blob: 9851f480b23abcaeffeb1078821b8dcb5834fc8f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 comsuisse AG
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/drivers/i2s.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/iterable_sections.h>
#define I2S_DEV_NODE_RX DT_ALIAS(i2s_node0)
#define I2S_DEV_NODE_TX DT_ALIAS(i2s_node1)
#define I2S_DEV_NODE_TX DT_ALIAS(i2s_node0)
#define NUM_BLOCKS 20
#define SAMPLE_NO 64
/* The data_l represent a sine wave */
static int16_t data_l[SAMPLE_NO] = {
3211, 6392, 9511, 12539, 15446, 18204, 20787, 23169,
25329, 27244, 28897, 30272, 31356, 32137, 32609, 32767,
32609, 32137, 31356, 30272, 28897, 27244, 25329, 23169,
20787, 18204, 15446, 12539, 9511, 6392, 3211, 0,
-3212, -6393, -9512, -12540, -15447, -18205, -20788, -23170,
-25330, -27245, -28898, -30273, -31357, -32138, -32610, -32767,
-32610, -32138, -31357, -30273, -28898, -27245, -25330, -23170,
-20788, -18205, -15447, -12540, -9512, -6393, -3212, -1,
/* The data_r represent a sine wave shifted by 90 deg to data_l sine wave */
static int16_t data_r[SAMPLE_NO] = {
32609, 32137, 31356, 30272, 28897, 27244, 25329, 23169,
20787, 18204, 15446, 12539, 9511, 6392, 3211, 0,
-3212, -6393, -9512, -12540, -15447, -18205, -20788, -23170,
-25330, -27245, -28898, -30273, -31357, -32138, -32610, -32767,
-32610, -32138, -31357, -30273, -28898, -27245, -25330, -23170,
-20788, -18205, -15447, -12540, -9512, -6393, -3212, -1,
3211, 6392, 9511, 12539, 15446, 18204, 20787, 23169,
25329, 27244, 28897, 30272, 31356, 32137, 32609, 32767,
#define BLOCK_SIZE (2 * sizeof(data_l))
#define MEM_SLAB_CACHE_ATTR __nocache
* NUM_BLOCKS is the number of blocks used by the test. Some of the drivers,
* e.g. i2s_mcux_flexcomm, permanently keep ownership of a few RX buffers. Add a few more
* RX blocks to satisfy this requirement
char MEM_SLAB_CACHE_ATTR __aligned(WB_UP(32))
_k_mem_slab_buf_rx_0_mem_slab[(NUM_BLOCKS + 2) * WB_UP(BLOCK_SIZE)];
STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(k_mem_slab, rx_0_mem_slab) =
Z_MEM_SLAB_INITIALIZER(rx_0_mem_slab, _k_mem_slab_buf_rx_0_mem_slab,
char MEM_SLAB_CACHE_ATTR __aligned(WB_UP(32))
_k_mem_slab_buf_tx_0_mem_slab[(NUM_BLOCKS) * WB_UP(BLOCK_SIZE)];
STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(k_mem_slab, tx_0_mem_slab) =
Z_MEM_SLAB_INITIALIZER(tx_0_mem_slab, _k_mem_slab_buf_tx_0_mem_slab,
static const struct device *dev_i2s_rx;
static const struct device *dev_i2s_tx;
static const struct device *dev_i2s_rxtx;
static bool dir_both_supported;
static void fill_buf(int16_t *tx_block, int att)
for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_NO; i++) {
tx_block[2 * i] = data_l[i] >> att;
tx_block[2 * i + 1] = data_r[i] >> att;
static int verify_buf(int16_t *rx_block, int att)
int sample_no = SAMPLE_NO;
static ZTEST_DMEM int offset = -1;
if (offset < 0) {
do {
TC_PRINT("Allowed data offset exceeded\n");
return -TC_FAIL;
} while (rx_block[2 * offset] != data_l[0] >> att);
TC_PRINT("Using data offset: %d\n", offset);
rx_block += 2 * offset;
sample_no -= offset;
for (int i = 0; i < sample_no; i++) {
if (rx_block[2 * i] != data_l[i] >> att) {
TC_PRINT("Error: att %d: data_l mismatch at position "
"%d, expected %d, actual %d\n",
att, i, data_l[i] >> att, rx_block[2 * i]);
return -TC_FAIL;
if (rx_block[2 * i + 1] != data_r[i] >> att) {
TC_PRINT("Error: att %d: data_r mismatch at position "
"%d, expected %d, actual %d\n",
att, i, data_r[i] >> att, rx_block[2 * i + 1]);
return -TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
#define TIMEOUT 2000
#define FRAME_CLK_FREQ 44000
static int configure_stream(const struct device *dev_i2s, enum i2s_dir dir)
int ret;
struct i2s_config i2s_cfg;
i2s_cfg.word_size = 16U;
i2s_cfg.channels = 2U;
