blob: 4cde7d96ff32101a452b4565226c6836922efc07 [file] [log] [blame]
# The coverage linker flag is specific for gcc.
# Using a config check is ok for now, but in future it would be desired if
# linker flags themselves are not depending on actual configurations.
# All flags should be described, and the caller should know the flag name to use.
set_property(TARGET linker PROPERTY coverage -lgcov)
check_set_linker_property(TARGET linker APPEND PROPERTY gprof -pg)
# GCC 11 by default emits DWARF version 5 which cannot be parsed by
# pyelftools. Can be removed once pyelftools supports v5.
# Extra warnings options for twister run
set_property(TARGET linker PROPERTY warnings_as_errors -Wl,--fatal-warnings)