blob: 66ff605bfcdca720aa09d7d235558a7b2ec1003b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Application overlay for testing the devicetree.h API.
* Names in this file should be chosen in a way that won't conflict
* with real-world devicetree nodes, to allow these tests to run on
* (and be extended to test) real hardware.
/ {
aliases {
test-alias = &test_nodelabel;
chosen {
ztest,gpio = &test_nodelabel;
zephyr,user {
ph = <&test_gpio_1>;
string = "foo";
test {
#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
interrupt-parent = <&test_intc>;
test_pinctrl: pin-controller {
compatible = "vnd,pinctrl";
test_pincfg_a: pincfg-a {};
test_pincfg_b: pincfg-b {};
test_pincfg_c: pincfg-c {};
test_pincfg_d: pincfg-d {};
test_arrays: array-holder {
* vnd,undefined-compat is for DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT_STATUS(..,okay).
* There should only be one vnd,array-holder in the entire DTS.
compatible = "vnd,array-holder", "vnd,undefined-compat";
a = <1000 2000 3000>;
b = [aa bb cc dd];
c = "bar", "baz";
test_phandles: phandle-holder-0 {
* There should only be one vnd,phandle-holder in the entire DTS.
compatible = "vnd,phandle-holder";
* At least one of these phandles must refer to
* test_gpio_1, or dependency ordinal tests may fail.
ph = <&test_gpio_1>;
phs = <&test_i2c &test_spi>;
phs-or = <&test_enum_default_0 &test_enum_default_1>;
gpios = <&test_gpio_1 10 20>, <&test_gpio_2 30 40>;
pha-gpios = <&test_gpio_1 50 60>, <0>, <&test_gpio_3 70>, <&test_gpio_2 80 90>;
foos = <&test_gpio_1 100>, <&test_gpio_2 110>;
foo-names = "A", "b-c";
pwms = <&test_pwm1 8 200 3>, <&test_pwm2 5 100 1>;
pwm-names = "red", "green";
bar = <&test_gpio_1 200>, <&test_gpio_2 210>;
baz-names = "john", "doe";
test_enum_0: enum-0 {
compatible = "vnd,enum-holder";
val = "zero";
test_enum_1: enum-1 {
compatible = "vnd,enum-holder";
val = "two";
test_enum_default_0: enum-2 {
compatible = "vnd,enum-required-false-holder";
val = "one";
test_enum_default_1: enum-3 {
compatible = "vnd,enum-required-false-holder";
test_enum_int_default_0: enum-4 {
compatible = "vnd,enum-int-required-false-holder";
val = < 5 >;
test_enum_int_default_1: enum-5 {
compatible = "vnd,enum-int-required-false-holder";
enum-6 {
compatible = "vnd,enum-holder-inst";
val = "zero";
enum-7 {
compatible = "vnd,enum-required-false-holder-inst";
* disabled/reserved should be the only nodes with their
* compatible in the tree.
disabled-node@0 {
compatible = "vnd,disabled-compat";
reg = < 0x0 0x1000 >;
status = "disabled";
reserved-node@0 {
compatible = "vnd,reserved-node";
reg = < 0x0 0x1000 >;
status = "reserved";
disabled_gpio: gpio@0 {
compatible = "vnd,gpio-device";
reg = < 0x0 0x1000 >;
interrupts = <3 1>;
#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
status = "disabled";
reserved_gpio: gpio@1 {
compatible = "vnd,gpio-device";
reg = < 0x1 0x1000 >;
interrupts = <3 1>;
#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
label = "TEST_GPIO_1";
status = "reserved";
test_no_status: intc_no_status@0 {
compatible = "vnd,intc";
reg = <0x0 0x1000>;
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
test_nodelabel: TEST_NODELABEL_ALLCAPS: test_gpio_1: gpio@deadbeef {
compatible = "vnd,gpio-device";
reg = < 0xdeadbeef 0x1000 >;
#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
#foo-cells = < 0x1 >;
#baz-cells = < 0x1 >;
label = "TEST_GPIO_1";
interrupts = <4 3>;
