blob: a59cf04aef40e0ce7dac90558e472e9f5cd1d7e5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2022 Nordic Semiconductor
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
source $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../
# Test robustness of NPPI procedures by running them multiple times each. Test procedure:
# 1. Provisioner provisions the second device (prov_device_pb_remote_server) with RPR server through
# PB-Adv
# 2. RPR client starts to scan for the third device (prov_device_pb_remote_server_nppi_robustness)
# through RPR (5 second timeout) and provisions it
# 3. Execute device key refresh procedure 3 times for the third device.
# 4. Execute composition refresh procedure 3 times for the third device.
# 5. Execute address refresh procedure 3 times for the third device.
# (Step 3-5 is executed without sending a node reset message)
RunTest mesh_prov_pb_remote_nppi_robustness \
prov_provisioner_pb_remote_client_nppi_robustness \
prov_device_pb_remote_server_unproved \
RunTest mesh_prov_pb_remote_nppi_robustness_psa \
prov_provisioner_pb_remote_client_nppi_robustness \
prov_device_pb_remote_server_unproved \