blob: 20fc3276215c820914f4ea2adf9dc6b37440ab11 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
.. _dht:
DHT: Aosong DHT Digital-output Humidity and Temperature Sensor
This sample application periodically (0.5 Hz) measures the ambient
temperature and humidity. The result is written to the console.
This sample uses an external breakout for the sensor. A devicetree
overlay must be provided to identify the sensor variant and the GPIO
used to control the sensor.
Building and Running
After providing a devicetree overlay that specifies the sensor location,
build this sample app using:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/sensor/dht
:board: nrf52dk_nrf52832
:goals: build flash
Sample Output
.. code-block:: console
*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v2.1.0-329-g38418b26c4cc ***
[0:00:00.027]: 20.0 Cel ; 48.7 %RH
[0:00:02.053]: 19.8 Cel ; 48.7 %RH
[0:00:04.079]: 20.0 Cel ; 48.7 %RH
[0:00:06.105]: 19.8 Cel ; 48.7 %RH
[0:00:08.130]: 20.0 Cel ; 48.8 %RH
[0:00:10.156]: 20.1 Cel ; 48.8 %RH
[0:00:12.182]: 19.7 Cel ; 48.7 %RH
[0:00:14.207]: 20.0 Cel ; 48.8 %RH
<repeats endlessly>