blob: e5aee7c4c007dc718094c211df580f2d5ac0e7df [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Rodrigo Peixoto <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/logging/log.h>
#include <zephyr/zbus/zbus.h>
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
struct sensor_data_msg {
int a;
int b;
ZBUS_CHAN_DEFINE(chan1, /* Name */
struct sensor_data_msg, /* Message type */
NULL, /* Validator */
NULL, /* User data */
ZBUS_OBSERVERS_EMPTY, /* observers */
ZBUS_MSG_INIT(0) /* Initial value major 0, minor 1, build 1023 */
ZBUS_CHAN_DEFINE(chan2, /* Name */
struct sensor_data_msg, /* Message type */
NULL, /* Validator */
NULL, /* User data */
ZBUS_OBSERVERS(lis2), /* observers */
ZBUS_MSG_INIT(0) /* Initial value major 0, minor 1, build 1023 */
ZBUS_CHAN_DEFINE(chan3, /* Name */
struct sensor_data_msg, /* Message type */
NULL, /* Validator */
NULL, /* User data */
ZBUS_OBSERVERS_EMPTY, /* observers */
ZBUS_MSG_INIT(0) /* Initial value major 0, minor 1, build 1023 */
static int count_callback1;
static void callback1(const struct zbus_channel *chan)
ZBUS_LISTENER_DEFINE(lis1, callback1);
static int count_callback2;
static void callback2(const struct zbus_channel *chan)
ZBUS_LISTENER_DEFINE(lis2, callback2);
ZBUS_LISTENER_DEFINE(lis3, callback2);
ZBUS_LISTENER_DEFINE(lis4, callback2);
ZBUS_LISTENER_DEFINE(lis5, callback2);
ZBUS_LISTENER_DEFINE(lis6, callback2);
ZBUS_LISTENER_DEFINE(lis7, callback2);
ZTEST(basic, test_specification_based__zbus_obs_add_rm_obs)
count_callback1 = 0;
struct sensor_data_msg sd = {.a = 10, .b = 100};
/* Tyring to add same static observer as one dynamic */
zassert_equal(-EEXIST, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &lis2, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_pub(&chan1, &sd, K_MSEC(500)), NULL);
zassert_equal(count_callback1, 0, "The counter could not be more than zero, no obs");
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan1, &lis1, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(-EALREADY, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan1, &lis1, K_MSEC(200)),
"It cannot be added twice");
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_pub(&chan1, &sd, K_MSEC(500)), NULL);
zassert_equal(count_callback1, 1, "The counter could not be more than zero, no obs, %d",
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_rm_obs(&chan1, &lis1, K_MSEC(200)), "It must remove the obs");
zassert_equal(-ENODATA, zbus_chan_rm_obs(&chan1, &lis1, K_MSEC(200)),
"It cannot be removed twice");
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_pub(&chan1, &sd, K_MSEC(500)), NULL);
zassert_equal(count_callback1, 1, "The counter could not be more than zero, no obs, %d",
count_callback2 = 0;
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_pub(&chan2, &sd, K_MSEC(500)), NULL);
zassert_equal(count_callback2, 1, "The counter could not be more than zero, no obs");
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &lis3, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(-EALREADY, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &lis3, K_MSEC(200)),
"It cannot be added twice");
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_pub(&chan2, &sd, K_MSEC(500)), NULL);
zassert_equal(count_callback2, 3, "The counter could not be more than zero, no obs, %d",
count_callback2 = 0;
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &sub1, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &sub2, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &lis4, K_MSEC(200)), "It must add the obs");
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &lis5, K_MSEC(200)), "It must add the obs");
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &lis6, K_MSEC(200)), "It must add the obs");
/* Make the heap full */
void *mem;
do {
mem = k_malloc(1);
} while (mem != NULL);
/* With the heap full it will not be possible to add another obs */
zassert_equal(-ENOMEM, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &lis7, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_pub(&chan2, &sd, K_MSEC(500)), NULL);
zassert_equal(count_callback2, 5, NULL);
/* To cause an error to sub1 and sub2. They have the queue full in this point */
/* ENOMSG must be the result */
zassert_equal(-ENOMSG, zbus_chan_pub(&chan2, &sd, K_MSEC(500)), NULL);
zassert_equal(count_callback2, 10, NULL);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_rm_obs(&chan2, &sub1, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_rm_obs(&chan2, &sub2, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
struct aux2_wq_data {
struct k_work work;
static struct aux2_wq_data wq_handler;
static void wq_dh_cb(struct k_work *item)
zassert_equal(-EAGAIN, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan2, &sub1, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(-EAGAIN, zbus_chan_rm_obs(&chan2, &sub2, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
ZTEST(basic, test_specification_based__zbus_obs_add_rm_obs_busy)
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_claim(&chan2, K_NO_WAIT), NULL);
k_work_init(&, wq_dh_cb);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_finish(&chan2), NULL);
ZBUS_CHAN_DEFINE(chan4, /* Name */
struct sensor_data_msg, /* Message type */
NULL, /* Validator */
NULL, /* User data */
ZBUS_OBSERVERS(prio_lis6, prio_lis5), /* observers */
ZBUS_MSG_INIT(0) /* Initial value major 0, minor 1, build 1023 */
static int execution_sequence_idx;
static uint8_t execution_sequence[6] = {0};
#define CALLBACK_DEF(_lis, _idx) \
static void _CONCAT(prio_cb, _idx)(const struct zbus_channel *chan) \
{ \
execution_sequence[execution_sequence_idx] = _idx; \
++execution_sequence_idx; \
} \
ZBUS_LISTENER_DEFINE(_lis, _CONCAT(prio_cb, _idx))
CALLBACK_DEF(prio_lis1, 1);
CALLBACK_DEF(prio_lis2, 2);
CALLBACK_DEF(prio_lis3, 3);
CALLBACK_DEF(prio_lis4, 4);
CALLBACK_DEF(prio_lis5, 5);
CALLBACK_DEF(prio_lis6, 6);
ZBUS_CHAN_ADD_OBS(chan4, prio_lis3, 3);
ZBUS_CHAN_ADD_OBS(chan4, prio_lis4, 2);
/* Checking the ZBUS_CHAN_ADD_OBS. The execution sequence must be: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. */
ZTEST(basic, test_specification_based__zbus_obs_priority)
struct sensor_data_msg sd = {.a = 70, .b = 116};
execution_sequence_idx = 0;
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan4, &prio_lis2, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_add_obs(&chan4, &prio_lis1, K_MSEC(200)), NULL);
zassert_equal(0, zbus_chan_pub(&chan4, &sd, K_MSEC(500)), NULL);
zassert_equal(execution_sequence[0], 6, NULL);
zassert_equal(execution_sequence[1], 5, NULL);
zassert_equal(execution_sequence[2], 4, NULL);
zassert_equal(execution_sequence[3], 3, NULL);
zassert_equal(execution_sequence[4], 2, NULL);
zassert_equal(execution_sequence[5], 1, NULL);