i2s_cfg.format = I2S_FMT_DATA_FORMAT_I2S;
i2s_cfg.frame_clk_freq = FRAME_CLK_FREQ;
i2s_cfg.block_size = BLOCK_SIZE;
i2s_cfg.timeout = TIMEOUT;
if (dir == I2S_DIR_TX) {
/* Configure the Transmit port as Master */
i2s_cfg.options = I2S_OPT_FRAME_CLK_MASTER
} else if (dir == I2S_DIR_RX) {
/* Configure the Receive port as Slave */
i2s_cfg.options = I2S_OPT_FRAME_CLK_SLAVE
} else { /* dir == I2S_DIR_BOTH */
i2s_cfg.options = I2S_OPT_FRAME_CLK_MASTER
i2s_cfg.options |= I2S_OPT_LOOPBACK;
if (dir == I2S_DIR_TX || dir == I2S_DIR_BOTH) {
i2s_cfg.mem_slab = &tx_0_mem_slab;
ret = i2s_configure(dev_i2s, I2S_DIR_TX, &i2s_cfg);
if (ret < 0) {
TC_PRINT("Failed to configure I2S TX stream (%d)\n",
return -TC_FAIL;
if (dir == I2S_DIR_RX || dir == I2S_DIR_BOTH) {
i2s_cfg.mem_slab = &rx_0_mem_slab;
ret = i2s_configure(dev_i2s, I2S_DIR_RX, &i2s_cfg);
if (ret < 0) {
TC_PRINT("Failed to configure I2S RX stream (%d)\n",
return -TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
/** @brief Short I2S transfer.
* - TX stream START trigger starts transmission.
* - RX stream START trigger starts reception.
* - sending / receiving a short sequence of data returns success.
* - TX stream DRAIN trigger empties the transmit queue.
* - RX stream STOP trigger stops reception.
ZTEST(drivers_i2s_speed, test_i2s_transfer_short)
TC_PRINT("RX/TX transfer requires use of I2S_DIR_BOTH.\n");
void *rx_block[3];
void *tx_block;
size_t rx_size;
int ret;
/* Prefill TX queue */
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
ret = k_mem_slab_alloc(&tx_0_mem_slab, &tx_block, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
fill_buf((uint16_t *)tx_block, i);
ret = i2s_write(dev_i2s_tx, tx_block, BLOCK_SIZE);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
TC_PRINT("%d->OK\n", i);
/* Start reception */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rx, I2S_DIR_RX, I2S_TRIGGER_START);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "RX START trigger failed");
/* Start transmission */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_tx, I2S_DIR_TX, I2S_TRIGGER_START);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "TX START trigger failed");
/* All data written, drain TX queue and stop the transmission */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_tx, I2S_DIR_TX, I2S_TRIGGER_DRAIN);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "TX DRAIN trigger failed");
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rx, &rx_block[0], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rx, &rx_block[1], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
/* All but one data block read, stop reception */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rx, I2S_DIR_RX, I2S_TRIGGER_STOP);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "RX STOP trigger failed");
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rx, &rx_block[2], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
/* Verify received data */
ret = verify_buf((uint16_t *)rx_block[0], 0);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
k_mem_slab_free(&rx_0_mem_slab, rx_block[0]);
TC_PRINT("%d<-OK\n", 1);
ret = verify_buf((uint16_t *)rx_block[1], 1);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
k_mem_slab_free(&rx_0_mem_slab, rx_block[1]);
TC_PRINT("%d<-OK\n", 2);
ret = verify_buf((uint16_t *)rx_block[2], 2);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
k_mem_slab_free(&rx_0_mem_slab, rx_block[2]);
TC_PRINT("%d<-OK\n", 3);
/** @brief Long I2S transfer.
* - TX stream START trigger starts transmission.
* - RX stream START trigger starts reception.
* - sending / receiving a long sequence of data returns success.
* - TX stream DRAIN trigger empties the transmit queue.
* - RX stream STOP trigger stops reception.