status = "okay";
ngpios = <100>;
test_gpio_hog_1 {
gpios = <0x0 0x00>, <0x1 0x10>;
test_gpio_hog_2 {
gpios = <0x3 0x20>;
test_gpio_2: gpio@abcd1234 {
compatible = "vnd,gpio-device";
reg = < 0xabcd1234 0x500 0x98765432 0xff >;
reg-names = "one", "two";
#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
#foo-cells = < 0x1 >;
#baz-cells = < 0x1 >;
interrupts = <5 2>;
label = "TEST_GPIO_2";
status = "okay";
ngpios = <200>;
test_gpio_hog_3 {
gpios = <0x4 0x30>;
line-name = "TEST_GPIO_HOG_3";
test_gpio_3: gpio@1234 {
compatible = "vnd,gpio-one-cell";
reg = < 0x1234 0x500 >;
#gpio-cells = < 0x1 >;
status = "okay";
test_i2c: i2c@11112222 {
#address-cells = < 1 >;
#size-cells = < 0 >;
compatible = "vnd,i2c";
reg = < 0x11112222 0x1000 >;
label = "TEST_I2C_CTLR";
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = < 100000 >;
interrupts = <6 2 7 1>;
interrupt-names = "status", "error";
test-i2c-dev@10 {
compatible = "vnd,i2c-device";
label = "TEST_I2C_DEV_10";
reg = < 0x10 >;
gpio@11 {
#gpio-cells = <2>;
compatible = "vnd,gpio-expander";
reg = <0x11>;
test_i2c_mux: i2c-mux@12 {
compatible = "vnd,i2c-mux";
reg = <0x12>;
i2c-mux-ctlr-1 {
compatible = "vnd,i2c-mux-controller";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
test_muxed_i2c_dev_1: muxed-i2c-dev@10 {
compatible = "vnd,i2c-device";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x10>;
i2c-mux-ctlr-2 {
compatible = "vnd,i2c-mux-controller";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
test_muxed_i2c_dev_2: muxed-i2c-dev@10 {
compatible = "vnd,i2c-device";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x10>;
test_i2c_no_reg: i2c {
#address-cells = < 1 >;
#size-cells = < 0 >;
compatible = "vnd,i2c";
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = < 100000 >;
test-i2c-dev@12 {
compatible = "vnd,i2c-device";
reg = < 0x12 >;
test_i3c: i3c@88889999 {
#address-cells = < 3 >;
#size-cells = < 0 >;
compatible = "vnd,i3c";
reg = < 0x88889999 0x1000 >;
label = "TEST_I3C_CTLR";
status = "okay";
test-i3c-dev@420000ABCD12345678 {
compatible = "vnd,i3c-device";
label = "TEST_I3C_DEV_42";
reg = < 0x42 0xABCD 0x12345678 >;
test-i3c-i2c-dev@380000000000000050 {
compatible = "vnd,i3c-i2c-device";
label = "TEST_I3C_I2C_DEV_38";
reg = < 0x38 0x0 0x50 >;
test_mbox: mbox {
compatible = "vnd,mbox";
#mbox-cells = <1>;
status = "okay";
test_mbox_zero_cell: mbox_zero_cell {
compatible = "vnd,mbox-zero-cell";
#mbox-cells = <0>;
status = "okay";
test_spi: spi@33334444 {
#address-cells = < 1 >;
#size-cells = < 0 >;
compatible = "vnd,spi";
reg = < 0x33334444 0x1000 >;
interrupts = <8 3 9 0 10 1>;
label = "TEST_SPI_CTLR";
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = < 2000000 >;
cs-gpios = <&test_gpio_1 0x10 0x20>,
<&test_gpio_2 0x30 0x40>,
<&test_gpio_2 0x50 0x60>;
/* all vnd,spi-device instances should have CS */
test-spi-dev@0 {
compatible = "vnd,spi-device";
label = "TEST_SPI_DEV_0";
reg = <0>;
spi-max-frequency = < 2000000 >;
test-spi-dev@1 {
compatible = "vnd,spi-device";
reg = <1>;
spi-max-frequency = < 2000000 >;
gpio@2 {
#gpio-cells = <2>;
compatible = "vnd,gpio-expander";
reg = <2>;
spi-max-frequency = <(1 * 1000 * 1000)>;
test_spi_no_cs: spi@55556666 {
#address-cells = < 1 >;
#size-cells = < 0 >;
compatible = "vnd,spi";
reg = < 0x55556666 0x1000 >;
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = < 2000000 >;
* There should only be one spi-device-2 node.
