blob: a75b63577c45a429f8b13d278fd07da9225a45a4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2024 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
description: Nordic IPCT (Interprocessor Communication Transceiver)
include: base.yaml
required: true
type: int
required: true
description: Number of channels implemented by the IPCT instance.
type: array
description: |
Mapping of IPCT channels that are mapped between two IPCT instances on
separate domains, in which a channel on this IPCT node is considered
the source. This array is then comprised of a 3-integer-wide "unit"
that defines one connection of the mapping. The format of this unit
is <source_channel sink_domain_id sink_channel>. Units are sequential
in the array, therefore requiring the length of this property to be
a factor of 3.
For example, if channel 2 is to be mapped to Radio Core (ID: 3) IPCT
channel 4, then the array "unit" would be <2 NRF_DOMAIN_ID_RADIOCORE 4>
or <2 3 4>.
type: array
description: |
Mapping of IPCT channels that are mapped between two IPCT instances on
separate domains, in which a channel on this IPCT node is considered
the sink. This array is then comprised of a 3-integer-wide "unit"
that defines one connection of the mapping. The format of this unit
is <sink_channel source_domain_id source_channel>. Units are sequential
in the array, therefore requiring the length of this property to be
a factor of 3.
For example, if channel 2 is to be mapped to Radio Core (ID: 3) IPCT
channel 4, then the array "unit" would be <2 NRF_DOMAIN_ID_RADIOCORE 4>
or <2 3 4>.