ZTEST(drivers_i2s_speed, test_i2s_transfer_long)
TC_PRINT("RX/TX transfer requires use of I2S_DIR_BOTH.\n");
void *rx_block[NUM_BLOCKS];
void *tx_block[NUM_BLOCKS];
size_t rx_size;
int tx_idx;
int rx_idx = 0;
int num_verified;
int ret;
/* Prepare TX data blocks */
for (tx_idx = 0; tx_idx < NUM_BLOCKS; tx_idx++) {
ret = k_mem_slab_alloc(&tx_0_mem_slab, &tx_block[tx_idx],
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
fill_buf((uint16_t *)tx_block[tx_idx], tx_idx % 3);
tx_idx = 0;
/* Prefill TX queue */
ret = i2s_write(dev_i2s_tx, tx_block[tx_idx++], BLOCK_SIZE);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
ret = i2s_write(dev_i2s_tx, tx_block[tx_idx++], BLOCK_SIZE);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
/* Start reception */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rx, I2S_DIR_RX, I2S_TRIGGER_START);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "RX START trigger failed");
/* Start transmission */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_tx, I2S_DIR_TX, I2S_TRIGGER_START);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "TX START trigger failed");
for (; tx_idx < NUM_BLOCKS; ) {
ret = i2s_write(dev_i2s_tx, tx_block[tx_idx++], BLOCK_SIZE);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rx, &rx_block[rx_idx++], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
/* All data written, flush TX queue and stop the transmission */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_tx, I2S_DIR_TX, I2S_TRIGGER_DRAIN);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "TX DRAIN trigger failed");
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rx, &rx_block[rx_idx++], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
/* All but one data block read, stop reception */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rx, I2S_DIR_RX, I2S_TRIGGER_STOP);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "RX STOP trigger failed");
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rx, &rx_block[rx_idx++], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
TC_PRINT("%d TX blocks sent\n", tx_idx);
TC_PRINT("%d RX blocks received\n", rx_idx);
/* Verify received data */
num_verified = 0;
for (rx_idx = 0; rx_idx < NUM_BLOCKS; rx_idx++) {
ret = verify_buf((uint16_t *)rx_block[rx_idx], rx_idx % 3);
if (ret != 0) {
TC_PRINT("%d RX block invalid\n", rx_idx);
} else {
k_mem_slab_free(&rx_0_mem_slab, rx_block[rx_idx]);
zassert_equal(num_verified, NUM_BLOCKS, "Invalid RX blocks received");
/** @brief Short I2S transfer using I2S_DIR_BOTH.
* - START trigger starts both the transmission and reception.
* - Sending / receiving a short sequence of data returns success.
* - DRAIN trigger empties the transmit queue and stops both streams.
ZTEST(drivers_i2s_speed_both_rxtx, test_i2s_dir_both_transfer_short)
if (!dir_both_supported) {
TC_PRINT("I2S_DIR_BOTH value is not supported.\n");
void *rx_block[3];
void *tx_block;
size_t rx_size;
int ret;
/* Prefill TX queue */
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
ret = k_mem_slab_alloc(&tx_0_mem_slab, &tx_block, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
fill_buf((uint16_t *)tx_block, i);
ret = i2s_write(dev_i2s_rxtx, tx_block, BLOCK_SIZE);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
TC_PRINT("%d->OK\n", i);
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rxtx, I2S_DIR_BOTH, I2S_TRIGGER_START);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "RX/TX START trigger failed\n");
/* All data written, drain TX queue and stop both streams. */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rxtx, I2S_DIR_BOTH, I2S_TRIGGER_DRAIN);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "RX/TX DRAIN trigger failed");
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rxtx, &rx_block[0], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rxtx, &rx_block[1], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rxtx, &rx_block[2], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
/* Verify received data */
ret = verify_buf((uint16_t *)rx_block[0], 0);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
k_mem_slab_free(&rx_0_mem_slab, rx_block[0]);
TC_PRINT("%d<-OK\n", 1);
ret = verify_buf((uint16_t *)rx_block[1], 1);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
k_mem_slab_free(&rx_0_mem_slab, rx_block[1]);
TC_PRINT("%d<-OK\n", 2);
ret = verify_buf((uint16_t *)rx_block[2], 2);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
k_mem_slab_free(&rx_0_mem_slab, rx_block[2]);
TC_PRINT("%d<-OK\n", 3);
/** @brief Long I2S transfer using I2S_DIR_BOTH.