* It should not have a CS GPIO.
test_spi_dev_no_cs: test-spi-dev@0 {
compatible = "vnd,spi-device-2";
reg = <0>;
spi-max-frequency = < 2000000 >;
test_i2c_1: i2c@77778888 {
#address-cells = < 1 >;
#size-cells = < 0 >;
compatible = "vnd,i2c";
reg = < 0x77778888 0x1000 >;
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = < 100000 >;
interrupts = <11 3 12 2>;
interrupt-names = "status", "error";
test_adc_1: adc@10002000 {
reg = <0x10002000 0x1000>;
compatible = "vnd,adc";
status = "okay";
#io-channel-cells = <1>;
test_adc_2: adc@10003000 {
reg = <0x10003000 0x1000>;
compatible = "vnd,adc";
status = "okay";
#io-channel-cells = <1>;
/* there should only be one of these */
test_temp_sensor: temperature-sensor {
compatible = "vnd,adc-temp-sensor";
io-channels = <&test_adc_1 10>, <&test_adc_2 20>;
io-channel-names = "ch1", "ch2";
dmas = <&test_dma1 1 2>, <&test_dma2 3 4>;
dma-names = "tx", "rx";
clocks = <&test_clk 3 7>, <&test_fixed_clk>, <&test_clk 8 2>;
clock-names = "clk-a", "clk-fixed", "clk-b";
resets = <&test_reset 10>, <&test_reset 20>;
reset-names = "reset-a", "reset-b";
pinctrl-0 = <&test_pincfg_a &test_pincfg_b>;
pinctrl-1 = <&test_pincfg_c &test_pincfg_d>;
pinctrl-2 = <&test_pincfg_d>;
pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep", "f.o.o2";
mboxes = <&test_mbox 1>, <&test_mbox 2>, <&test_mbox_zero_cell>;
mbox-names = "tx", "rx", "zero";
/* there should only be one of these */
test_reg: reg-holder@9999aaaa {
compatible = "vnd,reg-holder";
reg = < 0x9999aaaa 0x1000 0xbbbbcccc 0x3f >;
status = "okay";
reg-names = "first", "second";
misc-prop = <1234>;
test_vendor: vendor {
compatible = "vnd,model1", "gpio", "zephyr,model2";
status = "okay";
test_intc: interrupt-controller@bbbbcccc {
compatible = "vnd,intc";
reg = <0xbbbbcccc 0x1000>;
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
interrupts = <11 0>;
/* there should only be one of these */
test_irq: interrupt-holder {
compatible = "vnd,interrupt-holder";
status = "okay";
interrupts = <30 3 40 5 60 7>;
interrupt-parent = <&test_intc>;
interrupt-names = "err", "stat", "done";
test_fixed_clk: test-fixed-clock {
compatible = "fixed-clock";
clock-frequency = <25000000>;
#clock-cells = <0>;
test_clk: test-clock {
compatible = "vnd,clock";
#clock-cells = <2>;
test_reset: test-reset@abcd1234 {
compatible = "vnd,reset";
reg-width = <4>;
reg = <0xabcd1234 0x100>;
#reset-cells = <1>;
test_dma1: dma@44443333 {
compatible = "vnd,dma";
#dma-cells = <2>;
reg = < 0x44443333 0x1000 >;
interrupts = <11 3>;
status = "okay";
test_dma2: dma@44442222 {
compatible = "vnd,dma";
#dma-cells = <2>;
reg = < 0x44442222 0x1000 >;
interrupts = <12 3>;
status = "okay";
test_pwm1: pwm@55551111 {
compatible = "vnd,pwm";
#pwm-cells = <3>;
reg = < 0x55551111 0x1000 >;
status = "okay";
test_pwm2: pwm@55552222 {
compatible = "vnd,pwm";
#pwm-cells = <3>;
reg = < 0x55552222 0x1000 >;
status = "okay";
test_transceiver0: can-phy0 {
compatible = "vnd,can-transceiver";
status = "okay";
#phy-cells = <0>;
max-bitrate = <5000000>;
test_can0: can@55553333 {
compatible = "vnd,can-controller";
reg = < 0x55553333 0x1000 >;
sample-point = <875>;
bus-speed = <125000>;
status = "okay";
phys = <&test_transceiver0>;
test_can1: can@55554444 {
compatible = "vnd,can-controller";
reg = < 0x55554444 0x1000 >;
sample-point = <875>;
bus-speed = <125000>;
status = "okay";
can-transceiver {
max-bitrate = <2000000>;
