e.g.
.. code-block:: shell
west build -b qemu_cortex_m3 zephyr/samples/hello_world -- -DZEPHYR_SCA_VARIANT=cpptest
A ``.bdf`` file will be generated as :file:`build/sca/cpptest/cpptestscan.bdf`.
Generating a report file
Please refer to Parasoft C/C++test documentation for more details.
To import and generate a report file, something like the following should work.
.. code-block:: shell
cpptestcli -data out -localsettings local.conf -bdf build/sca/cpptest/cpptestscan.bdf -config "builtin://Recommended Rules" -report out/report
You might need to set ``bdf.import.c.compiler.exec``, ``bdf.import.cpp.compiler.exec``, and
``bdf.import.linker.exec`` to the toolchain :ref:`west build <west-building>` used.