blob: 75c97fd9b1cc9d575a8781bcb5a13abbdc2b56e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Codecoup
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <nffs/nffs.h>
#include <fs/fs.h>
#include "nffs_test_utils.h"
#include <ztest_assert.h>
#include <timestamp.h>
#include <sys_clock.h>
#define TEST_NUM_FILES 500
#define RW_DATA_LENGTH (128 * 1024)
#define RW_CHUNK_LENGTH 256
#define TEST_DATA_LEN (1024 * 24)
static const struct nffs_area_desc area_descs[] = {
{ 0x00020000, 16384 },
{ 0x00024000, 16384 },
{ 0x00028000, 16384 },
{ 0x0002c000, 16384 },
{ 0x00030000, 16384 },
{ 0x00034000, 16384 },
{ 0x00038000, 16384 },
{ 0x0003c000, 16384 },
{ 0x00040000, 16384 },
{ 0x00044000, 16384 },
{ 0x00048000, 16384 },
{ 0x0004c000, 16384 },
{ 0, 0 },
void test_performance(void)
char filename[16];
struct fs_file_t file;
s64_t reftime = k_uptime_get();
u32_t delta;
int i;
int rc;
/* Format to start on clean flash */
rc = nffs_format_full(area_descs);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot format nffs");
/* 1. Create files benchmark */
printk("1. Creating files...\n");
for (i = 0; i < TEST_NUM_FILES; i++) {
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), NFFS_MNTP"/file_%d", i);
rc = fs_open(&file, filename);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open file");
rc = fs_close(&file);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot close file");
delta = k_uptime_delta_32(&reftime);
printk("Created %d files in %d.%03d seconds\n", TEST_NUM_FILES,
delta / 1000U, delta % 1000);
/* 2. Unlink files benchmark */
printk("2. Unlinking files...\n");
for (i = 0; i < TEST_NUM_FILES; i++) {
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), NFFS_MNTP"/file_%d", i);
rc = fs_unlink(filename);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot unlink file");
delta = k_uptime_delta_32(&reftime);
printk("Unlinked %d files in %d.%03d seconds\n", TEST_NUM_FILES,
delta / 1000U, delta % 1000);
/* Format to start on clean flash */
rc = nffs_format_full(area_descs);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot format nffs");
/* 3. Write file benchmark */
printk("3. Writing file...\n");
rc = fs_open(&file, NFFS_MNTP"/file");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open file");
(void)memset(nffs_test_buf, 0, RW_CHUNK_LENGTH);
for (i = 0; i < RW_DATA_LENGTH; ) {
rc = fs_write(&file, nffs_test_buf, RW_CHUNK_LENGTH);
zassert_equal(rc, RW_CHUNK_LENGTH, "cannot write file");
i += rc;
rc = fs_close(&file);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot close file");
delta = k_uptime_delta_32(&reftime);
printk("Written %d bytes in %d.%03d seconds\n", i, delta / 1000U,
delta % 1000);
/* 4. Read file benchmark */
printk("4. Reading file...\n");
rc = fs_open(&file, NFFS_MNTP"/file");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open file");
for (i = 0; i < RW_DATA_LENGTH; ) {
rc = fs_read(&file, nffs_test_buf, RW_CHUNK_LENGTH);
zassert_equal(rc, RW_CHUNK_LENGTH, "cannot read file");
i += rc;
rc = fs_close(&file);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot close file");
delta = k_uptime_delta_32(&reftime);
printk("Read %d bytes in %d.%03d seconds\n", i, delta / 1000U,
delta % 1000);
/* Format to start on clean flash */
rc = nffs_format_full(area_descs);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot format nffs");
/* 5. Write file benchmark */
printk("5. Writing file (max block size)...\n");
rc = fs_open(&file, NFFS_MNTP"/file");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open file");
(void)memset(nffs_test_buf, 0, NFFS_BLOCK_MAX_DATA_SZ_MAX);
for (i = 0; i < RW_DATA_LENGTH; ) {
rc = fs_write(&file, nffs_test_buf, NFFS_BLOCK_MAX_DATA_SZ_MAX);
zassert_equal(rc, NFFS_BLOCK_MAX_DATA_SZ_MAX,
"cannot write file");
i += rc;
rc = fs_close(&file);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot close file");
delta = k_uptime_delta_32(&reftime);
printk("Written %d bytes in %d.%03d seconds\n", i, delta / 1000U,
delta % 1000);
/* 6. Read file benchmark */
printk("6. Reading file (max block size)...\n");
rc = fs_open(&file, NFFS_MNTP"/file");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open file");
for (i = 0; i < RW_DATA_LENGTH; ) {
rc = fs_read(&file, nffs_test_buf, NFFS_BLOCK_MAX_DATA_SZ_MAX);
zassert_equal(rc, NFFS_BLOCK_MAX_DATA_SZ_MAX,
"cannot read file");
i += rc;
rc = fs_close(&file);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot close file");
delta = k_uptime_delta_32(&reftime);
printk("Read %d bytes in %d.%03d seconds\n", i, delta / 1000U,
delta % 1000);