blob: 10962681151eebbd24c7175efce7281d9ced6f55 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _snippet-nus-console:
NUS Console Snippet (nus-console)
.. code-block:: console
west build -S nus-console [...]
This snippet redirects serial console output to a UART over NUS (Bluetooth LE) instance.
The Bluetooth Serial device used shall be configured using :ref:`devicetree`.
Hardware support for:
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT`
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL`
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_ZEPHYR_NUS`
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SERIAL`
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CONSOLE`
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE`
A devicetree node with node label ``bt_nus_console_uart`` that points to an enabled
device node with nus-uart support. This should look roughly like this in
:ref:`your devicetree <get-devicetree-outputs>`:
.. code-block:: DTS
bt_nus_console_uart: bt_nus_console_uart {
compatible = "zephyr,nus-uart";
/* ... */