blob: 0a3b5771bfd602e08121b589d3ba6bc867620f3d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2023 Nordic Semiconductor
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
source $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../
# Test Proxy advertisement Coex
# This test verifies correct Proxy advertisement behavior for a device
# where the Proxy adv requirements changes over time, both for single
# and multiple subnets. The TX device is the DUT in this instance, while
# the RX device scans and verifies that the correct proxy adv messages of
# the different subnets is sent within the expected time delta.
# Note 1: The maximum allowed timeslot for a subnet to advertise proxy
# in this scenario is 10 seconds when there is more than one subnet that
# has active proxy adv work. This is reflected in the scanning criteria
# on the RX device.
# Note 2: The expected message received count for each event is based on
# what would be a reasonable/acceptable to receive within a given time
# window. The Mesh Protocol specification does not specify exactly the
# timing for Proxy ADV messages.
# Note 3: The proxy transmitting device mandates emitting of the secure
# network beacons. This allows to check that proxy goes back to normal
# behavior after the device advertises the secure network beacons.
# Test procedure:
# 1. (0-20 seconds) A single subnet is active on the TX device with GATT
# Proxy enabled. RX device verifies that the single subnet has exclusive
# access to the adv medium.
# 2. (20-50 seconds) Two additional subnets are added to the TX device. RX
# device checks that the subnets are sharing the adv medium, advertising
# NET_ID beacons.
# 3. (50-110 seconds) The second subnet enables Node Identity. RX device
# checks that NODE_ID is advertised by this subnet, and that the two
# others continues to advertise NET_ID.
# 4. (110-130 seconds) The first and second subnet gets solicited. RX device
# checks that PRIVATE_NET_ID is advertised by these subnets.
# 5. (130-150 seconds) The second and third subnet are disabled on the TX
# device. RX device verifies that the single subnet has exclusive access
# to the adv medium again.
RunTest proxy_adv_multi_subnet_coex \
beacon_tx_proxy_adv_multi_subnet_coex \
beacon_rx_proxy_adv_multi_subnet_coex \
RunTest proxy_adv_multi_subnet_coex \
beacon_tx_proxy_adv_multi_subnet_coex \
beacon_rx_proxy_adv_multi_subnet_coex \