blob: d5022b2e410453cad495bdb222269ee7b46059b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief Sample app to utilize GPIO on Intel S1000 CRB.
* Intel S1000 CRB
* ---------------
* The gpio_dw driver is being used.
* This sample app toggles GPIO_23. It also waits for
* GPIO_24 to go high and display a message.
* If GPIOs 23 and 24 are connected together, the GPIO should
* triggers every 1 second. And you should see this repeatedly
* on console:
* "
* Reading GPIO_24 = 0
* GPIO_24 triggered
* Reading GPIO_24 = 1
* "
#include <zephyr.h>
#include <sys/printk.h>
#include <device.h>
#include <drivers/gpio.h>
#define GPIO_OUT_PIN 23
#define GPIO_INT_PIN 24
#define GPIO_NAME "GPIO_"
#define GPIO_DRV_NAME DT_LABEL(DT_INST(0, snps_designware_gpio))
/* size of stack area used by each thread */
#define STACKSIZE 1024
/* scheduling priority used by each thread */
#define PRIORITY 7
/* delay between greetings (in ms) */
#define SLEEPTIME K_MSEC(500)
extern struct k_sem thread_sem;
void gpio_test_callback(const struct device *port,
struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins)
printk(GPIO_NAME "%d triggered\n", GPIO_INT_PIN);
static struct gpio_callback gpio_cb;
void setup_gpio(const struct device *gpio_dev)
int ret;
/* Setup GPIO output */
ret = gpio_pin_configure(gpio_dev, GPIO_OUT_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT_LOW);
if (ret) {
printk("Error configuring " GPIO_NAME "%d!\n", GPIO_OUT_PIN);
/* Setup GPIO input, and triggers on rising edge. */
ret = gpio_pin_configure(gpio_dev, GPIO_INT_PIN, GPIO_INPUT);
if (ret) {
printk("Error configuring " GPIO_NAME "%d!\n", GPIO_INT_PIN);
gpio_init_callback(&gpio_cb, gpio_test_callback, BIT(GPIO_INT_PIN));
ret = gpio_add_callback(gpio_dev, &gpio_cb);
if (ret) {
printk("Cannot setup callback!\n");
ret = gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(gpio_dev, GPIO_INT_PIN,
if (ret) {
printk("Error configuring interrupt on " GPIO_NAME "%d!\n",
/* Disable the GPIO interrupt. It is enabled by default */
/* irq_disable(DT_GPIO_DW_0_IRQ); */
/* gpio_thread is a static thread that is spawned automatically */
void gpio_thread(void *dummy1, void *dummy2, void *dummy3)
const struct device *gpio_dev;
int ret;
gpio_dev = device_get_binding(GPIO_DRV_NAME);
if (!gpio_dev) {
printk("Cannot find %s!\n", GPIO_DRV_NAME);
while (1) {
/* take semaphore */
k_sem_take(&thread_sem, K_FOREVER);
ret = gpio_pin_toggle(gpio_dev, GPIO_OUT_PIN);
if (ret) {
printk("Cannot toggle " GPIO_NAME "%d!\n",
ret = gpio_pin_get(gpio_dev, GPIO_INT_PIN);
if (ret < 0) {
printk("Error getting " GPIO_NAME "%d!\n",
} else {
printk("Reading "GPIO_NAME"%d = %d\n", GPIO_INT_PIN,
/* let other threads have a turn */
/* wait a while */
K_THREAD_DEFINE(gpio_thread_id, STACKSIZE, gpio_thread, NULL, NULL, NULL,
PRIORITY, 0, 0);