* - START trigger starts both the transmission and reception.
* - Sending / receiving a long sequence of data returns success.
* - DRAIN trigger empties the transmit queue and stops both streams.
ZTEST(drivers_i2s_speed_both_rxtx, test_i2s_dir_both_transfer_long)
if (!dir_both_supported) {
TC_PRINT("I2S_DIR_BOTH value is not supported.\n");
void *rx_block[NUM_BLOCKS];
void *tx_block[NUM_BLOCKS];
size_t rx_size;
int tx_idx;
int rx_idx = 0;
int num_verified;
int ret;
/* Prepare TX data blocks */
for (tx_idx = 0; tx_idx < NUM_BLOCKS; tx_idx++) {
ret = k_mem_slab_alloc(&tx_0_mem_slab, &tx_block[tx_idx],
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
fill_buf((uint16_t *)tx_block[tx_idx], tx_idx % 3);
tx_idx = 0;
/* Prefill TX queue */
ret = i2s_write(dev_i2s_rxtx, tx_block[tx_idx++], BLOCK_SIZE);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
ret = i2s_write(dev_i2s_rxtx, tx_block[tx_idx++], BLOCK_SIZE);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rxtx, I2S_DIR_BOTH, I2S_TRIGGER_START);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "RX/TX START trigger failed\n");
for (; tx_idx < NUM_BLOCKS; ) {
ret = i2s_write(dev_i2s_rxtx, tx_block[tx_idx++], BLOCK_SIZE);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rxtx, &rx_block[rx_idx++], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
/* All data written, drain TX queue and stop both streams. */
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rxtx, I2S_DIR_BOTH, I2S_TRIGGER_DRAIN);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "RX/TX DRAIN trigger failed");
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rxtx, &rx_block[rx_idx++], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
ret = i2s_read(dev_i2s_rxtx, &rx_block[rx_idx++], &rx_size);
zassert_equal(ret, 0);
zassert_equal(rx_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
TC_PRINT("%d TX blocks sent\n", tx_idx);
TC_PRINT("%d RX blocks received\n", rx_idx);
/* Verify received data */
num_verified = 0;
for (rx_idx = 0; rx_idx < NUM_BLOCKS; rx_idx++) {
ret = verify_buf((uint16_t *)rx_block[rx_idx], rx_idx % 3);
if (ret != 0) {
TC_PRINT("%d RX block invalid\n", rx_idx);
} else {
k_mem_slab_free(&rx_0_mem_slab, rx_block[rx_idx]);
zassert_equal(num_verified, NUM_BLOCKS, "Invalid RX blocks received");
static void *test_i2s_speed_configure(void)
/* Configure I2S TX transfer. */
int ret;
zassert_not_null(dev_i2s_tx, "transfer device not found");
zassert(device_is_ready(dev_i2s_tx), "transfer device not ready");
ret = configure_stream(dev_i2s_tx, I2S_DIR_TX);
zassert_equal(ret, TC_PASS);
/* Configure I2S RX transfer. */
zassert_not_null(dev_i2s_rx, "receive device not found");
zassert(device_is_ready(dev_i2s_rx), "receive device not ready");
ret = configure_stream(dev_i2s_rx, I2S_DIR_RX);
zassert_equal(ret, TC_PASS);
return 0;
static void *test_i2s_speed_rxtx_configure(void)
int ret;
/* Configure I2S Dir Both transfer. */
zassert_not_null(dev_i2s_rxtx, "receive device not found");
zassert(device_is_ready(dev_i2s_rxtx), "receive device not ready");
ret = configure_stream(dev_i2s_rxtx, I2S_DIR_BOTH);
zassert_equal(ret, TC_PASS);
/* Check if the tested driver supports the I2S_DIR_BOTH value.
* Use the DROP trigger for this, as in the current state of the driver
* (READY, both TX and RX queues empty) it is actually a no-op.
ret = i2s_trigger(dev_i2s_rxtx, I2S_DIR_BOTH, I2S_TRIGGER_DROP);
dir_both_supported = (ret == 0);
"I2S_DIR_BOTH value is supposed to be supported.");
return 0;
ZTEST_SUITE(drivers_i2s_speed, NULL, test_i2s_speed_configure, NULL, NULL, NULL);
ZTEST_SUITE(drivers_i2s_speed_both_rxtx, NULL, test_i2s_speed_rxtx_configure, NULL, NULL, NULL);