/* there should only be one of these */
test_children: test-children {
compatible = "vnd,child-bindings";
test_child_a: child-a {
val = <0>;
status = "okay";
test_child_b: child-b {
val = <1>;
status = "okay";
test_child_c: child-c {
val = <2>;
status = "disabled";
test-great-grandchildren {
compatible = "vnd,great-grandchild-bindings";
child {
grandchild {
test_ggc: great-grandchild {
ggc-prop = <42>;
test-ranges {
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <1>;
test_ranges_pcie: pcie@0 {
compatible = "vnd,pcie";
reg = <0 0 1>;
#address-cells = <3>;
#size-cells = <2>;
ranges = <0x1000000 0 0 0 0x3eff0000 0 0x10000>,
<0x2000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x2eff0000>,
<0x3000000 0x80 0 0x80 0 0x80 0>;
test_ranges_other: other@1 {
reg = <0 1 1>;
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <1>;
ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3eff0000 0x10000>,
<0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x10000000 0x2eff0000>;
test_ranges_empty: empty@2 {
reg = <0 2 1>;
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <1>;
device-with-props-0 {
compatible = "vnd,device-with-props";
status = "okay";
foo = <1>;
bar = <2>;
device-with-props-1 {
compatible = "vnd,device-with-props";
status = "okay";
foo = <2>;
device-with-props-2 {
compatible = "vnd,device-with-props";
status = "disabled";
baz = <1>;
test_string_token_0: string-token-0 {
compatible = "vnd,string-token";
val = "token_zero";
test_string_token_1: string-token-1 {
compatible = "vnd,string-token";
val = "token_one";
test_string_token_2: string-token-2 {
compatible = "vnd,string-token";
val = "token_two";
test_str_array_token_0: string-array-token-0 {
compatible = "vnd,string-array-token";
val = "token_first_idx_zero",
test_str_array_token_1: string-array-token-1 {
compatible = "vnd,string-array-token";
val = "token_second_idx_zero",
test_str_unquoted_f0: string-unquoted-f0 {
compatible = "vnd,string-unquoted";
val = "0.1234";
test_str_unquoted_f1: string-unquoted-f1 {
compatible = "vnd,string-unquoted";
val = "0.9e-3";
test_str_unquoted_t: string-unquoted-t {
compatible = "vnd,string-unquoted";
val = "XA XPLUS XB";
test_stra_unquoted_f0: string-array-unquoted-f0 {
compatible = "vnd,string-array-unquoted";
val = "1.0e2", "2.0e2", "3.0e2", "4.0e2";
test_stra_unquoted_f1: string-array-unquoted-f1 {
compatible = "vnd,string-array-unquoted";
val = "0.01", "0.1", "1.0", "10.0";
test_stra_unquoted_t: string-array-unquoted-t {
compatible = "vnd,string-array-unquoted";
test-mtd@ffeeddcc {
reg = < 0x0 0x1000 >;
#address-cells = < 1 >;
#size-cells = < 1 >;
flash@20000000 {
compatible = "soc-nv-flash";
reg = < 0x20000000 0x100 >;
partitions {
compatible = "fixed-partitions";
#address-cells = < 1 >;
#size-cells = < 1 >;
partition@0 {
reg = < 0x0 0xc0 >;
label = "test-partition-0";
partition@c0 {
reg = < 0xc0 0x40 >;
label = "test-partition-1";
test-mtd@33221100 {
reg = < 0x33221100 0x1000 >;
partitions {
compatible = "fixed-partitions";
#address-cells = < 1 >;
#size-cells = < 1 >;
partition@6ff80 {
reg = < 0x6ff80 0x80 >;
label = "test-partition-2";
test_64 {
#address-cells = < 2 >;
#size-cells = < 0 >;
test_reg_64: reg-holder-64@ffffffff11223344 {
compatible = "vnd,reg-holder-64";
reg = < 0xffffffff 0x11223344>;
status = "okay";
reg-names = "test_name";
non-deprecated-label {
compatible = "vnd,non-deprecated-label";
label = "FOO";