blob: 43c3113c4e9002c1d8b7b226c31f1be120b3b389 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 BayLibre SAS
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file ds.h
* @brief Datasets types.
* References are to version 2019 of IEEE 1588, ("PTP")
#include <zephyr/net/ptp_time.h>
#include "ddt.h"
#include "state_machine.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief PTP Default Dataset.
* @note 8.2.1 - defaultDS data set member specification
struct ptp_default_ds {
/* static */
/** Clock ID */
ptp_clk_id clk_id;
/** Indicates number of ptp ports on the PTP Instance. */
uint16_t n_ports;
/* dynamic */
/** Quality of a clock. */
struct ptp_clk_quality clk_quality;
/** Parameter used in the execution BTCA. */
uint8_t priority1;
/** Parameter used in the execution BTCA. */
uint8_t priority2;
/** ID number of the instance in a domain. */
uint8_t domain;
/** sdoId attribute. */
uint16_t sdo_id: 12;
/** Flag indicating timeReceiver mode. */
bool time_receiver_only;
/* optional */
/** Current value of the PTP Instance Time. */
struct net_ptp_time current_time;
/** Enable flag. */
bool enable;
/** Flag indication if external port configuration option is enabled. */
bool external_port_conf_en;
/** Maximum value of steps removed of an Announce messages to be considered in BTCA. */
uint8_t max_steps_rm;
/** PTP Instance type. */
uint8_t type;
* @brief PTP Current Dataset.
* @note 8.2.2 - currentDS data set member specification
struct ptp_current_ds {
/** Number of PTP Communication Paths traversed between PTP Instance and the GM. */
uint16_t steps_rm;
/** Current value of time difference between a Transmitter and Receiver.
* @note it is computed as <time on the Receiver> - <time on the Transmitter>
ptp_timeinterval offset_from_tt;
/** Mean propagation time. */
ptp_timeinterval mean_delay;
/* optional */
/** Flag inticating if port is synchronized. */
bool sync_uncertain;
* @brief PTP Parent Dataset.
* @note 8.2.3 - parentDS data set member specification
struct ptp_parent_ds {
/** PTP Port's ID */
struct ptp_port_id port_id;
/** Flag indication if the Instance has a Port in Receiver state or has estimates
* of obsreved_parent_offset_scaled_log_variance or obsreved_parent_clk_phase_change_rate.
bool stats;
/** Estimate of the variance of the phase offset. */
uint16_t obsreved_parent_offset_scaled_log_variance;
/** Estimate of the phase change rate. */
int32_t obsreved_parent_clk_phase_change_rate;
/** Grandmaster's ID. */
ptp_clk_id gm_id;
/** Grandmaster's Clock quality. */
struct ptp_clk_quality gm_clk_quality;
/** Value of Grandmaster's priority1 attribute. */
uint8_t gm_priority1;
/** Value of Grandmaster's priority2 attribute. */
uint8_t gm_priority2;
/** Address of the PTP Port issuing sync messages used to synchronize this PTP Instance. */
struct ptp_port_addr protocol_addr;
/** Flag inticating use of sync_uncertain flag in Announce message. */
bool sync_uncertain;
* @brief PTP Time Properties Dataset.
* @note 8.2.4 - timePropertiesDS data set member specification
struct ptp_time_prop_ds {
/** Value of dLS received from Grandmaster */
int16_t current_utc_offset;
/** Flags used for operation of time received from Grandmaster PTP Instance. */
uint8_t flags;
/** Source of time used by Grandmaster PTP Instance. */
uint8_t time_src;
* @brief PTP Non-volatile Storage Dataset.
* @note 8.2.7 - nonvolatileStorageDS
struct ptp_nvs_ds {
/** Reset non-volatile storage. */
bool reset;
/** Save current values of applicable dynamic or configurable data set members
* to non-volatile storage.
bool save;
* @brief Enumeration for types of delay mechanisms for PTP Clock.
enum ptp_delay_mechanism {
PTP_DM_E2E = 1,
* @brief PTP Port Dataset
* @note 8.2.15 - portDS data set member specification
struct ptp_port_ds {
/* static */
/** PTP Port's ID. */
struct ptp_port_id id;
/* dynamic */
/** State of a PTP Port. */
enum ptp_port_state state;
/** Logarithm to the base 2 minimal Delay_Req interval in nanoseconds. */
int8_t log_min_delay_req_interval;
/** Current one-way propagation delay. */
ptp_timeinterval mean_link_delay;
/* configurable */
/** Logarithm to the base 2 Announce interval in nanoseconds. */
int8_t log_announce_interval;
/** Number of Announce intervals before timeout. */
uint8_t announce_receipt_timeout;
/** Logarithm to the base 2 Sync interval in nanoseconds. */
int8_t log_sync_interval;
/** Delay mechanism used by the PTP Port. */
enum ptp_delay_mechanism delay_mechanism;
/** Logarithm to the base 2 minimal Pdelay_Req interval in nanoseconds. */
int8_t log_min_pdelay_req_interval;
/** Version of supported PTP standard. */
uint8_t version;
/** Value of delay asymmetry. */
ptp_timeinterval delay_asymmetry;
/* optional */
/** Enable flag. */
bool enable;
/** Flag setting PTP Port in timeTransmitter mode. */
bool time_transmitter_only;
* @brief PTP Description Port Dataset.
* @note 8.2.18 - descriptionPortDS
struct ptp_dest_port_ds {
/** PTP profile identifier for the PTP Port. */
union {
struct {
uint8_t byte[6];
uint64_t id: 48;
} profile_id;
/** Protocol address of the PTP Port */
struct ptp_port_addr protocol_addr;
* @brief Generic Data set type used for dataset comparison algorithm.
struct ptp_dataset {
/** Parameter used in the execution BTCA. */
uint8_t priority1;
/** PTP Clock's ID. */
ptp_clk_id clk_id;
/** PTP Clock's quality. */
struct ptp_clk_quality clk_quality;
/** Parameter used in the execution BTCA. */
uint8_t priority2;
/** Number of PTP Communication Paths traversed between PTP Instance and the GM. */
uint16_t steps_rm;
/** timeTransmitter ID. */
struct ptp_port_id sender;
/** timeReceiver ID. */
struct ptp_port_id receiver;
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @}